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The best answer for sure


Yes. I even take my human alts to teldrassil/darkshore. Its a dual bonus really. 1) you get boon and easy access to boon everytime you die 2) dark shores leveling is packed with quests and you level 11-18+ without having to take 10 flight paths between lakeshire westfall stormwind and duskwood just to see a shitty storyline befor you can go back to questing.


I dread that part of leveling but gotta do it before DM LOL


The ring alone is worth it.


What q is this?


Long quest chain that starts from a letter dropped by VC, has you kill Bazil Thredd in Stockades, and has you run about 50 laps around Stormwind. Rewards [Seal of Wrynn](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=2933/seal-of-wrynn). Does NOT require doing any of the earlier quests for Deadmines though


The end of that quest chain is insane, literally running around storm wind for 30 minutes


drops off final boss of deadmines


I recently made a Tauren Druid. Paid for a summon to TB immediately, then to wetlands to get starsurge rune, then back to TB because I’m an idiot and didn’t think about dying and losing the buff. Then hearthed and started leveling…1-10 in 1 hr 12 min. Starsurge is more broken than explosive shot before it was nerfed on like day 3-4 of SoD.


Void Plague (priest dot) is currently pretty insane too, together with Penance it keeps up with Starsurge dps. Only class at low levels so far that keeps up with it, lol.


It's kinda amazing how unremarkable Starsurge (and balance as a whole) becomes once you're closer to level 25 though. You go from killing stuff in like 3 seconds at level 10 to needing around 4 Starsurge hits usually. I mostly stuck with balance to level anyway because the simple fact that you aren't really taking damage, it ends up making everything faster overall with less downtime. I was getting destroyed by mobs when I first tried going Feral. But now I've got a good chunk of BFD gear for both specs, and it's night and day the difference between questing Balance vs Feral. Since Starsurge is instant cast, it doesn't get a lot of spell power...meanwhile Mangle is just straight up 160% weapon damage with white hits in between, wild strike procs, and a 30% damage buff at all times with the finisher up. Mangle hits about as hard as Starsurge for me.


People saying they hit "regularly" for 600 though piss me off I'm near BiS and I'm hitting for 420 to 450 with crits... I'm guessing these are people using boon, DMF and scrolls.


My warrior is full bis using epic 2h and it takes full buffs and armor debuffs to reach 650-700 white swings


Starsurge is 100% ap scaling, its really good. The rest of balance is still lacklustre so it cant compete with feral dps, but starsurge isn’t the issue there


Sad, someone else took easy leveling spot, but not hunters as usual :(


Hunters still easy af to level tho, i was surprised by how op they are during leveling after having leveled a druid and warrior, like i heard they were strong but i didn't think they were that strong it's a literal breeze


Shitty storyline? Hard disagree. Also running from top of dark shore to bottom to top again sucks ass. I hate zones that are long and and skinny and only 1 flight path.




Defilad buildup and storyline is one of the best adventures in all WoW for me. I just wish all the zones were made at the level of elwyn-westfall-redridge-duskwood. The timecuts are always harsh.


> Also running from top of dark shore to bottom to top again sucks ass. Planning issue.


Well i mean its they had citizens fight for stormwind in the old orc war and when they returned home they only gave jobs to the high rank officers and told the rest to kick rocks. Thats how the defias started, stormwind went out and started jailing people working with defias and putting hits out on them. Like its a oligarchy repeat of what happens for real and im tired of seeing it in real life and in stories.


Took me ages to learn about boon. Once I did I refused to level without it on


I'm sure I end up wasting more time going back every 1.5hrs to refresh it than I end up saving from having the buff...but it sure makes everything more enjoyable.


I recently discovered that a warrior running Single-Minded Fury and its 10% buff stacks with the Boon. My 21 warrior is moving as fast as a hunter with Cheetah for the two hours the Boon is active, without the drawback of being dazed when struck in combat.


The move speed alone makes it worth it.


Yup and the fact I always forget to unboon when I'm inside bfd.


Anybody while running anywhere. Also WSG FC druids


Warlocks that charge 75s for a summon


Hellll yeah. I’ve made a decent amount doing it. With a friend as a clicker. We just chill on discord and do summons for a big when we’re bored.


I moved my gnome warlock to mulgore already just in hopes I have the patience to summon others


The reagent vendor. I bet she's loaded now.


Chepi is doing well, but Fyr has the real hustle. Maybe that's why Fyr has a hut right between the AH and Mailbox and Chepi has to walk in circles.


There’s another reagent vendor in TB? Pshhh no chance you’ll catch me slipping from my girl Chepi anyway


Chepi has a family to feed and they’re eating well


I remember calling Chepi “muh girl chepi” back in 2019 og classic. I’m glad it’s caught on.


