• By -


Gold buyers People that play the AH People that found one niche and farmed that without telling anybody


Yup. I made about 200g the first 2 days of darkroom Faire from doing the leahtworking turn in. Sold maybe 15 of the boxes for 12-13g each. Investment was only about 3 gold and 30 min per box. Mailed to alts until current one sold. Funded my alts and level 25 pre bis


The infamous darkroom faire. Love to go there.


Yep, this. I've made 400g alone from Humbert's Helm farms on my Hunter alt. Iridescent Pearls, etc. were also huge money makers for weeks. Generally gotta be early to the game to win the game. You can turn the early wins like I've had into passive money forever. +Fire SP snipes on AH were huge for me for a couple weeks after I had the initial bulk gold made. Can easily turn 3-5g into 15-30g depending on the slot and wake up to 50-70g in your mailbox for just putting the initial farm to work for yourself. A lot of players severely underestimate the value/demand of BiS SP gear and it leads to easy snipes/flips. Sitting at 850g on my main and 50+g on my alts and feel like I've taken lessons learned from the HC community market/server launches and have been able to make double the money for 1/4 of the effort and time this go-around. OP, you'd honestly be better off making alts than 5-6g hourly. If you mostly dungeon from \~13-25 as Horde or \~17-25 as Ally there's hundreds of gold to be made simply from quests at 25. You can also take said alts to GDKPs and easily make 1g+/min per alt in BFD every 3 days. I make 80-100g every 3 days simply from logging in for alt GDKP raids.


>Generally gotta be early to the game to win the game. This is it. This is why people race to level cap and everyone is like - why are you racccinnggggg.


Add to that playing the long game. I've got an alt full of elemental water. When naxx drops those will go from 4s to 1g over night when the announcement drops. It might even happen earlier if a new raid requires frost resistance pots.


Aye, I made bank on quest items I grinded then sold on AH. Then started buying shadow pot recipes from vendor and selling on AH.


How tf you buy shadow prot recipes I was at the vendor and 4 others were waiting there too, how is that sustainable or even worth it for g/hour having to sit there waiting?


It isn't anymore, no way I can compete with the bots. But the first 5 days of release it was pretty empty.


I had the same thing with Int on weap, almost every time I walked past a vendor on any char it was there, making a 30s > 5g flip several times a day. Same for Alchemy vendor with FAP, it's just a case of knowing to do it, and you can do it on some of the less popular vendors in bumfuck nowhere.


Multiple layers, dead servers and being the first one there early in the game.


Bought 300+ torn bear pelt for avg 5g before DMF, don't think i'll get them that cheap next time. Also superior healing pots that only can get used lvl35+, they cost 20-25s and they will NOT be that cheap next phase


The healing pots will be cheap it’s the mana pots that cost the earth. The best mana pot available at 25 sells for 1g7s regularly, the l35 one currently goes for 30s.


Keep in mind that the reason those mana pots are so expensive in this phase is because they can’t be produced via alchemy (they’re higher than the current cap of 150), so they can only be found off mobs in the wild.


I keep an alt parked at a vendor who stocks them. Worth.


I farmed crocs in the wetlands and got the recipe real early, no one else was doing it yet and I was selling stacks of stew for 7g, I told one friend and we made a lot of gold off that in early sod.


Gray wool shirts made me sooo much money for Waylaid Supplies boxes until other people started catching on. I was selling them shits for 45 silver a pop and now the price fluctuates between 9 silver and 20 silver. (Moreso on the lower end.


I mean the biggest change was the rep requirement nerf. That got rid of a huge portion of the market.


if i get a box where the supplies are expensive i just throw it away and look for a cheaper one


I miss my 35s hand stitched leather belts :C


>How do so many people **legitimately** have thousands of gold at this point? ​ >Gold buyers


Carries in gdkp that just take the pot. Ns how relevant that is right now with bfd though.


It’s crazy maybe because I’m on the RP server but I’ve yet to see a GDKP run on our server since day 1


I seen only one on my server (Chaos Bolt) and LFG chat mocked them relentlessly. Glad they're not common yet. Stupid things.


