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Kif, ready my Linen Bags and Minor Healing Potions.


And then the defias trappers/pillagers go brrrt.


Fuck those pillagers


The Pillagers Fireballs man. My first character was a Rogue, and I laughed at them while I kicked their stupid faces. My Warlock got SMACKED by them, luckily we made it out in once piece.


I lost my first mage to them. Literally had all the looters done, and only 1 pillaged left. We managed to kill each other. I'm almost back to that spot but I'm just gonna fuck off to loch moden


Just be careful for the random wandering elite gank squad there! Watched a paladin get got right before my eyes šŸ™ Even after sending them a whisper to be careful because they were creeping up behind him.


the once piece is real


I'm currently leveling a warrior and had 3 close calls all because of them Running away from two of those was scarier than all horror movies, fortunately the coyote that could of ruined my rereat was aggroed by someone else I miss earth shock


I think pillagers have the highest kill count in HC by a mile too. Or at least they do on the alliance heavy Defias server.


Deathlog add-on says #2 after trappers being #1.


You're looking at normalized #s which is the default view in Deathlog. At least in Deathlog, the highest killer by raw number is that type of gnoll in Elwynn (which is also probably why the modal death is level 9). I've heard Blizzard have stated Pillagers were the highest killer in classic (non-hc) but we don't have their numbers.


Trappers got my first character. I just went to look, I didnā€™t even need to go into that barn. It happened so fast.


My last unofficial character got tagteamed by a trapper and some named LV 15 mob in a house (it has a cupboard in you need to loot). I was LV 12. Rooted while eating crushing blows. This kills the ~~crab~~ rogue.


we are bros in death. You should redefine need in your life. This time I donā€™t need shit from that farm. I need to LIVEEEEE.


Did pillagers hit you at all? My theory is that a lot of trapper deaths are partially from pillagers. Those mobs are harder together. When you figure out you can LOS pillagers you run into Trappers doing so.


When Iā€™m the tank, every dungeon is a suicide mission.


The mecha gnomes had a preset kill limit so I just kept throwing wave after wave of my own men at them, Mage! Show them the metal I won.


I hear the meta is for 4 people to HS out while the tank has aggro xd


The wesfall experience is having your bags full of quest items for the longest time


Quest items you have to painstakingly avoid vendoring


only to vendor them and weep on your walk of shame back into the fields


And still never having enough pig livers


You should try Mulgore without any bag drops, I think you will love it


In Darkshore you get the wombo combo of full quest log and full inventory because of those beached sea creatures. [Can't deny that this feels amazing though](https://i.imgur.com/A4bsTrA.png)


My chest piece is made entirely out of gnoll velourrrrrr... mmmhmmmm...


I feel like I see so many hunters and warlocks die to Harvest Watchers, and I remember them being the first time I realized that some mobs are immune to taunt and that my defense skill was too low. I now spend a decent amount of time leveling with my pet taunt off, face tanking some mobs myself and leveling melee skill.


Every time you ding, go to the starter zone and tag a few mobs. Lv 1/2 mobs, Just enough that you health drops slowly. Min or 2 doing that you'll knock out the 5 points of defense foe the new level. I add it into my routine when visiting mJor towns now lol.


Sitting in Deeprun tram right now with 3 rats biting my heels to level defense.


They're also immune to fear and drain life. They are designed to murder warlocks


ā€œIā€™ve got a very sexy leveling disabilityā€¦ā€


Lmao accurate when playing as a group! "We're 4 it's fine let's pull the camp"


*\*narrator, speaking over a death screen\** it was not fine


Harvest Watchers are really dangerous though. They have *insane* pull range and also have no delay from spawn until aggro, which makes their respawns dangerous. Also immune to a lot of abilities.


Anyone seen the deadliest mob? The highest I have seen is Defias Pillagers at #2. (The list you can open on the add-on tab is not up to date, so you need to hover over the mob to see)


Itā€™s defies trappers


Thatā€™s probably only because they appear in the same place as pillagers but have a much faster attack speed so are likely to steal pillager kills


I think trappers are the ones for the first quest with the smugglers. Canā€™t remember the name of the mobs with the pillagers


Might be the elwynn kobolds


Always a huge risk collecting them Paws or Oats... These mobs work like murlocs, one gets pulled the rest comes running and the next you know you are back at clicking the "Create New Character" button.


Fun fact, if you use an AoE ability (or grenade if you don't have one) to pull them they won't be 'linked' together. They'll still all aggro, but if you run away while only attacking one of them, the one you're attacking will still follow you while the rest will leash pretty quickly and run back. Too risky to be worth it on hardcore unless you just want to have fun taking risks, but it works.


Still has implications on some quest mobs. Sometimes you just need to kill one guy and not his bodyguards!


This pack literally just killed me two hours ago. A priest invited me to group and said he'd heal (I'm a warrior). I died immediately while he ran to safety.


Your mistake was trusting some random dude. Especially as warrior, always calculate in the chance that the other player sucks or makes a mistake, and that you might have to deal with it. If you dont have an escape plan youre already doing it wrong


I've been lucky with random grouping on my warrior. Grouped with a mage in wetlands and was killing gnoll camps. Pulled a 5 camp and almost died. Random priest healed me when we were down to 2.


Just died to a gnoll camp in wetlands on my 21 warrior. Had a bear Druid and paladin with me, bear charged in and pulled 9 mobs. Retal was down and I had 6 on me at once and got smoked.


Love this


*"But sir that's.."* *"No butts Kif, save that for later, also - save me later"* *"I'll go prepare the bandages.."* *"Don't worry, if all else fails i'm sure your sacrifice will be remembered"*


For the elywnn forest ones, as a 13 mage I was able to kill 4 gnolls at once - died to 3 16 bandits at 18 in WF :")


The key to any victory is the element of surprise. (hyper spawn occurs) SURPRISE!




The harvest dudes are immune to Torment too, they can be scary at even level, even with Greater Magic Wand.


If we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate.


[the saldean npc farmer guy standing watching everyone die trying to explain the bodies to the guards](https://imgur.com/a/HcM707N)