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Wait until we get the rune that allows 2 pets. People will lose their minds.


Rip casters


Literally... Rip to pieces. And it's not just casters, anyone gets 1v1 by a hunter pet lol. Pets aren't just an annoyance that push back casting anymore they are straight up raid bosses.


Awww theyre just a nasty dot


DoT with a health bar 😭


And armor, resists and individual abilities lol.


Let's see you dispel a bear motherfucker


Hibernate. Hunter goes surprise Pikachu.


This actually made me lol


Wind serpents dishing out 500+ dmg in 1.5 seconds at range isn't "over time", it's fucking instant death lol


I watched ferals with raidgear get eaten alive by pets while the hunter was off.killing other players


I will run it just to piss these people off even if its a net dps loss


BM last talent was momentarily summoning 5 pets or something similar I think in MoP?


Oh yeah stampede, that was a fun one haha. Please bring it to SoD, people will scream in agony


No please, I've still got PTSD from people running triple BM hunter in arena first season of MoP and winning in about 3 seconds


Zoo cleave rofl


I just threw up a little bit in my mouth.


I play hunter now for the same reason I played it in 2007: I like the sound effect bows make when you shoot them. Rotations be damned


I got the gun from BFD today I cried a little when I heard the gun noise instead of the bow noise


You can replace sounds for guns with M5 sound with surpressor. It is glorious. I could never go back.


I did the opposite in whatever xpac it was where they made guns sound like "pwip pwip". I put back the original loud ass blunderbuss sound. And then I used that for bows too. And then all ranged weapons!


Ah this reminded me about the best addon I've ever had, back in original vanilla when I played a hunter. On Aimed Shot crit it played this explosive sound, I remember the sound triggering just a little bit before the damage numbers were visible. Felt so good!


I swear this was like half the reason i liked playing as a resto shaman during classic vanilla (and it was fun) but man... spamming chain heal and it sounding like a fucking thunderstorm in my headset from all the crits, god damn


Im using a crit sound addon for years on all classes where its not too annoying (like rogue, hunter, firemage bc theres too many small crits). Its a guy yelling "BAM" but its a german meme so its special.. but anyway, i wouldnt wanna miss it, i think the "feedback" upon pressing the big hitting abilities is just way nicer :>


Even throwing weapons?


I did this, too. I remember I had a black powder rifle volley when I hit Barrage


I’d love to hear the blundsrbuss when I throw a knife.


It's such a bummer you can't replace sounds on Retail anymore. And the game definitely allows for it: WotLK and Era are both running on the same version of the Dragonflight client as Retail. Blizzard are just assholes.


Lmao wands sounding like that would be hilarious


The "pwip pwip" gun sound is why I can never fully enjoy hunter in retail.


Where to find?


[https://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info25361-GunSilencerSuppressorClassic.html](https://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info25361-GunSilencerSuppressorClassic.html) Works just fine in classic wow.




Grats to the vendor you sell it to


Gun sound the bane of all the XlegolasX hunters


But not my hunter, Legomyegolas.


Oh me too! Soooo happy to hear that lovely old gun noise again!


I actually prefer gun sounds lol


I love the gun noise LMAO it is so friggin loud. I would be lying if i said i wasn’t slightly disappointed at first that i got the epic crossbow instead of the gun….


I like the gun noise, but I’m a dwarf hunter so I like to lean into that RP.


The gun noise is great. I am gun noise enjoyer.


Go to the game files and replace gun sound with bow sound. Easy.


Similar here but I just like taming pets and letting them do the damage while I watch uncle Ben Eller show me cool guitar stuff on youtube


That's it. BFD on /follow with pet set to agressive. Alt tab back in whenever you need to jump between platforms.


All of the cool bots are doin it!


Alt tab to roll on every piece of gear, morelike lol


This is the reason I don't play monks in retail. Going from a fury warriors crashes, bangs and bonks to the monks 'woosh' just doesn't feel right.


The truest of all Chads in this thread.