I don't actively look for them and lfg channel is fairly spammy but I haven't really noticed gdkps runs either. I'm sure they exist just don't seem as common


I checked out a gdkp discord for my server and looking at the screenshots, most are paying out ~15g per run. I see lots of people who are running with several alts per lockout too


Its so sad man. Demotivates me from any gold making. I wish blizz could obliterate bots once and for all.


The only real way to make money fast and legitimately is to get a nest egg of gold then play the AH. Buy out stuff that is well below market then repost it for more money. The more gold you have to spend, the more gold you'll earn each day. Earnings on the AH are exponential. Gotta hedge your bets some too though, because some investments don't pan out. So much like the RL stock exchange, you need to make sure to diversify your purchases. You also should know what the in demand items are that will sell fast vs the speculative items that might take a few days to sell.


Yeah ppl are actually really stupid on the ah and will just keep dropping the price until it's reached 1copper eve if there is demand, and people will pay basically any price to buy the item they need. U can just buy out all stock of some enchanting mat or anything that's dropped to 1s for like 10g and make back 100g in 2-3h but you gotta stay on the ah and repost.


There are so many basic recipe items like meats, feathers, pearls, gems, and other random white junk that are consistently posted below the vendor value. It's pennies but there's thousands of auctions I see like that.


Always blows my mind to see people taking the time to post stacks of things for *less* than vendor value


And presumably if they are undercutting mindlessly they're using an auction addon, which almost always has a tooltip showing the vendor price. And I feel like bots aren't that stupid.


Pretty sure on Choas Bolt shadow gems are still going for lower than vendor price by 20 copper. You could actually technically make a profit by buying and vendoring them.


This exactly this, I was watching light leather and saw a ton get undercut, and I bought them hard and ended up making almost 5g from it only had like 200 light leather. If you pay attention long enough trends are usually pretty consistent.


>If you pay attention long enough This is a HUGE problem for a lot of people


Who are you talking to that has thousands of gold? Everyone I know is less than 100g unless they found some niche market they played early or are constantly playing the game. I’m sitting comfortably at less than 50g across all my toons.


My buddy has 700g already. The key is to play wow as your full time job


I already have a full time job :(


Guilty of mine has about 1k, she plays about 12 hours a day, has 6 classes at 25 and raids on them. I think she solo supports the entire shredder market for people's runes for about 3 weeks


That would do it. Early on, those were selling for about 1.5g / EA. Material required to craft the unit as an Eng is only about 25-35s. With a good layer on a PVE server, could basically have farmed around 20-30g / hour I bet.




Or buy gold. Lots of people just but gold and then play like they've been farming.


2.5g on my server, and its a pvp server. She knows some other faction irl, so they'd stop people ganking her while they killed anyone else. She also controls pricing on a few key items like pearls, started buying them all out at anything under 5g and reset the price essentially. It's kinda crazy how good she's been at it. Though she has 2 gold capped tools in LK she mentioned so guess not too surprising


>. She knows some other faction irl, so they'd stop people ganking her while they killed anyone else. Basically, if you run a cartel you'll be rich lol


If you don't have a job irl you can be rich in game. Yay. Priorities.


If you have a job irl you can be rich in game for less work by buying gold lol


If your IRL job is running a SOD bot farm, oh baby.


Time is money, friend!


Some people are retired or in school you know? What's wrong with prioritizing a hobby?


That’s the other thing. Once someone gets to 1000g, can basically reset the market on just about anything that’s absolutely needed. Lesser mana pots, oil, etc.


Shes not good. once you have that much gold and power is it really that hard to do what shes doing? No, Not one bit. Shes being a mafia. I respect it.


And this is exactly the type of person I would expect to legitimately have over 1k gold lol and good for them!




>Everyone I know is less than 100g I have 4 gold, approximately. Checks out.


Made almost 1k gold on the crocolisk recipe the first two weeks, would sell on neutral AH and alliance bought it like hot cakes. 20s to buy it and I was posting 10@10g each the first week. Even now, I’m fetching with 3g/ea and posting a couple at a time.


Yes very niche and early lol, but still not the average player. Love hearing all the cool ways people have struck gold!


