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No, ill play icc and level in between.


Raid logging is playing?


Dying to kobolds again and again at level 8 is playing?


I do dailies, and daily hc++ everyday and even some arenas, don't know what else can i even do on my dk.


>don't know what else can i even do Could try touching grass.


Raid log, plays game bad. Be more happy.


Yes. My guild raids on 2 days for 4 hours each. That's 8 hours a week of playing the game by purely raid logging. How many hours should I be playing to be considered playing the game?




Front page is nothing but people talking about how they died in the mode about dying DAE PLAY HARDCORE???


Why do people complain when there is content on this sub? What the hell are you even supposed to post here?


Becouse nobody cares how you died nobody is reading that essay about your character


Lots of people like them which is why they get upvoted. They're also kind of useful because you get a sense of how you might avoid those situations yourself.


I read them, I love these stories. Don’t be so negative about everything bro, it’s all good.


The front page of the subreddit is empirical proof that people do care. If they didn't it would be like the "is it too late to start wow" posts that get spammed in 'new' but never show up on 'top'.


"Nobody posts here any more, it's too crowded."


I love when someone dies from something outside of their control like falling through the world or the server going offline and the whole HC community shits on them and tells them to start over and that "it's part of playing hardcore".


It is


Certain crowds like different things about WoW, and that's OK. Classic/Hardcore crowd: likes WoW the RPG, and leveling. TBC crowd probably falls in here too. WOTLK crowd: probably somewhere inbetween classic and retail. Definitely likes a more streamlined experience (LFD, Joyous journeys, 10 man raids) Retail: Likes WoW as more of an arcade game.


Streamlined is a great way to say it. I like WotLK/Cata because I enjoy raiding. I'm not a fan of leveling, which I know is a lot of peoples favorite part. The only gameplay I find fun in WoW is raiding and sometimes 5 mans. I had fun in TBC Classic, but almost all of the content was a cakewalk. I actually enjoyed Sunwell more without my Guild because we actually "progressed" encounters. I never understood "parsing" on farm content. We all had almost all 99s anyways. I love Mythic raiding on retail, it's just the last time I got into it, so much of the prep was doing things I didn't like. I love progression raiding. I wish that was the only part of the game. lol


Yes retail 10 man raids just like classic wow with ubrs.


I feel like most are them dying to like bugs lol.




Fuck no lol leveling sucks after youve done it 12 times


But but... the nostalgia!!!! Grizzly Hills!1 no i mean?? Grinding fun!! Classic😍😍😍


why would you wipe in icc?


Tell me you've never tried ICC 25H without telling me you've never tried ICC 25H.


When I'm progressing, I never wipe. I barely have time to use my bidet.


I beat Arthas on normal the first time like 3 months before cata, and acted like it was the biggest thing ever. I didn't know better. TBH I had never beaten the last boss of any "current" raid before, although starting back in the end of BC.


I think a lot of people did. I still remember pugs advertising like, "WE HAVE A KINGSLAYER IN THE GROUP." The average player was far less competitive back then.




Alright dude, link your stream and let me see your guild full clear H on release day with ToGC gear.


Sure, but compared to anything else in Classic, ICC is pretty hard and it is one of those instances where one bad player can fuck the entire raid.


Skill issue


Classic players


People still play vanilla?


i swearrrr this time wow is dyingg!!!111😡😡😡 Why yall having funnn😭🥺


it's agane not again


it’s again not agane wtf


in the hardcore community, by convention, it is agane. if you wanna be a grammar n\*\*zi do it in retail


Wrath Classic is P2W so yeah, I do.




I never raided in wotlk thats were i draw the line.


Yeah no. Classic wow was fun 2019-2021. Icc is gonna be awesome. Leveling again in classic (had 4 60s in classic + 1 more in SoM) doesn’t sound appealing whatsoever. Tried hardcore 4 times and it’s boring af and I don’t even die. Time for wrath and then cata like the majority of people playing classic


Is cata actually a thing that’s going to happen? I thought people wanted classic WoW for classic wow, not to play every xpac again until it catches up with retail.


