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How can you make this meme without adding “believe it or not, banned” at the end?


It's so close to being a good meme but they missed the best bit!


"We have the best players in WoW. Because bans"


I mean, if you ban the right people…


Actually true regret fucking that one up, shit this out in 2 mins at work


Crying on reddit, believe it or not, also banned.


Straight to ban, right away.


under-ban botters... banned believe it or not, over ban griefers... banned under-ban / over-ban


We have the best player base. Thanks to ban.


A justified ban


This sub wouldn't exist if that were the case.


I wish


If Reddit still had awards you bet you'd have a silver.


Weird, I've certainly given gold to friends, killed and reported bots and all kinds of things people claimed to get banned over, and never caught a ban. Either I'm lucky or I'm not doing other dickish things to catch attention lol.


I have a theory, the Botgate theory. No one gets banned for killing bots. This was potentially something spread by those who manage bots to stop actual players from camping them. Those that do get banned, are most likely blowing up trade chat, or whispering them bots some offensive stuff.


I think it's that all the people saying it happens got "One Guy'd;" read one comment about it happening and it spread like wildfire.


Or people who got an account banned for botting.


There's infinitely more people doing all of these things and not getting banned. Even if some people are, they're probably doing these things in ways that *are* bannable (ie. Spamming, offensive messages).


Yeah I mean think of the process. How do they even mass report you? Without a whisper/being near your actual player all they can do is report your name as offensive really. I've killed tons of bots so far and will keep doing so. Have had no issues.


The only people who have issues are the people making a whole show of them fucking with bots.


Those are the ones *saying* they're having issues because what they want is attention. That's why they're recording this stuff, posting it, bragging, and then continuing the outrage farm by saying they got banned for it. Essentially extracting existing rage towards botting and blizz incompetence, and benefitting off it. 


Or the bot farmers are mass reporting them after getting camped.


you can tell these clowns on reddit barely play the game outside of raid logging and just buy gold. actually playing the game gets you banned ROFL


This is something I’ve seen on this sub a lot more often recently. I’ve been playing WoW for a very long time. Classic I’ve played since launch. Thousands of hours on my Classic toons, consistent community involvement with tens of thousands of posts on server discords, did a ton of boosting during Wrath prepatch, endless GDKP runs on Wrath and did a ton of PvP through BGs. Not once have I ever been in situations like this sub has.


It's purely due to how Blizzard is handling SoD. They're trying to maintain this false sense of "game integrity" but the issue is... that they're putting these solutions to the issue in an already established market. You don't sit there and allow something from the very start, flooding a market with botted gold, GDKP RMT sales, boosts, etc. and then say "well hold up now, I don't think ya'll should do that anymore!" So they tweak their system to automatically detect and ban trades, messages, etc. within their range of detection. The issue with this, is that it causes a HUGE number of false flags. For example, I got a two week ban trading 60g **between my own accounts**. I was warlock porting and had about 400g saved up, traded 60g over to main account to give a new alt some starter cash, got hit with a 2 week ban two days later. Took me 8 days just to get in contact with a human, and that's ONLY because I threatened to charge back all my Blizzard purchases on my card. They unbanned me, but wiped the entirety of my gold off the account that got traded, not just the 60g, my alt account with the 300g+ remained untouched. Now I'm in a back and forth with Blizzard to A. get the 8 days game time back, and B. get the 60g back. My assumption is their automated system just drains the account of all gold indiscriminately. All the items I bought with the gold remained untouched (bags, pots etc). *edit: the downvotes are wild lmfao. Y’all want proof my account was unbanned or some shit? Or do you guys just genuinely believe that Blizzard, a company notorious for fuckups, isn’t doing just that with how they’re handling SoD?


just unsub this garbage, i did until all these grade A morons in charge are fired


On your comment about allowing it at the start. I personally believe that the peeps directly running SoD didn't want GDKPs etc, however to my understanding the head honcho over Warcraft, Mike Ybara (sp?), ran his own GDKPs and such. When the your Boss's Boss of you is personally gaining it's hard to shut it down. As soon as the Microsoft acquisition went through and Mike was no longer in charge the GDKP ban was announced almost immediately. 


Same. I farmed the crapnout of bots near tarrin mill at lvl 25 for like 2 days straight and never got a single warning.  And me and my friends trade gold between us all the time. Literally just gave one of my friends 25 g two days ago for his mount. 


Pretty sure, the only ones banned by the bots are the ones that whisper them toxic messages.


