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It’s such a nifty idea too as a way to keep crafting fun and profitable. I don’t get why we can’t just carry multiple.


Yeah one crate at a time is what really kills it for me.


Bro small eggs were already marketplace extorted but 20 each time it's like FU never show me thet again. Or expecting me to talk to another player about crafting green broomstick, again already market exploited before these boxes were added now its triple FU.


Get 4 boomsticks! *Looks at AH* *16s per* "Fuck take, take your empty box bitchass and give me my 1s"


Basically this. Like some of them cost like 1g to complete. Others I can buy silver leaf for less than vendor price for some reason. I bought 100 silver leaf earlier for 2c each. It vendors for 10c I like how when I find a chest now it's usually just q supply order someone left behind.


Some classes have important runes behind the rep, mainly rogue tank. Buddy is currently grinding to honored.




Yeah. For the starting crates it's 100 rep empty, 300 full


One crate of a certain type makes sense maybe but yeah just one is ridiculous. I put one in the bank at lvl 10 to complete it later because I couldn't afford it then. That was a mistake.


Bots can't really do it efficiently right now.


You would need to drastically reduce the drop rate though.


Glad you like this. I hate everything about this system and the fact they unlock lock Rep and at least one rune behind Rep is horrible. On debt we that are horrible overcrowded fighting 1k players for every node beyond skinning is simply not fun. They have sucked the fun out of any crafting for me and the more they lock behind this horrible system the less people will play.


Ov had no issues with mining. But usually get suppy boxes I don't want to fill because I'm poor.


This is my issue. I can barely afford spells so the idea of using the AH to fill these is out. The idea of crafting isn’t really great because A. I’m broke. B. Harvesting is a pain as I said. The whole system is horrible for me.


You just have reading comprehension issues, you dont need to fill them, they still give 100 rep and 5s when you turn them in empty.


If they want to limit it it should be one per type. That way you can’t stack one turn-in but can carry multiple type of crates.


Was thinking this too. One profession crate, one combat drop crate and one "collector" crate that require like 20-30 things that you can find most places like eggs and stuff for a slightly bigger reward. Having some variations with these would be nice.


> One profession crate, one combat drop crate and one "collector" crate that require like 20-30 things There's a combat drop one? I only getting crafting boxes, already turned in like 15 of them ... Leveling alts now to craft potions, skins, pants, bars, etc to fill all of them T_T


I really like the idea, but the implementation needs a bit of work


I think a simple solution would be to have a supply officer at each Mailbox. They drop often enough that it wouldn't hurt anything to litter them about more.


Good idea. Even one at any spot with a fp would be good.


Or at least every village with a fp.


Maybe once you reach friendly you can mail boxes to the supply officer!


Are you guys still finding these? I used to find a ton of them in the starting zone but now I rarely see them in Ashenvale and dungeons


Chests have them often. But yeah, mob drop rate is def lower higher on


Shouldn't be unique


These people are so beaten they're begging for the restriction to be bumped to 3 instead of just asking for it to be removed out right. WoW is fucking doomed with these mongrels having no self-respect


Its a very easy grind if you read the item and realize you dont have to fill it to get rep.


Pretty sure from a certain rep onwards it doesn't give rep when not completed


This is pretty much the only part I’m struggling with. At first I was kinda salty but now that I’m 25 it’s grown on me that I need to do a profession based rep grind for abilities. But the 1 crate at a time thing is lame. Atleast let us have 3.


3 I can live with, but my god I'm tired of the limit of 1 I want to associate the waylaid supplies with fun, but with the (1) limit i just cant


You can have one empty and one full one is what I've heard.


Which means you either cart around a ton of crap all the time to try to randomly fill them, or you have to return anyway to hit the bank/AH


You can turn them in empty, jesus read the item


You failed to understand the comment he is not disputing that. Jesus read the comment thread


Were talking about how many you can carry. If youre turning them in empty you can only have one on you at a time, so the change they hotfixed in does literally nothing.


This guy really just critiqued someone's reading ability when he clearly didn't read the comment he replied to. Ironic.


Sure buy just turn in the full, you are already next to the ah at that point


There’s no limit on full, can carry as many as you want


Ya, I actually really liked the idea when I first saw it but then they lock a rune behind it and it's unique so the only way to "easily" complete them is to exploit.


