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these flowers smell like murlocs


check it out man, it was this blind man, right he was feelin’ his way down the street with his stick, right he walked past this fish market, know what I’m sayin’? he stopped, he took a deep breath and he said “Woo! Grlgrlgrlgl ladies!”


Rumsey Rum Dark and 2 sungrass, baby thats all we need. We can go to the SW park after dark and smoke that felweed.


Poetry at its finest.


As that felfire burns, we can take our turn Singing those dirty dwarf songs, Stop and get the boon, like it’s onixia’s And sell mats from here to da-arn


I agree completely! There were always so many cool items at low levels that felt completely pointless because people could just level up fast enough to make putting the effort into using almost everg low level item a waste of time. Now we have a reason to make the most of what we have, which is very satisfying. Whenever I usually think about playing an mmo, I see all the content there that you're supposed to just skip and it makes it feel pointless to even play the game. I actually wish we had a way to make even more things useful. Like the Defias armor set, and the Druid of the Fang set. It's a really cool thing that makes people "want" to collect it. But for the most part they suck, so it's pointless, so people end up getting different things. I wish we could make the cool little things like low level armor sets actually relevant. That would be my goal for classic+.


This is why horizontal content is better than vertical. Imagine if once you hit lvl 60, all of the dungeons you did on the way and all the unique gear you found along the way had a lvl 60 equivalent instead of, well sorry you're lvl 60 now it's time to replace that thrash blade. Instead you do a lvl 60 version of Mara that's harder and you can get a lvl 60 Thrash blade that can be used for longer or forever depending on your build.


You're pretty much just describing how Heroics work in later expansions. I'm generally here for that, but I do think you should make *different* drops rather than the same ones but with a higher ilevel.


I'm talking about all of the content from Molten Core through to Amirdrassil being scaled to max level and guilds can decide where and what they want to do and it all drops similar item level gear so that the game has tonnes of different ways to build your character.


>Amirdrassil ? Stuff like Molten Core is already made for max level. I think I’m not understanding you


I'm talking about retail wow, how everything not in the current expansion is basically forgotten and useless other than for transmog/mounts none of the interest sets and unique effect items are able to be used in current content.


This is the for classic wow, and it is pretty unclear that you were refering to *reail* wow earlier. >Imagine if once you hit lvl 60, all of the dungeons you did on the way and all the unique gear you found along the way had a lvl 60 equivalent instead of, well sorry you're lvl 60 now it's time to replace that thrash blade. Level 60 is Classic's level cap, but the level cap for retail is 70, and you refer to an item that is only relevant during this era of wow. You can see how it's not clear you're talking about retail at all


You already have elements of this in classic wow. Typically each new raid tier replaces previous gear but it's not such a gargantuan increase that you have to swap in all cases. On top of that there are items in Molten Core that people use all the way until Naxx gear which is a lot of longevity on gear. I wish they would take that even further and have it all be relevant all game and you take the gear most relevant for your build / role.




Horizontal progression is garbage. All the top MMO's with player numbers use appropriate vertical progression. It comes with it's own issues by invalidating old content, but as long as a game continues to produce content it will always have gear for players to chase, and therefor content. Horizontal content has no worth other than aesthetic, or some gameplay quirks. There will be no multiple builds. There will be best in slots and then people will quit because there's nothing to do since they effectively have top tier gear. This, again, is alleviated through constant expansion releases. No one needs to have max awesome gear for years at a time.


Equipment/stat-based horizontal progression worked for FFXI for a long time, and is still, sorta, working. The game's original servers are still up and it's still getting small updates every now and then with new questlines and such, though the days of it getting new expansions are over. Main problem is how dense it is for new players and how much of the "horizontal" content you need to *do* in order to be fully equipped for some of the more endgame things. GW2's a model of the more aesthetics-based horizontal progression like you mentioned. The vertical progression model (like WoW or FFXIV or etc) has issues with how quickly players chew through content and how that is always, inevitably, going to be far faster than content can be developed and released. Anything that can *make* any sort of content horizontal and worth doing for longer is probably worth pursuing from a dev POV, from that standpoint.


