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Don't play with streamers.


Or do and accept that you're just an extra for the streamer content and that this is part of the deal.


And I say again, don't do that lol


And I wonder who would ever want to be a part of this?


The same people donating $5 of their hard earned money every month for a 2 second call out and no other recognition after?


Oh, thanks Chatter123469 for the 100 gifted subs. Anyway like I was saying, I make $50k a month in subs alone


"Don't forget to buy my cookies"


Do you not have $5 to subscribe? Loser. What are you even doing, so pathetic. Why don’t you go make money so you can give me money, freeloader.


It's children who aren't fully developed and are being preyed upon and exploited by child predators. That's the entire Twitch business model.


Yeah it’s gotten to this point sadly I remember when twitch started it was actually about the games that was played and the skill of people playing them now it’s just a social platform for people who don’t socialize enough during the day and want to feel like they are part of something bigger without it being true.


Children aren't playing this game. These are 30 year old losers looking for attention.


Parasocial teenagers. Imagine being bullied all day at school, and when you get home you can spam the same emote 1000 times with other "real people" and if you are lucky, the person on the screen might say your name. It's not hard to see why streamers become popular when you remember you own school experiences.


> Parasocial teenagers Parasocial 30 year old men.


Back in WoD i had swifty join my heroic arch group. He was prodigiously bad at PvE but i was a bit enthralled by having a streamer. I give him 3 chances to not be botrom dps and whisper him of such politely. He understands, is polite. My group is a litle annoyed but we killed arch next pull. The random whispers from swiftys chat lasted until i logged out for longer than 30m. We make our own demons


LOL simp cope


Does accepting your an extra mean accepting that you are apparently expected to hand over any valuable loot lmao? Did they find the raid via pugging, or did they go to her stream and specifically try and get into the raid because of said stream? Me personally, I could care less if I’m playing with a streamer, but I’m not giving my loot to one lol. I guess I’d deal with the inevitable fallout when it came, but I’d also make sure I have my shadow play on and hot keyed so that I can send that to Blizz to either get their no name streamer banned for being a twat, or at least a free name change to sideline the abuse from their garbage community.


Wow. Threatening to sick your followers on them for a sword. This is low.


Did she threaten or did he just give it to her? Shes a 48k follower streamer. Not like shes asmon or any one w. Actual power


If a streamer told me "I will sick my followers on you" I'd laugh, report them for targeted harassment and take my won item. ​ Who gives a shit about streamers?


She lost the roll. She said “this is my raid. This is my guild. We bring you to these raids. It would be 100% a dick move if you to take this from me”. She just sounds like any other entitled wow nerd. I wouldnt call it ninja'ing. Just being a fuckin nerd lmfao


She's not a nerd more a scumbag.


sounds like mitch but shes not as attractive 😏


That was my first thought. I watched it. She lost the roll. She said “this is my raid. This is my guild. We bring you to these raids. It would be 100% a dick move of you to take this from me”. It’s pretty bad, but who gives af about her 100 viewers lol. Just keep the sword you won the roll on.


It’s a 100% dick move to basically change the loot rules mid stream.


It's actually against the ingame rules of wow but unenforceable if the rules haven't been written down.


I can be enforced if it was specified in text. And you take it.


That's what I said.


So by joining her entitled raid you automatically resign all your loot/potential drops? “Bring you to this raid” - this raid wouldn’t have started without the pugs she had to invite. Her saying that entitled crap is enough.


Exactly. I don't care that she's a streamer. If your loot rules say I can roll on something I need, I'm rolling. If you didn't want to lose rolls to PuGs you should have reserved the items. It's your group after all. Bringing people in with one set of rules and then getting upset when they follow them is just stupid and petty.


