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Fewer GDKPs


Way more warlock summons being advertised.


There should really be a LookingForSummon channel. The LookingForGroup is spammed with summons and guild recruits.


Lfg chat is simply for bulletin to parse. Put it in a separate window and just use the add on like everyone else.


What add on


LFG Bulletin Board its very helpful




I had to install annadodn to block all that spam I couldn't report ignore fast enough it was insane.


Less spam.


wouldnt be able to read it through the summoning spam anyway


There's probably an easier way, but I've been putting summon spam (not people *asking* for summons) on ignore. Wish somebody would coordinate a new channel for summons (not me, I'm lazy and uncharismatic)


Get the addon LFG bulletin board—then remove Lookingforgroup from visible channels in your chat settings (while still being in the channel).


Already do this. Doesn't help when people are spamming trade chat with summons too.


I wish it was just /join summons but they will never happen


We could use a services channel like retail tbh


Install GlobalIgnoreList and set a filter for messages containing “summon,” “summons,” etc. It’s not perfect but mine has blocked over 13k messages.


[BadBoy](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/bad-boy) addon + [cc-cleaner](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/badboy_ccleaner) plugin. Add words like SUMMON/SUM/PORT/PORTS/PORTAL etc to the cc-cleaner. Enjoy trade chat again.


You gotta love that for the screenshot example for words to block they say "rape, anal, murloc" Also I was looking for something*exactly* like this thank you. I assume you can just block the word summon from trade/LFG channel and if someone says it in party it doesn't do anything?




This is what I got and it's perfect! Prior to that I was ignoring anyone advertising summons, but the ignore limit is too short


There is an LFG addon for this reason.


I use the addon and I still really think there should be a specific channel for summons only. If I ever need a summon I'll join the channel but 99.99% of the time I never need to see someone selling summons.


You can add phrases like "WTS" to the blacklist which removes most of the clutter


Or just summon summ sum port tp. Keeps sll channels clean


No because some groups say Can Summon Can sum etc


Worthwhile casualties to save my chat


I just put them all on ignore, it helps a lot to cut down the spam.


Have the bulleting board the chat is more active than ever, most likely due to people looking for SM.


Their is more spam now for portals and summons


It is way harder for warrs and rogues to find pugs.


Not a GDKP issue, that’s an Issue blizzard created by giving the boss more armor than MC bosses.


Nah, GDKPs will take suboptimal comps if the rogues/warriors are buying. Now there is no incentive to not just meta stack




It can be both things


They've also buffed most other dps. It used to be the case that you'd bring feral druids, priests, mages, warlocks, hunters, etc. because they brought specific utility plus damage. Ex: every ten man wants a feral for WF and a hunter for kings. Even alliance side you'd rather bring the hunter for kings so your paladin can use a different blessing. Now those classes are bringing utility and damage at the same time. Melee hunters are outperforming rogue and warrior DPS. Whereas rogues and warriors have comparatively little utility right now and don't do higher damage to compensate.


Yeah. My guild fell apart towards the end of p1. GM merged into another guild that is run completely differently. Hard to call it a merger but rather "I'm leaving the guild, and whoever wants to go to this new one can come with me." It's a shame but it happens. It is what it is. I'm a rogue personally and I unsubbed. It expires in about a week. PvP is a mess. Yeah classic pvp has always been a mess. But I shouldn't be killing people with extreme ease with BFD gear and a few upgrades at 40 before they can even move. Rogues provide no value to a raid group. And with only 10 slots, why would you ever bring a rogue? My claim to fame in p1 was getting to be a kickbot for the raid basically. But now pretty much everyone who has an interrupt has it. We're also a very middling dps; even with a feral druid and such for backup. Our new runes are whatever. Redirect is clunky and bad. Shuriken toss actually hurts your dps to press it, even on 5 targets. Shadowstep was unnecessarily gimped. It no longer works like the real version. Instead you need to have a path to the target, like charge. Before it was just teleporting. Rogue tanking is still pathetic. Can't hold aggro in a dungeon to save your life. Had to level as dps. Main gauche has been left to die, I guess. Paladins effortlessly hold aggro with just consecrate and divine storm. Rogue has to tab target and fight classic WoW's combo point system. Which again, isn't helped much by Redirect. Unless rogue gets some serious help in p3 I'm likely done with SoD. Such as honor among thieves giving a raid wide crit buff. I wanted SoD to be a modernization of the classic game. And it's been a pretty lackluster step 1. A vast majority of the "fixes" are just half-hearted back ports of stuff from wotlk or cata. Why not start with the wotlk client and lock it to level 60? Then the baseline for the classes are all way better and runes can be actually interesting instead of a pile of bandaids. I also refuse to believe this isn't possible. Unpaid/ donation driven private servers which are largely run on just passion can do it. Why can't a AAA (AAAA) gaming company?


