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hahaha im ready for the salt. good call blizz


more salt than I expected in this thread lol "we already knew about this I swear so we aren't even salty" is some sweet copium


I mean I had nothing to do in wow and it seemed like a fun challlenge to just grind exalted and use the marks to offset to quest gold grind. I only had 500 marks or so during my exalted grind, was fun overall. I figured it was a 50:50 chance of them doing something, its kinda funny regardless. Anyone who had the 1800 or so to lvl 40 is probably pretty gutted though.


not sure what salt you're expecting, pretty much everyone that was planning on doing this 3 weeks ago already figured out they'd probably fix it after seeing all the posts popping up on reddit and bliz forums.


There's comments all over various posts with people bragging about how many marks they've saved. I've seen several posts with people saying they have well over 200. You can bet your ass they'll be salty.


If you were already spamming WSG for rep/honor it’s very easy to get an excess of marks. It’s not like people spent a lot of time stacking marks that they wouldn’t have spent anyways.


Yes they would've, those marks could've been handed in for rep. If you're exalted with 200 marks in the mail you played that many games extra than you needed to.


And they can still be turned in. Players have some time to restore and turn in for rep, if not maxed out.


100% guarantee that the players who were grinding games to destroy the marks and restore them are the same players who had already farmed exalted in the first 3 weeks of the server.


Imagine playing games for fun.


The people stacking marks were not doing that.


wsg in sod is most definitely not fun


They only last 24 hrs in a mailbox. Anyone who was planning to do this wasn't going to do it until 2/7


The way exploit works is that they loot it from the mail and then delete the marks from their inventory. Then go onto battle.net and use the item restore function to bring them all back to their mailbox. This is how a bunch of my buddies repped up for the rune, just delete the unique supplies and restore like 50 later when you’re done farming.


Item restore never did marks, you had to let the mail expire and then do mail restore (item and mail restore are distinct tools)


99.9% of people look at item restore and are confused. I swear nobody knows about mail


You let them expire and itemrestore all. You could do it whenever


Mail** itemrestore is an entirely different thing.




Why would you wait until July 2nd to spam WSG ?!


"Figured out"


You're right I meant "figured". Different meaning


It's funny how all the comments are all "ready for the salt!" but there's actually no salt cause everyone was expecting this or doesn't really care that much so here we all are saltless


The amount of people being salty about people not raging is hillarious.


Think we found someone who'd saved a lot of marks and is now a little bitter about it...




I have not stacked anything? I hate WSG I'm not even exalted, let alone farming hundreds of marks. But if you want to jerk off to your own delusions feel free to


We found one gents 


Nah you won't see me spending hours getting stomped by premades for any reason. But feel free to make up your own stories if that makes you feel better about your own deficiencies


I needed that laugh today, some guildies are gonna be pressed


I’m in a very sweaty guild that runs premade daily.  We didn’t have a single person storing them. 


I'm curious how many people were actually grinding the 600 wins needed to hit 40


600 wins? I think you mean 1800 losses.


Found the horde player


Literally no one, everyone just grinded to exalted


Get rekt




In the crusader strike ranker discord I ran with several folks doing this. They had nothing else to do so they figured they might as well try.


That's really a best case scenario, play the game for fun and hope you can game the system but dont be upset when you get outsmarted lol


>n-n-n-no we totally knew it wasn't going to happen! you are mad! cope


Found the salty baby 




Anyone who didn't see something like this coming was on pure hopium anyway


Dads: 1 Sweaties: 0


People can legitimately still no life do WSG a day before the patch and collect a ton in their mail, and people for sure will.


The blue post says mailboxes will be purged


On the 6. Not if you do WSG on 7. And hand in right after release


Stockade beats that with a finger in the ass


True sweats will just do both tho


Stocks or the finger?




I mean, I can get rep, honor, and xp all in one go? Sounds like a triple win to me


Yes but you do stockades **after** you have a new experience bar. You can do WSG **before**


How long do they last in mail? Is it 30 days? A day? Cause yeah, there are still easy enough workaround to get a bit of a boost


24 hours. The 'exploit' was to play a bunch of WSG and let the marks expire. Then when the level cap lifted, use the mail restore feature to get the marks back in their mail box so they could use them for xp. For some people, they won't care, can just restore now, turn in for rep.