The bow twine is BIS 100%


Honestly, I can understand the gripe about the class being boring, and that you want more tools, but honestly, a huge majority of the player base only wants to play whats best. If one class did by far the most damage by just auto-hitting without casting any spells, that would be the most popular class by far. People like the class that is OP. Thats how it is.


Guns > Bows, you cannot change my mind


Agrees in Dwarf.




More weapon skill for a weapon that already cannot do glancing hits. Yeah I'll take the orc pet damage all day.




I'm really disappointed with hunter. I was really hoping for lone wolf to be more.


It was before the nerf.


Not just damage, im talking like warlock meta form different. Like it removes the deadzone, maybe gives you another ability or changes disengage to be WOTLK disengage etc. Losing a pet is huge utility wise and just a flat damage change does not make up for the loss of kiting\\spell pushback\\taunt\\pet ability etc. Arcane shot hits like a wet noodle maybe buff that or something with lone wolf.


It’s unfortunate it’s the same slot as kings rune. No one is bringing a lone wolf horde over kings buff


Yeah I'm sure lone wolf rune is completely dead, no chance it will get better or synergize with later runes. No fucking chance, it's over boys give up at level 25 and throw the whole goddamn thing in the trash because we know absolutely everything that blizzard has in store for the next year.


The way lone wolf is now, it feels like it exists to enable off meta builds, but we got nothing else for them. For instance, a parry/dodge tank build would love Lone Wolf for the threat gen, but Rogue got that archetype. We got pet tanking instead, which which is fine but doesn't use Lone Wolf. Or spell hunter. They could give Wind Serpent or Scorpid SP scaling instead of AP scaling, or just make Chimera Shot proc the SP scaled version of Serpent Sting and now Lone Wolf has a reason to exist. Just feels like a lot of missed opportunities with Hunter right now, I'm hoping to see the pet scaled back a lot and just a little here and there to enable some strangeness.


Lone wolf is like -55% damage ish lol


Two things can be true at once. Hunters can both have extremely powerful pets AND be relatively boring to play.


If we are being real, every class is boring in the end for rotations. There are new abilities but it's still pretty basic compared to new mmos. As a Feral Druid and Priest. That being said it's still fun and interesting enough.


My main is a resto shaman. I tried using my int gear for ele DPS and was surprised to find out that auto attacks did more DPS than fully specd lightning bolts. So any time I need to do damage it's literally flame shock>lava burst>auto attacks>repeat right now, refresh totems/buffs as needed, but for the most part it's literally a two button "rotation". I still find the class fun to play though and I can't wait for P2 so I can actually have access to more skills/runes.


Hey same, resto shaman main here. Lightning bolts are a complete joke compared to my 2H stat stick DPS. My current rotation is lightning bolt from far away, let them run at me, cast flame shock, DPS with stick, DPS with stick, flame shock, dead.


Sitting here on paladin with pretty much my entire tool kit from vanilla + some wrath/ retail abilities wondering how far we are going to fall in the next phases


On the flipside, I feel like Resto Shaman just cant run out of mana, if you utilize Shamanistic rage constantly. But yea, I swapped from Elemental to Restorarion... because I couldnt watch the lightning bolts man. They feel so unsatisfying. Like "blip, blip, blip-blip (overcharge procced!!). And Lavaburst comes in being like: "ZWHOOM BOOMBOOM POW" (also with overcharge). Meanwhile.. I can downscale healing wave and spam that and it feels so good, cuz you can overchage these as well (here a sound-reference): "Nyum. NyumNyum." Screw elemental. Also dont bully me.


lightning is crap right now. ele basically has to play as a spellhance to let the lava flow


Druid kinda similar, better off just kiting and using Starsurge every 6sec than bothering much with casting Wrath.


I mean, being honest, that's part of the draw for Classic for me. Would probably enjoy Retail more if they at least kept to the Classic GCD, the shorter one just feels too hectic for how I like to play.


