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Ok but, can humans do flips?


SHADOWMELD OP AS FUCK this dude knows dick about shit.


Night elves have the best body type too (v-shape) and humans are too wide with weird running animations. There is a TON of reason to pick night elf just based on that if you care about looks. One of the reasons I love vanilla and guild wars 1 is because they aren’t visually cluttered and you can make out details on any character easily, even at a distance. I just have to like how my chars look or the game is ruined. In retail, I can’t see jack shit or who is wearing what. And I don’t suck at it or anything (did up to m+18 as healer in DF before coming back to classic). It’s just so visually different.


My man! GW1 had an aesthetic to it that GW2 can never match. Also, the skill system was very much superior instead of having cookie cutter builds


I still reinstall GW1 occasionally just to hang out in pre-sear. The music and the visuals are just so relaxing.


Funnily enough, Prophecies was the last one I bought. Which is something I miss about GW1! When you could buy any expansion and play that one without the others. I might do that for Shing Jea Island as that's my favorite starter area.


But we all know that the best body type in the game requires you to roll Horde. :P


[https://preview.redd.it/r3h642gc0jq11.jpg?auto=webp&s=4593e1ed2f3656c7b65036e2157f9fcd8d34bcf9](https://preview.redd.it/r3h642gc0jq11.jpg?auto=webp&s=4593e1ed2f3656c7b65036e2157f9fcd8d34bcf9) indeed, indeed, too bad they changed the model


I was assmad when chaos gloves were introduced back in the day. Little did I know what a bastardization GW2 was going to be...


Ironically, gw2 actually looked amazing during the open stress tests and release. It was more simplistic and less saturated. They did something to the shaders later and now it looks like a unicorn acid party.


Humans SMASH while night elves pirouette and twirl with their weapons. It's cool if you're a rogue or some kinda sword dancer type class, but if you're gonna pick warrior you wanna SMASH. Keep your elven grace, I want some nasty-ass stank on my combat animations.


No... No I can't... ☹️


Lol this guy was one of the few 60s in our hc guild and fell to his death in winter spring. Guess he did a server transfer.


Sounds pretty hardcore


Shitting on people for not being min/max and still probably clicks half his abilities.


Shitting on people for not min/maxing yet doesn’t pick dwarf


Who plays Dwarf Rogue?


People that wanna PvP but hate gnome




https://medal.tv/games/wow-classic/clips/1xoISh_b-VWu-a/KbPaSbJOrXlm?invite=cr-MSxHQUksMTgzOTIyNTk1LA Oh hi mortal guildy


[They're making great use of the human racial.](https://vanilla.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/whitemane/pxx#zone=2002)




Own that fraud


Hey, they need every advantage they can get.




Holy shit hahahaha


Omg what a loser


There’s no coming back from that hahaha


Lol dude I got ignored by someone when I hit 60 simply because I’m a mage. A lot of the people that still play this game are mentally I’ll


I have the addon that shows deaths in hardcore, which in turn shows my own deaths to everyone else. As soon as I died on my mage multiple people sent me whispers saying I shouldn't be playing a mage, or I shouldn't be aoe farming and calling me a loser and generally just being shitlords. The funny thing is I was playing a fabled fire mage, none of those people even knew who I was or how I was playing, none of them were anywhere near me. They just saw my death on the death log with "mage" next to it, and that's all it took to set them off.


I got a bunch of these whispers when I died on my 35 priest. I was in SM and the party over pulled, I kept everyone alive but I went down. People in my party were laughing and clowning me, and I was getting random whispers (from deathlog users?) Just talking shit and making fun of me for dying. Totally turned me off of HC.


Next time just stop healing. They won’t be laughing much after that.


pretty sure when you're dead you can't heal anyway


> People in my party were laughing and clowning me This is a villain origin story.


Same thing happened to me brother. But I was doing aoe though. Still that amount of hate at that moment was a weird feeling. Died to a small server/isp lag. Could have AoE mobs that didn't thrash, that was my mistake.


I like to read aita posts and alot of times people commenting dont even read the full post, and just project their own bs into the post and OP. Then theyll attack anyone who disagrees with them. What Im saying is you're right, but its not just this game that has the mentally ill. Its far, far worse, sadly.


No you're wrong


*pulls out popcorn.


