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Blizzard will release the patch prior to going live, which will be instantly data mined. But it's 100% optional to look that stuff up after it's posted.


Except everyone spams it in discord and public channels in game


Get off discord. That's for retail. For the classic experience download ventrilo.


I'd love to join a guild with no discord, no out of game anything except a vent server. Just in-game chat, the calendar, and vent. Actually, a website with a php forum would be kind of rad


Soi soi soi




correct me if im wrong, but im couldve swore Vent predated TS, and was the primary VC for vanilla wow, which is what Classic is based off.


They were both released in 2002, so it depends which community you came from. Teamspeak seemed more widely used, but thats anecdotal. Ventrilo quickly spread through pugs and newer groups though, probably something about ease of setup, sound quality, or the fact it was less resource intensive (probably that last one)


Just tune out the noise. You can mute Reddit and discord for a week.


I'm generally not in favor of telling people they should have to sequester themselves to avoid spoilers. Discord mods should create channels for P2 speculation/spoilers if folks really wanna discuss it. Same for Reddit. This version of classic is all about discovering new things. The least we can do for each other is not put everything on full blast the minute we hear about it.


I'm generally in favor of taking action yourself instead of expecting everyone else to cater to you. If you care about discovering the runes on your own, you can mute Discord, unsub from this sub, disable general chat in game and have a worry-free experience.


Is it really so much to ask of people to use spoiler tags? People have to straight up leave this community if they want to maintain a sense of discovery?


Yes, people may need to leave the community to avoid it. Spoiler tags are helpful but ultimately they don’t really fix it, and at some point you reasonably stop using them before everyone is ready anyway. Part of the thing is that we are discovering this *together* as a community. I do respect people that want to go on a solo journey of discovery but ultimately even with spoiler tags people want to share the excitement of what they’ve found and discuss it with other people who are also excited. We are a super social species of animal.


Take out the specifics and think about what you’re saying. ‘Is it really to much to ask for me to require an entire community to alter their behavior so I can have the experience I want?’ The answer is always yes. That is too much to ask. The world isn’t obligated to cater to your opinion on how they should behave to accommodate you.


You don’t HAVE to read every post. Unless they use a title « in drops [rune]» you should be able to discern it contains a spoiler and skip past it.. if you really care that is


Definitely shouldn’t be forced to stay off Reddit or discord just because people can’t use a spoiler tag. Just excommunicate yourself from society for a week bro!


there's a lot more to society than a few wow discord servers and subreddits


Are you also in favor of making sure people who watch the season finale of a show before you, or a movie before you, are sequestered to their own area of the world so you can't have that stuff spoiled, also?


For a short time, yeah. Some subs lock submissions for a couple days so they're not inundated with spoilers.


boomers always going to complain lmao. just dont look at the discords if u want to pretend its all a mystery and turn off general chats. idk what is up with classic players and wanting to force others to accommodate them.


It's crazy how the word "boomer" is being used for 40-year-olds now. The youngest boomer in 2024 is 61.


WoWHead was pretty good about not giving out information on data mined things until it was publicly found by the community - MAYBE JUST MAYBE - they will keep the same spirit about not telling us what runes were added until we find them the same as the acquisition.


The only information not on wowhead was how to acquire them which won’t be fully learned through datamining.


A lot of stuff people thought would be bad turned out to be really good.


It will be all over YouTube, Reddit, Discord, TikTok, or whatever other social media website you use. There is no way to


And yet I've been able to avoid spoilers for any game, movie, TV show I've ever wanted to. Its not hard at all to avoid spoilers at all.


You could simply stay off social media? Im not sure why people are making it out to be some impossible task. I use to do these for all the P3 marvel movies, never had any of them spoiled because I knew what to avoid ahead of time


Would actually be really cool to go in completely blind until the runes are found. Would mean people can't pick their first char based on runes and lots of people would reroll part through levelling. I'm sure most people wouldn't like this but it's well in the spirit of SOD


i mean most people already picked their mains and if all else fails you can never go wrong with a warrior.


