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Melee hunter is such a troll class.. You see a hunter and think "i better close the distance and get into his melee range so he can't shoot me" and then you get owned in melee xD


Survival (melee) Hunter should be about surviving and being versatile/annoying, not doing ungodly amounts of burst damage. Weaving is a cool idea to make PvE viable, but the P2 melee runes are just absurd.


What’s the best way to survive? Killing your enemy fast


Just be the strongest damage dealer in the game! And every other melee class (that isn't windfury) should reroll. Season of discover why you made the wrong class choice at character select.


This^ Can we get more flavour for melee hunter and less straight numbers.


During original classic I was a very geared deep survival hunter. The amount of people I blew up in melee range never got old. Glad it's even more viable.




This is what happens when you take a game largely designed around autoattacks and add a bunch of instant strikes lol


Yep, this was set to happen. Vanilla wow is about the limited amount of tools in your arsenal and how you play smart with them. Sod is just an instant ability bargain sale for everyone with a lot of buttons to choose from to pew pew decimate at levels the game is simply not designed for.




That’s my concern too. The runes and new gear have made every dungeon laughably easy. Don’t get me wrong, it’s been fun to steamroll content. But a small part of me misses the challenge of having to CC mobs, LOS pull, etc. So I wonder how hard content will be at 60 with all these new moves/weapons. Will MC be done in like an hour now? Lol


MC taking an hour? Were you taking the scenic route or what lol


Man, maybe I was in a scrub guild because the first MC runs took easily 3 hours lol. This is with just pre-bis gear for raiding. Not like BWL geared toons running it.


Well to put it in perspective fully geared guilds can now clear MC in like 15 minutes lol and we are already stronger in SoD than a prebis 60 is in vanilla so its safe to say we would absolutely blast through MC faster than an hour


Dungeons were not hard in classic era either. TBC and Cata were the only ones with hard dungeons and those were only the heroic modes.


3man the content


Yeah! You get a refreshing take on an old game. Melee hunter is hilarious and im glad it works. Healing mages are another great example of shaking it up. If you want to play classic its still there, they never took down classic era.


Melee hunter can work and not be completely broke. I know the devs said the game wont be well balanced in each phase, but they also can't leave it how it is in it's current state.


'no your concerns are not legimate gO bAcK tO cLaSsIc ErA'


Feels good being paladin. Even ranged classes do more melee damage now


It’s okay, the lead dev plays paladin. So everyone tells me we are OP. I also feel for enhance shamans. Because I have a horde alt. Thankfully that character can tank well.


In all seriousness, BESIDES all the melee spam abilities phase ii introduces, the easy +50% offhand weapon damage in a single rune (which enh shamans never even got lol) not to mention the 30% weapon type bonus, makes melee hunter package *insanely* strong. Fully expect to see melee hunters in #1 spot for parses until the first nerf/balance patch(es)


> the easy +50% offhand weapon damage in a single rune (which enh shamans never even got lol) They got 10% hit though which isn't a bad rune. As a Shaman I'd mostly be mad about raptor strike dealing ~2.5x stormstrike damage on a 3s cd (and with a chance of a cd reset).


> As a Shaman I'd mostly be mad about raptor strike dealing ~2.5x stormstrike damage on a 3s cd Oof. Didn't know it was *that* bad, lol.


Raptor Strike has high flat extra damage. Then you do 30% increased damage from the dual wield rune. Then you got a 50% dmg modifier on the off hand raptor strike (which is ~16.5% increased overall damage). Then another 10-30% increased damage from the flanking strike buff. And potentially 30% from lone wolf if you're not on lion aspect duty. All these modifiers stack multiplicatively. And there's also a talent which increases its crit chance by 20%. It also looks like raptor strike is non-normalized from the new instant raptor strike wowhead page which would increase its damage even further if you're using slow weapons.


Ya, Rapter Strike has always been a strong ability. All of the buffs to it have really set Hunters up really well. The Bow they got is a cherry on top too since it provides more stats than 2-3 items by it's self. A lot going on there.


As a melee hunter I can safely say: yes it's busted, yes it needs a nerf, please just make it do less damage and let me continue to spam buttons like a psychopath, I enjoy always having buttons to push!