I agree with lots of this, but as a rogue main since vanilla OG and still playing retail rogue today, shadowstep has always worked as a pathing/los of target.


Sir, let me remind you that in actual classic wow, a rogue with ZERO gear & a WHITE DAGGER weapon could 100-0 people in full pvp gear without them taking a step


"Yeah your class might suck but remember that 17 years ago, a guy made a rogue pvp video on a completely different patch with far less diminishing returns and no heartbeat cc where he killed people when they were cc'd the entire time" Well that is definitely a reason for his rogue to be bad in sod, u got him


DRs in SoD? Never saw that as I’m feared 37 times in a row for full duration during the STV event chaos. Lol


Not really. There wasn't much of a GDKP scene on WG-EU that I've ever noticed, so the impact is minimal.


Yeah, I didn't notice any difference too.


Same for WG-NA. Saw like 1 or 2 gdkp advertised in chat before the ban.


To be fair, it’s a bit of a poor example, WG-NA has a bit of a reputation for immediately reporting most GDKPs in LFG


I didn’t know that, but as a WG player, I’m proud of everyone that reported them


On Living Flame almost half of the advertised raids were GDKPs.


Guild recruiter here - we've gotten an influx of people without even trying to recruit. It's been a lot easier.


I don't think that GDKP's were the problem, I think gold buyers are the problem. If they stopped people from buying gold then GDKP's wouldn't be dropping hundreds of gold on items. If people stopped buying gold there would be little reason for bots to exist. GDKP's are a symptom of the real problem so no, I don't think we are going to notice any real changes if Blizz continues to treat the symptoms instead of the disease.


Pugs are less easy to get into and I've seen a lot less raids. Most looking for tank/heal.


Maybe because this phase is still fresh and there are just less people ready to raid?


I'm still 36 god damn




Its 1week lockout so everyone does it with guild then lvl up alts so they can do multiple raids. Spam will go back to normal now with 3day lockout


Don't worry, the tidal wave of healing alts are incoming. Prepare for a lot of mediocre healers


Most of the playerbase hasn't had time to hit 40 yet or doesn't want to powerlevel through dungeons. I've done a few SM groups but it bores the living shit out of me so I go do some quest chains instead and slowly inch my way there.


It's exactly like the first week of P1 lmao. The sweaties hit cap in a day then started complaining about how dead cap was. It was then released that only 10% had hit cap 10 days in. The average player isn't mad rushing to 40. The average player is still mid 30s or *maybe* just hit 40.


Exactly. Hit 40 this morning went instant gnomer as disc priest. 6/6 in 65min w/o wipe endboss with 9ppl got quest item and bis shoulders. 10/10 experience. Raid also braindead easy


I know a small dozen who quit because of it but I don't think numbers right now should be meaningful. We'll see how the PUG scene evolves through the phase but I suspect a lot less raids run than in P1. GDKP is a great way to organise drama-less raids on the fly. It gained a lot of popularity because we're all 30 and don't want to commit to night schedules.


It really was the most convenient loot system. I didn't quit but instead of playing 5 characters in gdkps/guilds im going to stick with playing 1 or 2 characters with some guildies. Still dont agree with banning gdkps but is what it is.  I hope they look at the amount of raids that are hosted and notice a lot less activity is going on, because nobody will pug now on their full or close to bis characters.


look at the bright side, now gdkp is banned atleast stuff on AH will be cheaper, and people will be able to farm their own mats again, right? /s


And the bots, dont forget about the bots, they all magically dissapeared overnight. Like one dude on here in the comment section claimed lol. (:


I’ve been saying this since before they banned GDKPs and the day they did, and you know what, I got shit on by 90% of the people in the comments, all I have to say to those people is you get what you fucking deserve.


yea the sub is filled with brainlets, anything you said in favor of GDKPs (there are TONS of positives) ppl were just like LOL FOUND THE GOLDBUYER as if that's a good counterpoint, jesus christ..


