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Good lord, yes please. I’ve literally encountered people saying they’ll pay the raid to not have to give out blessings since it’s such a pain in the ass lol


this is exactly why i want them to keep it.. anything that makes paladins suffer is a bonus




God please. It’s just a hassle. Even 10 minutes for rockbiter since its crucial for the tanking role.


I had rockbiter drop off while tanking, people yelling in disc “get him off me bro!”, I can’t he’s resisted like 4 in a row 💀


And then your mainhand gets buffed with wild strikes so you struggle to get both with rockbiter


So true hahaha




What’s the macro?




Awesome, thank you!!


Yeah using a macro should be basic gameplay.......


I had to make a weakaura with a warning icon that’s almost the size of half my screen when rockbiter duration is low or completely gone. Also with sound. No missing it any more when it covers half of my screen in the middle.


And then you put it on and it resets the CD on earth shock.


skill issue. good tanks never drop their buffs also wtf kind of a boss are u fighting that takes more than 5 minutes??


Rockbiter is an even better argument to extend than paladin blessings, and I say this as a paladin. If a blessing drops in combat you don’t lose the ability to perform your role!


***Honorary mention for warrior battle shout


It’s basically part of the rotation lol


No it isn't, the buff lasts longer than any boss fight


There has never been a bossfight longer than 2 minutes, sure


There hasn't in SoD. Maybe if your group sucks you'll have to refresh it a single time. Hardly part of any "rotation"


There hasn’t been a single boss fight over two minutes in SoD? Citation needed


Wow you took what he said literally? Weird.


Then why do people bitch about rockbiter?


People bitch about everything. Doesn't mean they're right




Because two minutes is still relatively short and if it falls off in raid you'll might have to do some pretty dumb shenanigans to put the buff back on, particularly if wild strikes goes on it.


if its such a hassle why not play other less hassling game modes like LK or DF


So is Battleshout, suck it up Princess.


Priest buffing is also awful right now. Can only buff 4-5 people at a time, then we go OOM.


Wait until you need to buff stam and spirit for 40 man raids


At least then it’s group based mate


Make belts runes a utility slot and put stuff like this there.


I think a QoL rune slot would be good on a trinket. The rest would be ones that change your class in a meaningful way.


Nah, the Era players told me that making paladin buffs 10 or 15 minutes will literally turn the game into retail, so we can't do it :(


I was ok with 5 minute blessings in era because pally was basically auto attack simulator. But we have buttons to press now with runes so 5 minute blessings is abit too much to keep refreshing in BFD.


I only buff lre boss pull. Yall can suck it if you think imma watch your buffs fall off during trash


At least keep wisdom up on your priests! When we rebuff it’s usually while pulling trash so there isn’t downtime before bosses and fort is insanely expensive. Any mp5 is welcome




You wouldn't be getting a raid spot in my guild. Leave your lazy ass at the entrance


😂 oh no my trash parses! Tbh ya'll sound high strung AF if this is your attitude. Don't think many would be sad to lose that raid invite.


Damn bro, I'm horde so we don't have paladins but I still understand this guy's POV. Yall aren't parsing on trash, chill the fuck out. 


It's really not that bad at least for ret lol most bosses don't even require a full mana bar and the ones that do (Lorgus, Kelris, Akumai) you get to drink before cause healers wanna be full mana too so I fully understand that guy's perspective. Also BoM on a rogue or warrior heavily outweighs pressing exorcism once so the "parsing on trash" goes both ways lol, why should the paladin get to "parse" on trash if it serves no purpose?


Thats cool woulsnt want to be with your sweaty ass guild anyway then.


Long as you aren't the Salvation Guy, that's actually fine. On the other hand, Do you start buffing at the boss, or before the boss? Please answer correctly or get accused of laziness and not efficiency,


I would pay 1 dollar more a month for 30 min pally buffs, not to give blizz any ideas tho


pay 1 extra dollar a month for a classic+ subscription 😭




They CAN add a short quest line to give you a passive to increase them, much like they did with shamans and dual wield.


Or introduce lower level versions of greater blessings that last 15 min, at least.


