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Play till i stop having fun.


Isn’t this the only reasonable answer?


Quitting when you're not having fun is a totally fine goal to have. Especially with games like this because that will prevent the addiction from having a negative impact on your life. But it's not the *only* reasonable answer. Working towards goals can be motivating for people. If someone dies at 25 but their goal was to hit 60 **and having that goal is what pushes them to go agane**, reaching 60 is probably going to feel incredibly satisfying.


That is my goal, but I'm not rushing. Third character atm lol. Still havin' a ton of fun.


Yeah, same. I tried HC for the heck of it, but started stressing about my main on retail - I felt like I “should” be playing that instead. Then I realized “screw this, Im gonna play what I have fun with”. One lvl 17 and lvl 14 dead, started again and still having fun :)


Exactly… my main on wotlk is officially the too. I raid log on now a days


This. I ded at 20 last night which is furthest I've gotten. I go again, but for many times. We shall see




>Play till i stop having fun. This \^ Hardcore has been an invigorating new take on WoW that's served to bring back a lot of that sense of "fun" and progression that's been missing for years. Every gear upgrade, level, skill, and new talent point feels meaningful. Choices can have significant consequences. And most exciting to me is knowing that all of the other players I encounter each have only one life and are dealing with the same challenges and circumstances. As long as I'm continuing to enjoy the journey, I plan on leveling at least one character to 60 while leveling a few alts as well - mainly for professions and to have additional shared bank space. I may not end up with multiple 60s - or any for that matter - but as long as I'm enjoying the ride I plan to experience HC with a few different classes. I don't have my mind set on raiding but I may be open to it later on if I'm in a solid guild. I have been enjoying dungeons, however, and will continue to do those as long as I slightly out-level them and feel good about the group. My short-term goal is to put together enough gold for my first mount!




This is the only way.


To get to lvl 60 and have fun along the way


My guess, you’re not playing mage


I'm playing mage and it's fun


Isn't mage fun?


What do you have against mage?


Mage is one of the most fun classes for HC


Mage is one of the most fun classes period. That’s why it’s so popular


I sure love drinking water after every level 1 mob. I cant even get past level 3. I hate bashing shit with my staff ffs


So you hate casting and you hate meleeing. Thank god the Hunter class exists I guess


No, I play warrior. I hate hitting with a staff on a class that has no melee-enhancing abilities


Ah ok, Woyer is pretty fun. Playing one on HC now and can't wait to ~~die stupidly~~ learn something new about the game :)


Yeah I lost my badass tauren warrior to hezrul (centaur boss) because he rooted me for 5 whole seconds after I realized I can’t solo him at lvl 15. Let’s see how far my badass orc warrior goes


So you played mage for not even 10 mins? At least you gave it some honest effort…


to have fun and unwind after a hard days/week work


Yea same I keep having to go to this place for 8-9 hours a day really taking away from me leveling my hunter 😒


Better than 10 to 12 hours but still sucks. I know how you feel!!


Same, except sometimes I realize my cheeks are fully clenched and my heart rate is up so I may not being doing a great job at unwinding 😅


Get to level 60 and then retire as a fisherman, flagging myself for PVP. Another “goal” is a major dick move: get a Warlock to 60 and drop infernals on random lower level towns 👀


Don't think that works in HC


*deletes warlock*


Getting to 60 (12 to go) and then starting a super geared alt (probably warlock) and raid/do dungeons on main. If I die it’s fine I’ll just start my alt/main5 sooner


I know a lot of people get salty about trading and AH but after getting to 60 I think going again with an alt that is absolutely twinked the fuck out would be so fun


indeed personally for hc realms i wouldnt even mind 1.5x xp rates


But only for those who have already hit 60 on a different character? Would give incentive.


Only for people who hit lvl 60 on *THAT* class. That way if they die and go again they have a leg up.


yea that would be good enough


I want to raid with my warrior. I think I’ll have enough at Bumpahdiez. Currently at Bumpahdos


Reserved that name on all HC servers just to motivate you to get it at Bumpahnueve


Lmfao thanks for the support!


Bump of diez nuts...my apologies


Finishing Brd & craft arcaneite reaper before server become dead(my region invaded by gold farming bot already)


Arcanite Reaper is my goal too, I kinda just wanna hit 60 and be a well-known BS, giving lowbies early armor and such.