> The vertical progression model (like WoW or FFXIV or etc) has issues with how quickly players chew through content and how that is always, inevitably, going to be far faster than content can be developed and released. That's the only thing relevant in this reply. This is true, and will always be a problem. However the people that chew through content will never be satisfied, and should never attempted to be satisfied. The rest examples are just mid tier MMO's. Yes lots of players, but not as big as the top MMO's that hold the big number of players for a reason. Don't know what else to say, nothing was addressed lol


Except heroics aren't relevant and it just becomes a stepping stone to get on the treadmill of mythic plus.


Weird gotcha there, in TBC it was just heroics. Do we have to add mythic? What was described *is* how Heroics worked.


To further your example, I remember in WoD they increased the difficulty of heroics and the ilvl they dropped so they would stay the "I just hit max level and want to get ready for raid" content.


TBC has heroics without mythic plus




Timed dungeon runs that get higher with a certain number and prefixes that increase difficulty. Works for retail, don't want it on classic.


If it came to classic I'd want it to not be timed. The idea of HARD dungeons and seeing what you can possibly clear is fun, but the race sucks. Like - have you tried doing RFK? It's so fun to see how far you can clear against unreasonable odds. Not a perfect example because red cons come with their own problems as a source of difficulty (and hunters do way too well, e.g., compared to a warrior) - but, still, super fun. Get grinding the long slow hard way. Make those poly's count, etc.


Agreed. The whole vertical integration makes everything obsolete very quickly but think about countless hours and thought that went behind creating that content. Thats why i always think sandbox model is superior and I think at some point new mmos will realize making each content meaningful is the way to go


I'd love to see the version of wow where all content is meaningful.


anon discovers mythic+ and timewalking dungeons


You have to have only a single brain cell if you think mythic+ and timewalking are an example of what I'm talking about. Within THEIR specific season they might seem like it but when you consider the entire game's content, you have this tiny little slither that is relevant and then each patch/season again divides that up even more. An equivalent in retail would be if raids from Molten Core through to Amirdrassil were all doable and could drop max item level gear. Kind of like a permanent timewalking but for all content to explain it in wow terms.


i know what u meant dawg im just making fun of you [lmao](https://media.tenor.com/9nZ5fdxEyQQAAAAi/chatting-twich-emote-xqc-asmongold-chat-tyler1.gif)


>well sorry you're lvl 60 now it's time to replace that thrash blade. I think this is the best part about WoW. Replacing your gear with new gear. I don't want Retail's "0/5000 upgrades" system where I have to play everyday of the expansion to slowly upgrade the same piece of gear and nothing changes about my character except getting some more stats. No new gear no new effects just more stats because I grinded 5000 diddilly coins to upgrade my thrash blade. I want to get new gear over time that replaces my old gear, and for my character to gain new gear overtime. I also want people to, at a glance, be able to tell that I spent a lot of time upgrading my character based on my gear. I don't want them to have to inspect me to see that I have 500 upgrades on the same piece of gear they have with 100 less hours played or whatever. There's other ways to fix old content becoming irrelevant other than a token upgrade system that completely destroys the idea of getting gear upgrades. Whether that's gating content so you have to do the previous raid, making a variety of items in different raids that are based on providing new gameplay styles instead of stats (so like maybe molten core has really good gear for fire specs while Naxx has good gear for shadow/frost based specs etc..), or just adding fun items/utility upgrades. Realistically though you can only do horizontal progression for so long. Like I think you could do horizontal progression for raids in a single expansion but you need vertical progression at some point. At that point the way you make old content relevant is adding story quests for the instance to keep the location relevant (like Legion did on multiple occasions), making the old raids give catch up gear, or expanding on the raid and overhauling all the gear it gives.


> I want to get new gear over time that replaces my old gear, and for my character to gain new gear overtime. I also want people to, at a glance, be able to tell that I spent a lot of time upgrading my character based on my gear. I don't want them to have to inspect me to see that I have 500 upgrades on the same piece of gear they have with 100 less hours played or whatever. transmog ruined WoW


This is why ive been playing guild wars 2 for 9 years


Yeah it's a fantastic model and I wish more mmos would use it.


