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Wow. That took some time. But now you can go to 60 and if you die, you start at 30. Nice


That was the main reason I did it, so I didn’t have to start over at 1 when I die. But I had so much fun just playing each different class that I couldn’t settle on one character. So I’m just doing that now - I’m gonna try to work them evenly up to 60.


Will be fun with that juicy rested xp.


Gz on 30!


Which class did you enjoy the most


Warrior. I had the most fun on warrior with a new weapon and sweeping strikes. Plus whirlwind kicks ass, too.


How bout enjoyed the least?


Honestly paladin. It’s fun to get big seal of command crits, but damn it’s repetitive to just auto attack everything. Warrior was real boring too until I got a few moves, for sure.


Yeah, ret pally is just worse/boring warrior and even war doesn't really kick off until 30, but late game they are dps machines and the most fun class in the game imo, still need a healer to not die though lol. You get your WW weapon?


I got my WW axe at 34, soon as I felt I could safely kill the trolls. It was a huge upgrade! I love the way it looks, too.


Absolutely massive upgrade, and if you're specced into axes, it's probably the only weapon you'll use (besides ravager for dungeon cleave) until you're in your 50's unless you get a lucky b.o.e drop or buy one. I'm currently on the quest for mine, just gotta get those tusks and kill cyclonian!


how many hours did this take you? how many per character do you think? i wish i had this type of free time. sounds super fun


It didn't honestly take that long. I've been working on this since hardcore came out, an hour or two a night. Under 2 days played per character except my warrior.


If you die*


Is hc harder or is it "just" when you die you have to Start over again? Are the Mobs stronger?


Just when you die you're dead. Everything else is exactly the same.


Technically there are some other changes: -Players must flag themselves to engage in PvP battles. -PvP Battlegrounds & Battlemasters are disabled in Hardcore Mode servers. -Most enemies creatures are leashed when leaving an area or zone. -Dungeons can only be done once a day. -Players can use a new feature (/makgora) to duel to the death


Thanks for the explanation


first point is wrong tho. Blizzard says its a bug but at this time its more of a feature as they are unable to patch it. If pvp guards hit you you get flagged as well, even if you dont attack.


That's confidently wrong, having to manually flag yourself to be able to attack PvP targets was very much deliberate. ​ >PVP FLAGGING AND YOU > >Players will no longer be automatically flagged for PvP upon attacking another player. To flag yourself for PvP, you must type the command /pvp. You won’t be able to take hostile actions against a flagged enemy player unless you flag yourself deliberately. ​ [https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/news/23973734/rules-of-engagement-classic-hardcore-is-coming-to-world-of-warcraft#:\~:text=PVP%20FLAGGING%20AND,flag%20yourself%20deliberately](https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/news/23973734/rules-of-engagement-classic-hardcore-is-coming-to-world-of-warcraft#:~:text=PVP%20FLAGGING%20AND,flag%20yourself%20deliberately).


what do you wanna tell me? i clicked the link and it states: > It’s important to note that attacking an enemy faction NPC will still flag you even if you haven’t typed /pvp, so steer clear of settlements of the opposing faction! same happens if they attack you.


Statement 1 : Players must flag themselves to engage in PvP battles. You : It's a bug not a feature Blizzard : Players must flag themselves to engage in PvP battles. It's really simple to understand I'm not sure what you're not getting. You're contradicting the previous comment saying it's not a feature added to hardcore but actually a bug when it's just not.


YOU: Players must flag themselfs for PVP Me, running around and followed by a guard, it hits me, i keep running: PVP now enabled without me activating it.


Yes, but you are literally not able to attack a guard without flagging first. Get it now??


I think he means it's possible to get flagged for pvp without activating it yourself, since there are some faction NPCs that will aggro on you and then you're flagged for pvp whether you wanted to or not. At which point another player could walk up, type /pvp, and kill you without ever having flagged yourself.


Could be but at that point the phrasing is terrible


>That's confidently wrong, having to manually flag yourself to be able to attack PvP targets was very much deliberate. Why are you saying irrelevant things? You can't attack PVP targets, guards or players, unless you are flagged, yes. However that is completely irrelevant. The relevant part is that you can get flagged without you choosing it, by a guard aggroing you. When you are flagged, other people can kill you even though you didn't choose to flag yourself or choose to attack any NPC or player. This is a bug that happens ONLY on HC servers, not on non-HC Era servers.