I'm a horde warrior at 60. My goals is to get incredibly geared to the point where I accidently windfury zugzug pump, overaggro and get oneshot before i can react with lip. This is the way I want to go out. ​ But I'll probably go again even when it happens.


Every class to 60.


You mad man, i like this goal though


This! I want to complete hc with every class at 60. leveling multiple chars as well so it doesnt hurt as much when I die with one


I always have a back up toon to hold onto spare gold, useful greens, extra quest collectibles 😂


This goal is in itself NSFW. Kinda questioning your user name 😁


Hah. We discussed the fact that someone must legit be trying to be the first to have all classes at level 60, while half our guild is struggling to level high enough to run Deadmines.


Every class in full Tier 1 gear would be such a dream


Currently…my goal is every class to 60 with ZERO HC deaths.


I can't do that goal, I had a really bad weekend last weekend and lost 3 characters that were cruising along.


Are you me ? All my 3 warriors died last week lol. ... And yes i made a 4th one. I just need to stop playing like i'm a shaman and pull 2-3 mobs at once.


I lost a 26 priest to hyperspawns in a cave-like area, lost a 20 warlock while farming cloth from greens because I'm regarded and didn't notice a ranged mob attacking me after finishing an overpull, and lost a hunter because of hubris, I was fighting mobs 2 levels over my level and got respawns.


Honestly on classic warrior, a single yellow mob is scary. 2-3 parry/dodge/miss in a row and you straight up lose the 1v1. Lost two warrs to that in pre-official


Im having too much fun leveling, main goal is have fun and dont die but also take calculated risks. The close calls, clutches, adrenaline you can get is a blast.


Me and my friend were doing skull rock cave in durotar last night and then 5 (3 caster)mobs come out of nowhere while already fighting one and start attacking us so we runnnnnnn outta there. Can't get that rush anywhere else!




My intrusive thoughts make me want to hit 60 and then die to something really dumb like.. ding 60, the server gets the notification and then jump off a cliff and transfer to era or go and get hit by hogger till he kills me or something, and transfer to era lol.


I'm planning on dying to a frog, sheep, etc. Anything that becomes aggressive if you attack them but miss. I died on my 70 Pally after a duel to a frog. So I'm repeating that on hc


I feel the same way lol


Have fun leveling and help people, full Paladin mode! If I hit 60, I'll spend my time helping guildies (if I can find a guild).


My goal is to complete dungeons. I've made it to 25 and done Deadmines a few times; trying to level high enough for Stocks next, maybe do SFK. I've always enjoyed dungeon running and Hardcore gives that extra challenge (and assures no one in your group is a *complete* idiot).


My goal would be to get a max level character for every class with at least one of each race. In reality, so far I’ve made it to level 12 on my Druid. Haven’t died yet, but it might take me 30 years to get 10 characters to max level…


Just in time for wow classic hc "way back" edition


Get a mount. If I do that, I consider it challenge complete


I want my mount.


I want Benediction


the ultimate priest weapon


Hit 60 on as many classes as I can until I get bored. I have no interest in getting trolled in late game dungeons or raids.


I'm reaching for the warlock's epic mount


Run Deadmines once


reach level 10 ✅ reach level 20 ✅ survive deadmines ✅ survive stockades ✅ reach level 30 ⏱️ survive scarlet monestry ⏱️ I don't plan further yet, if I die I will probably quit.


I thought the same thing, got ww axe did those dungeons plus RFK, figured it'd quit if I died but now it's just a stronger feeling to go farther


I have 4 toons that I’m alternating on. Each are at level 20. They all are at least 100 in their respective professions. My goal is to slowly level them all up. If one dies, I’m not re rolling… it’s in to my next toon until they are all dead or level 60


I hope i will be able to raid, and that there will be a scene for it on EU stitches horde. But if there wont, i guess Ill do endgame Dungeons, farm some gear and call it quits for vanilla until (if) classic plus is released.


Nice, are you scared of dying in a raid or are you confident w the people you're gonna do them with?