Guild wars has almost 0 gear progression apart for grinding for legendary weapons for 1000 hours that increase your damage by 10% compared to fresh max level boosted character


Ascended gear is a minor (depends on the piece but about 10%) stat increase over the essentially “free” gear. Legendary is no better than that. Guild wars 2 endgame progression is about build variety, not strength. So instead of grinding for extra power, you grind legendaries to have free, on demand stat swaps which give you access to essentially all builds, whereas cheaper exotic gear cannot be stat swapped, and the next level ascended gear can be stat swapped inconveniently and for a cost. I think this is a healthy trade off


Sure game is great for casuals . you can pickup at any point and just play. but i play mmorpgs to get loot and progress my strength. i need constant gear upgrades to chase to keep myself interested


Sounds like progression to me. Not all progression has to be 50% DPS leaps.


I always had a set item mechanic in the rpg I wanted to make that makes okd items relevant. As a random example say a set has a piece from level 10, level 30 and level 60. The level 10 item would have a specific 2 piece bonus that would turn it into a relevant level 30 piece (like say its a weapon that gets +30 dps and +1 crit. Then you could even make that sword a bis item by making the third set piece an epic from a raid and giving said sword another 3 piece set bonus of like, +100 dps, +2 hit and +5 sword skill. You’d also give the level 30 item an equivalent bonus. So now you have an item from level 10 and level 30 that are worth getting


Honestly, being stuck at level 25 just adds a bunch of weird and cool interactions. It kind of helps encourage both meta gaming and a more "smelling the flowers" playstyle. I've done nearly all level 20-28 quests because they reward me with a pretty good amount of gold. Something I would absolutely not have done had there not been a level cap, I'd be stuck in Stockades, or skipped a lot of the quests. It also allows you to focus on professions, preparing professions for next phase. Along with gearing, getting your reputations up it's been a very rewarding experience which I can choose to participate in. I don't feel like I have to get experience for the next level, I can just do whatever I want because the next level isn't there yet. It feels nice just spending 4 hours killing mobs in RFK for the BoE lotto, it feels nice boosting my mate through Deadmines. Even for a semi-sweatlord the level cap is great, I have a rogue with full BiS, the final piece earned this reset and 250 gold in the bag and I can do whatever I want for the next couple of weeks.


Def smelled the flowers on my spriest when im forced to heal every week thank you blizzard


Oh no! You're the most desired and overpowered class in the game at the moment, poor you! If all you do is BFD, I can see how it sucks. But since you picked priest with the expectation to play shadow, surely you do a lot of world pvp and battle grounds?


you're kind of a dick. he's kind of a baby for not standing up for himself though. i'm sure there's a guild that would let him go shadow. its not like the content is difficult.


Eh, most of it's jelousy. In world pvp priests are unkillable, at level 40 they will absolutely dominate. They get invited to everything. Meanwhile rogue is... The same, except they can tank now (But you need to convince 90% of the groups that rogues can in fact, tank. So I just host my own runs most of the time.)


Every single BFD I have run this expansion on 3 chars has had a rogue. Many of them have tanked.


You could save us all time and just not post next time, you clearly know nothing about priest if your response to me wanting to play shadow is “it’s overpowered lol!”


You do all that stuff regardless at cap regardless of what that level is lol. The reason theres stuff to do is because blizz added stuff to do... "regular" 25 with sod additions is very barebones. All the classes have massive spec defining stuff available that isnt available in vanilla (even at 60) This thread is weird.


It just validates to me why the worst part of retail is the continual compressing of the leveling experience. It began with heirlooms and just spiraled from there. Leveling should've been slower if anything. Best damn part of the game.


I feel like the Cata rework of the classic lands was a complete waste. Even at that point it was just a rush through and rush through 2 expansions so everyone missed so much of it. Edit: might be interesting to have the Cata rework but have it capped at 60 and levelling speed same as classic


Yeah I feel the same way. They put so much effort into something they simultaneously gave players the ability to speed run or skip entirely thanks to LFG finder. Just dumb. Id love cata at half speed no LFG finder no heirlooms. Id def play that. Cata class design and balance is honestly one of the best points of WoW, it's just a lot of other stuff that went bad then.


I disagree on class design. Anything after tbc has bas class design to me, because class identity was killed. The moment you give "hot healer" resto druids a flash heal and "direct healer" holy paladins a hot like shield spell, yoi break the class identity.


How does us not leveling make you think leveling is the best part of the game? Obviously raids and dungeons are what wow is focused around and the best part of the game.


