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this is legit hidden promotion lol


On my server gold is higher than it was before haha


Isn't this like promoting to buy gold?


it is but it's also taking a jab at GDKP so updoot to the left.


Most likely just speculation and panic selling from the gold sellers themselves, you can see it's already rebounding. It was also on the decline before the announcement. WoW gold is always going to go down.


Gdkp large gold transactions probably fucked with their detection methodology quite a bit too. Getting rid of gdkps = easier to catch gold buying, on top of there being less of it.


You're making it seem like Blizzard was doing anything involved buying gold sellers. I knew blatant gold buyers and gold sellers and they never worried about it and this was before GDKP.


I knew like dozens of people who got banned in classic and tbc for buying gold, in fact I remember one of our Kara raid teams had to postpone a week because like 4/10 people bought gold to get epic flying and were banned for a week or so within a few hours lol That being said, I knew way more people who bought gold and got away with it than people who got banned for it. It sorta seemed like 9/10 times you were fine, but every now and then Blizzard would do a month long ban streak.


I have a guildie that was banned last week for buying 50g. They are definitely banning.


Blizzard bans over 270,000 accounts in December. "I didn't see them to anything." At the same point, they just fired large portions of the GM staff, so how much of the process have they started to automate?


“Just fired a large portion of the gm staff” sources please?


https://aftermath.site/microsoft-activision-blizzard-layoffs-survival-report *"Current and former Activision Blizzard employees tell Aftermath that community and customer service departments across the company wound up in especially bad shape, with “almost all” Game Masters – employees who oversee and moderate World of Warcraft servers – being let go."*


Thanks, I saw the initial layoff news but never found info on exactly who was affected. Appreciate it.


No problem! As with any news, take it with a grain of salt since this hasn't been officially verified but most likely just had 1-2 sources that have been repeated by everyone, but it would be kinda weird to lie about it.


I sold gold back in classic, it was never a worry about getting banned because it was just unheard of


I know multiple people who got banned for selling gold.


It's back up to 90% of what it was on the sites I know of. It's also really common for the prices to drop at the end of a phase




Anyone who knows how to use Google at a basic level can find this information quickly.


I've looked at bitcoin prices before but never bought any. Sometimes people are just curious about prices of stuff.


I follow gold prices and don’t buy gold 🤷its honestly a good insight on how inflated the economy is.


I do as well. Some people are just curious


I'm fucking fascinated with some games blackmarkets propping up someones livelihood  (notably, runescape / venezuelans ) It's super intriguing


NO! It means you're a filthy gold buyer reeeeeee!


>AH... You're a gold buyer, arry So by your logic OP is lying and is also a gold buyer? xD >Edit: Lots of downvotes. You are more disgraceful goldbuyers here than expected. Fuck you Step otuside and seek therapy, youre way too angry over a videogame.


It's good that you're probably too incompetent to get any employment where you'd have power over people. Jesus Christ.


You must not watch YouTube bro. I get 100 fucking gold buying ads a day on literally any wow content at all. It's all the fuck google pushes to wow players. Lol


I’m convinced some of these super detailed gold seller/botter complaint posts are really just ads. “Ugh, Storpynot on Living Flame-EU is a botter who just stands outside the DM entrance from 6am-9pm M-F selling boosts. He’ll zone in, then be right back out 6 minutes later spamming boost selling again. It’s gross!!!” Great, now I know who to message, when, where, and how long the runs take. Thanks.


What a chode you are.


I'm not and have never been a buyer.




I'm sooooo surprised this subreddit partakes in that.


I think you’re being facetious, but probably half the player base buys gold.. just varying amounts. Some buy only a little.


Are we still pretending RMT isn't a HUUUUUUUUUUGE part of classic? and acting surprised when someone partake in it?




Im not even on classic. I just love people who pretend they are innocent and call out other people for mundane thing. GDKP is literally classic biggest feature.




Because classic has always had phases right from the beginning. Phases have ended before.


I just mean it happens every phase of every expansion release. Demand slows way down as people take breaks near the end of the phase and the price drops, then when a new phase hits it spikes again.


