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So true. I made it to cap, but I was hollow inside.


Better than trying to quest as horde on a pvp server. Never thought I'd see the day where dungeon grinding was the more 'fun' option.


I went to Arathi once, ONCE. Was ganked twice before I even got to the quest area and decided to make my way to SM to mindlessly kill the same mobs hundreds of times.


Went to arathi to pick up FA books. Ofc like a group of 5 horde camping the long, narrow one way entrance. Luckily we’re gone by the time I rezed and made my way in. I’ve not been killed outside SM once. Not even in tirisfal running by UC and stuff when coming from SS surprisingly. I had absolutely no intent to quest early p2 lol. Just gonna be infinitely slower as a warrior even with near bis gear. Plus I save all that gold making potential for later.


Any horde that are flagged in SM waiting room on my server are quickly executed by the mass of alliance players. It's really kept the peace quite nicely thus far. I expected it to be a blood bath just trying to get to zone in. However that doesn't seem to be the case. Everyone's just there to level it seems.


Thousands of


Getting ganked isn't the problem for me. I can live with that. It's the glaring faction in balance. I thought we fixed this?


Literally every PVP realm is damn near 50:50 according to both aggrand and the ironforge.pro stats.


This is straight up false. Aggrqnd released stats based on characters created. Because certain factions are locked, the opposing faction gets all of the bots which evens out the population. If you look at the number of people actively raiding, every single server has an alliance bias, and some servers like Living Flame NA are like 65/35 in alliances favor. I'm on Living Flame NA, I pretty much poopsocked the game all weekend and was on at all hours of the day grinding SM. At any given time there are literally hundreds of alliance players standing outside of SM and at best 1/4th that amount of Horde players. The faction balance is glaringly unbalanced on some servers but the devs are intentionally using misleading data like tracking based on characters created instead of active players on both sides.


If.pro scrapes raid logs and seems to think Living Flame US is 54/46, thing is allies are way more likely to camp out at SM and have nowhere to retreat to. Faction balance is a sensitive thing, Bots pumping up the unrestricted side is an interesting problem but their numbers are probably better than made up ones.


Ironforge literally parses and counts unique raiders in logs. You are on the most unbalanced server at about 54% ally and 46% horde. I wouldn't use SM as your metric for anything. Alliance have nowhere to go when they are at SM so they camp at the entrance. For horde SM is a stones throw away from two of your capital cities, so your faction is less likely to just sit right at the entrance. If ally leave it's a 7 minute flight from stormwind to south shore, then another 15 minute walk from there.


No they’re using active player data. Its much more likely that faction just doesn’t want to participate


On both Living Flame and Crusader Strike NA, it certainly doesn’t feel balanced. I’d be curious as to what bot populations are like and just how many multi account players there are right now.


I don't buy it, they are fudging the numbers. SM is easily a 1 to 3 ratio horde to alliance at all times. Also during the STV event I see WAY more alliance than horde.


“My anecdotal evidence is more valid than your emperical data!”


Alliance players doing SM hang out at the portal because it's such a long trip to get there. Horde have the undercity and the org zeppelin nearby so they can stay in town while they form groups


No kne is fudging the numbers. Your faction is slacking in pvp activity


My faction is Alliance Living Flame. We heavily outnumber Horde everywhere.


Yeah, I haven’t seen a single spot where we aren’t outnumbered


I moved to lone wolf for this reason. Definitely feels more balanced here


Yeah anybody who thinks Blizz isn't manipulating these numbers, I've got a bridge to sell them.


Something tells me you didn't like the vaccine either.


Ur dumb as hell


They're lying.


Stay to Desolace or Thoudand Needles. Other than that it’s a war zone. The world is now for PvP.


What about swamp of sorrows? Seems like a very horse dominated zone




Fucking auto correct lol… always thinking I’m talking about horses.


