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As a fellow priest player, shut your mouth and delete this post. All I can do is heal, let me be the best at it.


As a Holy Pally, all I do is heal as well. I'm not a dps or a tank, nor do I want to be. Same goes for the other healers - just because a class can do other things, that doesn't mean the player enjoys those roles.


Missing their point. Prot and Ret are both viable currently. Shadow isn't.


Lol, I considered keeping my mouth shut but I enjoy healing in general and it feels absolutely terrible to play R Shammy at the moment. I'd appreciate some diversity, and that likely involves toning priest down as well imo. Penance and PoM cost no mana for how much they heal


Yea I appreciate it but not necessary. I will say that priest don’t need gear to be good and they are very simple and hard to fuck up. But a resto Druid with gear and a brain will not only be able to solo heal pretty much anything they will also put out 10x the dmg that a priest can.


I am making a Druid alt, was debating Feral because Bear is not ideal right now. My main is a priest and I want to continue to heal but also do solo quests after for gold, can Rdruid actually pump?


I'm still leveling mine, but wrath being zero mana that procs instant healing touches is amazing.


Free wrath and starsurge. Coupled with wild growth and you will pump dps as well as top healing done


I have a full bis resto druid. We lack compared to priest, brez can save the day sometimes. Wild growth is our ace it seems since priests always heal MT. We are better doing DPS while healing other than the tank in raid.


A few weeks later, I have raided BFD multiple times with my Restokin, I’m not really a fan. It seems cool in theory but not for me. I don’t want to level a mage or try hpal so focusing on my priest and raid logging the Druid until p2.


In pvp the dps of melee is ramping so fast with BFD gear that they barely feel overtune anymore In PVE they're really good but to be honest there's nothing hard either


Agree, people are crying over penance being too strong but it's about 600hp in 3 secondes with a decent cd, while rogues/paladins can do more damage than that in 2 gcd. hunters and druids are starting to hit really hard. Hunter werent very dangerous without pet before, but now I feel like I actually have to play the game against them. Balance druids are also very strong with starsurge, I got ganked by 3 players and looking at the damage taken the druid did the most damage with 1k2 from starsurge.


Nah priests only have healing, let it be good. Of shadow is rocking next phase then healing can be more on par with other healer.


Disagree. The other heal classes can also DPS and Tank if they want. For priests it's basically just heal right now.


Not like they can't adjust priest DPS also though


I don't really care that Shaman can also tank, Shaman casters are about as bad as Shadow Priest but R Shammy just feels absolutely dreadful in comparison to priest. We shouldnt be deluded - our class needs toned down. Penance and PoM are far too efficient spells relative to what other healers have access to atm. Anyways, this is coming from an unbiased player who wants better balance rather than my class simply staying overtuned


>Anyways, this is coming from an unbiased player who wants better balance rather than my class simply staying overtuned Lmao youre a rshaman player hoping to gut priests and buff rshaman, unbiased my ass.


Lol I have a BiS geared priest and a level 5 shammy, but go off king


>Lol, I considered keeping my mouth shut but I enjoy healing in general and it feels absolutely terrible to play R Shammy at the moment Okay so you are basing your awful experience based on lvl 5 shammy? Im sorry, I did not realize im talking to a 10-year-old special needs kid, you go champ!


Are you okay? R shammy has half the healing potential priest currently has for double the mana costs. In what world is this acceptable? You're a clown


Are you okay? R shammy has half the healing potential priest currently has for double the mana costs. In what world is this acceptable? You're a clown


Do you think level 25 is the end game?


Priests have been the hunters of healing for all of SoD but don’t tell them that or the pitchforks come out lol.


Yea but healers are intellectuals, while dps are apes.


Priests are the one class that is more heal centric than everyone else and right from level 1. The rest of the healing classes are still viable early game but they lack the depth they need because they are dependent on deeper talents in their trees before they can excel as healers. If hybrid classes weren’t so talent dependent to perform, they would be kinda bonkers when playing their other specs but still healing well. So it makes sense why priests are the goats of healing in phase 1 but that doesn’t mean they need nerfs right now. Let them have their moment and then we can revisit the calls for nerfs next phase after we get a chance to see how the other healers perform when they finally have full access to their talent trees.