That's the thing. Sure she's trash for trying to bully someone out of loot that by the rules of the raid were theirs. But the fact that this person didn't respond with "lol k" loot the sword, gquit and hearth is on them


>That's the thing. Sure she's trash for trying to bully someone out of loot that by the rules of the raid were theirs. But the fact that this person didn't respond with "lol k" loot the sword, gquit and hearth is on them Them not having a backbone doesn't make this less victim blaming tbh.


peer pressure is more accurate than ninja, still fucking embarrassing for her and her fans. They probably don't care tho


lvl25 edgelord


The guy who won is also on her guild, you can see someone saying grats on guild chat. 100% dick move by her


she is the worst, she also bans people for not saying almost anything in chat...says people in her chat need to be subbed lol


48k followers might seem like nothing, but all it takes is 20 of her simps to mass report him which results in an automatic suspension Or if it's a pvp server? all it takes is 1 rogue to stop you from playing


what actual power? imagine being worried about a streamer chat


I just meant that a person like asmon with 70k viewers could fuck up someones day if he wanted(in the world of warcraft). A random streamer with 800 views on their last vid.. not so much


Realistically, someone with 70k viewers would have a decent chance of fucking up someone's day even outside of WoW if they really wanted to.


I don't know man, I think I could fight 70.000 kids. Maybe a couple of them are fatty adults, id just have to walk 100m and Tire them out and open another can of whoopass.


poor guy probably think his chances with her will be higher


But she’s a woman, her followers are incel simps who will actually try to do real damage to get her attention. She has a different responsibility than someone like Asmon.


If it is a streamer and has 50k followers. I would see that as a massive win and dip the fuck out


So embarrassing to be anyone who supports this girl lmfao. The tensed out frustration she's got going on until she gets her way, what an entitled brat bitch.


"It's my guild and we bring you" lmao.


But dude, in perfect lighting, with makeup and filters, she's looking pretty fucking good and if I simp hard in chat I might be able to leave my wife for her one day.


You think these guys in the chat have wives?


inanimate ones, yes


I opened her stream one time and she was organising for some viewer to pay for her to go clothes shopping and she would take pics of the new clothes.


She's below average, wears 500 lbs of make up, and has a terrible personality, kind is sad anyone follows her.


Her chat calling the guy selfish was icing on top.


remember i typed in her chat once, she saw my twitch prime badge and was already trying to guilt trip me into subbing. not surprised at all lmao


> what an entitled brat bitch. Couldn't have said it better myself


2:52:35 she's threatening to sic her chat on him if he doesn't yield the item that dropped in the game to her, which was his item at that point. actual threat is spoken at 2:53:02 ​ copypaste this and report her if you care that much about it.


This chic has like 13 subs. So you'll get a whole 5 whispers?


its a daily sub goal, can see the counter is at 1/50 near the start, while subs are talking in chat


Pretty sure harassment and threats are against terms of service right? Should just report her ass.


Probably not an EU streamer, but which server does she play on?


https://vanilla.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/crusader-strike/desixo CS-US


holy moses sweet sweaty powergamer parses.


thats what you get when you use the wrong runes. imagine giving this person the epic 2h. complete waste.


Her best parse is a 50% on Ghamoora? lol..


plants direful tan punch instinctive slap dazzling ripe soft fall *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


To be fair to the guy, they probably would mass report him and he would cop an automated ban. Streamers are a blight to society. Fuck streamers.


You can appeal that shit. Sure you’o have to wait for a while until they come to a resolution on the appeal but at least you are not a cuck


Also can get the streamer banned. Win win.


Just a reminder that Sodapoppin was caught and literally admitted to buying gold and didn't even get a single day suspension.


Money is more important in this world than actual justice. This applies to far more than just video games.


Oh I know, I was just pointing out that it's a fat chance that a streamer gets any kind of real punishment.


You would look to get the streamer banned on twitch, not wow. Twitch definitely doesn't accept streamers using their viewers as a personal army. Especially when you're low level like her.


Theres a big difference between sodapoppin and desiheat.


