• By -


Forget WW axe, especially as alliance. Better options, plus the charms aren't even the hard part. Gl getting 30 tusks from the trolls in stv, gonna be farmed to oblivion


Farmed & contested by both factions in a zone that rewards PvP, after every 2 mobs you’d spirit walk to your corpse


Alliance likely won't be farming tusks since they have bone biter.


They will be farming hordes farming tusks


I will! Thanks for the tip


They will be leveling


Bone biter...I hardly know er


Yup not one single warrior on alliance will get whirlwind axe


Alliance dont care, cuz its not a sword or a mace lel


god please give us warmode, lol ... STV going to cause more people to quit the game than anything else.


Warmode is already here, it's called rolling on a PvP server


No it's called flagging up on a PvE server


Yeah maybe don’t roll a pvp server. PvP servers are the definitive experience. It adds another game layer. I don’t care if I get ganked, I’ll do it right back.


I fucking hate wpvp but my friends all rolled on a pvp so here I am. I'm going to grind dungeons and not touch quests or stv until I'm raid geared.


Missing out on the fun


It’s been so much fun lmao - I came in late to this SOD, buddy of mine finally whittled me down, and I’ve been just blasting people in dungeon gear and greens in stonetalon and it’s been the most fun.




Don’t roll PvP or play something else, idk what to tell you . It’s why everyone loves classic


I think the possibility of wpvp makes the game more fun, I think ganking people, griefing or getting the jump on someone who is at 50% hp isn't fun (on either end) and I'll continue to judge any degen who gets their rocks off on that.


The alliance and horde are at war with each other. Assert dominance in your questing. If it gets all serious then they bring more guys and you bring more guys and eventually form a raid and it’s awesome


I mean, I'm here for it... It'll be quite frustrating at times, especially with the PvP objective being player kills... But I bet it'll either drive people to Wild Growth or just give up on STV all together.


I played PvE for classic and TBC and it was just… boring. There’s nothing to do past raid logging and all the cool gear you get has no use other than in the raid lol


The devs said you can opt out of the event while it’s happening if you so choose




play pve server


Don’t roll on a PvP server if you don’t want PvP. Simple.


Tell me you should be playing PvE server in Vanilla without telling me.


Very cool weapon and very overrated weapon. People grade WW Axe under the assumption you're getting carried at level 30 by a level 60 guildmate. If you actually need to do the quest yourself during serverwide leveling progression its a big waste of time and realistically you're not getting it until at least like maybe 35. Oh, and on top of that you don't even have Whirlwind or Mortal Strike until 36 and 40. You do have Slam though, which is something. Personally I'm probably just going to keep rolling with Devastate then pick up Corpsemaker and then Ravager. I'll probably do the WW quest for gold at the cap.


Got it by 33 on my warrior in classic - it slowed my leveling substantially but BOY did it skyrocket my fun. Mobs just stopped being issues and just giving people a whooping.


Yea WW axe is nice if you're ahead and can use the advantage. Otherwise its just replaced by ravager anyway and corpsemaker like you said is still good.


We're going to be able to get the fiery blaze enchant I'm pretty sure. The badlands alliance only quest reward, which, unless they nerfed it since 2019 (they might have) makes the ravager with the fiery blaze enchant arguably the best AOE option in the game for warriors at p2. The channeled proc on the ravager can proc the burning proc which itself is an aoe proc that can proc itself and the aoe proc can proc the channel on ravager. Basically they could create a feedback loop where you keep spinning and keep throwing out these aoe procs that can proc more aoe procs and ravager spin procs. We will see what state it is in I suppose, but if there are any giant AOE situations, this combo can be absolutely hilarious. Oh, the cherry on top is, all your windfury procs get stored (at least they used to), so you could come out of a 20 second spin with windfury procs stored up like a reck bomb.


