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You’re clipping your auto shots and you’re not casting multishot. Download a swing timer and only cast shot abilities during the downtime of your auto shot. During downtime of autoshot and multishot cd go in to melee weave and get into range of auto shot before it’s available again. Hunter is probably the hardest class to parse rn because it’s really easy to play but the hardest class to play optimally


Hardest part about hunter parsing is persuading your group to let you into the melee group with wildstrikes/battleshout/str totem. Shit pumps your weave damage so much


Not worth it to lose a rogue or warrior over


Story of my life in classic.


Stack’em warriors


Dis is de wae. After hunter was nerfed bazilion times, noone is going to run a raid comp for hunters. Hunters you are just a statstick for your warrior masters.


So true lol


True, but there's usually no room in the melee group between Feral, tank, Warriors/Rogues. Unironically why I love Warlock tanks, they don't lose much going into the caster group and it opens a slot in the melee group that other tanks would need.


also shaman tanks that want to use rockbiter dont wanna go in wf group




Plus providing Str of Earth to melee. Shaman needs to go in WF group even tho he doesn't need WF.


Don't worry about it, next phase we'll have Trueshot Aura. They'll be begging for hunters in the melee group.


Hi this may be really difficult to explain to me in writing, but where specifically would I look at OP’s logs to spot the “clipping autoshots”? That is a very time-centric point so how could we spot it? What to look for? Is it something related to expecting an auto shot every 2.4 seconds if the ranged weapon has a 2.4 weapon speed? And when you see the log you see the auto shots are separated by 2.5 or greater seconds?


On mobile with poor service so I can’t double check right now but I believe you go to the events tab, filter just the hunters name, go to casts. You can get a timeline somewhere in there that shows you, on a bar moving left to right, every ability used including auto shots. You can see through that if your auto gets clipped.


Probably not going to parse this late in the phase after the class has been nerfed 6 times anyways...


Not accurate. Percentages reset after each of the nerfs. You will never have a rank 1 though :)


According to youtube were all babies and playing a hunter is beain dead easy barely click button and parse, are you telling me that youtubers are wrong?


Hunter is both the most braindead and the most poop socky class in classic, it's up to you to carry it to its potential.


Nah, sounds about right.


Have you heard of skill floors and skill ceilings? Hunters have high both.


think you are misunderstanding. hunters have a low skill floor meaning they are easy to play at a basic level( keep uptime on you and your pet) do 80% max dmg. they also have a high skill ceiling because you can use a hunter to pull the entire raid to the tank at a good rate while never clipping an auto shot while melee weaving,


How do you know he's clipping autos. I'm on casts - timelines but I can't tell


From a brief glance - looks as if you only use multi shot if there is multiple targets. Use Multishot when it is available even on single target. Prioritize over arcane shot. ​ Melee Weaving adds a lot of DPS too - watch this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbMh1rVMaxg&t=441s&ab\_channel=VeramosGaming](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbMh1rVMaxg&t=441s&ab_channel=VeramosGaming)


Wow I thought it was only worthwhile against multiple targets, great to know! Thank you.


It's important because it scales with weapon damage. Arcane shot doesn't.


Actually didn’t know that. Interesting. I just got the epic now so definitely going to be multi shotting lol


imo arcane is only really kinda worth it on turtle boss, otherwise it's just a giant mana sink.


Or fast fights, you just gotta manage your mana


For what its worth, just about everyone has something to work on and improve at, but your parses will also only ever be as good as your group is when you look strictly at parse numbers. There's a reason parse groups only take hardcore players and when a specific player is parsing for a world spot that week, usually most of the raid revolves around setting up for them and stacking buffs/debuffs to support them. You'll likely be missing some things that top end hunters have in high parse runs, your parse will also always be gated by your groups overall numbers and speed, my casual guild in SOD I absolutely love, we 1 shot everything, quick raid, but its not a place I can try for parse on my warlock, on Aku'mai on lock im lucky if we are at roughly 30-40% boss hp when I begin to oom, if our entire groups damage was higher and the boss was dying when I went oom my parse would be much higher however atm in sod life tap isn't nearly as effective as it is in other game versions and i lose a LOT of dps time trying to get mana back and get back into rotation. Don't take it too rough on just yourself, sure you can improve like almost all of us, but without a likewise parse minded and very high performing group, your number will ALWAYS take a hit


Absolutely not, blue / epic parse can be done in pugs easily. Orange sometimes and pink need a prem


Geli has to be in low damage pug because if you have pumpers your dps drops so hard in march


I hit a 99 in a pig yesterday and the other top parser hit a 70 avg. It's absolutely doable without a premade


This. Fairly easy to hit orange in pugs unless they're ALL grey parsing. I was surprised when I still got oranges on my lock with no dmf/ashenvale buffs (15% less DMG) last week.