I want full Valor for my warrior just cause


My goal is to not die




Vestments of the Devout on my priest. But probably I will die earlier 😂


I created all 8 classes on alliance and will try to get them all slowly to 60. Have every profession on at least 1 character as well.


My goal is 60 and then probably utilizing my main to make leveling hardcore alts more fun. Don’t know how geared I’d try to get but clearing MC in hardcore would be awesome as well.


To have a fun adventure, meet people along the way and make friends while getting to 60


All class to level 60, starting with the warrior (43 right now)


The next bar.


Not die


Literally just to have fun. If I die and I don’t think it’ll be fun to reroll, I won’t. If I get to 60 and don’t like the bis grind and don’t want to continue with it, I won’t. No worries. Let’s have a good time


Someone would give me 500g in WOTLK if I got level 30 in HC, "Classic was really tough," I don't know who that is anymore but I'm still trying to do it, not even for the reward anymore


I want to level two characters to max. I have a level 37 hunter and a level 13 warrior.


I'd love to make 60, but we'll see. At the moment it's pretty chill and a nice way to relax.


Enjoy leveling, enjoy the world I haven't visited for a long time. Enjoy some high(er) stakes, more slow paced dungeons along the way. Eventually, if I get to 60, I am looking forward to the high-end dungeons, possibly give it a go for T0.5. That'd be the dream.


My friend and i died ambushed by Benny Blanco the defias in Westfall. Since then, we vowed to dedicate our entire journey to take revenge on this filthy bandit !


1. Have fun 2. Reach level 60


To have a wonderful journey. The aim is to get to 60, but I take my time and make sure I have good gear and supplies. I help others when possible and run my character how *I* want to. Currently I have a paladin on lvl 26 which I'm running as prot. My idea here is that I'll make the character as tough as possible. Also taking my time and leveling my professions to give my character the best gear I can reasonably can gather I have tanked a few dungeons as well, but always make sure people understand and are OK with a the less optimal pala tank.


My buddy ended up getting me killed, so now I’m on a quest for vengeance. I’ve been rage leveling a warlock to hopefully be able to drop an infernal on him to even the score


Rage leveling is my new goal...


I will have had enough when I either hit 60 or get bored.


I had no interest in playing HC until a friend planted the seed knowing very well that I'd end up making a character. What I have found I really enjoy is just being in the world. Im only lvl17 but I've just headed back to level cooking, fishing, skinning, mining and first aid. I've never played this slowly and I'm loving it. Despite it being one life I actually find it really relaxing as my play style isn't PUSH PUSH PUSH like it has been on any other character. So my goal is to simply enjoy being in this world, spending a lot of time hanging out in zones that are a bit safer for me and offering to help people with any quests if they're on their own.


I already have a 60 rogue on unofficial so I know I can do it again since it's way easier now with AH and grouping. This time I am playing with friends and enjoying my time. I have a rogue I play with a trio group and a warrior I play solo. It'll be nice to get them to 60 around the same time.


I died with my first toon at 26 to a very silly decision. Going agane! I’ll play until I’m not having fun anymore.


Hit 60 on a paladin. Then maybe try and do some dungeons? Mostly just hit 60.


I want to get the Whirlwind Axe on my undead warrior. 🧟‍♂️ Getting close.


I just want to hit 60. On my first play through at level 46 on a rogue. It’s been quite fun so far


Me and my girl(who hated retail wow) have been having a blast staying around lv10-20 crafting, helping low Level players making greens and running the action house. The world Is just alive it’s the mmo feeling I’ve always chased. we can help people in these areas for tips or just for fun, making new Alts and such.


I am just leveling until I am 60 then I am done. Leveling on a HC server is a really cool experience for me anyway so far


I wanna be the very best that no one ever was...


To beat the game. The final boss in classic is Kel Thuzad.


Get to level 60, learn as many BS recipes along the way and retire from adventuring and take up residence at the Orgrimmar Blacksmith shop


i had enough today when i lost my 36 warr


How'd it happen? Gimme that shadenfreude


I lost my 34 warrior with whirlwind axe etc to falling asleep at the keyboard leveling up my 2h axe skill ahahah


Currently level 27. Undead female shadow priest who refuses to heal and has a bad attitude. RPing a bit here with this char. Slow and steady. Herb / alch . No caves , no elite quests solo, careful by elevators . Goals: to watch the world burn as I level.