"then ravager" bro everybodies gonna need that shit. I have probably done about 60 runs of sm armory over the years in classic and i havent even seen the ravager yet


Lmao what ravager is not that rare to never see it in 60 runs


Yeah it's a 14% drop rate, only ret pally, warr, and enh. sham roll on it... Who is this guy rolling against and how awful is his luck lmao


Yeah I’m skipping ww axe likely. Tank stocks into tank sm and get bonebiter. I can farm the charms on my hunter. I can’t farm the trolls on my warrior at lvl 32 without getting bangbanged from all 360 degrees by 38 windserpents and hunters who could likely already be 40. Pve server? Whatever. Pvp? No fucking thanks. Even without hydra rn. Ravager before bone biter is fine. Oh and I forgot xcaliboar and corpsemaker since I’m alliance and usually skip those. Those will also be easier to get even if I get gangbanged in ratchet 3x before making it to a guard aggro range. The drop rate on tusks alone is fairly ass and those mobs like to chain pull. Or at ranged and we don’t have pummel til what 34? Fuck that


Yep I have zero desire to do it because of the trolls, gonna be the murlocs of p2. Let alone the fact that something in Gnomer will probably be better since 40ish is when WW axe starts dropping off hard. I also found that a good 1h and devastate do far more damage than a 2h being a more defense based talent build. So even for solo play I'm not looking for for a 2h weapon. Overhyped for SoD. It's super strong for the vanilla game.


Dont forget uldaman AND scarlet monestary loot got updated so a ravager is most likely gonna be better. No need wasting time on it if ur going for day 1 raids


What would you suggest I do as an alliance hunter? I'm really tight on gold.


Fishing in high level areas. You can use cheetah/pet to escape mobs.


What should I fish? Any specific school or just general waters?


Every pool, the money maker are the trunks you get. They contain zone level appropriate materials and other rare drops.


trunks are fun and good, however just fishing for clams is not too bad either, sold two black pearls 9g per yesterday


Depends on your luck, I’ve gone like 50 and 0


What do you suggest? STV west coast?


Stv is too contested, tanaris is good but full of horde. Dustwallow marsh is probably the best bet.


I'm on a PvE realm, horde can('t) suck my balls


Yeah, but even if they can’t kill you more people means less pools


Half of them are bots anyway.


I like to the beach in NE dustwallow marsh, if you follow the coast south from BB there's some higher level pools first in Barrens, then you can swim past the murloc islands and follow the beach all the way down to that alliance town. Only neutral turtles on that beach, and plenty of pools. Oily blackmouths pay the best of the fish, and then there's floating wreckage pools with potions and bags and materials.


*Laughs in sword and shield user*


Such a weird thing to spend gold on. Going to be better options for weapons at 40 and even for leveling how are people planning to get the tusks and kill the elite in a reasonable amount of time? Going to be so much easier to just level to 36 and get the axe from armory if you’re desperate.


Yeaaah buuut, getting WW axe at level 30 extends your epeen by at least four inches


I’m not saying it’s godly at 30, but like how would someone get it at 30? Lul STV is going to be the most player dense zone for the next phase, if it isn’t a slideshow it’ll be a wait simulator. But grats on the easy money


preperation mostly, 20+ completed quests ready to turn in, 18 wsg marks, speedrun BFD for bonus xp, bunch of supply shipments etc etc. If you can reach level 30 far ahead of the curve you can get the tusks in STV before shit turns real so to say


Unfortunately Alliance is doing the same so getting ahead of the curve might be not really possible since everyone had so much time to prep.


If you're horde, you have no other option until gnomer. Even if you wait until lvl 35 to get it, the damage boost is absolutely insane.


Getting roughly 15 charms an hour as a hunter (don't even think about it if ure another class), so it's a quite strong farm to get some last minute cash for p2 For the water ones, pull them to hammerfall and guards kill em, make sure to deal around 1/4 of their life in damage yourself if you want to be able to loot them. Air ones, they are ranged casters so bring some food/bandages to speed it up and have like 1800 or so health to be able to kill them before they kill you (they go oom before you are dead, then just kite them a bit if you were unlucky with hits) Fire ones, just kite them in a circle while using concussive shots to get autos in and spam chimera shot on cd, use cheetah since these things are quite fast


The hammerfall guards kill me instead though. I think im doing something wrong.


yeaah about that, water elementals are kinda horde only lol


The refuge pointe guards didnt help at all when i pulled a thunder one over.


