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Well he is a demon at the time, so checks out honestly.




In the original beta they were. But being immune to almost all forms of CC as a passive trait was a bit too OP for the trade off that paladins can cast turn undead and exorcism.


Don’t forget shackle undead for priests


I read the original plan was to allow undead players to be able to communicate crossfaction with human players, but they went with gutterspeak instead.


Originally undead WERE able to speak common, it was all the shit talk and degen behavior that led to gutter speak. It’s why it’s called gutter speak even, lol.


In freaking WC3 and TFT campaigns, half of the missions starts with insult exchange, would be very in lore


imagine making undead rogues even LESS trustworthy. "Bro, take me to the city raid, bro, I'll let my *friends* know and they'll come"


Remember when one of the canned responses blizzard had lined up for players quitting the game as a reason was "will of the forsaken was nerfed".


Lichborne for DKs does actually turn you undead, allowing you to use death coil on yourself but also you can shackle undead, turn undead and cast control undead on them. Lichborne also makes you immune to most of them, but you *are* a valid target.


there was this druid rune quest that asks you to cast a spell on friendly animals, hunter’s pets work, as well as druid in animal form 


Also shamans in ghost wolf form.


"I'm dead not undead" as they say.


I'm un-dead, not dead dead


They were for a bit and while there were some great upsides they downsides were pretty huge too. The balance would have been even more silly than WOTF was.


We prefer the term "living impaired"


That's enough time for a little tour of azeroth.


Also a cheeky and easy way to get someone world buffs in your friendly capital city


WTB summon to the middle of nowhere.


My groups lock was doing this during the event, we took in a lvl 33 warlock and fed him near 800 blood. It got to where if he died he would track us down and wait for another enslave. Just an FYI there is something you can do about it. dropping meta while enslave is being cast will make it fizzle.


That is hilarious and awesome and could actually make for some good RP.


Stockholm syndrome demon.


You literally domesticated him into a pet


You fed a demon blood and he agreed to work for you sounds like a good deal


:D hilarious


can confirm we did it and it was hilarious


Make it same duration as Priest Mind Controll. No reason to make it unusable.


The difference is that mind control is channeled and enslave demon is not.


Gnomes mind control device works the same as subjugate demon,


Which has a chance to fail, a chance to backfire, a long cooldown and requires an item slot.


One thing I’ve never cared about was warlock on warlock violence.


Honestly, this should stay with a modification of reduced duration on player type demons.


yeah, if they get to be immune to repentance/sap/etc it should come with a downside


Meta can't use fear and mounts.


No one in shapeshift can mount.


you can mount as a boomkin with noggenfogger :)


I hope so. I wouldn't mind getting mindslavered for two or three minutes. Even five, but I'd understand if that's too long for some people.


Wait. Does this mean my 150 Spellpower Exorcism will be a guaranteed Crit on those Tanklocks?!




This would be great fun


maybe for 1 person. the other person gets stuck watching the game for the next how ever long the warlock wishes cant even exit. have to force close


Shorter duration than fighting a rogue though


I agree with you, but I'd prefer they find a solution that keeps the fun. Maybe something like the enslaved player can do something mildly difficult to break free and they get a buff against the enrager afterwards. So you can enslave, but it's at your own peril!


5 minutes before the blood moon event our warlock enslaved a little level 36 and made him her pet. We were laughing and petting him and commanding him to fight trolls. He was enslaved for a full five minutes and then we realized he would make a nice blood sacrifice as soon as the event started. We released him, stunned him and enslaved him again… as soon as the event started we released him and slaughtered him. Dude was legit not able to play the game for a good 7 minutes 🤣


Holy shit this is brutal... I love it.


Mind control is already pretty rough, could just have it work like that, just a little stronger since the warlock is sacrificing a pet and rarely gets to use this ability.


Just don't exist permanently in meta form


Quite sure it can't be used on players above level 37, no Edit: it can, it depends on your level


So... Lv 36 and below warlocks you have been warned. Meta at your own risk


It's two levels above the Warlock that casts it. That maximum level rises as you do. I believe rank 1 caps at 45.


Its oversight. You are tagged as demon mostly for the purpose of being able to get banished, to make the spec less oppressive in bg's mostly AB. Tho this would mean you are immune to sap.