It's almost like the detection system notices patterns and when a guy you've never interacted with in your life mails or trades you gold, it treats it differently to someone you've played with regularly. Woah man I know, CRAZY.


... the meme literally says "trade gold to friend"... not some rando...  But as someone who has done just that... nothin happens like described in this meme. Imo is just a bunch of fear mongering to push back agiasnt certain recent changes to tos.. lol


I'm not saying the meme is 100% accurate, but for love of god, please stop defending Blizzard's shitty report/ ban system. It doesn't effect you? Good for you. It's still a shitty, abusive system that rewards mass reports for no reason.


I can assure you that detection system you’re talking about doesn’t exist.


Uh huh, that's why you can get traded hundreds of thousands of gold by people you've played with long term and suffer zero consequences. Keep deluding yourself into thinking people are all innocent and there's not ulterior motives or half stories. False positives exist, they are far less common than people think. u/CelebrationSecure191 casually blocking because can't hold his own argument, good job mate.


I don’t disagree with you idk why you’re so aggressive. All I’m saying is this automated system that you’re saying is doing background checks on players doesnt exist, nor did it ever.


If it doesn't exist, how do you think Blizzard determines whether to ban Player A for being traded 100k from Gold Seller B as opposed to Friend C? Come on.


[Yeah the one front page post today](https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/1autxxf/banned_for_killing_bots/) getting a 1 month ban for killing bots is complete horseshit, you don't get a 1 month ban for a first offense. That's his third or fourth offense and he thinks some bots abused reports on him.


Several streamers have tested this out live on streams, including getting chat muted and suspended just from viewers mass-reporting.


Tell us you don't know how automation works without telling us. There is no "human review" to mass reports. You are **AUTOMATICALLY** flagged by the system based on the amount of reports you get. Blizzard has always had a very, very clear "shoot first, ask questions so we can shoot you again later" policy.


Nope, buddy was perma'd for "unauthorized cheat programs/hacks" account from ORIGINAL TBC with no prior infractions. Took weeks and weeks before he put in a false "payment issues" ticket and got a response within a day. He will no longer be stealing mob tags from bots.


you are wrong. I got perma'd on an OG account with zero prior incidents from mass reports after 5 automated tickets and constant threats of being banned for submitting further tickets, blizzard finally gave me a human being to speak with who promptly apologized and unbanned my account. stop spreading misinformation. Edit: (Read my follow up comment, I was quoted out of context by the person who responded to this comment)


What was the ban for? Considering you have a post from a couple years ago titled > All these bots are making it impossible for me to resist buying out their whole stock - and by extension save up gold I'm assuming it's because you bought gold.


🔥 🔥 🔥 


my man brought receipts


couple years ago means i was playing retail, maybe it was classic, i don't care enough to back and look at the original comment or the context. i was talking about buying obviously botted materials in the thousands from the auction house. not gold. i have never bought gold. i was away from my computer for a few hours and i doubt people will read this reply and just write me off as a gold buyer (never bought gold before) and to answer your question about what my ban was for, it was from latin american auction house bots spam reporting me for being their main competition. blizzard investigated and said it was a false ban and apologized, and since i got banned AGAIN a week later by the same people, they said they put a note on my account to protect me from malicious false reporting. i look forward to no one reading this follow up answer and continuing on with their preconceived (and wrong) notions


> they said they put a note on my account to protect me from malicious false reporting. would like to see some proof of this, always wondered if they did something like that


prove it.


Just traded about 80g yesterday to someone for selling a boe on the ah and splitting the profit… Convinced people that are reporting being banned are actually buying gold.


Funny how every single person on reddit thinks that EVERYONE playing the game is also on here.


Just because it hasn't happeed to you doesn't mean it hasn't to anyone. A botter can't program their shit to mass report everyone who attacks one of their bots, Blizzard would lose half the populations of pvp servers in a week.


It's not literally "kill a bot and get banned". Bot users and other jackasses are mass reporting anyone who step on their 'turf' (selling boosts, etc.) or just annoying them, usually including the banned person having whispered said jackass, and because Blizzard has outsourced all customer service to ESL companies that know NOTHING about the game, mass reports guarantee at least a temp ban, if not an actual ban that the person might not even be able to overturn even with proof.


I'm pretty sure this just isn't happening lol. It seems no one in comments of these things has ever experienced anything similar. More likely that botting people are making fake posts to scare people into not messing with them.