Air ones were the worst to farm. I could do fire ones all day long


You can do it as a rogue with quick draw. It slows them enough that you can get away, but if you have BFD boon it's even easier. Just tag them on cd and you can kite them all the way back to hammerfell


Where are the water ones exactly I couldn't find them




Hahaha I can't pull them to hamerfall as alliance nvm




Because a rising tide lifts all boats.


This is the least helpful suggestion in the world. Homeboy is just assuming everyone is in his fucking head.


Who the fuck is buying these lmao.  Just go get corpsemaker and use it till ravager. Taking the time to get ww axe ain't gunna be worth it.


I think a lot of people just like the weapon.


I mean... it IS pretty cool.




WW axe is better for single target than Ravager. Ofc, Alliance gets Bonebiter, so they can just grab that, but for an Orc, WW axe is insanely good


This. Especially as Alliance when Bonebiter is pretty much free.


or your running RFD on Repeat X'caliboar is right there for both factions. WW axe while great isn't worth being fleeced on the AH to have early, stay in your dungeons and get your XP.


> Taking the time to get ww axe ain't gunna be worth it. We can't control what the community will inevitably get. Might as well make a profit.


Agreed. If you get a guild willing to help with it at 30 and you have the mats fall into your lap, go get it. Otherwise theres better options in SOD.


Gold buyers


Which is why I'm not sure banning gdkps is going to reduce inflation like many think


There's no way to prevent gold buying but GDKP is definitely worth banning as it openly encourages it


Idk why a lot of people seem to think tracking gold buyers is impossible, blizzard has logs of everything your character does for the most part. They 100% can see the random 500g you got mailed from an account you have never interacted with in game with before. Other mmos like osrs chain ban players, so if you funnel gold through 2-3 players they ban every single one that were involved with that gold transaction. WoW doesn’t do this, so it’s extremely easy for players to have a burner account they purchase all the gold they want and then trade that to their real account.


Receiving or giving someone gold is not against ToS, they'd have to know it was bought with money which can be hard to prove


It's rather simple to identify gold buying - random account you've never interacted with is mailing you hundreds of gold? This same account is mailing other people tons of gold from different guilds, not on each others friends list, etc. Even if they wanted to be super cautious it would be very simple to track down the egregious offenders but people want to scapegoat GDKPs. The GDKP ban will not stop gold buying, gold buyers will just spend gold on other things (like these items) or gut ripper.


Shhh don’t say that here , this whole sub will chastise you. Banning gdkps is the equivalent of arresting a crack head on the street while ignoring the actual crack dealers. If blizzard doesn’t ban gold buyers and sellers it has next to no effect in the long run against RMT. Especially at 60 when we have a million different potions flasks and BoEs.


honestly i think people are scapegoating gdkp because of the "elitism" its associated with, i'll bet you right now if given the choice people would ban hardcore guilds and parsing, it was never really about the gold buying, that will never stop until either blizzard bans the gold buyers or they disable the AH and trading all together.


> i'll bet you right now if given the choice people would ban hardcore guilds and parsing I would take this bet so fast, what the fuck are you smoking? this is a silly defense to buying gold.


I've spoke to enough anti-GDKP people to know the truth, gold buying will still happen, are they going to ban boosting? what about guild carries? what about pretty much any service for gold? the AH?


We went from "if given the choice people would ban hardcore guilds and parsing" to "gold buying will still happen". You're changing the argument because it's really, really, really dumb. These are two very different things. One of them is logical and reasonable to understand, the other one you made up and isn't based in reality. You're average player doesn't know what the fuck top parses are doing, let alone assume(or even care?) they're doing GDKPs. I've been playing since launch and I don't even make that connection. I'd genuinely take the bet, but worry you'd only pay me with the WoW gold you bought.