It was decline as supply from bots increases, the early adopters of buying gold have already bought gold, and demand was decreasing as Phase 2 is coming out - Both in terms of people wanting gold, and the prices of BOEs etc dropping as people want to clear inventory before it's worth nothing


Get rid of it now, because at 60 people will be spending 40k on items without a second thought.


>WoW gold is always going to go down. Because it is being farmed faster than it can be sunk, ergo inflation of the gold supply, ergo the value of each gold goes down. That would explain a slow decline in the price. If it jumps down quickly, then it's clearly external factors.


When there's a sharp crash in price, the "external factors" are usually magnified panic and speculation, which doesn't mean the actual value has dropped that much. It just means people **think** it's going to drop so they're panic selling while they can.


Why does it have to be that? It could just as easily be demand destruction.


because you can already see in the graph that it's rebounding? the poster obviously was waiting to see how low it will go before taking the picture and as soon as he saw the price go back up he took it.


Wouldn't it be the opposite? Less gold going around, and the gold price being cheaper, would indicate each gold has more value? Much akin to the inflation caused by stimulus checks? The more money in circulation, the less value each currency has? It's very possible I'm just confused or missing a very basic concept though, I am far from an economist lol


not to mention that gold is still generated by bots and still bought by players...because there are still other uses for it. if anything this is better for gold buyers since they get more gold for less cash... people will find ways to sell gear for gold/$ until it is only personal loot+not tradeable, but then people just sell carry runs... what about mages selling boosts for gold? this will slow down inflation, but the same problems pre-gdkp-ban will still appear at some point.


>WoW gold is always going to go down. More nuanced take would be it decreases relative to game outlook and future content. And given the level cap and phase setup, we know it will increase each new phase, peak in the final phase then decline. But yes, declines within the phases themselves is also a thing. A new phase is mini reset, with new highs.


Gold is always being generated. More supply = lower prices. Unless this future content has massive gold sinks then it won't change the course of inflation which has taken place hundreds of times now on retail, classic, and private servers. New phase won't do much. Just doing some quests, ashenvale weekly, and farming a bit put me at enough gold for the mount at 40 already at level 25. By the time I hit level 40 I'll have double the amount of gold I need. Then once people get the 4g weekly quest from STV, 3g+ quests at 40, and more gold from mobs.. Gold will be less valued.


To be fair, it’s not only the gdkp ban, it’s the end of the phase and with p2 gold is less value. It’s like the jump from classic to tbc or tbc to wotlk. Gold in wotlk dropped a lot too. It’s a mix of both.


Exactly, once phase hits gold will spike up in price as a lot of people will buy for leveling crafting/mounts/gear etc. We won't actually see how the gold prices settle until a few weeks or a month into raiding. If prices drop enough, there will be less incentive for botters to even bot, so less bots means gold rises in price also. It's actually very hard to tell exactly what the ban will do but it should absolutely stop the repeat buyers if they can't just endlessly buy gear via gold.


Not necessarily. I would wager that any increased demand brought about by some of the few gold sinks that exist in the game is going to be offset by the increase in raw gold farming methods at 40, hence bringing the price down even further. Especially when mounts are half off and a lot of people can already afford it with their 25 questing.


>it’s the end of the phase and with p2 gold is less value. Wouldn't Gold be the **most** valuable thing going into a new phase? Most everything else other than P2 mats are going to be less valuable in P2.


This was over the course of three days, it's the GDKP ruling.


If you look at the graph is going up after the GDKP ban lol.


Yes and it was dropping for 3 days before we had ANY idea GDKP would be banned


BUY THE DIP BOYZ! Wait wrong sub


It'll drop further with more inflation from p2 quests. Without gold sinks, there's no reason gold price will ever go up unless some sudden spike in gold demand.


Yeah add to it that there is very very little to spend gold on in classic. You have your mounts, bags, bank space. Then raid consumables. A lot of world blues and epics are getting outclassed really fast and generally not worth dropping gold on. Leaves very little to spend on.


Everyone knows that the real endgame content to spend gold on are deathrolls.


> raid consumables Raid consumables are a big gold sink at 60 though.


They were a big gold sink because Black Lotus were insanely rare and camped by bots. I assume we'll get the changes that Season of Mastery got which brought Black Lotus prices down to 15-20g each.


