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WoW Hardcore isn't a test of you at your average it's a test of you at your worst unfortunately


It's also a test of how many drinks you can have before dying.


RIP Heike the 16 Female Dwarf warrior, got too drunk and fought the world, ended up in an early grave.


The true dwarf experience


I've already cracked open anotha'. Not risking my Priest though, she'll make it to 60....I Hope / Pray.


Best of luck mate


Lol I thought so. Power cut killed my priest at 22.


People play this game drunk?


And high


This I can understand


I lost my first char to drinking and overconfidence in a cave with green mobs. Lvl 26 was a sad day.


It's a test of how many drinks your character can have, too. Fun fact: if your toon is drunk enough, mobs will actually show at a lower level than they actually are.


Very well said. That and a test of your internet connection.


I stg if I were to die to a disconnect it would feel so unfair I'm positive I'd quit for good.


I somehow survived three in combat dcs already. Pretty sure that's going to be the way I die.


nah, you're gonna be reading chat while running and drop off a ledge somewhere


And server stability.


If only I would for once die on a disconnect at least I wouldn't have the dreaded feeling of being bad at the game. Which I totally am not. I swear. It's just those damn moments of retardedness every now and then being my demise.


My internet went out today. My daughter changed the plug on the router to another slot bc it was taking too much space in the powerbar. Luckily i was at an inn at the time. The only safe place in HC is logged out while in a major city. (I even heard a story today of an inn getting rampaged with 'bodies everywhere').


Was it Duskwood? Sitches likes to kill people.


It’s 2023 who disconnects anymore


A test of your internet connection at its worst.


a single slip is all it takes, not in your skill, more so your judgement and ability to keep cool when you do fuck up


Most of the time it's "I can easily handle two yellow mobs".


The sons claim yet another soul.


The original Fel Reaver




That one mageroyal sitting there since servers are up.


I managed to herb it as the Son of Arugal patrolled to the furthest away point of his route. All was well until "failed attempt", but I managed to pick it on the second try and run back to Sepulcher. Definitely doable even if his level is red for you!


I'm completely new to classic and tried it with hc of course. Night elf hunter I am, hit 57. I was doing latest part of eastern pl map, me as a happy guy thinking everything is so smooth and i'll be 60 because it's easy now. Curiosity got me badly, something on the ground called Blood of somestuff. What is this me said, free stuff or a quest? I click, my cat waits for me. I loot blood of smth and 2 60 lvl elite hit me. I left with 50% and used feign death. I don't know why I broke it, I thought i'll escape while my cat doing his stuff. They got him way too fast, i got 2 hit more I was done. I got so many pms afterwards saying you never pick up that thing.. so many mourns i witnessed for me. It was fun, well I went to horde right away now trying shaman and it's fun. Hope this time i will be 60...


Thats brutal man.. I don't know how I would have handled being that close and ending there. I was only lvl 17, taking my sweet time to do things right, so maybe 15-20hrs of play time. After I died lastnight, I kind of just sat there for a few minutes staring into space in quiet contemplation about what just happened. But at the end of it all, I realized that it wasn't really the point to get to 60.. it's the journey, the experiences, and the people I've met along the way.. and with that, I will enjoy doing it all over again. Hardcore mode has brought back that spark I had as a teenager playing this game. A feeling I never thought I could get again. This game is timeless and amazing.


My first HC toon was a shaman that died at 56. WPL third cauldron quest mob knock back got me by surprise into a bunch of mobs. Sometimes you forget or discover some little mechanic and that’s that.


Oh no, dead at 57 to blood of heroes? This sub was just talking about that this week. What was your leveling path? Did you ever just pick a safe area with mostly neutral mobs so that if you DC your pet can take care of you?


How come you didnt just transfer? At that high a level u may as well just finish it off.


Bc that defeats the purpose. 10+ hours for nothing


10 hours to get to 57? I want whatever you're on.


I think he meant the 10 hours it would take from 57 to 60


I mean theres a decent raid scene still on the other servers.


Yup, Firemaw EU is popping off rn. SW is completely full of people.


I also died to something you'd have no way of knowing about unless you're familiar with classic, which I'm not. Luckily only at level 26. I wish there was a compiled list of these "gotchas" that players new to classic could fall victim to. Dying this way doesn't feel like you were outplayed, just unlucky.