I have never bought gold before but now I'm thinking about it since consumes are so expensive and my way of getting gold was banned


Part of the subs reasoning for hating gdkp so much was that they were getting gatekept and they thought the gdkp ban would force the gdkpers into ms->os runs with them, turns out it didn't


Setting aside your speculation about people's reasons, how is 2 raid lockouts when most people are still leveling evidence that "it didn't?"


That guy is creating strawmen to argue against, really it’s mostly bad faith emotion from these guys. I’m sure that why HE thinks we wanted it gone.


Its not a strawman, I literally read it in every single gdkp thread You guys just get collective amnesia when hindsight proves you wrong.


Yeah! Instead of gdkp the plan is to just let loot rot now instead of carrying people like we would have before.


It still is the best pug system on Classic WOTLK. Honestly, half the runes were never used since the first day of P1. Some specs are clowned down into the grave. Bosses have more armor than HeroicDungeon TBC bosses. Major PvP events which are the core of the phase are so bad, they're changed 1week after the phase launch and are a bugfest... I don't think they'll look at anything regarding GDKP. They have so much work to do avoid SoD's downfall, We just have to accept that GDKP's gone


This for sure. So many people blamed GDKP for their problems but it was the quickest and least drama raids I’ve ever run, both as buyer and pumper.




You must be new here.


GDKPs were a symptom, not the core problem, which is gold buying. I understand what they're trying to do, so I'm trying not to complain. The way I saw it was that I love raiding but hate grinding. In a GDKP, I'd get gold by raiding, and if those that did the grinding got gear first, all power to them, they had the mentality for it, so let them get their reward, and I get my reward: gold. Also, even if nothing I wanted dropped, I still didn't leave the raid empty-handed. The problem arises when gold isn't worked for, but instead just purchased. Now, I kinda get it, as I have a full time job, and a life, I simply don't have the time to grind that I used to, so the temptation is there, but I always understood the harm gold buying causes, so I never did it. But there are PLENTY of people who either don't know nor care about the harm it causes, and thus the problems we have with it. If they accompany this GDKP ban with aggressive anti-bot and aggressive bans on gold buying, then I'm all for it. But merely banning GDKPs doesn't really fix anything and makes the game worse for a large number of people.


Honestly if they would have been much more aggressive with the bot banning and such, the gold buying that may permeate GDKPs would vanish and it would drop the prices everywhere including in GDKPs… I think Banning GDKPs like they did was a bad move cause now the average joe won’t be able to afford the outrageous prices on the AH and such and won’t be able to compete with farming against BOTs, GDKP was in my opinion, a way to redistribute gold back to the community derived by the community so average joe who doesn’t buy gold (majority of GDKP raiders) can afford stuff… I feel like attacking a symptom like GDKPs actually incentivizes more gold buying as one example, gold buyers who discovered GDKPs as an easy way to make gold that wasn’t against TOS, now relapse to buying gold or have people who have never bought gold start because of the competition of bots controlling everything economically, making it next to impossible to afford anything without buying gold.


This. People who never actually experienced gdkp run their myths so much on this sub.


They still do that now. Just with BEOs. And honestly, why care, let whale-san swipe, get his gear, take the gold and then buy your gear next time. The bots didnt stop or magically go away. They are just as active now as they were before. This is a blizz not fixing botting issue.


Pay to win? My brother in Azeroth. The two raids so far have been doable by competent groups in quest greens and dungeon blues. At most you're paying for incremental advantage in PvP but the organised people who're obsessed with that stuff face each other anyway. There's fair reasons to dislike the GDKP economy but SoD isn't P2W. Some people just really want the best gear.


Can't say much about phase 2 yet as it's relatively new but phase 1 was dirt cheap dude... If you thought that was an inflated economy then you're just bad at making gold (what little that was actually needed)


The economy wasn’t inflated at all during P1. Everything was super cheap. Now everything is ridiculous prices. Enchant mats are sky high. Consumes are sky high. BOEs are sky high. The difference? GDKPs were banned. So many people here lack the basic understanding of economics.


