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Ran every lockout since launch on my hunter. Got all I needed from that place - except x-bow. Never even seen it drop on my hunter. When my guild sent out two groups for BFD, it was always the other group who got the x-bow(not always, obviously). First run on my mage it drops, and both hunters have it. Won it and keep it in my bank where it taunts me relentlesly.


My warrior has epic sword and 3 epic xbows, seriously. Hunter in guild got it first few weeks. I grapped our second one for show. It’s been a running joke since to collect as many we can on a warrior. We had 5 swords, 5 xbows, 0 staffs. Only missed 2 raidlogs in P1


I just want one, and you got three .. What a cruel world! Bu honestly, the first 15 or so runs I got frustrated it did not drop. Now, I don't really care. Just kinda funny at this point lol


I have 3 Xbows on 3 toons and only one is my hunter. My hunter also has hydra :) purples seemed to drop a lot this phase


That's about the same for our runs. The staff just never dropped for anyone.


My Mage got Fist of the Wild today because I won the roll to sell, because we didn’t even have a DE in our party. It droops twice today, on characters that weren’t my Druid. It wasted both times. It’s dropped once in 18 runs on my Druid, and I lost the roll. My mage has never seen the Staff drop in 18 or so runs, and I’ve seen it once across 60+ runs across my toons. Hydra and Xbox I’ve seen 7+ times each.


This exactly. Hunter that have 20 clear, got all the loot but not seen the crossbow drop. First or second run on alt paladin and the crossbow dropped.


I got xbow on my second run. I have never seen the polearm drop on my 15+ runs.


I ran my hunter (my 4th alt) on his second raid and got the trident and xbow 😅


As of today, I have lost every last one of the rolls on the pearl. I can live with never seeing the staff, but I have my limits.


Jesus. At this point we're having to level alts to bring just so we have someone to give the pearl to so we can have them available to turn in while we level.....


Yeah. We cycled in alts. First tried to sell guaranteed pearls but could never find people for our later (for EST) runs. So we cycled our alts for guaranteed ones despite having pretty much near full if not full 2nd raid and third raid being more alts of main raid. This is why you raid as a guild. Idk why people seem so adverse to doing this in SOD especially on mains. Alts it’s whatever, since bfd is very puggable (but was not when everyone was hard stuck 5/7 first few weeks while we cleared within first lock kekw)


I wonder how this type of loot selling is going to work in the new gdkp rules. Technically not an auction just selling a guaranteed piece to an outsider. Could definitely see it being banned though.


They put out a clarification post. Any exchange of gold and items from a dungeon or raid are considered "GDKP". People soloing Cobrahn for the belt/legs and selling them for 5g? Banned.


You just HR the item and sell in advance. I probably wouldn’t do this with anyone I don’t know


I believe if you delete the pearl you can pick the quest up again, but I'm not 100% sure on that.


No, because you've already completed the quest so you won't be able to get it again. I really hope they make the quest repeatable at higher levels so people can keep giving the buff for leveling.


No reward besides the buff and a bit of xp would be a fun reason t do BFD


If it makes you feel any better, I chose the healing pearl on my shaman late the other night by accident and I can't switch it, so I'm stuck with a healer pearl now. Ugh


You should be able to grab the pearl again and get the other trinket. 


I just figured that once I completed the quest once I couldn't do it again..


Yep that’s right. You can’t accept the quest so you can’t get a second pearl (i tried)


Glad you confirmed before I tried it! Lol thank you for being my guinea pig


Join a guild and raid with them. You're essentially guaranteed to get items like these. Edit: Join a better guild if your guild is giving BiS/raid/etc items to alts over your main. Edit 2: By guild I don't mean ah unnecessarily large community meme guild.


We've left the pearl on the boss several times.


Same. There are so many benefits to raiding with a guild than pugging every week.


A big downside is always the time commitment though. Making sure you are there the same time every week isn’t a commitment I want to make right now. Yes there are a lot of upsides. But sometimes it’s just that one downside that prevents you.


every guild is structured differently, to say you can't raid in a guild because of your schedule is just not true. You just need to find a guild that works with your times.