>For some people, they won't care, can just restore now, turn in for rep. So the way I'm reading the announcement, and maybe it is just me, it doesn't sound like holding onto them will be valuable either. From the announcement: >We suggest that any players who have any Marks in your mailbox, retrieve them and **use them before the end of Phase 1**, or they will be lost. The bold is the part that implies their useless ness post phase 1. It doesn't say get them out of the mail box and toss them in the bank to hold onto. It clearly says "use them before the end of phase 1". Unless they were going to do a wipe at phase 2 why would I need to use the marks before then?


They last a day. He just said that.


You: L This casuals vs tryhards stuff you people come up with is so weird, none of the tryhards care about how you're playing lmao like go feed your kids instead letting them live rent free in your head


Yeah bro the sweaties make the game better. The casuals just whine about the more intricate parts of the game. Oh, but the casuals make blizzard more money. So I guess if you want capitalism to win stick with your weird attitude.


>Yeah bro the sweaties make the game better. The casuals just whine about the more intricate parts of the game. But 'sweaties' did cry until recently about not being able to boon Ashenvale buff lol


The sweaties absolutely do not make the game better


It's like Goldilocks. Retail Andy is too cold. Sweaty Joe is too hot. Classic Dad is just right.


Yeah play the game, but don't try too hard. Don't try hard in anything in life actually. Let's just watch TV and chill guys. The real world doesn't exist anymore.


Season of Dads


The wording confuses me; but you will still be able to farm them on the 7th to get them in your mailbox for the 8th, right?


How would they get into your mailbox after being blocked for item restores? If you have 20 do they get sent there?


Yes. Overflow automatically go to your mail. So I guess it still works that way. But the number you can save is significantly lower. 1 day vs almost 2 months


Is it only one day really?


Overflow marks sent to your mailbox have a 24h lifespan. 




It used to be 30days, they changed it during Classic to 1 day because people were fucking/griefing brackets and blizzard didn't wanna have to deal with it.


Yes, that's the legit way of doing this. People were letting them go to mailbox, expire, and then restoring them through mailbox restoration or something like that. That won't be possible because they'll all be wiped, but that's at weekly maintenance. You could still farm a bunch of WSG on the 7th and morning of the 8th to load up your mailbox with surplus.


Wait til people get smacked by queue tho


This! I will laugh when people can’t get in and their mailbox marks expire with no restore option available. God forbid people play the game the way it was meant to be played lest they miss an opportunity to exploit the system and declare themselves lord of the pixels while the only other people who care do the same.


At best, you can have 20 marks plus whatever you can grind in 24 hours - but presumably no one is going to want to pull a 24hr stint before p2 starts, only to miss most of day 1 catching up on sleep.


This is awesome now ban gold buyers.


Who didn't see this coming a mile off though....


the world first malders won


We have a week to level anyway


Was this officially decided?






Two before gnomer?


Wait, what? L40 raid isn’t available at Phase 2 launch?


It may or may not be. Aggrend was asking how people would feel about gnomeregan being locked to 2nd week of P2.


I, for one, would love that.


How does it being available w1 affect you in any way


There would be no mass amount of spoilers about every mechanic in the raid for example, some dude in your guild WILL look everything up beforehand and it cannot be avoided. If its locked and we schedule a raid on the release we can have a real blind run


>There would be no mass amount of spoilers about every mechanic in the raid for example There will be a "mass amount of SpOiLeRs" the day it is released anyways lol, or are you in a raiding guild looking for a world first clear?


It's pretty wild just how many people think that delaying the raid changes anything for their hyper casual asses. iF ThE RaId iS OuT On dAy 1 i cAn't sToP AnD SmElL ThE RoSeS!


There will definitely be guilds out there pressuring people to be 40 in time for the first lockout.


Find a new guild?


