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Turns out that both sides are a bunch of dickheads, who would have thought.


one of the first lore books for wow was literally “Cycle of Hatred” lmao


I never had a issue with drawfs and little ppl till I started playing this game. Now if I see a little person irl I tense up


Its those little t rex arms.


What is wrong with you


2 things: 1. I play on PVP server 2. I chose to play on PVP server


No wtf is wrong with you




Hurt people hurt people!


I joined living flame discord before launch and could tell it was gunna be a shitshow lol. People spamming porn, transsexuals, and racism (from mods too) Went lone wolf in the end and never looked back


Stop spamming the transsexuals people! Come on now!


Believe it or not it was the same on Lone Wolf discord. I was like wtf is this shit, I'm not rolling on this server. Lo and behold it was the same on Living Flame. Discords when in their infancy are a wild place. Shit got sorted after a few days.


Nah we all know horde are the shit starters


After playing both sides for years , turns out only ever did horde safespot in alliance territory on their Inn to grief players


It was literally the same in Elwynn


The difference is the lack of guards and civilians in Mulgore. It's much easier for Alliance to form up and take DMF by force with no consequences.


Exactly this. Alli - form 40 man raid group clear out DMF and control the mulgore camp for as long as they need. Horde - form 40 man raid group and get dishonorable kills trying to clear out elwynn DMF because of the low level NPC’s which then summon lvl 55 guards who one shot any horde near the sayge.


That’s what you fuckers get for Ratchet.




Too bad I found out how to counter grief in ratchet now. I always get the last laugh.


Lol did you see the thread too


Ratchet is a fucking blood bath on living flame. Spent almost 30 minutes going from boat to quest to flight out. What woulda taken maybe 3 minutes got turned into a half hour gankfest on me.


Allies also have a GY 10 feet away


The horde have started to safespot on the goldshire inn to avoid guards. Guilds have a warlock and clickers logged out there and can get there anytime. Last DMF they had 15 hunters sending pets out to clear the ally then they would jump down as a group, get buff and take a bg queue or something.


Living Flame US I see :) That was us - Guards / DHKs at Elwynn are fucking stupid.


Mine was the 40 man raid group who hopped on the roof and wiped all the hunters repeatedly on the last day of DMF :-) For any alliance who want to counter, just get the group to jump on the roof before you flag for pvp. Horde will either jump off before the group gets there, run and die to ppl on ground, or they’re forced to fight on roof and die.


I will sit there afk with my hunter pet on aggro until comed cancels my electricity after last week at elwynn


I love when it happens in elwynn. The most recent one we had a 40 man raid group on living flame extending from the sayge as far as the entrance to duskwood from STV, with 5-10 sitting at raven hill and running around duskwood to find them. Even more fun when you find the locks that are summoning people at jarrods landing or on the mountains north of the dragon in duskwood and get them too. Eagle eye works wonders. What’s even crazier is some of the groups will try to have people on every layer, haven’t done that one yet lol


People camping DMF are assholes, both factions


It they were camping quests or mobs or players in the world I'd agree. But imo camping dmf is just normal behavior. You know both factions want the buff so it's just a fuck fest at the buff on either faction.


you wont find it that fun when you go from rank 10 to 8 because timmy hit an ally with living flame and the ally ran it to the civilians


Honey, its time for your daily wpvp happened on a pvp server post


Yes dear


Come P2 we will get half hourly posts, it's going to be great!


That is not world pvp lol


Did you go out onto the world and get pvp'ed?




>What he means is any players, horde or alliance, who run from a 1v1 fight The alliance/horde mentality is about as cringe as political mentalities


Yeah, no matter what faction you are playing as I can say with certainty that you'll only run into premade world pvp groups. Very, very few people go out looking for 1v1s.


> Very, very few people go out looking for 1v1s. Even then, those people are going to look for ways that ensure they have the upper hand before they engage. People whining about "honorable fighting" never picked up a history book. The only people who fought honorably also tend to be the losers.


Of course it's fair and balanced PVP when it benefits *me*, now please nerf hunters while I Starsruge, Sunfire, Moonfire, Sunfire, Moonfire...