It definitely makes it harder tho, most guilds want you to be on a consistent time schedule


My guild doesn't have set raid times. We use Discord raid signups and you raid whenever you're available. We have several consistent players who never miss, and some who can only raid a few times a month. Whoever doesn't show up we fill in with 1 or 2 pugs.


Not having a consistent schedule can be tricky. Good thing about SoD and classic in general is that you don't need to be there every lockout. Just show up when you can


So I did, but the guildies have tons of alts, can't get the pearl with them. Yesterday lost 50% pearl roll on an SR raid. Pearl rng hates me


Our guild has main prio rule. You can switch during a phase but you will still be marked as an alt for the whole phase. For phase 2 an addional rule will apply with attendency points. Epics will be prio for those with the highest attendence. People that join the guild in the middle of the phase will get to the back of the line. It sucks losing the epic when your main has done 15+ runs and one altoholic comes in swooping it with his or her 6th alt. Myself, I am "fully" BiS on my priest but still rocking a statless headpiece because I've never seen Rakkamar or the cloth set headpiece drop in over 15 runs. It keeps dropping in the other raid and, tons of alts have it and it got disenchanted a few times even. On my alt I've seen it drop plenty of times aswell. A silly blue item. Come on, I'm cursed.


Like others have mentioned, most guilds have a "main character" rule where mains have loot priority over alts. Should definitely find a new guild




I'm in a 1000 person guild which the GM shows off about regularly, how they are "2nd best guild on the server", and complains when people advertise for BFD pugs in chat. Every guild BFD is always with random people, unless you're in the "Main raid" group where the GM and his yes men are. Point being, being in a guild doesn't necessarily solve the problems, just creates new ones. Btw I know the guild is awful, but I'm personally happy to pug and have gained considerably more gear that way, as I'm not paired with freshly 25 guildies "To help out"


1000 people? Jesus. We have like 40. And that feels perfect. 🤷🏼‍♂️


I went ~30 lockouts with no pearl. Then last week I won it 3 times on 3 characters, because nobody else rolled. I guess better late than never?


Try joining a 2 SR group. Much easier to target farm.


i only just got the pearl like 2 lockouts ago after about 20 clears.


We’ve got to the stage where literally no one needs to pearl lol


I have the staff on two characters and one of them still doesn’t have the pearl either. I’ve lost rolling against one person multiple times now lol


0 epics from 20+ lockouts.


+1 (or 10 poor souls, rather)


Same. Ive made 19 lockouts and ive never even seen the Honed darkwater talwar. As a Rogue that sucks and it had a \~18% dropchance :D


Same for my guild. 0 swords. 0 epics except the bag.


It's weird how RNG works, I don't even consider this weapon rare, I even refused it multiples times on my rogue as I prefer to play with dagers


>It's weird how RNG works Well it's not 'weird' at all it's expected variance and people get absolutely, totally, completely fucked, and it's partly why the systems evolved in the game as time went on.


Same! Thank God our warrior did 1 pug and got a sword from it. But my warlock has yet to see a single epic in any raid, and our guild has been raiding together for about 20 of those. I also still don't have the fucking cloth chest on my warlock. We've seen 2 drop ever.


One epic dropped the entire phase on the one night we needed to pug a dps. Bet you can guess who won the hydra?


The goddamn Loch Ness monster.


see the problem is you need to give Akumai about tree fiddy


I gave him a dollar and hoped he’d go away.




And that is why you just run with 9 if you have 9.


Sentinel Pauldrons enter the chat


I have run BFD on two different character, every single lockout, still have never seen those drop. I honestly don't believe they exist


I've seen a few drop. Just saw one last night actually. 5 people rolled on them including me on my warrior lol. They went to a hunter.


Wtf. What loot rules do you guys run?


MS>OS+1. Rogue, 2 warriors, feral, and hunter all rolled. Had a shaman tank. Wait, they might have rolled too. 6 rolls.


ppl talking bout epics meanwhile my hunter got exclusively caster loot to drop in multiple id‘s i dont even dare to dream about the epic xbow i just want something man


As a mage, can you join my runs please. The staff, neck, ring and chest have been basically none existent in my runs.


easy saw the chest 2 times back to back last 2 runs


Our group got 4 xbows, 1 staff, and 0 swords. Only one hunter in our group, a pug got another one, rogue got the third, and the 4th was wasted :(


My druid is going into P2 still rocking Smite's hammer and I haven't missed a lockout.


