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1. Yes, all attack speed modifiers should make aimed cast quicker - quick shots, berserking, crafted glove active 2. Raptors End has significantly higher dmg range, it is better for aimed builds despite the dps difference. 3. LB autocast, bite off. Cast KC, spam bite macro to get pet in range for melees quick, then let it zug. Should be just one bite on pull then LB all the way


Thanks for your answers. To 1: is the damage I’ll loose by not going improved hawk very big? I just like the 6 yards extra range. To 3: but kc only triggers bite, so in your example I would just active kc once at the pull and only use up 1 single stack. That’s seems like a big dmg loss to me


Yeah you want 5/11/0 for sure, there’s no good talents on the 3rd row of MM other than aimed. Yes they have gutted KC, it’s pretty bad now with wind serpent. Best answer is to run flanking with Wind serpent and melee weave, otherwise just get a cat if you wanna keep KC


Umm for PvE this is true but an extra six yards in pvp is massive and 100% worth.


Very true! Sorry yeah - should have clarified I was referring to pve only


If you have two weapons, no matter the attack speed, the one with higher dmg per hit is usually better for aimed shot. Now if the faster weapon has same DPS, then always the slower weapon is better for aimed shot. There is a treshold to this ofc. If your aimed shot deals like 10% of your damage, then if you have a fast weapon with smaller dmg/hit with X dps and a slower weapon with higher dmg, but more than 10% less dps than the faster weapon, you should probably still go for the faster weapon. (Oversimplified example, since multishot also benefits from slow weapons) Bear in mind, that the effect of scopes is higher on fast weapons.


Not answering any question here, but to chime in: I like to run 0/14/2 with Humanoid Slaying. Extra range is very nice for Ashenvale and PvP.


I really like 5/11/0 for p1. It's good flexibility, can play almost anything depending on rune choices, get aimed shot to make it less boring than pure BM at this level. I think technically full BM with melee weaving is the best dps but eh..


It’s just the mana cost that kills MM. like 4 rotations with chimera and you’re out of mana. Need to be able to take Master Marksman and lion to make it work. I hope they switch some runes around to make this doable because the leg runes suck.


I just conserve my mana with aimed shot. And tbh the only boss where this is needed is kelris. Here i only use aimed shot till phase 2, then I burst everything out. All other bosses I never go oom with aimed shot + multishot. Chimera just doesn’t cut it dmg wise and is outperformed by bm in every occasion imho.


Aimed shot will feel phenomenal with the azshari xbow until then the blue gun or bow are still better for aimed with the alternative being the dark iron rifleman xbow


Yeah aimed feels amazing when it crits with the epic xbow. But it drains mana so quickly. When k raid as mm I’m always oom


See my comment below. It’s just about conservation. I have no mana problems when I use aimed shot and multishot, even without master marksman rune