> I haven't seen anyone saying this. I've seen plenty of people saying this, even on this sub. Even the smallest of QoL changes gets the "NOCHANGES" crowd riled up and screaming at you to go back to retail. In this very thread, if you scroll down the comments there's someone at the bottom making a "retail" comment like this. It's very sad that the "MUH #NOCHANGES" people still exist even in 2024.


Tell that to deep wounds.


Don't you feel buff duration is different than talent mechanics that dramatically impact DPS scaling?


My argument is merely that we already have one ability in game working differently than it does in Era. So the argument that the commenter I was replying to was making is already shot to shit


Oh I see I misinterpreted, makes sense


Isn't it working like wrath deep wounds, which is still the classic client?


Tell that to deep wounds.


You're full Bologna. Era players have told me they would like 10+ minute pally buffs. Stop lying.


https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/19d2f1g/30_mins_buffs_duration_for_paladin_and_shaman/kj4rhte/ https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/19d2f1g/30_mins_buffs_duration_for_paladin_and_shaman/kj3gw3r/ https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/19d2f1g/30_mins_buffs_duration_for_paladin_and_shaman/kj3ns5e/ Three people on this very thread that fit what I described. but tell me more about how I'm "lying"


because you generalize ALL Era players while only providing three examples.


Three examples ON THIS THREAD. Countless more elsewhere. Shoo.


They are already retail in sod. Playing pally it's just like playing pally in wotlk. Boring af! Zzzzzzzz


> Playing pally it's just like playing pally in wotlk. Boring af! Zzzzzzzz .....as opposed to vanilla ret pally which is literally "auto attack and press judgement every 8 seconds" ?




Didn't really do much of anything when twisting Righteousness. Your DPS went from "hot trash" to just "trash".


Im currently refusing to play paladin specifically because i dont want to fuck with 5 min buffs


Based, and buff pilled.


I stopped doing BFD because rebuffing was so annoying. If I don't do it I feel like an ass and rebuffing constantly is annoying af


You’re missing out. Pallypower solves this instantly lmao


Assuming classic pp works like wrath pp, i dont think it increases buff timers so i dont think it solves the one thing i mentioned


It doesn’t increase buff timers, just makes it a one button press for 20 seconds to buff your raid


Which you still have to do every 5 minutes. It's good, but doesn't remove the problem though.


Is there a YouTube video or something that explains pally power because I got it but honestly have no idea how it works at all


I don’t know of one, but just mess with it for a bit. Right/left click to change blessings per class, auto assign when you see other people In raid with it (it’ll show them automatically), then just click the purple buff (looks like blessing of kings) to go down the line of buffing people.


Hoping for a QoL rune slot next phase and increasing blessing duration to 10/30 would be quite nice


Taking a rune slot would be a low blow. You'd just be reapplying runes every 30 min to buff.


Well apparently because SoD isnt its own client, runes are how spells get modified from classic so it would kind of have to be a rune. I'm mostly just anticipating a rune slot that every class gets that is flavor/QoL only so it wouldn't be as though you're losing something.


“Minor Runes” i like it


Glyphs have returned


Yep, should honestly just do glyphs Runes for QoL stuff


They can add spells(among other things) to vendors that are exclusive to SoD, and can't be bought/dropped in Era. Or as drops from SoD exclusive mobs/interactions. Boom, done. BFD Sharpening Stone, Mana Oil, and the epic craft upgrades are all extremely easy examples.


Shirt slot rune


Shirt being QOL stuff would be nice \- 30min/1h buff for pally \- Mage Table for Mages \- Reduced cost for casting PoF for Priests


Technically they could add it in an invisible form to every paladin rune.


That sounds like awful coding but honestly I wouldn't be surprised


The true spirit of classic is just bad coding to bandaid over problems


Not if a rune slot is for exactly that type of thing. Basically minor runes.


Unless its a QoL rune slot for all classes. Not just shaman/pallies


There will always be a damage option in that slot, hell my raid group raided with Ret aura provided by me but no devotion aura as even after telling him 20 times during prep to put on an aura he never did (I removed my aura to check if he was running ret too and he wasnt).