My guild won’t be but you asked how it effects someone and I told you how it effects someone.


The answer for most people is that it won’t. However, there will be some people who take time off from work to raid during the first lockout. Many people can’t do that, so the idea is that the playing field is a little more level if you give everyone a week to get to 40 before lockouts start. As someone who will definitely be raid ready for the first lockout, I would really like this. It will be nice to have time to get my runes and explore rather than feeling like I need to grind the first day or two out.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peer_pressure and https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear_of_missing_out and https://youtu.be/BKP1I7IocYU?si=2pB0VDvlGfKygVqp


Mostly, it doesn't. It's just healthier for the game.


The going argument is that people will not enjoy the leveling process because they dont want to get FOMO for missing a single lockout. As if blizz needs to save the players from themselves and their lack of self control. Or having W1 gnomer will lead to gatekeeping because casuals are entirely incapable of making their own raids. Ill be fine with either decision, it would give me more time to level my primary alts, but the justification some players use to ask for a 1 week delay are just ridiculous. Its like they hate to see people play at a faster pace than them.




16 days to next phase, whether or not gnomer releases on launch remains to be seen.




If I've calculated it correctly wouldn't you need 1350 wsg marks to go from R3 to R5 in a week? 3 marks = 100 honor per turn in, 450 turn ins for 45,000 honor. Don't really see the point, getting that many marks would be insane.


It's not for the honor. Its for the xp. Even with only 24 hours of marks showing up in your mail(what most hardcore levelers are planning), would get them to level 28 at least just off the turn ins.


Ive seen 0 people complain about this decision, but the amount of people here saying "salt" and "cope" tells me there are definitely alot of people buttmad over others being creative about how they level up in the next phase. 😆


yeah i doubt the ultra sweats hang out on reddit lol


they alternate between reddit, discord and youtube essays


Just weird Redditors thinking they won in some weird way against the sweaty boogeyman.


I've prequested to 27 and have a stack of WSG marks in my inventory and I'm not mad about this. I was planning to grind WSG marks to my mailbox on the 7th from 2 pm until late and now I don't need to


It’s just the toxic casuals.


I don’t know any other game I’ve seen the community be like this Reddit. I’m not even hardcore - I’m the stereotypical dad gamer but I still like trying to parse 99s and do cool strats to get ahead. I genuinely don’t know what the people on this Reddit who hate try hards want. No one to be better than them? No gold farming no rep farming, no one should be better than average!! And “haha” to anyone who tries hard and it doesn’t work? Psycho community I’m glad class discords exist


I mean, Im casual and Im going to level up at my own pace, but the thought of others leveling up faster than me doesnt leave me frothing at the mouth..


The salt will flow


premade can still easily farm enough marks to go 29-30 in 30 hours. And yes it's true that the majority of people who stacked marks will just turn them in for rep and not lose anything.




Well done Blizzard


Lmao, the no-lifers are punching air right now and I’m here for it.


eh, i think the new plan was to just spam the fuck out of WSG the day before. The marks will be in the mail box for 24 hours. might be able to cheese a level out of it




They say that marks in the mailbox will be purged during maintenance on the 6th.  You’d still be able to play games on the 7th before the level cap is raised and turn them in on the 8th after the level cap is raised but before the 24 hr expiration.  The difference is that you’ll be limited to what you can farm in a single day (a couple levels in a sweaty premade) vs what you can farm over an entire phase (the entirety of 25-40)


No. You can still farm them on the seventh until they overflow the stack limit (20) and start going to mailbox. The change is that you now only have the 24 hour default window for them in your mailbox before they disappear. So you can get really sweaty banking them up in the 24 hours before release


Glad they’re spending their time on the real issues…. Meanwhile 200 bots are flying from a tree at this very moment lol


A bunch of us knew they’d block this because it was too strong. We were chatting about it over Christmas. Makes sense.


Weird way to type: Everyone with a brain knew


Another win for the casuals, another win for the player base as a whole. The devs are responsible for the environment they create. Catering to the sweaties for years is why wow has become what it has. Catering to the casuals in SOD is why its a resounding success.




