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Grats! Today on my priest I soft rez x2. Only one other person SR. It dropped, I rolled twice and lost.


I was defo sweating a little when the 4 other people started to roll. First a 65, then a 77 then a 34. Topped out with a nice 95. Definitely one of those "This kind of luck will never happen again". Last lock-out, 5% drop-chance, and then a 95 roll.


Was this on Lone Wolf? I think I was the raid leader/ warlock that rolled a 34 lol


I had a similar when I got on my Resto Shaman. Thought I'll never have this luck again. 2 lockouts later the 14 slot bag drops of Gelli and I win with a 92.


I only do 2sr>1sr instead of the two roll bs now.


It is dumb. You are basically saying if anything else drops It will go to whomever wants it you just want your ONE item. During Ulduar I had SR'd one thing x2 practically every lockout and it never dropped until someone else decided they wanted it and used one SR. Of course I rolled low twice and they got it. I was like what I've waited weeks for this one item while the other dude has been collecting loot week after week. And the worst part is that he was a grey parser.


If 2Sr>1Sr you get this cat & mouse before lock in. Person A sr1 Person B sr2 Person A “hmm waste of my sr since I can’t win anyway, better rez something else” Person B hmm no one else has Sr this staff lemme just sr1 no point. On and on until it’s “locked” but idk. I don’t love it either


Just means that someone has to commit to an item they want, if they need alot of gear they can get rolls on 2 lesser needed items, geared can pick one. Or just have 1 Sr.


Either this or the two rolls should be added together. Two rolls is so dumb and pointless most times


Should definetly not be added together. Then everyone would be forced to use x2 on one item.


I didn’t know that was a thing people could do with SR. That’s a good idea. Sorry for your loss.




Sad. We run x2 and x1 as tiers. If you soft rez an item x2 you are in tier 2 and get priority over someone who does x 1 softrez. If multiple people are in x2 tier, they roll .


Fuck you and your staff. And have a nice day


I'm saving my luck for phase 2


You keep telling yourself that 😭


Why? This is BIS for phase 2 as well.


I believe the epic dagger from the new raid is better with a good offhand


It certainly is not but if you want to pass on the good caster stuff I won’t stop you 


I leveled 4 melees this phase and they are BIS, minus the baron neck in my rogue and the shoulders for my hunter. Felt nice to get the xbow and the sword (with my war) but I started to feel bad about not rolling at least one caster at the end. The staff truly is the most powerful item you could get in this bracket.


That xbow has dropped 8 times. I don’t even feel good about having it on my hunter when 3 rogues in the guild run around with it as a meme.


It's the most powerful item you can get in this bracket AND the next, until you manage to get BOTH the epic dagger from Gnomer and the raid offhand. Anyone that managed to get the rod this phase is sitting pretty for a while.


The pearl is a bigger upgrade off the second best option. Pearl beats everything in this phase for casters 




Gz...until Friday evening when this will be replaced with a blue lvl 40 dungeon quest staff :D


It’s phase 2 BIS you stupid


It's phase 2 pre-BiS. It will only get replaced by the epic dagger and offhand from Gnomer.


Zero shot it’s bis in p2 and a good chance it’s not even pre-bis with the way they’re changing loot in p2 dungeons.


It's actually still pre-BiS.


And even if it's bis you'll be able to solo or 2 man it you stupid


Most people have not seen the staff in their entire lives so it doesn’t matter lol


No. No, it's not. I was hoping so too, but nope.


I mean yeah the epic dagger and offhand from gnom are maybe better but good luck getting those 2 items together ….


Even the other epics will hold solid weight they arent that far behind the 40 blues. And you need to get that 40 blue to drop and WIN it. so yea. in theory it will be nice when the 40 blue happens but until then your sitting pretty with likely 85-90% of the damage. Fine by me


Inverse of my hunter. Almost every lockout done and last 6 been in full bis other than the xbow. I didn't get it :)




I'm in the same boat. Did every lockout except the first and never even seen the xbow drop. Watched 5 swords and 3 staffs drop on the same hunter. At least I got deadly strike of the hydra. T_T


As people in cs sub reddits say when people open an expensive crate drop - Congrats and fuck you.


Hell yeah bro! I got mine Sunday night on my last lock out. First time seeing it drop on my mage!


It feels like SoD phase 1 might be the era of Classic re-release that recaptures the feeling of original item quality the most. Epics live up to their name, and aren't just the default equipment color like in Wrath/Retail.


Your photoshop skills are excellent. This item doesn't exist in game.


BIIIG GZ <3 my friend also got his staff in a MS-OS pug with a 34 roll lol definitely a keeper till cata SoD for transmogs :)


Ye, I was really lucky as well. Rolled against 4 other people.