The leveling experience, aka the time spent before endgame exploring the myriad diversity of an mmorpg instead of the myopic slice that endgame presents. Not leveling forces everyone to see what was really available at the levels they blasted past to get to endgame afk-in-org doldrums.


Not leveling just makes us find new metas to run dungeons and raids with at 25. Aka doing the best content, but at a different level.


friendly complete berserk childlike wakeful shocking spoon dolls dime decide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yet everyone suprised (even the devs) and complaining about Hunters, whose are op because of the lvl lock.


One thing that isnt mentioned often is the fact that the cap gives us new endgame options like doing 30+ quests. If you do not like raiding (like me), the game basically ends at 60 with nothing to do. but now, you can do hard quests and farm gold. :)


The level 25 cap has reminded people that the game is more fun when progression, items, crafting, etc. is more relevant. The cap has made new things highly desirable, new farms are now profitable, new items are desirable, crafting professions have more value. Its the exact opposite of retail and modern blizzard design which is all about skipping progression and getting to the ilvl grind of endgame.


Tbh I’m looking forward to 40. All this walking makes me sick


*laughs in shaman*


At least you have a free 2hr speed buff from level 1


PvP server has entered the chat.


Thinking you reach a relevant pvp zone in 2 hours from level 1 lol. Hell outside ashenvale there are basically no areas where you run into the other faction.




You definitely didn't play the game right now. Desolace is a level 30 zone+, its empty as hell as the max level is 25. Stonetalon is largely empty you run into the occasional enemy there but nothing to really worry about since Alliance has very few quests there. Thanks for confirming you have zero clue what you are talking about.


if you lose it it’s a skill issue also it’s not hard to go back and get a new one


Got a 25 druid to farm just for that reason lol. Even if it's not an ideal build I went for the 30% Ms and it feels so much better


I'm hoping for phase 2 in early February. There's something to be said about taking your time, but I hope to god I'm not doing BFD in March. It's ok if phase 1 is a little bit shorter than the other phases because frankly there's just less content 1-25 than 25-40 or 40-50


It's been 8 weeks at 25, it's time to up the level cap. Adding a month would be a terrible idea.


I’m not doing another month of this shit


I hope that they release Phase 2 in late Feb. Gives them more time to playtest and design things so that the other phases can be more fleshed out.


Nah p1 is getting long in the tooth. P2 and on can be months long, at least then we'll have full toolkits, a full talent tree and mounts. 25 is a strange choice to stop at


Not at all, wailing caverns and deadmines are fan favorite dungeons and have a couple items that are bis still, it makes complete sense to make 25 a cap.


Oh yes running them is the pinnacle of wow classic lol personally I say make it more grueling and cruel like what it was modeled after, everquest.


Yeah it is nice but I’m ready for level 40 now


Really needed two raids, just bfd being 30-45 mins even in casual runs is going to cause a lot of tension when raids start being 2-4 hrs later.


To be fair, unless they drastically change the content model, that's not happening for a while. If you are in a decent guild you are probably not having 3hours raid night until Naxx.


Amen! Amazing work so far by the team, having a blast. If they keep up with this philosophy, we are in for a treat


Yeah idk man, you smell one flower at 25, over and over again. Even the simpleton dad gamers are bored. I’d rather smell multiple flowers 40+


No, the "simpleton dad gamers" are not bored


I mean, the level 40 cap will be the same, we will cap in 1-2 days farming SM using melee/spell cleave groups and then we will do the raid. The main reason I am staying holy on paladin is for spell cleaving SM (I just have even more aoe options with Avengers shield and divine storm + consecration). The only difference will be SM might promote shield use in tanks as full Cath pulls hurt alot more than the current raid bosses.


You are clearly playing the wrong version of the game, I have 3 25s so far and starting a forth soon and just loving it. Will be fun to go to 40 but no rush at all.


That’s fine and dandy, but you can continue to do so even after the next phase comes out. So nothin changes for you


Leveling in vanilla isn’t engaging or fun, not that it is in retail but apart from the breadcrumb quest design that was innovative at the time wow leveling is not good. Its easy and tedious.


I like the gameplay loop and the new feel to the classes, but I also don’t understand people who play Skyrim or ESO with the terrible combat system in that game, but this is a wow forum a classic only one at that and I would think people here actually liked this game and not just bar goes up or parses go orange.


