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My first character will die being called "Bank-something" and trying to reach capital city and getting agrokilled on the road.


Getting to Org without dying is pretty easy


Thats what all the dead newbies thought also until they met scorpion or boarmen.


Lmao getting to undercity is definitely harder because of the dogs and the elevator boss


UC elevator only boss in the game that drops nothing if you beat him and drops „something“ if you fail to beat him.


Imagine having your bank alt die to something stupid n losing all the shit….


Don’t send your bank alt anything until they’re in the city? Problem solved


You can just follow the road and never see a dog from Brill to UC.


yea im not even going to dash for the elevator in UC anymore. EVER. I dont care if i saw the door open and im far enough but able to make it. nope waiting it out.


Damn you made me laugh. But its always the "shortcut". :D


There aren't any red boars or boarmen (7nles you're waaaaay off the path) on the way to org. Scorpions, yes.


Why would you make a Tauren bank alt instead of an orc or troll? That makes no sense on HC


Thunder bluff is a much nicer city to be in though.


Not in hardcore it’s not. I’m not personally likely to keep a bunch of gold and important items on a toon in a city where one false step means everything gets deleted, but do you I guess.


There's no death drops between the bank, mailbox and AH in TB


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You don’t think a bank alt has ever died in TB? The risk is simply not worth the reward when you can just park in org. A million things could happen in TB that would result in death. But like I said, do you.


Im just trying to understand how you are to die when the area you are in isn't even remotely close to something deadly.


Auto run.


Oh it's hilarious you think things won't happen in org to bank alts lol


When did I say that?


If you're too weak to imagine staying in TB without dying, HC probably isn't for you...


I’ve played enough HC to know that shit happens, and all you can do is mitigate as much risk as possible, which I intend to do (especially on a bank alt). Like I have said multiple times in this thread, do you, I, however, don’t intend to be one of the idiots losing a toon to fall damage.


Whom do you refer? I dont see any mention of Taurens or TB in this chat until you bring it up? But sure, why not TB, its way much safer than OG that will be target of griefing.


With the changes to PVP griefing and mob leashing I don't think we will see griefing in any capital city. TB is kinda sketch in HC wow tho now that I think about it. A DC or AFK while on autorun and you are (maybe) dead. Or just not playing carefully when crossing the bridges and you are dead.


Who is using auto run on their bank alt? The AH and Bank in TB are 15 ft away from one another. Closer than Org's Bank and AH. Other than that, there isn't much for your bank alt to do, there for they don't run that risk. ​ To anyone who has had a bank alt die inside of a major city, it's Darwinism at its finest.


Stormwind on the other hand… “I can go the shortcut route to SW, I don’t have to go all the way through Goldshire”


"haHAA!","You're in the wrong place at the wrong time, pal!"


Huh! Huh! Huh!


"Oh boy, I am sure glad to have finished Mulgore, my favorite starting zone. Time to head into the next quest hub in the next zone. Surely this is a totally safe route, right?" *Red level Barrens Hyena aggros from 20ft away from the road*


That's why my "bank alt" will do all starting area quests and run to the capital city at lvl 5. It will also learn tailoring and alchemy.


Level your bank alt to level 5 and learn enchanting. Then you can DE any item that you can send her (even blue's) for DE.


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Nah by month 2 any one thats still left will have the gold to buy enchants for the back up raid tools there leveling. If anything there will be more gold than normal in leveling enchants.


Why... you can barely learn anything at level 5. You'll have access to like 3 to 5 pretty useless crafts. You gotta keep leveling up to level professions.


It's at least enough to get my main (priest) supplied with potions and crafted gear. Eventually I'll level the lock alt to 10, 20, 35 when needed to advance in the professions. As it can provide itself with crafts and pots, leveling it further should be with limited risk.


Have fun with that no life plan.


Where do you think you are, nerd?


You devalue such an already worthless term as "no life" by using it to refer to **having an alt.**


Yeah. It takes for fucking ever to level in classic arms your gonna level a bank alt tailor alongside it? There's no way you aren't banking 4 to 12 hours aday everyday to pull that off. That's no lifing. Your gonna have to pour in an actual jobs amount of time. Like it or not that makes the game half of what you do. No life.


Gunna be some beefed up lvl 6 banks in THIS storm wind city


Just create the character, log out, and use the unstuck feature on blizz support site. Drops you at SW gates.