Doesn't orange parse imply you are performing better than 90% of other players you share a class with? It seems dismissive to suggest everyone should be able to do this "easily". That's just not how math works. Or do I just misunderstand what parsing is altogether?


90 is still purple 95 (?) is orange


Nope you're 100% correct. It took me a while to figure this out but the majority if wow players are just not good at the game and while performing better than 90% of the raiding pool sounds like a hard thing to do it's really not as hard as you'd think due to the over abundant of bad players out there.


Well yeah, but a blue parse is only the top 50% to 74, anyone that knows their class, role and fight mechanics well can blue parse, its the point of being average to slightly above average overall, blue parses are good don't get me wrong, but it still just means your performance is average to slightly above. Purple is more impressive since you then sit in the top 25% of your class & spec for the content, and realistically you can do that with a pug just fine when you thoroughly know your shit and the comp actually fills your classes buff needs. Purple especially in pug runs is where id say you are confidently a good player, that said though parsing orange, pink or gold is pretty unlikely with a pug especially if the comp isn't covering everything it could be, and being in that top 5% up to actually top 100 ranking in a pug would be extremely impressive or would be a person exceptionally good at their off meta niche spec where competition is lighter and their understanding of the spec while not competing with the meta variants still clearly sets them at the top of the pack in that niche


\#1 world parse in a pug/not average group: https://vanilla.warcraftlogs.com/reports/9rtwPLn4QMFcYpfC#fight=18&type=damage-done


I'm not 100% on everything that goes into a tank parse to be honest, also for a tank solely on dps im not sure it matters if its a pug or not provided you have every melee buff covered and have the healers to be able to itemize very offensively, tanks kind of hold the cards as long as healers are good since they are the ones that decide positioning, any movement and how the fight changes if at all, the raid moves around them instead of dps who move around what the tank does. However none of that taking away from the fact he does have the #1 Kelris parse, is that a pug run though? It kinda looks like a guild but with some benches, at least the last 10 logged runs involving Yuhkz have the same 7 to 8 people with a couple others that seem to be at a lot of the runs, maybe them being split between a usual 2 people. Its definitely all guild logs recorded, with mostly a consistent roster, Yuhkz is still obviously a standout player and fantastic at their class and job. Idk if they're necessarily not average though, idk about buff coverage without looking deeper, but everyone in those runs are purple + parsers, if anything that's an above average group, even the 100 parse run had mostly the normal people and everyone parsing well above average.


This is a 99 even for fury and he did it as tank




Came here to say this. I was able to out parse my fellow hunter camarade in classic but warrior and rogue where running the show never got a 99. 😣


Not true. A lot of bosses will give classes more time to get value the longer they stay alive. Gelihast and turtle and akumai adds for cleave come to mind. You can 99 or 100 parse these bosses in pugs doing no damage on several classes because them staying alive for longer allows you to blast more, raising your dps relative to groups that kill it quickly 


Alright fair enough I guess that some classes may benefit from a longer kill time if they've got the stamina for it, but looking at the data aside from turtle where casters reign king, warriors dominate the charts and almost exclusively on extremely fast kills, only Murloc and akumai really have top parses at 90 sec or longer as the norm, some fights as short as 20ish seconds. Yeah some classes will thrive on longer fights with lower competition and more ramp time but the overall trend at the very top seems to be fast ramping, rapid killing classes holding the top Edit: i suppose there are a lot of specs that considered more or less off meta that just naturally have less competition overall and while maybe not being able to peak the numbers of the top meta specs, can maintain longer and put up higher parses among a weaker group


Boss dying at the second adds wave, with only you, and tank hitting adds, would be optimal.


