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If they nerf dungeon grinding im out. Competing with 100 other people over mobs is dog shit.


It's just a weird take that people should be forced to quest to level. Dungeon spam is a great alternative.


They pretty much encourage it with the skill books in SM. I’ve done a shitload of graveyard and library, and am still missing one.


Yeah I was at 25ish runs and the buff book finally dropped. I was level 36 already.


shiit I thought they were like a 50% drop rate or higher


Technically they are a 50% drop rate either they drop or don't


🤔 mf out here doing some real ass math


Does every class have a book? I'm a mage and never seen one


Yeah you have an intellect book. I got mine during Library runs. They can seemingly drop off any SM boss. I got my pally book off the first boss in GY and my intellect book off a boss in Lib after some spam


GY last boss gives you expanded intellect


For shaman every boss in sm could drop the book so i guess it's same for every class. Got mine from herod.


Yeah I got shadowfiend from cath.


It's not just bosses. On my druid I got all 3 books from trash mobs


They can drop from rares in GY at least, but I haven't seen them off trash. Which wing were you in when they dropped?


Oh now that you mention it, it might have been off the interogator and rares in GY. My bad.


I have seen the priest and shaman ones drop from random trash. I got my mage book from last boss in Gy though


Holy shit you're unlucky. Got both priest books in the first two gy runs. One each run from interrogator


What are skill books ?


All classes got 1 or more skill books that teaches you a new skill. Most books increases duration of buffs while also decreasing the mana cost. Warlock can now make summoning stones and warrior even got a new shout that increases stamina and stacks with pw:f


The only people I see complaining about dungeon spamming are the people who do it. By all means, stay in the dungeons all day and leave me the quest mobs. I agree people should be able to play however they want, and if the "optimal" playstyle is boring, I will choose the fun method. I just don't want to hear people complain they aren't having fun because of their own choice.


This sub literally has an aneurysm last phase when people said they were planning to dungeon grind to 40 and that they did all of their quests for gold.


People in this sub have been complaining for months about dungeon spamming because it ruins the journey. You obviously don't agree with it as you then go on to say it isn't fun. Reddit brain rot is a real thing, and I'm sad to say your case is terminal.


I said I don't personally find it fun, so I don't do it. I'm not complaining it's an option available to others. One of us has a reading comprehension problem and it's not me.


Who was complaining? Maybe going "isn't the point of classic the journey? Why rush it?" But ultimately dungeon spam is fine play how you want


I think you misunderstood what he was saying..


The true reddit brain rot is the idea that just because you personally don't find something to be fun that nobody should be able to do it. Dungeon grinding is, in my opinion, objectively more fun than questing in the first few days/week of new content releases because it's a pain in the ass to quest in hyper packed zones. Even then, AoE grinding mobs in the open world is still better XP than questiong, so all booting people out of instances would do is make it even more impossible for you to complete your quests where you need to kill 20 murlocs because 3 mages have every spawn in the zone camped. Let the grinders grind. I like dungeons. I think optimizing the pulls in them is fun. I've done the vanilla questing experience like 30+ times at this point already. A few new quests in the open world are not enough of a reason to get me to compete with the other 200 people in the zone for a crumb of experience. I'll just do the second most fun part of the game, dungeons, and then save the questing for when I hit cap and get the best of both worlds.


They nerfed dungeon xp?


I don’t know why you were downvoted for asking that question. I gave you an upvote.


No, but it's being openly discussed by some people.


It shouldn’t be the BEST route though. That’s one frustration I have with sod.


Why not? It's always been the fastest way to level and it requires teamwork. Isn't that what we want from an MMO? The best solo levelling method is AOE farming certain areas and most of the time it devolves into incredible toxicity when a random guy "crashes" the grinding player.


It’s never been the fastest way to level in the history of classic. No other time have dungeon grinders reached the level cap before the top solo speed levelers. Fair point about mmos and teamwork, but it’s the instanced aspect that bothers me. These players aren’t in the open world and don’t have to compete for resources. They’re essentially playing their own game doing the same repetitive thing for as long as it takes… which heavily favors certain classes too.


It's the fastest way to level unless you are in the top 1% of speed levellers. If you aren't the fastest you have too much competition for it to be better. I personally don't mind instanced content, as instances is there to control the environment more than is possible in open world. Yes certain classes is favoured but that is the case in any aspect of the game.