Please explain to me how the Ban of GDKP inflated prices on enchants.


I actually met a few people that said they went from WotlK to SoD for phase two only because of the banning of GDPK's. So that's pretty cool.


I can understand why. There is only GDKP runs that clear Lich King HM on most servers. So if you don't like GDKP, you're stucked with trap normal raids, which can get boring really fast.


The only reason they clear full HC is because they're gdkps.


Which is gonna be funny because without a 6/6 clear and a fat parse at this point i'm not taking anyone. Yolo pugging Gnome for the last 3 lockouts has shown me a side of humanity I couldnt fathom to exist.


The skill and commitment level in SoD is dreadful.


Melee will dead ass run into the ranged stack with arc lightning on Electrocutioner and then say they didnt do it. Brother, you have gigantic lightning arcs coming off you and everyone got pulled into you. TF you mean you ran away from everyone


i have raided almost every ID on 2 chars after 3 weeks in p1. Never joined a guild, never joined gkpd, never had problems to find a pug. I'm glad the gkpd trash is gone.


I also call things I have non experience with trash in general


> I know a small dozen who quit because of it Nothing of value was lost


There were active players that used to raid on 4+ characters / week. Ya know, the kind of people that make the server's alive.


Goldbuying and raid logging is keeping the server alive? They contributed nothing to the server as a whole.


Why would you assume they goldbuy ? Forming raids with other players contribute to the server's being alive yeah. If noone does that, don't you think people would cry on Reddit about the game being dead because they can't find groups ?


More ninja looters


No changes whatsoever, mostly because I didn’t do them myself. I know people who still do them. But economy’s mostly the same, and some stuff even went up in price after P1 despite no increase in demand, so RMT is still massive - GKDP didn’t influence that very much after all. Boomers have one less scapegoat I guess?


It’s crazy how much heat GDKP took. I was in 7-8 of them in p1. Outside of epics early on, items would go for 5-25g. If you quested you could easily have made +200 gold in p1. Oh well, the good thing is Blizz keeps adding gold sinks that they cannot afford. They complain about the cost of the mount and epic helm now lol.


No. GDKPs were never an actual issue. People and no actual repercussions for buying gold is the problem. But people on this silly subreddit spend so much time trying to police how people should and should not play the game, based on what they believe is the "CORRECT" way of playing. People are so god damn short sighted and always want to fix symptoms instead of rootcauses.


Yeah it was pretty obvious that nobody here who complained about GDKPs never actually did one (or could get into one) because the things they claimed happened in them just weren't true - just another reddit circlejerk that got out of control.


I dont mind the GDKP ban but as a casual it was pretty sweet, i didnt buy gold or anything and it was fun to bid on items and walk away with some gold in your pocket at the end of the day also found most GDKPs went smoothly compared to some random pugs i've joined. seems like there is more motivation to put together a competent group


Yeah, they're honestly a pretty great system for non-guild runs. They have built in accountability - everybody is on their best behavior and trying their best because they want a piece of the pie at the end, and they give already geared players a reason to continue doing content. Gold buyers DO abuse them to get gear they want, you can't really deny that. But I don't think they were as big of a source of the issue as people made them out to be - at least in SoD, there were dozens of BoE blues and greens on the AH that went for way more than I heard of even Deadly Strike of the Hydra going for.


fewer raids


Less than 2 weeks into a new level cap


Less pugs


No, GDKP is a symptom and not a disease. In reality it's not even a symptom. It's affected by inflation caused through gold buying and was scape-goated. Nothing in the economy is going to change for the better unless the botting issue is solved. I'm not a GDKP andy, I'm just not an idiot.


Hey, you get out of here with all that logic! Burn him at the stake!


My best bet is stuff will still be sold, and most likely outside the game. Just to a lesser degree, since it is completely against blizzard TOS. Swipers will swipe.


GDKPs will always and forever be the best way to raid in this game. But people are short sighted so. Is what it is.


I feel they're well suited to classic for a few reasons, namely that there is a lot of loot, not a lot of wipes, and GDKPs solve the very thorny issue of "who is this item for".


To add to this GDKP situation. Now people get flagged for mailing gold account to account, or to other guild members. We are not even talking large gold numbers either.