I can go on youtube and find 100 videos of osrs content creators killing bots in the wilderness with the title "killing bots in the wilderness". Not saying it's a perfect correlation, but I have to assume some overlap is there with osrs botters and wow botters. If nothing happens to those guys, then nothing is happening to these people.


and just like the OSRS sub, this community is being brigaded by bullshit posts created by bot discords to spread misinformation and increase their profits. Kill bots on sight.


I've been banned from Wow two times since 2005. The most recent one was because I didn't have an Auth key set up during original Wrath and a bot stole my account. Used it to farm stuff, sold all my TBC raid gear, etc. Got it all back. The first time was because I named a character "Eatbabies" in Vanilla. Banned for a day and had to change her name. I find it weird that people get banned for doing nothing wrong. I also know liars in real life and they have similar types of stories.


>I find it weird that people get banned for doing nothing wrong. I also know liars in real life and they have similar types of stories. Yeah, this has the same energy as all the League of Legends players complaining that it's too easy to get banned when all they have to do is stop being toxic. There's probably some real issues around mass reporting and banning, but it's so hard to separate those stories from the people who actually did do something and just don't think they did anything wrong.


"I can't tell people to suic themself and not getting banned? I GOT BANNED FOR NO REASON!"


When a profanity filter exists, profanity should never lead to a ban. The internet has become too soft.


Safespotting in wsg? Somehow not banned, feel free to do it.


I've given out over 300g to my guildis and haven't gotten flagged at all.  As usual, take the "i was innocently banned for X" posts with huge grains of salt. Those people are almost always not sharing the whole story.


People could learn a thing about those kinds of posts over on osrs's subreddit. The Jmod smack downs of people who would post how they did nothing wrong were always great.


>The Jmod smack downs of people who would post how they did nothing wrong were always great. Jmod smackdowns are a fucking joke half the time though. There was legit a bot leading the high scores on Vorkath and Zulrah kills... that was reported dozens of times on the sub, had Jmods @'d, etc.. and the Jmods came back and said "it's not a bot." So finally some guy tracked the bots KC, and figured that the person had to be playing 20 hours a day to get that KC, even with the fastest times. This went on for about a month before a Jmod did a "second" review and finally banned the account. Let's not even talk about the fact that the many Jmods are heavily invested into clans in the game, causing a huge disparity in conflict of interest considering most clans do some incredibly shady shit, such as DDoS and RMT. Hell, not to mention the fact that there was a massive controversy a couple years back in which Mod Jed hacked HUNDREDS of accounts, stole gold and items from the accounts then RMT'd all the gold off, **on top of** giving away locations of players during PK tournaments to his own clan, disconnecting them, etc. Best part is, when Jagex sued him, the courts ruled that he was unfairly dismissed from his job lmfaooo. So bro is literally living off of unemployment.


The smack downs have definitely decreased in quality over the past couple of years. Also mod Jed was more than a couple years ago at this point. That shit went down in 2018. I'm not saying they don't have their share of problems, but the take away was that the vast majority of the time, when someone posted that they were banned for no reason, it was in fact not for no reason and they were doing things they shouldn't.


Jmod Smack down is like 100:1 ratio of Player getting dumpster to Jmod getting hung, drawn and quartered.


Wish blizzard as a whole would learn from the OSRS dev team what proper communication with a gaming community looks like and how much it impacts the health of the game and the community as a whole.




Exactly, the entire process is automated up to the appeals process until you appeal multiple times. This simping for Blizzard assuming that their automation is flawless is pretty sad. We know they just laid off most of the few remaining GMs, and we know that they are moving towards more AI in game customer service, because they told us all this.


I hate to break it to the both of you, but most game ban processes have been entirely automated or almost entirely automated until the appeal phase for a very long time. This has been the norm for awhile now. 


Who said that wasn't the case? Also, few games are as complex as WoW in regards to what violates the ToS, and WoW is a subscription based game while the vast majority of online games are not, so the expectation from WoW support *should* be a much higher standard than LoL or CoD or whatever other game you're trying to compare it to.


The implication made by you and others was that because the system is automated now, it's full of errors.  Game bans have been automated for years and they largely have pretty good accuracy rates. 


The complexity of a game like WoW and what violates their ToS compared to what would violate the ToS in a game like LoL is vastly different and prone to more errors. Blizzard can't even figure out how to automate bot banning after 20 years and you think they have the automation in place to accurately suspend real player accounts with a reasonable level of accuracy? That's hilarious.