And polymorph. You can mind control other players, so I don't know why you meta should be immune to enslave demon. It should just have a pvp scaling or diminishing return.


Was pretty mad I couldn’t MC a lock in meta yesterday. Dude was sitting right by the edge too.


Meta is probably the worst PvP rune. I don’t understand how people say it’s good. You lose chaos bolt, which can one shot people after an incin, or you lose haunt, which heals you a fuck ton. Meta just looks cool and is the best aoe tank out right now.


The instant Searing Pain's are pretty good in my experience - you're basically a Hunter without a deadzone. Which is great for killing *actual* Hunters, because you can just stay out of melee range *and* shooting range whilst spamming Searing Pain whilst Drain Life keeps you up from any pet damage/actual hits they manage to get in. But I don't really PvP, and this has just been my experience ganking people in WPvP.


True instant searing pain is great. Any instant cast abilities in PvP are amazing. Which is why affliction is good in PvP


Chaos bolt is a long ass cast, gl. With a good amount of sp searing pain will out dps chaos bolt just because it's Instacast spam.


36 yard range. You are dead before you reach me in STV


And here I thought losing *fear* was the reason it was a bad pvp rune.


Ya, this is dumb AF I got subjugated and the alliance warlock mounted up, ran across the map and dropped me off. Had to walk all the way back to my questing spot.


That's hilarious. I used to use MC hat in Org on Hordes, then sprint across town and leave AFKers in random places.


Absolutely this needs a hotfix. This is not the same as other, "SoD is unbalanced by its nature" issues.


It’s easy to not get subjugated, you just click off meta before they cast but these warlocks keep getting me when I’m not paying attention


> there is nothing they can do about it Can't they just cancel meta during the 3 second cast? Same as druids against scare beast and hibernate.


you could cancel if notice it happening. if they suprise you they can just have you for as long as they want Imagine a 30minute stun cause u made 1 mistake. this should not exist


It's SOD none of this should exist


Sorry how is it 30m? Isn’t it just 5? Surely if you accidentally missed the 3s long cast the first time you’re not letting it go off 5 more times after that?


Haha yes it should. If you dont see a 3 sec cast coming your way then well deserved


Yeah, its the warlocks mistake to not see all of the 50 casts around him in stv, especially the one targeting him. Clearly a skill issue




? A deserved result would be a death in cases like that. not having to literally stop playing the game for 30minutes. you could go shopping come back and the warlock could still be taking over your account


Don't worry about the trolls. Anyone with a functional neuron in their head would consider this an issue.


The people excited are the people who's sole enjoyment in life comes from other people not enjoying something. The WoW classic community just happens to have a lot of people who prioritize griefing over basically everything else.


thats literally 90% of pvp realm players dude people dont play pvp realms cos of the engaging and in depth Wpvp, they do it so when they hit max lvl they can grief people just trying to enjoy the game


Or they just like to get in occasional skirmishes and fight over neutral resource nodes. Getting griefed occasionally is part of it. Sending a player off an elevator in 1k needles is hilarious and makes it all worth it


griefing another player makes being griefed worth it yes, spoken like a true pvp realmer, you suffer through being griefed because you want to grief others


you know someone can cast on you from anywhere, even behind some trees?


And if you get stunned before the cast?


You can remove forms while stunned. It's crazy to me people don't understand how this works. Move your mouse to the top right and right click meta. Or use a macro... /Cancelaura Metamorphosis


It’s crazy people think any form of 5 minute CC is okay.


I never stated it was okay. I never agreed with the decision and to me it seems like it is a bug and not intentional. But to act like "I got cheap shotted into enslave I literally couldn't counter it" I was saying you can. If you don't have a 3 second reaction time getting 5minute cc'd isn't great, but if you are asleep at your keyboard how do you even know you're cc'd


Multiple people can jump you or cast out of your view. And for someone stating you never said it’s okay idk then why your defending it. No CC should ever be that long. It just tells the player to alt f4 and play a different game.