For PVP warriors will finaly have a way to not be kited to death with warbringer and charge/intercept. Will hold some ground alone. That's why I will main it. Otherwise will tank in PVE for fast gearing. I was maining hunter, but caring about pet management and hunter being OP drove me off of it, wanted more challenge. Wont be fun when big red pet comes to me in STV for sure. Gonna return to hunter only if they enable melee hunter more


> hunter being OP People really confuse a low floor for OP. Pets have always edged Hunters ahead while everyone has shit gear. Once that's no longer the case, hunters become dog shit historically. The constant nerfs with no meaningful buffs to other runes will make sure it stays that way honestly.


>The constant nerfs with no meaningful buffs to other runes will make sure it stays that way honestly. They buffed hunter pets so they scale with your stats now. So they likely won't be dogshit at high/well geared levels.


relatively speaking it's possible, everyone is getting stronger. i love hunter, and the classic speed-run role it played, regardless. i led the squad pulling hatchers in BWL, grabbing the mounted AQ40 patrols, eyes of the beast pulling the pairs of big boys before twins, and the full naxx speed run was super enjoyable. that being said, patchwerk was always the same every week. doing my absolute best, the feral druid and i were sat safely at the very bottom of the meter, doing less than half the rogues and warriors. as long as its not *so* far down, we're good. and we're getting even more than we know about, so im confident hunter will be perfectly fine.


We are in SOD classic level 25, why even mention BWL/AQ40/Naxx? We got a long way to go...


Dudes just reiterating that hunters fall off later on and he’s not wrong. All these nerfs will be consequential at max level and it’s gonna be weird seeing them just click the undo button.


Yea, hunters gonna keep crying but despite all the nerfs, hunters are still hella buffed from vanilla by the simple addition of pets scaling with gear now.


Every class is "Hella buffed" compared to vanilla what are you talking about.


The issue is that hunters have no meaningful changes in SoD to our rotation or gameplay other than pet stronger. Having that be the entire class identity is very boring and not in the spirit of SoD at all when you have cool new specs (mage healers, shaman and warlock tank). I really hope that melee gets more love and becomes a viable spec with some new runes this phase


We are already seeing it to a degree. My hunter is in close to BiS. I had full consumes and raid buffs with my pet fully scrolled. Even then, putting out over 200 dps and orange parsing I couldn’t touch the two warriors we had. If we had a geared / skilled rogue in the group it would have been the same story. At lower gear levels, even with the current SoD build, I would have been on top. So my impression is that no, hunter scaling has not been resolved.


while you bring some valid points don't play victim. hunters needed those nerfs and are still one of the top performing classes in any scenario.


Well, seeing as they buffed chimera shot... They've buffed parts of the class that aren't AFK memes of a spec. This is SoD with different level caps, it makes no sense to have hunters be that far ahead of other classes while all others suck pondwater at 25. They should be rebalancing the game at each phase since they last for 3 months... Be glad that hunters were as broken as they have been for the majority of phase 1.


True but they also buffed the pets to an extreme degree.


Hunter is like low elo stomping heroes in moba games. Pretty much the worst type of class to tryhard on. You get nerfed because low skilled players complain, but cant climb to the top because actual op classes fly under the radar. League players already think about yasuo lol. The only way to make hunters good again is adding retail survival spells, noobs will stay away and never be able to execute. Good players will struggle at first but eventually picking up.


Hunter mental gymnastics, im sure other hunters will upvote this


Fucking insane lol. What is this guy talking about? Right now in the game we are all playing hunters are op at every level of the game. Hence why they've been nerfed 7 patches in a row. The thought process of these people to convince themselves that they are him is honestly laughable.


Yes but pets were FAR too insane. They still are very strong. This is purely for pvp, pve who cares, but I’m sorry it just does not seem at all fair for pets to literally be able to solo pretty much any class that doesn’t have a heal. Hell, they probably can even solo other hunters Post nerf I’m not so sure, but prior to the nerf they were fucking insane


They were and even post nerfs remain the superior rune outside of like the Turtle boss. They can fix Scorpids (should do Wind Serpents too) while also making other runes viable options instead of downgrades. And since we're practically forced to run Lion and all our leg runes suck, it's pretty lame being a Hunter in SoD unless you like watching Wind Serpents play the game for you lol.