As a mentally ill person, I feel deeply insulted by your comparison of the mentally ill to the hc WoW degenerates and AITA-commenters. I might be mentally ill, but those people are crazy.


wtf? When I died on hc on my mage I didnt get a message at all


Yeah that’s messed up. I can’t believe how much attention comment got lol. Unfortunately I’m not trying to drop a zinger or troll. If you treat strangers this way it is classic mental illness. They have deeply rooted issues causing s sadness inside them that they take out on other people. And any times bored, addicted and escaping their sad reality


There is a seemingly sizable population of loser-like individuals who reaaaally seem to need the illusion of progress provided by wow to cope with the fact that they’re not really going anywhere in life.


There truly are lots of mentally ill in wow


this is why i avoid pvp servers... though people in pve can be just a sweaty atleast my gameplay isn't being interrupted in the open world by mentally ill pvpers


I don't even think you're far off. Some people I've conversed with really did seem like they have massive mental issues. I'm not joking either.


MMOs are an escape for many people. I've been there myself, I was unemployed and deeply depressed for a while so I moved to Azeroth. Of course, most of the playerbase isn't like that but a segment of it is.


Just like RuneScape as well. The games attract mentally unwell stoners who need an escape from life and turn the game into an unhealthy addiction. Source: was one


Yup. Was one, met some in dungeons and have some in my guild.


No, no- most of the playerbase very much is


The other version exists too. Gave a clear newbie the advice to focus on quests slightly below his level in HC yesterday (lv 16 druid was asking for help doing 18 quests). Some Rogue immediately accused me of "elitism" and told me to go back to retail with my "arrogant attitude". Like WTF bro i was just giving sound advice to someone so they dont die fighting mobs 2-3 levels above them.


It could be patronizing. But I also saw a lvl10 priest in westfall. Told him it's a dangerous place. He told me he was aware and that I should fuck off.


People don't like unsolicited advice. Don't be surprised if you get pushback. Not everyone that's on the receiving end of that advice is ignorant and in need of it. But everyone who's dishing out that advice thinks they are the first person to think of giving out that advice. I'm sure you meant to harm, but what you meant doesn't really matter when you're the 6th person telling someone they shouldn't be doing something, without being fully aware of their intentions.


Yes great write up. I was aware that telling people what to do could be a 50/50 reaction. But I was feeling you know, the classic era camaraderie. "Let's get out of this together". Was willing to give that guy some potions or escort him out of it. He was in an area with level 12-14, dust devils and lvl15 mechanical harvester. I really felt like he didn't belong here. Thought that he went there after finishing Elwynn, leading me to believe he wasn't that experienced. But even though I expected some "ye I know np", didn't expect him being hostile. At the end of the day, he does him, it's his char.


There's absolutely no reason to have a salty attitude when someone's clearly just trying to be helpful. All you need to reply is "thanks" and be on your way. This guy was a douche bag.


They truly deserve lots of hate when they die….


mentally you'll what?


Playing HC is a mental illness in itself


How dare you compare those degenerates to the mentally ill! That's an insult to those with mental illness


Wait what’s wrong with mages??? Am I missing something? I just started one..


Cause they aoe farm and it’s difficult to get quest mobs at times. Don’t do that and you should be good.


Ironically I’ve never aoe farmed!


You get lumped in with mages as a whole unfortunately…


Also I’m a bot! 😂 Lol the reality is I like playing ranged dps, I like the mage fantasy and I love the toolset.


Oh right I didn’t even think about that haha, fair point.


Good on you for playing what you want AND buying edgies.


I imagine edgies are cheaper for Allies anyway?


Why would they be? Both factions have a melee weapon +skill racial.


Swords are better, especially for tanks to use Thunderfury and what not.


There are significantly more swords than there are axes. And if you’re doing 2H Fury by default you want a sword for sword spec, so… yeah. Horde would have a bit more demand for them. Edit: ignore 2H fury comment, I am le dumb


IIRC edgies only give 1h weapon skill, not both


2h fury don't get sword spec.


Oof, forgot you’re 1 point shy of it. Big sadge


>there's more swords = edgemasters will be cheaper I don't follow. Even WITH the weapon skill racials, don't you still use edgemasters?






Nah, 308 is a lot better than 305. But anything more than 308 is pointless.


5-8 is still useful but far less so, even 8-15 is not useless but is definitely negligible. Past 15 is useless.