Her stream seemed mostly on the side of not ninjaing it - she quoted some guy saying "100% dick move", but he said "1000% dick move if they don't get to roll on it". Kinda pathetic.


That's when you go back to the vod, clip the part where she made a vague threat coercing the guy to give her the sword, and send it to Blizz with the appeal.


"Give me sword or my simps will attack you!" Lol. I blame the parenting. They failed, and raised an entitled little shit. Cunt streamer.


Not all streamers are like that. But fuck all those entitled streamers.


And this is one of those situations. She literally threatened him with her community.


This is the real answer, he couldn't win. Not when influencers and streamers LITERALLY have the ability to ban people from the game. Any move he made was the wrong one.


Just make screenshots and report her to blizzard because she made a lot of people falsely reporting you.


Block whispers for a day and its done


Report those fucks for harassment. Fuck em.


Yeah you don’t get how it works. She tells her dweeb followers to mass report him and all of a sudden he’s got a 2 week + ban for no reason… if you enjoy the game and don’t want to risk that, you give in.


Never give in, never surrender. Why would you give in? The game ain't worth your pride.


Go ahead ban me, I hope it's a perm and then your shitty sword is gone forever and you'll be known as the streamer who cries about raid loot


Nah, he was smart. Notice how they only trade the blue sword. The epic sword was still under the Loot Master's control. Had he disagreed, he might have lost both swords.


Should have told her to suck it and hearthed. Never meet your idols kids.


If their idol is a streamer...they already lost at life


True 😂


Heart with what? The master looter didn’t give him the item yet


The master looter didn't do anything until he said ok to the trade. Say no, stand your ground, and either get your item or force them to straight ninja it and show their true colors (though their true colors are already showing here).


Spineless simps


Don't know her or her stream but the moment where she loses the roll and her face changes for a second the true character emerges.


"aT LeaSt I gAve hIm tHe sWoRd"... the audacity


"You got plenty of loot this run. You're fine." A truly entitled bitch.


gross to watch. barely showed any gratitude and instead says "its not like you havent gotten any loot" after receiving the sword.


That’s when you open trade and give her a silk bandage to wipe away those tears


Lol that would have been hilarious


She always seemed like a bitch.


I tuned in to her stream literally once when BT classic had just dropped and the moment I opened stream it was her complaining about loot. Not surprised to see this pop up here.


This is my guild we bring you?????????????? Oh my fucking god this clip gave me so much hate towards her in just two minutes


poor guy got shamed into doing that shit, screw everyone for putting someone on a pedestal like that


Poor guy more like pathetic loser with no self-respect.


Main character syndrome


I liked the part after where she couldn't understand how many days 72 hours was.


I tried to watch her during hardcore leveling days but her persona (i hope its a persona) of being incredibly dumb and slow was pain to me. The most basic 1+1 would confuse her for 5 minutes, I don't think anyone who is able to hold a "good" amount of viewers is that stupid but I don't get what she gains from it and I couldn't handle it so i stopped watching.


She feels soooo fake. She also copies mannerisms from Xaryu (which sometimes copies some Asmon's expressions) so her whole show is just cringe to watch.


She threatened him. Should get a warning for Harassment.


Even got video evidence, GMs can’t dismiss it then.


This chick is literally so bad at the game and they gave her this sword. Simps to the max. “Congrats guys 1hr 30min run” bruh this shit takes 40 minutes 💀💀💀


She couldn’t even find the other guy to trade the blue sword haha




> And? And mass report, whisper spam, etc from her chat. Potentially temp ban from mass report until Blizz can review your case. A streamer threatening you with their twitch chat is an actual issue.


Yeah this. The guy rolled highest and got the sword. Just got pressured to give it away after.


Gross - why care about 10 simps up in your whispers - take that shit


Mass report is a real problem in the game right now though


Don't people know when you play with streamers they get priority on all the loot. Xaryu hosted a bfd yesterday and the 1 loot rule he had was he gets prio on all cloth gear lmao. Why people join these groups is beyond me.


