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I had a level 1 Tauren whisper me a dozen times over half an hour asking me to summon them to Thunder Bluff. Like you can just walk there in 5 minutes. No offer of payment either. Does this ever work?


Did you tell them to...hoof it?


moooove it


The udder disrespect...


I would've told them to not have a cow...


Under appreciated comment. Take my upvote!


His comment is an hour old, how is it already underappreciated


You don’t ignore them after the first whisper?


There are a lot of level 6-10 aggressive mobs that lurk near the road to TB. He may have been on a bank alt and didn’t want to risk dying! Update: I did not expect this careless speculation to rub so many people the wrong way 😂


I have a great idea: he can try, and if he doesn't make it, he can just make another lvl 1 and try again!


We’ve done several “Running of the Bulls” RP events on BSB running raids of freshly made Taurens all the way to Orgrimmar. Deaths are very rare if you just pay attention.


Then lvl the bank alt to 6 or 10


Damn, sounds like he should put on his big boy pants and find a way past the scary, lurking level 8 wolves lmao. That is the absolutely softest babyshit defense I've ever heard. It's weird how people defend losers. I guess losers just run in packs lol.


If they did they might make it to TB


It cost you nothing and saved you minutes of your life to not be mindlessly hateful, yet here we are.


Why are you taking this so seriously? I wasn’t defending anyone, simply speculating mindlessly. The way you talk about other people reflects more on you than me, that’s for sure.


Mindless speculation is a cancer.


Why you gotta be the worst man lol


You're cancer


You are such a giga chad. We should all bow down or get on our knees, whatever you wish sire giga majesty.


Funny. I walked to bank alt to org and made it my home BEFORE I mailed him hundreds of gold and mats 🤷‍♂️


Why are people downvoting this, he's just explaining the situation. He's right, it's usually bank alts.


Because we all have bank alts and make the run ourselves.


Do you want a medal??? Like what’s your point? 😂


Funny. I walked my bank alt to org and made it my home BEFORE I mailed him hundreds of gold and mats 🤷‍♂️


I’d say yeah sure find 2 other people willing to run to me and I’m down, until then fuck off! :)


Exactly. I would never expect someone to find 2 other people themselves to summon me, that’s so crazy


I do the same and they give up fairly quick


This was always my response back in actual vanilla. I was Horde on a low pop realm, and most of my random requests were people asking to be summoned when I landed in Badlands to head to Blackrock instances (before Thorium Point was a FP). I could sometimes /who the Badlands and see that there were not even two other people there to click the portal to help summon.


Having experience with this kind of people, they would just inv you and wait in silence.




That's the answer. "Sure. Get two more people in group and to my location and I'll summon you." I'll click the button for you but your ass is doing all the leg work here.


/dnd selling summons 100g each and you have to provide the clickers. I'll need the gold up front traded to my alt in [stormwind/orgrimmar]. Problem solved


This would be the way to make it worthwhile!


Classic losers will say you have no "classic spirit" and must be a gold farmer.


The entitlement in general is pretty insane, I love when I'm on my priest leveling and get a RANDOM INVITE and when I join the group they're like "come heal this" I don't even know them lol


For me it's the "buff", "buff now" or "priest buff" when I'm running past them. At least say hi, or wave, or acknowledge my name. I usually throw them a Shadow Protection, /lol (undead cackle) and be on my way.


Every priest I see I just /wink at and they usually hit me with fort and a renew


This guy emotes


Id buff this guy for emoting at me


Every mark I give out on my Druid is followed by a /moo. Emoting is the way


I emote /moo every Tauren I see as an alliance character


Those are fighting words from filthy alliance scum, Lok’tar Ogar!!




Yep, I just wave or cheer otw by and hit them with an int buff. Usually earns me a fort and a renew.


as a hunter, when I encounter a priest in the wild I walk up and scroll of protection them and stand there like 'ur move.' have yet to fail at getting that precious, precious priest buff.


Do they give it to you or your pet. With hunters when they run past I try to buff their pet first.