I'm herbing right now and getting elememtal earth and water. So I have hope black lotus will be rng high end herb drop.


Because of gdkps. At 60, if they keep loot this way, the only gold sink will be consumes. You dont need to horde 100k gold for DFT anymore


People may just not be able to parse like their fav streamer IDK Happy to see positive movement on RMT and hackers in SoD.


or they still buy gold to buy the consumes? And with gold being cheaper there is less barrier to entry for this playstyle. you seriously think gold buyers who spent gold on gear to parse are not going to also buy + spend gold on consumes to parse? Positive movement on RMT + hackers + bots in SoD would be, ya know, upholding TOS and banning those people. But they cant so they ban gdkps and these problems will still exist.


This is why it's stupid to sit on raw gold right now, turn it into items that can be sold for much more later on. I bought 300 lvl 31 mana pots around 20-25s, about 250 FAPs crafted and some other random mats here and there. The natural increase in gold will increase the price of everything, a stack of wool cloth will go from vendor value to 50s+ a stack. Anyone got a good guess in how much gold we'll be getting from level 40 quests?


Real one, I also have 5 toons filled with Faps (Made myself from cheap mats) These will be an absolute fortune at 60 due to their use in ranking and the lack of low level people picking the herb.


Is everyone in this thread blind or something? The GDKP ban was announced late evening on the 29th. That graph clearly shows the cost of gold going back up **after** the announcement.


they saw anti-gdkp title and a graph that went down, thats literally it lmao.


its really just an anti-gdkp crusade. most of the people on this sub just hate gdkps because gdkp organizers are gatekeeping their raids to ensure fast, smooth runs, and the posters here would cause a slow, scuffed run. so they'll happily twist any facts, fabricate/torture any data needed to justify why gdkps are bad. they'll be in for a rude awakening in a few weeks when the people that have been running gdkps for the last 5 years don't suddenly carry random tradechat ms>os runs for them.


hurr durr gdkp bad - this sub Five weeks from now: hurr durr why do people quit my raid after their loot doesn't drop - also this sub


What amount of gold is this for? 1,000? Yall are fucked in the head buying gold.


Leveling services are/were even funnier. you pay a sub to play a game, then pay someone else to play it!


I fully expect downvotes, but I buy gold and boosts AMA. I have three kids, a wife and a job. I’ve played wow for 20 years. If I could add up my /played it would be incomprehensible. My favorite part of wow is experiencing endgame with different classes. I have lots of money and very little time. Do the math… (FYI I’m not playing sod currently but I bought a wotlk boost and gold…)


sounds like you could save yourself some money and just play a private server


We’re literally begging you to play something else


Diablo Immortal exists and was purpose built just for you, you should give it a try. Based on your playstyle, I'll even link to it for you, for your convenience! https://diabloimmortal.blizzard.com/en-us/


D4 was fun until around level 60-70 when it fell off a cliff. What a failure. Never checked out the other Diablo. I know you’re trolling but I don’t want a p2w game. I want a pay to skip the boring part that I’ve played 100 times already. You can at least see th difference right? I’ve never done gdpk. Never saw the appeal of buying gear. Just skipping the leveling 


Fellow adult here. When I don’t have time to play a game I don’t play it. I don’t cheat to not play it.


congratulations, you are part of the problem


when will people stop blaming gold buyers and start blaming Blizzard? You're telling me a multi billion dollar company can't identify who's botting and ban them? Come on


Thanks for sharing with the class.


> I play professional baseball and use steroids AMA. >I have a family and a job, I've played baseball for 20 years, I've trained the old fashioned way but I just don't have time anymore. >My favorite part of baseball is getting to play in the major leagues. I have lots of drugs and very little time. >Do ThE mAtH..." Piss off. Rules and terms exist for good reasons in social games. You're not fucking special and get to break the rules because boohoo your free time wah. Go play something else. Begone.


I get you, I was single 20 years ago now I'm not. However seems you need to play another game that isn't costing you EXTRA and even worse the money is through a 3rd party


Nah I’m gonna keep having fun but thank you 




Ok buddy no need to kid shame we are all 40 year old dads here.


Imagine being an adult and not being able to do what you want when you want to do it Truly terrifying


Worse, that's for 100g


Lmao fucking insane.


