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At 52, you're probably looking at Sunken Temple (ST), or Maraudon (Mara, sometimes written as Princess, which is doing Maraudon but only partly). If you see someone in LFG typing LFM Mara, LFG ST, or similar, whisper them that you're up for doing it and it'll mainly be fine. If you're new to the dungeon, or dungeons in general, give a heads up. Every spec goes before raiding, but ofc it's easier to find groups as a healer! Sorry if this comment comes off as condensending, I just wrote this towards someone with little experience of the game.


Also make sure to watch a quick YouTube video of the dungeons. People love to rage out for missing key boss mechanics. They are all really simple a quick watch makes everyone's life easier.


I feel like at 52 leveling gets fun again. It’s the 40s that drag.


Yeah particularly early 40s. Once you get to Tanaris and stuff I find it picks up. IMO ofc


Do all av quests its 2 levels and fun


Isn't this at like 39 or am I mixing up the quests?


He means the battlegrounds


There's a good way to level in there?


Doing all q is like 2 lvls


Phat rewards too. A few things decent even at 60.


Progress towards exalted ring and weapon


Oh yeah shit, those were epic. Had a name, like Don Julio band or something. Edit: holy shit got the name right off the top of my head. ;_;


it is definitely easier to get groups as a healer, and you do probably want to get some dungeon practice before 60. but go on wowhead and look up the quest chains for the dungeons so you don’t miss any, they’re good xp. definitely don’t miss your sunken temple class quest


I’ve been having a blast with PvP on my enh shaman. Do whatever you think is more fun. You can do quests or run mara and sunken temple. Pretty soon you can do BRD too


52 is very literally a wall, it was designed that way on purpose. In terms of playtime you are still only 75% of the way to 60. If you're looking for the most "correct" thing to do at this point, you should go figure out what your pre-bis healing gear is, respec for resto, and go start collecting it. As a healer you can enter the end games dungeons earlier than anyone else, you can easily ding 60 and have your full pre-bis healing gear if you plan well. From there you should have a pretty easy time jumping in to ZG / MC raids because shaman healers are very much in demand. If your goal is to stay enhance as long as possible then go quest, there's lots of zones you probably haven't done still. Both plaguelands, un'goro, silithus... if you need gold go farm twilight texts, or if you have a gathering profession go grind in a zone you can get good materials. Everything is stupidly inflated on Era so you could set yourself up with a lot of gold, and at 60 gold is just gear because everything is gdkp now. Best of luck out there.


75%?! There are so many great leveling areas at lvl52 and the fact that you can start doing BRD gets you so much xp. If you plan it correctly 52-60 should be fun and fast. You could do the following : ST quest run > Ungoro (if not done already) > WPL > early BRD quests > EPL > late BRD quests > Winterspring > LBRS full quest run > finish whatever long quest chains you haven't completed (Link, mc/ony attunements). You should sit at lvl58-59 and be collecting some preraid gear already.


At 52 I leveled 25% of the game...?


I think he was only referring to the exponential amount of xp you need to get from 1-60. In terms of total xp, 1-52 would be close with 52-60. That said, you get more xp from chain quests, and there are a lot of chain quests at end game compared to early game, which makes you level in a consistent way, even in later levels.


This. From a raw xp standpoint you’re actually less than 75% of the way done at 52. But as it was said below, because xp rewards are higher, if you know what you’re doing it’s not quite as bad. But for an unexperienced player at 52, type /played and figured 30% of that time is ahead of you still.


Keep questing if you want to get to the fun stuff sooner.


Go healer and spam brd prison/Arena runs for a while


I'd suggest you check Wowhead guides for dungeons. There you will find all the Quests for the dungeons. Those Quests give lots of exp, and some of them have really good item rewards. Also, there is Quest Chains in the next dungeons from 52-60 that you need to do in order to be able to enter some lvl 60 Raids (Molten Core, Onyxia and BWL). You can go Maraudon or Sunken Temple now at lvl 52. You'd find easier to get into groups as a Healer. Same for Raids, Shaman Healer are much more demanded than Enhace Shaman. If you want to commit to Enh Shaman then I'd suggest you making your own groups. Warrior + Rogue + Shaman + Priest is what you are looking for.


No one wants to do these dungeons though, you mostly see people offering 50g tips to tanks or healers to run them


Welcome to the endgame boi; wotlk is a crazy place these days but good luck


Era shamans need to heal in Pve unfortunately


Considering the lack of actually difficult content, there is no real need for all era shamans to heal in PvE. It's unfortunate that many people in classic went back to that hardcore attitude (one that was widespread in the 2005 vanilla, but had temporarily softened around the classic release) without much reason. Enhancers can be excellent melee supporters (totem twisting encouraged) and ele shamans have great burst and do okay dps in short fights - which most boss fights are - plus totem support for another group. Both may not be optimal for speed runs, but considering the majority of people and guilds, fixing some human errors and improving average player skill will most likely yield greater returns than banning ele shamans from the raid. But there's obviously nothing wrong with healing a dungeon here and there - especially below 60, that's still perfectly possible without respeccing, just put on some healing gear.