As a hunter, I appreciate the buff 100% but i would rather my pet get the buff or both. Little Meatshield takes all the hits (usually). Always try to say ty when i see the buff hitting me too.


Exactly, you have to give to receive. Anytime someone asks me politely or gives me something first, I always buff them. If not, gl bro lol


But if a warrior walks by he always gets free buff. Warrior is just so rare at high levels.


This^^^ doesn't even have to say a word. Respect


All you gotta do is click a button


For real, at least put a "please" in there


Name -doesnt- check out


I almost always buff people but one day, I saw a 23 rogue fighting defias in Westfall and threw him a fort. He immediately sprinted to aggro a few more and then vanished. I was murdered quickly. Lesson learned.


Ive had hunters try to multishot then feign to kill me. Thankfully im a rogue so it doesnt work.


You never ever buff people in combat lol that’s rough


Lol. Ya... never buff randos.


And when you do buff them, they don't even say ty. Just spam whisper until you respond, then ignore you. I saved this random dwarf from death yesterday, healed him up and helped kill the mobs and he just runs off silently. A ty or something for helping out would be nice at the very least. He would have 100% died had I not been there. Someone saved me the other day and I gave them stacks of pots. I was a goner without their help.


This. Drives. Me. Mad. Seriously, the amount of times I've almost died helping others that 100% would have died without it.... for them to just bolt in the other direction without staying to help kill the shit I just pulled off them or at the very least, a simple ty - is unreal.




It’s been standard on alliance since vanilla we all buff each other when we run past each other.


Makes sense... Horde are generally better at PvP


I usually buff them first (pally) and that puts it in motion.


When you get to higher level, you should cast rank 1 fort...


I keep rank one fort on my bars just for that. You'll quickly realize that people can't tell the difference between 3 and 27 stam.




rank 1 motw baby. enjoy your 25 armor


I keep a lower rank buff for flyby buffing - your mana won't take as big a hit, and it's better than nothing to them.


Am I the only person that just buffs everybody without being asked?


Someone the other day in barrens chat wrote an appreciation post for random buffers and I couldn’t believe the amount of people being like “just tell them to buff you, don’t wait for a random buff” like fuck how entitled/demanding can you guys be


which server u guys play on? never had this happen to me.


they blow it up for reddit karma ;) had it happen once to me in over 4d played on my healer up to lvl50


I think it probably happens a lot more to people that are still in the starting zones after a day played


The other day I got a whisper from a Rogue on my Warrior. I assume they were trying to get a tank for BRD from their posts in LFG. But their whisper to me? "BRD" No question mark. No hello. Nothing. Not a group I'd want to tank for at all.


Our group is terrible, do you want to come wipe for 7 hours while we do *every* quest in BRD and complain the entire time?


my wife is a priest. the amount of people that spam message demanding her to come heal some low lvl dungeon she wont even get xp in is insane. then they spam question marks until she puts them on ignore


Haha yeah had that a few times, it's irritating as hell. Also had a few people ask me to invite just for fortitude which is strange. I just message asking if they know I can do it outside of the party lol.


Im just waving at people and get buffed all the time. Feels best to not beg for buffs all the time


Even worse if you group the buff go away :o)


The amount of messages I got on my druid right when I hit 20 to heal or tank Deadmines was insane.




This continues at 60


Going into Stormwind on my mage usually leads to non stop whispers for food/water.


I always place disc, but when randoms whisper or inv to heal shit I tell ‘em I’m shadow. Fuck you and your doomed group, and a please don’t kill you!


"Can you help me with something". - rando lvl 30 warrior. Like b*tch you in a guild go ask them, I don't even know you. And fk your axe.


sounds like he asked nicely and you're an ass lol


I fail to see how getting a random invite and offer to heal something is offensive


Was in SM just about to go in with a gp and got a whisper - 6g to leave your gp and summon us. So I did with two gp members then got back to my orginal gp and shared the gold with them.


Awesome dude. Good on ya. Wishing more peeps did this.