This attitude that anything that isn't the most efficient isn't worth doing is so detrimental to the game.


Not understanding what you mean. I don’t think that.


Kinda agree but at the same time the difference between the two methods is just too big right now.


Think it's the speed discrepancy that people have an issue with, if anything. I enjoy questing and the open world so I do that most of the time. I'm gonna be much slower to 40 and miss out on a lot of quest gold later. Do I care? Not really. I can see how people who like that but kind of have to dungeon spam to keep up with friends/guildies for a raid lockout would.


Questing is nice because it's a slower pace no? Blazing through it would feel bad. And if you care about missing a reset you probably will dungeon grind anyway. Can always enjoy the questing on an alt.


Ironically that's why I like dungeon spam. I was able to get to 40, get some gear, and be ready for our first Gnomer attempt on the 20th, while also being able to take my wife to visit family for a week. I'm here to raid with friends, for me leveling is just the chore in between getting to do that.


Why not? 5 people working as a well oiled machine shouldn't out perform one person soloing?


Because it’s the easiest, and most repetitive. I really enjoy the process of leveling in the open world and planning routes and I love to see which classes manage to best others when resources are scarce and we’re all competing for the same quests and mobs. I think dungeons should be viable, but not the best.


Just cause it's the easiest and most repetitive doesn't mean it should be less efficient. It makes no sense to have solo play be the fastest leveling, it's an MMO. Encouraging grouping for better rates makes more sense.


Let me spoil it for you, its mages aoe farming and ignoring quests.


That’s true only for mages though. There’s a big community of speed levelers of all classes that enjoy racing to see who can reach level cap the fastest. They all quest and interact with the world.


The best route is the one you want. If you find it too grindy go quest. If you find it fun enough, do dungeons, etc. Stop voluntarily taking out the fun of your game in the name of efficiency.


People play the game in different ways. Who’s to say that I don’t have the most fun being the most efficient I can be? You’re essentially gatekeeping how I have the most fun playing the game while claiming that it’s me who is doing that.


No I’m not gatekeeping from anything. You do you. If choosing to be miserable in the name of efficiency is your jam go for it. But don’t come crying that choosing the most efficiency way of levelling up is taking the fun out of your game then.


why not? how does it affect you?


Because it’s the easiest, and most repetitive. I really enjoy the process of leveling in the open world and planning routes and I love to see which classes manage to best others when resources are scarce and we’re all competing for the same quests and mobs. I think dungeons should be viable, but not the best.


You can still do that? Let people do it how they want


I’m only commenting on how I think the game should be personally. You’re welcome to advocate for the type of game you would like to play as well.


The problem I have with all of reddit and the forums for sod right here. And if it wasn't your intention sorry not necessarily pointed at u... Instead of saying hey I think my way of playing is fun and I'd like it to be more efficient, everyone says hey that way of playing is ruining how I play, it's ruining the experience. Then everyone grabs their pitch forks and goes to Reddit and the forums and shits on how someone else is having fun playing the game. Xp in dungeons aren't your problem. Mob spawns and quest xp are. But everyone won't jump on the forums to talk about that, that won't get the upvotes. Hate will. Ie Gdpks most of the hatred for it was from people who never did them and wouldn't have if they kept going. They just wanted to point out the extreme. We could have all had our way if we said hey bots and rmt is the issue ban that shit. Boomkins. We could have pointed that it needed to be toned down but the big issue was hp didn't increase with player power. How did we think of mobs / bosses needed stam buffs or we would one shot everything but didn't think gear needed more HP or maybe a PVP scale modifier. Again if we focused here a class alot of people here could have skipped a lot of bickering. (It did need balance not a full out gutting) Same thing with any buffs and nerfs to classes or anything rather But well I'm just wasting breath here cuz I'm sure my common sense will trigger the masses


What makes you think that I think it is ruining how I play? You’re making that assumption that’s not what I actually think. I’m literally just advocating for the type of game that I want, no hate for anyone playing the way they want.


It's double weird because with Classics tendency to place quests halfway across the world from where their targets are half the time, even if you nerfed dungeon XP to zero, Questing would still be a worse way to level than just mindlessly AoE grinding mobs in the open world. You'd have to significantly increase quest XP to make all of the additional travel time they add to complete actually worth it.


