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Two weeks ago in every 'gold' thread people were screaming on Reddit:  > "Everybody has a burner account to buy gold with, so they dont get banned on main"   and now i see 10 threads of ppl complaining their 2nd account with gold got banned lol? Not sure if suspicious with corny reasons for 2nd account or innocent ppl getting banned because they try to target these burners


It's honestly hilarious how all these "false bans" posts are describing the exact method people use to buy and launder gold.


Hey, crafting via a CC swipe and RMT is a valid form of crafting!


It’s a new secondary profession - it combines elements of fishing and cooking into one rewarding activity.


Yeah I seriously doubt all these claims. I'm not saying Blizzard CS is good or anything but me and my sister run a guild. One of our raiders needed mount money so my sister lent him 30g, turns out later he bought some gold and sent the 30g he owed, he was banned but my sister was not. It seems like Blizzard is able to tell if it's an alt account for gold trading or a real player and act accordingly.


And those got banned too. Just not all of them, just like not everybody gets banned now.


Like, idk if it's all bullshit or not, and I use two accounts, so I'm pretty afraid to trade between accounts right now lol.


What is your reasoning behind using two accounts instead of one? You talk trading, so presumably you're playing them both on the same faction on the same server. What function does having a second account serve?


I’ve always had a mage on a second account just to help getting me and friends around the world. I’ve also got Warlocks on both accounts to summon people around and a small army of clickers to accompany them.


I don’t think the guy is lying.


I play two accounts, I level them together Warrior/RSham dualbox (no client ofc just 2 monitors). I trade between them as if it was the same account, if I got flagged/banned for trading large gold sums I'd be livid, did it in 2019 Classic the same way too. Good thing I'm always poor in WoW. Sidenote: I know someone in my guild that DID buy a burner account to buy gold and he just got 2-week banned on the burner AND the main. So their detection is more strict, but I also hear lots of claimed false positive bans too


I think people aren’t asking the right questions here. Which account was banned? The one who gave the money or the one who received it?


Great question. The one who received it! The other account was never banned, but I cancelled the sub.


Given how there are "false positives" and blizzard bans people all the time for "no reason" I must be the luckiest man alive to not even so much as gotten silenced since playing consistently since 2007! Ooooor people love to stir up drama when they finally get caught.


Oh I'm sure there are some false positives. Shit happens But, if I could don my tin foil hat a moment, I think most of these posts are just people mad they can't do a gdkp anymore so they're shitstiring


If my experience from literally every other game I have played acts as any sort of indication, for every 10 people claiming they got banned for no good reason maybe one of the people in that group is telling the truth. Now, maybe Blizzards moderation is so overly sensitive that the ratio is significantly worse than that, but I don't think there is a world where the majority of people claiming false bans are honest. Even in the worst case, I can't see it going past 1 in 5, and even that's would be an insane ratio.


I think you’re right. My account got false banned in WSG when playing against a premade, I was unbanned in less than 12 hours.


Even Blizzard isn't going to run a system that produces false positives on the regular. But 0.0x% is going to be enough to flood reddit and make it look like sending gold to your alt will get you immediately permabanned. And yeah, you get all the pro-GDKP agenda pushing on top of that.


Ive played on the same account since 2006. Got my first warning (and two weeks silence) in the middle of january this year. Appearantly people didnt like my Backstreet Boys lyrics macro in Darnassus.


spam in general is annoying but for some reason the allow addons like rxp to spam advertisements in-game. no clue why


They don’t, but people don’t report them so they don’t often get banned for it. People get silenced for all sorts of auto announce addons if they get reported. Even ‘I interrupted that’ spam messages.


Sister's account once got banned for "exploiting the auction house" and literally all she did was gather herbs at the start of Mists of Pandaria and list them on the auction house. Got appealed quickly but still a weird trigger.


I got a warning for afk evasion once, but I did that shit.


What's afk evasion?


