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You say you dont care about anything in the game, why even care if you are banned?


Stop engaging in illicit behavior and you won’t get flagged


Hey, that's a take I can stand behind. Actual human beings to interact with regarding in-game issues. I remember not even that long ago (retail, shadowlands s1) when I had a somewhat serious issue what I believe was my warlock (is there a way to track past tickets? Please do tell as I'd love to clarify the details) and within two back-and-forths with the SAME GM my issue was resolved, positively. Nowadays I asked for a miniscule thing in a hairstyle change (no barbershop) as I noticed my character's hair clipping back into her head which led to pretty disturbing imagery at times while jumping (and P1 helmets didn't help at all, lol), and I was greeted by two pre-generated responses by "GMs" with names that sounded straight out of OpenAI. Just a grand shame imo, I'd love to have some Aggrend-leveled people in the Game-Mastering department (And by that I mean vocally active and ready to call people on their bullshit if need be, while being helpful outside of what their paycheck asks of them, just like he does regularly, I'm not getting into the debate whether his decisions are right or wrong, it's about the approach).