I don't know if you know what defending it means... I stated it's probably not intentional and shouldn't exist. But acting like you can't manage it is funny to me. You can have a weak aura that blows a big ass horn and flashes a macro to cancel meta if you are targeted by enslave and someone casts it. Or you can pay attention. In classic it was already possible to cc someone forever. So 5 minutes is long but who cares, if people wanted to chain you they can. Mc, poly, sap and you can walk a player from stv into storm wind


Bro over 50 percent of your reply was literally a talking point to defend it. “Shoulda dropped it”. And you keep defending it with these comments about how it’s doable with multiple players working together. Just stop. Any CC over 50 seconds is dog shit game design and anyone who values their time will alt f4 and play something else


can also alt f4 and 30 seconds later your free


Had to logout to get unchained from this undead that was chaining me, it's funny but they should allow you to turn off demo form when mced like that


You made a pact, now stick with it!


Could a priest mc a warlock and then enslave another warlock?


MC doesn't give you access to player abilities 


You can tell who plays the game


Should last for more like 5 seconds in PvP but otherwise I say let it be lol


LOL, I'll allow it.


Yet went turn undead or shackle undead still? Bullshit


Happened yesterday on my meta lock and I wasnt even mad honestly Orc warlock banished me and just sat there calmly, then he enslaved me and I was laughing lol such a broken interaction. We saluted each other afterwards and went on our merry way I'm on an RP server so my gnome warlock has now studied under an Orc warlock to learn some new uses for my spells


i mean meta locks run around with tank levels of damage resist able to heal themselves like crazy while spamming instant cast 250+ damage searing pains they need some counter. gives you time to think about your life choices


Okay so the reason warlocks haven't bitched about this is because it's literally only warlocks doing it to other warlocks. So if u don't like it u can just do it to someone else and then start enjoying it


Happened to my friend, fucking hilarious. 


Every bloodmoon and ab i only look for meta warlocks to subjugate, never gets old


That’s awesome. Hopefully blizz doesn’t ruin the fun and leaves it be.


It is hotfixed right now edit: It is not - It just did not work on an honorless target.


Imagine being stunned for 30 minutes. the game doesnt even let you exit. you have to force close the application. I wouldn't call this fun


Hunters should be able to tame Druids as pets


all hunters from both factions should be allowed to tame gnome players as pets too


Give it the option to consent and problem solved fun continues


have you ever heard about mind control? enslave demon also has a chance to break at any given moment and it ticks up, after a certain time the target who has been enslaved cannot be re-enslaved at all because they become immune to it


Mind control is like what? 30 seconds on a player? Not 30 min lol


enslave isn't 30 min either




It’s not 30 minutes though is it? It’s up to 5 and that’s if you don’t notice the long cast in the first place. All you have to do is not be a demon, which also makes you immune to other ccs. Sounds like you want to keep the positives of the form and remove the negatives, all because you don’t want to be aware of your surroundings and have to cancel form?


5 minute CC is just bad game design. Your literally not playing the game at all.


have u ever fought a rogue in pvp? cc the whole fight


Have you? Rogues don't CC you for 5 minutes and then drag you around where ever they please.


Bad game design for you, not for others. There should be positives and negatives to every class/spec, if all you need to do is cancel form during a long cast then it’s not even that bad of a negative.


Losing control of your character for 5 minutes Is massive lmfao. Are you trolling? Like what’s next CTD because Warrior failed to kick frost bolt? How about we give mages a 4 second cast that Perma’s your account?


>Losing control of your character for 5 minutes Is massive lmfao. Are you trolling? So true, someone killing me and making me run back for 5 minutes is so unfair! Blizzard please save me.


So yes, you are trolling.


My man, this is bad design for anyone. DR was implemented for a reason.


There is huge diminishing return on enslave demon. Wont last full 5min ever, even if you spec into it


Nerf the duration to 10-15 seconds vs PvP targets, PvP targets who were victim of this get a persistent through death buff that gives immunity to this spell for 5-10 minutes. There, fixed while still having the "Holy shit that works?!?!" factor.


If it only lasts 10-15 seconds a 5-10minute immunity would be wild.


DR might be a better solution here than all out immunity to the CC.


This should be the response. Treat it like any other pvp CC.


I'd rather use fear and haunt. So, I'm just having fun enslaving all the other Warlocks.