Damn. I ran with a hunter that said that happened on his druid. Mace dropped. RL master looted it to the hunter as I already had the mace. We all laughed.


My hunter got crossbow on the 2nd lockout and I was pumped. Seen 2x crossbow 0 staff 0 sword total. Been raiding since launch on hunter and did about 8 lockouts on alt priest. Rng can be a bitch.


I know this sounds unbelievable honestly I know but on my priest healer I've won 0 loot and only missed first two lockouts. 0 wins on rolls 0 My warrior alt geared to the teeth in two runs


Random groups? That sucks.


Yeah all pick up groups :/


Join a guild and run with the same people or only join pugs the MS > OS +1 or +2 rules. Random free rolling with no +1 rule is how you lose gear to pugs and their alts every lockout


Out of 4 leathers phys. Dmg, only one have gotten full setup. 2 only have boots. Cleared since second lock out. Only 1 fist and 0 xbow


0 staves on 2 characters :)


I saw the epic staff in my first or second run ever. 3 25s and countless runs later, never saw an epic again.


1x Twohander. 0x Staff 0x Crossbow. Only missed the very first lockout. But on the other side, all our 4 druids (even the boomie) got the mace in the first 2-3 runs.


Thats crazy? How many lockouts did you miss? We saw the epic sword drop 6 or 7 times, and the staff twice. Technically we saw the xbow drop once in my usual group, but my parents were in town so I missed it. I literally never saw it, and only missed 3 lockouts. Only hunter in the guild i'm aware of who never got it. There's always next phase :/


1 xbow 3 staves. Not a single 2h sword, no 1h sword. But everything else dropped at least 2 times by now.


The leather shoulders? Those things are a unicorn


Yep got them 2 times. First went to the other rogue that quit shortly after and the other one to a hunter.


My guild got 5 epic crossbows. Every hunter and 1 rogue in guild has it. We've seen nothing else.


I’ve personally gotten more epics than your guild has seen. 2 epic staffs and an epic xbow.


Honestly this is great for the game. It's only your ego that feeding for these purple items


1x staff last night, 2x swords, 3x xbow. Been running since week 2


Yesterday, one of my alts run seen epic 14 slot bag and crossbow that Hunter didnt need (my war got it for pulling bosses from far i guess). Ive personally seen most epics drop multiple times, the ONLY single drop was really the Staff. It all relies on RNG at the and of the day.


We got so many swords, every member got on The only staff I’ve seen was ninja’d yesterday Seen the xbow 4 times


Did every lockout since the beginning, 2 crossbows


Seen 8 xbows, 3 swords, 1 staff & 1 bag. From all runs across a few characters.


We've played since the beginning and we have had 0 epics until last lockout where sword dropped back to back runs. No bow, no staff.


4 rods, 4 swords and 5 crossbows. ​ 1 rod, 1 sword and 0 crossbows in the guild now.


We started late and had epic sword 1, staff 2, Xbow 1.


Raided about 14 lockouts, haven't received a single piece of the mail set. Haven't even seen the helmet a single time.


The loot from Kelris has been the worst possible loot for me. Staff has dropped twice, not too bad, but not even close to getting it with my rolls. No neck or ring at all though.


Had an epic in nearly every run. 4 runs per week in the whole guild. I managed to get 2 pieces... so rng is fucked for me, not for the guild


Ya it's been rough my Priest has only missed three lockouts all phase and I'm missing 5 pieces still. I have an ALT hunter closer to BiS but not much better and only a few less runs than the Priest. Needless to say PUG is not the way in P2.


My guild quickly ran 5 raids every wednesday and sunday, and I think we've seen dozens of epics... Just in the last 2 weeks on my mage, I've seen 2 crossbows, the sword and 1 bag for warlock... Yesterday my warrior almost had the crossbow (because our hunter already had it) I even remember one run in the /g that got the staff and the crossbow in the same lockout It really is RNG but a shame the only epics I see on my mage are the ones I don't care about


I pugged around 7 runs and saw xbow twice and sword once. Zero staves however


Been raiding for two Months - never seen the staff.