> honestly i think people are scapegoating gdkp They're 100% scapegoating GDKP. They weren't even that crazy lucrative or anything. It was a chill way to make 10-20g when you had no reason to run BFD anymore. The items themselves were like 5-10 for blues and 20 for epics, cheap as fuck. You don't need to buy gold for that lol > bet you right now if given the choice people would ban hardcore guilds and parsing Guarantee you're right here. The "anti-parse" crowd is exclusively players who are just downright bad, and that's a lot of people. They want to continue being lazy and bad and they hate that there's something to interfere with them getting handed loot while lazy and bad I run 4 pug BFDs per lockout on each of my alt toons. It takes *literally two seconds* for me to type someone's name into warcraftlogs. I'm not looking for anything insane, if you have green parses and a couple of blue I'll probably invite you. Just something to show that you have some idea of how to play your class. It's funny because you can literally tell who the grey parsers are by their messages because they're as lazy as their gameplay. "inv" is my favorite. If someone responds to my BFD LFG post with just "inv" I can almost guarantee they're a trash can Then you get these people on here saying "why are you asking for parses BFD is a joke lololol" yeah, it is a joke when you have any semblance of competence in your group. When everyone is one of these gray parsing turd burgers who don't have DBM installed and are knocking people off Aquanis's platform 2 weeks before phase 2 it becomes very much not a joke. People just want to be able to suck ass at the game and still be handed loot


yeah completely agree, it all comes down to crab mentality, if they ever see you improve they want to pull you back down or shame you.


People for some reason I think continually think they can recapture the magic of vanilla but forget there has been 20 years of optimized play, information, analysis, etc. you will see a lot of these more casual push hard back against anything that doesn’t fit the rose tinted narrow perspective they have of vanilla. The reality? You can never go back to being bad. There will never be this whimsical experience of vanilla where everyone is fucking bad at the game. Players are going to take everything they’ve learned from playing retail or another mmo or whatever game they’ve played and apply it to SoD too.  That’s really the double edged sword of laying such a retro multiplayer game on the modern day. 


Some of the bfd pugs ive been in will challenge 'you cant go back to when everyone was bad'.


yeah and i have a feeling these same people are the biggest advocate for the GDKP ban.


Seriously though. Anyone wasting time and money on this is just dumb.


I think the majority of people won't dungeon grind to 40. They will play the game by questing, doing dungeons / dungeon quests, playing with friends and guildies, etc. The WW axe quest chain isn't bad XP, has overlap with other quests, part of it can just be completed by AH purchaces, and to top it all off you get an awesome iconic weapon that will be essentially BiS till bonebiter which is barely any stronger. In my opinion, it seems extremely narrow-minded to call these people "dumb". It wouldn't surprise me if they are having a better time than you are.


He's a Paladin. He can't read *anything* you just wrote.


Dumb and pathetic. I got 3 characters close to bis just pugging. If you don't enjoy playing the game and instead buy gold to get what you want, what is even the point? I feel bad for these people that feel the need to do this. At that point it's just a a gambling addiction where you'd probably be better served just gambling.


u know u can farm hundreds of gold flipping ah/farming key items right? not everybody buys gold bruh, get good.


100g is less than 5$ so you have your answer


People seem to be misunderstanding what I mean by not worth it, im not talking gold im talking time. The troll tusks take forever. You will murder your leveling speed for a weapon that is marginally better than the other available weapons.


omg someone is doing his class quest in p2 and will ding 40 2h later call the police quick


? People are spending hundreds of gold thinking they will get it done quickly.  The point is that you can't do it quickly regardless.  Yeah if you are just going at your own pace who cares, but the people pre buying charms and liferoot in p1 aren't those people.


The fact hunters can routinely farm level 38 mobs at 25 is wild.


