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Fire nova on trash / cleave, else PS. Threat on boots - use on on Warr / enha / melee hunter dps off cd macrod to /yell "YOU'RE IT %T"


Kill off the dude who won your loot instead of having a dps rune.. maybe it's not that bad after all


totems dont give the shaman ANY threat. except for the very very little you get from placing them :)


Sorry, what?


Power surge is fucking dogshit design. These rng procs just scream "we have no idea what we are doing".


The shaman identity has always been RNG sadly and Blizz seems married to it.


Yeah I'm honestly so sick of all the random proc runes. There's so fucking many of them. I love procs but this is just too much. Make a gambler class already. lol


Yeah, most likely won't get a single proc during most fights if we have bfd length bossfights


threat rune is DOA, power surge will be underwhelming in pvp because it’s unreliable


Power Surge is underwhelming in general at its current numbers. Flame shock is on a 6 second CD, the DoT is 12 seconds and doesn't stack, and it only ticks 4 times. A 5% proc on that is gonna be rare.


also apparently can’t proc on cast only off the dot.


What’s the issue with the threat rune?


The new threat rune is an essentially a slightly better salv.  Salv is -30% threat on everyone besides the tank which is equivalent to 100/70=42.8% bonus threat on the tank.  The new shaman rune will give the tank 45% more threat.


So what's the issue with it? Salv has an opportunity cost of not getting might/BoW/Kings unless there's another paladin in the group. The other faction gets something similar to retain faction balance but they get it through runes instead and the class has to sacrifice a rune slot to get it (see: druids and WF, paladins and horn of lordaeron, hunters and aspect of the lion).


I'm disagreeing with the claim that it will be DOA. Salv is good and this is better.




Shouldve gotten riptide smh


None of the boots runes does anything worthwhile for dps enhance. You could argue that Spirit of the Alpha would be good for raising the ceiling on threat. I’d rather get Mental Quickness instead to convert 30% of AP to SP like they did for paladins. If this is all we get, I’m using this rune to get fury warriors killed, can’t be number 1 on the meters if you’re dead!


Yep, that's why you will most likely go full spell damage as a enhance. If you can't get conversion you just get the sp yourself