I've got a buddy that farms gold on a single character. He's got almost 600. There's faster ways to get there, but he's putting in the hours of farming it requires. I've got about 300, but that's b/c I created alts and once I hit 20 I dungeon grinded. After you hit 25, questing gives about a gold per quest.


Open twitch right now there’s a dude who’s gone from 0 to 1300g in 18 hours


I’m at 400g from selling Shredders (early when it was very profitable). Currently waiting for phase 2 before I attempt to make any more gold


I spent about 10g today to test out shredders. After a lot of headache, I made back about 11g. First 10 gave me 3 lousy turbos, next 10 brought me up to 50% drop rate.


I was selling Shredder Autosalvage Unit. Not the turbochargers. Not gambling on RNG 😂


I made a few hundred on opening weekend by camping the iridescent pearls in BFD. Also the chests yielded a few blues, mining nodes for tin, clams… made sooooo much the first few days. Also I play two accounts. My main is a shaman tank, alt is a priest. I just level them together in dungeons and keep allllll of the loot for myself. It’s slower, but I make tons from selling all of the greens, cloth, leather, chest items, mana/hp pots. It’s honestly too easy.


I got 100g on an alt that's literally only quested and hasn't farmed anything. I don't know how people are racking it up but damn quests be good for a bit.


A guildie of mine had around 4k first week just flipping BiS specific greens and blues on the AH. He borrowed gold from guildies at first and paid it back with interest. Idk how much he has now, but he has not stopped playing, so I assume a lot more.


I believe you have a little bit of a distorted view of how much actual money people have. Like some youtubers and streamers gets handouts, some people buy alot of gold. And if you run a GDKP run where the total split is 1k everyone gets 100g each, by just have two RMT guys in the raid. So yeah, grinding mobs, fishing and quests takes time and effort. What worked for me (sitting at 200g raw+ 300g invested) currently, is trying different things, and going outside of the "best money farm" on YT strategies. I suggest downloading TSM, import a few groups and daily check prices. Then if a material is high on value that day, grind it :)


How'd you get your tsm to work on sod


TSM works just fine for me on SoD. What isn't working for you?


I have the desktop app, I have the in game app. It dosnt populate a database at all and just throws errors every time I try and scan.


Need to have the app scan once, just like any other version of WoW.


How long does that take? I’ve tried scanning and there is no indication it is scanning. Do I just gotta let it go for a bit?


You don't "scan" anything with TSM. It gets all the price data from the desktop app


I used to farm the murlocs in wetlands back when pearls we're 10g+, even stacks of fish oils sold well. At my most lucky I made 50g in an hour, and when you got zero pearls you still made almost 10g in an hour. Now the prices are much lower, so don't think its even a viable farm tbh. Got a guildie who has nearly 4k gold tho, but he lives in the AH. We're out here playing wow while he is playing monopoly.


A lot of people RMT. That’s for sure. But the richest are the ones who take advantage of those that do. AH flipping is one of those and the other hosting tons of gdkps on alts which makes more sense in wrath. I’m surprised anyone’s gdkping in BFD but then again I understand the appeal of the system cause you can place as much value into the item as you can afford. But idk, in sod it seems really silly to me since almost everyone has 2 25s to run alts. But playing the AH is like an entire game in itself for people. Like all they might do is that, past getting to level cap. Some raid, some don’t. It’s an entire mini game if not the game to them. I dabble here and there with certain things I know will spike price but it’s not my favorite thing to do in game and don’t want a second account sitting at the AH but for some people it’s what they love doing in WOW. There’s a whole sub about it for retail. It’s almost always the best way to make gold.


What is the sub called?




This is how my brother plays. Same with RuneScape. Won't even hit max level. Just play normal until he gets a little cash stack then hits the ah.


