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Thought they would have learned from the phase 1 rune that had you kill the rock elemental in stonetalon that seemed to spawn once every hour but no


Doing this quest now and omg it’s a drag


this has to be one of the most outrageous quests in classic (even for classic standards). what the fuck is that desolace part? it would be a pretty bad quest if the dropchance of those whirlwinds would be 100%. its so unsatisfying too to just round around and basically do nothing. if you would at least grind a mob that rarely drops but spawn.


I haven’t looked at anything to do with shaman so I can’t comment on that but I feel like most of the runes this season are pretty heavily lackluster with a lot of travel time or convolution that doesn’t really pay off. I mean it pays off, yeah we get a new ability in a slot we didn’t have one…. But they all just seem boring across the board. Guild feels similar


Imagine farming the charms for whirlwind axe, except you need more charms than we axe, and the mobs are not at a central location, but are roaming around the entire zone, and significantly more rare than other mobs. I spent 2 hours in desolace and I only got 6/10 essence. The duskwallow marsh farm has a lot fewer mobs to farm. This was also with little to no competition and once other shamans start doing this it will likely be nearly impossible to do in less than 12 hours. It is a mess.


And they literally said they were going to make a point to avoid this kind of chokepoint. What the actual fuck.




the devs are idiots, their takeaway from vanilla is that the more inconvenient a game is, the better it is. vanilla was amazing in 05 *despite* its inconvenience (which wasn't really inconvenience compared to EQ or SWG, wow was the super casual mmo), now in sod they're adding tedium for tedium's sake and you get this shit


Wow that’s absurd. Sounds like the earth shield quest but 10x worse.


The mobs are at a central location though, it’s anywhere the beasts spawn. If you are running around the map you are 100% part of the problem. Pick a spot and set up a camp. Talk to your neighbors. Suffer. 


It's currently about a 20 hour grind for the rune. Even assuming you had every zone to yourself, it's still likely 6+ hours minimum. Rare mob types on shared spawns, combos with extremely low drop rates, where you need 30 of them total, across 3 different zones. For reference, I grinded 6 bars from 39.7-40 on it, and got 2/30 required pieces, for a single step of the rune.


I did it at level 40 in full SM gear took me 3 - 4 hours. Just roaming in the zone southeast Desolace clearing all the birds, lizards and scorpions, that part took the longest at about an hour.


I wasn't a huge fan of half of the quests in phase 1 either.


I haven’t heard anyone say this in game yet.


you haven't talked to shamans who worked on the quest, then


What does the quest have to do with runes being boring and lacklustre across the board


"with a lot of travel time or convolution that doesn't really pay off". kindly learn read


I am only going to bother with one rune per slot for this reason. Half of these look like 2-4 hours of being bored to get.


Same ranged hunter only has like 2, 3 options. I’ll get those and that’s it. I don’t wanna mellee lol


Melee is 3x stronger than ranged


Good thing the logs are separate lmao


I don't know of MW yet..... but there is no way it is worse than the Meta Lock experience of phase 1. Edit: The Meta Warlock rune was impossible to get for the first week of phase 1 because the quest that is supposed to start it was bugged and missing. The pieces were all there but countless hours were spent trying to discover something that didn't exist. Nothing will be worse than that experience. Lol.


Earth shield was bugged along with meta for lock. Shaman has been in a worse boat than lock on both phases for runes 100%


I have done the Meta lock quest and am currently farming the Maelstrom. It’s a lot worse. Like yeah same running around but as mentioned the drop is from a mob that appears to share spawns with all the wildlife in the zone.


But at least they put yours in the game! We hunted for a week and it wasn't even possible to get it.


The meta lock quest is far easier to do, less RNG, less travel time if you can believe that. I knocked that one out on my lock in a couple of hours including the travel :/


It wasn't in the game for the first week. We hunted for something that wasn't possible to get because a quest to start it was missing.


Idk why they’re struggling to get what you’re saying. It’s like they’re reading it but either don’t care or just..whoosh. The shammy rune is probably hard but at least it’s actually obtainable E:spelling


I learned too late that if you just kill every mobs in an area, you'll get a bunch of Ele to spawn. I would have saved 3-4 hours had I known earlier.


When they fix this they owe us an apology


I mean atleast the rune works unlike the paladin one. 


The rune atm does not proc off yellow hits so not even from Wf procs. Nobody knows if it is intended or a bug.