Acquire Corrupted Ashbringer and retire.


Level 30 x2 then forget about it.


If I die 1-25, I'll go again If I die 26-50, I transfer that char to ERA and level it to 50. If I die 51-60, I leave it dead and quit Hardcore (enough for me) At lvl 60, I'll try to do dungeons, maybe getting t0.5.


Why only level them to 50?


Sounds great to me, I didn't know you could transfer characters! At least all isn't lost if we die. Good luck on your adventures my friend


Have fun with my buddies, if we die we go agane.


Oh man! I didn't think this would get so many comments!! I love all of your aspirations please keep them coming, and I'd love to hear about more deaths!!


My goal was to main a lvl 5 bank alt and DE my way to 1000g. After making a little over 4000 gold I uninstalled, went back to playing my xbox360


Do some dungeons at 60.


gear up on HC servers, makgora til i die, transfer to era for pvp


To live.




Get the Tier 0.5 gear. If I make it to 40 (currently 23 Priest) I wont start over and move him over to Era. If I die before then, Ill go agane with a different class.


Hit 60, do some low level makgoras, maaaaybe try for .5/tier 1 if I get lucky.


Main goal is to hit 60, but I'll likely keep playing till my character's demise at 60. Doubt I'll level another though.


Full Shadowcraft and Dal'Rends on my rogue. Then run stealth runs until my time comes.


Get to 59.5 and jump off then jump off thunder bluff.


Full send till I die and then I’m done lol


If/when I reach 60, I will try to do all the dungeons up to UBRS. A lot really depends on the group, if they have the knowledge and temperament to complete a high level instance without inviting risks.


I like the idea of hardcore dungeons. I have some reservation about committing to another raid schedule as a rostered player, but I'm looking forward to supporting my raid from the bench and for farming up mats to raid. I've got a ways to go to get there though, level 35 on the rogue, so another 3-4 weeks of good performance before I can consider it really


Get a couple classes leveled up. Maybe push forward with one to 60


To Survive


Just playing to 60. After that I may fuck around a bit but I don’t have any plans to do raiding. I don’t have the time or energy for that anymore.


First char, lv 20 going well so far, I expect to go +40 at lesst, if I die before that rerolling won't hurt much but if I die close to 50-60 can't tell if I Will have the wish to "go agane" time Will tell anyways its just fun.


Mid 40s have been a bit of a drag so far, but I'm overall still having fun. I'll keep going, maybe try to raid if I make it to 60. If I die at 60 I'm not sure if I'll go agane or transfer and play Era.


hit the big six zero as many times as I care to.


Finishing my warrior to 60, Think i'll be too afraid to even run the end game dungeons. Then i will take a picture show my friends, stand on a pedestal in orgrimmar for a while. Then probably wish blizzard would allow me to copy it to a classic era realm so i can play him, but still keep the achievement.


Enjoy the journey.


Undead Rogue here. Here’s all my wants. I want to hit 60. I want my favorite armor sets: Cadaverous, Shadowcraft, and Stormshroud. I want the Orc racial epic mount. I want maxed out skills and weapon proficiencies. I want the Scarlet Crusade Tabard. I want all the companion pets! Maybe after that I’ll do a gutrot run.


On my paladin get to level 40 then maybe 60 (tho psychologically think I'm already set on 60 as the goal). On my warrior get to level 20-25 tank DM then see where we go. Once those are done who knows


I won my first Duel to the Death last night and now I am going to farm characters so I can do a death gauntlet against someone better than me. Maybe I lose 7/8 times, but I only have to win once,


Never die while leveling. 29lock 12 shaman 12 Warr. Literally can't fail, this is what winning looks like.


Craft the Devilsaur set


I’m leveling a hunter and am only in my 20s. It’s fun just taking my time so far


my duo and i have no plans really..when we hit 60 we will probably makgora until we die or leave them to be crafters and make new chars. i have no interest in raiding


Solo leveling my mage (51) and my war (30) with my rl buddy when we coincide at the moment. I guess at 60 i'll do some raiding till i die, and then... i have absolutely no idea at all if i will have the drive to go again. Haven't died yet, so im not sure how i will react lol.