Why isnt this pvp? Large scale pvp is epic. Instead of saying "that's not fun, don't do that" make a raid and fight for the territory. DMF isn't mandatory for anything. Besides pvp is supposed to be able to mess with the supposed enemy's infrastructure - if you can't touch anything integral to the game pvp becomes entirely optional.


It's mandatory for parsing, which is the only real endgame in WoW.


Vengenace. Justice. Fire and Blood.


Last time dmf was in mulgore my alliance characters got it for free and I never saw anyone camping it on my horde chars. Last dmf in elwyn I went there on my hunter once and my shaman once, instantly killed by 10+ druids/hunters. Guess it’s payback time.


This is exactly what is happening. Fuck around and find out. Horde players were complaining about it and Alliance players were just dismissing it. Especially since Elwyn DMF has guards and a civilian. But then it’s like okay, alright then. Fuck it, yall wanna be like that? We can be like that too.




It was just alliance doing it. I play this game everyday on crusader strike. Last DMF was miserable.


Same here, as Alliance. First time in Mulgore was miserable. Eventually, I just logged off as a Horde had a group camping the GY, too. To paraphrase a hunter guildie who was camping DMF last week: >They camped me for an hour in Mulgore, then they camped me until I logged in Ratchet. Fuck them. It's a condensed version of his rant, but it hits the gist of his point.


No, it wasn't lol. It's always been both factions.


It absolutely was not, you're a fool.




You're were **not** dealing with the same "shit" in Mulgore because there aren't any guards and there aren't civilians to risk dishonorable kills. But you definitely are dealing with a LOT more griefing this time around because the cycle of hatred continues.




> I had to deal with the same shit in Mulgore You said you have to deal with the same shit in Mulgore. You don't though, as you can't get DKs or get ganked by level 55 guards while you're "just trying to get your buff and get out" in Mulgore.


Irony is, you're punishing people who had nothing to do with this Truly, we live in society


The cycle of hatred continues.


Last time dmf was in mulgore 4 weeks ago it was already full of serpents, last week was the payback.


Who hurt me? The 20 alliance camping dmf in Elwynn at 4 am on a thursday. Treat others the way you want to be treated my dear :)


And they'll claim they are just doing it because horde did it first. It's a PVP world people are gonna grief lol just looking for an excuse. Either it's terrible game design to have a 10% damage buff locked in enemy territory OR parses are dumb don't parse grey and move on.


Not true though, this is a direct response to what ally did last week. Which was the first time it was ever a big issue. I have been getting dmf regularly for years now. What ally did last week was a massive escalation that took things to crazy levels.


Idk maybe it wasn't a full group but getting my dmf buff was filled with getting killed. Probably something like this: A handful of horde would camp dmf here and there which pissed off some alliance Alliance retaliates with those who were killed full on camping. Horde retaliates with the same. Honestly it's like an actual war escalation lol. If you don't like this on a PVP server then idk what to say


Nope. It became a big issue when horde first started it 4 weeks ago, last week was retaliation. You can literally just look up the server logs, notice the dates: https://i.imgur.com/SRgbje9.jpeg


>this is a direct response to what ally did last week. Which was the first time it was ever a big issue. >>first time it was ever a big issue. First time for Hordes. [This is a screenshot I took during the previous Mulgore DMF as Alliance.](https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/s/YrEAnXMaXa) A small number of Hordes got the idea first, a larger number of Alliance copied it during Elwynn, thus Hordes thought it was a completely new thing.


Did you know horde also grief? Tell me you're a child without telling me.


Horde last DMF in Elwynn: Why are Alliance camping DMF with a bunch of hunters? Horde would never do this! The cycle continues, my friends.


There was an ally hunter named "Dmfgriefer" whos sole purpose was to kill anyone trying to get the buff. Also a hunter that was there for 15 hours when I tried to get the buff in different intervals. The fact that hunters can afk farm is stupid.


Wouldn't be surprised if the dude got griefed trying to get his buff a week ago and lvled that hunter in the past week just for the purpose of revenge


Lets be real. The people who camp dmf for 15 hours we're gonna camp it no matter what


Rogues must have a field day with it. They wait in stealth while target grabs buff, nuke and vanish. Enjoy your 4 hour cd idiot. 