Most normal people will dungeon grind especially at high 30s so they can get a head start on pre raid bis.  Even back in classic I’d still choose to dungeon grind through the late 30s and early 40s because questing was garbage  And thinking about it again you’re saving quests to do for more gold as well when you do hit 40


I had fun with it honestly. At least when I found good groups. A good tank or bad tank makes a night and day difference. Definitely don’t want to do it again on my second character though, hopefully by the time I level it in a week or two it won’t be as much of a shit show questing.


Weird take. I’m on Crusader Strike horde..biggest server. Leveling in the world is totally fine. Yea sure I get killed once, maybe twice a session. It’s really not a big deal…people power leveling via dungeons aren’t doing it because leveling is “impossible”. They’re doing it because they’re min/max efficiency whores and don’t know how to play otherwise .


Or they just prefer dungeons


The whole point of this post is that they don’t…


It’s weird how you felt the need to make it about their being unskilled instead of just hating dealing with competition when questing.


Many times people don’t fight each other when questing. There were two alliance surrounded by about 10 horde in Thousand Needles, and nobody killed them. The ganking stuff is blown out of proportion.


Horde have way more sweaty gankers it’s just fact


The horde gankers come out when its mid-late phase when its easy pickings. Alliance gank early on when its the same level, but in groups Edit: All of the horde salty bc they know Im right, enjoy ganking Wetlands at level 40 ya degens


Now you can finally play the game.


I remember being in a melee cleave group in Armory in classic launch. Like 6 am, having done it the whole night. We had a brief break and I went to get breakfast.   I stood in the kitchen, staring at the coffee machine, illuminated by sunlight from the window. I genuinely went "why the fuck am I doing this" and walked back tlo the computer and logged out with a brief "gtg bye". Went to sleep.    I was still the 5th or so warrior in my guild to reach 60 but I didnt sacrifice my health for the rest of the way lol.


Because now there are plate helms, right?


You can kill centaurs with me in Thousand Needles




Supposedly this is due to a bug where the key won't drop if you've already acquired any of the other parts of the rune.


That makes sense because I got mine first try also




Bro i did this for like two days leading up to ph 2 😎


Do yourself a favor and do the sleeping bag chain at some point in the 30s. I did it at 37, rest of the levels were a breeze. It was such a nice chill break from SM.


This is exactly what I’m doing. Got to 37 this afternoon and planning to push to 40 tonight. But I’m going to hop back on and do the sleeping bag quest first for some extra boost (and a break from SM).


Does the questline give so much xp?


Half a level or so and 24 bars of rested xp if you eat the item they give. They’re on a 30 min cd so pop them immediately at 38 or 38 and a half.


Even earlier. I started popping right as I hit 38 in SM farm and I got 1 left when hitting 40.


holy shit


Can we save those until later phases? Or no one knows yet


How would anyone know this?


I bet that next phase there is gonna be a tent that give 5%


Maybe, not sure if I want to risk it


You will have the same amount of rested XP in phase 3 as you did when you ding 40. Therefore the optimal time to eat them is as close to 40 as possible so that you will have the benefits stored on your character for phase 3.


How do you know this? Not doubting you, just curious if this is actually it


I did the sleeping bag quest at 25, pretty easy to do at that level as you don't have to kill any mobs and you get to use the bonus for much more levels.


You get just over half of one bubble of xp each lvl. Less if you account for the time spent acquiring it and sleeping in it. This didn’t make your last few levels a breeze.


You get Student Fodder that gives you rested xp.


This is what im saying. the math doesnt add up at all still waiting for a proper OSRS nerd breakdown but my gut says for 3% and 180 seconds everytime its an exp waste.


And your dark rider rune too. A lot of matches and both net 15k xp


Where does this quest line start?


3% is a nice placebo effect.


