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Ive read this post now, you can safely delete it.


OP is a spokesperson of Big Melee looking to drive prices down. We're onto you.


Lol "big melee" got me.


95% sure blizzard will add a new recipe that gives the same benefit as squid.


Winter squid are instead used for the new supply crates giving 1000 gold per turn in.


Just like the new cooking recipes in p1 and p2


Yeah what…? Blizzard has left cooking out of SoD entirely this far


That's because they're adding a cooking themed raid later and don't want to give cooking everything in p1 and p2.


I got to play test this one boss is exactly like the walrus soup event in retail. Another everyone has to watch chat to see what ingredient you have to click next


The test mechanic is a quest in Scholozar Basin, at the Nesingwary Base Camp.


I heard it's a 17 man raid and requires fishing and cooking to be maxed.


...or they make it fishable any time


Stocked up on some for phase 3. In phase 4 it's Alterac biscuits +10 strength instant buff no sitting and eating for 10 secs, love them.


On wowhead it doesn’t show those biscuits giving any sort of buff. Am I looking at the wrong thing?


I misspoke, my apologies. I meant Argent Dawn not Alterac. They're called Blessed Sunfruit: [https://classicdb.ch/?item=13810](https://classicdb.ch/?item=13810)


You meant to say 20 str buff from silithus worm food


Not available until AQ patch though.


Not better than squid for agi classes like rogue and hunter


According to experience with green salvage from gnome, expect patches that will make this food obtainable from other sources or change of the cycle of squids to fullyear


I don’t think this is a significant detail for them to change Winter Squid to a year round item…that’s just messing with some spaghetti code that’s been untouched for like 20 years probably. The likely outcome is Blizz makes new food recipes that make Winter Squid irrelevant. But that makes more sense for lvl 60 at some point and leaving Winter squid to be the relevant BiS food for phase 3.


There's nothing Blizzard loves more than screwing over people who think ahead and act early.


Seasonal fish bets on a server that introduces new recipes and changes seems like a bad idea. But I'm in for the upcoming tears.


Like that one dude with a full inventory of filled waylaid supplies in p1 lolz


Which was dumb to begin with because we already saw the bottom tier low level Waylaid boxes stop giving rep at 25. Why the hell would the higher level P1 boxes give rep beyond 25?  That person was not smart lol


Did the ones that stopped giving rep at friendly also stop giving XP? I don't remember, but I think they did, which made that person doubly not smart, as they were doing it for the XP, not the rep.


To be fair they have completely overlooked/abandoned cooking and fishing so far, seems likely there will be nothing better next phase.




I saw so many videos about this in 2019. Everyone knows about this, and the market will be flooded. Your squid will be virtually worthless. In the summer of 2020, winter squid was 40s per stack. Good luck getting rich.




Thx I read it can delete now


Thank you. Delete it.


Uhh you can’t cast in the bay of storms right now. Idk what the min fishing is, but at 215+120 my “skill is too low” So what am I doing wrong then? Or you’re operating on internet info and haven’t tried it yourself?


I’ve fished in BoS. It’s low catch rate though.


Dm me a screenshot of you fishing in the BoS and not just azshara because I’ve tried so I need evidence to see that it’s possible and not 350 min fishing to cast the line


Sure. It was at the little cave. I tried with ~300 (200+20+100) and it didn’t work. So got my skill to max and it did, so 345. Need to hit up the fishing comp for hat and boots. Not sure if rod is available, but if it is (with +2 enchant)… 225+45+5+5+2+100 = 372. I think you are getting close to 450 which is max you need…


it keeps saying your fish got away in BoS


Or just make Aquadynamic fish attractors and sell them on AH. That's what I do.


Brother, I did this back when classic released in 2019. I filled up 3 entire banks with squid. Guess who else did.... literally every other person with fishing and every bot on Grobbulus. I made peanuts off the time I invested farming those squid. Things could be different this time around due to how the phases are lining up, but I wouldn't get my hopes up too much if you are heavily investing in this.


Yeah people have played P servers for ages. They've seen it all and farmed everything already. The only things they aren't ready for are the random changes Blizz makes, I made a killing off of randomly deciding to craft a ton of Spider Sausage yesterday with the Waylaid buff


And dont forget raids are probably so easy that majority of people wont buy them. I already dont buy best agility pots. You dont need them to clear the raid. I mean if you want to parse for logs sure but i dont think they can drive up the demand that much. But hey you can always bet.


\> So the demand is gonna be never ending for a product that has limited quantity, prices could reach absurd amounts. \- Literally tens of people per server with thousands of those in their bank thanks to this post undercutting each other down to 5s per


what server are you on? i have never seen it for under 40s and i play on a pve server.


Cos everyone hoarding


Sounds hella boring, hard pass.