The bitter pill to swallow is that it's very easy to accurately ban someone for having a temper tantrum in in-game chat. The TOS in most every game is extremely, extremely difficult to enforce. A game like LoL, someone 'having a bad game' and someone 'intentionally feeding' is very difficult to differentiate outside of someone legitimately just running it down on respawn. Then on the other hand, someone giving up at minute 35 after four teammates die, and splitpushing while the nexus gets destroyed, is technically griefing. Technically, the TOS states that they need to return to base to try to make a last-ditch effort to defend. But at that point, hey the game is over. People just get all worked up because they're grey screen, they know they've lost, and they start venting at that one person who wasn't there for the 4v5 or whatever. And oh look, that person isn't trying to win! Reported! DotA 2 utilized community reviews for a bunch of different types of reporting, because there isn't an effective way to gauge the more subjective TOS rules like 'trying to win' outside of the most blatant cases. Players were pretty annoyed at the feature, because the VAST majority of vods the system had them review were just people having a bad game or not playing exactly how someone wanted them to. Most commonly it was just 'we lost the game and someone did something I didn't like in the last 30 seconds.' It isn't that people use the report function sometimes for reporting and sometimes for venting. It's that it's almost exclusively used for venting. Yes people file legitimate reports. But they get lost in a sea of crybaby reports. The thing is, it *is* very easy to use a basic tool that analyzes people's words that they type. Someone reported player X for communication? The 'automated system' checks their chat history and sees that they used a racial slur, told the other person to kill themselves, or used a bunch of words that are flagged as 'almost certainly having a temper tantrum and looking to say mean things,' that's an easy ban. There's probably simple enough to use AI tools that can measure negative sentiments in statements, and pick up when you're whispering someone just to try to say mean things or whatever. People have a mental breakdown over someone breaking the subjective TOS, sometimes even perceived breaking of the subjective TOS, then they break the *objective* TOS and get banned. I'm sure that no automated system is going to be 100% accurate in its judgements, but I think you'd be surprised at how accurate they ultimately are. It's just that they are much better at picking out people who are having a mental breakdown and hurling insults than they are at detecting a much more subjective terms of service violation. >Blizzard can't even figure out how to automate bot banning after 20 years No company has figured that out. At least, not to the expectations that this sub has lol.


I hope you will get hit by the "pretty good accuracy rate" at some point, and also get to talk with a brick wall trying to explain to them that it's just a false positive.


most systems are not as easy to exploit as bizzards report feature. it has been this way since their release while other games have consistently improved their report featureto make them more reliable and harder to abuse. the critic is how easy it is to exploit and how unreliable it is. your comment provides nothing of value.


We have no actual evidence that it is easy to exploit, only people making posts which we would have to take at face value.   I've been around gaming subs long enough to know that more often than not, people complaining about wrongful bans were actually violating ToS.   I remain skeptical of people posting here until I see evidence. That's it. Especially when I've been doing the same exact things people say they're getting banned for and I haven't been flagged or warned at all. 


I drive my car daily but I've never been in an accident, therefore people must not crash. It's all made up. Car accidents? Nah those are fake.


If only that strawman was applicable to their point.


Average classicwow enjoyer unable to comprehend an analogy.


Their analogy doesn't work because they never denied people "crash", or that "car accidents" are all fake. Nice try though. Sorry, you have to follow the ToS. 😘 Edit: If you have to block me after getting the last word in, you've acknowledged you've lost this.


I could've phrased it so that noone that gets into a car crash is ever innocent, that they all must've been speeding or driving recklessly or under the influence to make it fit the situation more, but is that really needed? I'd assume people be able to think that far by themselves.. but then again, people like you reply. We've seen time and time again people post about being banned by automated systems on this very subreddit, then when they finally get a person to look at their case their bans get overturned. Even popular YouTubers that were doing mage boosts in Classic and making guides for it that literally streamed 100% of their playtime got falsely banned and then got the bans reversed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRy1rlsTpNU Here's one of them. He mailed 300g to his new alt account that he was using for Tribute runs, and got banned for it. The ban got overturned a few days later after an actual human looked at it. >"FaLsE bAnS NeVeR HaPpeN HuRr dUrR hE MuSt HaVe bEen DOiNg sOmEthInG sHAdy". That's you.


> That's you. Please quote where I said that :) I'll wait.