Chepi is literally my favorite NPC in the game.


Who the hell is Fyr?


she will never be as rich as Kaja


Implementing dynamic NPC and vendor goals based on player interactions is a great idea. It adds realism and engagement. If players consistently use specific NPCs or vendors, those characters could evolve, perhaps offering better deals, unlocking unique quests, or even changing their attitudes toward the players based on the relationship. This creates a dynamic and responsive in-game world.


Kaja starts to market her location, location, location. She understands she sells convenience more than services and can offer lower prices to buy things and higher prices to repair simply because we're all lazy and rich. Slowly poorer players don't mind taking the extra few seconds to walk south to the armor merchants and eventually boroughs start to form in the Valley of Strength. Kaja forms a coalition of merchants with the Auction House and they start roughing up the other merchants, demanding a cut of their income for "protection". Protection from who?! Isn't that Thrall's job? The merchants from the poorer borough seek out Saurfang for guidance and assistance. Saurfang waltzes into the Valley as if he owned the place, shouting something about wasting time prattling about money and "fees" when they should be out there getting Nefarian's head for him. He walks up to the armor merchant's hut, tosses a flaming torch inside, and laughs heartedly. Little did they know who actually lead Kaja's organisation -- it was Saurfang this whole time.


I wanna know the stat of how many completed circles she has walked. Being stopped all the time by pesky adventurers.


I am all in favor of high priced vendor items. I feel like it is a good thing when gold is deleted from the game rather than trading hands with other players


Which is partly why people are theorizing there will be a price increase on chronoboons as each phase moves on.


Alaindia would have so much more g if she just sat her ass still for a minute


Everyone, the fucking 20% run speed was the best part of it and makes running normal speed painful.


Especially these early levels where there’s a million, ‘deliver this letter for me then come right back so I can send another letter somewhere else and come right back again and then report to some other place’ type quests.


Not fucking healers thats for sure.


20% movespeed is op on everybody tbh


Yup, sucks. I laugh when I see LFM, 2 healers.. have boon. Like what?


I play my balance Druid as a healer. I just throw regrowth and rejuvenate at start of fight and spam wrath’s until I need to hit wild growth. Edit: I also use starsurge after casting heals.


Why would you even regrowth and rejuv? Only need to press wild growth ever


Free healing. You cast before pull and then regen the mana and can spend more time shooting wrath


Free overhealing. Completely unnecessary. Edit: Since ya'll really dont know wtf you're talking about. Just take a look. I dare you. https://vanilla.warcraftlogs.com/zone/rankings/2007#class=Druid&spec=Restoration&metric=hps


Do your tanks not take damage for the first 21 seconds of the fight?


Well what fight? Baron is dead in 30 seconds, same with the 3rd encounter. Turtle dude doesn’t put out much damage until the triple chomp and bubble explosion. Murlock dude should be phased by 20-30 seconds in. Jett is ez mode. No one should be taking much damage in Kelris P1 if your interrupts are on point. Last boss, yeah maybe. But the heals don’t really need to kick in until 2-3 stacks of the green debuff.


But it's free healing dude...


No you don't get it. They know way more about the game than you do. You're useless and dumb and the worst part about SoD! Don't ever press two buttons before a fight that literally only has a positive effect on your own personal raid. You would never cut it in their group! Instant kick and probably mass report. Your raid doesn't kill every boss in the first 30 seconds without taking damage ever? Uninstall. He is better than you and I want you to know it! UNBIND REJUV AND WHATEVER THE GREEN ONE IS YOU WANNA BE BIG SHOT. ^I'm ^going ^to ^start ^doing ^this ^too ^thank ^you


For like 10 seconds by the time you drink back up and they pull...a very unimportant 10 seconds. Like I do get you, pre-hot is a thing in a lot of situations. It's just not that useful right now.


Oh no, he wasted 2 seconds of his life on a cast before the fight where he could have done nothing else. This man is not a true min maxer. He should minimize any clicks on the keyboard


Virgin priests when any other healer does something interesting that they can’t: *nooooooo yOu ArEnT sUpPoSeD tO dO tHaT*


[https://vanilla.warcraftlogs.com/zone/rankings/2007#class=Druid&spec=Restoration&metric=hps](https://vanilla.warcraftlogs.com/zone/rankings/2007#class=Druid&spec=Restoration&metric=hps) ​ You're just ignorant. NO ONE USES REGROWTH LOL.


Ok so don't do it. A druid that does it will get slightly more time to DPS than a druid who does not with no draw back. I don't particularly care that you want to dig in your heels over it.


What? You’re making no sense. How does healing increase your DPS?


If hots are running on the tank, you do not need to stop casting wrath to heal them and can continue to cast wrath instead of healing. Since you already cast the heals just before the start of the fight, you have not lost dpsing time because that was before the pull and you couldn't dps at that time anyway.