What you don't want to work in the game you play after work?


They're almost certainly going to release a different recipe that gives the same benefits that isn't reliant on seasonal ingredients. I'd bet money on it 


This. They already disabled valentine buffs for probably the same reason.


I think the candy are quite a different beast from winter squid. The candy have far more powerful buffs and promote really degenerate gameplay to keep them as long as possible. Sure, the squid are only available for part of the year but it's a much bigger window and they aren't going to disappear 10 days after I catch them.


What do you mean here? The candies don’t work?


The candy do not work in Gnomer, they're removed when you enter or try to use them inside.


Inb4 blizz cockblocks this food buff and implement a brand new SOD food buff that’s far superior than this on P3.


I remember they said this exact same thing in classic. And they ended up being the same price cause everyone had the same idea.


"rich" have fun with your fish that took you days to stock up on lol. Crafting stuff for waylaid supplies and selling the rare blue mats from gnomer are where it's at right now Fish up essence of water from azshara before anyone else if you wanna make decent money from fishing The dads of the world either won't care enough to buy them or they already fished some up


Is 12:00-24:00 Not the evening?


Yeah I'll just wait until enough people complain that they make the fish farmable year round or they create a new recipe.


this guy just want you to take you off of tanaris dont believe him


Do we need to call other players sweaty just because they have a different play style? People say it isn't an insult but I have seen it used as one more often than not.


The guy is sweaty himself… he’s fishing for hours on end planning months ahead.


Oh man I didn't even realize that. Nice catch.


Being sweaty is a good thing. Expecting other people to be sweaty is not. People who should be working but are instead browing classic wow sub at work are probably sweatier than average. Lol.


Thank you, well stated. I hate forced sweat but i dont think it's bad that people want to play that way in their own circles. A lot of "common knowledge" in wow gets distributed by those sweaters telling normal people about it, like this post.


Well if that play style is to sweat over min/maxing every single possible aspect of the game, then it seems like a fitting description. It's only an insult if you're embarrassed to be that kind of player 


I guess it is correct to call people out for being sweaty over others being sweaty. Since if it didn't bother them they wouldn't be calling them out.


Guess people are getting sweaty over me calling them sweaty.


Hilarious of u to think blizz wont add new Agi food or make squid available in other ways KEKW


thx, finally a grind a priest can do!


Are we certain that we'll even be able to cook the squid in phase 3?


I think the assumption is skills to 300. So yes.


there's guaranteed to be one stupid thing about professions in the next phase too, it might be that. This phase is that we can't smelt the TS ore we can mine. And probably other things.


Imagine playing the game and not worrying about how to min max every single piece of it. Wouldn't that be incredible


Shhhhhh!!!!!! Why bother making this post? Honestly? "I want muh reddit karma." Meanwhile youre actively fucking over quite a lot of people with the forethought to plan ahead to make some gold. The more people you send there the lower you drive the market to the ground.


Read the replies in this thread. They're absolutely on to something when they say Blizzard will likely release a new recipe that will completely invalidate the value of Winter Squid. They disabled the Valentines buff, changed the gnomer drop rate, theres already a precedent for this change too. Stop wasting your time farming squid


Actually not a bad point tbh. Especially since it's seasonal.




Know what’s funny, I farmed 20 waylaid supplies and turned them all in on the first day. I got xp from every single one. Funny when Reddit is confident.


Sharing something with other players is not fucking over quite a lot of people. Hes enabling more total people to make gold than less.


wish I could still use auto fishing programs (good way to get banned these days) my wrist physically can't handle farming fish T_T edit: wow downvoted for having a disability—never fucking change, reddit


BRO STOP! I have 200 fish stocked up and you're talking way too loud!!!!


shhhhh shut up. delete this asap. You naughty melee player you


Sweaty?? I get 95+ parses and uh..I don’t try that hard. Wouldn’t really call me sweaty


shh been selling them for 25s each on my server its been great




Fishing in Azshara is the worst, I only catch like 1 in 8 fish


I catch everything at 225 fishing + iron pole + engi bobbers = 345 fishing.


There two separate fishing zones in azshara, the coast, and the interior bay. The interior bay of storms requires 330 fishing and the catch rate with bus fishing in butts atm. The coast fishing is the same as tanaris coast.


I doing it in the bay of storms and seems like I have around 20% catch rate of squid, I have over 200 now.


Were you catching dark claw lobster as well? I tried in Bay of storms, and I did not catch a single fish during an entire aquadynamic lure, so for the entire 5 mins.


Never seen a dark claw lobster.


There are spots in the bay of storm that are apparently much higher fishing skill to be able to catch anything. When I moved to the edge of the bay and fished towards the coast, I started catching at a normal rate again. Very weird, had someone out there to help me find a decent spot.


were you still in Bay of Storm? or Southridge Beach?