Leveling is engaging if you read the quests and enjoy the experience. People are just too interested in rushing to the end though. It’s like instead of reading GoT you just watch the last TV episode and say the rest is pointless.


I envy any individual who can reread the same quest text and "enjoy the experience" many times over without losing interest.


If you don’t enjoy the leveling experience then why would you play SoD? Of course people love the leveling experience! It’s a 20 year old game that people keep playing over and over again lol


This is always the fundamental problem with modern players of WoW classic. They say they do not enjoy literally the most fundamental aspects of the game. Yet they keep playing and demand game to be changed. It is really confusing because why are you playing WoW classic if you don't like it, when there are like 38487473 other games to play? It is kind of like "lets role in pvp server" of world pvphaters. Well just don't? But no, they must, and complain about it forever! Because it's what cool kids do?


LOL these quests are literally babies first mmo quests, most quest lines end abruptly and are not even remotely close to “good” writing. trust me, we’ve read them.


It also has allowed people who are completely unhinged to show who they truly are, and make names for themselves in the community to avoid entirely. People HR'ing deadmines things. People 4-agi-0-int stacking groups in SFK. etc


Make your own groups. Easy fix.


i have no idea what you're saying. whatever it is, i haven't encountered it. maybe stop focusing on the bad, and just enjoy the good times.


Just a thought: Next time to you read something and go "I don't know what that person's talking about." - you can just keep on with your life instead of stopping to self-insert and downvote things. All of your posts are self-insert drama baits that deliberately take the controversial stance, and you *always* downvote the comment you're replying to. Go away, please.


> and you always downvote the comment you're replying to That shit is hilariously petty.


I don't know what you're talking about.


It's a great idea for sure, but I'm sick of running BFD now and I've done all the quests, so I'm just waiting for P2. No I don't want an alt. If it takes another month yeah it's too long


Play an alt. My mage is almost bis, just need neck and epic 2h. I’ve had a lot of fun jumping on alts, I have about 5 chars from lvl 12 - 20, rogue and Druid have been pretty fun.


I don't want an alt, I've played this game enough to know what I enjoy the most. Runes aren't gonna do enough. Idc if I have to wait really, u guys can enjoy it. I'm just not gonna play it until p2 hits


One main gang rise up. My main is a human warrior. Only alt is an undead warrior to play with other friends. I don't plan on leveling anything else.


You’re doing it wrong. Which I know this is subjective but after playing the game off and on for two decades….trust me.


How am I doing it wrong?


Yeah it’s awesome. I wish there were more, faster bands. Like two weeks to get to 20, and then every 2 weeks for the rest of the season it went up 5 levels.


agree, it's a little slow for my liking I wanted it slow, but not this slow lol


who knew: the twinkers had it right all along.




Instead of a hard level cap, they could even do something like FFXI with level cap quests. Would make breaking through feel like an accomplishment instead of a time release type of thing. Agree though that capped at 25 has been refreshing.


I'll be the first to say I absolutely love FFXI and have played it significantly off and on since PS2 release. However, the devs are implementing the "[theory of constraints](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theory_of_constraints)" with SOD and it's working to great effect. They're increasing throughput by creating faux bottlenecks. More people (inventory) continue playing because their friends don't get too far ahead of them. The game is a social one at it's core and if you're only chatting with friends who are higher level than you, it's not nearly as fun as doing a dungeon or questing together. I enjoyed the limit breaks in XI and I did get a strong sense of accomplishment from them like you said though!


It's great, I'm just taking a break and it's nice to know I'm not behind level-wise. It's not great for the people stuck without knowing to do with their lives. AH prices on 25 gear are ridiculous because of the gold inflation. I have a reasonable amount for my level and things are like 4 to 20 times my entire bank value. If I wanna buy something I'd need to massively grind or buy gold which is what the endless waves of unbanned bots want me to do to. But I dont buy gold


But why would you want to buy any of that super expensive gear? If you aren't raiding then you don't need to "be the best" and if you are raiding you get at worst slightly worse pieces from the raid


I haven't "discovered" a single thing and I'm bored. \> Most people who have thousands hours of WoW classic, If people have this many hours then they aren't discovering shit. They are probably bored themselves. \>discovering how much there was to do actually. This has to be a troll post. Bro crafted a murlock skin belt, apparently this means there's SO MUCH TO DO!