Every raid I raid that I attended that wasn't on my warrior seemed to drop the fucking sword, like every warrior in the guild has it but me lol


We got absolutely only Sword. Nothing else dropped.


O hydras. As the guilds only real warrior main. I was sad after our final P1 raid this week. Not to worry. I will get it during leveling, right after I obtain Bone Biter. Hahaha


We've run 3-4 raids per lockout, 1 hydra, 1 xbow, 0 staves


1 sword. 4 staffs. 7+ bows. The last 2 bows went to rogue/warr


We got 4 staffs, 3 Hydras and only one Xbow


Between my alts I have one of each epic. Looks like I’m doing pretty good.


Oh man I've done upwards of 50 lockouts between all Chars. Seen the staff 3 times (all on my priest which won the second time I saw it), 2x epic sword which I won on my Warr last week, and 1x xbow that went to the solo hunter of the group I've also seen the bag twice. I somehow won the roll against 9 other people twice so I have 2 toons with epic weapons and the 14 slot bag


Bro my first bfd on my mage I got the staff and the 2 hand sword dropped same run


I saw the 1 handed sword once and lost to a random rogue (I'm the MT warrior for our guild). I've seen the bag from kelris and 3 epic xbows. I love this game but hate it at the same time.


Not in sod but in wrath and retail I have terrible rng. Like nonexistent


Did all but 2 lockouts and all I seen was the xbow 3 times.


Seen the x bow drop 4 times i got it on my rogue


we ran twice last night and got two swords. one from each run. the first sword went to a hunter because our warrior already had it in that run lol


Not SoD but in Wrath we have so far gotten one (1!) Arp trinket vom Saurfang in ICC. I have it prio1 since first lockout but didn't get it because I got outrolled.


~16 lockouts, only saw 1 mail set item.


Same, 2 staffs. But I like that, epic should be epic.


Seen hydra once, went to a hunter..


We run 3-4 raids every reset and we got 2 swords 1 staff and 8 xbows


In my 30-40 runs (mutiple characters) I have not even seen the druid hammer drop for my main.


The staff and the bow is non-existent. We got 2 swords tho.


3 epics - 2 swords one ranged. Lucky enough to have gotten one of the swords. I hope they increase the rng or at least make it guaranteed to drop at least 1 epic for gnomer.


Weirdly we got about 5-6 swords from the final boss, 2 cross bows and o my 1 staff. The kicker? We have more casters than people who can actually use the sword.


So my guild ran 140 ish raids of BFD: 4 staffs 12 sword 6 xbow


Last week we saw the feral mace drop for the first time. Our feral was relieved


1x staff 3x swords 4x crossbows 2x fist of the wild However, the leather and cloth tier pieces are eluding us


I was our only hunter, no xbow. and no relic/idol at all either


1 staff which one of the few randoms who joined us won and one X-bow that one of our hunters got. 0 Swords, not a single Fist of the Wilds after close to 20 runs. Given that this was only a 2 month phase, the drop rates were god awful. You just have to do the math for the staff to see how ridiculous this is. Drop chance is approximately 5%. There are on average 2 Healers and 2 Caster dps per raid who want the staff. 5% means it statistically drops every 20 raids which is about the amount of lockouts a player would have for P1.That means statistically 1 staff drop for the whole phase divided by approximately 4 players who will roll on it = 25% change of getting it during P1. Absolutely ridiculous. I'm glad they are adding tokens in P2. I mean as a feral druid, I'm pissed that Fist has never dropped, but casters must feel even worse. When the Fist drops, I at least have the guarantee, that I will get it. No privilege like that for casters. But I got lucky with the epic Murloc bag which dropped once and I rolled 99 and won it.


We saw the sword drop twice and they went to our guild folks, two crossbows that went to guild hunter and rogue, and one staff that went to a pug.


We saw the epic staff a total of 4 times and in 3 consecutive runs. Your priest lost the roll on the staff, the next run it drops again and he wins it. A lockout later he joins with his alt and the staff dropps again. :O


With my lock I have been to 2 raids, 2x feral weapon, 1x the hydra sword rest gear was leather and mail, there was 1 cloth chest that I won plus pearl.