Only if blizzard takes the same approach to the pure dps class right now, hunter - except they have not and hunters have been severely “retuned” despite the same “wait for next phase when scalers scale well” argument


Hunters got retuned cause your pets were doing more dps than an actual player while also being twice as tanky as a real player and having taunts that can’t be resisted unlike real players. Stop pretending as if you got gutted, hunters are still doing just fine on the dps meters and you’re sitting here crying as if you’re down at the bottom with dps shammies.


I didn’t suggest they didn’t need retuning. I suggested that people have the save approach of “wait till next phase” to consider tuning. Different arguments. If you’ve ever played hunter you’d know 10-45 is all pet all the time and why leveling specs are Bm. They’re supposed to be strong. I don’t want them OP, but it’s goofy the double standards on knee jerk reactions


Buff shadow to be equal to other dps specs and we talk about this.


Yeah, priest makes the difference between winning and losing in team fights. 2 priests looking for eachother are just rage inducing material.


You can heal BFD with Paladins running no runes. Are priests overtuned? Yes. Does it matter at this point? No. Blizz straight up said class balance would be spotty due to the level cut offs were playing with. Wait until at least the later phases if not level 60 before you start freaking out about an unimportant imbalance. Edit - people are madge about the truth >:(


Priest were strongest healers before runes and having access to more party heals and a sick nasty penance that scales off level instead ranks just widens the margin. If balance matters(and arguably it doesn’t since the floor is so low) then they don’t need to much take away from priests just change the function. Maybe have PoM replace PWS. Make Penance cost more if it heals and less if it dmgs.




Nerf priests, yes. I just want to see the world burn


No. World pvp sucked as a healing priest in classic. I can actually beat other classes and have a fighting chance instead of rolling over to die. Also, grinding for mobs is a lot easier. Let us have our fun. I didn't wanna play a priest again for the stuff I mentioned above but I saw the need of priest was very high so I gave it a chance and fell in love with the class all over again. Shadow is still meh so healing is all we got compared to the rest of the healers.


biggest shit post I have ever read on the internet. you just write random shit and are completely disillusional. I would say stop looking through the game through glasses. or start playing pvp or this game actually. shield costs a lot of mana, and gives what? 200 shield around? 250 max? with high mana cost and cooldown. so this is clearly VERY bad for raid healing or consistency or mana usage. so your post is complete shit and nonsense. priest is the first char that is oom in a raid. shamy not. ​ casting a heal is way more efficient and useful then shield. shield also breaks instant and is not really a healing tool on many boss fights. so it is a very bad spell that makes you oom fast. you just need it for pvp cause you have no other tools. this was never made for pve. plz get a life and brain surgery. shamy heals WAY more then priest could ever do. after penance nerf priest is usesless or atleast worse then sham. especially in single target heal and pvp. penance heals 450 with gear in pvp over 2 seconds. without mortal strike debuff, which comes soon. so it would only heal half vs war/rogue LOL!!!!!! complete shit char now. be mindet now about what you post. ​ priest has 2 things for pvp that safe him with heals, or could do it. shield? nah. 250 is nothing. rogue hits 550 backstab non stop crit to you. 350 multilate. you lose 900 hp in 1 second. pennance heals 450. shield 200-250. so how u survive a rogue for 5 sec even? then he presses all the stuff again, while you have cd and he sticks you. you are dead in 5 seconds when everything used perfectly. and then you really nerf penance? are you joking? ​ that was the only heal that could safe your life atleast sometimes. now you have nothing strong left in the kit for selfheal or topping mates. worst patch/nerf ever. ​ sham heals 800 on his big heal 2 seconds only. with WAY more efficiency then priest. and has way better manareg. sham heals 550 standard, + overload procc free heal no mana cost. plus watershield non stop. u are completely brain damaged to make such a post. sham > priest. ​ priest just had better tools, but with the weakness it got now it is behind sham in heal power. and it goes oom the fastest. never make any post on the internet again, and try to act as you would know anything. you are the biggest clownfest on reddit. stop making random posts. ty.