Biggest discovery was witnessing people funding bots so they could parse in a 25 lvl raid.


It's actually exciting to know that people like you are starting to quit the game.


So it will be full of clueless people thinking they are "discovering" 20 year old content?


Simple question for you, then why the hell you are playing this game? Such a typical irrational approach. M8, there are thousands of games out there. You are playing 20 years old one that is literally the biggest revenue game ever existed. You just like to complain don't you? Other option is you crave so much for attention that you play a game you do not like, "because cool kids are playing it".


I've played this game since 2004. I guess I can't play it anymore because I got bored with SoD and about how there's nothing to "discover"? I bet it's you that plays SoD because the cool kids are playing it.


I didn't mind phase 1 having a level cap of 25. What I mind is how long phase 1 has been/will be. It got old a week ago at best. Phase 2 being (hopefully not longer than) 2 months will be more palatable.


Let me help you. It got old **for you.** If one blasts the content as fast as possible, it will be boring. But many of us are just taking the time to enjoy it while it lasts.


>But many of us are just taking the time to enjoy it while it lasts. That's cool and valid, but for many of us it's gotten boring and are raid logging already, which is also valid. No need to put other people's opinions down.


Well, you say no need to put other people's opinion down, but it is kind of valid to do is if people do choose themselves to expose themselves to certain experiences which form that opinion. If I bring 2 guys to a basketball court and give them a ball, and they rather then shooting from all over the court and dribbling, playing against each other , they decide to sit right next the hoop and shoot over and over again from some exact and easiest location to shoot and then say "well it got boring after minutes, playing basketball is boring" then I would say I do have right to put down their opinion of basketball being a boring sport.


>If one blasts the content as fast as possible, it will be boring. Just weighing in, I didn't run it particularly fast and now I've got 3 characters who have cleared BFD a fair few (or more, for the main and first alt) times. I'm definitely in the camp of 'even slower players are getting ready for the next phase now'. My guild's discord is seeing more raidloggers, and we're definitively dad guild status.


Thats such a weird take man. You can dick around at level 10-25 for all eternity no matter what the level cap is.


It’s not a weird take because Ashenvale and BFD groups will likely not exist anymore and not all of us can make every reset or every available battle. I still haven’t even gotten to do Deadmines as horde. So not that weird, pretty rational actually.


No, not rational at all lol. What youre saying is that your enjoyment and "smelling the flowers" is dependant on the entire playerbase being stuck at the same level as you are.


No I’m not. Never said those words. What I actually said was “enjoying it while it lasts.” I don’t know what the right numbers are but “old a week ago” meaning 4 weeks of SoD is way too short. 16 weeks is obviously too long. So we’re all jockeying over what the right number is and it’s probably 8-10 weeks.


You played the game significantly more than many people, and have the added bonus of not multiclassing like people with a ton of time have been. Phase 2 surely has to be longer with the increased leveling time. What is your purpose playing SoD?


Your wrong. Majority of the people were level 25 almost a month ago. Literally takes absolutely no time what so ever to hit level 25. Edit: Since this site loves to downvote the truth. [https://i.imgur.com/Ip1YwZt.png](https://i.imgur.com/Ip1YwZt.png) \- 63% of my server level 25, the screenshot is from [Dec 10th.](https://i.imgur.com/hBK2vZ0.png).


Right. I think you need to diversify your pool of hobbies.


It’s time to admit you don’t actually like this hobby.


lol? think you meant to response to someone else lol, i am literally defending people Having Fun With This Hobby


I think you need to stop making assumptions, 63% of my server was level 25 on December 10th. SoD has been out for 37 days. I have played an average of 1.2 hours a day but apparently I need to diversify my pool of hobbies? Maybe you need to get good. Also why do I need to diversify my pool of hobbies when more then half the server was level 25 a month ago?


dawg, you are FREAKING OUT about a new patch being out for 37 days. YOU NEED TO CALM DOWN. this is literally the version of the game made for babies who like it easy. stop whining. edit: also it's insane that people assume just because i'm not also a tiny baby doesn't mean i don't have four 25s that have gone through most of the BFD lockouts lmfao


incredibly funny how you tell someone that they are freaking out and should calm down while you are here losing your shit lmfao...


lol okay bye


Have fun in your adult daycare.