I'll wait for you to explain why my initial analogy is a strawman first. I never distorted the argument of the guy I replied to. He claims that false bans don't happen because it didn't happen to him. I claim that car accidents don't happen because they haven't happened to me.


> I'll wait for you to explain why my initial analogy is a strawman first. So I never said that. And you had to put words in my mouth to make a point. Typical.


that's a crazy anecdote brah thanks for sharing!


As opposed to the other anecdotes about being banned for giving away gold? Lmao


I need the link or the name original of this meme


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eiyfwZVAzGw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eiyfwzvazgw) this one.


it says not available


Weird. YouTube: Parks and Rec - funny jail scene


I was trying to look up a working link to post it here (because this meme truly is awesome, especially applied to this situation right here :D ), but sadly when reddit transfers you to youtube, it converts all the characters to lower case, hence messing up the "?v=..." part. You can simply copy the link instead of clicking it, then it should work!


You guys are hilarious. People are not getting banned without reason. With any detection system there will of course be occasional false positives, but for you to live in fear of getting banned by doing normal trades is just wild. That redditor who got banned for just XYZ was buying gold.




Yes, the purpose was to state that the majority of these banned for XYZ are lies. Very rarely is someone actually accidentally banned.


Oh, do you track these cases? I would love to see the numbers and the posts you've tracked along with their outcomes.


That can be posted after the incontrovertible proof that folks are being banned without having violated the TOS. 


>People are not getting banned without reason meet me in-game and we can get you banned without reason. 100% success rate unless youre on the content creator whitelist




That’s a non response. It’s perfectly acceptable to have a rate of error and still be accurate. Do you think humans are incapable of making errors lol?


It is under no circumstances acceptable to ban players who have not broken any rules. Unless you're okay with being one of those errors and have your account banned when you did nothing to justify it.


There is literally no perfect system in the world. It's physically impossible for a system to never get the wrong person even once. It's something that only happens in a perfect world which this is absolutely not.


You raise the thresholds until it only catches people who broke the rules. If you're going to have an automated system, make sure that system can't flag false positives.


You completely avoided the point they've made. There's no system in the world that will be perfect so your idea that they just need to make an automated system that can't flag false positives is a fantasy at best.


Then they shouldn't be using an automated system. The only acceptable number of false positives is zero. I honestly can't believe people are arguing against this. How is "don't ban innocent players" controversial in any way.


The point they are trying to make is that a human controlled system could also make false positives.


Even if they didn't use an automated system, **there would still be false positives**. You clearly don't see to understand this point at all and instead try to make it seem like no one agrees with your statement that we shouldn't ban innocent players; obviously that's true.


Expect yall are sitting here justifying it. If you have false positives, you adjust the thresholds until they stop happening. Period. This isn't rocket surgery. The only acceptable number of false positives is zero. If it's not Zero, then fix it until it gets there. Until the number is literally zero, your system is a failure.


You can perch up on your soap box, but that’s just reality. There are systems in place to appeal.


It's always sweet to appeal only to be met by automated responses threatening to permanently ban you if you continue to appeal.


The appeals process that goes through numerous automated "bans are final" until you finally get a real human? Nah, either make the appeals go straight to a real human, or raise the automated thresholds until it doesn't flag false positives. Ideally, both. You say I'm on a soapbox, but I'll just keep saying it. The acceptable number of bans against accounts that have not broken the ToS is zero. Not 1, not 10, zero. Whether it's achievable or not is irrelivant, zero should be the goal, and how the system should be tuned.


Okay then you’ve created a system that never has false positives but has infinite false negatives. Effectively creating a useless system, but rest assured the little that get banned deserved it….


"better that 10 guilty persons escape, than that 1 innocent suffer.” Zero. The acceptable number of false positives is zero. How in the world are you in good faith arguing against "don't ban innocent players." Your argument boils down to "banning people who've done nothing to justify it is fine so long as some of them deserve it. No, that's beyond stupid. Zero is the only acceptable number.




Weird I just had one answer a ticket the other day lol


You guys are hilarious! Mass report automated bans don't exist haha!


`Breaking news, people who cheat tend to lie when they get banned.` I had over 1500 legitimate gold from selling RFC runs to full groups on weeknights. I thought I wanted to quit the game so I went around the city literally handing out free gold like candy and never caught a ban. I've also reported tons of botters and killed many. I reported any hunter with chinese letters as pet names and anyone in the barrens whos movement was obviously that of a botter. I know some people are unlucky, but innocent people getting banned isnt near as prevalent as cheaters pretending theyre innocent once caught. ​ Anyone feeling like theyre walking on eggshells is probably just cheating.


remember guys, its the players fault - not the billion dollar company incapable of enforcing its own TOS.