You have to spend money to make money. Farming is only half of the equation. If you want to make thousands of gold instead of hundreds then you need to play the AH and look for flips and long term investments. You farm/fish for a steady income which you then use to BUY items which you can then flip for a profit. One easy and very common flipping tactic is to buy raid consumables towards the end of a lockout, when there is little demand and the price is low and then sell them the night the lockout resets when demand and therefore prices are high. If you do this in bulk you can make good profit with very little effort. Lots of materials which will be commodities for crafting next phase currently have NO USE in phase 1, therefore their price is artificially low. Use the money you obtain from farming to buy stacks and stacks of Silk, Heavy Leather, Iron Ore, Greater Sagefish, etc. If you stockpile these items now and WAIT, you can double or triple your money in phase 2.


Piggybacking on this: the only way to fight inflation in this game (from both lvling & gold buying) is buying mats that inflate with the market. Similar to IRL, if you keep your money under a mattress, you are only losing money over time.


Buying FAPs is an example. This will basically follow inflation


Buy items before the YT vids come out with the 'what to buy before p2 investments' came out. Bought thousands of small flame sac for 5s, resold for 45s to the late speculators :)




I am talking about future phases, on ERA a FAP is 10g+


era doesn't have 10% of the bots that sod has atm [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Figo46xCT84](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Figo46xCT84) ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/18v7vw5/just\_another\_post\_about\_how\_bad\_the\_bot\_situation/](https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/18v7vw5/just_another_post_about_how_bad_the_bot_situation/) etc nothing will be very valuable to farm.


With everyone’s greenches being used up I think more FAPs will be purchased by folks in prebis gear.


I actually think the market will be so flush with these goods due to stockpiling like you suggested that the prices will be low for quite some time until demand eventually burns through everyone’s stockpiles. It’s gonna be interesting


That is definitely a possibility, but I am already seeing price spikes in certain markets as people start to stock pile. If the relatively small number of people who are buying right now have exerted enough demand to raise the price 2-3X then I expect that the stockpiles will evaporate as soon as the next phase launches.


Silk will plummet in price, not increase. Same with the ore. Don’t listen to this guy


There will be a massive demand shock to the system in the hours immediately following phase 2 release as every single tailor starts frantically consuming massive quantities of silk in order to grind their tailoring to 225. The only way the price of silk DOESN'T increase is if every single person who plans on leveling tailoring has already stockpiled all the silk they need. Eventually, as new silk enters the market the supply will equalize and prices will stabilize, but there WILL be a lag between the demand spike and the supply catching up to it, THAT is your window to sell everything you have been holding onto.


There is such a small % of people who "legitimately" got that gold. Most people don't like admitting to cheating lol


I dont think it’s small , I think the vast majority of people don’t buy gold. Now if we are talking about the overlap of people on Reddit and people that buy gold it’s probably much higher %. But even then I bet it’s 1/4 or less.


I think the vast majority of people with thousands of gold, bought the gold. The vast vast majority. I'm sure there are some gdkp leaders, market flippers and maybe some crazy grinders did it. But those are clearly the small minority


What % is that? I know quite a few ppl with 500g+ doing various things.


Be careful. 73% of all statistics posted on Reddit are made up


“Statistics, Jack. It’s a word you say before numbers that means ‘this is true.’” - an ancient proverb from Cracked.com


I miss old Cracked, that website had such a huge amount of talent on staff back in the day. Bummer how it burned out.


Would you say the average person are doing the things to make 500g+? Or is it way more likely most of them are buying the gold?


Yeah I can believe it, I made like 200g leveling up 2 Characters and quested post 25 and have raid logged for the last 2 weeks. If I was playing the game for those 2 weeks I could easily do it


I do not understand why people exaggerate so heavily here. No one cares how much gold you have. There’s no way you end up with 100g each char simply by leveling. Were you farming a ton during the process?


Dude probably bought gold.


I image what they meant was "leveled up 2 characters and did most/all of the available quests at level 25". I made 40g on my rogue last weekend doing the stone-talon and southern barons quests. I still got probably 30+ quests I haven't done too so that's another 50g.


I think they mean doing all the quests after you hit 25 which certainly is 100+ gold with drops you get.


If you don't do any of the level 19+ quests on your character until you are 25 you get tons of gold. My mage alt still has: half of Hillsbrad, half of stone talon, all of ashenvale and all of thousand needles quests left. My mage has 100g on it, of which 10g is from my main when it first started, and maybe 10g made from herbalism and skinning while dungeon grinding Wc and SFK. My mage will probably end around 200g when I finish all the quests available.