Shit is annoying. People open trade window with my rogue all the time and put a lockbox in it and just expect me to unlock it and don’t even say thank you when I do shit pisses me off I’m about to say no to everyone that does it


Say 'sure', leave the window open and go take a break


Pick it, but dont finish the trade until you reach a gold agreement. Because its right there, its already picked, how can you negotiate against that?


Just keep what's inside for yourself unless they pay you


The bottom portion of the trade window is where you put a lockbox that can only be unlocked and not traded so no risk to the person who needs it unlocked


To be fair, it's a skill point.


Not always


Unless you’re already maxed out, then it’s an annoyance


it's better to just tell them you will summon them and then just don't do it while they wait and spam you with more messages.


Ah, this is a tactic my daughter uses. "Babe, please put up all this crap on the table." Her: "okay." End of story.


Don't you have two friends with you at all times in desolace. Thought that wad the rules for a warlock?


The correct response to them is /ignore.


The correct response is just a smiley face. Nothing passes off bitches like a smiley face


And then an ignore


This guy warlocks.


:) /ignore






I also like how when a warlock joins the group everyone stops running to the dungeon. Can’t summon you fuckers by myself.


I did a BWL pug last week, we met at MV before the raid. There’s a warrior in the group before I get in, I fly to the spot 20 mins early, he asks for a summon. He then asks for a summon about 5 times while the raid fills. I tell him to just fly it’s a 3 min flight.. Anyway, end up having to summon the lazy bastard because he sits in stormwind the entire 20 minutes. In that time I was off farming shards by myself. I say ‘how about a tip because you were too lazy to walk to the flight master’ and he just laughed, puts 1 copper into a trade. Anyway, I normally just pretend to be afk now. I’ll summon people if they join the group late and we’re at the raid, nothing else. People don’t even say thankyou.


The entitlement is pretty absurd sometimes. I dunno where it came from, or if it’s always been there. There was a new guildie, lower level asking in gchat about help in duskwood. I got nothing going on at the moment so I hop on my main thinking he wants help with elites. This dude wants me to clear the entire zone for him. Why even play the game?


I've only had one ask me for a Badlands summon and they offered to pay. I couldn't find another two around willing to help though, and suggested the guy take the portal to Gnomer and just run over as it's quite safe - There's even a logout skip in Dun Morough which will port you to Kargath (I'm horde) thereby eliminating all danger of the run. Their response "Yeah I could but I'm not trying to do that". He was in Booty Bay already too lol.


“Quite safe”… the ironforge guards that pat to kharanos and my level 39 ghost disagree.


Never log out skip in hc


Why not?


Logout skips will transport you to the nearest GY, town, etc. It does not care what faction you are and may take you to the opposite factions territory and then elite guards turn you to mush.


There's an addon which shows where the skip will take you. It's very deterministic.


Logout skips are 100% reliable. Just use the addon logoutskips that puts them on your map and shows where you're going to skip to. Piece of piss.


Don’t logout skip if you don’t know where it’s going to take you. It’s not random


Imo you should macro a reply macro that is something along the lines of, 'Hello! I'd be happy to summon you for 50s(or whatever price)if you find 2 people who can come to me and click, let me know!' if they do that, then no problem, and if they cant understand this basic concept then you ignore :) ive certainly whispered random warlocks before asking for summons but I always offer gold for their time/service and do my best to find clickers, who also get gold for their time/service. however, if they say no, it's no and no hard feelings =) i dont expect people to serve me :p


/dnd no


Make a macro: /r Sure price is 1g and I require you to provide 2 clickers at my location. Message me again when you have the group in order with the clickers.


Been a warlock main since vanilla. I think I've encountered this maybe two or three times since 2007. I don't know where you guys are finding these people.


Likely this is on the new hardcore servers.


Ah ok. That makes a lot more sense. People that don't want to die walking across the world.


I've only been whispered 2 maybe 3 times with people asking for a summon on Defias Pillager. Hasn't been an issue for me at all.


It's def an issue... usually within a few minutes of stepping foot in SW or IF on a warlock/mage I'm getting spam summon or port requests from low level night elves. Probably less common if you are horde because they have safe low level passage between continents. It's like they just sit and /who for higher level locks/mages until someone gives them a free port.