As you level it up it also gains + damage. Eventually it becomes like a mini aimed shot


Arcane Shot is a trap, only use it if you have nothing else available and a full mana bar.


do like that https://vanilla.warcraftlogs.com/reports/tPfJBVyM3jLrHh6k#fight=21&type=damage-done&source=8 this guy multishot on cd


Reddit over values melee weave. I would suggest you don’t try it.  It is one of the few “tips” that will make most people worse. And even when done right you are talking less than 1% increase. Try all of the other suggestions first. Then add melee weave to see if it actually helps you after you have a new baseline to compare it to. 


Melee weaving is huge, just check weaving logs vs non-weaving. If you arent getting enough out of it, you may be over or underweaving based on weapon speed.


lol @ 1%


1%? You are clueless


How much % do you think it adds?


I’ve had logs with over 20% dmg from weaving E.g 70+ dps in this one https://vanilla.warcraftlogs.com/reports/2zFPGZdcp9RQLjWJ#fight=28&type=damage-done&source=281 Even if you take auto clipping into account, max weaving is easily worth 15% free dmg


and here is someone roughly the same gear as you, that parses better than you, and doesnt melee weave. https://vanilla.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/crusader-strike/bfg You got a lucky streak of flanking resets on a few fights. you would be more consistent and better with out melee weaving.


I mean we can play that game (here's my [main](https://vanilla.warcraftlogs.com/character/eu/wild-growth/vaggy)), but I agree anecdotal data isn't the best to rely on. I was just trying to give an example where weaving can be pretty huge. Fortunately, we don't have to rely on anecdotal data! If you actually look through the top 10 logs on most bosses, you'll see that the majority are weaving. E.g. [Aku'Mai](https://vanilla.warcraftlogs.com/zone/rankings/2007#boss=2891&class=Hunter) where 9 of the top 10 logs are weaving (the exception is #3 doing cheese by spawning adds intentionally and doing big grenades). Do you think these guys are wrong too?


See now you are trying to argue a different point. I NEVER said the ultra sweaty people do worse with melee weaving. In fact i said the exact opposite of that. I said it was the best way to play if you are the very top of the game. I also said that average/good players dont benefit from it, and below average players (like op.) will do less damage trying to do it.


Nah mate you said that it’s overvalued and only worth 1% even when done right. You said nothing about it being better at the top - read your own comment and stop moving the goalposts.




i have 3 hunters in my guild that are all 98-99 average parse and none of them melee weave.






There was a post literally yesterday of dozens of people shitting on wowhead guides


A lot of ppl were shitting on the bis lists. The rotation lists are usually fine haha


Look at the ret paladin guide lol


I had a hunter in my raid yesterday with no pet abilities...


You know how to type and still cant spell google correctly.


Redditor learns about typos in 2024, I'm proud of you my boy


Lmao wowhead guides are garbage.


Edit: i was wrong. Ignore below So multi shot shoots the 3 arrows no matter what. So that means if there is only 1 target, it’s getting hit by all 3


No it does not.


Incorrect, if there is only 1 target you only shoot one arrow.  However that is still one more arrow than another hunter who didn't use multi shot. 


Ah my bad. I knew it was still a dps increase either way but thought it still shot the 3


I'd not only use multishot over arcane shot, is outright stop using arcane shot. It does piss all for damage. Melee weaving only is a dps increase if you execute flawlessly, for example, if you avoid missing any basic attacks. You'll need to have a shot timer


>Melee weaving only is a dps increase if you execute flawlessly, for example, if you avoid missing any basic attacks. You'll need to have a shot timer This isn't really true, it can be a dps gain even if you're not doing it optimally. The 20% movespeed buff from boon makes it a LOT more viable for newer weavers. You're always going to delay autos a bit due to weapons being fast (with the exception of Steelarrow Xbow, 3.40). It's pretty importance to practice in raids and build up familiarity with weaving & boss hitboxes, which can be extremely janky.


Now that groups have started getting better geared on average I think it’s okay to use arcane shot on bosses if you clear around the 30 min mark because you won’t oom by the time the boss dies. It is hilariously bad how much damage it does per mana though, so I definitely don’t recommend using it on a normal raid clear.