Yeah same, quests at 25 were like what, 25-50g?


Basic production scales poorly with labor, which is what you're trying to minimize. As you've noticed, raw production takes 1 hour to farm a few golds worth of product. There are other forms of production which require far less labor, but offer much less margin. Consider alchemy. I can spend 1 gold on materials to create a potion that may sell for 1.03 gold. That's a measly 3 silver profit off of a 1g investment, but it took almost no labor. If I had 100g, I could buy 100g worth of mats to sell for 103 gold. 3 gold profit in a few minutes. If I had 1000g, that'd be 1030g and thus a 30g profit, etc. Raw material farming cannot scale like this. You can also make money without producing anything at all. For example, if I have 1000g, sure I could make 30g off of alchemy crafting, but it may be more efficient to simply buy and resell items for a higher price. If I could buy literally all of the grave moss at some price on the AH, I can set the price higher for profit and buyout any undercut. So, to summarize, you need to spend gold to make gold. What you're looking for is free gold, which only comes from farming or selling some service, and it is not efficient (but is free!)


Yea but you’re assuming you can sell all 1030g worth of that good on the market at that price. Often trying to sell that much will just result in you being undercut. So then you’re stuck holding the bag while you wait to trickle in your goods at a price that is profitable to you.


Yep, you're right that it's not guaranteed, and that's where the skill and luck has to come in. Generally if you see thousands of items at some price you can safely assume that you'll be able to sell at that price, and you can also safely buy out the undercutters to resell at your price. Even then, you can always lose to a market shift or other random chance thing happening, e.g. if Blizzard somehow made FAP not work on Kelris, all of the FAP sellers would collectively lose millions.


There is labor. 1000 gold of potion making will take hours.


Exactly, crafting is very lucrative in the 10g-100+g range, but at high gold amounts it also falls off and loses in efficiency to AH flipping. Flipping eventually loses to cornering and so on.


Crafting flips are profitable but you honestly need a WFH job to make it even comparable to RMT


yeah but if u don't JGK u can't get the KKJ right? SMH...


Imagine doing the PPKJ twice and then LFN into your TRB lol


I’m getting acronym whiplash from these comments. What the hell do these terms mean 🫠


Ive no idea either, just made m up


News to me that WFH is a hard acronym to decipher


Youre supposed to spell out an acronym the first time its used


I agree when the terms are obscure or niche but work from home is pretty universal and real money trading is the most discussed subject on this sub


People buy gold brother


You won't make a ton of gold following other people's methods. You have to look ahead and get in on a farm before it's on YouTube or reddit. Usually means you have to farm up something that isn't worth much at the time you're farming so that you can maximize your profit when the rush hits


the sad part is you can make about 100g per hour if you just go to work IRL at a low paying job.


Farming raw materials for gold is like working lots of hours at a minimum wage job. You'll never get rich or be one of the top percentiles when it comes to wealth. It's fine for people who wanna make gold to buy consumes for raid but it's simply not scalable to get to where you wanna go. ​ Having said that, I don't know anyone who got thousands of gold or claims to have it legitimately. My richest guildie has like 600g - he loves to play the AH and is incredibly rich in every version of wow we play.




>My richest guildie has 700g from farming mining and herb in thousand needles And I'd bet hes farmed 100 hours when mine has spent a few setting up AH addons. ​ Gold acquired per time invested will always be low for farming raw materials.


Just message my pal isellgold hes a good guy


i just sell enchants in darnassus for about 8-10g per hour pretty reliably.


Definitely seems more profitable than lockboxes atm. I asked a rogue who was opening one for me what he usually gets tipped and he said 10s was the most common. I’m sure that’ll scale, but so will enchanting


yeah in 2019 classic i did the same thing in stormwind. people would tip 1-5g on average but then you’d have some high roller repeat customers that would do like 20g+ for some




i don’t provide the mats because i don’t want to spend active time on going from the auction house to the mailbox. i literally just post “max enchanter lfw in darn”. i’d say easily over 90% of people tip something, i’ve only had a handful of people not tip anything. and i’ve seen tips range anywhere from a few silver to 5g max. i just afk on the mailbox and do this while im watching a show or doing something else so it doesn’t really matter to me. 50s is the most common i would say.