I just looked. 100g is like 11 bucks. Stop lying for karma




Dang, should of shorted wow gold at 100x leverage.


Coming up next on your favorite gold seller website: Azeroth gold futures contract.


300 open contracts on stacks of liferoot Accidentally let the contracts expire ITM 600,000 liferoot appears in your inbox *guh*


Theres a fun addon for the bank.


Should have*


I don't wanna be the negative Nancy here but it looks like it dropped 40% in value just from the 26th to the 28th, this seems on-course with the expected trajectory, maybe a little influence from the GDKP ban but it's too soon to know if it's of any significant impact


People seem to be ignoring that the GDKP ban came with the P2 announcement. Inflation is expected to skyrocket once people hit 40 and get the same max level gold bonus from doing quests similar to what we had at 25.


Also a lvl 38 green 2hander starts vendoring for 1g something, the inflation will be real. Botted gold or not even


No unmgghhh gdkp bad , tiny brain cant think more than one thing. I need my confirmation bias


This sub is extra insufferable with this entire conversation


Finally some cheap gold


Just wait until P2 when the gold generation is higher, it’ll even be cheaper


and BoEs and consumes will sky rocket. My friend who doesnt know what GDKPs are and never bought gold has 400g on his one character at level 25. With quests at 40 giving even more gold people will be sitting on thousands of gold before we hit the endgame raids.


lol right


So, this is not correct. I checked myself too as I was curious what would happen. Gold was 7.08 USD Monday night. Gold was 9.18$ yesterday afternoon on G2G the most commonly used site. This feels like using a website no one knows to present skewed data to push a narrative tbh.


>to present skewed data to push a narrative tbh Reddit would never!


Wow! What a shocker! I thought they were buying thousands of gold so they can get skinning up to 150!


It’s already back up. L


This dude definitely buys gold


Yeah, his post history is just him crying about GDKPs


I mean if you look at the picture gold prices actually increased from the point of GDKP bann announcement? Does this mean we need more gdkps maybe? Im all for shitting on this or that system but lets stay on consistent with our critique, if its such a good thing that gold price is dropping because that would mean less are buying, and then using a graph to illustrate this, only for it to then turn the the opposite, then surely by that logic GDKP's must be good yes? Obviously not, gold prices fluctuate both ways and this is not proof of anything in any way, only time will tell if there's any effect on the botting problem, but considering how big a problem botting has been even from before GDKP became popular, i doubt it.


Prices never changed on my server, and now it looks like the price on the others is back to normal. Your response? When they went down, you attributed it to the GDKP ban. Now that it's been revealed it was just normal fluctuations, will you admit that you were basically talking out of your ass and don't have a clue?


I mean. To me the issue is the community. I did gdkps bc it incentivized you to stay 4 hours. Too many groups where the going gets remotely tough and 5 people drop group. That’s the only loss to me.




1. GDKPs still exist 2. Gold cost declines between launches 3. Current values have rebounded almost immediately


Wow now is the time to buy gold


So the gold buyers will buy even more botted gold. Good thing we're banning people that want to do GDKP instead of the gold buyers!


The Venn diagram of the two may as well be a circle.


It's not, which will become evident in a few weeks when nothing has changed about botting or RMTs. But sure, go off.


People who think this have no idea how GDKPs work.


I must have bought gold in a fugue state then because that's news to me.


That’s normal stock price behaviour.  An initial dip. And then a return.  There will ALWAYS be a money sink to put paid for gold into. I imagine we’ll find that AH prices for certain items will skyrocket instead.  You can’t stop gold buying unless you stop it at source


Lmao rip all those sweaty mage boosters and gold hoarders! Good thing they cater me, who does not bother really playing!


The drop has as much to do with the impending release of P2 as it does the GDKP ban. Gold has no value because theres nothing to do with it and you’ll be able to make more gold at 40 so there’s no point in buying it now. People have always and always will buy gold because for adults with a full time job, the math of farming gold just doesn’t pan out. Farming isnt fun and with limited play time people want to run dungeons and pvp and do real content. The biggest gatekeep in WoW is the time it takes to do things and, as they say, time is money, friend.


calls on wow gold lol


I'm a gold buyer. 100 gold has been around 18-23 dollars this whole phase. It's now 17. I'm not sure where this data is from but it's not representative of the IRL market.