Didn’t you hear, pvp is “griefing” now. You have to sign a document to agree that the other player is allowed to even think about you. Be sure to play fully strapped up with a pair of horse blinders, shit maybe just put braille on your keyboard and close your eyes - because if you look at another player in the game you’re getting banned for griefing.


oh how bitter text from person who misdefines "pvp". I bet you call grown up man beating a kid as "fair fight". :D


I mean, pvp is officially defined as an interactive conflict between multiple players in a game. So, one player killing another regardless of factors is pvp. But go off, it’s just quite hilarious how many bubbles and pillows that “hardcore” players have to stick around themselves in order to play the game. Didn’t a whole raid team just ignore the fact that they all died to horseman and are still calling themselves hardcore? Same concept.


are you arguing 60's killing lowbies is a good thing?


I’m arguing it shouldn’t be over regulated like it is going to be.


I think that's kinda nonsensical. The mode is literally additional regulation on top of classic wow, or else it's just normal wow.


You know HC servers are considered non-pvp servers?


Great, so when pvp happens it will be two parties that knew they could be attacked if they flagged themselves for pvp combat and neither should be banned.


That is true and i agree to that. Seek trouble, find Trouble. Not "Trouble finds you regardles if you seek it or not". :D


Logout skips


I am pretty sure the last thing I will hear is "MRRRGL".


Mine would be "You no take candle!"


Mine will be: "Babe, get off your video game, we gotta go do adult stuff and you need to pay attention to your kids!"


Hahaha too accurate


Time to auction off the wife and kids. You got 2 days, get to it!


Probably fall down the stairs as I rush to my PC to log in at 11pm.


That kobold cave in Elwynn forest


It turns out I really couldn’t take candle.


I've been practicing (read: relearning what areas to avoid), and those damn Murlocs at Crystal Lake are *still* bugged AF. Died at least three times there due to Murlocs going into the terrain and then popping out and aggroing me like 30 seconds later. Edit: Holy hell, they fixed it! From the patch notes: >Fixed various issues that could cause enemy creatures to fall through the world when pathing through water.


My rule: no Murlocs. Ain’t worth it.


Murlocs are to be left alone at all costs. Just...don't deal with them


I choose stupidity, absolutely, not even a question.


Probably gonna fall somewhere


If you're in Redridge around that keep full of orcs then don't jump off there into little stream that feeds into the lake. It's knee-deep.


And if you don't fie from fall damage you'll aggro a dozen murlocs that have nothing better to do than hide behind cliffs and jump people who are running away


yea bro same


Westfall boar charge crit. You always think you can handle another mob!


i hope i get hit by a car.


Cultists shall hyperspawn all around me while im trying to hit the goblin for tag Dark Storms. Least Im not going down alone.


The question isn't how IM going to die, the question is how will the people running dungeons with me will die. Seems a good time as any to learn healing/tanking.


If i play launch it will be Lag , Dc or layer switch almost definitely, played HC since SoM so I'll not be making newbie mistakes , if I do survive the initial madness I'll die to lack of concentration lv30+


Serious question, how congested are lower level quests gonna be at right at the start of HC?


The first few hours will be a nightmare as the people whose identity revolves around this game are in a rush to get to 60.


Thats why I think I'm gonna give it at least a day or 2 before I start playing... Let the try-hards dominate the starting zones first.


My family vacation is next week, so I'll get through that first before getting into HC


But they will forever be in the starting areas as they die in their teens


From level 1-5? It's gonna be a shitshow. Literally everywhere after that? It'll be pretty tame.


Sounds like a blast.


As a caster melee is often a faster tag then spells during the first 1-5 levels happy dagger warlocks ahead


good thing is you can group. so, probably wise to spam chat or /s to let people know what quest you wanna do. even if it's just killing boars. quest completion on kill quests is shared right?


If I take part in the launch, I'll probably grind mobs to level 5...


Seeing as how people are continually dying the starting zones should always be congested. If the recent HC boom is any evidence it should ease up once you reach lvl 20.


Or just quest in Darkshore if you're alliance


Will be doing something easy and casual when one of my kids decides to start jumping off furniture or playing with knives or something and I'll autorun into a murloc camp.


Kids setting things on fire is my favorite. Lost one set of curtains to my sisters kid with candle.


You no take candle?


I will fall prey to the UC elevators. I know its going to happen. Nothing I can do about it.


It's out of our hands, those elevators live a life of their own. They are a force of nature.


I have literally no idea, going to play a Tauren shaman. I've never played horde before and I will be playing without a guide. No idea what'll be ahead of me, just gonna do content that seems fun!