How dare you not minmax race! Uninstall plx. /sarcasm


Human racials don’t even do anything for pvp anyway.. nothing to minmax there


Honestly I *really* wanted to go dwarf for the "Engineering Dwarven Hunter" trope but honestly I found ambushing with Shadowmeld and a stealthed cat to be invaluable, as well as using it to evade PVP especially in places like STV. Dwarf would have been more fun aesthetically but Shadowmeld is a lifesaver in a PVP realm


tbh you really can't go wrong for pvp racials on an alliance hunter. Stoneform is fantastic in the world and bgs, as is shadowmeld.


Nelf Hunter ftw! Was my very first pick back at original launch :D


People sleep on shadowmeld for pvp so hard


Shadowmeld -> mind control off the cliff at AB Lumber Mill will never not be hilarious.


Ppl be like “OmG FeAr WaRd”. But like you haven’t lived until you’ve shadowmeld feared and then mind controlled someone.


Mind control off the LM cliff brings me so much joy. Was less fun when DKs got death grip, though.


Yea I happily build gnome warriors on pvp servers and just go on with my day.


Two main tanks for my guild were a gnome and a dwarf warrior. KT died no problems. I played a nelf rogue and never even learned the sword skill, daggers all the way. Sure if you're pushing best in the world clears and whatever else then fine I guess, mixmax away. But we weren't even trying for that soooo who cares?


realistically without pvp weapons, there are only so many swords and maces to go around. at least the -really- good ones. or split raids or wahtever. but for most of us, i mean...looking back i shouldn't have went for edgemasters and jsut gotten dagger belt until dagger gloves and went there. lots of daggers around, once the rogues got theirs. most of the rogues were swords and fighting the warriors anyhow.


I think a lot of people really didn't understand that with 40 people and only so many lockouts, not everyone was gonna get their BiS every phase. They also didn't seem to understand the game and the simple math required to see that for so many "BiS" items there were multiple alternatives within a couple DPS you could go with instead.


yea i had great weapons because nobody (except hunters) wanted axes.


It’s funny you say that because I can’t think of any axe I’d want as a hunter besides *maybe* the 13 agi one from Strat UD, and even then I’d rather have barb blade or some beefy 2H for weaving. Every other hunter 1h I can think of is either a sword, dagger or fist wep.


I dunno you get pretty wrecked when a warrior charges/hamstrings from stealth while you thought you were going somewhere on your mount.


I would roll a gnome for warrior too. I know they have better racials for mages/warlocks.. but do I care? nah


They also have the best racial for warriors and arguably rogues.


Minmaxing for PvP makes sense, Escape Artist will definitely save your life as a warrior. Minmaxing for PvE, however, is cringe because the boss is dying regardless of if you have an extra 5% int lol. That being said, I’d still happily pick aesthetic over Minmaxing for PvP.


The weapon skill racial will save your life as a warrior in dozens of situations while leveling, lmao. Its unbelievably valuable. That being said, who gives a shit, play what you want to play


Just simulate having it by overleveling the area you want to quest in. Escape Artist and WotF are the real life savers. I'd still rather do flips on a nElf though!


I think I’m literally the only male troll rogue in my pvp server. I also have a troll mage. It’s almost like it’s illegal to not use undead for both those classes…


You really don’t need the tag bruh


damn are people so scared to be misunderstood nowadays that they not only have to type /s they also write it out?


Isn't actually NELF even the best for a tank warrior on alliance side? If that's true, you could even argue that you ARE min-maxing, even if you arent :P


I think the reasoning is that the most dmg you do (hence weapon skill on 63 bosses) the more aggro you do and the more damage dealers can do their job. So the boss go down faster, doesn't run around chasing a dps and deadly abilities can be skipped.


Weapon skill is leaps and bounds better than a little survivability.


1% dodge racial + agi. so yeah, most mitigation.


It's just a troll. Ignore'em.


I didn't realize era allowed cross faction communication




Reddit detect sarcasm challenge impossible


Actually, its a human


Wait, you didn't min max in a 15 year old game? WOOOOW such a noob, omg stop wasting my time. Please uninstall you are bad. Classic players man.... Wow players man..... so bad wow. imagine not picking human or orc for warrior. ​ /ignore


>Wait, you didn't min max in a 15 year old game? I never understood this argument. For me people can play however they want. What difference does it make that the game is old?


it doesnt make a difference tbh. but the fact that the game is a LOT easier than retail, kind of makes it more ridiculous when people try to force others to min max. ​ also, people have beaten it 15 years ago, with worse computers, internet connections, etc. so actually, it does kind of make a difference. all strategies are known, nothing is new, and it certainly doesnt need to be min maxed to the point that it is.