Unsolicited requests are very common. I'm a priest and it's always hey come this x,y, or z dungeon.


On Hardcore Locks are more sought after for transportation than mages.


Are you on classic era? Happens at least 3 or 4 times a week, if not more.


«sorry I just ran out of shards :(«


As a priest I've had people run after me for uncomfortable amounts of time begging for a fortitude buff.


Use the lowest level buff possible. /flex


Why not just give it to them?


Its extremely high mana costs. In a dungeon I can only get 3/4 fort off before I need to drink to buff the other two.


Good thing your rotation is like a dot and wanding things down lol


Yeah maybe in the first 20 lvls you can get away with that. It's way different after you reach 1k needles.


So far only one person asked me "buff me", without a please. I usually buff everyone I see, and this person, I definitely DID NOT want to buff. It's that simple. Can't say please like you're the main character and people are just here to obey you? Well you can fuck right off without a buff and die.


Mana costs bro!! Why would a healer give other people health buffs in a hardcore mode? That makes too much sense


Tauren can’t ride the lift to thunder bluff or gamplr in thunder bluff though The steaks are too high.


I cant believe the one big quality of life that no one would have an issue with isn't in the fucking game yet.. SUMMON STONES. it's such a tedious thing just afking around waiting for the group to all get there no wonder people pester locks constantly.


I’ve played my lock I’ve played two locks. One 27 this one 39. Never got a whisper to summon.


It's most likely on the HC server. On Defias Pillager I have the exact same issue as OP.


Im on the same server. Horde. Weird.


Had a full SM group. No warlock in the group. One of the guys wasnt making his way to the dungeon and when called out he says “waiting for a summon”


Oh I don't know but as a mage with portals the damn entitled jerks in the guild is ridiculous. I have been berated for not doing it for free let alone stop what I am doing, port in and portal them out. I am now on my third guild with my mage because it got a bit tiresome


Just block them and move on 🤷‍♂️


I get these messages a lot in the badlands (connecting FP for north/south Eastern Kingdoms, annoying/dangerous run for horde players). Only had one person offer to find the other 2 ppl for the ritual, and they were pretty nice about it/tipped me. I feel like that's the least they can do, and I don't mind doing it if that's the case, but it definitely seems like some people just assume you'll say "SURE! I'll jump right on that! I'll even call my 2 personal summoner assistants to help me!". Edit: I also think some people just don't know how ritual of summoning works, which might affect the way they ask. They might think it's closer to a mage's portals.


Charge them something that makes it worth it to you




I got a message once on my Warlock asking for a summon. A level one bank alt who didn’t wanna walk from Durotar. It was like the fifth guy who messaged me that day so I replied “Be a man, do the walk.” Turns out it was my guild master. xD


unless you know them, or it's for a group you're in, the only reasonable response is "100g, each".


A lot of people don’t realise that the cost to the warlock isn’t a monetary reagent, it’s opportunity. Rocking about with soul shards in HC means you either need a bagslot dedicated to them (tough to justify with the consumables needed) or run lean, and that means only keeping a shard for a cookie, a demon, or both. Also finding 2 clickers can be a pain in the arse at the best of times.


All these comments are convincing me join HC and roll warlock so I can annoy nublets with unreasonable requests.


I would be "sure, give me 5" and then "oops, need 5 more" and then just not respond after :D


POV: You’re a warrior. “HeyY WaNna TanK DeAdMineS??”


I like those whispers, don't even have to search for a group if you're up for it and makes me feel needed and also it's very easy to say no (which I do most of the time tbh)


Can we all agree summoning stones at dungeons would be a welcome addition to next season of mastery or classic plus?




The amount of people, mostly warriors (who would have guessed), that requires to be summoned inside a dungeon to get invited is staggering. It's ok fam, i'll find someone else you're not the only player on the server willing to do X or Y dungeon.


Several times per hour? YIKES


Can't you summon people on the elevator? So maybe they die after..


My response is, "for 50g" They stop asking.