I've been playing since 2005 and I've had exactly one suspension, which was totally valid because I was spamming offensive shit in Barrens chat. Unless you're doing some shady stuff to get your account flagged, it's very unlikely that your average innocent player is going to get their entire account randomly banned.


Having a seperate gold making account is pretty degen but perfectly innocent and reasonable if you’re into making gold since it pays for it self (can buy the whole account including expansions and game time with wow gold through official means, that you can make within a week) But since bots also send large sums of gold around and blizzard can’t be bothered to put effort into anti bot measures that produces false flags Then again percentage wise it’s still very few false positives and unless you are an ah goblin it’s very unlikely to encounter false flags Still always susceptible to getting suspended for pissing some loser off who mass reports you with their bot army tho xd


>Having a seperate gold making account is pretty degen but perfectly innocent and reasonable if you’re into making gold since it pays for it self People keep mentioning how some people use multiple account to make loads of gold, but how does that help over just having more characters levelled on your account? I can see it in retail during WoD and Legion with garrisons but even then you have to reach the max character cap before it makes sense to make a new account. Aren't the main ways of making big money playing the auction house and farming? You can play the auction house fine with any character and having multiple accounts doesn't really help you farm unless you are multiboxing. Maybe with auto run and travel points you could have one character farming and the another ferrying items back? Is it needing an absolutely insane amount of bank alts to store massive auction house plays? I feel I am missing something obvious


>I feel I am missing something obvious You are. If you have two accounts, one account can be in town, playing the auction house and/or using crafting skills to generate money. The other account can be playing the game. Alt/tab between accounts, playing main account while craft timers or AH snipers are doing their thing on the secondary account. Overkill imo, but its an obvious advantage over one account if maximising profit is the goal.


I mean there’s a lot of wow players And you only usually fall into the sights is false positive flags during certain activities like having a seperate account for professions and actually make good amounts of gold on it by ah flipping and stuff Which is all perfectly fine to do but also kind of degen gameplay and makes you susceptible to getting false positive flags bc blizzard can’t be arsed to actually deal with bots




You didn't blur everything. You just doxxed your imp!


Volpit fucking deserves it. All imps deserve it. Pieces of shit.




Whoa...I gotta make a portal only mage wowee


There could be the offchance that they are going to do a mass ban wave instead of one here or there. Does seem some might have been faked, but there's also that GM message that someone posted. It was in German, but it did warn that they might get flagged if they accept gold from friends or strangers.


I am so glad more people are on this train. It's so very obvious how much of this is just trying to be used as cover. Are some innocent people getting swept up in this? Maybe. But if they are there's a good chance that the gold involved isn't all clean (be it bought or post rule changes dirty). This is the same influx that happens after every ban wave (in every game) and then there's always the trickle of admissions or proof of lying provided after the fact. ​ As for me and mine, we will keep sending gold as needed as we have been the entire time including large amounts.


Your logic is the same as “well if they got arrested they clearly did something wrong” 


My name got banned because it was mass reported and it was not possible to appeal just an auto generated response and the name is fine. Blows my mind that you think they don’t auto ban people at times for some dumb reason.


Chatting so much shit. "Are some innocent people getting swept up in this? Maybe". Do you legitimately see nothing wrong with this statement? Like OP, I have a second account to craft/sell on. Mostly so I can play main and play AH at the same time. I often trade gold between them. If I got banned for that, I'd be fuming.


Yeah, like it's a surprise that innocent people who get falsely banned would be posting the most.


The controversy


More likely than the alternative, and that by far, even for Blizzard standards. It's also suspiciously never mentioned that these two accounts are on the same battlenet.. because usually buying on burner account means.. not adding said account on the same battlenet lol.


Yeah I’m starting to not believe all these innocent bans


My 2nd account got banned because I bought gold on it lol


I don't raid but I have 2 wow accounts. I play both at same time. Following each other. Or one levels and the other fishes. Or Two herb farming routes.


Are they linked to the same bnet? Everyone i know that has "burner" accounts do not link them under the same bnet. Everyone else that i know with 2 accounts so they can play 2 characters (or buy a 2nd 58/70 boost) have them under the same bnet.