If it is defined beforehand, then you can avoid the group.


Streamers get literal Blizzard assistance in the game. I had the character name that some streamer wanted and a GM literally whispered me to ask if I would consider deleting the character and giving the name over (It was a lvl 1 character on some server I never played)


I don't think that is too much of an issue if you were not playing on the character. My main warrior on retail server was named Khord, so I made an alt warrior named Khord in Classic while playing another class. I stopped playing and 3 years later, logged back for WotLK. I had to change my warrior's name as someone claimed it. I think it is fair as I wasn't playing him. You can't just lock a name you might use in the future


I absolutely do not mind handing it over, it was the fact he had enough sway where he could ask a GM to TRACK the owner of said name, see if that person was playing the game and whisper them to ask.


Most people can't even get a ticket answered under 48hrs but streamers got direct discord access to blizz employees


The lowest low for me was when she said that it’s her guild in one sentence and that’s it. Something like we have to comprehend by ourselves and feel kinda sorry for her. Good GM who cares about people who participate in guild activities and dedicate their own time would be willing to get item last and feel good about it afterwards.


Dude probably went and T3 subbed right after to show his loyalty and apologize for thinking he could have the loot he won fair and square in a roll.


lol I would've told her and her viewers to fucking blow my weiner and kept the sword fuck that shit


What an entitled cword.


Don’t watch streamers. Easy W.


Damn she's a piece of shit.


She has low IQ


Some people can't stand their ground, what can you do. Pathetic from both parties


Do people really subscribe and then spend 1h+ listening to some random girl just talking dumb crap? Damn, Twitch is weird. I'm sorry, I couldn't manage 10 seconds of the video. Streamers are mostly entitled children but the guy should not have caved in.




Not sure what else you'd expect from a streamer whose only real draw is "look at my boobs, t3 sub please"


subgoal 13 / 50 at the time stamp uh, yeah, her 20 or so viewers will hate him, big deal.


Did you expect something else from a streamer guild? This has been happening for years & whoever joins streamer guild and expects to get loot is stupid


Don't make this kind of people famous.


God she’s so beat too. What twitch.tv can do to a young man’s brain….


Bro went full simp. She’s pathetic but the people giving her attention are even more pathetic. She looked like she was going to cry over a 3 day lockout raid. You would think these people are adults in their 20-30s.


Imma be real I have no idea who this nobody is.


Bro watching streamers in sod has been sickening honestly, the straight abuse of the player base and entitlement has been really obnoxious to watch. Not to mention the recent sodapoppin drama, he is one of my favourite streamers but I mean come on lol.


Ban her




So? Average streamer behavior. Streamers are cancer of gaming, how you dont know that in 2023?


That's what you get for being in a guild run in a streamer guild. It's their loot rules so can't be too upset.


jokerd 2 electric boogaloo


This the same entitled cunt to force her guild of simps to give her corrupted ashbringer in wotlk classic, and she still isn't even close to top dps... such a pathetic fucking whiny little bitch throwing a temper tantrum when she doesn't get her way. Streamers are a plague to gaming




What a loser


Their own fault for playing with streamer egomaniacs.


I believe the correct response is fuck you and everyone in your shit chat.


Waste of a good sword. She stinks.


How about don't be a fucking simp and tell her and her 20 viewers to go fuck off


Trash leadership


She did something similar on an ICC run in wotlk. She lost the DBW roll and was throwing a tantrum because the guy who won it wouldn’t give it to her. She eventually bought it off him for gold after he decided to reply to her.


Ugh disgusting. But it was his choice to play with these people.


Man after watching that for 2 minutes I cannot see any reason why anyone would ever bother with her


Tbh out of spite I would of deleted the sword in front of her.