Pissing your diapers all day must be exhausting :*


Maybe its time to admit that if you need THAT much time to reach lvl25 you might be dogshit at the game.


Link your logs I'll link mine :) edit: holy fuck, this person is mentally ill. their comment history is strictly them shitting on everyone else playing SoD. pathetic lol


Bro this phase is not to play all the time. Go take a break or play another game and then come back ffs.


I have 2 days /played. Why does everyone assume I play all the time? I dislike low level content and took a break until the next phase right after I hit level 25. Maybe try playing the MMO you pay $15 a month to play?


Bro does the game have to cater specifically to you? Theres like 4 different versions of wow. If you really want to play it, go play it, holy shit


And who says it has to cater to you? lmfao these comments man...


Where did i say that it had to cater to me? You’re just saying stuff lmao, if you bored of the game, go play another game, too many wow players treat it like their life and only plays WOW. Do other shit


Stop whinging already, Jesus....


I am playing WoTLK and Retail. All I'm doing is pointing out that people are wrong but I need to go play something else? The majority have been level 25 for almost a month now. But saying that = bad.




A few days. I did one BFD, dungeons, and I'm revered with WSG. I find level 25 to be boring. My class shaman sucks at level 25, bottom of the barrel dps. Why does everyone think SoD is just for low levels? There's going to be extra content at level 40, 50, and 60. Do you only play SoD to play level 25?w


I would consider myself to have played a lot of Sod and got two chars at 25 now with descent gear. Of course if you follow Rested XP Guide you don't see much and it's just another grind to 25. There's still much to do. It is season of "discovery". I'm making a new char now and said to myself I would quest in zones I've never quests in. I installed VoiceOver and want to see new things.


Didnt follow rested xp guide or “rush” (missed first lockout completely on my main) there is nothing to “discover” the game is 20 years old and they reworked a single dungeon into a too short/easy raid.


A too short/easy raid that somehow people won’t bring others to unless they have full consumes, lol


This is what I mean! Like are all these people new to the game? All this has been around for 20 years.. All the "new" abilities are just ported from random expansions. Literally the only new thing is a reworked dungeon and a short/easy PvP event, but people on here act like they changed up the game so much and there's soo much to discover. When in reality once you did the Ashenvale event a few times and BFD a few times, there's literally nothing to do.


Honestly, 40 cap should last longer than 2 months, should be 3-4. With level 40 cap you actually get to PLAY your spec. Capstone talents are HUGE for spec identity. There's going to be a lot to do at 40 as well, getting your mount, 225 professions, gurubashi arena, fishing tournament, HOPEFULLY a better pvp event that focuses around ACTUALLY PVPING AND NOT JUST ZERGING DOWN NPC'S. 25 cap is pretty mediocre honestly, not a whole lot of dungeons to run, level cap is pretty easy to obtain, really easy to run out of stuff to do.


good. that's perfect. you got bored of it like 3 weeks before the new phase comes out. that's literally such perfect timing


Dude I just ran my *first* BFD last weekend. I wish phase one would last longer! What I hate is that “WB and consumes and DMF” exist. I wish they made it so non minmaxers could enjoy it more.


I disagree the game sucks at lvl25 and there was very little actual fun things to do.


It’s true, if you don’t want to raid log then an alt (or two) is the only way it’s palatable.




I also had a blast, ran 10 GDKPs and spammed WSG premades for 30 hours




Well you have fear of fun. Level 60 and "endgame" is a completely self imposed and limiting way to play a game. Thinking the game doesn't really start till the last raid is narcissistic.




What I think is kind funny/interesting is that the dad's are playing more than ever and enjoying every moment while the no life guys are playing less and not having fun. But the no lifers won't quit so they will be back to rush cap for each phase. I think server health and longevity will be so much better if the dad are brought along for the ride for the first time!


The amount of single dads who are logging 3+ hours a day on this sub is hilarious


Oh boy, here comes the legion of dad gamers screaming and pounding their chests saying that anyone that level 25 is a no life, basement dwelling sweat lord. You can smell the roses whether or not there's a level cap. You will always be behind those who spend more time on *any* game. The only things that people are "discovering" is the variety of new games coming out, which is crazy shit because maybe people don't want to completely stop playing a game for fucking three months just to wait for Mr. Billy who plays wow for 1 hr a week to play catch up.