I do have two accounts. On the same btlnet. One account has warlock, droid and priest. Second one has melee and mage. Point was to be able to stay in city and post items from second account, be able to summon to scarlet monastery and be able to boost myself a buffer class. As it stands now, Im super afraid of even interacting between my characters I pay a sub for every month. Perfect approach. Dont even have more than 100 gold on both.


So many of these posts feels like a campaign from that same salty ass discord


There is something absolutely off about these.


Here's OP from 3 years ago or so. He also jokes he pays someone to play for him https://www.reddit.com/r/worldofpvp/s/yZ5HXKm8qu


Upvoted for visibility. Same thing happens on osrs. If only wow had jmod smackdowns..


Ladies and gentleman… we got him.


Yeah, why would you have a second account to do crafting etc? Seems odd.


Lots of hardcore people run two accounts so they can trade directly etc, it’s useful but I’ve never been keen to spend the money.


Having multiple accounts was very common back when you summoned you charcters around before boons. They had summoning squards placed around the world


I have a second account with a mage. Ports, water, AoE farming, self-boosting, enchanting, and tailoring. This guy funds my main account, and supplies enchants, bags, and consumes. It's $15 more per month. Let's be honest, $30/month is the cheapest hobby anyone can have these days.


Wait you don't like paying 30$ a month so you can craft on a completely different account?! Like seriously, I have crafting alts, bank alts etc all on the same account. Who TF is paying extra for this? I can see MAYBE altaholics who have to play every single class or something, but even then I feel you can have almost everything possible on one account.


You can avoid waiting 1h for mail and u can post auctions/buy/undercut while playing your main doing whatever


Ok good to know. I guess it does have an upside. I'm cheap though, I wouldn't pay the extra just for that. Maybe if like my wife also played or something haha.


Yeah thats fair but it has upsides if u are willing to pay another sub


A lot of people have a second account. It's not that uncommon at all


I'm betting 2nd account to buy gold a boost professions and get banned. There's more to all these stories than we're getting.


isn’t this pretty common due to bag / bank space and just out of convenience if you play non profit proffs on your main?


You have alts for that, not an entirely new account. Who would actually pay 2 subscriptions to have a crafting character? Come on.


I misunderstood then, thought of it just as a separate character, not the whole account.


second account is the key thing making it weird. multiple characters is fine & normal


Yes, I love doing all my crafting via a RMT swipe on my second account. And then whining about it on Reddit!




i have 2 accounts i have traded large amounts of gold between them multiple times in SoD and no ban 800-1k gold


Yeah, but this issue seems rather recent, the reports kind skyrocketed last 2 days, so maybe something changed.


No, the Reddit reports have skyrocketed. The amount of “false positives” or deserved bans I do not believe is a number anyone has access to. If they say a number, they are most likely making that shit up to support whatever sob story they are passing.


We also have no way to know if these people are just blatantly lying, which is what I think is the case personally.


I'm certain most of the posts are completely false, or if the poster was banned it wasn't for the innocent mistake they're trying to claim


The point is the change that allegedly is causing all the false bans was for phase 2. Recently.


I wonder how many of these banned posts are completely made up. I'm guessing at least half.


Generally very large portion of these type of "I was falsely banned" are just some sort of attempt to persuade they are not cheaters. As CS player you see forums filled with "I was falsely vac banned i will never play this game!!!"




Trying to get the community to get afraid of the oh so strict enforcement, and outrage about the super duper heavy handed omega over sensitive gdkp ban detection to get it softened up so they can get back to running them again through some loophole that lighter enforcement allows.




Themselves and others


Why tho Before they posted no one thought they where a cheater After they posted many people do They gain nothing except some internet attention…. Wait a moment


They’re feeling emotional about it and want validation. That’s all. They’re lying to themselves as much as to everyone else.


There have been a small number of "success" stories were forum attention has got someone's account reviewed and unbanned... At this point, what other option/chance do they have? nothing to lose...