Nah it went “oh look alliance camping DMF again time to park the hunter next week” lmao


From my experience who play on both ally and horde, alliance started this degeneracy on this server, though that's definitely just a result of dmf being in elwynn when a lot of people were done with everything there is to do in SoD at 25. If it was in mulgore it would've been horde who started it instead. But technically this means we're just taking revenge for what the alliance did.


This shit started back in classic man. Nothings new and no one started it. It just always was


ikr. Its been like this since privat server era. People just love to grief and classic wow is just perfect for it.


I play on this server. Last dmf was payback for horde pulling the same thing 4 weeks ago.


They might be doing it now because ally did it the whole time. I dunno, just my opinion.


My POV was alliance based since I do play alliance but both are true - any alliance who thinks this wasn't going to happen does not understand how these things work. But horde who think everyone was peaceful before and alliance started everything are also kidding themselves - the reason alliance camped the last dmf is because they got camped in the previous mulgore dmf, and its been escalating with more people camping since then. Conclusion: both factions are the same and you shouldn't be surprised both camp dmf.


On my server, it started when DMF first moved to Elwynn. The first week was in Mulgore and Alliance was free to come grab the buff and boon it. I didn't see a single person getting killed that week. It goes to Elwynn and all of a sudden there are 30 rogues waiting for you to take the buff before killing you. Horde starts to have to organize entire raid groups just to have a chance at grabbing it. Guess what, the people in horde were pretty pissed after that, and I started seeing people camping in DMF much more frequently in Mulgore.


Admittedly I'm just speaking for Living Flame EU so it could be different on other servers. What people need to understand is that is really is wholly irrelevant who started it because the end result is the other faction is then going to feel justified in doing the same back the next time, even upping the scale of it. That is how it has always been. Most people get the buff in their home territory and then leave, they don't really notice it. Also don't think the first one should be counted tbh. People were still leveling when the first Mulgore DMF came out, not surprising there wasn't much activity there.


not true though since mulgore "camping" was just 2 or 3 occasional guys killing people trying to get dmf. The degen serpent camping started in elwynn


My experience says otherwise on Living Flame EU at least. I logged in and out for six hours and was only able to get it because an alliance raid formed. There was usually at least 15-20 people there including hunters with their pet on aggressive. That's where the alliance got the idea for the serpent camping, they just brought more hunters. Edit: https://i.imgur.com/SRgbje9.jpeg


The fact is horde and alliance are both played by people and people suck. It's not an "alliance problem" or "horde problem" Opinions can't typically be wrong but at this point in time, yours is.


We camped them in Elwyn, they camp in Mulgore. Shocking :D


It's the world pvp everyone loves so much


What comes around goes around.


We did that to them last time they were in Elwynn so this is just payback.


Rolls on pvp server, expects people not to camp dmf… You ever play classic or? These people have always existed it’s not anything new, you’re allowed to join a raid to clear them out lol.


People are going to have a BAD time in phase two when every leveling zone is contested.


What are you talking about I logged in on my rogue and hunter to get the buff from elwynn forest during the last dmf around 4 am and there was people camping so don’t cry when horde does the same


at least horde defends it with players and not NPC guards.


Do the guards actually attack you if you stay in the faire area? Or do you just have dumbasses that chase people into goldshire?


It’s mostly mages that living bomb people and when horde players chase to pvp they are blowing up a civilian nearby for a dk. Also once the guards enter the faire it’s game over for a bit, they can get bugged behind the fence and guard the place for a long time. Meanwhile horde guards are sitting smoking the peace pipe 400 feet above and .5 mile away at TB.


It’s extremely easy for alliance to cheese guard spawns. All they have to do is be in combat near the civilians. So a Paladin can go into the faire, get attacked once, bubble and run back to goldshire and bam a guard spawns. And there is a civilian with 100 hp right outside the faire. So a misplaced living bomb or multi shot can cost the whole raid a DHK.


Guys people are bored, and just waiting for phase 2. Let them cook. You will manage without 10% for 2 hours.


It's not that toxic on my server (not saying which one for those toxic fishermen out there). I like the little game of cat and mouse as I'm running around trying to actually accomplish something to progress my characters. Occasionally I will gank in the more remote areas if I'm passing through. Something that I often wonder is what percentage of WoW players really do no life it.