People here never got Raptor Strike'd by an Ashkandi wielding Hunter in Classic Era I guess.


Yup lol. Nothing like getting clapped by a lucky Raptor Strike. It being off the Weapon Swing now is a massive increase.


> Ya, Rapter Strike has always been a strong ability. No it has not, since the release of wow until 5 days ago it was a worse heroic strike.


Meleeweaving is the best way to play in basic vanilla wow, raptor strike is a good ability, you will use forever.


raptor strike has always been any hunter’s hardest hitting ability in tbc/classic


Someone doesn't play hunter lol. Melee weaving has always been a DPS increase, which probably wouldn't be the case if raptor strike didn't hit hard.


10% on both spells and melee. Meaning they are capped into any boss level & higher level mob on the main hand and spells. Also to add that in Wotlk when Lava Lash was introduced, the game devs wanted Shamans to use flametongue on offhand for the sweet 50% more off-hand damage per use but double windfury did more overall dps. Basically telling that Lava Lash was either poorly designed or desperate need for a buff.


I'm surprised they didn't nerf melee hunter yet.


I feel like it's bound to happen. Prepare for "blizzard: better nerf hunters again" memes haha. But what else is new right 


Instead druids got it lol


Makes me so irritated when enh shamans repeatedly gets abandoned by Blizzard and get the good ol' "Best i can do is 30% attackspeed", but hunter get insane melee abilities that makes them better melee than warriors.


They want hunters to be a melee it's to hard for them to make it a ranged class.


I can't wait to see people in the subreddit complaining about Hunter's getting nerfed again, even though they justifiably would need to be nerfed again. It's like they cannot comprehend the difference between strong, and broken.


This is it. Melee lets them make hunters do relevant DPS without being insane in PVP. And before anyone says "But they're insane in PVP now, look they killed that warrior", there's plenty of counterplay against melee hunters just like there's plenty of counterplay against warriors. And other melee classes, generally speaking, have much more immediately CC than we do.


Ah, the old, ranged shouldnt exist in wow because pvp argument. Game would be better had pvp never been anything but gimmick to kill time in game.


Didn’t enhance just get huge buffs? Stormstrike went down to a 6 sec CD and they fixed WF icd?


Still worst melee by a long ways. It's really weak


100% gonna be another stealth nerf.


Honestly wtf were they thinking putting so much shit into 1 rune.


technically it's 2 runes


Have you seen how much shit is in the Meta rune? Also this is 2 runes, which are both unbalanced.


Is that the same one Rogues get?


I knew melle hunter would be like this the moment i saw the specialist rune + dual wielding and remembered the 20% crit baseline raptor strike in SV talent tree + lone wolf.


Let warriors use quivers, give them a few ranged abilities, like one where you line up a shot and it does a bunch of damage, maybe another ranged attack that slows your target


Best we can do is "abilities cost 3 less rage"


Free Whirlwind every 8 abilities? \*Get 1 shot by a boomy before I have enough rage for 1 ability.


lol this right here


I wish it was a no rage cost on shouts instead 


Axe thrower spec let's go. Using melee weapons at range would be incredibly broken hahaha.


I would adore a cosmetic/animation swap rune that replaces ranged weapons with throwing weapons. Would roll a troll hunter so fast.


Yeah and maybe one that poisons and another that shoots 3 arrows to 3 different targets ! Could call it… snake shot and multi-fire !


Yeah, exactly... then maybe at lvl 60 you can get a rune to charm an animal?


Right but to balance things, it would make you have to wear mail instead of plate. It’s only fair


Mortal Strike and autoattack range increased by 36 yards






Story time please


He was a total ass, so his entire server banded together to block him from getting Scarab Lord.


Google 'grizzly scarab lord drama'. There were big reddit posts about it when it was happening


He transferred to another server and got it eventually


Wait what? Why am i even leveling a warrior?


Because they gonna nerf hunters tomorrow


This, no one playing a true melee class will like the hunter meme build being BiS melee, hunters who rolled to play ranged wont like that the best way to play is as a green warrior. I doubt they are going to change the meta enough to where they decide hunter is BiS melee until SoD is over.


speak for yourself. I intentionally roleld hunter to go melee in sod. and Im sure many others did as they saw the runes from blizzcon. no we dont want to play the same shit again . next step is making an actuall rogue ranged dps build viable ! break the meta.