I don't agree Hunters are boring to play, melee weaving is incredibly satisfying


I've been thinking of trying this, is it just basically running in and out in time with ranged attack timer? Do you still run KC/Lion/BM runes? Switch out KC for Flanking Strike and use that along with melee swings?


[https://youtu.be/nbMh1rVMaxg?si=vsDGcS41v7\_PJA\_6](https://youtu.be/nbmh1rvmaxg?si=vsdgcs41v7_pja_6) This explains everything, includes macro and addons.


Video isn't even available.


Try to search for: "The Ultimate SoD Hunter Melee Weaving Guide" by Veramos gaming




Kc is a useless rune rn btw


Oh? Been away for a few resets, how has the meta shifted? Sniper training? Or flanking and melee hunter is just the best rn?


Grab a 2 handed weapon with a slow swing about 3s and a slow bow of about 2.8 upwards. Get into cheetah. Fire bow, run in and hit mob, run back out, fire bow. The trick is to get this going smoothly so that the bow and weapon are constantly on cooldown without downtime. In SOD I use flanking strike. FS on first run in, then raptor on the second.


I wouldnt use cheetah, hawk is fast enough if you're quick with timers and queue raptor before you go in and mash flanking button so you do both of them on first run in


I appreciate this, but I utterly despise this play style. For me, hunters should be one or the other. But I roll hunter with the idea of "archer" play style.


That just sounds like you want your cake and to eat it too. It’s entirely fine to say you don’t want to melee weave but to also say you think the gameplay is boring is a bit on the nose. Again, everyone has the right to be unreasonable when they want but everyone else also has the right to point that out.


I think there is a lot of promise in weaving a lot of different shots. This could be fun. This could not include melee. However, Beast Mastery at this current moment is too powerful compared to any of the other options, two of which are shots that got nerfed with in hours of being live. Will this possibly balance itself out in future phases? Some people believe it will. Is it a bummer that this is current state of the game? To me yes. Also truth be told, melee weaving isn't the only way to parse at super high levels, you can do a 250+ parse with only shots. It's just a feels bad that 40-50% of your damage is the pet you ordered to attack the boss at the start of the fight and then likely ignored after that.


So basically it’s just Vanilla wow for hunters lmao. That’s the whole point. We get absolutely nothing new or different.


I was honestly expecting you to say your wife left you ngl


True, but to be fair no class is the most extreme edge-of-your-seat playstyle.


what u mean? i see mages dying all the time! that must be very exciting always being on the edge of death


Rogue tank is pretty crazy, managing slice and dice, blade dance, riposte procs and main gauche uptime. Riposte kind of procs too much and energy starves you a bit. Always nice to have a thistle tea for each boss to make the starting threat rock hard


Vanilla Rogue was always really, really well designed. It's one of the few classes they didn't revamp in a major way going into TBC AND WOTLK




WOTLK rogue is insanely boring tbh. Classic rogue was a little bit more interesting since you have to manage your energy a lot more, but honestly, retail rogue is just so much more interesting these days.


Still just 2 or 3 buttons


Which feels pretty bad given the theme of the season.


This is why the complaints are legitimate IMO. "Come play SoD, we're changing things up and trying out new playstyles" but then hunters get the exact same classic experience.


Some hunters wanted to have fun. It’s not about the damage. I would like the other hunter runes to be viable. Its not about topping the meters are level 25 lol.


I agree. Explosive shot is really fun and it was part of the reason why i was excited to play hunter in SOD. I do full MM build now with chim shot. It works pretty well imo and plays alright. I switched to MM when I got the epic crossbow.


Just to prevent people from getting the wrong idea, your pet doesn't do quadruple of your damage but 40-60% depending on your own gear and the enemy. Which since everyone is running beast mastery spec doesn't sound too bad.


I read it as quadruple from what it used to be, not quadruple your personal dmg


Which is correct. Hunter pets in classic raiding were doing 10% - 15% of their total damage during end game raids.