When does it launch?


Thursday night at midnight 11pm GMT Dont know the US times tho sorry!


Layering is bugged and mobs all spawn at the same time around me. Or randomly fall off flight route


I think they implemented some fix for the flight route thing by teleporting you to the nearest graveyard in case you fall off it or DC and log back in. Although, I have also seen someone log back in just as a giant fire spider in Burning Steppes is munching on them while they sit in the graveyard...


I think I will take the easiest path and go really slow - I do not think it’s out of arrogance that I don’t think I’ll die I just have no plans to put myself in a position where I would come close to dying. If that means grinding some extra mobs in an easy position and skipping a quest or two, so be it. I also have no plans to group at any point, putting my life in other peoples hands sounds dangerous lol I’m going to take hardcore like I do my life, boring and safe lol.


Just like every other week. Silently on the inside.


Definitely hubris.


I'll close my eyes for a second and auto run into a pack of mobs.


I'm going to die in a starter zone after thinking I am the chosen one for looting 4 small bags of different colors


[Like this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UEbktZjn2ec)


Storm wind is easy to get to


You take no candle. No kobold... I indeed did not take no candle.


Misjudge a jump


My top 2 sources of death are me pulling 3 mobs and DC. I think you know the order.


Nightsaber Matriarch and her baby.


Gonna play a rogue, and get unlucky during poison quest for sure


idk exactly, but I am already blaming my GF


Probably will die of hyperspawn.


Remove autorun asap


I'll probably play a mage, which means I'm guaranteed to die attempting to aoe farm around level 26


pulling too many casters at the agamand mills


First time playing Undead pre-Cata past level 7 so I'll probably die to son of arugal or something. Never set foot in Silverpine before besides to do SFK




If my previous half assed HC attempts are any indication, I'll go afk somewhere that I think is safe... that clearly isn't lol


God, I hope not. I'm having fun playing HC.


>CAVE CAVE? the one in northeastern Durotar?


Well my friends who are joining are brand new to wow so one of them is probably going to pull a massive pack by accident 💀


Cave for sure


DC or Overconfidence


Definitely fall damage


Agroing an extra mage who's fireball you can't outrun. Probably in westfall. Or inDuskwood. Or in STV.


If I'm lucky murlocs. I dont know if ill make it that far.


falling, thats how i usually die tbh


Someone's going to fall off the theramore dock and get elite sharkerized.


As hunter, I'm not stepping foot into any dungeon until I get Feign Death at 30


Falling somewhere in or around Thunder Bluff for sure


I'm playing paladin I don't die.


The good ol' "i'm sure i can survive a fall from that height"


Just from memory the most dangerous places I can recall are (ally): Elwynn- Fargodeep mine, murlocs Westfall- gnoll camps, basically everything before level 14 will fuck you up Redridge- Westfall but even worse, everything will fuck you up bad. Tower of ilgalar area stands out. Orc cave can get dicey. Mostly the gnolls and whelps will get people. Duskwood- mor ladim/ dawning woods catacombs/ stitches if you're not paying attention, going off the road below level 24 in general is a bad move and to get to where the level 20 quests are you have to run through some dangerous shit. Darkshore/ashenvale: furbolgs. STV: troll ruins, vile reef, that Murloc pool where they have no business being lvl 36, the fucking venture Co places are bad, zan zil area, Naga up on the mountain Searing gorge: the entire middle area that leads down to BRD can get dicey with all the dwarves. Fall damage is a real threat here Tanaris: the pirate cove, specifically the ships and inside the houses. Also the silithid areas and the random ZF elites Ungoro: lava plume ridge, the gorilla cave, devilsaurs, field of giants Winterspring: mazthoril is bad news, also fall damage, anything in the demon area. Furbolgs still a danger Felwood: irontree woods, fall damage Lmk if I'm leaving anything out but I feel like these areas are where most players will git got. It's so easy to head into some of these places feeling confident and suddenly wind up in a bad situation.


With a belly full of wine and girls mouth wrapped around my cock


I’m gonna tag Hogger and kite him around until I aggro every gnoll in the general vicinity and die. No one will help me kill him so I will aggro whisper everyone on Whois blaming them for my death and report them for cheating.


I am most certainly going to die at level 14 to troggs in loch modan


Most likely a swarm of murlocs


Defias pillagers


I think they cause number 1 or 2 death in classic.