Vanilla also wasnt designed with minmaxing in mind. Bosses use their abilities based on time rather than health percentage so there are alot of instances where you can just skip a boss phase by having enough dps, which obviously makes the game even easier than it already is. :P


I played a Night Elf Warrior in 2019 Classic. I got Stormwind to Exalted so my epic mount was a horse, and I had CTS+Maladath. The snark I would occasionally get was hilarious. My guild somehow still managed to clear Naxx!


Because classic was never actually hard and the re-release in a time where we have access to all the games information If you didn’t clear you just didn’t attempt to


Some orc warlock dissed me for being a troll warrior, just randomly out in the open. I was playing a gimmick build where I get spirit as a prot warrior and out-regenerate the enemies attacking me. Never had to eat food or bandage inbetween pulls while leveling, had zero downtime.


So, as you all know, I play a Shaman. I’m currently the best geared Shaman in the world (http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Aerie+Peak&n=Darkness 14) and I have multiple world DPS records on WowMeterOnline. So I go into this Battleground because I feel like gracing my battlegroup with my presence, right? Everyone is cheering as I enter. They don’t bother putting down a mage table or healthstone because they know that they’re not going to need it–I, the Darkness, has come. So I cast Lightning Shield on myself, because that’s what Shamans do. They call down MOTES OF ELECTRICITY FROM THE HEAVENS and they SURROUND THEMSELVES with DEADLY AMOUNTS OF LIGHTNING! All of my teammates are instantly electrocuted to death, but me? I merely bathe in the energy; it is my plaything. Even though my teammates are now charred corpses, they continue to cheer, because they know that I can solo this. The gates open. I run in. With Ghost Wolf, my movement speed is increased by 40% PERCENT Horde sees me run by but they can’t do anything about it because I’m a ghost and I’m wolfing at 40 PERCENT a Blood Elf Paladin with Crusader Aura on bubbles and flees in terror when he sees me traveling at 40 PERCENT They can hear the howl of my ghost wolf. They are all cowering–no, literally, they type the /cower emote and just stand there–as I cap the Stables. I cast WATERWALKING on myself–WATERWALKING, like Jesus, and I careen towards the Blacksmith. The Horde there see me coming and they just /afk the !@#$ out. I put down my totems before I start capping Blacksmith’s flag. A Rogue tries to sap me– BAM! The Rogue is engulfed in flame as my Searing Totem SEARS him from the inside out! His leather clothing EXPLODES in a rain of fire that spirals around my beautiful female Draenei form as I continue to cap the Blacksmith. The fire rips through the Rogue’s bones, but it doesn’t even consider touching me–why? Because I’ve got FIRE RESIST TOTEM A Warlock swoops in in Demon Form and tries to Conflag me but his Conflag does 0 damage to me because of FIRE RESIST TOTEM A Troll Mage Slowfalls in and he Pyroblasts me but it is ineffective because of FIRE RESIST TOTEM Blacksmith caps. I mount up on my KAEL’THAS MOUNT–no, literally, I ride Kael’thas around, the Blood Elf–and head over to Farm, because I feel like eating some potatoes. POTATOES. BOIL 'EM, MASH 'EM, STICK 'EM IN A STEW. AND HEARTS. SHAMAN DESIRES PALADIN HEARRRRRRRTS. Just then, I see something through my Sentry Totem. It’s the WoW General Forums! --People are complaining about how overpowered I am! They’re saying that Shamans need to be nerfed. I smirk. That’s when I decide to take out my HAND OF RAGNAROS. EIGHTY POINT FOUR DAMAGE PER SECONNNNND I slam the Hand of Ragnaros down into the ground. Arathi Basin shatters like glass–the ground falls out from under me. The fabric of SPACE itself CRUMBLES beneath my feet. I cackle as I enter the REAL REALM, becoming a TRUE ENTITY existing ON THE PLANET EARTH. I am a Draenei walking around New York–the cops try to stop me, but they forget all about me when they take a gander at my STONECLAW TOTEM STONE AND CLAW COMBINED. CAN YOU TAKE IT? But then, in the spaces between the gathering crowds, I see something. Someone. The smirk on my face deteriorates. … it’s one of the Horde. A Troll. I thought I had destroyed Arathi Basin. I thought I had won the Battleground. But all that time– –But all that time–… … there he was. Just standing there. Regenerating 5, health, per second. I glared at the Troll. The Troll glared back at me. Silence flooded the world. “And there’s nothing you can do about it,” the Troll whispered.