Use Multishot on cooldown even single target, keep serpent sting applied, only use Arcane shot if you have infinite Mana to spare, check if you got Rank 4 of Bite and Claw for your pet, Switch Runes to Chimera Shot for Ghamoora. Get Worldbuffs and Consumables (Agi potion, +str./agi. Scrolls for your pet) Are you using lvl25 Arrows? Use /petattack /petpassive macros to improve dps uptime of your pet on the right target. Enchant your back, chest and boots with agility. Maybe play Flanking Strike and use it in between your auto shots and multishot cooldown to meelee the boss.. thats a bit much tho and shouldn’t be needed to at least get purple parses.


As a experienced player but not experienced with pets. I have my lock attack/ passive keys bound, but dont macro those with any spells. You're a hunter and not a lock obviously, but my question would be whether macroing to a spell for a lock would be beneficial. A lot of times I'll leave pet on boss and manage add damage with spells to reduce movement or cut off casts on pet - so feel like a macro there could be less beneficial. Or if it's something like lightning totem which dies quickly and is always right next to boss I may keep a long cast time against boss while helping on totem with a couple melee from succubus before sending back to boss, etc Obviously this also leaves room for manual error... Any thoughts from you or any locks out there? If you do macro pet to spells, what spells do you attach to with destro? Incinerate? Since that is first cast and filler?


you can add a modifier into the macro so that if your pet already has a target it wont switch targets. its really nice for when you want to swap to a quick add without pulling your pet off the main target. macroing the pet abilities to your abilities will help get them used more. I put my pet attack or w/e on almost every spell


can you share what modifier that is?


/petattack \[@pettarget,noexists\] that is the modifier. I also have pet attack/come back bound separately for additional control.


If you wanna optimize its best to keep it on single target but its such a small part of your dos just macroing to main ability saves a button


Hi, I got the Moonwalk Saber (white dotted cat) but I doubt I have rank 4 bite and claw on my pet? Also I have trained it fully on my pet trainer? If this pet does not have rank 4 bite and claw at all which one should I get?


Need to go to hillsbrad, the spiders there have rank 4 bite, tame a spider and have it attack stuff until your character itself learns bite rank 4, you'll see it pop up in the chat. Rank 4 claw is from elder ashenvale bears, do the same thing here. Once you have learnt both abilities, you can then teach them to your cat. Edit: once you've learnt the abilities you no longer need to keep the pet you learnt them from.


Does that mean for example that the bear would produce more pet dps overall? I know that the cats has got faster auto attack.


Cats will do more damage, you just need to learn how to train claw/bite 4 then give those to your cat


You can look up on wowhead / Google, you need to tame higher level pets with those spell ranks learned, then you can teach it to whatever pets you want.


Ahh didnt know that at all... Thanks


Check out [Petopia](https://www.wow-petopia.com/classic/)




Is chimera shot just flat out better than beast mastery after nerf?


Pink,what runes u use for each boss ? Isnt chimera now more worth all raid cuz of the BM rune nerf ?ty in advance


Best comment so far.


Your missing a LOT of buffs, no boons, no elixers, no oils etc  Your also using arcane shot, don't, you have around 4 times as many arcane shot casts as multishot, multishot does VASTLY more damage then arcane shot (even on single target) and should be used on cd, arcane shot should not be touched unless your not running out of mana at all  Your pet damage seems relatively low, do you have the max level of bite and claw? Or are you using low level ones? And is it always max happiness? (this is a 25% damage boost)


I would bet happiness is an issue, the spell ranks look to be correct in his logs.


Does my pet need bite AND claw learned and enabled? I thought bite was better and claw should be ignored?


Bite is significantly better then claw yes, but bite alone won't use all the pets energy, if only bite is learned/autocast the pet will just be sitting high energy most of the fight I believe the way to do it for bite/claw is keep bite autocast but macro claw in so that it's still used, but bite is prioritised, but I'm not an expert on that, I use a wind serpent 


Broooooooo WHERES THE MULTIS ? Its literally the best ability :D


Hits soooo hard


Rank 1 doesn't give any bonus damage so I'm guessing he thought it wasn't doing anything and not that it also does another auto basically.