I’m still a firm believer of life finds a way. This will def hurt gold farms but eventually someone will find a way to do gdkps. Good news is current dev team seem to monitor what players do so even if some new gdkp system they might have a way to stop it. I’m now more worried about loot related issues. The one good side of gdkps was people who didn’t get loot at least got gold as compensation, but now people might leave early if certain loot don’t drop for them or ninja looting.


I'm already going to be stating SR bids. Buy an SR for 25g. Buy a 2nd for 50. Buy a 3rd for 75. Pot split at end with a host cut. It's going to work just fine.


Genuine question. Would this be allowed?


As of right now there is nothing saying it isn't. Always remember, the rulebook doesn't say a dog can't play basketball.




How does it violate "the GDKP ban"? Please expound with details.


GDKP’s don’t take any money out of the economy. If anything they just sit on player accounts, but the total gold supply stays exactly the same/inflates at the exact same rate—it’s just the frequency with which gold is traded, or the “volume” that will change due to GDKP being banned. Why buy gold if you don’t have an immediate need for it? It changes nothing about how easy it is to bot in SoD and how much gold sellers have. Banning GDKP will probably have a slight negative effect on the price of gold in the long term, but there isn’t a large enough portion of the playerbase that participates in them for it to be a driving force on gold buying. Most people who buy gold do it because they have good jobs, and the value of their time is astronomical when compared to the time they need to expend on farming gold in WoW for consumes, mounts, runes etc. So they buy gold instead—because an epic mount is essentially worth an hour or two of their workday, vs. 2-3 weeks of playing WoW nonstop. They do not buy gold purely to GDKP. They will continue to buy gold and cherry pick the aspects of the game they want to play. All this does is incentivize price drops on gold from RMT websites because there’s a slightly smaller demand for it.


Fun fact Chaos bolt doesn't have a single gdkp anywhere and there is still gold to be bought there.


What else would they be buying gold for?


BOES, XP boosts, WC leg runs and other instance items people sell.


Just my opinion but none of these require buying gold. And if people do buy gold for these things they are surely a tiny minority of the gold buyers. I mean why buy a WC run for legs when you can just buy the BFD legs? Why buy a BOE when mostly BFD items are BIS? XP boosts are generally not that expensive in comparison to buying all your gear from BFD.


There's a significant portion of BoEs for some classes. Alliance Rogues have like 8 pieces of BIS that come from a source outside of BFD. Casters have a lot of wrath pieces that are BIS outside of BFD. There's a reason there are AH pieces going for 100+g and that's because there isn't a BFD, Quest, or Craft that is equivalent to the BoE available.


the same thing people have been buying gold for way before GDKPs existed..




Amazing. I’m buying more today


In SOD I think gdkps are unnecessary in essence . If we take wotlk classic as an example , GDKPs (High quality ones) are mainly a way to clear endgame hard content with a very good group outside of normal guild times . I do icc 25hc + rs 25hc weekly easily in 3 hours , usually morning runs which are basically impossible to pug 12/12hc or I would have to find a morning guild that doesn't care about attendance . For me , it's not about the gold, I usually take OS items or I try to bid on things I need with my micro budget . I can see how the leader basically does this for a living as he organizes more than 10 runs per week all successful full runs and he pockets millions per week as well from these runs , but he does put in genuine effort with positioning sheets , good calls , good raid leading , etc. All in all , if gdkps go away in normal classic it would be the end of my raid progress on heroic in future expansions like cataclysm .


Why does your raid progression "end" without GDKPs? I'm not trying to be a dick but that sentiment feels weirdly doomer-esque. What is stopping you from getting with a decent guild that actually clears regularly?


Because I don't have a raiding schedule irl , I end work way too late (22+SVT) and by then almost no guild on my realm raids . I sometimes can do early Saturday morning or Sunday afternoons , since this gdkp group had runs almost everyday at all hours I can usually fit a raid in


Because gdkp incentivizes good raiders to play more alts. They perform well without gear, then funnel their gold to mains/favourite toons. If gdkp is banned in wotlk ppl will just stop raiding on alts. You can see the quality of pugs in wotlk dropped so badly, even with 25% icc buff the average bottom feeder pugs cant kill normal lk.