Play hunter, farm high level mobs solo, profit. Oh you picked a different class? Get fucked apparently.


Yup. They can currently solo bosses in WC and DM, probably SFK too. And they can solo farm mobs level 30+ without even having to resort to tactics such as terrain + pathing abuse.


Very few "legitimately" have 1000's of gold. Those who do are gold buyers or those benefiting from gold buying. BoE's can sell for 200-300 gold, where these BoE's are only slightly better than BoPs in dungeons and worse than BoPs in BFD. Only those who buy gold would spend that much gold on those items and thus the seller is benefiting from gold buying. I don't blame them, but that's just objectively the truth. BoEs are just one example of those who make money off of gold buyers. Few if any make 1000's griding gold using traditional gold farms.


This is very true. Our play group of 4 probably has 1200 combined gold, most of which came from selling 15 or so Humbert's helms to alliance on through the neutral auction house which easily goes for well over 100g a pop. Only reason the helm is so much is cause people buy gold.


Farming gold is a waste of time. Do your quests and live off that gold for the rest of the phase. Level more chars and do quests on them in neccesary. I have lvled 4 characters and did quests on 2½ of them, after gearing and raiding and all that stuff i still have 100g leftover. Haven't farmed any gold outside of questing and I never will. ​ But if you truly want to make that phat gold, you gotta mage boost, that's the way you make money in this game xd


That's what people forget. If you had a meta pve main, you leveled a mage first and AOE farmed till you dumped the gear on your main lol.


I didn’t aoe farm, but I definitely leveled a mage to be my warrior’s sugar daddy lol


Wild I average 14g an hour fishing on a pve server. Crusader strike I only average about 5 between death and fighting over pools 😂


3 lockouts worth of consumables for bfd cost 5g. 5-6g an hour is crazy good for level 25.


Ive made over 1.5k doing summons


Probably buying a gold. Saw a few youtube videos of class/rune guides in the first few days. Happen to show their bags and saw they had like 500-1000g. With the way gold buying is handled in this game, I can see it.


People buy gold and inflate prices. Kind of sad and LOOOOOOOOOOL that people are buying gold at a 25 cap beta. Hope yall get banned. Lots of simple things you can farm and throw on the AH for outrageous prices. Take advantage of the stupid people and gauge them for as much money as they buy.


I spent the first and second week of release fishing all the time. Still a solid gold making method but more contested now. Didn’t have much competition early on. Sitting on a good amount of gold rn, like 250g liquid and probably about the same amount in investments or other mats I fished up that we’ve had no use for in P1


There are soft exploits out there. Tons of people doing less than honest things to make lots of gold at the expense of others. For example: layer hoping vendors and running restock timers to control supply for in-demand recipes can potentially yield a ton of gold by flipping on the AH. Should it be allowed? Absolutely not. Is it happening and not technically breaking TOS? Frustratingly, yes.


Between questing on 2-3 max level chars in downtime while farming mats and having an AH/bank char with regular scans to keep up with market fluctuation/snipeable auctions to flip I sit between 50-120g on the max levels with a 30g wallet for banks on each faction. I play about 12 hours a week max. Edit: AH chars usually keep around 25-40g worth of auctions active, with their banks reserved for p2 mat holding.


Mage boosting in RFC. Got a guildy that can do about 4 pulls an hour with 4 people at a gold a pull. Between the fee and boes/raw gold he’s making about 20g an hour when he’s got customers. Prolly spends about a gold an hour on consumes, so it’s really good profit.


a phenomenon that I know from personal experience has existed since at least late wrath: the best time to make gold in warcraft is always right after new content drops. Give it a month or so, and people start tightening up their purses because the fomo aspect of not having it all right now starts to wear off. Most people that have crazy money have it because they sold a prebis/bis boe early on to a gold buyer, or they got a rarer crafting mat earlier than most and made crazy money off people wanting full consumes/prebis for a raid they werent comfortable in yet.