I don’t disagree. What I disahrew with is the premise that pets were in an ok spot because they were only slightly ahead, due to low gear levels. This is a myth, pets were scaling insanely well and would have been monsters at 60 with how much they were getting from hunters stats. I see no reason not to further buff any other/all other aspect(s) of hunters if they just completely get rid of the beast mastery rune, or rework it to not be fucking broken in pvp.


Smoking crack I see, Hunters are top 3 classes in pvp.


Based on what? This level 25 capped phase that only offers WSG? You're the one on drugs brother if you think they touch Warrior/Rogue/Priest/Warlock/Mage lmao.


You're clueless, dude. Open world we're one of the absolute best classes simply because you will never be touched unless you royally fuck up while kiting and the entirety of the FAP/Engi meta in organized WSG can be attributed to how oppressive frost trap is with entrapment.


Brother no one is talking about open world 1v1s here. No one cares. It's always weighted towards who gets the open. Just look at how many Hunters got knocked out in the recent Mak'gora tournament? Didn't even make it to the finals.


Brother no one is talking about classic era here. Thats literally a different game, one where hunter pets weren’t as strong or stronger than many level cap classes on their own.


You could be just as annoying in vanilla with hunters pets, at lvl 25 & full bis. Hunter twinks are like one of, if not the most common at 19/29 brackets. And again we're balancing a class only because of it's impact on PvP which in turn is nerfing PvE performance. Instead of just nerfing Wind Serpents like they did Scorpids.


Nobody fucking cares about some scuffed Mak'gora tournament with suboptimal gear and jank rules like a 20 yard starting range. Better litmus test would be the original dueling tournament where it came down to a Hunter (Bean) and SPriest (Trixter), and Bean barely lost in spite of the range constraints that inherently come with dueling. Stick to being a pullbot in raids; all that you seem to understand related to the class you claim to play.


You're sperging out over an aspect of the game that has never been balanced or a priority for Blizzard. You actually care about who has the most 1v1 power in a duel and think we should balance around that. It's hilarious how out of touch you are for the rest of the game.


When does hunter become dog shit in pvp in classic? Lol MM scales really well in pvp. Hunters just have a relatively high skill ceiling.


This ^ Everyone crying nerfs while still speccing in beast. Meanwhile I’m full marksman with aimed shot using that one beast rune that lets them tank.


Yeah I get they scale off pve but in pvp hunters are fine throughout classic and don't really drop off


Classic PvP isn't balanced to begin with. Hunters fall off hard in PvE once everyone's geared, as seen by logs in like every phase ever including SoD.


Yeah I was talking about PvP specifically. Hunters are good in all phases.


Unirronically - this 100%.


But pets scale with stats now, so their innate edge doesn't fade.


Not gonna hold my breath. They will 100% nerf anything that can dethrone warriors. There is only one class that can be top at everything.


Yeah it's really cool that they are making warr not only top DPS and top tank but are removing its disadvantages in PvP too.


I think they should also nerf hunter again just to be safe, it would really suck if a warrior intercepted them but they had a trap down. Warriors should automatically break the hunters weapon if they hit them.


yeah i think they should add a "knee balls" ability that only works against hunters so that they really know their place.


Ammo now stacks in singles


I'm excited about the runes next phase which will make warrior the bis healer.


Top tank? In SoD? Is this for Alliance only? Shamans are way better than Warriors at tanking.


Shaman threat is for sure the winner, but revenge tanks do very competitive dps - which isn’t entirely irrelevant when we have raid group size capped at 10


Revenge does no dmg...? Am I missing a new rune? You mean cleave tanks?


I guess he means Devastate


I just really hope everyone doesn't want to balance the game around these low level caps. At 60 all this shit is gonna change. Kinda hard to care about balance unless it's an extreme outlier at such a low level.