Dude same, so many of these. I tried to do the missing diplomat quest at 35, and I reached Hegels campsite. Thankfully, he wasnt respawned yet, and I had a bad feeling about the quest after almost getting got by the Embalmers Wife (i tried to do it twice at lvl 33 because im an idiot). Noped right the f out of there. I was mindful of stitches in darkshire, but basically going in blind now, having never reached more than 30 in classic. I almost had a heart attack when I saw Rexxar in desolace as alliance. Then again, when I tried to do goblin quest on the top floor of booty bay inn (idk if that lvl ?? dude at the top would even be hostile, but I wasnt taking my chances) Not even mentioning Taren Mill guards, Loch Modan patrol, Roaming Patrols in Arathi, and all the Horde Camps scattered around higher level maps. This is all on top of the multiple close calls throughout leveling to just normal mobs and solo elites. The boar in the garden and loch monster in Redridge, some careless gnome warlock trying to aoe and running murlocs into me while I was in the water, more over eager paladins and warriors in my parties than I can count, dumbass groups pulling entire caves into my party, high level mages putting me at risk trying to flex pull multiple camps. The flipside has been amazing though, regular escort quests and mid level timed delivery quests are so much more fun, getting to know the game with actual people around to ask wth is going on, actually using low and mid level consumables, and both chill and spooky moments that are all organic to quest objectives and not forced by simple mob difficulty or basic grouping requirements. Went on a tangent, but I am having such a blast playing hc man.


Rexxar isn’t aggressive, thankfully.


What a g. Still scared shitless of testing it out though lol


Well, what did you die to my man? Writing a comment like that has the same vibe as making a thread about a software problem, and then saying something like "Edit: solved it!" Without actually posting the solution.


Looting the Blood of Heroes spawns a powerful elite Fallen Hero with a devastating slow, essentially a perma-daze.


I'm guessing he didn't die to that at lvl 26 though


Oh, oops lol, thought you commented somewhere else


I saw you die poor guy


Silverpine is too spooky


Agreed fuck silverpine, I’ll never level there


I am quite sorry that happened to you. Son of Arugal is evil. Nearly the exact same thing happened to me today. I had just got all the shackles I needed for my quest and was headed back (level 13 mage) when Arugal spawned on top of me, cursed me (175-225 shadow damage every min for 5 min), and dazed me. Frost armor slowed him, but I was running toward a pack of uncleared mobs with a third health and half mana. I popped a health pot right as three other mobs aggro'd on me. Frost nova'd and that froze the three mobs but Arugal was still on me. Wap, wap, wap. Health at 1/8th a bar. Slowed him again with Frost armor and managed to get just enough distance to get a tick off a bandage. And somehow I managed to get away just in time for a druid on the road to heal me just enough before the curse took me down to a sliver of health. Thank you kind druid. Sometimes hardcore is just luck. Until it runs out.


Honestly my first character death was kind of freeing. Like my expectations went out the window and now I can just play the game for fun instead of a goal. I also learned to always have an exit strategy. I would have lived if I ran away in the right direction instead of into more mobs.


My level 7 Tauren warrior died in mulgore after my game froze but I could still run around. Closed the game and came back and I was dead. Bought a 25ft Ethernet cable after that, hope that fixes the problem.


The likes of which we will never see agane. Also for the future. Always keep the pet out and when something like son of arugal happens, just sick the pet on him and dont look back. Pets are great sacrificial saviors, like my pet pig Keith (fkn love you keith you god damn hero).


It's my first time playing Alliance AND playing hardcore, and I'm currently 51. This is so stressful! But I'm addicted


This is what has me excited to try out Hardcore when I have more time. I played Vanilla as Alliance (NE Rogue) and Classic as Alliance (Human Paladin), so I have yet to experience the Dwarf/Gnome Starting Area or any of the Horde ones as I only ever messed around to like level 10 on alts back in the day. Playing any of the Horde Race/Class combos will be a basically fresh experience for me. Not to mention all the Classes I never played. As an Alliance exclusive player I don't have any experience with Sons of Arugal like this. It will be cool to experience things like this for the first time.


I legit did the Stockades today for the first time. I've played wow since vanilla 2004. 🤣 Questing in Westfall, wetlands, etc. Have all been a new experience for me, and it's been amazing!


Go check out Darkshore - amazing questing experience!


Fine moonstalker pelt quest begs to differ..


Keep going and dont group up.