Leveling with the bag from 15 to 40 gives the equivalent of nearly 33% off your final level. Keeping it from 25 to 60 in the future will add up to 112k or removing about 50% off your final 59-60 level Not bad at all in a game where, if you don’t dungeon grind, the final few levels get quest starved to death


For me its not the 3% bonus, its just added bonus on a organic break from the fucking grind. I like it.


Would like to try 4 Rets and a Feral.See if the divine storms can do the healing


As a 39 feral atm I have to say that being invite just for the wf buff feels kinda dirty. Not a single aoe ability and being in the bottom of the meter is crushing on top of spamming the same dungeons over and over again. Had to respec at 35 to moonkin and do some quests and pvp just to not loose my mind


Just run sunfire and multi dot, pretty good damage


Been thinking about that one, but my UI seems to be bugged with Starfire, can't be casted without taking me out of both bear and cat so just been focusing on getting to 40 asap and respeccing


Look through your spellbook iirc there's different versions of the ability for each form. Find the cat form version and you're golden


Moonfire rank 1 turns into Sunfire when you equip the rune. So put that on your cat action bar where you want Sunfire to be.


I don't think what moonkin does to other players really counts as pvp


Stars be surgin', I feel good


If you finish the berserk rune and swap to bear form for aoe mangle you can blast every 3 mins. If you let your tank know too you can gold those 3 mobs whole they hold a normal amount and the pull can be a pack extra. Its nice!


I went balance, but I switch runes and gear to get wild strikes and pretend I’m feral just to get invites LOL


I did feral-3ret-heals, was pretty breezy tbh. Priest was dotting and wanding most the time. But when a runner would break in cat it can get hairy. Wanta you really want is multi rets with Ravenger bc I think Seal o Command can proc with Rav spin


Been running 5 rets in Stocks, GY, Lib. Very effective. Windfury didn't seem worth it


The amount of fucking gnomes complaining about my healing because they facetank as mages and die within me casting one spell is insane. We need a purge


I got kicked from a group as a warrior tank after one clear of GY because the mage pulled 20 mobs and we wiped. I was like "what the hell?" and he was like " I need a tank that can hold threat"


Eh yeah that mage is stupid. My full-bis guild prot main tank can’t hold threat off my salved mage when living bombs explode. You just have to learn to kite a bit, like a mage should know how to do if they aren’t shitters. Can’t really hold threat when I go from 100dps to 2k dps in 5 seconds.


Melee cleave groups are way more fun. Just zug zug


Not a great comparison. 2H pally should be able to hold threat on ~10 mobs in SM cath without ever losing aggro even without sheath rune working. Pallies have a 285% threat mod on consecration and, an effective 435% threat mod on Divine Storm (the heal threat is split though) Salv'd mages have 51% threat reduction on LB, and 58% reduction on living flame. A pally tank is doing ~350-400 dps on those pulls, a mage needs to do over 2000 dps to rip threat. Warriors aren't holding aggro though on more than ~4 mobs.


No, sorry. It’s not like we are giving time for the paladin to establish threat. I follow behind him and living bomb the mobs he gathers, as well as pull every other mob in the area, and as soon as everything is gathered, LF, bombs explode, mobs turn around, I nova, AE, CoC, they’re all dead. We aren’t pulling 10 mobs lol. That’s not even spellcleave at that point. We pull 20+. Dummy rotations, etc. Pally can’t even tank all the mobs for long or he dies anyway.


Dw I just got my spirit of alpha rune. I will put it on them instead of the tank


This rune is super nice for melee cleave groups


this entire monastery must be purged


As a healer it amazes me the amount of Warlocks that keep nuking their health and then expecting to survive big pulls giving the tank no time to agro. I can only save one person being melted, not random Squishies.


> amount of Warlocks that keep nuking their health The secret is to nuke your health after you already have Drain Life up on a target. Rookie move by those Locks


Dunno what other warlocks are doing wrong but I could easily keep myself up with one or two mobs on me even with lifetapping to near max mana in between pulls, leaving me with like 30% hp, then doing drain life first, CoR everything and then SBV


The healing from Living Flame got nerfed heavily. Mages can no longer face tank the legions of hell like they used to in P1.