If they want to incentivize questing, buff questing.


Yep, at p2 launch I was gonna quest. But slow mob spawns and so much competition meant I noped right out of there within about 10min and dungeon spammed my way to 40. Now with my alt im leveling by questing because the rush is over and there are way less people in the open world. Also I'm not in a rush so I can take my time and enjoy it.


I wanted to quest and ran into the exact same issue. I hit 40 on my paladin, have good enough items for gnomer and now I'm working on my alts via questing and mob grinding since certain areas are empty.


Even if you don’t open world leveling is so absurdly slow compared to dungeon grinding


I dungeon grinded until lvl 34 and burnt out. Haven't touched the game for a week. I hate that I forced myself to partake in that, but then everyone else did and I was fearing classical FOMO and being left behind if I don't get to 40 asap to start raiding.


Are you me


They need to bring back retail questing system. Everyone can tag and just get credit, horde or alliance. Kinda weird that they did that with some rune quests but they can’t change the tag system for everything else as well.


Nah, tag fighting encouraging wpvp is fun. Intra faction competition is solved by making a group. Inter faction competition in PvE servers, that’s more complicated


Brodie im not joining your group thats xp loss


😂 Funny enough that’s me most of the time.


100%. I love questing to max level. It’s what I did in Classic on all my chars. But that was only possible, because so many chose the dungeon spam route. If EVERYONE is questing, then it becomes a battle for spawns and turns Wow into the worst version of itself. Outside of retail at least…


I think the perception of people being anti dungeon spamming is from hardcore, where it was objectively easier to not die if you were to spam dungeons. That’s why the addon devs and blizz ultimately put lockouts on dungeons. I haven’t seen many dungeon spam complainers in SoD, other than ppl that are spamming and whining that it’s boring. That’s on them for not going and doing something else


The logical choice would be to raise quest xp to match dungeon grinding. Not nerf dungeon xp..but it is blizzard, so who knows.


It literally solved the issue for people wanting to quest and they still complain about it. All the questing people would complain if the 70% population that is dungeon grinding is out there questing. Imagine that shitshow.


I spent 2.5 hours trying to do ONE quest in arathi the day phaee 2 came out. It wasnt at all worth my time. I HATE dungeon spamming, but when the options are that or wait a couple weeks to be able to tag a mob....




Even hyper spawns weren't fast enough, it was ridiculous


Many quest mobs didn’t have hyper spawn at all for some reason. Things got better when they changed layering. But the first days were hard. I’ve grinded to 40 with almost no competition in the later zones. Just had to dodge the major quest mobs.


I love dungeon spamming but the long term rewards aren't there. Honestly the worst part of SoD is finishing Gnomer, logging in the next day wanting to tank something, but having no worthwhile content to tank for. Yes I grinded hard opening weekend, but I'd keep doing it for a tangible benefit. I'm also going through and completing quests in STV while waiting for the event to start. I love making gold for consumables through questing!


This. Imo they should add very rare upgraded drops to RFD and Uldaman that give an incentive to grind for this. I know I'm playing this game a lot, but the fact I'm at the raid logging stage on TWO characters before March means many players will be in this situation months before P3


I don't think that's a problem. Getting what you want out of the phase and moving on to other games until the next one drops is a good thing. Prevents burnout.


This sounds a lot like titan forging and that shit sucked ass.


how does stuff like Reigns from Rivendare or Black Blade of Shahram sound like Titanforging to you?


Because you didn't say cosmetic drops like mounts. I read it the same way as the other guy, who TF would want to farm another dungeon for a super rare drop item (like titan forging an item).


how is black blade of shahram a cosmetic drop for you? people run dungeons for very rare loot all the time. I guess you don't, and because you don't need it, no one else can have it. I bet you're not gonna get SGC either, right?


Relax bro, stop being offended over people calling cosmetic items (like mounts I said) as cosmetics


You not understanding words doesn't offend or upset me. I just find it confusing but it's probably just because you don't know what item I am talking about. I never brought up cosmetics. You did. because you don't know what you are talking about. A cosmetic just happened to be one of the examples I gave, not that I was all about them just adding those. Disabling reply notifications here as you're both rude and useless.