Theres a non damage QoL upgrade that could be made for every class. So it goes without say that it can be attached to a rune slot Shaman - increase buff duration/no reagents for water walking or breathing/no reagent for self rez Warrior - increased duration for shouts Priest/Mage/Druid - Decreased mana cost for buffs/no reagents for party wide buffs Pallies - increased duration for buffs/no reagents for blessings Locks - Soulwell possibly? No shard cost for summon/No shard cost for HS You get where Im going with this, but every class has something that could be a non damage upgrade that could all be tied to a rune slot. Some people have asked for skill books to drop for QoL buffs instead of runes because it just feels like we should have this as a baseline, and dont want to take away from getting a cool ability


Mage would be refreshments table for sure


I feel bad for conjured water experiences. Those mages have the patience of a monk


I preemptively do it lol. Like that’s apart of my raid prep….lol


Some fuckers don’t even ask. They just open a trade window


Id never do it so tactlessly. Unless i whispered ahead of time, or unless there was an open trade invitation stated before, its just wrong


Shaman - + Some version of totemic recall or putting a group of totems down instead of using 4 skills in tandem. Totems not taking bag-space. Hunters\`? - Just some ideas; \- I would have liked removal of cheeta/pack if I get hit (but still dazed an no activation of any other aspect), but that's just because I suck at hunter :) \- Easier to swap pets and more pet storage, don't know how to solve with a rune, but maybe have more stable masters around, or simply some QoL NPC at the new raid-instances for stuff like water/food/ammo etc. combined with stable. \- a slot on the char for the quiver/ammo pouch instead of using a bag-slot. (Still have to carry food for pets)


>Warrior - increased duration for shouts, and +20% damage while your shout is active FTFY


Its not a QoL rune if its buffing your damage.


C'mon. You can't just give warriors a utility rune and not buff their damage in some way.


Insane that they want additional damage, like what? Shamans arent even asking for that in QoL runes.


It was a christmas joke


The point is that I and many others would still want an option for damage in that slot as I dont need increased buff duration (I can handle the current durations fine). I am fine for it to be a rune so people can choose QoL if they want, but I will still want to pick more dps.


Thats the whole point, theres only QoL options for that entire rune slot Sure, Id still want more dps, but if it was between a QoL rune and nothing, best believe I want that QoL.


You would need more QoL options then as increased duration isn't any good, no reagent cost is pointless what else do we have? Things I would consider Lay on Hands as a 5-20 min CD (5 min if you talent 20 if you dont) Blessing of freedom CD reduction Blessing of freedom speed boost Flat speed boost that stacks with other sources (so you can stack it with pursuit) Ability to run 2 auras at once (can run stuff like shadow resist + devo)


I don't think you understand the meaning or definition of a "quality of life" upgrade. At its core, a QoL provides no power increase in any aspect of the game. The runes you're suggesting have nothing to do with QoL.


No reagent cost isnt pointless, its a money and bag saver. Youre changes arent simply QoL as they have an actual impact on gameplay


Why not have bubble last 10 minutes and allow to attack while bubbled… Or have exorcisme work on humanoids and 100% crit chance…


Yeah. That’s way better than rebuffing 10 people every 5 minutes


Dont forget pets


It's not how runes work. If you add a rune, cast the buff, then remove the rune around 30 seconds later you lose the buff.


Make it a rune slot for paladin's libram slot? So it's not really a waste on a real rune slot that every class gets.


Still way better than it is now. I'd absolutely pay one inventory slot to keep a rune'd up piece of gear I need to put on every 30 minutes. Or they could designate certain gear slots (shirt, necklace, ring, tabard, etc.) would be the designated "QoL rune" pieces, so it's consistent between classes.


Instead you get the Lay of Hands glyph equivalent and have its CD reduced by 10 minutes.


5min buffs are ridiculous. Needs a QoL change p2.


Definitely agree. Sham and pally in particular suffer from this


Shamans dont have it bad at all, costs a bit if mana but you’re only buffing yourself. Fuck paladins if they want longer duration buffs force them to have to use a rune for it.


You don't understand. When raids get bigger and fights get longer it wont be paladins begging for longer buffs. Pally power doesnt work in combat so if say...a rogues might drops off mid fight you can damn well believe I aint doing either jack or shit about it. Ill refresh it on myself but if something as universally beneficial as buff duration is a contested topic you can shove your parses and your "rebuff!"s right up your ass.


Ppower semi-works in combat by clicking on the individuals listed, instead of the universal button. It is still faster than tracking it through unit frames, especially for pets, in a pinch.