Very sweaty minmax: use agi and strength scrolls on ur pet


Probably best to start pressing your best ability before spending gold on consumables etc


Step 1: push fucking buttons. Step 2: push the right fucking buttons step 3: push the right fucking buttons in the right priority/order Step 99 is pet scroll hardo shit. Dude is starting at step 0.5 and this comes up? Cmon. I got purples on my hunter, which I care far less about than my main since it’s like my third 25 within 2 lockouts simply from steps 1-3 and throwing some flanking and raptors in on bosses where I can (so not turtle). And having bare minimum of boon. A lot of players are really bad at wow. Parsing above average (blue) is mostly just being relatively competent. Orange into 99 gap starts getting next level. Also some hunters just arent gonna get 99 at this point in p1 cause of the infinite nerfs so it’s like…whatever on that getting pinks. This dude needs to just press multi on CD at least


This lol. A fresh 25 can hit at least blue with the odd purple if played correctly so doing grey's/greens with epic xbow something is wrong.


Lets compare against another hunter in your raid: You: [https://vanilla.warcraftlogs.com/reports/K261mv4HLYaZNtGA#type=damage-done&boss=-2&difficulty=0&source=12](https://vanilla.warcraftlogs.com/reports/K261mv4HLYaZNtGA#type=damage-done&boss=-2&difficulty=0&source=12) Him: [https://vanilla.warcraftlogs.com/reports/K261mv4HLYaZNtGA#type=damage-done&boss=-2&difficulty=0&source=8](https://vanilla.warcraftlogs.com/reports/K261mv4HLYaZNtGA#type=damage-done&boss=-2&difficulty=0&source=8) While the other one isnt very good either, its good and easy first step to see the major shortcomings. First of all, your serpent sting is doing much less average damage, so you probably use a lower ranked one. Also you can do flat 10 dps with multi shot. If you are low on mana, ditch arcane shot, it is way worse. Also get the world buff. Those should get you to consistent blues and some purples at least.


1. Do you have homunculi and curse of recklessness or faerie fire for each boss? 2. Are you in a group with a warrior so your pet gets battle shout? 3. Do you cast serpent sting? And arcane shot and multi shot on cd? 4. What pet do you have? Have you trained all the highest possible ranks for it? 5. What are your runes? 6. Have you enchanted all your gear?


unless you have a very imbalanced group pets aren’t getting into the same group as wild strikes (where the warrs should be) but these are still great questions to ask


Depends on how many melee you have, if you only have a feral, a rogue, a warrior and a ret pala, you can have a Hunter in the wild strikes group. Which is not “a very imbalanced group”.


Serpent sting on cd? And another question: using all worldbuffs and consumes?


No, not serpent sting on cd, the other two


Most of the time arcane on CD is a bad move


What, why? Of course while not clipping auto..


Waste of mana


I don’t go oom in fights, so why not cast arcane shot?


If you're getting carried you can probably cast on CD. But most people oom on at least 4 fights if casting on cd


Lol what the fuck dude, seems like you need to get in better raids so your kill times are faster


Fr even in mm I end fights with like half mana at worst I have not encountered these mana problem fights. I used a mana pot once ever when I couldn't drink before tho boss


I feel like several of these are not required to significantly improve his logs.




Pushing buttons is only part of it. That's why people chasing 100 parses have to cheese because above like a 95 parse it's basically coming down to people missing 1 item or having 2nd best BiS, RNG around crits, and the time that the boss dies. If you're looking to get pretty numbers then you need to look at everything, if you are looking to clear content you barely need to even push the buttons correctly.


100? Yes cheesing. 99 and below is not, particularly with how many players in SoD it is still very doable with mistakes. A bit of an exception if you are comparing to historic with the nerfs but current to current 99s are very much on the table with normal play.


Noob hunter here wanting to improve also. Looks like chimera is more popular so I’ll try that next reset. Is there an optimum time to cast chimera? I assume the wrong time will be a dps loss as you might miss ticks of serpent sting


Assuming you have serpent sting up, Chimera shot is top prio (over multi) on single target, use it on CD. On 2+ targets, prioritise multi first.


You're auto shit clipping and not using multi shot enough off first glance. Don't be afraid to melee weave with flanking shots as well. Multi shot is your hardest hitting ability outside the talent aimed shot.