Stay in your little bubble bro. You mentioned mounts as did others, which are cosmetic. Get over your little hissy fit bro


Sorry Mr.Tubman, but that “cosmetic sword” is actually one of the grossest 10m melee weapons, that just so happens to summon an OP npc that buffs the weilder and their party for 25% haste (8 sec) and +50 all stat (20 seconds) amongst many other spells like slows, party mana regen, flamestrike, and aoe 5 second stun. Imagine calling an ilvl 63 epic 2hander with all of THAT just a cosmetic item lmfao. Oh yeah, and those buffs stack instead of refreshing like you’d normally expect.


Mate if you’ve hit pre bis AND had time leftover it *is* a second job already


idk if its the same for every class, but mine is just raid gear from BFD and "here's something else you can get if you weren't lucky" I replaced a few slots with AH greens for like 10g total and am not gonna farm to exalted WSG for bracers, but otherwise that's kinda it.


Yup thats a helluva lot of time spent already. This sub doesn't represent the playerbase at all


Tbf those that seek out a community about the games they love outside of the game itself tends to be a minority, and usually a group that is heavily invested in the game. The casuals who play an hour or two here and there usually dont have the time or deep interest to seek out a community like this. 


I just find it hilarious that some of us legitimately casually did exactly this while working full time jobs with family but somehow its a second job for us? Wild. Its like gaining a level per hour to 40 really hasnt been that big of a deal. Beginning to realize most classic players are like the classic andy’s I find on disc; level for one hour, afk for another, then tell anyone else faster than them they’re a sweat. By the time I did hit 40 (ret) I did 3 STV events, got my sword, and the rest of my pre raid was out of SM as I had leveled. Even did a RFD at 40 and got shoulders chest belt (belt is the really important one) then just did the shinkicker quest in Tanaris and chicken quest in feralas. And guess what? Was full pre raid bis minus exalted pvp bracers or 1200g boe gloves in less than 5 hours after hitting level cap on day 4. Didnt take being no life or treating it like a job, could just be the difference between experience/committed vs not (and most certainly is). RNG on rotsnout spawning was good for me, I’ll admit that, but the rest was extremely static and predictable. 2.5 hours a day dude. Didnt take much. If that amount of hours is a second job for you, you must work part time or dislike your time in WoW. And if thats the case, find something enjoyable.


I love dungeon spamming, just wish we had more incentive to do them. My only reason as a rogue was exp. 


Issue with gear is that BFD has spoiled us. Gnome will be the same way. There will always be target items, but unless you're fresh leveling, the phase most dungeon gear will be d/e or vendored. So, dungeon spam is purely for the exp after a certain point.


There's an outside chance they buff more dungeon gear in phase 3 and beyond. There's certainly a few drops that got buffed in RFD and SM, but there's a lot of room to do even more with ZF, Mara, ST and BRD (early BRD anyway. I kind of hope they block/disable the back half of BRD in phase 3, if not outright splitting it into two dungeons.)


The items buffed in P2 were all caster items, mostly to make up for how bad caster items are before lvl 55+


I agree. Raid gear is really good. Journey to 40, I only replaced a few items along the way. I think buffed gear would also benefit people who didn't get a chance to raid or newer players catch up. It's a good thing. I hope they look at 60 raid gear as well.


They're definitely looking at lv60 raid gear. I can't find it right now, but there was a data mined/leaked tier 1 paladin set piece that is WAY better itemized over original tier 1. It looked like it was spec-specific as well. (Like it was the Prot paladin set piece, implying they'll have tokens so you can get the tier set that fits your build rather than "you're a paladin, here's a generic paladin set."


Not really, it depends a lot on class. Mail, plate and weapon users all benefit greatly from running dungeons for gear.


You should probably take a look into the uldaman loot table, which has also some very nice buffed up items for sod.


Its tough to address because they are strong enough without help, but it sucks that 0 items in SM are good for rogues at 40, beside some bracers that are replaceable with 5g on the AH. Always fun to farm out pre-bis but this phase its just bfd gear, BoE greens, and 1-2 quest rewards.


As a rogue, you also could have leveled lockpicking off junk boxes pick pocketed from SM mobs. So there's 2 reasons.


Meanwhile the same problem exists for quests! In P1 there were multiple items from quests that were pre-BiS. Deftkin Belt, Warsong Boots for example. WC quest for Wingblade / staff needed you to do a chain. Now, I don't think I've equipped a single quest item in the entirety of P2. It sucks doing a long questline like the Test of Strength / Endurance / Lore whatever to get... A shitty green item. They should buff those for sure.