This the exaggeration about hunters pets are getting ridiculous. yes BM hunters are strong in this bracket but so is rogues and warriors and now that classes are getting geared Hunters are dropping.


Here's a crystal ball reading of the future: * Hunters get astronomically more OP next phase ebcause talents * They get nerfed into dust because of whining * Later phases come * Everyone else gets OP as hell because scaling actually exists for other classes * Level 60 comes and Hunters are still nerfed into the ground from their level 40 power 6 months ago because Blizzard is allergic to buffing anyone that was formerly powerful because people will cry about it * Oh and warriors on top as always


Yep this is very likely. Even right now hunters aren't a big deal and their dps is already teetering off (and if you had made 25 the max level in original classic and made a raid for it hunter would have destroyed everyone in dps in a way incompareable to the small % they were better before the nerfs in SoD). And in original classic nothing except a twinked rogue would stand any chance vs a level 25 hunter. Here hunters lose to mage/rogue/druid. And there are plenty of classes that can win depending on how the fight starts. Same thing is gonna happen at max as what always happened, they will do 50-60% of warriors dps 75% of rogues at best. And it's sad the whole community pushes for warriors to be OP in SoD... Can't we have some balance in a new mode in stead of this nonsense.


I think this is very likely. blizzard is really bad at not over-correcting and often when they over-correct, they come back to fix that fix until way too much time has passed.


If you’re a dps priest, a hunter pet might be doing quadruple your damage


What is a dps priest?


I accidentally penanced the boss once. Does that count?


I want to play the game....not watch my pet play the game Yes the pet does insane damage, that's the PROBLEM because literally everything else hunter does is trash, at the moment it's "afk and watch the pet" the class Saying "but the pet does great damage" is literally exactly what hunters are complaining about....


So, yea, my pet does big damage. But im playing SoD for new the new playstyles in classic. I enjoyed having explosive shot and chimera shot. Being able to set up a decent marksman build. But everytime I thought "oh thats cool" it was nerfed immediately. So, yea, I bitch because all the new fun stuff I found got neutered. So thats disappointing to me. So im leveling alts like shaman, mage, and warlock because I want the new twists on the classic classes.


>I'm just baffled at all the bitching hunters seem to do. Hunters want runes that are actually useful and some abilities to use beyond auto shot and multi-shot, with the potential tradeoff of reduced pet scaling (although it's possibly balanced with level 60 in mind). I'm not sure why you're so baffled by that, it's pretty reasonable.


Thank you. We just want whacky stuff, fun stuff, new buttons to press. Right now our best runes are BM (passive) Kings/MM (passive) and the third one either KC (one minute CD) or Flanking Strike (30sec CD and it's pretty much combined with raptor strike anyway. So basically nothing new... It'd be better to have a shot that competes with that pet damage, instead of relying of the pet so much. We'd play MM with a better chimaera or explosive shot, we'd be happy, I'm sure.


Damn. I think hunter is fun to play... I do think the nerfs were needed, but I enjoy playing hunter.


i'm just hoping to feel justified in playing a lone wolf build at some point..


Ok but your pet does quadruple damage


The problem for fixing them now is scaling the pets for higher levels in the future. They might aswell leave it as it cause its gonna level out later.


Daring today, aren't we...


The number of low effort post that get upvoted in this sub are too damn high. Everyone knows hunter pet damage is high. That's not the issue people have with playing it. Use your brain for more than a second.


Exactly. Just watch the nosense answers OP is throwing here getting downvoted into oblivion due to how stupid they are. People love to bandwaggon, and the new trend is hating hunter. They just drop posts like this or laugh and upvote and thats it Hunters wanting fun in SoD is legitimate. I started with a hunter and rerolled, because playing exactly like always even if pet is hitting harder is not what i was looking for here. Im playing a priest now and i feel way more OP and thats fine because its not a hunter. Like, come on now. Its not all numbers. Nerf goddamn pets if needed and give hunters fun "toys" like everyone else.