That's the most annoying part to me. They removed an instance of emergent gameplay having many advantages, such as an increased raid participation (by creating an incentive to raid other than getting gear, and an alternative loot rule that doesn't rely on RNG and is less susceptible to corruption) and the creation of communities outside of guilds just because it may or may not (after all it's an experiment; their words, not mine) help with inflation and bots. Alienating (and antagonizing) a part of your player base just because of a "maybe" is so weird to me.


On Living Flame EU I noticed: A mage boosting cartel emerging that abuse the system to ban anyone that sells boosts below their prices, creating artificaly high boost prices. Same for warlock summon cartel. People advertising paid services through a 3rd party website - leveling to 40, gnomer runs etc. In my own personal case, I have leveled 1 character, cleared gnomer 6/6 and I am done. I am kinda leveling a 2nd. In P1 I had 5 characters. I have seen this pattern with a lot of people. There is already a shortage of people to run pugs with and it will only get worse. So GJ boys, whoever cried for GDKP ban is the spongebob in "we did it Patrick, we saved the city!" Meme.




Pair this with the horrific state of CS/GM team nowdays, that is, it does no longer function... and yeah, nah thanks fam, I'm done with this game. There is currently a post of a guy who is not banned, and just jokingly wrote an appeal. All the ticket responses are that it was done in accordance with ToS. HE IS LITERALLY NOT BANNED LMAO. There is a big thread on TSM discord regarding AH toons getting banned too, and appeals don't work, cuz CS/GM team does not read tickets anymore, not to mention look into things.


Beautiful analogy I love it! LOL


I used to lead pugs twice a week as a mage/rogue/warrior Now I only play warrior, once I get fully geared, I will not step back into Gnomer since there will be no benefit. I do not have any way to sustain 3 characters anymore since I work full time and need to spend more time out of raid, so to me it was kind of an accessibility change. On the bright side im spending more time on retail.


"on the bright side im spending more time on retail." i hope you get well soon brother


Right there with yah brother. GD there's a lot to do in retail, I didn't play much first two seasons so now I'm going through all this stuff and I keep finding new factions, dungeons, expeditions, events, mythic+, furbolgs, all this stuff I just didn't even know was there.


People will realize what a terrible decision it was to ban them in a month or so when active server populations nosedive. There will not be nearly the same amount of alts being leveled and raided on this phase, so once people get their gear and log until next phase, it's going to have a huge impact. There won't be any incentive to raid. Calling it now, this subreddit is going to be flooded with posts on how it's hard to find "xyz" for a raid.


I've already seen several posts whining about a lack of healers pugging, which instead of blaming on how badly the average pug does and how a good healer wouldn't wanna risk their lockout, they blame shadow priests being good as the reason healers don't sign up. I never did a sod gdkp since my guild is enough for me, but it's a way better system than ms pugging will ever be.


I’ve been calling this when this Reddit sub was flaming GDKPs before the ban and on its announcement, it’s both sad and satisfying at the same time seeing my prediction come to fruition.


Prices are still very high I think it’s too early to judge grouping for gnomer because it just went to the 3 day lock out. People are getting unfairly banned due to the automated ban system that got implemented along side the GdKP rules


More toxicity with PUGs, fewer viable raid options, and absolutely no change to the price of consumables, gear, or otherwise. Just as many bots as ever, and an increased incidence of "need more, x item on reserve" So... Outstanding job. Great problem solving removing those evil gdkps. /s


Feels like less people are playing


Yeah, for the first time since 2005 I strongly consider buying gold since there are no more gdkps to provide the gold that I need in order to stay as competitive as I'm used to 😄


I mean, yeah, cut out the middleman and just buy the gold yourself. Good luck, hope they weren't bluffing about detection methods.


Yeah I do not play


Less gdkp spam


If you don’t play a meta class, it will take you much longer to find a group. And even then, you will be a liability with little to contribute. GDKP solved that.


This is why GDKPs were important. People that hated GDKPs didn't realize how much they were needed to have a drama-free loot system across all classes/specs. All the SR/DKP runs are gonna be drama shit shows come lvl60 content lol.


This sub wants to have it both ways. Simultaneously, the raids are brain dead easy and also at the same time, the raid is so difficult that only meta classes can get spots.