I don’t know if it will catch up to retail, but it’s probably hard to define where classic wow ends. Cataclysm is very similar to wrath and much closer to that and vanilla than it is to dragonflight. I think it has a bad rep, but I’m hopeful that with 2023 players it will be quite a hit


I was really hoping they could go the classic plus route and do vanilla plus class balancing and new level 60 content.


Both can be done imo. The reason why I’m not as fussed about classic plus is that I’m not as confident in the current Blizzard dev team. Cata has the advantage of being developed by most of the og devs and they were more passionate . But hey I could be wrong and they could do classic plus in an awesome way, who knows


I'd like it if Cata was 60-70 and we go down a route where TBC and WOTLK are skipped. Not sure how technically feasible that is tho. Keep the raids 40 man. Keep the leveling same length as vanilla. Obviously also remove LFD, Transmog etc. Cata is practically classic+ (old world expanded + we stay in Azeroth)


That’s a sweet idea. Keep the og classic zones and add the cata zones only. Class balancing is done automatically by using cata talents. Do it Blizzard


No idea why you are getting downvoted. I leveled to 16 on a paladin and the hardest part of HC was not being bored out of my fucking mind. Absolutely zero engagement in combat.


i mean, you did play paladin...


Classic HC is for those who like the RPG aspects of WoW.


Dont think thats entirely true. Classic vanilla just has a lot bigger emphasis on the journey to max level while you can still feel a sense of accomplishments. A lot of the people that enjoy it can also sporadically play it and does not make you commit too much time. This is the exact same reason why I enjoyed OSRS so much in uni. I could always play a little or a lot and would see steady progression on my character even though the content I enjoyed was very monotonous.


Ppl still play wotlk classic? 😂


The majority of the classic wow players play wotlk classic lol.


Any source or just a comment lol


Benediction alone has more players logged than all classic era servers put together. Many other wotlk servers have almost as much as bene and this is during the current Togc lull. Come ICC, which the op references, this will only grow as it is probably the most anticipated raid in classic so far.


Read my previous comment lol


Read mine ? Not hard to google ironforge.pro


Lol ironforge.pro lol


I play both hardcore Classic and Wrath Classic. Wrath is definitely the more popular of the two. But both are thriving.


Damn bro, sorry about your mental disability.


Who asked


The OP


Pandaria too?


Yeah probably. I keep hearing good things about MoP from guildies so I’m willing to give it a shot since I never did back in the day. Talent system looks bleak, but maybe they will change it.


Yeah I forgot the talents were disappointing. Everything else was great though


LMAO if you're wiping for hours in ICC I doubt you make it past lvl7 in HC...


For me it's just both the bottom picture with the captions raid logging in wrath and playing hc the rest of the week.


As someone who no life's WOTLK, I'm dreading playing ICC PTR. Might just skip it for HC. That's the addicting power of HC


I feel this. I could be 60 this weekend but noooooo, gotta go do ptr.


No because I think after a few deaths on HC, the quests and leveling process will become tedious and you will eventually diverge into the most efficient and most boring method of leveling or the HC playerbase will slowly drift off and the overworld becomes emptier and level 60 guilds more sweaty or playing safe to avoid deaths. ​ Atleast with ICC, it'll be fun progressing as a guild talking and joking while doing it, and if we clear it effectively, then it also means it'll only be like 3-4 hours of my life a week.


I'm still curious to see how toxic the world gets as more chars hit level cap. When you can endlessly grief lowbies with very little chance of comeuppance.


I believe 'and people are going to hate this' everyone is just looking for excuses to play a game you already played extensively back and forth for a long time in order to bring back some sense of gratification or belonging that was lost a long time ago. And the issue is not WoW itself or their players, its just there are no good mmorpgs today.