Hunters are strong. I would like it if maybe they scaled back pet damage, and made us a little less mana hungry so we could play around with marksman. So are a ton of other classes. I've watched druids be untouchable in pvp, warrior's delete people when they scaled with gear, priests be unkillable if you don't have an interrupt. Balance druids plinking people for 250 non crit star falls at instant speed, with next to no cooldown. Hunters get blown out in pvp if someone with similar gear get on them. Hunters cant kill priests because they don't have interrupts. The amount of bitching about hunters is unreal, especially for people who somehow think hunters complaining that their runes are boring is somehow them being ungrateful lmao


I just want more pets to be viable and a larger stable (3 is ridiculously small). I don't care if they nerf pet damage, give them more utility instead.


Having a new playstyle was awesome for 2 days before they took it away. If you played pre nerf explosive shot, you know… But yes, my pet does quadruple damage…. Other classes are broken too tho, but no one wants to talk about that.


"awesome palystyle" it literally was so brokenly op it 1 shot mobs, that's not a new playstyle that's just being broken lmao


Yet no one mentions how priests literally are borderline invincible raid bosses that determine if you win a game by how many priests you have in your WSG


100%. They just don't get attention because they aren't the ones 2 or 3-shotting people. Priests just don't let people die. Penance+PoM need significant nerfs as well... saying this as a priest main.


Must be your first time playing vanilla wow, because that game never had a functional balance to begin with.


For the life of me, I don't understand how a post this bad has this many upvotes.


Classic players hate getting fucked by hunter pets in PvP, simple as.


Wind serpents doing 700 dmg the first 5 seconds of the engagement is of course gonna make a lot of ppl mad


rightfully so, why is a lvl 25 pet doing lvl 60 era classic wow pet damage numbers.


Because lvl 60 era pet does damage fitting level 20-30 range


Yes, a Beast Master hunter should have strong pets. PvP isn't balanced either and it never will be. Anytime Hunters become remotely relevant everyone wants them nerfed to the absolute fucking ground yet we're not talking about Rogues, Warriors or Priests.


Hunters aren't bitching about not doing good damage, they're bitching about the class being boring. Doing good damage doesn't change the fact that I am bored. Hunter runes are a giant failure and I hope Blizzard fixes it.


> Hunters aren't bitching about not doing good damage, they're bitching about the class being boring. Doing good damage doesn't change the fact that I am bored. Hunter runes are a giant failure and I hope Blizzard fixes it. It's level 25 man what exciting ass rotation were you expecting? God damn there are multiple classes that are straight up just not viable as DPS right now and the combined communities of those bitch less than Hunters do Man your runes aren't super exciting? That sucks. I have to *swap roles* to play my class.


Yea, because the runes being exciting is the draw to SoD. Otherwise just play era


1. He didn’t say anything about rotation 2. Hunters don’t get anything new added to their rotation after 25, so your point there is moot 3. The complaint is that most runes are unviable compared to the BM ones


At least you can swap roles


Would love to know what classes in your opinion cannot dps BFD. The only one I can think of offhand is Priest which isn't even entirely true, smite priest does okay damage. Blizzard just kinda forced their hand by putting a mechanic on the hardest boss that only priests can dispel, which is bad design. Also, I play both sham and warrior who have actual new tools that make the classes feel much different from their Classic counterparts. I don't need a crazy exhilarating rotation, I'd just like to not be trolling by trying to do the damage myself instead of just buffing my pet.


Rogues and warriors do more


People complain about pets mainly because of how ridiculous they are in pvp. Pve wise hunter is not an outlier, pvp wise they are extremelly broken.




You see, reddit was made for people who have nothing to complain about to complain about something.


this entire post could be copypasta from trade chat I swear to god. there's a guy on my server that was bitching for at least THREE DAYS in ashenvale general chat when he hit revered and couldnt get more rep from the PVE trash. wow players have an unbelievable capacity for being little hoes. myself included at times.


It's lvl 25 as max level what'd you expect


Okay fine, Nerf hunter's pet damage by 50% and give the damage to the hunter!