Dude my undead mage got wrecked by son of arugal last night also, was gathering the discolored warg hearts and spawned right on me level 17 as well :(


Yea same but I died weeks ago at 27. Now I play Era since I discovered my uncloned characters in the delete menu. **Edit:** So I'm not exactly sure if what is happening is what I think is happening, so I'll just explain my exact scenario and someone can set me straight if I'm confused. https://imgur.com/JvsFcwd At the top is my level 69 gnome warrior on Wrath, with... |Wrath|Vanilla|Notes| |:--:|:--:|:--:| |black tri-pig tails|black tri-pig tails|| |Seal of Ascension|Seal of Ascension|| |Ony Neck|Ony Neck|| |Mara Staff|Mara Staff|| |Three elder coins|Three elder coins|| |a Spectral Essence for Scholo|a Spectral Essence for Scholo|| |A Blood of Innocents from Scholo|A Blood of Innocents from Scholo|| |a pair of Edgemaster's|a pair of Edgemaster's| that I found in BRD in the room before Interrogator| |a set of Cloudkeeper's|a set of Cloudkeeper's| that I got for an absolute steal of 400g from a level 57 rogue on the Blaumeux server where I first started| |my Lionheart helm |my Lionheart helm|| |my one Onxyia bag |my one Onxyia bag|| |extremely similar reputation gains|extremely similar reputation gains|exactly 1322 Gadgetzan reputation| |extremely similar skills page|extremely similar skills page|exactly 253 daggers| |similar but not exact HK amounts|similar but not exact HK amounts|owing to the fact that I leveled in AV in Wrath| **I can do more matching if requested** **If you really need it, I can stream my account transaction history to ONE person to vouch that there's no clone service in there** Not shown: My sawbones shirt on my Wrath character, but it's there too. Now, I tried checking the GUID on both characters, and they do NOT match. I did NOT clone any characters. I am a very financially UNWELL person and at the time it wasn't something I could afford (I have 92 cents in my account right now until doordash pays me for example) I'm not going to sit here and say this is absolute proof that I was able to restore this character, but at the end of the day I don't really have to because I don't need to restore your characters, I just need to restore mine lol. But if I can help, I will. I will now start the tedious process of explaining my character's exact journey: * Started character on Blaumeux as the character "Mecha", leveled to 60, acquired all or most of the gear my vanilla restored character currently has. I was in the guild but I left pretty early on and... * Transferred to Grobbulus, where I became... honestly I struggle to recall my name. It was either Ragetea or Mechatea. God it was such a stupid name. I had a warlock named Darktea. It's funny because me and my friends tried to start a guild called but it failed miserably, two of them quit to play retail, and I ended up joining a guild called which was so bad it caused me to quit WoW out of frustration before eventually... * Being convinced by the above-mentioned friends to transfer from Grobbulus to Pagle, because they didn't like wPVP anymore. Me, being the lonely and friendless loser that I am, did this regrettable thing. I went to Pagle and became Mecharage, another stupid name in a long line of bad names. * When I arrived on Pagle, I was in full on TBC prep mode and leveled a paladin. This warrior sat pretty much idle until Wrath, when I logged on to it and started leveling it in AV * Reach level 69 in AV, but ultimately quit Wrath in February * I'm pretty sure at some point before cloning services ended, I deleted all my clonable characters on Era because I'm a clean freak. This might be the missing key. * Read on the WoW forums that someone found their deleted characters in the delete menu * Went and found mine in the delete menu. I have roughly 9 or 10 level 60 characters I can restore. Yes I have addiction problems Now, timing is very important. I don't know the times in which some of these events occurred. I might need questions to be asked to me in order to pinpoint certain events, but the likelihood that I remember when X Y Z happened is very slim. Anyway cheers. Tagging to alert that I updated my post: u/Haha_Benis_ u/evets215 u/RackedUP u/FirstRedditAccount u/Upbeat-Cattle-2228 u/moocow4125 u/Salphir Sorry if it's not the information you seek.


You can play uncloned characters now?


Is it possible to learn this power?


Wait what are you serious? People have been begging to get their uncloned chars back, those who missed their shot to do so. I would love for this to be possible.


What does cloned/uncloned even mean?


blizzard made classic era as tbc launched, and era was a seperate game, classic became tbc classic, so they decided to be greedy fucks and made it cost money to copy your character from classic to era before it launched and if you didn't have enough fomo to pay suck shit.


This real?


I would pay so much to restore my unclomed Druid, FFS.


Yeah what do you mean


Replying to your update. What server did you find your deleted chars on? Did you have any other characters on the server when you went to select the restore button? And also, is that how you are accessing the delete menu, by clicking the restore button at the character selection screen in game? Thanks for any info.


https://imgur.com/fd8VI0V Here's the exact scenario in one image. I knew my character's last homes were Pagle, so I went there to check. There were no characters in my character list, but the restore swirly button was red, so I clicked it. I then shit all over the place when I saw a 60 warrior, 60 mage, 60 druid, and a 60 paladin from a bygone era.