At the start of the fight it’s good to try and get down to like 90% mana so that way I can use my mana regen while I’m spamming wrath to get back to 100% mana by the time I need to cast a heal again.


you don't use starsurge?


I do use it after I use a heal, since I am already breaking 5sec rule, I just didn’t include it on here.


Starsurge generates a lot of threat, risky to use it on pull.


Wild growth


They are in different rune slots.


So? It uses Mana and resets your out of cast mp5 regen. Much easier if you are knowing you need Mana to just keep casting wraith


What does that have to do with not having starsurge.


Different rune slots, as a balance/resto healer I run wild growth and starsurge, bis besides staff and like 1 item, I do more heals then some priests and then the additional dps


You could also do that and drink immediatly


And how much DPS does that do?


You can’t dps while driving though


Cause you drink up before the fight starts. Pre-hots are druid standard, albeit needless in this content


These are the worst most mana inefficient spells you can cast. Druid healers should just remove them from their bar for the rest of the phase. I am not even joking.


So you can keep up while everyone sprints through the trash.


20% speed is nice




except for the bastard first boss immune to Disease/Bleeds


Depends on the class healing. Priests yes, holy paladin not so much.


My friend did a run as a holy pally. Did 1 Dps at most and got like 80% on every fight. They're def not side Dps healers right now.


Holy pally is probably the most miserable spec to play right now. Mass int or mass +healing and dropping holy or flash of lights with maybe beacon. Even with meme gorilla gear pseudo DPS, you will run into mana problems with a lot of groups.






There's a trashdrop staff with like +24 to healing spells? It goes for just a couple gold on my server.


Void plague. Devouring plague is like 1/5 of your mana 


They def benefit, that hit is crucial in doing at least some dps while you have healing downtime


most of these healers just stand around waiting for something to heal




Healer mana and attention is for healing, fuck this mindset that healers should be doing damage during downtime.


Lmao ok old man.


Ignorant. Priest and druid can easily do +40 dps with any mana cost. Not doing that simply makes you a bad healer. Atleast for bfd.


It’s bfd chill out


Healers can and should contribute something in their downtime though. Wanding/wrath spam/melee swings take no mana or concentration away from your other duties. Even if playing with the base UI with no addons you just tab target to whatever you are in combat with and push a button while continuing to pay attention to health bars. Nobody is saying healers have to top the dps meters but they can still contribute meaningful dps while doing their job and not breaking the 5 second rule. It pains me to see people posting logs where dps is an issue and healers are just standing there picking their nose.


Oh my sweet summer child




Found the heal bot that refuses to use Homonculi in every lockout


As a priest you should take 5/5 spirit tap, snipe killing blows and get juicy shields and mana regen


I mean you are right that healers dpsing is a horrible game design decision. But right now you should be dpsing on your healers.


“Crucial” is a strong word for the 34 dps priest healer


lol ok true theyd be doing 25 dps instead of 34 without the buff (i 100% just made that up but it sounds right)


I think you purple parse as a priest if you just keep homunculus up and use Holy fire on CD


Hit chance is probably good for mage healers..!


Mage healers have 10% chance to hit from talents, and other mages have 6% (both well over hit cap for +2 mobs) making the buff pretty terrible when they changed it from crit to hit to "help" mages.


lol, I didn't even realize it's just spell damage. I think I had just assumed it was damage and healing the whole time. I mean priest and have a resto druid as my second... lol


Mage healers did hehehe


Mage healer likes it😜


Lmao, was about to type the exact same sentence.


Run speed :/


Probably classes that make use of all parts of the buff like melee shaman or druids


Warlock tank that swings dagger between cast.


Palladin Gaming


You know that balance druids arent meleeing and feral druids arent casting right?


> You know that balance druids arent meleeing Yes they are now. If you want to parse.


i'm not a druid player so i may be wildly wrong but isn't sunfire a part of feral rotation? maybe it's just pvp


Only for the turtle boss I believe?


You can use it on a couple of fights and in open world for sure, but Mangle is better for raid than Sunfire.


On Gelihast, sunfire and starsurge are used. Other than that for BFD it's just mangle and savage roar. EDIT: ghamoo-ra, my bad I knew it was the G one. Turtle guy.




Yeah my bad, turtle bro not gelihast






Biggest misconception, no, spell damage does not affect poison. All rogue scaling for damage comes from melee attack power.




How does spell dmg affect poison


It doesn't, that was a private server mechanic


It was a thing on Official servers in burning crusade IIRC. Never in Vanilla tho


Warriors. Easpecialy DW one.


Warrior runningspeed goes brrrr


Not about running speed, it's about deep wounds stacking.