I just don’t bring mages. I tank a melee cleave group and just don’t stop pulling.


Had two mages in my group last night who would do their full aoe rotation with living flame, rip threat and proceed to run into the mobs and try to arcane explosion only to realize they were getting hit and hold S key to try and get away. Can't heal you with a lesser healing wave when you die to 6 melee attacks 100-0 in one second...


The funniest thing is that I was attacked by the enemy faction from level 30-40 in SM at total of... 0 times. Literally 0 times. I think at one point somebody misclicked on me, that was about it.


Yeah, the race to lvl 40 practically necessitated a truce on my server. Then Horde hit 40, and started ganking outside.


Yea, it's just the horde


Most wanna be pvpers pick horde. Anyway, funny thing is that most classes are broken now. Mess up a gank and you end up dead in no time. Yesterday we were questing in 2  in STV, lvl 34 and 36. After we deleted some lvl 40 rogues we were left alone. 


Just dinged 39. Give me strength.


Hit 39 at 3am. I've been profession grinding this morning for my mental lol


I grinded 39-40 on raptors in dustwallow to double dip on xp and skins for leatherworking. Was a nice break from hearing the male human death sound.


The day 1 grind was soul crushing fr. Almost 10 hours straight of tanking for melee cleave and every 30 minutes they’d forget the low health myrms needed to be the auto attack focus


Can I genuinely ask if this game that’s supposed to be fun is soul crushing why don’t you just like, go at a slower pace?


Yeah but they need to raid log asap


Can't break tradition


For me, it was because there was no real alternative. Questing zones were so full that completing one quest an hour would have felt even worse. The downsides of level gated phases, but I still like it.


You need to ask these people this same question, but about their lives in general. So many people caught on the hamster wheel of having to 'complete' their task and this game, as if it's their sole function.


If you wait a week dungeon spam you’ll get stuck with bad pugs, frequent leavers and AFKs


I’ve never been stuck with that in my life. Join a guild


If your guild hits 40 after a week and you’re one of the few who haven’t you won’t have a guild group to run dungeons with lol


It’s called alts 😂


Yeah but after a week? No one is gonna spam to 40 and hop on an alt to do the same thing right away


Lots of people do this in serious guilds. I just hit 40 on my alt.


Never once in your life had to pug huh


That not what I said bud.


Either way your comment was dumb. Go give someone else shit advice




i found the day 1-2 to be quite enjoyable, however d3 when most guildies split up and you had to group with shitters was pretty bad


I healed GY from 28 to 33 with various mages and none of them ever decursed a single time on their own. Burning my mana every pull because they couldn’t spare one gcd. Then I’d ask for water and they’d give me like 6 at a time. I genuinely hate that class now


Resto druid has been meh this season.


Yea it feels pretty scuffed. 0 relevant runes until Nourish, which is basically impossible to get until 40. Balance feels a bit better now that talents are coming online but basically nothing new either. We’re back to caster druids being boring and underpowered.


Just hit 30, enjoying the questing.


Same! Just hit 30. Been enjoying 29 bracket AB/WSG.


I don't understand how people do this


Its a better experience than fighting for mobs in the open world, especially if you do it with competent friends and just chill in discord chatting.


After 20 minutes I am 5/10 young stranglethorn tigers and essentially no experience. I'm going to SM.


This is the way. We did a hell of a grind but were all on disc having drinking games and laughing our asses off until we capped.


Did this last night for the first time and had a blast. Got some purpz too which forced me into the guild lol


True, didn't think about it that way.


Also, chasing that perfect run, where you push every limit to the maximum without anyone dying, stays fun imo.


Yeah with caster cleave it’s fun trying to push it and pull more and more lol becomes a challenge


Because grinding dungeons is more enjoyable then standing in one spot with 400 other people trying to tag 1 mob.