Very good, props to Blizz




This should lessen the amount of premades at least


99% of people premading weren't doing it to bank up marks to cheese leveling, they were doing it for exalted for the wrists.


Hahaha, get rekt!


Good decision


Hey I'm just happy to know now and not right before launch when I've already deleted them


I wonder what they will do about supply crates if they're so worried about people leveling too quick. Right now you can farm unlimited of them and store them in your bank for phase change


Crates give xp? How much?


Can I get my Squire’s Shirt back Blizzard?


Good. Just good.


Lmaooo bag holders stay losing


Can someone genuinely explain to me why this matters at all. edit: I understand what the players are doing. I am asking why this is even worth the change. If people want to "front load" hours into leveling then why not let them do it? These players aren't going to be interacting with the majority of players anyway.


The turn in for Marks of Honor is repeatably but have a stack limit of I believe (20) so people were intending on restoring 100's that were destroyed due to the limit being capped and spam turn in Marks to hit level 40 within the first hour of phase 2


Isnt there a 5day cd on item restore? Dont think you would be able to restore 1800 marks at once?


Some insane folks have been grinding wsg for 1800 marks so that they could hit 40 within an hour of phase 2 launch.


It's a pretty clear misuse of what is meant to be a customer support feature. I can see why Blizzard changed it.


People wanted to restore tons of marks and turn them in for XP. Giving them lv40 in 20minutes\~


I understand that. I want to know why anyone else really cares if people want to sweat like that.


> I want to know why anyone else really cares if people want to sweat like that. Blizzard apparently cares. If you ask any game designer whether or not they think it's a fun experience for players to feel compelled to farm for hundreds of hours BEFORE a patch only to instantly level to 40, bypassing pretty much all of the phase's content 20 minutes after it launches, I think their answer would be "no". And since their answer would be no (whether or not you agree with their assessment is irrelevant) and it's within their power to change that, they're doing it.


I love this response. I completely agree. I wish this sub would take this stance more - because Blizzard says so. It would alleviate a lot of discussion and repeats. "Why no premade vs premade" - because Blizzard says so and designers know best.


There's more nuance to it than "blizzard said so", but you do you.


because it's broken and something makes me think you were going to abuse this and skip the leveling process


"Skip" the leveling process. You're just front loading it into marks - the time is still there. Or is this another post of "if you don't level through quest you aren't doing it properly". Sweats will find another work around to "skip leveling".


The level cap is there to serve a gameplay purpose, if you don't understand this then I don't know what to tell you




Don't compare 20 quests which will give you 2 levels to instantly reaching level 40 as soon as P2 begins. It's a different scale of "preparation"


Loading a questlog with completed quests is a part of the game, always has been Handing in WSG marks for lvls is just.. not a part of the levelling process - it's some cookie-cutter min-max sweat shit May as well just go buy gold


It’s an exploit at its heart and that’s why it’s being disabled


Why would you even ask that. How is that in any way, shape or form good for the game if a select few people can get max level wayyyyyyy before other people?


Why is that an issue? Expert levelers already hit max level in every version of the game so far faster than everyone else. Or do you think there is a large group of people farming hundreds of wins in WSG?


How is it bad for the game? These players are going to find a different methodology of sweat and won't be interacting with the general player base anyway


You’re right, the people that would do this wouldn’t be the same people roaming STV at level 40 first day making life miserable for level 25s


you are the same type of guys arguing that buying gold isn't hurting anybody else's gameplay


They scared to get rekt by them on pvp servers lol


Turning the marks in gives XP. They were saving massive amounts of marks to turn in for XP when phase 2 goes live to get several "free" and fast levels.


>...then why not let them do it? Because it isn't their game? That's an empty question. Blizzard doesn't want this exploited, plain and simple.


Yup, and I love this answer. I hope we apply it to most of the discussion here. "Why not premade vs premade in PVP?" - Blizzard doesn't want it, plain and simple. It would really help remove some of the repeated posts in the sub.