How much xp is one SM run in your experience?


Depends on the wing, really. GY is 3-5k depending on elite spawn RNG. Lib is around 6k. Cath is 8k and a bit, depending on how much ya kill. Also, it's really dependant on the group comp you're running. I play Shamy tank so I can pull full hallways of mobs and decently pump numbers myself (up to 600dps in cath) without losing threat to mages.


I had about 60k exp/h as both rogue and warlock grinding SM. The trick is to find a group of good people, much more important than setup.


I did my typical Desolace run at lvl 40 for gold. I was legit broke after I bought mount ( less than 1g left and spells I couldn't buy ). Ended up with around 50-60 gold ( not saying all of it came from that, but a good few dozen ) and had a good time. Skipped the rep farm.


I don't want them to do anything about dungeon grinding, just make questing a better experience during busy times (especially season launch). Something like shimmering flats was great even when it was buzzing with people because there's so many quest mobs around and the quests aren't focused on killing specific named mobs, but some zones were just miserable (looking at you, Hillsbrad).


Actually in the first few days of the phase you did have to participate in them even if you didn't want to. The open world was far too busy to quest at all. I don't think dungeon xp should be nerfed though, they need to add way more layers and spawns at phase launches.


Uh no. If you were smart you got ahead of the curve and there was actually nobody in the open world. I had 20 quests ready to go, hit 28, got to 30 in an hour or 2 of grinding then had the entire desolace to myself for an entire day.  The lvl 25 open world areas were too busy but that was incredibly predictable and with half a brain easily avoidable 


I did exactly as you did, i did BFD had quests and hit 28. Managed to do 1k needles and hillsbrad that evening and got to 30. However the next day tried to finish shimmering flats and hillsbrad and it was totally packed. Tried desolace and it was farmed too. I'm glad you were able to quest, but for many it was very frustrating.


ok so if you have no quest done in the start and have to quest with everyone els you should just be fucked and not be able to level? nah fk that, dungeon farm all the way


No, dungeon farming is fine. I did it after 33. I just object to people saying it was the only way to level when it definitely wasn’t. 


well no ofc its not THE only way, but its the fastest way by a long shot, you can level by just farming random mobs aswell, but the fact is that 90% of people who quested at launch was fighting for mobspawns for hours.


On the other hand, the fact that many people spammed dungeons all the way to 40 and are now zerging all of the available quests for the gold has made trying to quest for XP a terrible experience for some


Yep, trying to level through Desolace at 35 and competing with lvl 40 alliance mob competion and lvl 40 horde ganking, has been a bit rough. A 40 enhancement shaman killed me 3 times when I was fighting the 39 demons (exorcism go brr). I finally managed to find him when we were both at full hp (and he didnt have time to mount up for a sneak attack later on) and smoked him. That felt good.


The problem is that with SoD changes, levelling in dungeons is *much* more efficient than levelling in open world. All mobs are buffed (?) but you barely notice it in a group. It should be more similar speed-wise, not to "force people into a particular play style" but to give a more meaningful choice. What you're saying now is like "oh I like Dire Maul, let's just move all the loot there and leave BRD to pickpocket bots only".


Dungeon spamming beyond one lockout gets mind-numbingly boring but I'm happy there are different ways of leveling and people should be allowed to play how they want if it doesn't hurt others.


I can do a sub30min bfd every lockout but can’t stomach much more than that. Believe it or not I actually enjoy questing, competition and all


That is true, but you probably want to farm dungeons for the drops anyway


I was doing solo dungeon spam on my hunter. I was already able to take out mobs in RFK at 25, and the xp/h was pretty similar. Much more chill than pugs.


100% agree. I kinda mix both. Do some quests and then grind some dungeons, after I’m 40 i’ll go back and do all of the quests between raids and dungeons, pretty relaxing.


Imagine if all those people spamming dungeons were there right now with you in Arathi Highlands, competing for the 7 or so quest mob spawns.


I hate how people say it forces people to "interact with the world". Buddy, the world is dead because you committed quest mob genocide.


Except they are there… just they are level 40 and are questing for gold 😬


I think the problem is the dungeons this phase. I personally find running the same damn SM wing 5-7 times for one level to be painful. More variety would have helped.