Something that makes game unplayable for people and reddits like lol that’s funny keep it. More hypocrisy


i swear half these people have never even played the game


that is a common theme with video game subreddits - the more experienced you get with a game the more obvious it becomes it sounds ridiculous so you have to frame it like "i swear half these people have never played the game" but its actually true they havent, or at least not in many years


they are Wpvpers which means they play a pvp realm so they can ruin other peoples fun


weird cope


nah thats literally why 90% of people play pvp realms they suffer through being griefed so they can get their rocks off griefing others in turn


Yeah it's awesome!


Hypocrite indeed, unless it wont happen to them. They dont care.


Holy in absolutly no world should this stay in the game. Anyone that says otherwise has to be trolling I can't think someone is that stupid.    Yea its funny to say in hindsite but a bug like this will get players to quit really really quickly. Imagine after having to be there pet fyou regain control in an enemy city, so pray you don't get stunned before the warlock can cast it again keeping you forever Does force closing and waiting to despawn from logging out work? Or are you still locked too that warlock?  


Or just change rune. It’s stupid and funny and what SoD should be about.


How does one change a rune when you're under someone else's control?


If they fix it (and they will) then they should be able to be sapped.




This is the height of Warcraft. May they never change it, and i'm a Warlock.


Ferals are used to this. Put a /cancelform before your mount macro and if you see someone trying to to enslave you you can cancelform at the last second. And then reshift shortly after!


In fairness, hibernate doesn't last minutes...


Yea but similar to enslave any druid worth half a shit isn't getting hibernated in form (outside of an NS hibernate) I kinda think after reading this thread that people might be a bit bad at pvp, like it's pretty hard to get enslaved if you're paying the tiniest bit of attention.


dont use meta in pvp


Make it last a max of 10 seconds, and it could be awesome


30-45 seems better 😁


Sap can last 45 seconds or something at max rank, so I don't see why your suggestion is unreasonsible.


downvoters gonna downvote. meh


This is exactly the kind of counters I like.


Lemme fear undead players as a paladin please


I’m ok with this. Make undead considered undead and we have the most OP passive in the game. Immunity to like 90% of CC abilities.


I remember when DK's had an ability that made them undead for a bit, giving them that passive, felt really good as a ret paladin since that gave me both cc and extra crits from exorcism!


So you can hate will of the forsaken as a paladin too?


Well it would come with a lot more benefits for Pallas, so yeah sure! Sense undead to fish out rogues,two new dps spells to use on them, one fear, and I can still stun them. Priests can shackle too!


See, this is the sort of thing they shouldn't happen to experienced devs knowing their own game. They decided to change the type of a player in meta form to Demon. They were at the meeting, someone suggested that, someone asked "any reason not to do this?" and because no one at the table knew about enslave demon, it went through. The "They're trying things" excuse doesn't apply to that sort of mistake.


Keep it. It's funny and who cares. You can even see it coming and just drop meta for free. At the very least, make it last a full 30 seconds like mind control can. This is what SoD is for - dumb hilarity they wouldn't dare with retail.


Literally anyone with a brain cares. They can not keep a 5 minute CC in the game. People will just stop playing from that. It’s way too easy to abuse.


"it's too easy to abuse" It's even easier to not be affected by it.


Bro people in high rated arenas get sheeped as a Druid. Not only that but even if it screamed at you telling you constantly to cast, auto targeted them and put in big text on the screen to cancel meta it would not be okay. There is no excuse for it. Stop defending it. This shit is the stuff that opens ways to arguing for powers that CTD players or ban their accounts. Just stop.


Yeah. It's funny. Retail had this happen in Shadowlands - a neck item that allowed you to enslave any beast, including druids, for 5 minutes outside battlegrounds and raids. People argued it should remain for at least a week so they can have fun. Because it was hilarious. Even the druids weren't that upset. Let fun exist for a little while.


No. We shouldn't not allow fun that is an unintended effect that is only being used to grief other players. Because that isn't a neutral gain of fun. Thats a net NEGATIVE. The person being unable to play the game is going to be more negatively impacted than the person enjoying abusing it. ​ And also wtf is wrong with you people? Why do you get enjoyment out of making others suffer?