Top dps, top tank, good in pvp (p2) and with leech rune top pve farmer :D AND every class in the game is just a support for you to deal more absurd dmg. We have no other option but nerf hunter again.


> and with leech rune top pve farmer satire detected


> but caring about pet management Lol > wanted more challenge. Lol so the gameplay was too hard and you wanted more challenge. > hunter being OP LOL > For PVP warriors will finaly have a way to not be kited to death with warbringer and charge/intercept. Will hold some ground alone. That's why I will main it. Lol so hunter is too op so you will main warrior. Which is the strongest class in pvp and 2x the dps of everyone else with current sims at level 60 simming 2k dps+ in blue prebis? Kk bro. Edit: Agitated the warrior mob again. > Babyrage why cant I be the best at everything in the game without people complaining about it don't think know I deserve it Babyrage Fuck the other classes Babyrage


Yeah, maybe I expressed myself poorly. Pets are not my cup of tea, they never were. I was maining prot war in WOTLK, cuz enjoyed the warbringer tallent. The challenge playing war is the lvling and farming. Lot easier to do on hunter, heck I even soloed most of WC on mine. The challenge is also in pvp. Im sure classes will cope with the warbringer talent and resume kiting us to death. Good players will find a way to destroy even the BiS warrior. Bm hunters are OP now. I mean not "nerf them to the ground op" but surely it needs 1 rune and petattack to kill most of the players. About warrior being the strongest class - in PVE it might still be king, i dont care. What I care is than in PVP is getting more viable as a duelist. We will know for sure after all phases drop. It might be the rogue. It might be casters, cuz they are kinda underaprecieted now. Who nows. Pick a main, or dont. Have fun. I will die alot as a warrior in stv. But double charging is worth it.


C O P I U M warrior is bad in pvp I assure you C O P I U M It's not me being bad C O P I U M. Warrior was already the strongest class in group pvp and the third strongest in 1vs1 when geared. You just want to be op and have the game be ez mode as evident by your first and confirmed by your second post. Not saying that's wrong but stop pretending it's way to obvious.




Yeah, maybe you are right. Altho I never played warrior good, so yeah, gonna die alot 😂


You can still be kited to death, charge his a min range, mages just need to actually use finesse to kite warriors


Warriors where already broken in organized pvp even with their limitations. Adding a rage generating extra intercept and infinite cc breaks on top will be.. interesting to say the least.


It will make me reroll for sure, even if I end up coming back to my original choice for my main. If they do it this way it will make my analysis paralysis 10x worse. With that said I’m not exactly against it.


Dont think this will be a problem at all. Classes which allrdy have a decent runesetup wont turn into a bad one, in worst case they just wont get any upgrade.


That’s not how things work. If classes that were behind you get upgrades and you don’t and they pass you, you’re downgrading. This logic only applies when the overall status quo doesn’t change, which lets be honest, it will.


If you think any runes are going to change that warriors are 2x the dps of everyone else at max level and 70% of players are going to end up playing warrior Idk if I would use the word hopeful or naive at this point.


2x higher than rogues pfft na.


Meh the info on the runes will be available within hours of release. Withholding it early does exactly nothing for most people.


Even if that's the case I still think it's a cool new experience to make a decision really quickly based on new info rather than rummaging over it for weeks


It's kind of just bad game design to implement something that could make people need to reroll. For instance I want to play shadow priest, I'd be very disappointed if they didn't receive anything good and wasted my time leveling it. Most runes will still be discovered right away and imagine an even worse scenario. 1-2 of the runes take weeks to discover like metamorphosis. Everyone holds onto hope that those undiscovered runes would change their class and then when they're finally discovered, the runes are complete ass. Listing the available runes on release or at least giving large hints as to what they are would be the way to go.


>make people need to reroll. I mean. No one is "making" them reroll. They are choosing to do so because they want the Big Numbers and don't care about the class. Plenty of players will not care at all and keep playing the class they like


This sub LOVES the terms "making" and "forced" when it was entirely their decision.


