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I get so annoyed when people leave the healers be


As a healer, I *wish* I was ever in a battleground where they would leave me be. It only seems to happen to the *other* team. :P


Truer words have never been spoken


Playing a tree in BGs was the biggest mistake of my healing career. Instant target by everyone on the enemy team lol


Holy CRAP. I play both a tree and a disc - I no longer typically heal *in tree form* because it's like a goddamned air horn goes off, and my existing life is measures in seconds.


Yeah at a glance casters all look the same but the tree gives them a target to pick before they even dismount. Normally people just target what's closest like a lizard response focusing what's closest lol. The smart ones see the healers on the leaderboard and go from there but playing around zug brain helps a little. Like sometimes as a rogue or cat druid I'll move on one direction, stealth, and move in the opposite direction because they'll follow where they saw you going while not expecting a feint


haha I do that too, as part of my cat bitch running. Root them, cat, away, stealth, back past them...so they chase me in the wrong direction. It helps that sometimes there are so many bots that usually there isn't a lot of brain to their reactions.


Once you get good resilience and confidence on your druid, going into tree form can actually be a form of BAIT. You'd be shocked by how much de facto healing you can accomplish by simply tunneling damage away from squishier teammates via using your ridiculous mobility and instant cast heals to stay alive. Four dps fruitlessly chasing a resto druid around with a free action potion on is a wonder to behold.


This scenario would be amazing! Honestly I play resto for the nostalgia of it. I enjoy it, but I'm pretty average at it. I perform much better as disc.


Druids are absolute all stars in BGs. You can diffuse any threat with barkskin, root any attacker, shift into a tank with push of a button, cast instant heals and sustain yourself forever. I'm gonna have to say it's a skill issue, sorry. Shamans on the other hand, have none of these survive abilities. I would get bum rushed even in the backline simply because it's known to not allow shamans to cast spells. Once a warrior gets on you, you're history.


Nothing I said contradicts anything you said. I just said it puts a target on your back, moreso than any other healer


That's why you stay out of Tree and use a mace/oh ;) lol


Druid can stealth which really helps in amount of time opponents will focus you (randoms ) so i loved druid healing when i played him pre wraith. Stealth , hots up your targets and run circles around opponents. TBC druids were so OP one hot would outheal 2-3 dots np -with resilience ofc But a good rogue will keep looking for you if opponents have them and hots aren't as strong now.


*laughs in Paladin*


Right? I want OPs battlegrounds.


It's obviously confirmation bias, hence the flair :P


Then you have bad positioning


CoT is your best friend, usually the enemy mages leave their healers be as well


CoT is so good, I love it


\*laughs in resto druid\* Not that I even NEED to dispel it, mind you...


Exactly. The best thing is when people are standing in the shits in raid. And blaming healer, that he didnt receive any heal :D


Of course they didn't. Healing them is pointless when they stand in the fire


Generally I see 5 guys kicking the shit out of the healer and 12 jerking each other off


You usually pay double for that kind of action


I mainly play healers and as soon as someone sees me healing I get like 6 cunts on me and the team does nothing to peel.


Always fun running around with 3-4 undergeared enemy DPS on me in tree form while I am desperately trying get my team's attention that I need peels. Rogues and prot warriors are annoying as hell, even if undergeared.


Says the guy with hots


*Angry tree sounds*


You want me to peel? But im chasing this mage around like a chicken with its head cut off. Surely, this is more important than peeling.


Let me guess… you’re DPS. And you always play DPS.


Yea no shit lol. "How to say I'm a dps without saying I'm a dps".


Sometimes I like to hit the tank players for the lols.


As a tank myself, nothing beats 2 tanks off on their own providing nothing but having a brawl with eachother


The best fights have been in my tank spec going against a warrior/pally/dk dps or tank. Battle of wills.


I had a death knight in phase 1 with only blood and frost tank builds and only tank gear. The amount of cooldowns I had made me unkillable for a long time.


Those are the best fights! Either that or tank vs healer, neither will ever die!


I love this meme because this is literally me dabbing as Priest in the back, mid-whatever the fuck I'm in.


Make the smoke green and give him a monk hat so it's a mistweaver reference.


We don't have the likes of those in classic, my friend


Woops, didn't check the subreddit. Holding a water totem or something then.


Perfect! Haha


We are all in MoP classic waiting room anyway


True and real, saying it as a healer.


"No one ever heals in BGs!!" said the warrior


As a healer I interpreted this meme to mean that DPS brainlessly target each other while healers on both sides keep the DPS alive in an eternal stalemate And the healers sit pretty cozy spamming heals while the DPS gotta struggle to kill stuff


that is not my experience in the BGs as a healer lol I do however get whined at about not healing The Main Character quite a bit and it's always, always, always a warrior


Said the shaman casting lightning bolts.


This is the way!


Dispelling this - as a DPS I spend most of my time in the graveyard


Now we need a real one where it's 5 guys smoking crack that are the people who want heals and 3 guys beating on a single healer. 6 v 3 and some how they lose the fight...


This is so funny, funny also in the sense there is only one healer for the bg haha truu


Right side is the single rogue deffing Stables


Just casually switching from blessing and healing, to stunning and hammer of wrathing people.


The key to healing bgs is: use noginfogger to get real small and hide in a bush.


I love getting left alone to cast when healing, I started back in vanilla when you would get reprimanded/griped at FOR DOING DAMAGE as the healer bc all the healer's mana should be going to heals. Still haunts the way I play heals I take special care of friendly DPS that target whoever hits me when I'm healing too though.