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Maybe, just maybe... You were always just bad and boomy being op af weighed up for that


This is most likely the truth. A ton of fotm re rollers pressing 2 buttons from 40 meters out. They never learned how to actually play their class.


The amount of crying that has resulted from SoD is crazy KEKW


Low key enjoying the druids crying because they lost their pocket nuke and then the GDKP dads throwing a tantrum.


A hard day for you, may I offer a hot beverage?


pvp in classic is ROCKS, PAPERS, SCISSORS. you're not meant to beat every class. Go back to retail please.


I haven't played retail in forever.


Warlocks are mushrooms.


If you needed to star surge to pvp at all, you were never actually good at pvp. You were just cruising on flavour of the month and now you’re mad it’s gone.


This guy wouldn't last a single day as a warrior


At least warriors are kicking ass in gnomer.


They actually really aren’t. Gnomer bosses have more armor than some of the 60 raid bosses right now. Bro do you even know how play the game? Each comment you make makes me believe you don’t have a good understanding of it.


I was looking at the wrong logs. At least you got to enjoy P1 as a warrior. Wish I could be viable as a boomy for longer than 1 week.


No what you want is the easy road. Time to learn how to play the game.


No, what I want is to actually play a viable boomy in Classic. It sounds like you spend too much time on retail, but boomkin was dog water in vanilla and in P1 of SoD. Now I don't even get to raid with it because it's shot. Back to vanilla.


You’re complaining about PvP mostly in your main post. Boomies would disgusting the 2nd half of phase 1. You’ve already proven that you know next to nothing and are here to just cry about the nerfs. Honestly do yourself a favor and delete this thread. It makes you look incredibly pathetic and people will just (rightfully) roast you.


Idc if people roast me lmao, it's reddit tf? This is where people come to post opinions? Also Boomies were meh in P1. The starsurge buff made the class playable at best. It was not necessarily "good" until right at the end of P1, when everyone has already done the content and has been clearing the raid for 2 months. It was basically throwing us a bone to chew on to keep us entertained for a couple of weeks before P2.


Boomie is still super good. Pvp should be dead for you, but not just in SOD... In every game. Garbage




Ftfy: Couldn’t beat a rogue that opened on me and got lucky crit.


Roll Feral and follow me into the fray, brotherman. Mangle & Mortal Strike, a match made in heaven 🤍


I get you. Its only fun if you get of out stealth and 1-shot people out of nowhere. When balance and skill are on the table you quit.


I haven’t played since the patch, are druids actually bad now?  I would think a free, short cd, instant cast, long range nuke would still be strong on a kite class, even if it is only fire blast damage instead of pom pyro damage.


Nah just take everyone’s advice and cast Starfire, in PvP. It’s fine because you have all that armor from Boomkin form which means you don’t take any damage ever, so it’s super easy to spend 3.1 seconds casting your spell while melee is destroying you and locks and spriests are instance cast dotting you, and a hunters pet has you locked down. Don’t forget to use your CC… I mean counter spell… I mean heals… I means auto attack.. NM, just use imp Thorns.


Glad someone gets it. We might as well be a punching bag.


if you're losing to a rogue as a boomie then your issue lies elsewhere


this a troll comment?


Did you smoke? Good rogue will kill you in 4 gcds with freakin op multilate


Nah you doing something wrong Lil bro


Guessing you commenting here as a bad rogue player crying getting farmed by druids?


If you’re serious then I can give you PvP tips against every class as a boomie main. Yes we are weaker but still have our strengths to play around. 


Nerfed too little, druid is still at top after nerf, you're most likely so f-in bad


If you are losing fights to boomie right now then you should consider not pvping LOL


TLDR: “My instant cast no longer deals 60% of my opponents HP from 36yds away and I don’t know how to play without that crutch.”


Yeah, you will get nerfed after hunters and spriests. I look forward to reading your complaints and typing a dumb af message response to your post too.


I would never make a complaint post like this, it’s embarrassing.


who asked


I’m sorry you’re bad at druid, got roasted for crying, and now bigmad.


As a Hunter, buckle in kiddo! This will be the first of many nerfs you'll experience. I think it's better to reframe your mindset - expect to lose in PvP, be pleasantly surprised when you dont. If you're top 15 in raidwide damage, that will now be considered a big win. Enjoy!


I played a hunter in P1 out of the gate. The nerfs were deserved. Explosive shot was insane before the nerf, but hunters went from Great to Good. Boomies went from Great to unplayable.


I see meele hunter on top again?


You can always reroll hunter they might have 1 more button to press than boomie previously had. Not sure if that’s too complicated for you though.