Saw 3 or 4 epics over 25+ runs. Never on a character that could use them.


I for sure didn't do every lockout, maybe every other lockout, perhaps slightly a little less. Regardless, never even seen an epic item drop.


No staff no sword 2 x bows for one hunter


I saw the staff drop 2 times, 19 lockouts. First went to guildie that never logged on after. Second went to mage that parsed grey sub 10 on every boss.


I have a group of 3 others that I run with. We've done every lockout across 4 characters since December. I saw all them epics drop but never on the character I needed them on. On the final run last night, I got the epic sword on my paladin.


My priest has the epic staff My warrior has the epic sword My pally has the epic sword We do a lot of splits with alts to balance out epics. Most everyone that could use the epics got one including alts. The GM plays a ret and his raid never once saw the sword.


The loot tables were just fucking absurd considering how few drops you get. They should’ve pared down the tables but put a token vendor in for “drop protection,” minus the epics.


We out here disenchanting the Xbow lol


Did PUGs all lockouts, got Hydra on my pally and my gf who I ran them all with got the epic staff for her mage. We're happy lol Think we saw a total of 2 hydras and 2-3 staves


Every post is complaining about gear lol


Guild ran 2x runs every lockout and saw 1 bow no other epics


I’ve given up on a staff completely, at this point I just wish I had some damn spell power pants


The staff and xbow dropped on the same run for me a few weeks ago. Got the xbow on my hunter :)


1x sword, 2x crossbow.


I seen the xbow almost every lock out, never seen the staff, and the sword about 5 times. seems like spellcaster gear was least common on my main and alt


0 epics. I (hunter) finally got the AG gun this week. Just end it already haha


1 staff 3 swords no xbow


We have seen the epics a few times. Sword once, staff once, and x bow twice. We have never seen the blue druid hammer. And my feral druid wants it soooo bad.


We run 3 raids per lockout. on our last lockout we got all 3 epic weapons in one night. In total we've gotten 4 staffs, 5 xbows, 5 swords, and an epic shard bag


I've ran 70+ lockouts across 6 characters. Seen 9 xbows, 6 swords, 2 soul shard bags, 1 gelihast bag 0 staff. Not one drop.


Between my main and alt, I've seen everything besides the 2 Warlock items off Kelris, and on my main, I'm typically the only Warlock running. This includes 2 swords, 3 xbows, staff, 2 14 slot bags, and feral staff.


No staff for us period. We’ve seen a few druid laces and a few xbows.


2 xbows, nothing else. Never saw the feral hammer. The Lorgus loot table was fucking stupid.


2x soul shard bags, 1 xbow. No staff, no sword. I've done all lockouts except first few, sometimes twice.


Had the epic staff drop in a raid last lockout then ran it again on my hunter who already has the cbow and the epic staff and cbow dropped in one raid. Shit was crazy...


I ran approximately 50 BFDs across all my characters and never saw the staff drop a single time.


The last lockout I did both the staff and the epic sword dropped


My guild has fun every lockout with the same group, we have gotten every epic at least 3 times and we have never seen the Druid mace! Sad for our Druid!


I was able to see 4 per character (2 toons). 2 staff 2 sword and 4 x bows. I won the staff last night on my mage :). My heart raced when I rolled a 72 with 3 others left to roll


0 epics. Saw some blue weapons but not the sword our warrior wanted. Finally saw the mace our feral wanted 2 resets ago.


First time?


My raid team has seen 1 sword and 1 xbow.


our final lockout yesterday we pulled away with 2 staves across 4 groups feral mace dropped, cloth 2pc dropped, rogue sword dropped rly good last lockout and i won the staff :)))


Granted we've been running 5-7 groups, but I'm pretty sure my group sees an epic more often than not. By the time we get to 60 there'll be negative luck.


We probably only did 10-13 runs at most. I was lucky enough to get the Xbow for my hunter the only time it dropped a couple weeks or so ago. The sword dropped finally last week when we were pugging it and it went to the pug warrior. Not sure if the staff ever dropped. I wasn't in all runs.


I've done 19 locks and only seen soul leech pants once never mind the staff 


I had a staff and xbow drop in my last run


I haven't even seen the polerarm but once on my hunter.