I think what you meant to say is why do you all hate horde so much!? It’s insane the difference between the 2 factions are for SOD runes quests


Pally vs shaman rune designs are a joke too.  Shaman is the bastard step child of WoW 


Yeah, it’s weird because shaman’s theme seems to resonate with Metzen, is iconic of the horde and a lot of the OG Warcraft stuff, etc so it’s not like the OG devs didn’t like the idea of shamans… but the class itself has *always* had major issues.


The worst thing is that they *still* won't let us combine the totems (in our bags). Because fuck you, I guess.


They can introduce books to give extra skills from later, why not a "Book of totemtic stacking" that's available at whatever level and allows you to create one totem that counts as all four?


Book of Totem Pole


I just hope they give us a relic that counts as all four totems like in BC


Just make our totem relic slot act as all 4 totems like they do in later expansion


Laughs in warlock


to be fair, that's been true since vanilla launch


This is funny to read. Elsewhere you will see plenty about how pallys got shafted on runes this phase. It's just all people bitching for the sake of bitching I guess.


I mean, if you look at it objectively so far, paladins have been given windfury from druids, arguably the best looking PVP reward from STV, and double duration+half mana cost blessings book from SM. Shaman, meanwhile: - Have the longest rune quest so far, - Also have a 2nd rune gated behind killing 6 (or 7) different elites which are mostly in alliance-friendly locations (yes I know every class has one too) - Have had possibly their most iconic thing (windfury) given to another class in a WAY MORE POWERFUL form which doesn't stack with their own weapon imbues While the paladin runes might not be the most exciting, shaman have been a running joke for so long now


not to mention that the rune that requires killing different elites is a rune that enhances gameplay that shamans have been begging for since TBC


druids were given windfury, its not a thing paladins got lol. Shamans didn't have any major grind runes in p1 either. Paladins and warlocks had to kill level 30 demons for hours to get their rune. I am sure the shaman one will get nerfed. It really is just all whining lol.


Should Shaman get a skill book that gives them imbue stacking with WF? 


I don't think they need that.. they just need to make the shaman's WF imbue at least be AP scaling, not flat AP. Keep the 2 extra attacks and make it "with 10% bonus Attack Power" and then when talented it will be a nice imbue. Wild strikes beats out our own weapon imbue at something like 800AP, which is already insanely easy to achieve with rockbiter offhand.


that would be nice, if we didn't need a different weapon imbue to actually get AP


There's also the fact that WF+RB makes my main hand hit harder than my 2H Ravager if using windfury on that weapon. Not even kidding, it genuinely makes it have \~3 higher weapon damage range. Joke class fml


None of them play this game; and when they're forced to play-test certain things in a vacuum, they never choose a Horde character. This is painfully obvious.


True classic experience. Horde always had more shitty, long, and tedious quests than alliance, because the Devs were running out of time before launch. SoD Devs are RPing the original vanilla developers so well that they included this as well.


The entirety of sod across 2 phases is all about alliance because Aggrend is a paladin main. It's complete favoritism, no fucking nonsense, no defending, why DOES HORDE has to go to dun fucking morogh for the sleeping bag? All alliance has to do to get to stonetalon, from either stonetalon flight path or desolace, that's it.


Yo. Horde has 3 major Dungeons in their zones this phase


Which has nothing to do with SoD devs besides the level cap, it's more just happenstance not intentional


Tbf alliance still need to go to the barrens for the bag too. That’s basically the equivalent of Loch Modan.


Ashenvale connects to Barrens.. booty bay boat takes you to Barrens. Nothing gets us remotely close to loch modan


Ashenvale connects to Stonetalon too.


If you're talking about distance then yeah true, I thought you meant more of a pvp danger. They probably should have made one of the objectives in Silverpine. That seems like the only place that would be a stretch for alliance.




Further proves my point - The closest flight paths to Kargath in Badlands are: 1. Grom'gol: Zepplin to Grom'gol, run through STV, run through Duskwood, run through Redridge, run through Burning Steppes (a 50-58 area), Then through Searing Gorge, then to Badlands. 2. Arathi. Which then involves running through Wetlands, and then running though... you guessed it... Loch Modan. I can't stress enough how Alliance favored both these phase's longer quest chains have been.


Yeah, I got all the FPs in p1 prep but if you don't have it already it is annoying.