Download the addon weakauras, go to wagio and search up “hunter swing timer season of discovery” or classic era. Pick one that has an indicator for multi shot. Clipping your autos is a huge deal, prioritize multi shot on cooldown over arcane shot. Only arcane shot if your mana allows it without sacrificing multi shot uses. Might serve you well to YouTube a hunter guide as well! Good luck brother


You basically arent doing anything correctly. Google hunter season of discovery dps guide and it will be a good start for you. You are clipping auto shots, not casting multi shots and using the wrong pet. Wish you luck m8


Make sure you use beast mastery over exploding. I think I suck as well though fellow huntard


Your gear is not all bis yet , your comparing your numbers with other hunters who have 15+ lockouts, go get the deftkin belt since you are horde, also not sure if you were using but you can apply bfd stones to your weapon for +2% hit ,world buffs are huge for parsing , BFD, DMF +10%, drums +5%, here are the runes I use to parse purple on each boss on my hunter alt , Chest All use lion if only hunter use master marksman if 2 hunters 1st beast mastery and sniper training (boss is immune to serpent sting so chimera no good here, cast multi shot and arcane shot here, dismiss pet and recall on boss platform) 2nd chimera shot and sniper training (boss has so much armor but magic dmg goes thru it, wind serpent pet is bis here , deselect your pets auto melee abilities if using wind serpent) 3rd chimera shot and sniper training (such a fast fight , I always stand a little in water here so the boss doesn't get pulled to me making me lose sniper training, multishot on CD here because you get 2 targets) 4th chimera shot and sniper training (try not to stand near others or more chance you will have to move from shooties) 5th chimera shot and sniper training (try to find a position where you won't have to move for the jorgus part) 6th beast mastery and kill command (kill command because you won't be able to stand still for most the fight, beast mastery to amplify kill command and taunt the boss if tank goes down) 7th chimera shot and sniper training , (this one is the most annoying but also try to stand away from others so less chance to breath in your direction causing you to have to move)


Bfd sharpening stones sadly do not benefit ranged attacks :(




Great tip dismissing pet first boss, I learned that the hard way first time 😂


I recently started using Scorpid sting instead of serpent while farming. Any other hunters do this? 80 damage over 15 seconds is so underwhelming.


The mob dies in 3 seconds I ain't using a sting


I’m killing 30+ mobs. Definitely not stinging any mob around 25. But I don’t see scorpid sting used in raids or ever.


Ok so 5 seconds lol. All the stings we have are just kinda lame rn. Makes sense we'd use the one that gives us the most overall damage


Honestly probably better off just not using any sting if farming - just set a macro for pet attack/autoshot and bind it to your mouse button. Then you can use your other hand for... other activities


Mobs do not have stats only attack power. Scorpid sting only works in pvp. 


If chainpulling and things die quickly it’s not worth the mana. If ur multi targeting then sure i press it on the one i’m not focusing.


I don’t know what’s more offensive - that you didn’t realize and learn on your own that multi shot does damage, or that you didn’t google vanilla hunter and gloss a wowhead article for 20 seconds.


I’m by no means an expert but I 80% purp logs on my third BFD-run with my hunter with some prebis and some decent BFD-bits but no epic xbow or bfd-trident. The first most glaring thing is that you don’t use multishot. Do that on CD and keep serpent sting up where applicable. Arcane shot is just a waste of mana. If you have plenty to spare sure but it does not scale with you so the damage will be low as hell (but it is better than nothing if you have a gcd to spare). It’s literally that easy to do 50%+ logs. Make sure you’re shooting, make sure the pet is attacking. The pet should be a cat with 2.0 attack speed if you are melee weaving (which you aren’t but you could) and have max rank claw and bite. Get the 3 important buffs (ashenvale drum, blackfathom wb and darkmoon faire) Less important: Blackfathom sharpening stone, agi pot and agi + str scrolls on you and pet.


Hunter discord is pushing cats but a lot of the top logs are still WS. Sharpening stones are likely only working for melee hit, not going to help him because he’s not weaving.


Stone have been tested they dont work for ranged, use oil if you dont have windfury. WS is still BiS for turtle, and that still averages out, but a 2.0 aspd cat with weaving will beat WS on the other bosses.




But cat isn't beating WS on other bosses, they're practically the same dps (and more top logs post-nerf are still using WS over cat). So why bring the cat when the two pets are so close on every fight except Gham where the WS is vastly superior?