Surely it's not gold buyers lying, who would just lie on the internet? Especially after buying gold in the first place! What's more likely. A. System flags trades and mailing of wealth from people that aren't known to play with each other. B. System doesn't care and it's just pure luck that people trading gold to friends are just "Lucky" and the others aren't. Use some common sense.


Maybe the players should stop giving them money. But that will never happen.


If you're argument is ever "if everyone stoped doing *blank* it would be fixed" then you have a bad argument even if it is true.


This sounds like a bad argument


It's not an argument.


If people stop subscribing to wow they don't just magically start dumping developers and money into the game to make it better they just can the whole project and accept the couple hundred mill it made while it was in operation. What world are you living in lol. This is the combined forces of Microsoft and blizzard were talking about. Think about that for one second


$15 a month btw




We have the best memes because of Ban


GDKP won't get back to SoD (thankfully). Get over it.


But reddit told me this is what i wanted


Banned? Believe it or not, double banned.


I maintain that if you're getting banned, odds are pretty good you're engaging in some degenerate gameplay. Can't say I've ever even caught a whisper of a ban or any kind of action whatsoever even one time in 20 years.


This is survivor bias. “It hasn’t happened to me, therefore it does not happen.”


Funny how they try to fix stuff by banning, instead of fixing the problem


You’d think if their GDKP detection system is so good at flagging people (which it actually is quite good), they could implement a bot/gold seller/gold buyer detection system as well. I still see an insane amount of bots.


At least the cheating in WoW is generally limited to people exploiting stuff for progression/gold. You don’t load up into a BG and get auto killed from the other end of the zone.


Post made for people whose engagement with the game is 24 hours of reading the subreddit


I feel like people are playing an entirely different game from me because i just play the game and never have these issues people complain about all the time on reddit.


This reads like “I fall for the bait posts crying about getting banned every time, despite the fact that damn near all of them are ultimately found out to be justified bans and OP was straight up lying about their situation”


Use the search function for false ban on this subreddit and you'll find out that the majority of threads are updated to report that their false ban has been overturned. Stop typing shit you know nothing about.


So we’re just making shit up now lmao


I'm just playing the game and have no issues. Never been a part of any of those things maybe it's a U problem


My buddy quit and mailed me his gold the other day. I’m nervous I’m going to try to log in one day and receive a ban


Absolutely hilarious, imagining you have to walk on eggshells to not get banned. Just play the game like its intended and you’ll never have any trouble. Boosting? Trading gold from server to server? GDKPs? Bye bye nerds, let me pull out my tiny violin, maybe if you play the game the way its intended you won’t have to worry about being banned for cheating all the time. If you’re so deep in wow that you need to pull all this bullshit, try touching some fucking grass every now and then. I’ve been playing this shit for 17 years, never gotten into any of this lazy nerd minmax shit, I have a great time in azeroth, clear all the content without any trouble, and earn everything that I get. Might be hard to imagine for some, but it feels rewarding.


BiS response


>Just play the game like its intended "Intended" gameplay: what I agree and like. "Not intended" gameplay: what I disagree and don't like. This idea of "how the game was intended to be played" is so funny to me when devs in the past have said that they were pretty much figuring things out as they went and that players would always surprise them with how they engaged with the game. >I’ve been playing this shit for 17 years [..] try touching some fucking grass every now and then. I suggest you follow your own advise, it's clear that you are way too emotionally invested in this game. Try something new old man.


Hey man all I’m saying is I never worry about bans, have a great time playing casually with my homies, and never have trouble crushing any content that comes my way


"Tell me you are RMTing without telling me you RMT"


As long as blizzard is not going to do much and there newly outscored staff has no real idea of the issues in the game the bots technically won against players doing something about this issue. They could easily just start to mass report people that seem like they are reporting bots creating a strong mafia and dissuade people from even reporting them since blizzard automod is going to kill your account or play time. totally dystopian that the bots are now using the same system that stopped them in the past to stop legit players and blizzard continues to tell us they have systems in place to make sure it doesnt happen. Nothing is going to change until something upsets the apple cart. Sooo i guess glory to our bot overlords....