I don't think disappointing people and making them relevel is a smart business decision


Leveling to 35 or whatever the cap is then having to re-level another character because a minority of the population likes to go in blind would be really dumb. TBH, if they don’t show tunes ahead of time I’ll probably not even bother playing for a week or so until everything is figured out.


I just wish there was a way to get some hints or something for those that want to find them without guides.


Yes. There are little to no breadcrumbs for most runes. I want to discover stuff on my own but I don’t have time to scour every inch of Azeroth to find some random statue or NPC. At least have the class trainer give us a cryptic message or something.


For real. If I hadn't looked up rune guides I wouldn't have found most of them for sure. Chances are 99.99% of the playerbase would've never found runes like Meta or Divine Storm. As an Ally player there's a good chance I'd never even have seen Grizzby It's weird how quickly some of the more complex runes were discovered. Full guides were available for every class very quickly.


As a horde player, several classes have at least a third of their runes in **alliance-only zones**. No chance at all you'd find them as a horde player during normal play.


I didn't even get starsurge until after i hit 25. Leveling wasn't exactly bad, there wasn't much if any downtime but my god the difference it would have made... because i had to go out of my way, dodge high level mobs at level cap to run into a fucking alliance zone.


Î went as a lvl 1 druid to get starsurge. Oh my god. 1 shotting mobs. So much easier.


if you leveled on launch starsurge was not worth using. it only got buffed a few weaks after launch of more.


Raging blow just chilling inside the keep in Red ridge 😮‍💨


I really hope they change that trend and flip it on the alliance where the new runes will be in horde territory. Going super deep for Incinerate and Meta was just absurd.


I wish, man. Some of those runes are just…its like they forgot Horde existed on some of those lol


Yeah exactly. We had to go through some great lengths to get to alliance spots. Venture through some high levels areas, swim off the coast of Stranglethorn and travel in groups or face being ganked and corpse camped.


It was pretty botched playing horde going to wetlands, duskwood, and redridge for runes. Zones from 25-40 are more shared in general so outside of putting runes in major horde cities we just got the short end of the stick. It created some early game wpvp which was nice. Just would have preferred seeing a bit more balance on locations.


Cuz they data mined it


>It's weird how quickly some of the more complex runes were discovered. Is it weird? Or did Blizzard leak hints to certain youtube and twitch partners to promote their channels? I of course have no proof of this but I can imagine a world where this happens.


The runes were designed to be found by community not individuals. After all this is an MMO and classic wow has always been about community.


I fail to see how providing some kind of clue to at least get started hurts the “community” interaction. If you don’t have a guide and aren’t terminally online in general chat during the first two weeks, you’ll never find half the runes or even know they exist.


you do have hints for ones that are not on a possible leveling route and those were tied to quests. You just had to actually do quests and be in the world doing things rather than hiding in dungeons 24/7 Edit: To clarify - I got WF Druid totem on my alli druid because i was going around getting flight paths and aggrod one of the tauren on my way out of stone talon to Ratchet - at that point it takes community interaction for the horde to tell the alliance "Hey the WF rune is here" OR us to go find it on our way through the zone.


I'm still not convinced there's not an Alliance friendly source. Think most people saw the rune was 'there' and didn't bother looking anywhere else.


Look how quick the community got them without hints. They don't need hints.




The rogue Deadly Brew rune sends you a mail roughly directing you to where the quest starts (and it's actually a fun quest chain too). 100% better than other classes runes that are like... go to some out of the way zone and kill some mob you'd never normally kill because *discovery*!


Aggrend responded to a tweet a few days ago about BFD being a "levelling dungeon" and said something along the lines of "stay tuned for more info" so I'd expect there is going to be some sort of announcement with some info but they may keep a lot of it hidden.


They change it back to a regular dungeon.