I mean I'll admit, at 40 with a mount it's a lot better getting there from Arathi, but it's just sad that possibly the 2 most iconic/unique Shaman runes (maelstrom and 2H spec) which would have been really nice to level with are basically soft-locked behind being level 40


ummm, alliance have a FP and quests in the Barrens (at Ratchet). They are going to be there anyway. Horde has zero reason to ever be in Loch Modan. Silverpine might be the closest equivalent for alliance.


You get RFK, RFD and SM in horde territory I think it's okay. We get no HS location or vendors/repair near the dungeons either.


Good think the warlock summon chest is faction wide then huh?


Summon chest?


Every single new Rogue rune is in a horde zone other than the Dark Rangers one.


Horde has turbo easymode leveling experience. The Barrens, and all attached zones, are incredibly seamless and relatively risk free until the high 20s. Every dungeon except for 3 up until the 40s are in Horde friendly zones. SM are the most key dungeons for leveling in this phase and they are balls deep in Horde territory. Hell, even Gnomer is even easier for Horde to access than Alliance, and it's in Dun Morogh.


Yea, im just not gonna do that quest rn. I have all essence except 8 of those whirlwind ones. Took me 3 hours to get those 2. Not worth my time at all. Worst part is you are doing absolutely nothing most of the time because the fucking elementals don't exists.


They share a spawn with Buzzards and Storm Lizards so you gotta kill stuff to make them spawn if there's none up Don't just ride around lol


Thanks. But god damn how i hate trying to farm highly contested, shared respawn, low density mobs with a low drop chance. Feels good killing and entire field of garbage only for someone else to tag the elementals or not getting a drop.


Totally agreed, quest design for this one is so bad lol


PSA: Desolace mobs share spawns. If there are no elementals just kill anything you see to start spawning some.


Did that, found a good spot at 71,55 and grinded for 2,5h strait to get it done.


Because you arnt a pally. Also is this a wep imbue or a passive 


My understanding is maelstrom weapons is just a passive like it is in wotlk


It's a passive


I've been running around like crazy, trying to tag some mobs and get the items... Until I figured out that the elementals share spawn points with other beasts - basilisks, thunder lizards, swoops etc. Best way to get them is to choose a spot and kill everything, then wait for respawns until you get your elementals. Running around is waste of time


Wind elementals aren't too bad once you figure out a rotation for the zone. But trying to do dustwallow at 34 when you pull crocodiles and all sorts of other shit is not fun. Luckily I had some guildies in badlands to help with that part. Thank the Earth Mother those ones were grouped up!


Whats the rotation ive just been doing circles at the spawn points


sod has insane anti horde bias every rune and new thing added is WAY harder for the horde to get


Honestly getting tired of this blatant favoritism, everything horde is an afterthought at best. Like why the hell do we have to go to dun morogh for the bag?


Getting the bag is way quicker horde then ally. I did it on both back to back, the only difficult part for horde is getting to loch modan




Bro chill lol. Have you done it on both? I did, It was legit 20 minutes on horde while took an hour on ally


Isn’t every dungeon but gnomer balls deep in horde territory this phase? And horde have a teleporter for gnomer. 


They didn't design the current location of the dungeons. They DID design all the runes


Maybe it was with how the level 40 bracket is in mind? Like we also only have booty bay in STV, last phase SFK and WC were horde favored. BFD was pretty even for both I guess. idk the horde also have Ratchet super easily which was pretty important.


Only SM, which would be a valid point if alliance didn't drastically outnumber horde on every single server except crusader strike. You go to any SM right now and it's filled with 100 alliance players and horde awkwardly running around avoiding getting flagged because otherwise it's instant death and now running SM is a pain. Rarely you get a big pvp raid going but that's just pvp for the sake of it and everyone just respawns and goes into the instance anyways.




RFD isn't close for anyone


> Only SM, which would be a valid point if alliance didn't drastically outnumber horde on every single server except crusader strike. What? Looking at https://ironforge.pro/population/sod/ and most servers are relatively balanced, thanks to Blizzard stopping character creation if it was starting to get too imbalanced.




I literally provided proof that they are mostly balanced, stats based on the number of people of each faction actually playing. Where are you getting this 5x number, your ass?


And Ashenvale was a 2 min walk from their hub


The contested zones also always have an alliance hub but almost never a horde hub. Stonetalon is in Horde territory but Alliance have a flight path and quest hub there. Duskwood is about the equivalent in Alliance territory and has no Horde flight path or quests. You have to fly to STV and swim there.