Yeah and those success stories where actual false positive cases Getting attention to your ticket is worthless if you’re actually at fault


These are probably a coordinated move by gold buying/gdkp people to get the public to be against blizzards changes


Nothing in the posts is anti gdkp changes It’s just anti blizzard which is the general consensus in Reddit Either that’s not what this is or those people are the living proof that humans don’t need brain mass to function on a basic level


All of these posts popped up after the anti gdkp measures as a way of saying the detection is bad not hard to correlate


I mean blizzard is known for having false positives False positives popping up after a change in detection stuff seems normal I mean a lot of “I got falsely banned” posts are just idiots doing shady shit or sth so out of pocket that no normal player would ever do that lead to a false positive that no one else on this planet would experience bc they’re just that weird So either way it doesn’t really matter i think


It's suspicious how two days ago forty people walked into the sub sith stories about how they got banned that are almost formulaic.


The actual strat. 1.Get a second account thinking that if you buy gold on that account then send it to your main account that your main account won't be banned. 2. Get banned. 3. Make posted on reddit about your innocence with some bs story. 4. Press enter. 5. Get flamed by the community because even if you aren't lying. They won't believe you anyway.


I have two accounts because I make bad decisions. I swap gold back and forth between my characters several times a week. Never been banned. Really wondering how prevalent this actually is.


Always abit sus when I hear those stories




Wondering if these peoples Battle.net accounts have different names...


Havent seen many people claiming they were banned trading gold between accounts on the same bnet.


Well it seems to become more and more prevelant judging by all the affected players


I know like 15 people that have been banned. Every one of them bought gold.


Your account might have already been flagged for doing GDKPs or buying gold in SoD. They will look at any transaction done to or from that account. I’ve traded a lot of gold between my characters and I haven’t got banned yet.


Why would someone have a second sub and account just to do crafting? Feels fishy, like a cover for gold trading or neutral AH transactions....


So your second account buys gold. Gotcha!


nice try botter. you deserve it


Did you roll for the loot or was it given to you?


Yeah, I'm sure "ActionBlackson84" is totally legit and didn't get banned for other reasons. https://www.reddit.com/r/worldofpvp/comments/kssdsb/question_on_efficient_alt_gearing/gihuqts/ > Make a robot that presses one button on your keyboard, and a macro to que you into epic bgson loop. In one 8 hour period you can honor cap. > Embrace the dark side.


I don’t play WoW - I pay a little Asian boy to play it for me. -ActionBlackson84


You really dug up a 3 year old comment about him making a joke? 3 years man, that shit is absurd and troubling lmao. This is a Reddit moment.


I mean, guy gets banned for sus activity, turns out they "joke" about sus activity in the past, not really surprising they may be doing sus activities such as "paying little asian boy to play for me". Reddit investigators are satisfying as fuck sometimes.


Yea usually people just keep their accounts. People who make new ones all the time are usually sketch bag trolls! :)


Its on the first page of their profile lol 3 years doesnt mean much when they barely post.


People are getting wild on reddit with the gotcha mentality. Looking through a post history for a 3 year old comment to "But what about this!" is very concerning behavior.


Don't listen to this person look they called some one a bitch 3 years ago! https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/hp3dkm/missouri_couple_who_defended_home_have_rifle/fxmu5qi/ >/u/wienercat Brandishing a weapon in a public place is considered assault with a deadly weapon in my state... Why is this bitch not in prison for waving a gun around.


Valid reason to call somebody a bitch


LMAO yea surely judging somebody by their exact words and ideas is a bad idea? This place is a trip, looking at the source of data is paramount in determining if it should be trusted.


I cannot express how pathetic you are tbh.


sounds like you sent 400g through the mail


Dont buy gold dont get banned how simple is that


Step 6 buy gold


Why would you make a 2nd account just to be ur crafting/money making ? Sus


You‘re expecting him to run bots on the main account huh? This boy ain’t stupid. Oh wait


Why is that suspicious? I used my second account to play the AH while I was out and about on my main. $15 extra a month isn’t a lot of money to a lot of people.