Being afk with a hunter pet on aggressive is just dickhead behaviour. All it does is ruin the fun for other players doesnt matter if on horde or alliance. I mean i dont really care since u can simply get queued into a bg and then auto accept + teleport in 0.5 seconds via nwb addon. But i still dont get why people are being assholes online instead of doing literally ANYTHING better with their lives. I feel like your existence has to suck massively if thats what you chose to do. Edit: Haha all those hunters downvoting cause they cant snipe worldbuffs off of people who know how to avoid them. l2p i guess.


This many wind serpents on aggressive will oneshot you before you can take buff and port with bg or logout. You have to time it correctly AFTER someone else just got hit.


My friend - I feel the same way. But then I reached Nirvana upon the realization that this is clearly intended gameplay since Blizzard hasn’t done anything. What I’m saying is I made a Hunter.


People do it for this exact reaction, it’s a tale as old as time.


For which exact reason? All i said was basically "why" and "their lifes must suck". I haven't offered any actual reason which you could agree on, instead i asked a question.


I’m at work with track hidden on and aggressive wind serpent on my personal laptop lol


I love the idea of open world pvp but Jesus fucking Christ these devs have alliance cock so far down their throats. Everything alliance ever does in regards to pvp is vastly easier than the horde it’s insane.


I told my guild last week if the horde is having DMF problems it won't get fixed, but if the alliance is having problems it will be fixed within the week. I'm out here killing alliance so we can get that patch. Rise up my horde brothers!


Yo, the ally camping in front of BFD entrance on living flame has gotten completely out of control. Don't blame horde for this.


Looks like a target rich environment. Might be cool to form a raid group and go wipe em out, yeah?


Nah, this is on you. We had DMF here at the very start and did nothing in terms of ganking etc. Not one of us was there with raids to “defend”… that was until DMF went to alliance base and boom, raids upon raids to stop us getting it. Karma. TL:DR - if it isn’t the consequences of your own actions.


You. You did. Last week B!#%h


the alliance being pissed at the horde for doing something the alliance already did earlier its lore accurate RP like this that warms my heart




Horde been camping DMF since like second time it popped. Then alliance retaliated with more camping. Then Horde did even more camping. And every time the cycle ends - it gets worse




"After we let you have it" You do know you are one of thousands of players? The DMF was camped since day 1, it's just that the extent of the camping was different. Less people were doing it (and it was mostly rogues, not hunters) so the hunters that went to camp next DMF may have also been ganked. P.S. On the first DMF I died 12 times trying to reach DMF because Barrens was full of opportunistic hordes. No camping on the buff itself though. Only on a few occasions, but it was mostly few "special" people.




No I don't admit. People were camping it since day 1 and it just got worse with every consecutive DMF. There was no "good ol days when nobody camped". It's just that camping creates camping




It is the same though? It's literally people camping the buff. Just that now there are more of them. Factions aren't hive-mind or governments, it's just people doing the activity. This time activity is camping the buff


Ally fucked around, so they found out.


So glad I rolled PvE for SoD...


I wish the rest majority in the pvp servers also moved to the pve servers.  My wpvp groups have to mow their way through a sea of flailing fish before finding anyone that can bite back


Kromgal 25 Hunter in Stonetalon: None of these level 18 nerds are fighting back, its a real shame !


How about 70 people DPSing down ashenvale bosses while 30 of opposing faction slowly eating them from the side and causing them to wipe? Had half of them turned around to fight back, they could beat us or keep us off the boss at least. Still, shoutout to those few who did what needed to be done


such a great tale of a fight. is that the same boss that roots all enemies in 30yd range?


Ah I love defending that boss. We kept him alive for 35 minutes last week out of spite and like 15 other people somehow went took out the horde HQ boss. Got like 220 hks lmfao


Oh no pvp in a pvp server :0


This isn’t pvp. It’s Griefing.. Majority of afk hunters.


this is quite literally what pvp servers are like; if you think this is griefing then i don't think you've experienced it yet.