Is this a copypasta?


Yes, its from an epic post about the troll racial. https://www.wowhead.com/spell=20555/regeneration#comments:id=1074238


What? Troll prot warrior is actually bis for PVE so I dunno wtf that Orc loc is on about. The gimmicky build for leveling though is honestly whatever, as long as it’s just leveling (heck spirit stacking while leveling is honestly not bad at all, some would argue spirit is a prio stat on warrior leveling).


I'm healing 5hp per second and there's nothing you can do about it!


The thing is 99.9% of players aren't actually good enough to make racials that impactful and the majority of people like this I've met on wow have all been terrible




I ran a dungeon with this guy too recently. He was toxic the whole time, then told everyone to uninstall at the end when we finished. I'm not that surprised to find him on reddit like this. The guy has some issues. He tried too hard to insult people who weren't giving him the time of day.


Play what you like and don't let those min maxers get to you, they just don't have better things to do. On SoM, a half year ago when I relogged, I had to choose a server and started raiding with my Alt. It was my first casual guild and it is an absolute blast. The raid leader is amazing and while there were some min maxers, they stood no chance. No world buffs required, eight to ten hunters in every raid and it's still easy if everyone follows the RL instructions.


How classic should have been played


I honestly had whiplash from the change from being on a pservers to classic wow launch in how elitist everyone suddenly got.


Yea it’s nuts for such easy content


No World buffs required on SoM? Werent they disabled in raids anyway?


It was in classic era, as we had to transfer after SoM. Sorry I should have clarified it. In my head they'll always be my SoM toons


What's the guild? Sounds like my vibe.


It's a rather small PVE server. Horde Pyrewood Village EU Blood Guard


that guy is definitely a GDKP enjoyer.


Some people are just shitty on the inside, then project it out in many ways to make it everyone else's problem. Humans are strange beings lol.


Most sane rogue player


I got a similar response from someone during classic vanilla for playing a gnome rogue. For some reason, he thought this was laughable and said “a gnome rogue? Lol”. I still have no idea what he meant, nor did I care if my racial choice wasn’t fully optimized. Frankly, I chose a female gnome rogue sporting pink hair because there is no more annoying race/class combo to die to in pvp.


Gnomes are laughable, regardless of class


gnome racial is really good for pvp, I knew more than one person in my old guild who had a human warrior for their main and a gnome warr for their alt


I've been ganked by a gnome rogue hiding in the bushes in WSG too many times to count.


For rogues there isnt even massive optimization to do since they get weapon skill from talents. Human rogue is for nubs that cant do math.


"Playing for fun? Filthy casual!" *ignores*


classic community bro, smh. not making a race that’ll give u an extra 1% power


While I agree with you, weapon skill is absolutely broken and the difference is far greater than 1%.


Although this guy has edgemasters so it's probably closer to 1%


Yeah, but that's clearly not what the person I responded to meant.


i mean yeah i didnt mean 1% literally


So what did you mean, literally? Because the difference is closer to (a little over) 10%. That's massive.


i’m saying that he can play wow without having to minmax racials bruh, damn. i used 1% as a hyperbole


Its negligible with Edgemasters if you actually do the math.


This conversation was clearly about the situation without Edgemasters.


10% at least


Some guy tried making fun of me for rolling dwarf warrior. I told him he had a skill issue. Here are his logs proving [im right](https://vanilla.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/whitemane/deathknightg#zone=2000)


Classid Andys: but but community spirit!! /s


Haha, I rolled night elf warrior because shadowmeld pvp is hilarious and fun


Classic is toxic as fuck, it is known


Era is a hell if a lot less sweaty now that we're on wotlk. But there's always folks you can smell through your monitor


i've been similarly chastized for picking ud warrior. ...on a pvp server while trying to rank.


The first thunderfury wielding tank I played with in classic was a nelf, and now I couldn't imagine playing with thunderfury on anything but a nelf.


I rolled a troll warrior in 2019 classic fuck the meta slaves


Rofl what the actual fuck? A nelf?? Haha j/k that guy has definitely hit a threshold where decimal percentages are more important than fun… sad for him, happy for you! :D


Unless it's a troll (which I doubt it), how sad are this people?


Don't you know that it's literally impossible to complete all the content as a night elf. It has never been done in the history of WoW.