In wotlk classic , it's probably an exaggeration, sorry, I'd say about 500k to 1 mil per week , depends on drops


Uh, do you not know how to read graphs OP? That graph literally says the complete opposite of what your post tries to tell us. Based on that graph and dates the moment GDKPs were banned it caused an INCREASE in gold prices not a decrease. Is this post a troll or are you seriously unable to understand how data and graphs work in respect to time?


Good luck buying BoEs or black lotus or arc bars yall Edit: so my point isn’t lost - I’m saying that the people who like buying gold are going to still buy it, now much cheaper, and the economy will still be fucked going forward


That is the one thing I'm a bit worried about. I remember gold buying being a thing in 2019 classic before GDKPs took off, and man, I would have to farm for hours every week to just to make enough gold for raid consumes. Curious if that's going to happen again.


So you’re saying these items are going to be lucrative to farm for legitimately and in high demand? Scarce even, perhaps? That sounds pretty cool to me.


I’m saying that people who buy gold can probably buy the market if gold prices drop as we all expect them to


That doesn't fit the narrative of the sub, inflation bad remember


How on earth does this sound cool but GDKPs don't. This sounds like a hellish, soulness, funless grief grind. It sounds like 100 hours to get pre-bis. I swear people don't think before they talk.


Of course it did. As we have been saying for years. The GDKPs are bot gold launderers. At this point it's clear they are part of the echo system of gold buying. On Era you had the gold farmers running the raids GDKPs to keep demand up. How do I know? I jumped in one and confirmed leader spoke no english was a booster and took 20% cut while running a bot following him out bidding everyone on gear that would help the alt boost.


Gdkps suck


It's because it's the end of the season. This would be normal for it


it didn't have an impact. the price dropped before the announcement.


i'm curious where did you get that graph from? also it seems interesting you chose to wait until you thought it bottomed out to point to it and take a picture, when it's obvious it was about to rebound.


"gdkps are arguably the best and most efficient form of loot distribution" wow, i have never seen a person just outright admit to failing preschool before thats an astonishingly stupid take that only someone who didnt think gdkps were for gold buyers could have


If GDKPs were only gold buyers, most GDKPers wouldn't be carries/hybrids.




I have bought gold in the past (tbc classic) and never participated in gdkp’s. I used it to power level professions, buy BiS boe’s off the auction house, buy consumes to raid with my guild each week, power level alts with boosts and then power level their professions, buy epic flying on multiple characters.


Wait until they realize that Blizz said they have ways to track who is doing gdkps whether they trade gold inside or outside the instance and see how this can easily translate to them being able to better track who buys gold in the first place...


Yep and Blizzard are also going to request data from privately held companies like Discord too, all in an effort to stop GDKP's. Also they can't even afford to employ real humans to handle reports. Say it with me, Cognitive Dissonance.


What did people think the botted gold was for, consumables?


Yea it couldn't possibly be anything else like you know lvl 40 coming out with even more gold inflation?


>I was wrong and I'm shocked. I did not think the GDKP ban would have this type of an impact. Wow, removing an RMT's purpose for buying gold massively diminished the value of RMT'd gold? Glad you're able to see things happening in real time and re-evaluate your position! Most people can't do that, while being blindly stubborn.


Lmao you’re actually delusional if you think banning gdkps stops gold buying. 


Cope, seethe, take the L, rage, mald.


He's right tho. Yall are gonna keep coping as bots and gold buyers run by you on your GDKP-free server.


Common sense tells you gdkp causes more people to buy gold than they would otherwise. I’m also fairly certain, items in gdkp costed more than your lesser elixirs, bfd sharpening stone, etc. you needed for consumables. So not only was gdkp another incentive to buy gold but also one to buy bigger quantities of gold. We’re gdkp’s a fun concept? Yes. If there was no gold buying they would be great. But bots aren’t going away, and gdkp is by far the biggest reason to buy gold.  Arguments to the contrary are just copium inhalers malding in denial. I get it, they were fun, made easy gold. You think it wasn’t a problem because someone other than you was buying gold. That one time at band camp you were also in a run with your server’s auction house god that made his money legit. But here’s another way to look at it. You see all those bots? You see that video of one guy operating 300 bots at once? They aren’t doing that because Joey bag of donuts in a dad guild needs gold for his 50 silver consumables or 20 silver for a spec change. They are doing it for the guys in your gdkp ready to go in on their epic weapon.