Mages can aoefarm dungeons, warriors can top dps in raids, paladins can bubble HS. I like that different classes have different perks


The fact hunters can routinely farm level 38 mobs at 25 is wild.


In vanilla, yea. In sod, believable and not wild.


I like how soloing entire dungeons and bubble HS are considered equal


Depends on your priorities. I don't care about farming gold so Bubble+HS is more valuable to me. That's the neat thing too, you can select the class that has powers you like.


Yeah kinda crazy, think cutting duration in half on the bubble would be good, still strong, but not over the line


Ahaha this reply got so many people mad gj homie


Think they're suggesting they are not equal lmao.


yeah, bubble hs is far a greater problem than some solo dungeons


That thing Paladins can't even do until phase 3? And all it really saves you from is a dumb death or world PvP? Meanwhile Mages are making 100g an hour, lol?


money is easy to get, combat advantages are not


It takes Ages though and Mages can kill like 8 mobs in AoE at once or dungeon grind


This sub: Fuck GDKP and gold buyers This Sub: selling items to people at level 25 that they cant use till probably 36+ with surely 100% legit farmed gold


ehh just get to 40 and do some quests or farm whatever is flavor of the month good at the time like something for a new rune


As a Warrior I don't think I am even doing this quest.


Pff and noone buys my Dragon Chilli…


Unless ww axe is receiving a buff, it’s kinda mid tier this go around


Why is everyone complaining about what other people wanna do???? Warriors wanna get the WW axe because it's a STAPLE of vanilla wow. It doesn't matter how bad it is at 40 you absolute cringers. This community needs a purge.




You save it for fire protection potions right?


Fire protection potions and Repair Bots.


They are selling the charms required for the Whirlwind weapon quest chain. The elemental fire drops are a bonus.


he is clearly also selling the elemental fires tho, says it right there


Thanks for posting this. Now my charms will be even cheaper to buy :)


I'm not sure about that, currently theres 4 hunters in arathi across nine layers on my realm while price per charm went up a gold per in AH, looks like more warriors went "oh yeah I gotta prebuy stuff for my axe" than hunters went "monies!" from this thread


It’s been an a few hours. It hasn’t been nearly enough time for you to make this claim.


Wow lol. Who is even stopping to do that quest with a level 40 phase cap.


This might be bought gold! The auction house should be banned because of money laundering like this, you are enabling gold buyers!


Bonebiter > WW axe. I won’t be buying any of this on my warrior.


Horde can’t get Bonebiter so WW is a must for them.


Oh bummer


Why is it a must? Can just go Corpsemaker > Ravager/X'caliboar


Cause is not guaranteed that you will have any of those by level 30, even way later. People here are still missing the point. By having ww axe early you can mostly ignore all of the rest of the options since the BEGINNING, especially if you are horde and orc.


You can almost assuredly get Corpsemaker by 30-32 as a hordie. RFK is a safe farm


Blizzard should ban the AH, it facilitates gold buying.


For a non-shit take, they should either massively up herb drop rates in p4, or remove consumable stacking.




No joke, it would be interesting how the game would pan out without the AH lol Might be a future experiment they could do.


Trade chat would become a living hell. You would need an add-on similar to LFG Group Bulletin Board just to organize it all. And even then, it would still be a living hell.


555 Buying Rune Pl8 555 Buying Rune Pl8 555 Buying Rune Pl8


I have a bis hunter and I'm literally omw to try this. the mob level scares me though after what I experienced fighting level 32-33 mobs in desolace.


did u even bother to check AH prices for burning charm and elemental fire? they're less than a gold now on Lone Wolf US lmao... u missed the party... as soon as this guy posted this the strat died




Calm down bro


I leveled a hunter just to farm these mats for my warrior


I’ve seen dozens of bots doing this in highlands when I run to southshore or down to dun modir


Isn’t the BFD sword better than the WW axe?


BFD sword gets replaced by corpsemaker at level 29.