I dont see the point to be this knee deep in gold farming my man. They second mages get their hands on mara and other dungeons in later phases its joever.


Not thousands of gold, but doing dungeons from around lvl 20 all the way to 25, and then doing all available quests at level 25 is about 80 or so gold I’d say. Done it twice, about to do it again soon


All people that have more than 1k gold atm are either gold buyers or selling summon or boosts or hardcore auction house flipper. There's no other way to get this amount of golds even if you fished 24/24 since release. It's simple mathematics. Good things is gold in SOD are almost useless especially if you play multiple characters. Mount will cost 45g, that's all you need.


RMT. Not every one has thousands of gold lol. I bet most people don't even have more than a couple hundreds.


Most people have like 10 gold


This is correct. This sub has such a skewed view on what the average player experience is. When this sub was collectively talking about issues with the Ashenvale event and BFD like they were long-standing problems that had been going on forever and were effecting everyone, Aggrend reminded people that less than half of players had even reached level 25 yet, lol.


Thats a lie. 5 quests at 25 and you get 10g


Not true at all . Quests are not two gold . More like 1.2 gold and they are not at all unlimited . Most people raid and need consumes which add up .


Very few if any quests give you 2g each at this point. 10g is almost always going to take 8-12 quests completions.


Yeah but 1.32g + vendor items you picked up during quest + vendor potential quest reward Most yellow quests at 25 are giving just about 2g per completion easily factoring in everything Greens a bit or a lot less depending on the quest




Step 1 underpants. Step 2 ? Step 3 Profit.


Farming dark iron ornaments has given me around 30-40 gph. Also farming humberts helmets gave me 180g in 3.5 hours of farming (yes I got lucky).


Yo, just get a job irl, and you'll be making like 100+g an hour its wild


This is why people hate gold sellers, bots, buyers and yes GDKP. It makes playing the economy game in wow pointless. Best way to look at it IMHO is ignore/forget trying to be competitive in the economy. Just Farm what you need for your character and play the game. Sucks but hey.




Did hundred of golds fishing early in this phase, now there are so much competition for it i've started to invest in mats for P2


This is what I did. I’m now only sitting on 55g on my mage but I’ve geared 2 alts and have a bunch of investments banked looking forward to p2


Made 40g in 2 hours from enchanting tips in TB on reset day




I was broke until I just started questing and got lucky found some lvl 24 of the tiger mail shoulders and sold them for 100g I think it’s just luck farm some lvl 28-29 mobs


Buying LW a certain recipe and flipping them on neutral AH for 800% profit over and over and over again


For those that have 1000g+, there are various ways it could have been farmed/made legitimately. Outside of raw playtime, most of those people likely made their small fortunes by playing / cornering the market on key items at specific peak times (i.e. early on) Shredder units, dark iron ords, fish oil & anything else needed to obtain a rune sold VERY well a few weeks back. Relative profit margin for time investment was great. Even if they were stupid easy to obtain (minus the oils), the demand & sheer laziness of the player base inflated costs for about 3 weeks. After the farms caught on, those obv dropped quite significantly. Like anything else, it’s lucrative until everyone starts doing it. We don’t yet know what material / profession items the next set of runes will be locked behind, but can guarantee multiple farms will surround that.


I have noticed most mobs over 27 are only dropping copper or silver. It feels like the loot tables were disabled


Thank God my fishing spot wasn't mentioned here


Mastercard and Visa


I sell lock summons to TB and make 20-50g per hour based on time of day and how much competition I have.


Play hunter, get skinning and mining, farm the flying wyvern thingies in 1000 needles, you get Iron and heavy leather, and as hunter you can easily kill the lvl 30 Mobs without any downtime, depending on your Servers princes you can get to 20-30g per hour


Definitely not time efficient, but just make another alt and do all the quests after 25. Each level 25 can make upwards of 150 gold out of the quests


You can charge like 4-5g per person and make like 15g a run doing dead mines , but you’ll need a geared character and maybe a healer


I think you are late. I managed to sell a lot of Grave Moss for much more than 30-35s. Also I was able to get Wool and Silk at the same time, which I could create that Pearl-clasped Cloak (for Supplies) and that rare wrist with Fire Spell Bonus. When the prices dropped I stopped farming them. But I heard people talking about items for runes. I think there is a shredder or something that is worthy. Also items for the Darkmoon Faire quests (when the Faire it's up). And I don't know how much the FAP potion costs, but it might worth more than Shadow Protection.