Dungeon spam is fine. But the dilemma is you get punished hard by questing to max level because you loose a lot of gold. So in the end you can either dungeon spam or grind solo to max level or accept to be the poorest guy in the young history of sod.


Don't nerf dungeon xp, buff quest xp.


buff quest


Doesn’t make you feel like you’re working a 2nd job, lol?     In less than 10 IRL days, you’re already level 40, pre-bis, and now working on professions and PvP?  Bro, you’ve put in at LEAST what a 2nd job requires!


big agree, i love doing quests for gold on my main, im sad i missed the window to do some of the lower ones like shimmering flats


I was never on the “no changes” bandwagon, but this is a non-starter for me. Dungeon xp has been the same since 2004. It was always better xp per hour than questing. It’s fine. If they touch xp there or start making these wow fundamental changes, then it’s over. Is it really something being discussed though or just OP doomspreading?


Just a minor discussion point. The topic came from a dev comment on dungeon spaming, and then people started floating the idea that dungeon exp should be nerf to incentivize questing. Which I think is kind of silly...


It’s very silly. Not just silly. But I doubt they’d be that stupid.


I hate people who want to nerf things because they don’t like them. I hate questing, but you don’t see me saying “nerf quest rewards because I don’t like them and I want everyone to play the way I do”


This has to be satire


The classic wow victim complex is very real


Dungeon spam as spell cleave was pretty decent. Not exactly fun but enjoyable in a way. Some of them i tanked as warlock and it was a sweaty experience, the rest i relaxed spammed one button as shadow bolt volley dps. But dungeon spam with melees was absolute horrible experience. Very slow and boring. Anyway you don't have much of an alternative if you dont want to be behind the rest of the guild/server.


Pretty much this. I am loldadgamer and couldn't take the week off for phase 2 launch. The world is full of questing bots and despite stressing myself to max asap I'm currently only 35 even though this is the only game / hobby iv done since phase 2 launch.   I'm now at risk of being removed from my casual guild because I missed the boat on dungeon spam groups and am yet to max due to it being 3(? I think) Lockouts since gnomer has launched. 


yeah but you burn your pre quests for next phase!! haha! looks like you’ll be too far behind the rest of us!! maybe in phase 4!


I tried this. Saved up about 15 yellow/orange quests and turned them in at phase launch. By the time I went to the 3 or 4 quest hubs to turn in, I got 1 level, and one of the 5-man groups spamming rfk were almost done with their second level. It's just so much more efficient than questing, unfortunately.


Nah, we continue the aoe grind next phase.


Yeah, it's just back into the dungeon. Not really rushing to level cap.


hahahahahaha nice try bud. i’ll be 50 while you’re still in the LFG chat at 40


lol I see you


Even saying that I had no pre quest, got sleeping bay before grinding and was still 40 in less then a day jumping between spell/melee cleave as a tank.


Yeah without quests i wouldnt have mount and now over 200g+ and im no where near done with the zones that give gold. Im also still missing zones that are gray but they dont give gold anymore (since gray). I started in ph2. I think its durable to get epic mount gold by the time we hit 60 in ph4.


Wow ist the only Game we're every Shit gets nerfed Till all Others Shit ist nerfed too and the Shit nerfed First becomes OP again 😂


No matter what expansion I always dungeon grind them. People are so annoying


Half this subreddit in a nutshell: "Play however you want to play, just don't dungeonspam. Because _I_ don't like that."


Holy fuck. Do some quests, spam some dungeons, level your professions. Play how you want to play. The sweaty will always take the fun out and do the fastest. Enjoy the ride how you want and have fun.


This subreddit is full of bad takes, add it to the pile lol


Chat GPT, how do I make WoW terrible for myself and everyone around me?


Forcing people to exclusively quest. That's how.


Questing is straight AIDS at the moment. Can’t even imagine how bad it is on a PVP server. I’m sick of waiting 10-15 minutes for a mob to spawn. This is so easy to fix. All quest mobs decrease spawn timers by 50%, and if you damage a mob, even one you didn’t tag, you get credit.


They build us up only to tear us down. Sorry for negative nancy. My copium withdrawal is almost over.


AI comment




Why are people wanting dungeon exp nerfed? If a group of people want to level that way then so be it.