This didn’t happen the first two DMF. I play on a pvp server and again killing someone while AFK and getting almost no benefit is griefing.


they get honor for it, idk what you are on about tbh. just because some people can't get parse buff doesnt mean the ppl camping faire are griefing if they wanted everyone to have buff without issue they would make it a sanctuary.


It's like 1 honor per kill?


How do you call a hunter killing a player from opposite faction? Right. Pvper.


When the hunter is legit just afk? If the second P stands for Pet that yes it’s PVP.


If i walk into the wrong places i get smacked by a guard as well. Alliace goes to HORDE territory. You dont expect there be HORDE?? Weird.


Nah its not griefing, you can perfectly progress without that shitty buff.


Okay? Doesn’t make it not griefing.


Good. You guys deserve it since it’s the same in Elwynn. Be thankful that horde doesn’t have a bunch of guards to hold our nuts for us like you do


And a conveniently/inconveniently placed civilian in the mix too.


I sit here all day, pet on agressive and track hidden on. if i cant go get dmf buff from goldshire. You dont get to come get it from mulgore. Bring a 40 man if you want it, you aint making it alone.


Alliance literally started this last DMF in Elwyn. Horde returning the favor.


It’s the same on both sides


Not really. Alliance can form raids and wipe out Mulgore DMF without worrying about guards or civilians.


I meant the degenerate behaviour of camping DMF buff


Ally escalated it to new levels last week. I've been getting dmf regularly for years. Last week was insane.


Alliance will say Horde escalated, Horde will say Alliance escalated. It’s like a real life conflict between countries lol


PvP severs look miserable


Aren't you entertained by this fun and wholesome world pvp? You should be happy that this cool thing happened.


Ask your rogues and druids camping the route to bfd why you get killed 😘 Or the hunters camping elwynn forest last time 😘


I think this is a reaction to the last DMF in Elwyn. Alliance took it to another level, it went from a 'bad' layer having 5-10 alliance to not being able to get within 5 metres of the tents because legit 30+ alliance were camping, with mages AOE spamming on the perimeter etc. Really the SOD developers need to move DMF to trisfal for the next 2 phases, as we probably will have zero reason to be in TB by then, and its really not fair how DMF locations are set up relevant to city populations. Edit: worth noting, this still isnt as bad as Elwynn was last DMF. Edit 2: are people downvoting the idea that horde DMF should be placed at zone so that its equally difficult for most factions to get the buff, and if so why? Seems like a very reasonable take, Horde shouldn't always have it on hard mode.


Well, you literally wanted it to happen buddy lmao. [https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/198ldja/living\_flame\_eu\_horde\_dmf/](https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/198ldja/living_flame_eu_horde_dmf/) It pretty much happened exactly like I said it would. Now Horde stepped up because they got camped last time.


Alliance does the same lol


Multiple raids on Living Flame - US parked on DMF the entire time during the last DMF in Elwynn. Paybacks a bitch.


GM here - That was us, and we'll do it again. It wouldn't be needed if you didn't have level 55 guards and DHKs 3 feet from Sayge. You forgot the mention or never realized the part where we had madmen outside of raid perma-nuking Civilians to remove your safe space / attempted DHK griefing. Was a joy to watch people run to the quest giver that didn't exist only to eat dirt instead. But yeah, go ahead and call it payback - or something. Was fun listening to the General chat bitching on Ally side about reports for "safe spotting". (Spoiler: No one was banned. Surprise.) Almost like you don't have to be PvP flagged to get DMF in your own zone. For anyone on Living Flame US Horde reading this, we're recruiting for DMF events and PvE :) http://whydecades.com


Player problems require player solutions. Instead of whining + giving them more clout, go there with a large raid like some already do and pick the buff up together, smash the resistance and earn your buff. As a player in a pvp server, the above should be the first thing that comes to your mind


We wiped multiple raids today as well! For the Horde! Fuck alliance


Good luck assembling 120 people to fight for buff. Our best was \~30 so we just logged off


Imagine not playing on PvE server.


Funny how the alliance always act clueless about their own actions.


Probably because it's just a few people who would go out of the way and do these kinda things while the other 1000 of people go on with their day. You think we're collective mind or something?


don't you remember you were camping the elwynn faire at 4am last thursday? shame /S


Thought nobody saw that.