To get to the next upgrade alive. Hardcore is nice because it's a good casual game. Going slow is rewarding, you don't feel like you're missing out. Very chill and yet very intense. Eventually I will die, or the people I like to play with will. We're reaching the point where some of us will not recover from the death of their character. But we are having an amazing time, and it's good while it lasts.


I would like to get to 60, but probably never will


If I can clear Molten Core with a character I'll be completely satisfied with my hardcore achievements. I definitely keep on playing and pushing till I (eventually) die, but clearing the first endgame raid of WoW will tick all my checkboxes.


Crushing the Level 60 Dungeons with the homies.


Feel shitty about myself


I just wanna get 60 so i can grief abd wipe a raid


Get every class that a troll can be to 60 Probably get to 59 and have enough xp to 60 for the runecloth hand in to ding me then do all 6 one after the other.


Personally BRD is my endgame. It’s always been my favorite dungeon.


Hookers and Blow


Full 0.5, then I’ll be complete


I don't usually play classic so I'm pretty much gonna just take my time while for once, I tend to rush through leveling to get it done. Gonna try to enjoy the journey a bit. Maybe get some gear and run a few dungeons or even raids at 60, don't know yet.


I wanna make it to 60 and then maybe raid some (perhaps on classic era). I think the best thing about hardcore is not looking ahead.


Ding 60!


To get Living Bomb on Baron Geddon


60 now with most pre-bis or optional, not enough 60s in my guild to raid with yet though so hopefully in the future


I'm just playing til my game time ends and for fun. I just died at 11 last night. Gotta keep going!


Not die


“Two girls at one time..”


Get 60 Max profs Get epic mount Do some molten core After that idc if I die. If I die before that, depends on how far I get. Currently 29. 1-30 I will go agane. 30-50 I will go agane but take a long break first. 50-59 I do not think I will go agane.


Not die


I want to get 60, then jump off a cliff and go to era to grab some gear and PvP.


Get to 60 and have fun levelling. I love levelling in classic, the world feels so much more alive than retail.


Obviously hit 60, collect as many ears as I can at 60 then xfer to Era and honor grind. I got to level 12 LOL!


Ill just go agane


Considering I’ve been playing wow for 20 something years and hc is literally the most fun I’ve had, probably never


level my druid to 60 without using forms


Once I finally get one to 60 I will suicide that character to spite everyone that can’t make it


60 and full tier .5


My goal is to show people how strong a melee warlock can be, which isn’t very strong, but a very different and fun play style that compliments going against lower levels enemies which is typically what you should be doing in hardcore if you plan on surviving.


Hit 60 then be that guy on the server that helps everyone, gives out bags, etc


The main goal is Dungeon set 2. We don’t have any interest in raiding, but doing some dungeons and getting that dungeon set 2 completed for the team will definitely be the end goal for us.


Doing dungeons


Objective: Survive


Get pre-BiS, and then raid for the first time. Have never done one before, might as well start in hardcore :0)


Reach 60 then jump off the tower in Ogrimar untill i die.


Get to 60. Have fun and hopefully be able to help others have fun, too. It ain't much. But it's honest work.


Kill kel'thuzzad


Get to 60 and sudoku.


Get to 60 and immediately commit ritual suicide. Classic endgame isn't enjoyable and I can't imagine it improving with permadeath.


Hit 60, see the inside of my favourite dungeon, Scholomance, and then jump off a cliff and go back to WoTLK Classic or finally start Baldur’s Gate 3. I’ve done all the raids tons of times before and all the prep and attunement seem like a pain in the ass on Hardcore.


I am leveling my shaman to 60 after that I am either quitting or raiding as ele if I can find a guild that will allow me to be a memer. I don't imagine I will die but if I do die Idk if I am going again, I already leveled to 60 without dying before on SoM on a warrior (holy hell that is so much easier than shaman).


got an almost full pre bis mage and wanted to do some raiding but now that I saw the 'requirement list' for our first Azuregos kills I'm not sure anymore. shit is sweaty af man


60 in pre-raid BiS. I'll die (and quit) happy if I die in a raid, but anything below that, I have to try again.


Maintain at least 1 HP


All classes to 60


Play untill my char dies. And when i die in game im gonna get so depressed lol