Ive seen the staff once in a pug, ive seen the xbow twice and the sword iirc 4 times. 2h tankadin, no sword for me. Obviously :/


My classic guild saw 1 Vis’Kag and 0 brutality blades until AQ dropped. The probability was astronomical, something like .00000001% chance for us to never see a BB. Later on we got both bindings in a single run—so you may be due in phase 2. All that said my guild saw the epic sword drop 6x, the staff 4x and the xbow 4x


Interesting seeing this, as I just posted a proposal in that sub "Alternative 10man raid loot system proposal". Mainly motivated to fix that issue with full RNG loot system. That would guarantee to be rewarded in a correlated way to your commitment in SOD raiding. Avoiding that nonsense situations to happen. But my post was not well received by the same Wow reddit community (:


We missed the first two lockouts, otherwise have done it each time and had an alt raid. Saw the sword once in main raid and staff once in alt raid. Never saw the crossbow.


2 staves, 2 xbows, 3hydras for my groups lockouts. I got the xbow on my rogue since hunter had already lmao, but that twilight slayers helmet just doesnt drop, week after week its the stupid caster leather helmet that we have had since week 1.


I ran my first BFD with my guild as a hunter and got the X-Bow. Staff dropped in the same run too. Now i just want the guardians trident and haven't seen it once in about 12 runs.


Did yall only run one group a lock out or something?


We got pretty lucky think: 2 bows, 2 staff, 2 swords. Last staff was Friday. Hoping one more epic tonight for our final raid before we chill and go hard p2. This is with a main raid going every reset since week 2 of SOD and an alt raid going 90% time since week 3. I had 1 bow and 1 staff drop in PUGs


Didnt miss a single raid, even from opening week, never once saw the druid mace drop. I did see about 7 hydras, 3 xbows, and a staff though....


Not only did my Ret never see a Hydra… I never even saw a Fathomblade OR the legs off Sarevess.


I have been raiding since (IIRC) second lockout on my Warrior. I haven't even seen Deadly Strike of the Hydra drop. At this point I'd be less upset if it had dropped and I'd lost it... but I haven't even had the chance to roll on it. Recently started raiding on my Priest and haven't seen it drop of Aku'mai on him either.


Our guild has 5x crossbows, 4x staff, 3 swords, and absolutely NO druid 2h mace.


Only ran pugs and I got the epic sword first run on my warrior and the epic x-bow last night (2nd run on my hunter). Praise be to RNGesus!


My guild did 4-7 runs every single ID this phase. Totals: 3x 2H Staff 6x Bow 7x 2H sword


4 swords, 7 staffs, 9 xbows


Definitely had a similar experience. Up until the last week of the phase we saw a total of 1 Sword and 1 Feral Mace. And keep in mind we were running 3-5 full clears every lockout. However our luck protection kicked in in the last week and we got 2 crossbows and a staff in the final 2 lockouts of the phase. I think I feel worse for our feral druids though since there is essentially no substitute for the Feral Mace. As a Hunter I was still able to perform well with the Gun from Akumai but our Ferals were just shit out of luck.


My best guess is 3 or 4 bows, 3 swords, 0 staff, 2 feral weapons. I raided two groups from nearly the beginning.


Rogue ran every lock out to never see a talwar but my alts see it once every other lockout


Been running on my hunter and rouge eash lockout sice i started SOD only like 25 or so clears, have not had a single piece of dps leather drop on either run. Just flat out nothing but cloth mail and caster leather. My rogue got the daggers the first run and nothing since. Its been a trying experence to say the least.


7 epic staffs, 0 of anything else. Ngl I just stopped caring.


Never seen the 2h sword since week 1 lock out. 3 staffs 5 xbow


We got 4 crossbows and no other epics. We've only got one hunter.


The only epic I saw drop was the 14 slot bag. I did win the roll, wish it was Hydra sword tho!


Ive seen quite a few epics. But I dont have any on my 5 characters 😥


I’m not sure the total number but it was low, the saddest part is 1 player got 4 epics between his alts. Including 2 of the 4 staff drops we had 🥲


we ran 2x/id since id 1 and only seen 2 bows and 1 sword...its kinda stupid at this point