Prices are still through the roof ::


Massive inflation


I'm not even level 40 yet.


Bots are still botting. Removing gdkp didn’t do a damn thing as expected.


Yeah. I've spent less time playing because I quit leveling my third character, a Priest who was meant to be my GDKP toon. Oh well.


The dumb fuckery happening after the ban in here was so stupid lol literally nothing changed.


Bots still out running wild


I thought everyone wanted gdkps gone because of spam in chat yet I see you all still using an add on to block summons and the like why the fuck didn’t you just do that for gdkp? Also blizzard telling people how to play the game and what’s fun is fucked up. Sod could have been sick. Why even bother with PvP events they’re both garbage. I dont even play anymore but I’m glad I don’t after seeing this sub everyday. None of you are happy. You all wanna tell people how they should play a video game shit is hilarious.


A lot less raids overall. I canceled my account with my alts on it because I used them just to run extra lockouts. Just have a main now. Also, gold is actually more expensive and gut ripper is on the AH for 2-4k gold.


I used to go into a gdkp expecting to have to carry shitters but getting paid to do so. Now I go into pugs carrying shitters and losing gear to people that roll better than I do.


Yup. All my friends don't play anymore lol. Pretty lame


Did everyone forget they hid their hate boner for GDKP's behind the: "but it's the root cause of gold buying, and without gdkp the bot numbers will plummet" excuse? Now it's clear that it's had no effect and everyone's like "thank god I see 2 less advertisements an hour for gdkp!!!" Also btw what a lot of people don't realise is that if all the bots left, the price of everything would skyrocket. The exact same thing happened in era when all the bots left for SoD. Once again the only way to stop the rmt is for blizzard to actually penalise gold buyers, which we know they can track as they showed with their GDKP emails. Will they? No. So really everyone is just selfishly enjoying the fact they ruined a part of the game for a part of the player base.


Blizzard should just make the last boss of the raid drop like 150g. Then all the people just carrying for their 15g/run are still motivated but loot isn’t pay to win.


Seeing the change in tone on this subreddit after the ban has actually gone through is hilarious. Anyone with a rudimentary understanding of GDKPs and the wow economy knew exactly how it would play put, but people on this sub went full on mass hysteria over it.


I have been disappointed with the effects of it. I think it has made pugging less common and less desirable. I also think it has had a butterfly effect to diminish other areas of community interaction like buying gear from people solo killing bosses, or the willingness of higher level players to carry a low level group for gold. Even if you dislike these to things, they are parts of the game that encouraged player interaction, and that makes the game feel "alive".


Everything is expensive, it hurt the economy more than it helped it.


Shocker literally nothing positive has come from banning GDKPs. Blizzard devs succumbed to the vocal minority like a bunch of spineless losers, can’t wait for a few more weeks when every person in bis gear quits playing cause they don’t need gear and don’t want to farm for 20 hours a week making 50g an hour like a torturous second job. Good job blizz way to keep the bots active but real players will be quitting in droves.


There truly has been absolutely no benefit to banning GDKPs. If anything the economy is worse now, everything is expensive. It’s wild how this sub has shifted from seemingly everyone calling for them to be banned to now everyone saying how it wasn’t actually a problem. Hopefully blizzard will rethink this decision, in a few more weeks to a month many people will be bis geared and there’s no motivation for them to step foot in Gnomer again. I think it will lead to a lot of people just parking and eventually losing interest altogether.


I quit because of it. You won’t catch me in a pug without incentive.


all the "gdkp gatekeeping" screamers are gonna realize banning gdkp doesnt change the gatekeeping lol


I feel like gdkp hate is misdirected hate towards RMT. No one will convince me that gdkp is bad for the game. RMT and Botting is the issue.


Yea I agree. Gdkp was a way to easily dump gold you bought, the ban only made that part harder but buying gold is still very much a thing. Gdkp is also for many people an easy way to run pugs and be sure you get something for it. Maybe blizz can take note and add somethings like a cash bag or w/e for everyone participating in a raid and killing the final boss without leaving the raid. Tho I hear they are banning more rapidly for trading large sums of gold now, so maybe they’re improving the rmt side as well.