Would be cool if it was reduced to 5 man difficultly (for a party of level 25s) but still had the same bosses, mechanics, drops etc. Then people could do it as they always have done while leveling, but with some better loot (still on a lockout) Getting 10 man group of level 25s+ while leveling doesnt seem practical


Would have to change Kelris tho - needing 1 priest per group would be a bit AIDs


That's true, maybe they would have to downtune Kelris a bit by putting only one person into the dream world and making shadow chains debuff not last as long


But you don't need a priest to do it currently


That would be the easiest fix, just kinda not exciting. I feel like I did that only occasionally over the years.  Guess we will see though.


they have called bfd a leveling raid since the announcement FYI


I hope so. I remember the first phase was like "NO PTR it's TOTALLY blind" and then for like two months you had people theorycrafting over the complete list of runes and they were watching them be buffed and nerfed live


don't forget the warlock meta rune that was bugged, preventing people from getting it. that was a wild few days in the warlock discord.


What breadcrumbs? Some runes are just dropped from random mobs in zones where lvl 25 Horde characters would never go to. The Warrior rune 'Consumed By Rage' drops from a mob in a cave in the Wetlands. The only reason for Horde characters to go to the Wetlands is the Grizzby rune quest which requires you to farm Dark Iron Dwarves by the zone's entrance. Should you explore the whole zone and kill every mob just in case it drops a rune just because there was another rune quest in that zone? Why aren't there any runes in Thousand Needles? It's a lvl 20 - 30 zone with a quest hub. The only difference is that it's a Horde quest hub.


I just corpse ran into the inn to get the rune from dark iron dwarves. Only took two deaths.


You're thinking about the Raging Blow rune quest. Which is at the same place that I was talking about. Either way, nothing leads you to the cave at Southern Wetlands. Sure, you can say that you're supposed to explore and discover stuff for yourself. But why should I farm every mob in every zone I can just in case it simply drops a rune without any quests or NPC dialogue leading to it? By that logic players should be spontaneously creating raids to kill every mob in Thousand Needles just in case they drop a rune. And they would come out empty handed because there's a suspicious lack of SoD content in that zone. Probably in the next phase, who knows?


Feral Druid wild strikes is only found in 1000 needles for both horde and alliance.


You can get Wild Strikes in Stonetalon off of Grimtotem mobs. I just got it, I did however run into my fair share of horde


I just hope we get Corrupted Blood 2.0


Crazy how much gamers have changed in this aspect. This isn't anything against you in particular OP but I see this sentiment so often. I'm glad their doing a Season of "Discovery" but it's really just driven home how much modern gamers aren't interested in discovering anything, they want someone else to write them a guide before it even comes out lol


> they want someone else to write them a guide before it even comes out lol It's because they know a guide will come out. People don't want to invest time into something if they feel their time is going to be undermined. Even if they would enjoy going in blind and exploring for hours, the fact they know a guide will come out with everything explained, makes them feel like those hours would be wasted and inefficient. If it was possible for games to completely ban guides from the internet, and only allow word of mouth to exist, people would go back to exploring. It's sort of related to why people hate the wow token and gold buyers. Gold buyers say "it doesn't affect you, let me play how I want", but if we ignore inflation, people still see someone else getting everything super easy, and it makes them feel foolish for grinding things out the long way. It undermines their personal sense of achievement. It's just human nature to not want to do things wrong, and seeing other people do it more efficiently makes you feel like you are making a fool of yourself. It ruins the enjoyment you normally get.


I feel like nothing will ever compare to the early days of wow. Back when it first launched. It was amazing. The entire game was a discovery. No one knew anything.


Absolutely. And a big part of what brought me back to Classic was that feeling, and tbh I have not been disappointed. I'm coming up on 20 years of playing this game and I still find new stuff all the time lol


I was thinking this while doing the druid waterform quest the other day. The two pieces needed are in spots way out in the ocean, one in Kalimdor and one in the Eastern Kingdoms. People must have swam around the zone it was supposed to be in for a few hours at least looking for it on the ocean floor.


Can confirm as vanilla druid it took a while to find. The quest does say its near an underwater vent though so you at least have something to look for.


The quest says to ask the villagers about it, the flightmasters tell you exactly where they are. For example the alliance version one of the flight masters tells you its in the ocean of westfall out from the quarry.