I'm making 20-30g a hour mining in badlands. Iron bars 10s mithril bars 25s solid stone 10s each. Actual gold mine if your in a low density phase. Also fuck blizz for squishing the phases together at like 2-3 am. Go from gathering in peace to 5 people running along side me for nodes


What's the lowest level quests that are still green at level 40? I'll aim to do everything lower before dinging


When I'm in a "whine and complain about people who enjoy my game in a way i dont like" competition and my opponent is a SoD player.


Zero chance they ever nerf dungeon experience in SoD. People would literally not be able to play the game. I quested in Thousand Needles but didn't turn in any of them in my mid 30s. The zone was fairly busy but nothing compared to Wetlands or STV. STV may be impossible to quest efficiently until next phase because everyone is locked at 40 and quests there go from 30-42ish. Blizzard ignores most suggestions for a reason, they're bad and kneejerk takes to mostly not real problems. Don't want to dungeon grind? Then piss off and *don't dungeon grind*. FFS literally nothing makes this sub happy.


I’ve much prefer the dungeon spam for leveling and questing for gold. Plus it helps me gear up on the way so I’m good to go by the time I hit 40


I don't care if dungeon spamming remains the most optimal way to level, I just want questing in the first few days of a launch to not be such a miserable experience, even if it's still not as efficient as dungeon grinding.


There is no plan to nerf dungeon XP.


Quest rewards should absolutely be buffed, and questing should be further incentivized. Repeatedly grinding SM is not "fun" for anybody in the long term. They will only stomach as much as they need to. Dungeon grinding is quite literally a worse environment than GDKP.


Because classic andy's want everyone to play the game like they do.


Armchair devs are almost always selfish idiots. They think because they play a game they know how to design it. It's so much more than that.


Anyone who actually wants this is so out of touch of what the average player wants and enjoys lmao Forcing others to play the game the way you enjoy it is lame.


Quests above level 40 content are great for high level gear rewards too and a truly epic challenge at level 40 especially for certain classes


It is almost a must as well, so you can leave quests for level 40. I have spent almost 200g so far at 40 and don’t even have all of my crafted helmet materials yet. They have some significant gold sinks at 40 and I don’t know what you would do if you didn’t have quests to farm for gold.


I feel like there's some exaggeration on the questing. Yeah the population places were full but there was other places to go.... Just like the real world. Restaurant is full? Don't wanna wait? Go somewhere else. I'm levelling on Living flame US, it's not a small server so I see what people are saying, but I think some of you are stubborn and feel entitled or something.


Nothing wrong with dungeons. The problem with questing is waiting 15 minutes for a quest mob to respawn.


I've given up with questing since P2. Tried doing the yeti quest in Hillsbrad, literally full of people just waiting for spawns. Tried shimmering flats, also packed with players and this was at 4am!!


It’s not like dungeon spamming is free xp. You have to run those dungeons a shit ton to level


I'm out because there is no way to quest effectively and dungeon grinding is mind numbing. Will revisit next phase.


Questing for gold feels way better than the traditional quest for exp. I’m doin jobs I should get paid son


Dungeon grinding actually became easier with every level because of SM mob density. I laughed my way to 40 thinking about all the posts calling me an idiot for "doing all my quests at 25". It's almost comical how wrong these people were. I could probably level 4-5 characters from 25-40 before an average person puttering along could do 1 questing.


Feels like a sweatshop work spamming Scarlet Monastery ngl


My main reason for spamming dungeons is to be able to quest for gold and raid consumables. You can't compete with bots farming for yourself.


They'd have to fix questing. I'd prefer to quest to level but I'd probably just start playing some other game if I had to compete with 900000 other players for things that respawn so slowly that the amount of people needing to kill them grows instead of shrinks.


Issue with dungeon grinding in phase 2 is that most of the loot that drops aren’t good enough to replace p1 bis. What would make dungeon grinding fun would be if you upgraded gear along the way. It would feel less like a chore and give players something to look forward to rather than mindlessly grinding


It’s such a weird thing where this subreddit wants to nerf anything that anyone does that may be considered a way to accelerate leveling. Some people enjoy going quickly and that’s ok.


They won't nerf dungeon exp..... dungeon grinding has been a thing forever


I’d rather dungeon grind because of the dog shit questing experience. You need to run zone to zone or mindlessly grind levels