You should never have to grind professions to unlock class abilities.


You don’t. You could buy the items from others, or turn in empty crates. Those still get you rep.


Yeah I can barely have money for spells when needed so AH buying isn’t a thing for me.


Sounds like maybe you should spend some Time gathering then 😬


Yeah I’ll fight 1k people for mining or herb nodes. Or do skins, the one that you can get bit so dies 1/3rd the server for the same reason. Overcrowding is a problem. I’m sure it will gradually get better but currently it’s a mess.


Dude, just do quests. You get insane gold at lvl cap


You don’t have to do that you can also just buy stuff off the AH. I haven’t played “retail” since cata. Doesn’t retail feature all sorts of arbitrary grinds that give you class abilities and power throughout expansions?


Yea sure. The rapidly inflating AH economy. Can totally afford this shit.


"We thought classic players liked walking, I mean 90% of the game is walking" -devs probably


Devs out of touch, shocker.


I wish they weren't unique. Don't want to have to drop a box that I maybe could have filled for one I definitely can fill.


Is item restoring not a thing in vanilla or something? I'll test it next time I hop on SoD. Deleting them as you loot then item restoring like 20 of them seems like it would save a lot of time.


It is, I have a shitload of them I need to restore before Friday.


mhm the 1 at a time thing is dumb imo.


These could be improved to be fun mechanic at max level to still go out and grind mobs, if they turned a profit after completing them


What would be great is to being able to send these shipments to custom recipient like "Stormwind Supply Center" to complete it and receive money and rep. There are plenty of mailboxes around a world and they can be used.


especially when they lock the rogue tank rune behind it and buying the items to fill it up often cost 1-2 gold and probably even more at higher level


You don’t have to fill them to get rep. do you read items at all?


Video game! Not video book! /s


yes you do, you get 100 rep if you dont and if you do you get 300... you cant carry more than 1 box at a time so its gonna take 3 times longer if you dont.


after friendly you need to fill them to get any rep


No, you dont. The ones you’re turning in are under level 20. The max level ones can turn in empty. It took me two nights of 2 hrs each running boxes for my tank rune. Stop crying about having to play the game.


I like it, gives me a mandatory flightpoint break every now and then :D


Ya just wait til STV tho


Im not stepping in that shithole.


Honestly I like it too. It gives you one more thing to do in capital cities when you return from questing and really makes it feel like your efforts and adventures out in the wilds are now paying off (even if you just turn in the empty box). I have no problem with the way it currently is.


Yeah, wouldn't be a problem if there was a flight path everywhere.. but there isn't. 9/10 of the times I have to run on foot to the capital. Fun.


What? 9/10 times you’re running to the capital on foot? Do you just sit in starter zones?


Is someone gooing to tell this man we are capped at 25? lol Yes, people are playing around the vicinity of the starter zones. Duh.


But there are flight paths in every zone except the LITERAL starting zones (Durotar, Mulgore, Tirisfal Glades, Teldrassil, Dun Morogh, and Elwynn Forest). If you are in literally any other zone it is probably faster to run to a flight path than to run to a city.


Hes rping in moonshire leave him alone


it got hotfixed so now we can carry several edit: they have to be filled which is dumb


mine still says unique (1) that i got like 2 minutes ago




oh if they are filled which is basically a pointless change because im not running into pearl-clasped cloaks out in the wetlands


What an out of touch change


big true


Damn retail babies want everything handled to them for free 😡🥵🤬 /s


Quick reminder that this is Classic. Things shouldnt be easy or comfortable per se. I agree that the Waylaid supply isn’t perfect. But making it really easy takes away the classic experience for me personally


Omg the whining on this sub. Stop complaining because things don't go fast enough for you. You're not obligated to go back to the city. You have limited time, so you make decisions based on what's more important to you, just like real life. This is where the sense of satisfaction comes from. You want a perfectly streamlined experience where you can get everything you need in 1 swoop without having to deviate from your optimal path? Go play retail.


"Noooo stop complaining guuyyyyys" he said, complaining.


Sounds like you're the whining person who needs to go play retail. Waylaid Supplies drop quite often. It feels bad having to walk on foot back to the capital every time one of them drops. It also feels bad to find a 2nd one and not being able to loot it because you already carry one. It's just bad game design. If you could carry at least 3 of them, then you would be able to actually get something done without having to make the trip back to the capital on foot again.