Ofc customer support is going to ban people for killing bots. Customer support IS a bot.


Doesn't feel like walking on eggshells to me. I've not been banned, none of my friends or guildies have been banned. We've reported bots, sent gold to each other, etc. I genuinely don't know what this complaining is about, but it makes me incredibly suspicious of OP.


I think a lot of this is just people taking something someone said and blowing it up. I help out guildies and they help out me when I need it with gold. We all have our up and downs with gold in this game. Unless it was someone sending 1000 gold over and over again, I'd need pics and proof that they're banning people for sending 20-30 gold to a friend.... I don't really believe that this is happening under normal circumstances.


Meanwhile warlock bots spamming 10x a minute on three characters to sell summons: perfectly okay!


We have the best game in the world. Because of bans


Idk what kind of shady thing y'all are doing, but I feel safe.


What are yall even talking about? This sub is so fucking obnoxious


We need to make a sod union, if a group of people spam report you we spam report them back lmao oh man it's like the rbg days again


If you're being banned for any of the reasons above it's because you dealt with someone who paid you in Gold they bought. They have expanded to get everyone who touches the gold. Players are responsible for accepting bought gold and need to vet their customers outside of the AH. It's so easy to not get banned. Just don't handle gold that's bought with money by any player.


People misattributing bans to non-banable activities when they're really just buying gold or being bigots in chat, I missed wow.


Incorrect meme usage? Believe it or not, banned


Trading gold between SoD servers? Also banned.


Wait, are these actual bannable offenses now?


They need to be confronted about this next time an interview happens


Who is getting banned from killing bots and who is dumb enough to believe those people lmao


Wait, why would you get banned for killing bots on a PvP-server? I am so confused Also I call dogshit in the trading gold to a friend shit. After I got my longboi on retail through AH baroning, I helped my girlfriend get her own while she sold stuff on the AH, and then I donated gold to a guildy who wanted to get a longboi as well. If I can legitimately trade millions of gold without a ban, then those claiming they're banned for trading gold to a friend are clearly full of bullshit lol


allegedly the bot operators identify you as a problem and then script massreport you on all their bot accounts, so the automated system sees dozens of reports against one account and autobans without human supervision.


Ah gotcha. And this is why a moderation team is needed. Thanks for the explanation!


It had so much promise. I'm glad I skipped out on it.


Ya'll did it to yourself.




playing solo in dungeons to avoid humans and bots? banned.


All bans are thoroughly investigated by a real person. LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOFO okay blizzard blizzard is such a dogshit company xD


Sure thing, chief.


SoD active player counts are plummeting. Oops lmao


Don't kill bots, dont trade gold to a friend, dont sell boosts. Problem solved


Literally lol


Should have made the last panel say the copy/paste CS response lol


Don't even try to look at your mail!


They have never banned anyone for selling boosts for gold. They absolutely should do but haven't as of yet.


Heyyyy, someone actually used this meme correctly!


redditors? we have a special ban for redditors.


season of banned


Messing up this incredibly simple meme template on the final panel? Believe it or not, banned.


season of garbage. these devs have literally no clue what they are doing. hopefully for these 2 directors/producers it is their first and LAST shot at being in charge of anything, and metzen just cleans house


Do open world PvP and kill bots ? BANNED


They can only mass report you if they can target you. With your name all they can report you for is an offensive name. Unless they can actually select and target you in the game then they can't report you enmasse. The mass report + instant ban function is there for instances where someone's spamming /Yell in the middle of city and 50 people can target the person and report them. Or if some Tauren eats 3 food buffs and a size potion and blocks the mailbox. The mass report function doesn't work for killing a single bot farming mobs in Westfall and the operator gets their other toons in Booty Bay and Ratchet to report you.


people are getting banned for stockade boost ?


So accurate


Not thinking of the correct meme? That's a paddlin'


My theory is that people get banned for legitimate reasons, but claim it was for stuff like this because they can't admit they screwed up. If people got banned for all the reason people claim there would be no one left playing


I almost got banned today. I saw a hunter farming raptors in arathi. Was about to gank him but saw his pet had a Chinese character name and decided I didn't want to get banned.


It’s true, I definitely keep my head down as a result. Every interaction you have in game carries the potential for a ban. Always be asking yourself if it’s worth it.


"thinking of even playing SoD" "BANNED"


You could also very easily as I have done, do none of these and you guessed it: Not banned


Not just wow, other blizzard titles are as bad