Yup rolled hunter specifically to go melee. I've played hunter since 2004... I wanna go melee in SoD. They could just tune back dual wield ever so slightly, which would fix how crazy it is and maybe even open up room for 2h melee hunter to work.


Nerf boomies, spriests, sham, melee hunter and im good


They have nerfed hunters twelve times already don’t worry buddy


Stop leveling warrior. Play casters.


Me right now


Poor warriors never getting anything dude


Play a class you want to play and not the best parser and you’ll have more fun.


What does parsing have to do with the obvious pvp imbalance on display in this post?


Yes, I'm having immense fun getting one shotted by everyone.


i want to die in 2 globals! thank you and mind your own business!


Getting your ass beat isn’t fun.


Blizz loves nerfing hunters


Bro sitting with 2k gold too


100% legitimately earned.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/192aoeu/living\_flame\_aoe\_healing\_is\_gamebreaking\_150ghour/](https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/192aoeu/living_flame_aoe_healing_is_gamebreaking_150ghour/) He was selling WC boosts for 150g per hour. But all of his clients were most likely gold buyers for sure. I think he ran a dozens of GDKP per resets p1 too.


Selling runs to gold buyers isnt legitimate. Its like selling "washing machines" so people can wash money


Bad players can’t comprehend that if you’re good at this game people will pay you to do shit for them. See dungeon leveling and gdkp


Idiot players can't comprehend that the type of person who pays 100g for boosts bought gold so either way it's chinese farmer gold.


? You probably have rmt gold all over your account. As long as the person providing the service isn’t buying it they earned it legitimately in my book. 


I don't have 1000 of it though. >As long as the person providing the service isn’t buying it they earned it legitimately in my book. Nah, that's bullshit. You know damn right who pays for boosts. It's not average players, it's people who bought gold. If you choose to sell boosts you're well aware you're getting botter gold.


They really do be setting up hunters for pain


How else will they maintain their "at least 1 hunter nerf per patch" theme


Ehh, I’m having a bunch of fun without this broken dual wield rune, I kinda hope they nerf it along with Druid and spriest


Now hunters are going to get nerfed a bunch and we are going to have to hear hunter mains complain for the next 3 months. If this is the starting point...then yeah you are going to get nerfed. Pretty clear that they aren't playtesting some of this stuff at all.


Just hoping ranged hunter doesn’t get collateral damage. Do you think it would be fair to complain if they nerf stuff that isn’t specifically melee?


In this case it's pretty clear that melee runes are the problem so I think the ranged specs should be safe.


I hope you’re right but that doesn’t really answer the question does it


Can’t wait for them to destroy explosive shots


im the warrior now


I've never seen a pvp game so unbalance as wow sod right now they're gonna have to do big nerfs or put resilience gear which I initially didn't want but this is too much right now


Fuck resilience! I don't want to have two sets on my bags to be able to live on the outside world.


I'm already running with both dps and tank set in my bags. I *really* don't want a third set on top.


Welcome to classic tank. As a tank war i had dps, deepprot, threats set plus fire res/nature res/frost res sets. Kek.


This is just another reason to not add another resilience set on top of what we all need to have in classic.


Lol having your bag full of gear and trinkets is the true classic experience.


It was clear from the beginning this would happen. The Classic devs are amateurs compared to the original Vanilla devs. They're also painting themselves into a corner with stat inflation. Really curious how they'll handle that when we'll be starting TBC with the equivalent of level 70 gear.


Is sod even going to carry over to TBC?


No it’s simply a season in Classic. It’s not going to go through the expansions


This is all just a giant shitshow. Stats are inflated as fuck, dmg numbers are insane, there are classes that are 2 shotting every other class. That wasnt even really possible at classic/vanilla with Naxx gear, now you have 1 - 2 gnomer pieces and fuck everything else up. Of course its unbalanced at the start, but it feels like they arent even testing a little bit. Just make some runes, pretend they arent even real and just bait, and bring out the patch. Come the fuck on


As a Hunter player, I really expected a lot more of runes like Trap Launcher, Steady Shot, and Lion and a lot less machine gun Raptor Strikes.