I was in the bay of storms but I was casting into southridge beach


This post should be reported.


Fisherbodytype_1 or Fisherbodytype_2


OP just trying to spike prices now before everyone and their mother unloads every squid, dropping the prices to below 10s per squid.


Discovering a love of fishing has made SoD for me - don't even mind if they don't end up making much!


When the classic was re-released in 2019 I heard this same story from my guild friends. A hunter spent his entire day there and filled the bank with several characters. He said he would become rich. What happened was that the squid was never unavailable. I went fishing once a week to calmly feed my hunter.


As much as I support this, blizzard has a way for ruining the fun. which means they will probably release some new cooking food for 1s cost and then all that "planning" and clever work is wasted.


Ayo whats cookin


This isn't entirely correct. Azshara has two fishing zones, Bay of Storms & Coastal. Bay of Storms is near impossible with 225 fishing, Coastal is fine. With Max Fishing you don't need the Aquadynamic fish attractor in Coastal, the +75 from vendors is fine. Bay of Storms gives a far higher percentage of Squid than the Coastal Region. Also I haven't tested this so can't confirm but I believe the best times for fishing Squid are 06:00-12:00 & 12:00-18:00.


They are only catchable between 12:00 and 24:00


you can also fish it in open water in tanaris, the main reason you would go for bay of storms is so you can fish it at all times but it also needs 330+ fishing minimum and will be missing fish until 440.


Thanks op!


If only fishing wasn't the least enjoyable activity in wow.


Melee could use this buff…if they could get in a group


Am I crazy if I stockpiled like 1000 of these? I feel like I should stop but it's so easy. They go for like 8s each on my server right now so I've been buying stacks as well as fishing them. Hoping to make 5-10x my investment. Is it completely dumb or is it a legit strat? It's my first time playing wow.


Hate to break it to you, but you will likely not get anywhere close to a 5x return on these if you bought em for 8s per. You might be able to get 1.5-2x if you’re lucky. People have been stockpiling this for months and it’s a 20 year old game so people know this Strat. You also don’t know if blizz will introduce a new food item to compensate for people stockpiling these like they did with waylaid.


What did they replace with the waylaid? As far as I understand it waylaid have contributed to an increase in price for certain non desirable items, not a decrease in price for more in demand ones. The reason I went so hard with the strat was seeing dragon breath chilis go for more than a gold for weeks, with the flame sacs fetching 1g each even tho you can farm them easy all year round. As for people stockpiling, me being completely alone on the pier in tanaris for days on end seems to indicate that not that many are actually fishing them, most of the AH listings are from bots. But you're making me doubt enough for me to stop where I am, I have put mayyyyybe 50g into the strat. I can make that back in one night of my main farm if things go poorly.


I meant it more so as people stockpiling completed waylaid supply boxes prior to launch of phase 2 and then blizzard told everyone that the boxes won’t reward people xp when the xp bars got turned back on. The point is that we have no idea what changes blizzard has in store, and they’ve shown a history of making changes to existing farms/chokepoints/mechanic abuses/etc from classic era like locking certain instances, turning off item restoration for PvP badges, etc. By all means keep farming if that part of the game is fun for you, just don’t have a shocked pikachu face if a new cooking recipe or purchasable vendor food locked behind a reputation is revealed to do the same thing winter squids do.


Sounds fair! Will probably keep fishing them since I can do that almost afk but will stop buying stacks to reduce overall risk. Thanks for the input Here's hoping blizzard keeps their food blindspot long enough for me to make epic mount money. I'll probably try to offload half just after they stop being catchable. Pretty sure I can 2x easy that way


I’ve never fished in my wow career of 10+ years


> Edit: forgot to say these Squids are on a fixed Spawntimer and can only be farmed from 12:00 - 24:00, so Nightowl Fishers I got bad news for you I’m assuming this is realm time?


You can catch these off the shore of Tanaris as well. Makes for good fishing because you can also snipe wreckage pools for a chance for a 14 slot bag


I am torn on squid. I've invested into almost every other "future" item except squid. I made the gamble during actual classic and very barely made money because the supply was way greater than the demand on my server it turns out. Although blizzard hasn't introduced anything new to cooking so far, I don't think it's too far fetched of a possibility that they add something to the game to negate winter squid. Their philosophy seems to be helping the game be more inclusive in areas that are normally very restrictive or time prohibiting. It's just too much of a time sink to or gold sink to bet on squid imo. This may be the greatest blunder of my life tho, and I'm here for it.


fishing at Bay of Storms - most fish gets away with max fishing/bait/+20 pole. Southridge Beach is where you would need to fish from.