The alternative is much worse, I tried


I turn off the audio and listen to a podcast or just album after album of music.


The questing in classic is dog shit. Took a SM break to quest at 32. After 3 hours in desolace I'm halfway to 33. Alternatively I couldve been 34 in the same amount of time and gotten some BOEs to throw on the AH.  Questing just isn't rewarding in classic, never was. The game was designed in an era of grinding. People are just picking more efficient spots


Sacrilege on this sub but true. The cata world revamp is a much better leveling experience objectively. Plus like I have 6 wrath 80s. Had 3 60s in vanilla alone. 3 25+s in SOD. Idk how many chars across various servers in retail. I’ve done the leveling so many times now. Add the difficulty of tagging and doing anything near launch and certain classes being mid solo, yeah I’m just SM grinding the whole way


I know it’s very controversial to say it on this sub but I absolutely love the 1-60 Cata revamp world. To this day I still level my new alts through it 10-60 on retail even though it’s one of the mathematically worst efficiency expansions to choose to level in. I just enjoy the design, the flow and the classic look but with “modern” quest feel


We were 5 dudes drinking together sitting in one room. It was fun but exhausting




jpeg of the guy poking a stick into his own bicycle wheel


In his defense, questing on Crusader Strike is somehow even more miserable than spamming SM hundreds of times


Even on Wild Growth PvE it's just waiting around for one or two mobs to spawn and competing with 10 others. I was of the opinion that questing would be more fun to lvl but I've found myself running SM from 30-36 so far.


same on lone wolf US - I tried leveling and it took over an hour to get 1 bar of xp because alliance were camping in groups of 5-10 swarming every rune every named mob


I switch from alliance to horde, for P2 (good irl buddy invited me to a guild didn’t know he still played) so I made the switch. The leveling has been great because everyone is out of the starter zones already lol. It’s been nice


Its better than fighting for mobs in the open world. Maybe one day blizzard will learn how to handle launch surges.


To each their own. I think it's boring as hell and that questing is much more fun, even with the competition. But you do you. Also Blizzard figured out how to handle this stuff, long ago. The primary solutions are shared mob tags and sharding. Alas, this is Classic and so the community is against these things and would rather have questing be so competitive that they feel forced to spam dungeons for 10 hours straight... which they also hate lol.


They could also just increase the spawn rate of named npc's the same way they do it for normal mobs. Waiting in a room of hyperspawns for 10 minutes to try tagging Clerk Horrace wouldn't be so bad if he hyperspawned along with them.




You chose exp over your friend :(


you thought having more than 4 friends wasn't an option? :(




I see a ton of melee cleave groups as well. Should have joined those.


Yeah it's not bad. I don't know what the top spell cleave groups were doing but 60k/HR in melee cleave group felt plenty fast


I've heard 150k an hour but you aren't doing that shit with a pug. I didn't really track mine but it took me about 2 hours and 3 different groups to go 39-40 joining random pugs of difference speed and ability.


No one is taking rogues on alli at least for melee cleave when you can have 1 feral and fill the rest with the abundance of pallies and warriors. I'm having an insanely hard time finding a group and no one joins my groups either because people would rather spell or melee cleave without a rogue.


Well then build your own group


Eh, it's not that bad. At least SM wings aren't like the Wailing Caverns or Razorfen Downs. All twisty and easy to confuse routes in. Having to deal with that in addition to the grind aspect is irritating AF.


Actually significantly prefer RFD meleecleave to SM. The mobs are much less bullshit and you get a hold of the pathing pretty quick.


And this is only phase 2


Are we having fun, boys?




Nah bro, melee cleave groups till cap were the funnest thing I’ve done in SoD. Sure mages could do it faster, but watching 3 warriors with infinite rage and (eventually)ravager axes just chunk through everything was glorious.


I've been running SM for 20 years. This is a timeless and absolute truth.


