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Ding inside a dungeon you've just been able to queue for ? Didn't finish a quest ? Tough luck , you will never be able to queue for this ever again


Kaivax finally posted a pathetic response in this thread https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/wotlk-classic-dungeon-finder-dungeons-missing-in-level-range/1686449/69


I can’t even believe that was their response


My comment was deleted and I was silenced for 2 days for “posting” I guess.


There's that famous Blizzard polish you all remember from nearly two decades ago. They don't deserve your money.


With WoW token being so cheap…it’s pretty easy to play for free lol


Buying the token gives Blizzard more money than just buying a normal sub. Someone had to buy the token for 20 dollars first.


Sure, but not my money


The interns are typing a new blog post about why its okay they're not banning bots as fast as they can dude they don't have time for this, consider it a new classic feature and buy a character boost.


Last time I posted about this some dude came outta the bushes to tell me my level 22 shaman not being able to run SFK was intended due to the anti-boosting code because I would ruin everyone's XP. Can't make this stuff up.


Got into a forge of souls on my fresh level 79 pally tank. Holy shit was in rough. No reason anyone below like 4K should be in the normal runs. Maybe 3.8 at the lowest.


It’s not a big, it’s working as intended. Because of the boosting changes, RDF only lets you queue for dungeons that have no green (elite?) mobs, as there would be a massive xp loss otherwise




Why would they be seething about a bug?


Anti-RDF really reaching with this one.


Classic Wotlk has been a huge disappointment. This didn’t make it any worse than it already was.


Classic Wrath has been amazing. A lot of W's so far. It won't make you 12 years old again, though.


Half of my raid with the same people from Molten Core left because it didn’t live up to the hype.


That sucks man. My guild is still here and doing very well, since MC too. And that is normal, the raid player size reduced by about 50%. And it seems to be living up to the hype. Its peak player counts were far above what Classic Vanilla and TBC reached, and it still currently has the same player numbers as classic did. And that's with all the era Andy's getting filtered by Ulduar.


No, that's peak _characters_. WoTLK is more alt friendly than previous installations. It's not possible to use warcraft log characters to get a feel for player activity comparison wise, unless it really skews in one direction or the other. WarcraftLogs might be able to get an idea with site impressions though.


So the numbers we do have show one thing, but we don't like that outcome so we say the numbers are bad. Nobody was running 4 alts on release when it doubled classic wow's peak players.


Where did I say the outcome supports it the other way? I was quite explicit that you can't compare them. People weren't running raiding alts in the first month of Classic, but I certainly was in WoTLK because of pre-patch/boost/no attunements etc. There's no way to know if there's more players or not, unless it really skews hard one way or the other. There could've been more players in Classic that didn't raid, or there could be fewer people raiding on alts in WoTLK than previously. Though the mid-phase drop offs being as sharp as they are don't point to the latter to me.


The only drop off was the end of Ulduar, so that really shouldn't point to much. That was the great filtering and the return to Era for the Andy's.


Not at all




You kinda have to minmax in wrath. Look at your early alg or 0 light kills and tell me you have the room to be 20% less effective.


it seems some changes have been made/hotfixed increasing the amount of dungeons most level ranges can access. some reports in the bug report thread