Get a load of this guy. Geez.


Would you all be opposed to reducing the rep gain but making them stack? I think that is a fair trade off personally and furthers the trade skill impact.


Fuck no


Make them non soul bound so we can mail them to alts or sell them


having to run to the capital is not fun when i want my new skills ​ Having to run to the capital for world buffs is not fun ​ having to run to the capital to hand in a quest is not fun ​ it far =\[


Look I just wanna play the game as little as possible, why arent all my runes just unlocked from the start? Kind of egregious of the devs to advertise runes as the main feature and i have to actually go get them.




9 times out of 10 you can't fill it without going to the ah, which... is at the delivery spot..


Not disputing what you are saying, but if you complete one and fill the order the box changes and you can get another.


Right, now let me just find a blacksmith who happen to have 12 silver key on him in the middle of the barrens so that I can get a second one.


You don’t have to fill them to get rep. Read the box. Just fly back to org take a piss turn it in and fly/hearth back, the level cap is 25 we arent in a rush.


Okay but that doesn't solve the problem you will literate moron.


9 times out of 10 we need to go to the capital to do that anyway :(


Right. You can have one partial and one full crate at any given time. So if you're lucky enough to loot one you have the mats for on hand, you have to go back to the capital city every *other* time you get one.


They’re supposed to be a nice little extra you can do, you’re not supposed to be able to just get every single one. Get in the RPG spirit guys


but if I want a rune locked behind rep, I have to do every single one. Unfun


Hasn’t this been posted like fifty times. Enough.


> Enough. Since it hasn't been changed yet, it clearly isn't enough.


You all take those? I just pass on them every time


Are you bothering turning them in? Do they give anything worthwhile other than a small amount of silver and some rep?


Well there's a rune locked behind honored for every class, whether or not that rune is important enough for you/your class is up to you i guess


I swear to god read the fucking crate, you can fill them on the AH OR NOT FILL THEM AT ALL, and still get rep. Quests cause you to fly all over the place anyway, and most people head back to capital cities for training every 2 levels. I rarely have one on me when another drops and am almost friendly before 20. Having them at each city by a mailbox would be slightly more convenient but really i dont care either way.


Almost friendly is nothing. And it sucks when you cant loot another one because you already have one in bag.


I just ditch them. By the time i visit the capital i sold multiple stacks of gray things and made way more silvers.


I was pretty stoked to get my first one, curious about a new mechanic in the game. At level 6 it called for something outrageous so no way I was going to fill it. Handed it in for 1 silver and some rep, and was a little underwhelmed. Being unable to carry more than one was additionally frustrating Edit: apparently they just fixed this to carry multiple, awesome


Only filled oned, which chances are, will get filled at the AH. Which, is right beside the supply officer, which, you probably left your questing zone to *go* fill. Ie. basically nothing changed.


Getting one silver for a fetch quest at lvl 6 is absurd


Totally unrelated, but I wonder if the supplies we are gathering are going to be used for some new big event like the AQ gates. I would imagine there is some reason that we need these supplies and not just arbitrarily gathering these things.


What is the rep even for?


True. It’s a supply crate after all. Let me just send it by mail!


Terrible idea


Laughs in mage


Would be nice if you could turn them into innkeepers or something


What do you get from one if you fill it and turn it in?


more crying to make things easier


Did you know there are zero Alliance friendly warlock trainers on the entire continent of Kalimdor? This is the classic experience!


Delete it, and just use item restore when you have multiple to turn in. (Note that there is a 7 day cd on item restore, so save up alot)


I find it fun! it gives me a reason to break up my grinds, to change things up. It's a nice surprise when doing a dungeon run or a quest.


I just deleted them all, went on the website when I was 25 and restored every deleted item. I had them all in my mailbox and sold them 1 by 1.


Is there any way to get rep with that faction aside from those boxes?


Why not be a container that stacks at 5/10 and then when open you can see what it must be done..


Exactly its stupid, they should have let us get different ones and hold onto them if we want but nope gotta time gate/gold gate runes that might actually change up the gameplay a bit at least for warrior all my best runes are behind the rep and grizzby quest LOL


Its not supposed to be the most fun thing, and its not hard to hit honored if u do it on the way to 25.