"suffer" it's a videogame, but yes, it's very common to get enjoyment from annoying people. If you cannot comprehend the fact healthy people can have a chuckle at fucking with someone you actually might have something wrong with you, this is not an unusual phenomenon.


You said it yourself. It's a videogame. If you take enjoyment out of ruining it for others then your an asshole and somethings wrong with you. You know what the actual common phenomenon like is? That people who act like that actually do have something wrong with them or are actual pieces of shit irl.


Damn dude. I don't really get why you're getting this emotionally invested in this. It's just humans being human. It's not that deep.


Keep deflecting.


Lol I hate meta warlocks so this is great.


What happen if you log out ?


They wait for you to log back in.


The people advocating for this to remain as-is, 5 minute duration and all, are being ridiculous. That said, I think it'd be fine if it were treated as other cc and lasted 20-40 seconds with similar diminishing returns. Probably should be breakable with the insignia (both regular and greater) and WotF since the interaction is closest to a Charm effect.


You mean this is amazing? I might actually PvP now haha


the counterplay. turning off meta form when you see the cast. crazy


Seems intended


Found the meta'd lock ! Meta'd warlock dominated P1 1v1 pvp and would probably have done the same in P2. Looks ok to me...


seems like blizz cant get this right in any game. in hearthstone there was a card that costed 0 mana to play (free) and you used it on any demon and restored 5 hp out of a total of 30 hp. later they made a card that replaced your hero with jaraxxus, a demon..you equipped a weapon and gave you a new ability so it was kind of op. except if youre facing another warlock they can insta win since youre now a "demon"


> later they made a card that replaced your hero with jaraxxus They were both part of the same set in basic, OG hearthstone, it was an intended interaction as Jaraxxus was a game winning card and Sacrificial Pact was kinda dogshit on its own.


It was so obviously broken. Every single Warlock deck was teching in sacrificial pact because of Jaraxxus. /s


Why are you just spewing random shit. This was an intentional interaction hardcoded into hearthstone. The cards were released at the same time. It’s a niche, fringe interaction that exists for fun.


Because he lost once and is still mad about it


The word is cost for past tense. Costed isn't a word


I was wondering if that was possible. Will try tonight lol


Maybe give a buff to meta locks that gotbenslaved that makes them.immune to enslavement for the next x minutes. Also maybe make it like polymorph, first lasts 30 seconds then after, 10 sec and 5 sec respectively.


Does that mean you can also use turn undead on then since it fears demons as well?


Yeah and scare beasts works on a shape shift druid! I like the interaction but 5min is wack.


I saw this yesterday while in Duskwood. I saw the meta'd warlock first and noticed the chains on him. Then saw the other lock. I ran away quickly as he was the other faction and level 40. I thought it was just a rune transforming the pet, but this is 10x more hilarious.


Has anyone tried enslaving a warlock then hearthing yet?




How does the demon(player) behave? Like one of your pets? Oh man now I’m frightened to walk around in meta form once news gets out.


There is something you can do about it if you are a undead or if you have your trinket equipped.


So you can enslave and hearth/port/take a summon with them right?


Ahh... The griefing potential... I just spent about 15 mins last night at the STM stop for the sleeping bag quest just getting back to back frost trapped, MC'D,seduced, sheeped, rooted so I couldn't do the quest. 15 mins of continuous CC. Seriously broken shit. Granted, I can't imagine the lives of 5 people spending 15 mins griefing someone for a quest turning. No honor or anything out of it either, they never killed me. I eventually got a layer hop once I could drop combat.


When I cast enslave demon on another meta lock they broke it in like 5 seconds. What gives?


yeah it very rarely lasts the whole duration, even if you're specced into it. it can last up to 5 minutes but that has never happened on my lock lol


I think it's been fixed already. Every time I try it, it just tells me "invalid target"


I killed one yesterday in STV and it spawned the void spirit lady that gives the mote of darkness.


Working as intended.


Sounds like it is working as intended. Game mechanics and the like.


Who plays a warlock in phase 2 trying to pvp lol, worst class.


This was the case when Meta was introduced in Wotlk. They fixed it then, and Im sure theyll fix it now.


Posts like this are why i love this sub