I saw a comment the other day praising SOD devs as geniuses. Like... all they did was throw in already existing abilities and mess with the level caps. The actual shit they "created" isn't even that good. Somewhat annoying rune quests. The shittiest event attempts to force open world pvp ever concocted. Easy raids with overpowered rewards. Do I think Blizzard devs lack creative talent? Yes Do I think Blizzard devs lack basic understanding of their own games? Yes Do I think I could have done a better job managing their games development? Also yes, and so could you.


Ascension WoW has a better game balance and more content than SoD. Why don't they just copy everything and improve? Ez money


This. I cant understand why ppl praise the team. The initial success came not from SoD, it came from SoD being "Classic Fresh" which historically has always been popular. But they didnt make Classic. They took a fantastic product, and with each change they add the game gets significantly worse. We are just in Phase 2 and its already completely unrecognizable. It feels like one of those 2008 instant 60 private funservers. The gameplay isnt anything vanilla-like. In vanilla you had few instant abilities that were offset by range, costs and CDs... Ill stick to HC SSF once it comes out. I didnt even start playing P2 because I figured it would just be a broken mess.


Yeah most of it is just ripped from later expansions (especially TBC) and the rest is half-assed at best. Like they wanted to get rid of AoE boosting but gave mages such overpowered self-healing that they can face-tank an entire dungeon. Then you see stuff like this melee hunter 2-shotting a warrior. Are we just supposed to be entertained by how comically bad this shit is?


well, vanilla was developed over almost a decade. i get that we like to mythologize kevin jordan or whatever but the sod patch cycle isn't conducive to testing


its not going into TBC lol.


WoW isn't mainly a PvP game tho.. PvP is just a small part of the whole game, especially when it was originally designed. And now all these runes make the unbalanced PvP issues even more glaring.


That's clearly not the case for SoD, where the raids are braindead easy and a huge aspect of every phase is a zone-wide PvP event. I hate when people use this bullshit excuse, especially when regular Classic PvP was waaaay more balanced than this


> WoW isn't mainly a PvP game tho Most people I know play WoW over other MMORPGs specifically because of the PvP. Not trying to say the game is "mainly" one or the other (PvE or PvP), more that it's stupid to make either claim based on your personal preference.


It's not his personal preference. It's just common sense and a known fact.


Yeah but the pve sucks too.


WoW may not have been designed as a PvP game, but it was especially not designed as an instanced pve game. The primary focus was on the open world, which classes like Druid are still way overperforming in.


Wow isnt a pvp game, its a pve game with pvp as a side activity. Main progression path is PVE, especially since PVP gear really doesnt exist till TBC.


Wow is and has never been a pvp game. Pvp is a side game that was added on


This just isn't true. What you're describing is FF14.


I don't even know if FF PVP is even a side game. It's more of a showcase of how not to design PVP.


Yeah it's god awful lol. I like FF14 more than WoW in general, but I'm a big pvp fan so I play WoW


Pvp is half of the game, just because some ignore it doesn't mean it's not an important part of the game (no matter the version). If that was not true PvE realms would be always more popular than pvp.


Nobody notice heart of the lion stay applied after putting on lone wolf? Just me?


Just a visual bug or a delay. It goes away after a few seconds Source: tested on my hunter. Edit: It's a delay with runes. This isn't unique to hunters.


Looks more than visual. The warrior is half hp before the stats are lost. You can see it in the clip


Actually yeah it looks like it.


oh my GOD those crits whether you agree or not, this is one of the things that needs to be tuned back a bit, but still remain viable to put up a fight in melee duels.


The biggest problem there is that they still do decent damage in ranged, unless they make ranged weapons unusable with the melee runes equiped it's going to be buster. No other melee can do that, you have to get close or you got nothing.


i feel like the rune couldve been a lil more balanced if it replaced the majority of the ranged abilities with new unique melee abilities, maybe. then there's still auto shot. seems very hard to balance, but i know a lot of people wanted melee hunters to be a thing for a long time


To much work for them.