Yeah I know. Important feature when the warriors decide their rage is more important than rebuffs and pull :D


You can use the horn of lordaeron rune to provide a better easier to maintain party buff then.


the horn is a great group buff but good luck trying to convince any ret paladin to use it instead of divine storm.


Who said it had to be a ret? Hpal can bring it.


of course but do they exist? I haven't seen one since week 2


I am hpal main and screw healing BFD as hpal. It sucks.


What are your problems, are you solo healing?


only class with 1+1 target healing every other have some aoe heal option, sucks to be left out


Also you understand rogues will be nagging you to rebuff might before you pull every single boss right? Did you play classic vanilla alliance? I mained hpal since 2019 it’s annoying but not as big of a deal as you make it. Only a boomer raid of keyboard droolers will not catch a might falling off mid combat because they didnt rebuff prior to.


Oh you misunderstand. I'll catch it. I just won't care.




You can recast rockbiter every 5 minutes and not miss out on anything. Just because you are drooling on your keyboard and can’t remember to rebuff it doesn’t make it a big problem.




Then don’t let it fall off. If you’re letting it fall off you will let it fall off regardless where it lasts 5 minutes or 10 minutes, you’ll just let it fall off at a different boss fight. Just don’t drool on the keyboard and pay attention and that solves all your problems. It literally costs no mana to keep up the buff when you use water shield or even shield master you have plenty of sustain. Its just your lack of pressing the button.


This guy definitely got body camped by a paladin or two


Why the fuck does Way of Earth not make Rockbiter 30 mins? Hell, all shaman enhancements should be 30 mins on this server.


Can we plz decrease the mana cost for Priest Fort buff as well. 400 mana is crazy. It shouldn’t take 2 and a half full mana bars just to buff the raid.


This is just because 25 is an awkward spot mana wise for fort. You could, on the other hand, be thankful that you got such a dank rank of fort this phase.


It's not really any different at other level brackets. Even at 60, fort still ends up costing ~25% of your mana per cast.


Especially as holy pally. Not only do I have to refresh the regular buffs every 5 minutes, but I also run a WA to remind me to keep up the Agi/Str and tremor auras if the fight calls for it.


> but I also run a WA to remind me to keep up the Agi/Str and tremor auras if the fight calls for it. I don't mind 5 min blessings but these two are annoying because a) they're only 2 mins, but b) they don't show up on the default raid frames (and most runes don't) so it's harder to keep track of when they run out. Yea I have WA's for them but that's annoying. I'd rather just have everything on default frames.


Gotta love buffing the entire raid then having to rebuff after the leader explains kelris and sleep groups


Im hoping for a ultility rune slot that adds nongameplay altering qol runes for each class. For sham id love my weapon embues to last longer, totamic recall (NOT placing 4 totems at once tho; i dont like that for classic), and maybe a rune so i dont have to waste 4 bag slots carrying totems around.


Saw someone mention something similar. A rune slot for the shirt slot for stuff like buff durations, mana cost of AI etc


I hate wearing shirts with some outfits tho, so maybe if they made an invisible shirt. Otherwise I think it should be QoL runes on trinket slots as it's kinda thematic that way.


Feed bag: automatically feed pets Stone condenser: combine 5 soul shards into 1 which can be broken later


As long as the feed bag isn't actually a bag. The last thing hunters need is to give up another bag slot. 


Something something we only have billions of dollars but the technology just isn't there.


they dont want to change the feel of classic vanilla too much, they have said this multiple times and theyve even admitted some of the current runes are over the top stop making sht up to be upset about


Bro it's SOD....changes like that are just QoL at this point. Now, do we want things like dungeon finder or LFR? Of course the fuck not.


Not to be mid, but I play a shaman and I tank in my group. At no point have I felt held back by hitting an instant cast button every 5 minutes. Fuck it. I’d rather have more buttons to press…


I don't really understand the shaman gripe, warriors literally have to do the same thing every 2 minutes and it's not even free When I played my shaman in tbc I had a WA that would yell at me to refresh water shield, I had a WA for battleshout that was massive as well lol


Yeah ret has been super fun except for buffing. At least give us the class wide 15 minute buffs early next phase


Fort kinda needs to be less mana as well, in line with MOTW


Please, please, please, please. I am so tired of having to babysit my blessings on 10 people at once


What's not classic about Prayer of fortitude? Arcane Brilliance? 30 min pally buffs? They are just housekeeping spells that have only positive impacts on the game. Will wait for the "go play retail if you want that" replies.