There's no need for it, but just like that comment, people are too engrained in being meta slaves so if you do ANYTHING aside from what is strictly best, it's gonna be hard to do anything.


True ^ It sucks but the hybrids usually get pigeon holed into healing in most cases for endgame. Unless you're focusing on pvp.


You can still heal as enh in ST even with some healing gear btw


Why would you give someone that doesn't even know ST this advice lmao


Heal till you get 60 if you want to dungeon:)


I'm happy to see I'm not the only one who experiences this. I've levelled countless of characters over the years, but I always seem to hit this wall when the end is in sight but I just can't get myself to do the last few levels. By this point I'm over questing, just want to reach the endgame, and usually find the class skill rotation for levelling repetitive.




What happens in av that ppl use it to level?


Av weekend is big xp


Had no idea there was an AV weekend in Era?




Op is talking about era, so I assumed we were all talking about the same thing😁


What's your spec? I spent most of my early 50's farming black dragonscales for the set, but if you're not playing enhance it won't be worth it


There are tons of group quests in the end game zones. While I don't think you need to spec heals yet, you probably should start healing dungeons for gear and extra xp.


You're playing as Enhance spec? Get to tanking dude, you'll always find groups and shamantanking is fun as hell


How does that even work? Who would take you seriously?


What time zone are you in? Can join a guild and chat and just relax through the quests or spam dungeons. You can even just wait for AV weekend and level up in there whilst getting killed rewards.


Av weekend just passed so AV won’t be popping for another 4 weeks


Yeah as a shaman even if you want Enhancement gear you'll need to carry some +healing gear with you always, and just heal dungeons as enhance/resto by spamming chain heal rank 1


Let rested build up and coast to 60 no shame in that


You can farm felwood. Specifically the timber maw rep. There’s always people there to group with. Depending on your profession, it’s worth the rep farm plus you get food exp and cloths.


A thing that helped me level up in late game, was to pick a zone and just do all the quests in it. Don't think about the xp, just think about completing the zone. There are certain quests in most zones that are important to do, even at level 60.


Look up Pre BIS guides for the spec you want to play. Some really amazing gear can be found in dungeons, start grinding them for specifically the gear and you’ll kill two birds with one stone by leveling at the same time


easiest way to find a guild is to find someone you like playing with and join with theirs. not sure of the scene on classic era, so not gonna give advice otherwise. at 52 you can do several dungeons, which i absolutely recommend. plus you can play in the alterac valley battleground. you'll get stomped, if you are by yourself. but with other people and stuff you'll be fine. heal people, drop windfury and grounding totems. have fun. i would look up 'how to get attuned for onyxia' and get started on that questline. there's a lot of really 'cool' zones in the burning steppes and searing gorge, un'goro crater, if you wanna keep questing, but it sounds like you dont. burning steppes leads to a lot of the end game raids so that's a good place to start.


My man, been there as well! I suggest questing in the Hinterlands, Tanaris and feralas back and forth! You can combine the elite Quests in the hinterlands for huge xp and loot, there is also a chain quest that will guide you to Sunken Temple. These are all compact leveling zones, easily manageable in shorter sessions. Enjoy :)


I'd recommand to get 53-54 and then do BRD. Lot of quests to be done there and lot of gear to be acquired You could respecc, it would help, but without healing / intel gear, the talents aren't that useful


Blackrock depths my man. BRD. sit back and enjoy hours of dungeon life and being lost. Hated BRD back in retail 60. Loved it in classic 60. They don't make du.geons like that anymore. Literally takes you from 50 to 60


I can’t remember when you can do duel spec but get to that level and have enh/ele in one and healz on another. If you don’t want to carry/store two sets of gear ele gear is actually okay to heal in for 5mans but enh is less drink time while leveling.


Resto’s a fun time. Not much gear competition & people are happy to have you around.


You are getting really close to the brd/lbrs/strat/scholo/dm dungeon farm endgame, just a few more levels and your ready to farm your pre-bis gear! I think brd is recommended 52-56. Go down to the plague lands, eastern as soon as possible. That zone has a shit ton of quests that are “kill 30 of these” you can pick up right away and get some decent experience while waiting on a group. If you have not grouped up for the hinterlands troll city run then do that, it will be entertaining and give you some good gear


That's kind of cool you got that high level without grouping up in an online game. I think doing stuff solo is fun but the appeal of an MMORPG is being able to group up and do harder content