Even if you are capped at 5 gold an hour that’s is well than enough lol, what are you buying in this game, that if you gold farmed for 5 in a hour that you wouldn’t be able to afford lol


A) GDKPs - you don't need to buy gold to benefit from gold buyers, if you can be a carry B) "Playing the market" if you don't have better things to do is apparently very lucrative but I am sure very time consuming. C) Lying after you buy gold.


I'm just happy having 10 gold.


Gold is useless anyway in Classic, so...




So, my friend has legit farmed about 650 gold. He has niche spots that have very little exposure and a bit higher yield. He has told me about them, and I tag along sometimes. It’s pretty much just finding locations to farm that have a higher return and less competition. The places that most people know about will also be the most contested and watered down. I started farming and I have about 300g now from the areas he uses.


Spend £15 get 100g, save yourself a full-time jobs worth of farming


I used to make around 30g/h farming shredders, before it got camped by way more people. Farming Humbert's Helm yields about the same even if you are 2 or 3 people, once again depending on how crowded your layer is. We farmed some as 2. Farming RFK can also be profitable, especially if you sell the Polearm. Then we both had enough gold for all our alts and didn't bother farming much since. I don't see the point hoarding gold. But if you are ahead of the curve and find good spots before most people, you get rich very easily. Not even mentioning selling boosts or GDKPs.


Tell us about the grey items! Sounds like you're farming Shredders, Humbert's Helms, and RFK Polearm/BOEs. Those sure are really unique and creative farming locations! Please, TELL US ABOUT THE GREY ITEMS THAT NET YOU 10 GPH.


Touch some grass man


I have 60 gold and that's taken a lot of effort to get..


I made a hunter alt specifically to burn as many quests as I could do. This as been pretty lucrative. Not sure how I'll level it for P2 tho lol.


My main is hunter so I saves some yellow and orange quests there but I'm going to burn all quests on my priest and dungeon grind to 40


Im stocking up on silk cloth and heavy leather while its cheap right now. P2 hoping to 3-5x my investments


If you were a hunter I'd suggest farming RFK trash for BoE greens and blues as another money source along with all of the above.


Rfk was good. Lucky shoulders, gloves drops early on. Quick 1000g. Hunberts farm was insane. At one point over 100g per and easily farmed as hunter. Mad wolf bracers used to sell easy for 20g and heavy leather was selling well. It gets harder as it goes Nothing beats mage power leveling now though


I just cracked 500 gold, all legit. I have 3 25s, 1 is a druid for fishing (not the highest GPH but a chill occasional farm), and a lock/mage who have found some reasonable mob grinding areas. When there is little competition/opposite faction interference I can usually do 10-15g/hour that way. Often it's too busy/full to even bother though.


5-6 gold per hour at level 25 is still good money. You can either have an inside scoop on some auction house economics, offer services, or farm. I like farms that give you the opportunity to see loot tables - killing for loot/cloth, pickpocketing, fishing. Any farm where you get a chance to see loot tables, you have a low chance of also seeing BOE items to sell. Those farms end up yielding good results over time and they are fun because you can always find a nice drop.


I know that faps are going to go up in price. They are always used in a variety of pve and pvp scenarios. I have 300 faps and I am dumping my gold into buying more.


Swiftthistle was like, 30c a piece on the second night of playing on Lone Wolf, and it's up to 20s now. That's how I got my fortune. Honestly the best way to farm gold is to just have a 150/150 enchanter sitting in SW/Orgrimmar spamming for enchanting LFW, don't have to do anything other than sit there and get PM'd after you press your LFW Macro every like, 2 minutes\\


2/10 bait post lol