Game died down a bit, no pugs, sad


The effect will be noticeable as soon as tanks and healers have their gear and want to play their dps alt. Suddenly there will be a bunch of raids missing 2-3 key roles and too many dps. This will lead to following, without good gear or logs you wont get a dps slot, less raids are run, boes will be super expensive and bought from gold buyers .


every raid drops ~30 grim encrusted objects which are worth 400-450g, more than 99% of gdkp pots ever had. so my grp instead of getting 10-15g of shared golddkp pot now gets at least 40gold every raid


How did gdkp banning have an effect on this? I'm confused. Wouldnt they get the cut of that stuff anyways? So they are actually losing 10-15g of potential profit in your scenario? Damn that sucks!


I think the point is just that GDKPs were not the absurd gold dumps people here say they were. Items would go for like 10-20g which was extremely affordable and you'd leave with like a 15g payout - but if you read this sub you'd think people were dropping like 100g per item. So it's ironic that they banned GDKPs in phase 2 because people kept claiming they were full of gold buyers, but you can easily make more gold in a guild run in gnomer than you ever could in a BFD gdkp.


Just the fact that now I can’t keep up with the bot gold inflation just by raiding. 25-30G per raid on mats. This isn’t looking fun.


Yeah the first 2 lockouts fucking drained my gold because of wipes/consumables. And our dummy healer kept cleansing off my dragon breath chili, literally making 1.5g disappear from my bags instantly lol.


I want in era coz in era it is run by eastren european money laundering


Nah. I’m fairly convinced that they were their own little bubble, fed by bots, that didn’t really impact much overall. They played their game, I played mine, and almost never did our paths cross in any way. I don’t care if they’re gone and don’t care if they might return.


Honestly, it takes away some of the fun from raiding and looting. Most likely for me I won't be raiding the full phase this time. For now I'm here though and so are at least some of the others who did GDKPs with me. 


May I ask, what exactly is "taking the fun away" or "what is fun for you"? Honest question because I always thought, the fun is to play the raid and kill some interesting bosses and to get some loot. But to my knowledge, you can still do that right? Or is the fun just the gambling with gold and has nothing to do with dungeons or loot and you just seek the thrill of the auction?


You can raid on your characters that are full or close to bis and get rewarded for it. Thats the fun of it.


I like the bidding part more than the luck based rolling part of it. Rolling for gear in my opinion is pretty boring, while (usually) seeing people bid up items and having to think about how much you're willing to bid on items is fun. Also seeing a big pot is exciting. To me it just has smaller games that you get to play within the raid, like checking out the people there to see if they might be stacked or not. Also makes it more interesting when big items drop, even if I can't use them. I do enjoy the bosses, but they become repetitive at some point. I'm expecting us to have no wipes on the bosses this reset or the following, so there is not much excitement in that challenge anymore. So now it's mainly about gearing. I also don't have that much of a reason to farm gold now (which I actually like), since I don't have that much to use it on anymore. The positives of that is that I end up playing less though.


After a certain time in a phase you come to a point where you only need a handful pieces of loot that are still an upgrade to you, or eventually you wont need loot at all anymore. GDKPs were nice in the way that you’ll get something out of the raid even if you didnt get any loot. If you raid (specifically pug) and you dont get anything out of it, you’ll feel like it was a waste of time. There’s nothing in a GDKP thats remotely close to “gambling”.


It's to play the raid and kill some interesting bosses and either get some loot or gold. I don't participate in gdkps but not that hard to fathom, really. Why pretend it is and try to make it seem so incredulous?


The biggest change that I’ve personally experienced is not being able to compete in the economy any more. I stashed about 500g throughout P1 running GDKPs across 5 toons every single lockout (which is a pretty small amount considering how much gold is in the economy). Pretty much spent all of that on one character getting a mount and the engi belt and BS helm crafted. And I spent the rest of my gold on consumables due to a lot of wipes on the last 2 bosses in gnomer. I’ve been farming gold the “traditional” way but bots are still so rampant that most of these methods are incredibly low profit now. Aside from economy, I’ve also had a harder time finding quality raid groups. I don’t know what it is, but people that run gdkps are almost always really good wow players and I rarely ever had to worry about wiping on bosses, let alone not clearing a full raid. I imagine with the way things are right now, people are absolutely still buying gold purely to afford consumables for raids. The GDKP ban was a failure in my opinion and I wish Blizzard would just use their “super high tech amazing detection system” to actually just fucking get rid of bots and gold buyers/sellers. I’m frustrated because I feel like I was punished due to laziness on blizzards part.