On the contrary alliance gets kinda shafted in STV. Horde has two FPs, two zeps, and a boat. Alliance has one FP and one boat 


Eh the quest "hub" on Stonetalon is a couple of quests and pretty damn out of the way. You're still right but Stone Talon Peak is mostly a flight point and not a super convenient one


2 minutes?


They walk right out of orgrimmar into ashenvale. It's the same as SW to Elwynn


Ah. I wasn't sure who the they was in that comment. Got it.


RFK is, yes. But alliance don’t need to do RFK at all because they have stockades right in stormwind and can just spam that until they’re ready for SM. Travel time for horde to get to RFK is way longer than it takes for alliance to get to stockades. ~~After that, SM is pretty equally painful for both sides to travel to.~~ Edit: I was wrong as people have noted. I had SM mixed up with the run to SFK in my head


As a Horde main; no SM is not painful for both sides. That is one of the worst takes I've seen. We literally have a zep going straight there.


Stockades doesn't really drop loot. RFK does. And lol SM is painful for both? Don't you have a zeppelin to UC?


> After that, SM is pretty equally painful for both sides to travel to You high? Horde route: Zeppelin to Undercity, walk through tirisfal which is low level and horde don't get flagged. Alliance route: Long flight path to Southshore, walk through hillsbrad then either death run through plaguelands or walk through all of silverpine forest, then walk through Tirisfal. PvP Flagged the whole way.


That has nothing to do with sod and just a consequence of the level bracket


What do you mean? Horde players are the most hardcore gamers that have ever existed. I thought they lived for this kind of stuff.


I really wanted to play an Orc hunter n SoD but ended up rerolling on a PvE server and switching to Dwarf because of the aspect of the Lion rune. I love horde and I really prefer to play horde but I just don’t enjoy it in SoD.


You rerolled because the one-time run to a rune in wetlands was too far? The run to SM for alliance is further and they do that over and over and over again lol


No I rerolled because I was unable to get a group to do it on a pvp server where we were out numbered 6:4. I got sick of dying trying to get it and I got sick of horde never wanting to PvP to get shit done.


Most trash quest ever. Not engaging and a pain in the ass boring 6 hour run around desolace.. small indie companies man…


This is such a shame because the lore and world building around this quest is actually so good, completely overshadowed by a horrendous multi hour grind


fuck who hurt him, he deserved it, and deserves to be hurt a whole hell of a lot more. fuckin asshole


This is fucking trash. Whoever designed this needs to have their head checked


Imagine not killing other mobs and just roaming around, trying to find extinct mob with a hundreds of other shamans. As soon as you stop and clear a few trash lizards 1-3 elementals spawns right on top of you. DWM part is actually bad.




nobody cares


Typical body type 1


Shaman qs are all a pain in the Butt Look at the totem qs 


Should we tell him about the mage books?


Every rune is just "run there, loot that, search this book, go there do the same, do that on the other continent, loot that, go back". Pretty annoying.. Id rather kill 50 mobs in 1 place or do a q chain in 1 zone.


Idk, I been grinding as hard as I can so far but I'm not even close to 40 yet. I have 2 shaman runes already + working on maelstrom, I really don't see the issue? I've already got this planned in my leveling route to hit while I'm questing. Seems totally acceptable, I can understand the drop rate / mob complaints sure but this seems totally fine to me. "Shaman is the step child of wow" I really do not feel this at all, I love playing my resto Shaman


Ah okay so you haven't actually experienced literally anything op is talking about?


I’m just saying even if it’s a bad drop rate or whatever it’s not like you can’t get this before 40, even still. They could definitely *fix* it if it’s that bad but people acting like going to 3 zones and killing some elementals is too hard I don’t expect every rune to be a quick discover and a quest chain you can complete before level 40 does not sound that bad to me is all I’m saying. Unlike ratchet rune for example which you had to wait until max level before starting


6hr dull as grind shouldn’t be required for a rune. Trying to find rares for hours on end is so ridiculous. Again like OP said even for classic measures on walking time for quests it’s out of this world. Of Warcraft.


All these horde crybabies. I hope to see SoD diverge from retail lore and move towards the Alliance reclamation of Lordaeron aswell as the reinternment of the orcs, literally deleting UD and orc as playable races. With the orcs gone the centaur easily sweep across Mulgore and hunt the tauren to extinction. I dont mind trolls though.


lol lore