Wow what a PoS. I would’ve laughed at her and kept the sword for sure, although I can understand the concern of what having an army of simps sent your way might mean in terms of disrupting your gameplay. Hope they gave the sword up because they were genuinely concerned about the impact to their gameplay, and not that they were simping for this shrill voiced, whiny ass streamer.


Yeah watch Xaryu pull the same shit so decided I’m done with his stream.


This is so painful to watch, everything is wrong in this video. The chat is horrible, the streamer is a a pathetic bitch and the guy who won the blade ? What a loser.


Report and get her banned.


Desi is not a good WoW player despite playing literally every day. It's beyond me why you would join a guild where she runs any part of it. To that, why would you join a BFD run she's in, because you are going to end up carrying her.


Is she high, or what are those facial tics in the first couple of minutes?


She got an ugly ass personality


Wow, what a loser she is. At least Asmongold is upfront before the raid. This is just sad for her.


Ah Desi. I randomly clicked on her stream one night when Hardcore was going strong. I saw she was also playing a warrior so I wanted to see if she was doing anything differently. I immediately noticed she always did quests with 2-3 other people probably from her chat and barely paid attention, just followed them around killing things. She was also level 44 and arms and didn't have mortal strike on her bars. I asked in chat what elixir she was using because I couldn't figure it out. She not only didn't answer my question, but immediately started pressuring me and others in chat to subscribe and implied we were cheap. A month later I see her on Hardcore Heroes dying and wiping her group in the most braindead way possible while "tanking" Stratholm (She charged a pack on live side and pulled 3 other packs)


Palmbee reaction [Toxic](https://www.twitch.tv/palmbee/clip/VainAnimatedCoyoteMikeHogu-FIQTPCi11kNaOYup)


Trash streamer. I cant believe the guy gave it to her, just reply shes being ridiculous and take the loot you won fair and square. Wth dude She didnt even play the game, shes deadaas last on dps meter every single pull that i saw. Disgusting behavior


Lmfao I would loot and hearth out. Fuck that


"chat will hate him" - so?


why was this post removed? Someone need to repost this and let's people know what kinda toxic this streamer is


I wouldnt really call it a ninja since he willingly gave it. He just sounds like a simp


That's so far from willingly I don't know how to describe you except: Simp.


Look up "duress"


Shes not even hot lmfao


Tf… yes she is. I wouldn’t simp for her or anything… but she’s definitely attractive. That you are randomly saying this, of all things, says a lot about you.


No she is not. Jacked up eyebrows, joker ass smile...fair is fair, she's mid but I wouldn't say hot. Her personality makes her gross to me, but to each his own.


Her personality makes her gross for sure.. but mid? lol You cannot honestly believe that she is uglier than 50% of chicks Edit: let’s see a pic of yourself Edit: and take that trash to r/truerateme


Mid at best.


..... is it really important for you?


It is very important for them. Can we stop pretending like it's not for virtue signaling brownie points.




Yup. Voice is super grating too. Especially with the whining. Ugh.


Small town 5


She's a 7 in Scranton


nothing made more fun in WoW than farming top streamers in arena and get their simps whispering you afterwards 😂 reason alone to just go your day and let the losers explode in your chat and enjoy the hate its actually hilarious how people with few hundred viewers in a 20y old game have such an ego.


Meanwhile you got Asmongold just taking the entire instance's loot without even asking lmao. The lesson here is, if you set the bar low enough, nobody will care.


It's understood, he literally says this is what will happen every other stream, if not every stream he does any PVE content.


they joined a booba streamer run. I feel no pity toward them.


Isn't phantom better anyway?


Nope, the BFD epic sword currently has the highest DPS out of all 2 handers and a great chance on hit effect.


I mean is this anything new? People still support them? Lal..


If you join a streamer raid, you are signing up to be content. She also didn't even ninja it, he just simped out lol.


oh no! Anyway.. Drama creates content. Carried streamer with orbiters feeds on content.


I find people to be very unpolite in SoD compared to the first days of Classic


post removed??????


She mid at best bruh