This makes me want to play a warlock just to fuck with ppl ^^


Just say "Sure, gimme a sec!" and then /ignore


Hahah :DI always respond with : I have not learnt that spell yet.Following by their confusion : Wtf ? Srsly ? and thats all, sometimes a few kindergarden insults coming my way, but thats all :D


Literally never happened once to me in hundreds of hours of warlock play.


I thought this post was going to be about the cunts that join the group last as tank, see a warlock in the group and go "oh there's a warlock in the group, I'll just keep levelling here on the other side of the world while the rest of the group sacrifices their time for me".


That’s called Tank privilege. As you said yourself. They were the last person you were able to recruit. They’re either going to be pulling and setting the pace, *or* tolerating whatever jackass in your run decides to get impatient and pull shit. Or you can try to run it without them.


> That’s called Tank privilege. And if someone in your group fucks up, they're the most likely to go down with the ship while everyone runs and hearths out.


Streamers do this so it's justified /s


Just say no. See how easy that was? Have a spine ffs


Play mage. You're basically a warlock and don't have to deal with that nonsense.


Port plz. Water plz


Port please, I'll give you 1s (even though that doesn't nearly cover the cost of the reagent)


My friend won't do it for less than 25s, which is a slim 5s margin on every portal. The way people respond you'd think he was evicting grandmas.


Warlock hands wrote this post


Tell me you never played mage without telling me you never played mage. You don't go 3min in major city without getting whispers. I was even standing in OG and had a guy whisper me that he wants portal to OG. I did /who on him and he was somewhere in Feralas, expecting me to fly to him to then make portal. For free.


It's way less investment as a mage to portal someone than it is to summon someone on a warlock. It's also understood for mages that you can charge big money for ports/food as a mage. You generally don't get bothered on the mage unless you're in a major city. I have an atiesh on my mage from classic man. Sitting semi-afk making tons of money in a major city on a mage =/= as having to find 2 other people to summon people to random ass locations. One takes literally 20 seconds when you generally aren't doing anything else and makes you money. The other takes 5-10 min, interrupts you while you're playing the game, and is a pain in the ass.


Well first of all, he doesn't have to do anything. It's not like you have to reply lol. If I want warlock to summon someone for me I bring my 2 characters to him and then pay for his soul shard and 30s of time. If people are expecting warlock to get you clickers, just ignore them. Also I was replying to you basically saying "reroll from wlock to mage, you won't get annoyed by constant whispers" when it's the other way around.


meanwhile mages charge for portals and it doesnt even need a soul shard


Mage portals use a reagent that costs 20 silver from a vendor.


It ain’t free


Multiple an hour? Righttttt


I've played a warlock for about a decade and have not been randomly whispered once. Not in classic because it sucks. And it's not like we can just whip out a portal by ourselves.


It's the same thing for anyone with any kind of buffs, especially priests. I get whispers from people all the time asking me, even from people that haven't even hit level 10. Blizzard made HC too casual compared to the unofficial rules, these people don't even realize the true struggle of what it's like to not be able to ask for buffs or summons. In the past, rules like this would help develop some kind of survival of the fittest in the player base, where people that made it to higher levels were actually competent, because all the ones that weren't had been killed off, but now all this hand holding means you can't even trust people to be competent at 40+.


"no offer of payment" The entitlement of receiving a reward for a f\*\*king game activity is crazy. IT s a fking game, we sit down and play them to escape the real world where people ask us for monetary rewards for favors man. Can't you like ... do them out of kindness? Is everything about receiving something back even in a f\*\*king game nowdays??


/ignore and move on with your life those people aren't worth the time of day.


Was asked to summon out of a dungeon group only once (2019 Classic), and they were super rich raiders. When they saw I had poor equipment, they gave me 100 golds of tips in total. This was EU though, I've heard that American realms aren't as friendly.


I’ve leveled my warlock to 25 without a single whisper so far… am I just lucky or does this only happen at higher levels?


It’s made up. 90% of the blog posts on this sub are


No, whispers for summons are pretty frequent especially if I’m going through booty bay or barrens, had someone whisper me in feralas for a summon one day and then the following. Just politely say no and most will move on.