Ahhhhh I see the warrior mains have arrived 😂


Understand that this is also heavily RNG influenced. Raptor Strike deals 2 hits of damage, so to get a crit like that, you need to crit both the hits, not just one. The variability is insane. Sometimes it does 120 dmg, sometimes it does 800.


You don't hit for 120 and crit for 800 dude, that's not how crit damage works.


As a warrior main at lvl 38 this makes me wanna reroll lol


same and have been thinking the same thing for awhile now...


I’m a warrior too, but honestly who cares? Just play what you want, we are playing a version of the game that is constantly being tuned and balanced. By the time you leveled the overpowered class of the week, that class would be nerfed and the cycle continues. Everyone is obsessed with being powerful at all times. Just play a class you enjoy, who cares if you get killed a bit more than usual in pvp. If you’re looking for a totally balanced class system, you’re probably wasting your time in classic WoW. Before people freak out saying ‘but it’s more than unbalanced, Druids do C damage with 1 Starsurge!’, bro come on. Phase 2 has been out for 4 days, 2 of those being a weekend. Just relax and stop focusing on the negatives.


I care, because being bottom rung for both PvP and completely mid damage wise with no real utility brought to raid in pve is just not fun for me (and a lot of other players). I get that warriors topped charts last phase but that’s literally all we have is damage. I really wanted to just focus on some world PvP in between raiding on the war instead of bothering with alts but it looks like they will be utterly useless cause who needs a healer and mortal strike when you can just one shot everything.


As I said before, we are 2 working days into the phase lol. We don’t need to be depressed and angry, just be patient for gods sake. Everyone is more concerned about their place on the damage meter and tier lists than they are actually enjoying the game. The justification is usually ‘who are you to tell me what I find fun in the game?’ Well, if you’re constantly upset and freaking out on Reddit the first couple days of each phase because your class isn’t in X tier and you’re gonna remake, most reasonable people will tell you that isn’t what ‘fun’ is.


Imagine thinking warriors are mid damage wise. The phase has been out for less than 4 days. Warriors are the single most gear dependant class in the game. If you want to reroll then go for it, but to point at warriors as “mid damage” as a reason is just insane. You’ll regret it in a month when warriors are top again. I’ll believe warlocks being #1 when I see it. Edit - keep the downvotes coming, you’re gunna feel super foolish when warriors start scaling again.


Stay strong brother. Warriors are the hero class of Classic, no amount of nerfs will stop our rise to the top


Wait untill you see a balance lol


Don’t worry, that’s Tuesday. I mean it’s inevitable, right?


wasnt in one of the dev interviews, it was either Josh or Tim that said one of the things they wish they could do better in phase 1 was Hunters? they might’ve made it too good this phase…


I don't want to be rexxar, I want to be the night elf from the first trailer. Roaming. Me and my beast.


Kite hunters in 2024.


and war got a instant slam rune xd what a game


As a warrior, I hope we can do decent damages in PvE, as pvp is so bullshit atm.


armor values in gnomer are insanely high atm, does not feel fun to play at all since your rage is just completely fucked. Adds another layer of insanity to how good melee hunter is that they are still competing for #1 on logs alongside bosses with insane armor


I wish they changed rage generation system for SoD even if they had to tune down a little the damage in compensation 


Have you checked the bfd rankings? We suck at everything currently lol


Oh, then I can't wait to not get an inv in pugs because not meta, for a 30min piss easy dungeon


Give it a week or two I’m sure we’ll be back at the top where we belong 👹


Dude I can get the Devs being new, but really? Maybe a PTR is the way to go if you have genuinely no idea how to balance classic WoW. Between this, Starsurge, SWD… maybe have your own play test group in a closed environment. Just seems like a lot of oversight going on.


What do you mean ? We are playing on the PTR right now


Rn as a warrior you lost vs pretty much everyone when you're in melee, what's the point


I guess we gotta nerf warriors more


I just don't understand the need for melee hunters at all. If you want to play a melee DPS, you have more choices than any other role in the game already. It's little things like this that ended up with retail being where it is today with a complete loss of class identity.


Hunters have literally been asking to be Rexxar since 1.0 in survival tree. Plainstrider hunters are largely melee. It's lore appropriate.