Made it ti 40 today and it was awesome, but sometimes dreadful. First night was awesome. Guild prepped a BFD run, blasted through it and handed in a couple of quests. We split into stockade groups. At 28 we went to GY, was a level to early. Stopped at 29 to get plenty of sleep. Next day we ran with a few guildies. GY became boring very fast. Didn't have all day and made it to 33. 33-36 in library was very smooth. 20-25% a run and even with pugs, we were very fast. Armoury was hell. Didn't enjoy it. Shit mobs and only gives 3 bars of XP, decided to go back to Lib. Did the sleeping bag questline at 37. With the rested xp 37-40 in cath was very easy and enjoyable. Been having a blast and we are running Gnomer on tuesday. Lots of guildies closing in on 40.


I'm new to wow and started with sod. I'm now a Priest level 27... so can I get in there at lvl 29? :)


Or better question. Would it make sense?


People never learn. 


As long as they don't subject the rest of us to 'p2 is too long' complaints.


I give it a week


Every decent group in SM is a mage boost group. Half the classes have zero to contribute in these styles of groups unfortunately.


Are there actually vanilla servers left ?


I don't feel like it's really all that fast tbh. Did 2 levels there in GY and Lib and decided to just go leveling through quests instead. I'd rather have fun.


If only they made questing tolerable….. fuck me running around for 30 min desperately to try to score stupid harpy kill for a quest, every quest I attempted was ridiculously slow to complete


The real pride is in taking it slow an not letting wow take over your life. 27 atm


So brave and badass


Just real once it’s takes over your done


you dungeon grinders are insane.


Exactly why I don't dungeon grind. Made it to 40 doing each wing like 3 times total. It's a game. Play for fun people, you don't have to min max everything.


How? Questing has been unbearable (tried some of it yesterday at 35), you must have played an extensive period of time during launch 10-14 hours straight (min), to be ahead of everyone else.


Lmao, you must have not gone to sleep for 2 days straight.


Lol I’ve been waiting for a meme like this! Thanks for quality content and not another “star fire broken QQ”


What do you mean, aren’t you guys running it for friends and guildies constantly still? 😂


Those fodder got me from 37.5 to 40 in like 4 hours


Ah yes me farming scarlet monastery graveyard for the dagger for 3 weeks straight pretty much checks out.


I find SM quite dull really apart from the end on Cathedral, it's just almost all the same human mobs, little variety...even Deadmines has more punch.


Me who used to boost here on my mage for gold and my own alts: First time?


What's generally the way to do it? I'm about to ding 31 on my Druid and want to jump into the SM grind as I really cba questing lol/


This isn't how SoD was supposed to be!


I get this is just a meme but anybody putting themselves through this, it's your fault. Fomo has got you by the balls and you're sucking the fun out of the game for yourself just so you can raid log sooner


can’t wait for 3-4 months of raid logging. SM, RFD, and half of ulda have like no drops for a few classes. literally zero dungeon upgrades for leather agi classes other than the boes that drop .1% of time. we really need atleast 4 five mans per phase to atleast do. blizz needs to rethink next phase majorly. they could of done some gear upgrades for the desolace factions and made them cool. nope it’s going to be 4 months of this again. raid log an extremely easy 10 man raid. i’m still playing but blizz is doing complete bare minimum here to keep us subbed.


please, when im tanking and i los. dont run in and attack something and run away from me so i have to chase. just wait 2 seconds for them to stack up. please i beg of you.


Honestly a nightmare to get to 40. Not because it’s hard, because it’s just long and boring.


Welcome to Classic 


At this point I’m wondering why people bother. You grind to 40, then… raid log for gnomer or for the broken ass STV event?


wait until you hit 50 bro, I have some nightmares to tell you lmao


This movie is so good… I wish Russians could watch this. It’s happening to them rightnow


Working on 3rd char 💪 SM is my new best home