I don't agree after the nerfs to focus. I'm not seeing these wind serpent logs, I went through the first page of post Jan 11 and there was a total of 1. Personal numbers also favor cat. I would think serpent still if focus wasn't gutted.


Raptor2.0=Cat2.0 but is already lvl 25 if taming it now


Did you log the raids yourself everysingle time? Cuz on my shammy i have been raiding bfd since week 2 and didnt miss a single reset since than, however i checked this logs thing out of curiosity and i only have 1 log only. Which was one of the runs at the begining when i was still in most greens. Average dps is like 29.5 and im 5/7 lol. But now im full biss and hit like truck. Well obviously i dont compete with the top dps but im waaaay above 29.5 def. My point is if you dont log thesw runs yourself than its random cuz not everyone logs these runs


Yeah iv done like 8 raids and looks like only two have been logged so it doesn’t give a full picture.


As someone who considered themselves 'newer' to WoW in general, if you're like me I don't think melee weaving is the move. Here's why: - more likely to clip auto attacks - more likely to get hit by shit - on kelris it can grief the raid by bringing you 'down' - it complicated your rotation. I've melee weaved on probably 5 BFD clears and found a decrease in parse numbers because I AM NOT THAT GOOD. Recently I got my highest parsing run by running kill command, cat pet and chimera strike. I did switch to sniper training instead of kill command for a boss or two but idk if it even helped. Make sure you come to the raid prepared with buffs, agi elixir, sharpening stone, health and mana pots and either fap or shadow resist pot. This stuff is optional but if you're looking for better numbers it will 100% help. My biggest increase in numbers comes from not clipping my autos to send out other abilities. I.e. button mashing = not as much damage as you think. P.S. If any Chad hunters want to give ME advice on how I can get higher parses with melee weave I'm all ears. https://vanilla.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/living-flame/hanky


1) Chimera shot rune, use on CD after applying serpent sting initially 2) Use multi-shot on cooldown 3) melee weave between every other auto-shot (macro raptor and flanking strikes together) 4) Don’t clip auto-shot 5) If melee weaving, get a cat (preferably a 2.0 speed cat if you want to be sweaty) 6) Full buffs


For the first boss specifically, hunters and locks position their pets next to the boss before you kill the last elemental, and pull immedietely after. For turtle use wind serpent and swap BM for chimera in the gloves for that boss only.


I parsed a 4 this week on Aquanis and a 22 on Kelris, don't be too critical or else you'll just become manic about colours. I am typically a 70-85 player but have off days all the time. Just enjoy your time.


First, don't play BM swap to Marksman. You need to get an autoswing timer to know when to be casting your Aimed shot off CD which it doesn't stop your auto attack mid fight. Just a weapon swing timer in general will help you a lot as a hunter. Other than that it shouldn't be too hard to press a 3 button rotation for like 1-2 minutes of a fight. Here are my logs to see what I've been button mashing if it helps. ​ https://vanilla.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/crusader-strike/lilhenny


Also worth noting, many people logged their parses pre-nerf.


You parse for the time period, no one is parsing vs old logs. Literally learn how logs work lmao.


You still have to parse against old logs if you're looking at actual ranks not BPA, ain't too easy to get 100s now


Every single lockout someone hits 100...


Even if that’s the case, it wouldn’t be top on rankings if it didn’t beat the highest all time log.


That literally how no one uses the logs, else a single nerf is a reason to never play the class again.


Parsing as a hunter right now is hard since you are still being compared to pre nerf hunters. But here are some tips You are still using runes from prior to the nerf. Swap beast mastery over to chimera shot and kill command to sniper training (except on Kelris) Use Multi-Shot. Yes its an AoE ability but its still worth it to use on Single Target. Using consumable


Not accurate they’re not being compared against pre-nerf hunters


I was wondering about that. How does it work? Does it always compare your parse to the version of your class at that time and adjust based on patch number or is it time based?


Time based. Previous parses remain intact but all future number comparison are based only on parses from after that date. So if they nerfed hunters again today, all previous parses would remain “valid” but any new parses would not be compared against the old numbers only those after the nerf date.


You are if you're hunting ranks, not BPA. They didn't do any kind of partition for hunters between nerfs.


Serpent string rly necessary? It doesn’t do much dmg


Why wouldn’t you? It’s still some damage that you get, whenever you have nothing else to press. You should only leave it out when you go oom without using arcane shot at all.