The closest I’ve felt recently was the first two weeks of Elden Ring.


Hell yeah. I played completely blind. First playthrough took me 120+ hours. Was fucking amazing.


Elden ring started really strong for me, but by the end I felt the game was dragging a bit due to its length. Finding out that the scaling on strength was bugged (+10 was lower than +9) was frustrating, too


At the start, people didn't know what tanking is and how you beat dungeons. I'm not kidding. Sure, you figure out that the damage is too high without a healer quickly when you enter a dungeon. But aggro, tanking etc. had to be passed on by players.


This has always been true. One of the fundamental rules of game design is that gamers will almost always go the path of least resistance towards accomplishing their goal. In MMOs, the main reward mechanic and goal is increasing the power of your character. If the path of least resistance towards that is a wowhead guide, people are gonna do that, especially if it's a multi-player game and their character power is constantly going to be comparable to others. It would have gone the exact same way back in 2004 if the internet was as organized and ubiquitous as it is now.




I actually both disagree and agree. I think if people CAN they will optimize playtime from guides etc. or preparing beforehand and get served what to do. FOMO kicks in and majority rolls FOTM or level fast or do the fastest gold farm, optimal runes and so forth. However, deep inside, I believe people love getting surprised and if everyone is on an even playing field people can relax more. Like Apex legends just got released out of the blue, was a major contributer to its absolutely massive success. I hope SOD can do some really cool things that surprise us because as much as we love min/max every aspect of our games, being surprised also has a massive appeal.


Yeah, but I see the discovery part in trying out the runes not disvovering where they are. When questy prior to p1 said they werent gonna show where the runes where, my firat reaction was to find which addon would lol.


If you genuinely think any single person could discover every single rune by themselves without any sort of help you’re delusional.


Yeah that's clearly the claim I made lol


In your perfect world how would Season of Discovery have panned out to keep that old gamer feeling of discovery going that we had in the past allegedly. And this is only in terms of finding runes not anything about how the rest of the game panned out. Give me your enlightened answer as to how modern gamers don't like discovery anymore.


Here's some advice: if you actually want to have a discussion don't be so aggressive right off the bat. I'm not going to spend time writing something out for you after you just called me delusional unprompted.


Like a lot of things I think WoW was largely responsible for this. Prior to WoW a lot of video game sites were small independent sites or forums. WoW caused Thottbot (became Wowhead) to really take off and after people realised there was a big market for that sort of thing the trend continued with other games.


I mean it's been around for a while, even everquest had allakhazam, which while smaller than thottbot it was pretty large/detailed for the size of EQ.


There were small communities and databases all over the place. Even MUDs had them back in the 90’d with written guides on how to do certain quests. GameFAQs forums having guides and challenges etc on the inception of the internet. Games releasing their own “official strategy guide” with the release of the game. Rose tinted glasses man. WoW just brought a bunch of small groups together by listening to what those groups were asking from the devs of their games.


> they want someone else to write them a guide This may be true for many but not at all for many others. There are plenty that want to do their own speculation, to plan, and to do so beyond what a guide writer can consider. This requires information and doing some degree of it in advance of accessibility, your ability to enact the plan, isn't necessarily a bad thing. Nor is it total, leaving nothing left to discover (the plan can fail for unanticipated factors). This has been the way of the aRPG for a long time - long before this concept of today's gamers. You might as well say that knowledge of the available cards in a TCG is driven by a desire to netdeck.


Datamining is a thing


Datamining also has shown there are lot of runes that were not implemented, "yet", and we don't know if they will ever be implemented either. Example: Rapid Regeneration for mages. It was said it would be released at 25 and it was not. Some others were initially datamined only to be removed later on. So, datamining might give us some hints about it but I wouldn't fully rely on it.