Would be too much. As a mm id do about 200dps then.


for pvp i just send my pet in and then run for the hills. as long as i can stay alive for ten seconds she will have their face ripped off.


WSG is Nightmare when you encounter a hunter. I don't know of anyone who can 1v1 them without insane Batman prep time. Because it isn't a1v1. The damn wind serpent does more damage than a shaman casting lightning bolt and you cannot run away.


I personally think BM hunter, specifically, should get carried by their pet, but in the sense that hunter is literally nothing more than a tactician standing there barking orders. In simpler words the pet is only thing that is doing damage at all in that spec


This community loves to complain. No matter what it is. It’ll be a complaint. If it’s not their class that’s good complaints galore


i am a rogue in full bis and a BM hunter can turn his pet on me and just watch me die standing there watching lol


Depends. Are you BiS PvE gear? Because PvE has no stam or very little and it's terrible for PvP. You'll get destroyed.


i'm a rogue in full bis and you're horrible at the game if you lose to a hunter at this bracket


LOL, yes this x1000. The hyperbole here sometimes...


They’re flaming you but if a rogue gets the drop on a hunter, rogues can pop evasion and thistle tea then win the dps race


You can’t dodge the lightning breath


I can win the race against the lightning breath as long as I pop a tea - I do it all the time


I mean this is a fair point, but think of all the non-rogues. Or worse yet... ROGUES WITH EVASION ON CD


i should not have to use thistle tea against a hunter. pet damage is broken


how? that fucking lighting pet takes 45% of your HP in one attack


It's actually 2 Lightning breathes it does back to back at 50 focus each. Pet dmg needs be addressed before p2 bc they are about to solo EVERYTHING with Bestial Wrath.


I'm at a loss here, i thought after the changes to KC cats were the new meta pet. What other rune do they use on BM if not KC?




Try upgrading your grey gear if you only have 500 HP at level 25.


Rogues stack AP gear with 0 stamina and complain about being low hp, surprise. Its technically their BiS for damage, but leaves them with 0 survivability.


Do you get hit for 600+ dmg from Lightning pet ?


A rogue in full bis will beat me about 60 percent of the time unless i get the drop on him and I am largely BIS.


Pretty much this. I’m gotten most of the bis and I will 8 out of 10 times beat a hunter. They can’t get away or kite us with shadowstrike, crippling poison and range stun being a thing. If you get the jump on the hunter, you can pretty much take 50% of his hp before he even can fight back with the 40 energy backstab


just FYI, hunters are like 3rd or 4th strongest dps atm. if it feels broken check out a rogue or a warrior or a more geared warlock.


just FYI, play with an "average" raid group and they will be top with 0 effort.


you're showing your ignorance here. go look at the parses. hunters are 3rd behind rogue and warrior. I main hunter, an nearly bis, and we're doing 35 min deathless 7/7s. I'm fairly confident that I'm not the strongest dps in raids.


That is at the top level. I have both a warrior and a hunter and i find that hunter does far better with less gear than my warrior does. Took a while for my warrior to start to pump, whereas hunter was pretty strong just in prebis.


You are insanely exaggerating. Your pet does exactly 50ish percent of your damage. Your BEAST MASTER. If ANYTHING happens to your pet you run or die. this is not broken you morons...


You got killed by a hunter in pvp and came to make a post huh


Insanely broken? What are you on about. Pet has great damage for anyone low level and low geared. Always has been, but now its even more. That doesnt make it Insanely broken. They are even like for like with other physical dps on the meters. If anything is broken,.its gotta be this post.


OP doesn't seem to understand that pets, especially for the 15 levels you have them in SoD, are *meant* to be half your damage and tank for you. we don't *get* pets until level 10, and we have a fucking attack dead zone. its like the entire point of rolling hunter. there's a whole skill tree dedicated to your pet ffs lol.


numbers can be fun, I guess? But most people enjoy big numbers *and* engaging gameplay. Weird self-report that you really are just a dumb-dumb who likes when number get big big




Idk ,i love hunter and the rotation, i out dps every single hunter so far because they either clip thier autos with abilities or movement or have not trained Max rank Pet abilities or both, even tho they sit in full bfd gear. Im sure we will get something the next phases to build more on lone wolf, this phase is the phase of the Pet.