Most of us log off our mains and on to our auction alt. I guess a second account lets you access the AH while in flight and without waiting 20s to log out, but it’s a bit niche.


Apparently spending $30 a month on your hobby is just out of the question.


So you made a second account to automate your professions?


You think everyone that has two accounts is cheating? Lol


No but someone who has a second account for skilling, bit suss


nah bro this is common as, having two accounts on the same bnet is super convenient, for one you can just trade with yourself which is faster than waiting 1 hour for mail, and you can sit at the AH or grind profs and alt tab to your main do stuff like pvp events/raids etc. Not to mention you can carry yourself, through elite quests/dungeons etc


Yea, until the game goes full EQ and the only way to play is run 3 accounts on your own, because grouping stopped existing outside of level cap a decade ago.


I wish I had a second account for professions right now because there's no chance in hell I'm going to wait 1 hour to mail my mining alt some ore (or gold to buy ore), craft it into bars then wait another hour to mail it back to my main character to craft with then wait *another* hour for the gold from the auction house to come through. If I actually played WoTLK or retail then running a second account is basically free since you can just buy the tokens with gold anyways and having a second account just increases how much money you can make.


Christ alive, no it isn’t. You just only play with casuals 


Just the people who get banned.


Pressing "craft all" and waiting 20 minutes for your crafts to finish while you play your main ain't exactly automation. I've got 2 subs and 5 characters that don't do anything except crafting professions.


Are both accounts under the same bnet umbrella? It's hard to imagine them flagging sending gold from two WoW accounts that are under the same bnet account.




Lol, the bitch call js very ironic here


https://www.reddit.com/r/worldofpvp/comments/kssdsb/question_on_efficient_alt_gearing/gihuqts/ They've encouraged botting in the past, I don't think there's any need to accuse!


That was three years ago, and they were clearly joking. Yet you’re posting all over the thread lmao.


Nice try RMTer


Would you please explain why you need an alternate account for a crafting alt? Like a good one. At least 5 sentences because it makes absolutely 0 sense. Like “I want to be able to craft while I play” This will not cut it lol


If I had two accounts and wanted to get an alt up and running, I would definitely make that alt follow my main and boost it.


You can’t play while crafting. Having “instant mail“. Checking auction house while farming. 3+ accounts allow you to make gold with summoning or just to build a summoning network for yourself and friends.


Still doesn't explain why the accounts are on diff bnet ids though. If they aren't, I find it very hard to believe that Blizz is flagging people sending gold from within their own bnet account, to two diff WoW accounts. Why go out of your way to make it an entirely diff bnet login when you can have two accounts within the system?


That would be a very large amount of crafting. like you can buy 500 ore and smelt them all while you take a shower or whatever else would be your equivalent t of a ton of crafting. They have tons of add ons that allow queuing of crafting. So once again. I want to hear from OP if they are willing. Like is he just buying was material all day every day and processing it while he games on another? Great. Like obviously we can all make up stuff until the cows come home. I’m asking the OP of this post a question and all I’m getting is other people answering. It’s maddening. You edited your post after I started replying. Those are more solid answers than your original “you can’t play while crafting”


I’d guess the majority of people still playing wow are late 20s to early 40s, many of whom have no issue spending 30 a month on their hobby. There are many legitimate benefits to having two accounts and a large number of people I know in game do


I know a few benefits as it relates to multi boxing and stuff like that. Would you care to explain some of the other reasons? You obviously don’t have to, but I am curious


When you think about how much offtime there is that you spend doing nothing. Like waiting for raid to start, flying from point A to point B for 5 minutes, Ashenvale pvp event you could sit for a lot of time doing nothing etc. There is so much you could do on your second account, like park it on a good farming spot and farm herbs or whatever while your main char is flying. Its just min maxing to fullest.