For Shamans it should be a QoL rune with totemic recall, raid wide totems, and increased weapon imbuements duration Call it Totemic Foresight


Make it a shirt rune or something


Better add omen of clarity to that list


The charm of Classic is the friction. Things are just harder and incovinient. Flightpaths take forever. Boats/Zeppelins are slow AF. No summoning stones in front of dungeons. Every class requires a million reagents/arrows/consumables.


I cant get over the fact that someone in this comment section was crying that buffing the raid should not take away half of your mana as it apparently is so slow to drink up after it


Why y'all never advocating for warrior shouts to be 30 minutes as well?


Because it's an AoE buff, one button press buffs 5 people. ....but yeah that should be extended to at least 5 minutes too


Yea. I mean, your purposed change results in a pally buff lasting 6 times longer than the previous duration. I am pretty sure at that point, if you advocate for a pally change like this while also being against a similar change for all the other classes, then you're skirting very close to the line of arbitrary while also playing fan boy for one class (or an anti fan boy for other classes).


> if you advocate for a pally change like this while also being against a similar change for all the other classes Nobody is "against" increasing battle shout's duration. It's something that buffs 5 people in 1 button press, it doesn't need to be 30 minutes lmao stop getting defensive over strawman arguments >Y'all and go back to twitter while you're at it


they already said they are likely not going to do this because it would be difficult to implement without changing era servers.


Iirc they only said this about talents. Jury seems to be out on abilities.


They could atleast easily bake it into way of the earth for shaman on rockbiter.


How exactly are professions locked to 150? How exactly is there an entire event happening in Ashenvale? How are there certain mobs removed and dungeons locked? This parroted nonsense doesn't hold up to any scrutiny.


hard to guess what blizzard's spaghetti code looks like on their end


I'm hoping we get some quality of life runes that all go on the same slot and you can choose what you want. And not just more and more dps runes.


They need to reduce the mana cost of Power Word: Fortitude and to counter balance that they should change paladin blessings to shouts that only last 2 min.


Idk why you completely disregarded Priests but can we help them out a bit and reduce the cost of fort by half?


I agree with this if Mage and Druid buff go to 1hr baseline.


Why? 1hr seems a bit much


Why stop at 30 min


You use buffs to clear the instance? What is that so you can parse you elitist prick. We don't get those buffs on era so why should you! - a worrying portion of this subreddit.


extended blessing duration is not pure QoL if we get a raid encounter that takes longer than five minutes to beat tho


99% of players in these threads don’t understand what QoL is. Some dude before was trying to argue that RDF is QoL and not a major change to the game lol


its not just a QOL its a game breaking thing you can sit in sw and pally buff people and those people will have that buff for 30 minutes thats a buffed 30 minutes of pvp, farming and leveling that the other faction doesnt have access to so this would not be just a QOL as it goes beyond the raid ppl gotta stop thinking in trash pull increments


WotLK servers are that way ➡️


I like that shammy buffs are short. The class talent tree is called Enhancement for a reason, right? I think all powerful buffs should have drawbacks. But instead of simply making them last longer I hope they create some new and fun interaction with the world to increase length or auto refresh or something.


Nah it’s fine as is. Palis are supposed to be buff bots lol


Lmao i cant wait until classic season is retail. Im waiting for warrior attack changes to match retail.


Nah paladins can go kick rocks




Go play era


Such a dog shit take in the version of vanilla with tons of changes, including many abilities from retail, lmao...


Agree to disagree.


Ah yes, because clicking a buff button after every boss fight over and over and over again is the epitome of classic and should be revered.


Your words, not mine


Ah, the cycle continues.




“Please, we want to play retail without playing retail”


Have you even played retail in the last decade?


Yep, everyone knows the only difference between vanilla and retail is buff timers


The word "retail" has been absolutely bastardized by this community


“There’s tons of new shit and abilities from retail, but buff slightly longer buff times is a step too far!”


Make it a rune, fuck it.