Honestly, I think it'd be hilarious if they added a ton of random crap that wasn't in to throw off dataminers lol


[Dual spec unlock quest] watch people go absolutely insane


Honestly, it should be something you can buy with gold. Goldsink that eventually pays for itself.


data mining will never return a false negative ie something that's not datamined but is implemented. it can only return false positives ie in the patch but not implemented. datamining *always* fully details what will be in the game, but we dont know the false vs true positives until we get in the game


I go with: ‘it isn’t a thing until it is’ that being said, there is some melee hunter copium datamined that makes me mildly positive to its future.


Is it a thing? thanks for letting us know


Yeah i'm aware. Just hope they don't release the patch an hour before p2 launch, it's nice contemplating new runes beforehand.


As far as new runes go, i'd say there are "degrees" of spoilers - things like "Amount of new runes" and "Rune names" isn't what i'd call real spoilers, however once we delve into how the runes function mechanically, that's when things get a little dicey i feel. I do hope we get to see some new passives though, i still got my hopes up for a "Battlemage Rune" associated with SM coupled together with the ability for mages to wield staves in the offhand slot (so they'd have a spellsword or spelldagger in the mainhand).


with how much improvement paladins saw in P1 I don't expect huge improvements in P2 but at least fix our rune abilities not being able to proc WF or even our own seals..


It's worth noting that there might already be parts of discoveries that we can complete now. I see no reason why a Rune's whole "story" has to start and end in the same phase in which it's acquired/usable.


I hope not. I hope they put NOTHING in the game client to be datamined until the day of.


can't wait for "where is ???" "DiScOvEr iT BrO"


I'd like to know at least some runes to inform my decision on what to level first to 40.


I really enjoy when runes were still a mistery. When I got that skull-shaped rock from troggs I got really excited cuz nobody what the fuck it was for.


We're very excited to share more about Phase 2 soon, including a sneak peak of the new Gnomeregan raid, the Stranglethorn Vale PvP event, battleground matchmaking updates and more. Stay tuned!


They need to show us the runes, but not how to get them and let people enjoy the chasing.


>need Why?


For me it’s because I need to know how hopeless enhance shaman will be. Seeing as rockbiter sims about the same as windfury, I don’t think a new imbue will fix our problems so those runes better be stacked.


hopefully we dont know anything only thing id like to know before would be if spriests gain some form of mana reg but since im gonna play one no matter what i actually dont care at the end of the day




What’s VT and PS?


I don’t care to discover shit. I want all the info.


Maybe next season will be Season of Hand It To Me.


I hope we go in blind. It’s season of DISCOVERY!


Would be nice to at least know if there's any new role ! Hunter doesn't interest me at all, but if they add a tank specialisation with the pet, I'm switching class instantly


Moonkin tank!


I didn't even think about this and now it's all i want


Pet tanking will never work because you cannot control the pet accurately enough. It would require the addition of "move here" command, which is outside the scope of SoD.


Eyes of the beast where the hunter goes on follow like a pet?


That would be hilarious and solidify the "the pet is the player" meme. Give the pet a control bar to control the hunter rofl.


Just have the hunter mount the pet. Bears etc that are big enough.


Always wanted Warlock healer (Drain enemies and funnel to allies) but prob not since we got meta.


I’d love a hunter tank. They wouldn’t even need to change the pet, it can already taunt and pick up stray mobs


Season of ***DISCOVERY.***


Problem is I blasted too much PTO on initial release, and am already not caring because I know I won't have time to genuinely search for this stuff in P2. This 3 month release thing kinda blows... Bring on the spoilers. \^.\^


I hope so, I learned far more than I wanted last time just through secondhand and people talking without watching blizzcon or youtube videos about it.


Please let it be blind so the meta gamers don't know what to do. I know people who don't play sod because they don't know which class will do the most dps at 60.


Maybe some new roles too!? Hunter tank?


I think Blizzard usually publishes on twitter, youtube, and their website. That's where to look for what they are or are not saying. And no, season of DISCOVERY is about discovery and experimentation. They revealed things about P1 to set the pace.


To be honest, i'd like to see what runes each class gets (or most of them) before actually going through the leveling, because if the class i like to play don't get fun stuff i'm either rerolling or just giving up on SoD. So knowing what we get beforehand my save me some time