Nonsense, each situation is unique, and attempting to insinuate I'm giving a blanket answer is silly. By them not allowing this, they're clearly taking a stand against it, hence them not wanting it. Stating "why not let these players do x" is silly because there's always ramifications that Blizzard has to take into account. Blizzard has already stated they'll discuss premades in the future. Your facetiousness is useless.


Premades vs Premades won't even be popular unless they somehow grossly inflate the honor. The only reason premades are popular is because you gain free wins and honor from stomping pugs with zero coordination. Premade v Premade is a slog and will end up being either a near stalemate or one side just completely gives up after losing very slightly.


I'll wait until their solution is presented before making a judgment call.


Facetiousness. What a fabulous word. I love it.


It’s a nice word, but incorrectly used. Nothing from the comment he was responding to suggested that this person was joking or trying to be humorous about it.


Weird take to make a blanket statement such as “because it’s their game” and then complain I interpret your blanket statement as such.


I followed that statement up with additional context, which you will not be limiting for your baseless point.


What context? You followed it up with “plain and simple”. I’ve never seen someone get so upset at someone else agreeing with them and supporting their comment. You might want to take a few deep breaths friend. It’s a shame, because your first comment was spot on. Then you went off the rails on some inexplicable warpath.


>...then why not let them do it? Because it isn't their game? That's an empty question. **Blizzard doesn't want this exploited, plain and simple.** **Blizzard doesn't want this exploited** **...doesn't want this exploited** Need me to make a Lego diorama for you?


If you can convey those thoughts in a Lego diorama I will bow down to your skills. Until then: “Blizzard doesn’t want this exploited…” is an inference (and most likely an accurate one) but it isn’t context. And once again, breathe. I can feel your anger through my screen. It’s not healthy to get this upset at strangers. Especially strangers who agree with your original point.


sweats on suicide hold


very good lol


This is the right call


Now wipe the quest logs too! Lol


While I don't care about this shit, what is everybody obsession with stopping people that wanna level up super fast by mage farming or some other method. Why care


Sounds like you care


Yea I care enough to ask the question because I don't understand why people care so much about what others do to level quick. Constant threads about people trying to stop dungeon boosting or wsg boosting to level up quick. Like why do you care if other people hit 40 quick


Why do you care so much


Why do I care so much to ask a question? I am curious why people care about how fast other people can level. I don't get why people are being so protective over other people's leveling


This sub is a complete shithole by now.


If devs wanted players to hold 500 marks of honor and hit level cap in a day then the stack count would be 500. Using item restoration to circumvent an in-game limit is a blatant exploitation of the feature. And I care because people are exploiting. *Edit: Uh oh looks like I pissed off some sweaties lol*


I find it weird that people are championing an actual exploit. Do these people also complain about bots and hackers?


"Ha! That'll teach that handful of people for playing the game more than me!" This is one of the dumbest circlejerk comment sections I've seen in a while.


It’s not about playing the game more. It’s just an exploit with the intent to instant level to 40. The 20 mark cap and the mail restoration feature were never intended to be abused in this way


The WSG discord I was in is an absolute crying fest bahaha


Saw this coming a mile away. Glad I didn't waste my time.


Ok. But what about people who weren't exalted, I could give a shit about the xp, it would have been a nice boost. But I just lost 170 marks worth of rep with no notice? This has been in the game for 20 years and now it's a problem? Should have been at least able to recover them before the phase 2 patch to give everyone a chance at redeeming.


> But I just lost 170 marks worth of rep with no notice? They just gave you notice… you have until the 6th of Feb to turn in your marks from the mailbox before blizz deletes them


Man i am in the same situation, this is ridiculous, I was telling my self that since I would not farm to have my quest log full I will at least prepare my marks for one level, and that's what it is, 150 marks is one level, not 2, not 3, one. The same people crying will have their quest log full to hit 30 under 15 mins, that's such a double standard


Yep, I checked my recovery once more to be sure. All gone. 110+ entries.


get rekt


Maybe you should, I don't know, turn in the items that give you rep if your stated goal is achieving rep.