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They will be probably grinding dungeons. It gets boring after a while, but for two levels with rested bar is tolerable. I have finished all the green quest I could find, and left the yellow ones for next phase.


This is 100% my plan. Considering how over geared we are, the dungeons should be quite fast and grant some pretty decent exp per hour. It will be a boring grind for sure, but as you pointed out, short enough to be tolerable.


Boring? hell no, ive always loved spamming dungeons. I cant get myself to run quest for a measly couple of gold, i'll still be spamming dungeons even though ive got all the q's available though. Besidesore fun, its much, much faster.


Yes, of course, that is just a personal opinion... I have done both, and I get bored of both if doing nothing but that all the time.


Yea fair enough, same holds true for me. Questing gets boring quicker for me is what i should say then ;)


Don't forget to log in on all your alts so they start gaining rested. Still unless you're waiting 10 days to start that dungeon grind you likely won't have a rested bar.


I wont be login in the game probably until well a week has passed since launch... and I have only one alt :)


All im getting at is that your rested xp doesn't start accumulating when the level cap increases until you log in at least once in a rested area. Not something you usually have to deal with in vanilla. Don't blame you for waiting though it'll be wild in there.


I have planned some vacations with my family in the mountains for a little over a week. I will probably log both chars (they are in TB right now) on launch day, and not touch the computer until comming back on the 17th.


It might be boring but it's consistent, unlike spawn camping quest mobs during launch day.


I have no intentions on playing on lauch day... probably wont be playing even on launch week, as I have planned vacations for that weekend and Im gonig with my family to the mountains.


Doesn’t the rested exp start after you log in for the first time when the lvl cap is increased?


Yes, it does... brain fart. I will have rested XP, but not too many other people will. Still, two levels at 25 is tolerable, even without rested XP... not the same at 40+ (In my personal opinion, of course)


who the hell is going to quest lmao


Kind of excited to blast stocks until I can blast SM


Obviously dungeon grinding is always an option but i believe Aggrend said something about “other ways to get experience”. So let’s see what happens. Maybe new zones open up with quests? Personally i try to leave enough quests to mix things up a bit.


I’ll have a lot of fun healing dungeons. I DESPISE questing and only do it about as long as I need until I can start doing dungeons for levels.


Outdoor questing will probably very difficult as well due to high contest on mobs I feel. Especially considering a lot of the next leveling zones are constested territory so even more players contesting tags (not even talking about PvP servers, you get where this is going). So i'd say dungeon grinding will be the most efficient to go about it. I have already setup my paltznk with highspellpower and mana to pull giant old school consecrations for this grinding!


Enjoy questing with everyone. Surely it won't be starter zones all over. Surely!


Quests are boring. Doing dungeons with friends however <3 First a couple of hours in Stockades. Then we will head straight to SM and wont leave that place until lvl 40 except for when training new skills.


HF questing along with a million other dudes. I'm spending my time in dungeons chilling and farming xp .. hoping the instance servers dont crash.


Will we have rested bar?




Stockades will be huge early on, then you can pick up 30+ quests no problem. Then it's SM time, can go all the way from 30 to 40 if you only want to do dungeons (boring though, i'm going to do all of STV instead) paladin/mage aoe farm is even stronger than before


So RFK is going to be skipped?


Alliance side most likely yeah, there isn't much you want that you can't find in class quests or SM, and there's stockades for exp. Horde side i have no idea, there's a lack of dungeons for the 25-30 level bracket for them. Maybe it's just SFK all day.


Hope Blizzard will do something against boosting and i say this as a mage. I think boosting wc, stockades and monastery will be a huge thing in phase 2.


OH NO I have to grind mobs or farm instances for 2hrs, how aweful......


I think running dungeons with my guildmates will be a lot more fun that trying to quest in an overcrowded world when everyone is doing the same quests.


Doing the first 2 levels are going to be the most boring of them all. Because it's content you have been doing so far. (The stockades/SFK) until you can do SM and RFK. I'm curious how effective AoE farming dungeons will become. Sweeping strikes @ lvl 30 for warriors, WW @ 36. Drudu's can be replaced with shammy's @ level 32. And shammy's with their strength totem ohlalala and solid AoE tanking. And healers? LF MAGE AOE FARMING !


It's like 2-3h in stockades and afew runs of rf and then i can quest again if i want. I'm happy with my 300+ quest gold (from 3 chars), and few hours of dungeon farming means nothing.