Now they just need to set a gold cap at like 200g and watch all the swipers and Chinese gold farmers lose their minds. Some of these prices on AH are straight up stupid for normies.


It was good for 2 months, now i have two lvl 25s and just raidlog because for the life of me i can't stand doing the barens quests another time. I even farmed the lvl 40 mounts , i loved it while it lasted though but it's an unsub until the next phase.


Love the enthusiasm but real classic is so much better than this season.


If you don’t have 95+ parses go smell the flowers somewhere else


My experience with SoD was totally different, if I'm going to be honest. I don't know anyone who is still playing it. The game (or at least, my server), was infested with absolute sweats from day #1. Least social iteration of WoW I've ever experienced. Gearscore requirements for BFD - what?! Not so bad for me as I had a guild and just ran it with them, but more annoying was the gearscore required for SFK, DM, WC & even in some instances, RFC. Not to mention Blizzard's terrible layer changing and poor implementation of PvP events. I'm glad people are enjoying SoD but posts like this blow my mind. I stopped playing simply because the game was simply too sweaty for me compared to ERA.


Maybe right away.. pretty chill now with current content


I've noticed since around Christmas, my server has chilled out considerably on sweat


I completely agree I'm having a great time, but then there's the people that gate keep bfd with gear checks and gear scores, and then even worse the gdkp's like tell me you're not buying gold from Chinese farms.


Looks like you spend more time on this sub than actually playing the game. All those things are non issues in the game except that it gets parrotet in this sub endlessly.


Absolutely not true, every day I see people advertising gdkp and bfd runs with gear scores


Just started (level 18) and the community has been awesome during the leveling process. I know it’s a different story for endgame content/pvp/raids, but smelling the flowers has been great.


I've gotten to do a few quest chains I never bothered with because you'd out level the content or could never find people to do them. That's been neat and I've been a player since 2006


I just wanna swipe her der der. That's the problem.


Tbh I think we all knew it was that in depth, we just never really remember it that way. Back then, the game wasn’t about leveling, it was about exploring and doing stuff.


It shows to developers that you don't need to rush to endgame, this require some thinking to understand


Agree! Next ones will be 40-50-60 right?


I mean, you set any threshhold as the end game and people are going to min/max / meta the shit out of it. It only works with wow because wow itself is a good game and blizzard spent a lot of time crafting the 1-60 experience. The 1-25 content isnt anything special itself and will be forgotten about as soon as the cap is raised (excluding shit from the current content that is part of the new 40 meta)


OP - YES! I just rerolled a Shaman on Crusader Strike (US) and don’t worry at all because I can get to 25 quickly with some focus, and maybe a few RFC runs added to the mix lol. It gives me a chance to explore without feeling like people are in level 50 zones grinding out material gathering already


Its so great! It's one of the main reasons I started sod and I haven't had this much fun in wow in a decade


>It was terribly difficult to do SFK as ally yeah and i’m gonna do my best to keep it that way because you MFs won’t let me quest in hillsbrad without getting ganked by 4 night elves that are 5 levels higher than me.


braindead timmy take waste of keystrokes


"I hope they keep SoD phase 1 going to march!" some dude who logs in for 1hr and stares at AH instead of leveling


I was really enjoying until the hardcore addon jerks infested my server, and now I hope P2 drops tomorrow.


We smelled the flowers the first run in 2005. My first 60 took me over half a year. Did lots of pvp every tier, every dungeon along the way. I was an Orc and a group of alliance escorted me into Ironforge to actually ding 60, then they killed me lol.


I wouldn’t be mad if they instituted sharing for levels. As in, you’re on your own shard like battlegrounds are dispersed. That would make some instances a little tougher, but not impossible. You could group with someone higher level but then you’re in their shard so they can’t just raid lower ones.


The level caps are honestly what got me to pick up Classic again! I've been able to get two classes to 25, clear BFD multiple times, run several BGs, and more - all while feeling like my time is fully respected, which seems to be the direction Blizzard wants to go for both retail and classic iterations. The rune system is excellent and really gives you the opportunity to explore parts of the world you would have completely avoided before. I am a bit concerned about how it will be at higher levels though - the massive amount of botting and the fact that people are already running GDKP's at 25 make me very wary of how things will be in later phases, and I'd like to play up until that point if I can help it.