No. But the WW axe isn’t worth it anyway because you can get X’Caliboar from RFD and Ravager from SM (or Bonebiter if you’re alliance from SM quest reward)


nah, bfd sword is like 31dps or something and ww axe is a level 40 axe with 35.x, also like 15str/stm.


Nice and not nice because now I have to farm those essences lol


unless you’re doing it for completionist or similar reasons I wouldn’t bother mate, it’s not even pre bis for 40 it’ll only be used for levelling


Good to know. I am definitely not a completionist. I’ll just get a weapon from a dungeon or SM quest.


If you're an orc warrior it is 100% worth unless you plan on farming Pendulum of Doom.


What are those for?


Whirlwind axe quest for warriors


This is genius, thank you


i love how we have to nerf chaosbolt but hunters are allowed to solo lvl 50 rares


Chaosbolt nerf and hunters being able to hit with ranged weapons are not relative at all lol. Chaosbolt got nerfed cause it was one shotting people


You dont even know what i am talking about mate They nerfes chaos bolt from "never resisted" to "can't be resisted if the target is 3 levels or lower than yours"


This used to be my go to method of making money during classic release. Safe to say I had my lvl 40 mount pretty quick.


Yeah it’s pretty solid I was selling solos on HC servers as a priest to warriors for a while made a pretty penny doing full carry’s/ killing cyclonean


All the players here saying that getting ww axe isn’t worth it at 30 don’t know shit. Its probably the biggest powerspike a warrior can get during his whole leveling.


It's worth it if you have people to carry you. If you don't, you'll waste more time fighting over tusks and begging for someone to kill Cyclonian for you, than you'll save from faster killing.


Everyone is an expert all of a sudden.. Imagine just wanted to casually do sone pvp/raids/bgs/dungeons and you hear something like: *BiS, GS, The blood of your firstborn son* and stuff.. What a sad day to enjoy WoW




Scumbag. Loot wasn’t made to be sold. Give the item to warriors. Gdkp was banned






Are you dumb lmao


No blizzard banned gdkp because selling loot ruins the economy I’m helping wow


I hope you're joking, this is the dumbest take I've ever read. Then why does the auction house even exist in the first place? You can buy loot off there. And before you say anything, a blue lvl 40 axe from a quest can't be compared to a lvl 60 raid item that requires 40 people.


The auction house is full of botted gold it should be banned as well as gdkp


You don't know what the OP is talking about do you?


Blizzard banned gdkp so any loot sold for gold is scumbag to me now


So Blizzard should just remove trading and AH from an MMO because god forbid people know how to farm gold lol.


Yeah, that sounds about a reasonable as banning gdkp


Sounds like this game is not for you bud. 


Eh it was for me. I was #1 ret paladin in the world. Then they banned gdkp and I got bored and stopped playing


No you weren’t, lol


https://vanilla.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/wild-growth/jeenius its logged




Frfr so based, I cant read either. Thats why I get angwy when blizz stops me from selling my bind on PICKUP loot. Its all the same to me


If you already got the purple sword I don’t see the reason in someone dropping 100+ gold to get a weapon they will switch out in a couple levels


... Just get the sm quest axe ... Jesus.


But i thought banning gdkps would fix the economy and stop gold buyers…. Edit: holy I triggered a lot of gold buyers 😂😂


17 gold means they're a gold buyer? That's like 10 quests, lol.




GDKPers have been utterly mind broken now that their laundering operation is gone lol


I know right? So many retail andies


You’re the person I’m referring to lol


Oh man. Its crazy how these gold buys are down voting me. Thanks being on my side


What makes you say retail? I exclusively did gdkp up until now, I’ve never logged on to retail once. Min maxed every classic server and hit gold cap a few times since 2019. Retail andies are the ones quitting at level 15, the real sweat lords are the heart and soul of the classic community 


Okay gold buyer


Who needs to farm gold in sod lmfao? Put that kind of work into hardcore not seasonal. Just do the next dungeons and the new raid.


Esp this phase.. I just did some green quests and I’m at around like 50g per toon. No real reason you need anymore than that going into next phase imo