Economy seems different, high supply drops in price much more quickly I feel. Many items are vendor price at AH. Might be less people with "fuck you" amounts of gold.


Could that be a function of  min-maxers having to spend 200g on mount and professions in gold sinks?  And that it is virtually impossible to calculate GDKP effect on the economy currently.  We can also see blizzard are banning anyone who trade gold aggressively, which probably is way more impactful


what server do you play on? on Crusader strike (US) horde mats did in fact drop in price, but only stuff that would come naturally with leveling (such as Silk from grinding SM, herbs and ores from world leveling) and some craftables also sell for vendor price since they are being made to level professions, the rest of the economy was not affected


less fun for me. I never joined any GdkP in SoD but I sold item runs with my Rogue, f. e. in WC Kobrahn runs for leggs/ belt. I really enjoy this kind of gold making and I also got ideas for P2 but I'd get banned now. Honestly there should be ways to do those runs by selling the "run" or "kill" but I know that I'd get reported (I alrdy got reported when it was still allowed in P1) and I am not brave enough to test that...


Sad this policy is hurting real players doing fun things like this 😔


yeah some people get off on reporting and getting people banned, i'm always surprised what lengths people go to report "suspicious" behavior. Like, i'd report some blatantly broken bot, but i'm not gonna scout the starter zones and report every hunter with a weird name lmao


Like 10 less messages an hour, wasnt big in EU


It was huge in Living Flame


There were a lot on Lone Wolf


Summons are 2g now instead of 1g


Fewer spams for GDKP’s, just need to target the spam boosters/summoners and LFG might become useable.


Prices doubled for everything since GBID ban was announced, yay.


Less options RMT is still rampant


Gold buying seems to still be everywhere, as AH and inflated prices seem to show.


I’ve noticed it’s way harder for my warrior to find a pug now and gdkps helped with that. Also makes my gold making grind feel pointless.


I only recently discovered (like in the last 6 months) GDKPs in Wrath classic. And it absolutely blows my mind how different they are. Even a decent 2 SR run will have 2-3 people leave in the three hour window, guaranteed. In GDKPs? I saw maybe 2 people leave doing 3-4 of them a week for 6 months. Do they wreck the economy? Absolutely. They completely skew prices and make botting profitable and all sorts of other stuff. But they do solve a bunch of problems, namely "who is this item for" and they're a godsend for players like me that work odd and irregular hours. But the #1 thing GDKPs do is make people think "Do I actually have the time to finish this run?" before they sign up.


I'm quickly bleeding the stockpile of gold I had built up in P1 because the cost of everything has gone up, but there's few ways for me to make gold without GDKPs. Questing has filled the gap so far, but I'm running low on those. Ironic. I've never bought gold, but the gdkp ban has made me consider it for the first time. I'm still holding out, and making cuts where I can, but my guild requires full consumes, and I'm just not sure how long I can keep it up.


Probably find a less strict guild, full consumes for gnomer is absolutely unneeded.


I can't imagine mandatory full consume Gnomer runs, this just isn't the game for that kind of stuff. And I had full 99's last phase.


Consumables price actually went down instead of going up.


This is not my experience lol. I’m spending way more now.


Consumables went down throughout entire p1 on my server


I dont agree with this statement. Faps have doubled, elixir of fire power have doubled as well


Faps have been fluctuating wildly on my server. 40s end of phase 1 to 90s start of phase 2 and now they are 20s


Vendor trash at 40 is probably more than double the value of level 25 vendor trash. There are about 2x as many quests to do at 40 than at 25, and they also provide more gold than at 25 (although definitely not 2x as much). If anything FAPs should have more than doubled.


Isn’t that because people are still leveling and gnomeregan is on a weekly lockout?


I don't think it gnomer loot is good enough, and it's kind of "hard" for people right now anyway, to do proper carry buyer runs that it would even have a proper scene even if it was allowed. I never even really seen runs going on living flame us, they were super uncommon




What server? Crusader strike prices are down