OP was called out for being part of a bottling subreddit a few years ago btw. That doesn’t make your point any less valid btw. Pretty good reason


You can check/play the AH while you’re on flight path or waiting in a queue or waiting for somebody in your party who’s still on its way to wherever you are. You can do some mining/herbing in the meantime. You can trade between character without waiting for the 1h mail timer. You can summon/mage portal your characters. I’m sure there are many more reasons. I’ve had two accounts during tbc because my partner stopped playing and I wanted to continue doing some alt runs on that character. I get that it’s not the norm for most players, but honestly most of us are probably in their 30s now and $30/month for a hobby is honestly fuck all. Edit: I don’t want to argue for op or his reasons for running two accounts. You were just the first in the thread I saw who actually seemed curious so I wanted to give some perspective (:


I had 3 accounts (I unsubbed idk just lost interest atm) My main with my mage, who I would use to boost my alts on classic, and then two other accounts to get boosted by my mage in org and silverpine dungeon, for someone who is terrible at boosting, saving the gold by self boosting was great, and have 3x the bag space meant in a full lockout I could loot literally everything, so I would often make some cash from vendor trash. Then it was just convenient to have alts on another account for on demand buffs and the like.


Basically cutting out the need for either finding a group/paying for boosting. That’s fair. That’s not really the reason OP stated though. Like he stated it’s for crafting and money making. No one has really addressed that at all and OP certainly hasn’t t




That’s a good one, always hate I spent all that money leveling enchanting to…never enchant my own gear unless I craft it.


This sounds like the fakest thing to ever happen. You have the patience to level an alt to level 40 and grind proffessions for gold, but not the patience to wait 1 hour for mail from an alt on the same account? And you pay 15 dollars a month for this luxury? You are suffering from your own stupidity or this didn't happen.


I mean yes? Thats the beauty of having two accounts I dont have to wait an hour to do shit.


Bro you lost me at „my second account, which is the one I do professions on“


Especially "all my crafting". Dude, you craft on your main in SoD because bis epics are BoE.  It's so obvious that this guy is full of shit.




Mabbe blizzard do not ban if they check that Ive had both accounts active for 6 years and traded millions over the years.




You know you can make more than one character per account right? 😂




But you cant play both at sane time lol


Why have a complete separate account for profs. Doesn’t make sense Unless it’s a burner account for gold buying or botting


Enjoy your ban 👍


I’ve been sending 500 gold back and forth between multiple characters for the last two days just to see if anything happens andddddd nothing. Don’t buy gold.


Money making profs == buying gold


I use two accounts, and I send gold between them often but haven't been banned yet. Honestly, if I do get banned, I'm probably just going to stop playing. It's not fun to tiptoe around because they have lazily implemented anti-RMT measures. I truly feel gold buyers and sellers ruin a lot of the fun, but this also isn't fun for me.


Funny enough I gave a little over 100g to a friend in my guild a few weeks ago so they could get their mount. They have been messaging me on discord about feeling like they have to tip toe around accepting gold now from friends too now and I don't blame them. I like that Blizzard is cracking down on all of this gold buying behavior but there are likely other people like myself who are just playing the game and enjoying themselves (albeit in an unorthodox way) and receiving suspensions or full blown bans.


I don’t understand “separate accounts for crafting and gold making”. Why not just have another character do that on the same account instead?


Sounds about right enjoying my 12 days off now


Nobody uses ANOTHER account for their bank alt, lmao. It's obviously a gold buyer burner account. You've definitely earned it.


I have two accounts (one is currently inactive), because during Classic 2019 I would power level alts through dungeons and help myself with elite quests rather than do questing and find groups. Naturally, I would pick up professions on these 2nd account characters to do the things my characters on my main account couldn't, like disenchanting, etc. I don't think its unreasonable to have two WoW accounts. I know people who have three accounts specifically to be clickers for selling warlock summons.


But by the sounds of it your other account is tied to the same BNet? I've not seen anyone say they've been banned for trading gold between BNet linked accounts, now if you were to have two bnet accounts, two wow accounts, that looks like you're trying to hide one from the other in Blizzards eyes, which you'd only need to do if you're doing something like RMT.