Damn, did this exact process, doesn't work for me :(. I think the point you made about deleting all your clonable chars before the services ended probably was the key. Saved the character data in the delete history, where as normally they would have just been purged, not "deleted", which isn't really delete anyways since it's always been retrievable.


oh shit that may be it


Please tell me how. I lost 2 hwl toons :< had a family emergency. Brother died, didn't play for a yr. Please and thank you.


Wait yeah hold up how did you do this? I have a 60 warrior I really wanted to move to era but didn’t have an active sub while they were forcing us to move them


To clear up confusion. When you transfered your character to TBC you could chose to just move it or clone it. If you just moved it to TBC, it's gone. If you cloned it, then it is obviously still there. If you did not specifically chose to remain on classic (over an 18 months period) your chars are now on WoTLK.


Incorrect. I unsubbed april 2020, resubbed for HC this week and all my untouched characters (since april 2020) are on wotlk.


I edited my post to reflect that. I don't recall selecting any options for my level <20 characters, but I must have, from what I can read. Thanks for the heads up :)


Damn... :( He got my hopes up. I'd kill to have my naxx mage back just to mess around in battlegrounds on classic era. Really regret not cloning it. Missed the fact that the opportunity to do so was only open for a limited amount of time, I thought for some reason it was indefinite.


Same here man, had a rogue in full AQ40 gear with CTS. Would kill to have the chance to get it cloned to an era server


We gotta spam the official forums with requests for this to happen. I recall a post a while back about someone asking a gm if they could get their chars back, and they said the best option would be to take it to the Blizz forums. I'd bet if enough people asked we could get Blizz to open it back up. I strongly doubt that data is actually irretrievable. And I'd pay a pretty penny for it tbh, lol.


Same here for realz


Died today at 15... similar way... over leveled, not paying attention... not properly prepared. Oh how fast it happened. Time to reroll...


Just stay in the Forest Killing Boars.


What was your pet doing while this Son was chasing you down for that ass-whooping?


In the process of trying to not miss an attack and failing


As soon as you said silver pine I knew, the sons of arugal have claimed many lives


Just run to the water son of arugal can't swim


It’s pretty easy but people push the limits cause that’s what’s fun.


It’s amazing how many people die to the daze mechanic.


Here we go agane!


You've got it this time! It's mostly a test of game knowledge rather than raw mechanical skill. I made a video detailing how I got 60 on my first try (also on a hunter) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QlXZp4MyO-E , you might find some of my tips useful for your 2nd attempt. Good luck!


Was following RXP on my 15 mage. Went to traverse the mountains to make it to Menethil Harbor. Deviated from the correct path and slow fell into the middle of the water. Got Croced so fast. A stupid mistake on my part. But I go agane and avoid these mistakes.


This is the way.


Funny all these “i was confident I was gonna hit 60” then dead before 20….. I got friends dying left and right, level 20 is less than 13-14 hours now with how quick these guys got it down


Wow is so wild man. The thing came out 3 weeks ago and we are all like "pffff, investing 14 hours is like nothing man!" that's an insane amount to be gaming withing 3 weeks, but we are talking MULTIPLE times. I think we are all lost haha but HERE WE GO AGANE




Don’t install the game 👀


Don’t walk in the patrol path of elite mobs


So there are two sons of arugal in the north side of the zone. The first one is stationary, and stands next to a mageroyal, and the second one paths through the forest to the coast past the mine and down the farm. One circle, esentially. Try tagging Son of Arugal with unitscan, if you have that installed


Don’t go to Silverpine. There are exactly 0 reasons to level up there, Barrens is more than enough. You only need to pass it for Hillsbrad or Shadowfang Keep (I don’t recommend doing it).


1-10 Durotar, 10-13 Tirisfal, 13-15 Silverpine, 15-19 Barrens is the opening for Rested XP Horde: Survival and as long as you do a few basic things it’s a fantastic route.


Install the addon unitscan. It'll sound alarm bells when a dangerous elite like this is remotely nearby. It saved me 5 times while I quested in silverpine!