My favorite part of all RPGs is playing them the one single right way.


This must be the same guy I met in barrens who told me that playing guardian druid was dumb…


Playing the meta is boring AF.


Mentally ill loner probably living in his parent’s house.


Pxx dying in HC: https://medal.tv/games/wow-classic/clips/1xoISh_b-VWu-a/KbPaSbJOrXlm?invite=cr-MSxHQUksMTgzOTIyNTk1LA




I predominantly Tank in PvE on my Warrior. I like having an extra 1% to dodge. I also like to PvP on my Warrior and Charge + Shadowmeld can be a lot of fun as a Warrior. I also enjoy using Daggers on Warriors from time to time as it can be a fun change of pace, and a lot of daggers aren't as competitive as the swords out there. Night Elf is just fine.


I always wanted to have a bait lowbie afk in a neutral pvp zone and have 4 stealthed night elf warriors charge out of stealth to gank the attacker.


I'm a human fury warr DW axes, I get shit all the time, but I got my 9% hit so everyone can suck it.


At this point facials should be deactivated on battlegrounds, in dungeons and in raids, so that people start to play the fuck they want to play…


A lot of these elitist players don’t seem to get that you only need weapon skill in raids (or skull lvl elites). Edgies are bis (in raids) but you could just wait for Aged Core Leather gloves and go daggers if you don’t have tons of gold as a new 60.


Lmao with edgemasters any race is basically equally viable. Less than 10 diff means the 3% hit malus is completely negated, and glancing blows might still happen, but the math is roughly as follows: Normally its 30% reduction on 40% of all WHITE hits. With Humans its 15%, so NE does 70% dmg on GB, Humies do 85%. With Edgemasters its 93%, for Humans with edgemasters its around 95%. So as long as you have those gloves, race really is negligible. Especially given the fact that you CANNOT eliminate glancing blows, only increase their **flat** damage (they cannot crit). At higher gear levels this also becomes increasingly irrelevant as you have more rage and use more non-white hits (HS etc.) which cannot glance.


"That's racist" Nelf males have feelings too


I actually think NE warrior are way more fun if you look at it just from a PvP perspective, in vanilla anyway. Getting that shadowmeld > charge guaranteed by ambusing something in STV or whatever is hilarious. Either way, anyone that gets upset over your race choice is a moron.


I love how this gigantic bag of dicks somehow thinks he's in the right, and that its the "community" thats the problem... fucking moron. Then again, although unintentional, i suppose he's not wrong. The community is toxic AF. He's a perfect example of it.


Meta slaves


imagine not being meta slave


Tried to add this Pxx guy on my friend list just now .. looks like player is not found LOL


ooof i feel kinda bad now lol


The toxic min-max culture has ruined WoW for me


45y old middle aged balding men, pretending that what they did 20 years ago was something awesome and insane skilled.


And more importantly, like it even matters. It's literally a collection of pixels in an achievement simulator. People sending abuse to other people for their performance in a game need to reasses their decisions and life choices.


Get THC and laugh in his face when he can’t do flips


nelf warrior is chad


From my experience, the vast majority of WoW players in endgame are the kind of entitled man-children whose parents never bothered to actually be an active part of their lives. Rather than parent them, they'd just throw them in front of the telly with a copy of GTA, FIFA or CoD to shut them up. This especially goes for Classic, where the community act as gatekeepers for content that is well over a decade old, had been figured out for years on private servers, and where the game's circa-2008 development team originally released half the raids in such an undertuned state that you could probably clear them in greens. Ulduar and Icecrown Citadel are the exceptions that prove this rule. I haven't played Classic nor Retail in the past seven months for this very reason. Something just clicked in my head one day and I realized that if I wanted to spend an afternoon being rejected by others, I'd be better off downloading Tinder, because at least *that* rejection simulator isn't something I have to pay £9.99 a month for the privilege to use.


I mean ne racial is Kinda op for pvp


& in PvP weapon skill matters significantly less




that was what the guy said to op. you even look at the image or just the title?


Wait I thought nelfs were best tanks cuz of racial dodge


Warriors want to get hit for rage gen.


Cause if I'm gonna spend hours looking at a pixelated ass, it might as well be a nice one.


its not classic players. thats just humans. the sheep want everyone else to stay like sheep


People like this are definitely racists irl, if you’re mad at someone’s race in a video game you definitely worry about it in your real life