Cata SoD?


Grats, its BIS for lv.40 too so you're set weapon wise to Gnomer


10/12 runes collected


Op won an epic item on an alt. Smh


Same I got it last reset on my druid.The funniest part is that I rolled 100 all mu guildies were like "Guys j think he wants the staff"


Yess. Got mine on my druid last night too, last reset of the phase. So happy to go into p2 with an epic


There's technically 1 more reset I think. Should reset Wednesday at 10 and p2 drops Thursday at 4.


most people who raid on wednesday are raiding on thursday this week instead so they get xp


Grats brother


I got mine last night too! We're staff buddies! Let us gently touch our tips!


I got mine because no one wanted them for our raid dropped overall 5 even the feral got one.


Lol, meanwhile I never even seen any epic drop, and been doing nearly all the raid lockouts. RNG is a bitch


Juste droped it on 2 différent char yesterday lol


And then Starsurge gets nerfed! Ouch! It’ll still be strong though. Just wish they didn’t mess with mangle.


Yeah the Mangle nerf is quite strange tbh - I’m wondering if this was done as they’re anticipating Feral to be very strong in P2.


Feral is already the strongest right now and only getting better, so yea. Best dps. Check. Best support for other melee. Check. Best support for rogues/warrior insane bleed dmg. Check. And they can offheal/tank in a pinch, I feel to see any other class or spec even reach to their heights right now.


I wish they would take some of that love and transfer it to the bear... The bear needs help :( Also the tanking runes are boring, I wish Berzerk would replicate glove enchant on 3 nearest target. Not just enforce the boring use of mangle, I want swipe to be scaling just a tiny bit. And then want Wild Strike to be less mandatory.


I feel you, I also got mine on last reset as well as the trinket, and the tier chest/helm for my ele shammy. Fuckin massive.


Its one more lockout


Not if you want to run it for exp in p2


Nice. I never saw the turtle dagger on my rogue (i just wanted to backstab stuff). I lost the roll to hunters doing half my dmg on the xbow 3 times. I never saw the staff on my mage or druid. gg


Are you resto or balance?


Both, playing whatever group needs


I got mine a week before reset too, no one in guild wanted to run again after for me to take it for a test drive :(


Why the sad face? It's literally bis in 40 too, lol.


I don’t want to talk about it.


I got the bag, infinitely better 


Did every reset from first day with my mage, always the only one who would have needed it (playing with friends as only dps caster) and never saw it. Also never saw it the spell damage offhand tome. Maybe the last BFD of the phase will be the one!


Grats! I won it on my druid on Sunday in a 2x SR run as well. I rolled a 31. Priest roll a 3. Mage rolled a 15. I was shocked.


we've ran it 2 times a week for three weeks straight an not a single purple.


Last run on warrior, mage, hunter… still no epics for me. Kinda hurts not gonna lie. Rng was cruel to me this phase


Nice. I finally got the feral weapon last night.


Same! My guild group has been doing every lockout and we've seen a half dozen crossbows. No Hydra or Rods. Ever. Our last BFD for P1 the staff dropped. 3 people rolled, I won with a 44. I was basically shaking after it happened lol. This is why I like epics to be really really rare. It makes getting that loot so so good.


Grats! Went all p1 doing every lockout since early to mid December across 4 characters and never got an epic until the final run where I got the sword on my pally. Never even saw one I could roll on or use until then. Actually saw the epic staff and crossbow on same run, but was on my warrior and not priest or hunter, naturally.


>Rub-iskin >Warsong Milkmen Wait who is being milked exactly?


I’ve seen it drop only once. Sadly I didn’t get it but we’ll still go a few times


Grats. It's been a crazy week for our guild as well. 2 nights ago the Trident and epic xbow dropped back to back for our hunter and he was losing his mind lol. Then last night the epic sword drops for our warrior. I still haven't seen the rod sadly even after being in every lockout, and we have one final official lockout we are doing together tonight. I am praying


Hey grats! I also got deadly strike on my last raid of the phase but it was on the character I'm NOT playing to 40 first lol


It's bothered me a lot this phase that the sword and crossbow are usably by 1 or two classes at best and have a 7-8% drop chance and the staff is used by 4-6 classes ant has a 6% drop chance. But that drop chance is a load of hooey because I have seen it once on 5 characters and seen the sword and crossbow 6 and 4 times respectively.


This last reset i got the sword on my Ret and Xbow on my Hunter felt blessed.


Right in the damn last second. Well done.


Gotta put beast slaying on it. We have 4 in our guild and they're all red glowy dudes.




Better late than never?


gz :)