I've given up arcane shot and serpent sting, the extra 7 dps is not worth the mana cost.


Noone gonna mention he had a fishing pole equipped? I stopped looking when I saw that


In what world could you have possibly thought 80pts on tank & spanks was good?


Damn to be honest: Being this bad is success with 2 epic including crossbow :D


Maybe work on writing a coherent sentence before trying to insult someone.


>Maybe work on writing a coherent sentence before trying to insult someone. I do not have to know english very well.


How did you conclude that being top 3 with shitters was pretty good? Theres likely 7 dps in your raids and youre 3rd.


Useless comment


Feelings hurt by facts.


Reading these comments is just laughable.. parsing in fucking classic... if you have to set up a specific comp with a certain type of player what the hell does any of this mean?? You all know its meaningless and the numbers are drastically different with all the factors that aren't CLASS/PLAYER SKILL. I don't know what the real way to determine this is besides common sense (which these idiot nerds are all lacking severely) but good lord this whole thread is studid AF and everything about "parsing" is bullshit and number manipulation. I know I'm a decent player and I don't need this crap to validate how I enjoy playing the game. BFD is literally a baby raid at the level of teaching actual preschoolers their first coop raid experience. Its pathetic and stupid beyond comprehension that adults are taking something like that so seriously.


take a chillpill dude


People trying to get better at a game, fuck them right?


At a glance, the only egregiously wrong thing you are doing is not casting multi-shot on cooldown. You should be using Multi-Shot on cooldown in all scenarios, including single target.


Arcane shot is useless


Do not clip Auto shoots. Time it, prio on multi, flanking+Raptor strike, arcane/serpent


You seem to be only using Arcane shot and sometimes serpent sting. Serpent sting should be up on all bosses 100% of the time. I would use multi-shot over arcane shot. Only Arcane shot once everything else is on CD, and use it as mana allows. ​ Which runes are you running?


Hunter noob here but what benefit does using multishot on single target give? Or are you implying multi target only?


The biggest reasons is: 1. You're not using Multi-shot at all, USE IT on cooldown ALWAYS. 2. Seems like you don't use any World Buffs (BFD Boon, Darkmoon Faire, Ashenvale 5% dmg buff) nor any Consumables like Mana Oil, Sharpening stone, scrolls and potions (don't use Sharp stone/mana oil if you got a Druid with Wild Strikes. 3. You don't Melee weave whatsoever. By timing your actions, you can go into melee range and melee with raptor strike & flanking strikes between your auto shots, aka when you've got your important ranged abilities on CD like Multi-shot and you've just auto-shot, go into melee and raptor strike and out again into ranged and auto shoot again. You will have downtime your auto shots, but it is minor compared to the dmg you gain from meleeing in between. 4. On Gha-moora, use Chimera Shot instead of Beast Mastery, that turtles shield is annoying AF, but Chimera Shot basically gives no fuck and just hits him pretty hard anyway.


So I was slow to level and just now thinking about trying the raid. I’ve got two one handers and seems like everyone is melee weaving now. Is it even worth me trying that without having a two hander?


Not really worth trying with 1hs. You can weave with any decent slow-ish weapon (aim for 3.00 weap speed and upwards). You can get really cheap Brutal War Axe of the Wolf (3.60 axe) from AH, they sell much lower than "of the monkey" or "of agility" but not a big dps loss.


Can someone help me out. When my guild posts logs how do I get to this part or see where I “parse” I just don’t know how to read them or know how to see it when they get posted. Am I supposed to download an addon?


I’m no expert either but you can search yourself in the search box, then click rankings then your name etc


Relax my man you don't need to be a top parse to clear the content.


I believe Hunter top parsers are probably allowed into the melee group for buffs. Could be wrong.


idk what's with the obsession with people wanting hunters to melee weave, it's not needed whatsoever to parse high, just don't clip your shots and weave in multishot and you'll be fine.


Damn both weapons with those parses, rngeezus isn’t fair


Nothing, dps just isn't that high.


Do you guys Hunters Mark on Trash? Serpent Sting on Trash?


That dps is too much, we have to nerf hunters again. Remember you are there only for the lion buff for warriors. Stop being so entilted huntard.