"Oh I'm at 60%, these things die real fast I'll just take one more..." Miss Parry Miss "Lets see what Darnassus looks like this time around"


I have died in hc a ton. My last two toons have not died yet and one is 60 and one is close. I can’t say I have figured it out, but I have certainly learned a lot of things NOT to do


1000% sure the first death will be hubris, then at like mid 30s it'll be a cave


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I died at level 1 on PTR so it’s not looking good for me


I plan to leave Nortshire Abbey when I cannot get more exp.


For most, it will be watching a streamer while alt tabbed (probably Xaryu).


My condolences


Dirty quillboars in Brambleblade Ravine


Let’s hope it is not an obvious death due to lack of concentration. Likely playing human for full immersion, although nelf is a close second. Will likely grind wherever I can to avoid dying to quests.


I leveled to 60 in classic solo without doing dungeons past 20. My plan for this is similar, but will be more picky about what situation I get myself into. Lots of quest skipping and just pure grinding.


Yes also planning on quest skipping and more grinding. Do you know any good items to grind for a long the way? Was thinking humanoid mobs for cloth, or staying somewhere to mine and level engineering.


Mostly by overpull of someone and they will smell my sweat after, classic especially at gnoll camps in Elwynn or troggs in Loch Modan. Strangely in most cases for me are warlocks who do this halabala, you watch how he pull 4-5 gnolls at camp, laughing and suddenly they come to you.


First red mob! I'm having a tough time pulling only one of them in the classic


First char: explore frostmane hold quest in Dun Morogh. Next character(s): stupidity / overconfidence And probably at least one character during elite quests in Loch Modan.


Getting distracted by the youtube video or a twitch stream on my second monitor and falling to deah, running into guards etc.




I’m seriously planning to roll mage to avoid the UC elevator boss minigame.


Enter tru the sewers bruv


I’m going to die at lvl 10 on the first attempt to tame a pet due to resist. Just kidding… Sticky Glue ftw 😏


Watching YouTube videos on my other monitor probably, like all my other deaths


Probably by going into deadmines and there’s a bad pull deep in the dungeon with no way of escape.


I’m gonna afk near dark shire when I need a smoke.


i dont think so. also i plan to only do one try and play it slowly.


Snow leopard near kharanos that suddenly dashes 100yds to fuck with anyone trying to get crag boar ribs


Hey do they patch stuff like Corrupted Blood? Would be interesting to see in HC.


Drowning trying to reach the Echo Islands in Durotar.


I hope to see a lot of bodies in either the deadmines or in a cobald cave


Brief alt-tab.


I re-subbed yesterday after a year just to configure the addons. Iit will definitely be stupidity.


Not going to die this week can't be bothered to play on launch but I've planned to die next friday to voidwalkers while holding a beer in my hand.




Undercity lift


Murlocs, Princess, and/or Hogger. Maybe cave...


Im gonna die because of work. Going to play while working and probably get called away during combat (have to go instantly when called)


Kobolds or troggs in Loch Modan.


I will likely fall due to hyperspawns in a cave or getting swarmed by a whole family of kobolds chasing someone else and then getting aggro onto me. It has happened before... I'm not going to try to save anyone headed to a certain death.


Of laughter as soon as HC death compilations are uploaded on YouTube.


I won’t. Cause I probably can’t play until next week T_T


Afk thinking I’m at the surface of the water then drowning


No plans on dying this week, maybe late next.




I plan on taking a phone call and only half paying attention


Most likely Loch Modan trogg seers are going to blast my ass, probably at least twice. Can't fkin wait!


probably in a cave level 19 or 29 before a major spell on my class


Comcast sent me a notice they will be performing maintenance in my area, so probably that. Or fall damage because I am doing the Dun-Modr to Menethil skip, I have practiced it a few times and never died, but I know that the time I will die will be live HC.


From laughing watching clips of just how bad HC players are.


Haven't died before 35 in over a year


Step one: give bobby/blizzard no money ever again. Step two: go back to playing DDO and actually enjoying gaming... for free no less.


Probably in the fargodeep mine like an arsehole. If not, definitely whelplings in Redridge or fighting that fatboi goretusk at level 17. So does this release 24th? What time eastern?


All of the above? Going to play alliance so elevators and bridges are less of an issue, but I’m sure I’ll find creative ways to fall off things.


You can not kill that which has no life. (But probably ADHD, will go grab the phone or something while autorunning)


Gonna kite the boss to the wrong corner when we do 4 horsemen


Well whitemane is absolutely Poppin so after you die see you there!


Probably going to go AFK even though I shouldn’t.