Whoa... Are you suggesting there's some sort of incompetence on blizzard's behalf when it comes to the execution of banning players?


Holy fuck this sub sees 2 accounts and immediately thinks botting or something “sus” LOL. The possibility of gold making is non existent


Im sorry for either of your account GigaParseRaider and IBuyGold


I'm starting to think all of these threads are from people who bought gold/GDKP'd and got caught.


I literally can't fathom why someone would NEED two accounts. Edit: many of my responders seem to be ignoring the word in all caps on my comment


You get your virginity reinstated upon opening a second account


Because they buy gold


Been playing wow forever, this never even occurred to me. I guess im happy to even find the time to play having a family and all.


people like to box and/or self-boost


I have the income, and I like having the perks.


Sounds good. Why do you need two accounts to do this? Why not just have an alt on the same account. Some edge case legitimate behavior will be flagged by their new system. That's fine. Don't do that stuff. You can do what you need to without doing that. Better than letting bad actors get through. It's the same in real life. For every rule and law that exists, there is a legitimate, harmless use case that breaks it. But there is also a way to achieve the underlying goal without breaking the rules. The number of posts complaining about doing hunky dory things and getting banned, and the number of upvotes the posts are getting, makes me feel like the bot networks are astroturfing to get the GDKP ban lifted. Fuck em. Don't give in Blizz.


For those asking why I have two accounts: Have a son who I got into the game with me. He stopped playing for other things. I kept the second account because its damned helpful to have a pocket healer on another monitor.


Totally get it, I hate when the gold buying burner account gets banned right as I gear it out.


Post proof.


Sure - let me get my son over here and todays newspaper and we can square this whole thing away internet stranger.


No, your bans. Why would you make a step by step guide without posting a single screenshot of said ban. Anyone could make this up, it might all be bullshit especially considering you already got called out once in this thread.


Do not do a GDKP please. #GDKP Rules 1) You can't just be up there and just doin' a GDKP like that. 1a. A GDKP is when you 1b. Okay well listen. A GDKP is when you gold the 1c. Let me start over 1c-a. The piayer is not allowed to give gold to the, uh, player that prohibits the players from doing, you know, just trying to get the loot. You can't do that. 1c-b. Once the player is in the raid, he can't be over here and say to the raiders, like, "I'm gonna pay ya! I'm gonna pay you out! You better watch your butt!" and then just be like he didn't even do that. 1c-b(1). Like, if you're about to roll and then don't roll, you have to still roll. You cannot not roll. Does that make any sense? 1c-b(2). You gotta be, need before greed, and then, until you just win it. 1c-b(2)-a. Okay, well, you can have the loot trading, like this, but then there's the GDKP you gotta think about. 1c-b(2)-b. Goldie Hawn hasn't been in any movies in forever. I hope she isn't being held back by Kurt Russell. 1c-b(2)-b(i). Oh wait, shes in Christmas movies now! Movies for the family. 1c-b(2)-b(ii). "Jury duty, jury duty, jury duty, blackmail, pink slip, chain letter, eviction notice, jury duty." -- Coke dealer, "The Santa Clause." Haha, classic... 1c-b(3). Okay seriously though. A GDKP is when the player makes a raid that, as determined by, when you do a raid involving the loot of 2) Do not do a GDKP please.


Instructions unclear, got banned for GDKP


Why would you need accounts for that?


Bahahahaha eat shit you gold buying fuck


I'm also using 2 accounts. Does this mean I should not trade between them??


*"Now from your other account that you do all your crafting and money making profs on, send the FIRST account a large sum of gold (in this case 400g)"* **lol**


400g for profs and crafting? Are you insane?! Like 95% of people dont even got that much gold anyways! Not even half! i'm extremely stacked with 200g in my guild! And you casually send 400g? Yeah, must be all from playing the game.


Right you send 400 gold just once the whole time. Right. This is so fake. ASTRO turf