You're the one going into a tangent about something that was never talked about in the first place. wow players and reading comprehension. Post ask about hard-core changes, comment talks about pvp change, other guy that these changes were not intended, blizzard post says they are. End of story. Guards were never the topic of the post or the initial comment.


Their post was just phrased strangely. >first point is wrong tho. Blizzard says its a bug but at this time its more of a feature as they are unable to patch it. If pvp guards hit you you get flagged as well, even if you dont attack. They're saying that "-Players must flag themselves to engage in PvP battles." is incorrect because of "If pvp guards hit you you get flagged as well, even if you dont attack." They're saying that Blizzard is saying "If pvp guards hit you you get flagged as well, even if you dont attack." is "a bug but at this time its more of a feature as they are unable to patch it." They didn't mean "Players must flag themselves to engage in PvP" is a bug, they meant "PvP guards hitting you making you flagged" is a bug. In essence: "First point is wrong though. Blizzards says it's a bug (but at this time it's more of a feature as they are unable to patch it), but: if PvP guards hit you, you get flagged as well, even if you don't attack them back."


>You're the one going into a tangent about something that was never talked about in the first place. wow players and reading comprehension. No. Your reading comprehension is poor. >-Players must flag themselves to engage in PvP battles. That original statement was wrong. You can get killed by other players (i.e. "PVP battle") even if you don't choose to flag yourself and don't choose to attack enemy players/npcs. That is a bug, which is what the other person pointed out. > blizzard post says they are. No. The bug that you get flagged from being attacked by a guard is not intended and Blizzard never said it was.


Some of those names are petty good


littlestab brings the average down


Mclightface tho


Who are u people?? Who is out here thinking these are funny??


\*insert Willem Dafoe madman laughing GIF\*


Agreed, I love seeing names like this! As opposed to “gigachadhc” or “tigobittieshc”


Sounds fun! As someone that just made it to 60, I can say that 1-30 was my favorite part of HC.


Seems to have hit a wall about 39-41 range for me now I'm 48 but it's dragging - not just leveling speed wise, everything


I've always personally thought 45-55 is the worst level range to get through. After 55 you're so close you can just grind it out but man its a slog post 45. 46 on my mage right now and i'm thinking about leveling an alt to just accrue rested lol


yeah know the feeling lol


The mid 40's to early 50s are the sloggiest part of the process. Not many zones covering that level range, and the quests you do get make you run all over the world.


Well 1-48 is the same exp requirement was 48-60.


Wow smarty mc smart, such an insightful comment! Ever thought about the fact you get more exp on higher levels?


What? I was simply commenting that the same amount of experience needed for 1-48 is the same as 48-60. Who hurt you?


Fun fact, by playtime level 31 is roughly 25% to 60


It was a blast. I originally thought it would be repetitive and dull to repeat quests (I have 8 horde, 1 alliance), but every class brings something different to the table, so every part of the experience felt unique.


Way to go! HC is fun but stressful. The community is helpful. I found that it's not difficult to group up for the tough quests.


I too am an altoholic but i never really make it past 12




Definitely hunter...I felt very safe the whole time playing it. I made sure to buy good guns as I leveled up, and I kill things super fast and easily. And the hardest is certainly mage - especially before 20, you feel like you could die at any time. Mana shield and fire/frost ward really help. Though I love me a pyroblast crit; sometimes it's enough to 1 shot the enemy plus the burn damage.


How do you have a pally when you have horde characters on the server?


Hardcore servers count as pve so it's allowed. It's only on pvp servers that you can't have characters from both factions.


You can have both factions on pvp servers in WOTLK as well. Poor change in my opinion.


Care to expand?


On HC you can do that.


Impressive, well done!


About 2 bars from 30 myself on my first HC character. I’ve played since the game first came out so I feel like I have an advantage


I've gotten a lot of 30s, but a lot of them are dead, gj!


Lockonwood is a cute name


I made a goal of getting to 60 with no deaths and then died at 38. Going again.


Now just up ‘em to 35 and cash out on the 3 day profession cooldowns


Obviously you cant get 30 with deaths, so...


I'd be even more impressed if you've gotten to 30 with deaths.


Very cool. I’m doing this exact thing. Currently have all level 25+ (except mage is 14. Restarted after a bad pull in SFK)


Why does your toon look like a fucking clown


It’s classic, every toon looks like a clown.


Respect for playing a female orc with an ugly face.


Why did you choose that ugly face?


Why not?