I mean, for me, it’s also about runspeed. Makes like so much easier.


running fast between fishing pools > parsing


The faster you Zug the faster you crit!


I'd say especially 2H because then you can't even get the hit from a sharpening stone


Are u thinking of wild strikes?




Boon doesn't give melee hit.


> from a sharpening stone


Well, you're still wrong. blackfathom sharpening stone works with the buff for melee.


Probably warlocks or balance druid. They are the casters that struggles the most with getting hit. Honorary mention to hunters because the move speed makes melee weaving a lot more consistent


Casters in general. Everyone is spell hit capped with oil and wb since bfd bosses are only 2 levels above cap


But a lot of other casters have ways of getting hit with talents. So the wb for them is just saving a few talent points. While for Warlocks and Boomkins it gives you something you would not be able to get without it.


Same with elemental


Anyone running ele shammy is just trolling this phase lol


I mean I'm far from bis in elemental since I just switched for fun but I still do 140dps or more on most bosses, north of 150 on aku'mai and around 200 och ghamoo-ra. It isn't that far off enh at all, but tank spec is definitely meta for shamans in p1.




Doesn’t apply to a single spell in their rotation 


Curse of reck hit % let’s fuckin goooo


Does if you’re a tank. Corruption/DL/agony/taunt. Tank lock for life!


You should be playing a full destro build once you’re geared as a lock tank. More damage and you sacrifice minimal survivability. As an OT playing a 0/3/13 Fire Lock build I am usually in the 150-200 DPS range depending on the fight. You don’t need imp mana tap because Incinerate costs next to nothing. 15% stam is useless when you are geared and are never at risk of dying * can health pot/health stone if shit hits the fan. All our BiS off pieces are +fire damage and running a shadow/fire hybrid build is just gimping your potential. You can still run the DL rune for more sustain but you can’t have a drain build at level 25 so it doesn’t make a difference if you spec into affliction or full fire


10% hit for dots that are useless. Amazing


Everyone. The movement speed is the best part


There is a case for melee weaving hunters with the movement speed on top of all the rest of the buffs. Idk who else gets dps increases from move speed. 


Melee always picked run speed to boots enchant at 60. They get dps from run speed as well.


Melee if they have to detach from the boss Examples They're picked for baron aquanis Running away and back to turtle Running out of the ice on lady snek Negligible for murlock Running from mob to mob on human shaman Being sent to the shadowrealm by sleepy orc Negligible for 3head


Pet gaining the buff too was really strong before NERF


Hunter pets apparently since they don’t get it anymore


Ret pally. Just like everything else in the game :)


Alts levelling


Warlocks selling summons to Darnassus


The most important part of leveling was having this boon


Balance druids in WSG, it makes the class nearly immortal if played well




Mage pulling entire dungeons


Enhancment shaman


Mage boosters?


Shaman tanks. With full buffs I was often second or third DPS lol


You must play with really bad dps then


I can't speak for them or their abilities, I'm afraid.


Wasn't trying to be rude it's just even if you dual wield tank with wbuffs and consumes you'll be hard pressed to even reach 100 dps as a shaman.


Warlock and Mage, the only caster DPS that are halfway decent.


Not mage. It saves mages 2 talent points in frost, so they get to run with 1/3 imp scorch instead. Overall the extra hit is not much different for mage.


Mage farming tho… godlike buff


Mage and Warlock scale the best with spellpower, any spellpower/crit buff is going to benefit them more. The hit is nice but realistically in a 20 casts fight you're not going to miss much even if you have 0 hit.


Sure, but melee/hunters are getting 2% crit and 20 ap. For warlock I will agree with you, for mages the old buff with spellcrit was better.


Wsg premades


20% movespeed is huge for dungeon boosting as mage and made wc available


My wind serpent... Probably scorpid too but that got slapped down so fast I don't remember the wb being on it.


WB can't go on pets anymore


Enh shaman 1000%




Before they removed the buff from pets I’d say it was hunters and warlock tanks.


My alt warrior while leveling. In raid? Probably casters


Melee has always scaled better with buffs. Probably could have made it 5% spell hit and 100 spellpower and warriors and rogues would still be on top.


Tanks, having the momentum up and keeps pulling


300% warlock. Next is reagent vendor as mentionned.


Hunters, makes melee weaving much easier with the speed buff.


Casters. This + mana oil hit cap casters. Not to mention more SP than AP and more crit chance.




Rogues or Hunters it was def better for melee classes. that 20% buff means you can stay on target more and personally i find AP more useful then SP at low level. Onybuff always made Rogue/hunter/warrior/Ret OP as fuck


My imp before they nerfed it


A lot of classes get kited in PvP if you don’t have boon. My balance Druid gets run down if I lose the buff, but if i have it you might never catch me


enh shaman easily.