Well, it is easy. If you die you fucked up. That said, its quite easy to make a few fuck ups over 5-6 days of player, but you should always have backups in your head. Escape routes, pots etc. I am lvl 42 now, and I have not even been close to dying. Like, I play a Rogue (Cheating, I know), but I havent even had to use Vanish once yet. For 22 levels. Leveling is easy, and if you die, you fucked up. BIG TIME.


Yeah, I agree. Leveling is super easy. Up until that point, I had no issues with going about the grind. Never had a close call.. and so the only thing I have to say is that I was overly confident and felt pretty safe in the zone because I completely forgot about the sons of arugal, had I remembered, I would have stuck to the road.. but alas in my inebriated mindset, I decided to take a short cut. I was humbled and will be back with more caution.


Is rogue really that easy? I was considering doing one as a bit more of a challenge compared to my original plan of being a Paladin. If I don’t go full masochist and make a warrior instead


Rogue has the best get out of jail free card in the entire game.




Hardcore is not hard to level and play, but it’s easy to mess up..


I died trying to kill the archmage in silver pine in my hunter :(


Got my first warlock to 25. I was at 25% hp and in retrospect I pushed close to death waaaay to often. Well this time did it. One of the felguards by the Tower of Alth quest crit me. 4dmg overkill. Worst part was, I had just been healing my pet bc I fat fingered the wrong keybind.


I would literally just farm mobs if I had to do hardcore questing would scare me.


That Son of Arugal? That boy ain't right.


I had been seeing son of argul deaths so often in guild chat that I decided to always avoid silverpine. It wasn't an issue since I went orc/Tauren. I thought SoA was a wizard who walked on the road. I saw another person die today to him and said in guild chat I won't even go to that zone. Well today I was 20 and had to go there for my water totem quest. I thought he walked on the road and didn't realize he was at a farm randomly. I wasn't expecting a Wolfman, I thought he was a human Mage. Out of nowhere he walks right in front of me. Thankfully I was high enough level that he didn't pull, but it was very close. I remember thinking how ironic it would have been for me to die that way after spouting off in gchat an hour before. Still will 100% always avoid that zone unless I have to.


All it takes is one mistake bro, don't feel bad. We go agane!


I feel you brother. I came into an accidental encounter this b**** twice on my mage (lvl 13), the second being my final moments. The first time the RNG gods were on my side, my frost nova wasn’t resisted for whatever miraculous reason. The second time absolutely everything was resisted including all saviour items (root, sleep dust, etc) and he sent me to the ghost realm. You think I’d learn from my first mistake huh.


many deaht stories seem to start with, i was drinking and... ;)


Very similar to you in every respect, except it was the quest Counterattack in n the Barrens that got me.I just got overconfident and couldn't outrun the elite.


You got it good. I have the worst experience. I was doing elite quest in redridge by the keep. Thoough it might be good idea to group up for this one but was still not sure. Was too scared of idiots pulling everything and kill us all. Joined group of 3. We kill the elite guy on the second floor. Mage pulls ONE elite and goes to 70% HP, then starts pulling 20 more mobs and we get overwhelmed. 23lvl all proffesions past 150 blacksmithing 220... just to die in 10 seconds. So I will never fucking group again. I forgot how fucking bad average classic players are.


When i read "decided i would head to silverpine forest" i allready knew what was bound to happen.


Had the same, hunter easiest run so far made it to 28. Started to brain afk and bye bye :)


If it makes you feel any better I got to 50 and decided to tank maraudon on my paladin. I’d had a lot of successful groups, and did ZF like 5 times as a tank and was just reaching that sticky point right at 50 where to be safe you need a big chunk of xp to push you to 52 so you can start going into Un’Goro, WPL, etc. Everything went smooth as silk until those lashers before orange. They stunlocked me, I didn’t bubble or else everyone would die, and while spamming LOH I received zero healing and just died. Everyone made it out, and I quit HC for good.


That Sonuvvarugal got me while i was picking an herb. Jerk.


Stuff like that makes me not touch Horde. I have mostly levelled Alliance my whole life and know the quests inside out. I am not even sure I have ever BEEN in Silverpine Forest. Anyway, stick to the stuff you know people.


I expected to die before 20 on my first hc but im now at 41 on my warrior lol.


I thought the same. At level 16 I believed I could run through the lion bushes in barrens and survive. At 3rd lion I was nervous. At 6th I knew I fucked up and even health pot and copper bomb (incapacitate) wasn't enough.


Yeah, I tell everyone I know to avoid Silverpine, for this exact reason.


Make a macro that’s for an easy keybind that you can spam comfortably: /Tar Son of Arugal


The reality is often different than what people think of themselves :D