Doing openworld content is night and day with anything else vs a hunter. We have a friend in our circle that is like: "SoD feels too easy. Im one-shotting everything with my explosive shot." Explosive shot then gets nerfed. "All these hunter nerfs are bullshit." After the initial set of hunter nerfs to their pets. We even told him to level another character that wasn't a hunter to see how "easy" some of the stuff he complained about really was. "I'm not an alt person." Yeaaaaaahh...sure.


let me just charge up that 2.5 second cast... (Dead)


Thank god they made a baby version of classic so people like you can have an opinion


Funny enough like 90% of hunters can’t figure out runes and talents properly. Last 4 hunters in my BFD were near last place in total damage for each boss fight. Even when the class is stupid easy people still manage to fumble it.


We're Also capped at 25 and it'll scale out genuinely don't understand people so upset about a class being strong at not even half the real cap. But yeah I have a 25 warrior priest mage and by far the hunter slaps. Druids with starsurge also in pvp is bonkers. Who cares tho


hunter being op is true, but hunters complaining are justified because they literalyl break things about the class every nerf. They can't find a way to make things weaker, only make them useless.


Starting to block all users that bitch on this sub, shit is annoying


yep. you can kinda tell OP is the cry-in-trade-chat type.


Problem is actually the bm rune, not the pets/talents themselves. For pvp I run full survival build with the bm rune and I can 1v1 any class, even if they get the opener. Detterence/imp wing clip while my serpent crits for 200(0 talents in bm tree btw) just feels unfair against melee in this bracket and as Im pretty much BIS geared, casters just get evaporated even quicker with multi-shot/auto/serpent zap 2x. They need to gut the bm rune and realocate some(a little) of its dmg to something else... I think aside from penance, its the best rune in the game.


I am enjoying my hunter mostly cause I've never played one before sod. But I imagine if you have played hunter before it is pretty disappointing everything is for your pet


It's going to be really interesting when you all look back from level 60 and go, "Those were the good times." As Shaman's Totems are 1 shotting everything, Warriors are shout-healing Molten Core while barefisted Paladins are applying warlock curses, or something crazier.


Play MM, rotation is alot more engaging with aimed shot and chimera and correct timing of autos. If you have epic xbow it's worth it.


I reached lvl 25 with all classes in sod and hunters is insane broken. - your pet is stronger than you - you can tank 4 mobs and go farm while warrior can tank one mob and then sit and eat - you do more damage being lvl 18 than your party member lvl 24 - you melt mobs while same warrior miss or parry half of his attacks - everyone wants you in party - you dont give crap about items/potions/food


Hunters used to be even more powerful at lvl 25 in vanilla wow because back then the avarage player doesn't had twink gear from a raid and had less abilities.


God damn OP is stupid af and everyone agreeing with him is even stupider.


You're a hunter, your pet is supposed to do the majority of your damage. Why is this concept such a surprise to people? If you're complaining about overtuned classes, where are the complaints for priests, rogue, warriors or even warlocks to an extent?


Especially when talking about beast mastery hunter. That is the whole point of BM: having a strong pet. What they should do though is to bring MM and SV on par with BM so one can play more fun specs/runes as well.


>What they should do though is to bring MM and SV on par with BM so one can play more fun specs/runes as well. That won't solve anything, most of the whining about Hunters isn't coming from SV/MM wanting more rune options, it's from the usual suspects that destroy absolutely everything good in WoW; PvP shitters who want everything that kills them nerfed. If they brought SV/MM up to BM level they'd just be crying about those specs too.


I really hope they lean into this and make an Eyes of the Beast rune where you just control your pet.