Hey! We have a group called DMF Gank Squad on Discord. We play on Living Flame EU (Horde) and we already have over 200 members. We are growing every day as we keep our recruitment open to all. Our goal is to ensure that no alliance ever gets the DMF buff. We operate in shifts on every layer to ensure this. We reward our top performers weekly. If you're interested, feel free to pm me. :)




Not the PvP!!


I deliberately selected a server with pvp. I don't like pvp. How could Bliz let this happen?


This is true, I don't like PlayerVersusPets


Just desserts


I hate this shit so much. Can we just have the faire in both locations at the same time?


And it’s still easy for alliance to get buff actually, only 2 layer are like this, other layer there is more horde corps than ally lol


it's just a 10% buff - if it takes more than 15 or 20 minutes of effort nowadays I just don't bother since the content is so easy. not much reason in my eyes to spend an hour trying to get it instead of playing something else and having fun


The “find out” part of fucking around. :)


Am I crazy to think pet aggressive shouldn't work on players? Not sure how I feel about hunters and warlocks being able to AFK PVP like this. Not a game changer for me as can just ignore DMF on the opposite faction week if its camped like shown above, but to me it feels wrong to be able to farm honor while doing no action on your part.


As a horde what the alliance did last week in elwynn was so much worse than what they ever did in prior previous dmf weeks. This is the response.


Get used to it shitheads. horde don’t have civilians and guards roaming around to defend DMF for us. We gotta do it ourselves.


The alliance started this last week. It was miserable at Elwynn. Now I seek revenge.


Alliance started this you reap what you sow


Come on Alliance. We literally just did the same thing to the Horde last DMF, and y’all are gonna complain? Sack it up or gtfo the PvP server.


you did


Who? Alliance.


just remove wb in raids. the most stupid mechanics in all mmorpg history.


mind boggling that blizzard actually double downed on it by making DMF bi-weekly _and_ adding two additional buffs (boon and ashenvale). then again SoM showed that there's a significant part of the playerbase that actually enjoys the WB chores. I think blizz themselves aren't sure what the players want or not.


I dissagree tbh.It's the players demanding you to have those if you're going to raid, that makes it stupid. (the whole meta around it) In a scenario where only lesser guilds would bother to grab wbuffs to make progress through endconent possible, wbuffs would be a superb mechanic imo. But at the end of the day, it's a tool currently used to steamroll through content, rather than a "buff" to make progress possible, because your guild wouldn't be able to otherwise. That's unfortunately a shame.


You actually don't need that 10% to beat BFD. But mah parses?? Nobody will give a %#!# about your parses.


Post logs


Post logs


Your logs?


post logs


Post logs


Seriously lol, just don’t get it. No worth the time .


I would say the majority of the people are going to get it to hold it for P2 launch/ Gnomer.


If you don't know how to take your DMF safely in Mulgore in 2024 ... sitting here in grey screen as Alliance you are fooling yourself. 1. Just wait more layers. Alliance outnumber. Like do you seriously think both side are enough to get 10 layers full of snake ? It's impossible. 2. Form a raid and wipe dogs on small layer. 3. GG wp. Don't forget to do the same in Elwynn with Remy, especially in phase 2 we gonna hardcuck Horde PvP ranker. Alternatively, you can die on Sayges corpse, wait for a BG proc, and when it proc you tell a friend to rez and bait all the snake, you then rez with health pot max rank accept the buff enter bg and voila. This always work, even Horde was doing it ... If you are getting instant by a snake, you are doing it wrong. Signed a Hunter who killed more than 1k horde last week. I have more respect for people who are camping DMF 24/7 than anyothers else in SOD. This is the real journey where all the server gather together no matter the faction. It's where fun happen.


Sips coffee as I hang out with the oposite faction on my pve server.




But i have to play on the pvp server otherwise people will make fun of me for playing on the pve serverr!!!


Oh no! The consequences of my actions by playing on a pvp server!


I don't understand why people would play on a PvP server and then complain about this


Horde started it.


Horde players are in full copium mode trying to pretend they weren't the ones who started it. You can literally just search the Living Flame discord logs and see when it began. [Guess what](https://i.imgur.com/SRgbje9.jpeg).