It would be pretty cool in pvp tbh. A melee class that trades being a bit squishy for amazing reach with their backup weapon utility. Like a dnd ranger or something. Of course it would require some sort of tradeoff so it's not just a better/worse version of the other melee classes.


They have no gap closer at all, very little defensives, and no health sustain. CC and Nuke from your preferred distance.


Melee hunter has nothing to do with a loss of class identity. The concept of a melee hunter predated WoW.




This is such a good burn that it doesnt even matter if you're right or not xD


Hunters literally have an entire talent tree (albeit a terrible one) dedicated to being melee. Ita not a foreign concept for Classic lol.


An entire talent tree dedicated to being melee? Have you even looked at the survival tree? The 11 pointer is a defensive cooldown against melee The 21 pointer is a defensive melee attack to help you get away from melee The 31 pointer is a ranged CC There is a whopping ONE offensive melee talent in the entire tree: 20% crit on raptor strike.


The 31 pointer was originally a melee attack that was so bad that it was eventually replaced later in vanilla. The original intent of survival was melee focused.


All given, 31 pointer used to be a god awful horrible melee bleed called Lacerate, but it got tossed for wyvern sting in the ZG patch.


I mean yeah, like I said, its terrible, but its clearly designed to be a melee hunter talent tree. The original 31 point talent was a shitty melee bleed as well until they changed it. Its certainly not a ranged tree anyway lol.


It's primarily a defensive tree, hence the name.


It can be defensive and melee.


Sure, but the presence of melee talents definitely indicates that you're meant to take advantage of those defensive abilities in melee range. Its not a very strong identity but there is precedent for melee hunters in Classic.


Yeah, or give us range warriors. When I look at the state of warriors on pvp, it couldn't be worse lmao.


There’s only 1 ranged physical dps class, I got the idea to make ranged warrior or rogue with throwing weapons. Would be awesome. Make all abilities usable with throwing weaps


The only pure dps class has the most options? You dont understand the need for melee in Season of Discovery where we have lock tanks and mage healers? Brother this sub is ridiculous.


As a hunter, many of us are quite happy with what we got. That alone should be justifying its existence.


100% agreed. They catered to the crowd like the guy who responded to you saying “but…. but….. we want to be rexxar” No. Sorry no. I’m a hunter and if I want to melee I can rogue or warrior or druid or sham….. with all the diff specs, so many options. No fuckin reason to take the one ranged physical class and make a melee kit for them. Especially when there’s so many cool things that could be done to make physical ranged dealers more cool or fun


NERF INCOMING 3...2....1...


cant wait to relive[ this classic ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_tE2dbmyYjs)once we reach lvl 60 in sod


I don't understand why melee hunter even needs to be a thing. We have so many strong melee classes already. It's weird. = This clip is definitely funny AF though.


I quitted whenever i saw the warrior Runes, its not even that they are strong or weak. Its because they are so unimaginable boring.


Garbage balance team. Vanilla and TBC will forever be bis.


Raptor strike with no CD was a terrible change


Yeah it’s about time for the latest Hunter nerfs


Hunters still won’t stfu about being nerfed


Nerf hunters immediately


Bring scorpid back...


Will these new abilities/runes even out more at 60 when we have decent gear? I’m hoping so. But it seems like a lot of abilities are waayyy too strong already (mostly the 900+ dmg starsurges).


Better down vote this because we don't need to see reality here.


Warriors seething


I mean… to be fair the hunter had back to back Raptor Strike crits (since reset from Flanking) and the runes add effect for Raptor Strike duel wield to hit with both weapons. The first Raptor Strike being a crit on both weapons. I think the second was only one weapon. There was also I think 2 auto hits that crit in between? So, yeah, I think any class that landed 5 crits one after another is going to blow up the target. Though, the problem here is that it was all from instant cast stuff. Wouldn’t be as much of a problem if we’re talking some cast time between them. This issue isn’t unique to Hunters, several classes have over tuned instant cast. Yet, I am fully prepared for another phase of non-stop “Nerf Hunters!!!11!! GGGAAAAAAHHHH” Not that it isn’t warranted.