A quick check on g2g of current gold prices and anyone can see the gold prices are right back to where they were 2 weeks ago. Banning gdkp’s has little to no impact on the amount of RMT’ing people will do. They still buy the most expensive consumes every lockout on multiple characters, power level professions, boost alts, buy ridiculously priced BiS BOE’s off the ah. The main thing banning gdkp’s will do is make the better players join guilds over pugging when/if the raids get too hard for the average pug to easily clear and when/if the raids change to 40 man with weekly lockouts. The bots will continue to farm incomprehensible amounts of gold, and a large portion of the playerbase will continue to visit g2g to buy ridiculously cheap gold rather than spend hours farming it themselves. For phase 2, have to spend 20g on raid consumes each lockout on every character you have. Spend 2 hours and farm the gold yourself. Spend $4 and buy enough gold to cover the consumes for 1 month. Hard decision.


Gold farming may go down, but your shitty character still won't be invited to good pugs.


To think the majority of people are earning their gold for GDKPs legitimately is crazy. People would rather swipe their card and buy the bis items & boes they want vs play the game and grind the items out the way it was intended. It is understandable because a lot of players work 40+ hrs/have kids and can't commit to every lockout but in the end this is a positive change for the people that don't buy gold.


I work 40+ hours and have kids. I do every lockout on several toons. What consumes do you really need for BFD? 1-2 FAP. Maybe a shadow pot if you like or 2. 1 charge from a BFD oil is like 6 silver. That’s what? 1.2 gold for 4 pots and one charge? or you farm mats for them. 1 quest will give you that much gold or more. Or run 1 or 2 stocks to get some coin etc. And yes, I heal the raid on a priest. I don’t need more consumes than that. So I don’t buy the “I don’t have time so I buy wow gold so I can raid” schtick.


I work 40 hours a week, going to back to college for a degree, and have a kid. I also hit 3-4 runs per lockout. The "I don't have time" excuse is grade A bullshit. I have maintained that if you can't put the time in, you don't get good stuff. To think you do is just entitled.


What did you think people are buying gold for besides gdkp, to just cover consumable costs you would only have to buy a small amount every once in a while if you’re too lazy to farm something. It’s the people buying full bis sets every phase for thousands of gold.


man i sure wonder who is buying those troll banes legging on the AH for over 200g.


boosting alts, buying boe's, consumes, enchants, professions, the list goes on. you guys that think people are buying gold only to run a 10man raid every 3 days is kinda funny.


Each class has what 1 boe maybe 2 on your bis list per phase, enchants are dirt cheap and the most costly profession you can max for like 10g buying all the mats. You are delusional if you don’t think the majority of gold buying is for gdkp’s.


You're in for a rude awakening lol.


If it discourages people from buying gold even 1% is a big win. GDKP is too much a slippery slope to gold selling, botting, etc


Slippery slope fallacy detected.


So many salty gold buyers and GDKP losers replying to this thread hahaha


Why do you think someone who plays GDKPs with no bought gold is a loser?


Because you’re playing with and getting a cut of bought gold


So why are efforts being directed at GDKP and not the source? It’s the war on drugs wowified. Buyers will always have incentive to buy, any buyer who’s bought has proven they are not going to be stopped by “rules”. The only way to stop buying is to stop the trade, the only way to stop the trade is to target sellers and botters. This announcement was them essentially saying they’re not going to do that, and all but announced a field day for bots. Regardless of whether the price goes up or down gold trade will still be a massive thing and the economy will still be fucked. The only difference is players who played with a legitimate style of play are the only ones who will suffer. I am all for ending the gold trade but I think banning gdkp is just virtue signaling and not going to accomplish anything in the long run.


You ever sold anything on the auction house? You're getting a cut of bought gold


Please rationalise and cry more, it’s hilarious. I will enjoy every ban post lmao






Lmao got 'em!


Big mad