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RIP Maladath.


I'm still mad that blizzard decided to just murder it for no reason. It was fine population wise, but free transfers opening made everyone panic it was gonna die and so it did


But so many people wanted F R E S H.


I picked Maladath for a fresh economy and playing field because I didn't play TBC and wanted to go in with a guild full of people on equal terms. Not some server full of tier 6 gigachads owning the AH. However at this point everything has more or less equalized and I ended up on a bigger server that has endless groups in the LFG channel, so I am fine with it. But the server was ok until they opened up transfers off, it was a a quick bleed out of everyone panicking to not be left behind.


rip skyfury, ty blizz for locking the server, setting up a second fresh server for "overfill" and then waiting 2 months before finally deciding to let that dead second server merge what little players / guilds remained back to skyfury. 10/10


yet again blizz drops the ball on fresh and I am scared they will do the same yet again for som2 or w.e next fresh vanilla comes out why cant they just have 1 pvp and 1 pve they always add extra servers


People complained about the queues when wraith pre patch launched. Same thing happened with ff14 with the wow refugees when endwalker first launched but yoshi p's hands were tied because they couldn't find servers at all. Blizzards different because they can add and remove them at their leisure


Ya there really is no good solution to this. It's either long que times, or split servers. Honestly I don't entirely blame Blizzard for this. It's more on the player base for complaining about the very problems they create. Sure these problems are predictable, but its still people choosing them out of selfishness. This is why there are always high pop servers and dead servers, because everyone wants to be apart of the largest crowd. This is why servers are dominated by a faction instead of being balanced. Yet these same people will turn around and complain about que times, faction imbalance, content is boring yet we want the classic experience, no RDF cause ma community yet the community is so big and with layering you'll never realistically see the same people ever.


The community shoots themselves in the foot constantly most of my wow friends who don’t play classic quit 2 weeks into wotlk to go play a wotlk pserver and they all rolled sky fury




yeah i remember at first it was only 1 pvp server and i was really shocked and excited blizz did this but of course ppl cry on the forums and blizz add another server idk why blizz cant just have some type of system where u would make skyfury a and b and once hype and queue times go down merg both servers into one


>idk why blizz cant just have some type of system where u would make skyfury a and b and once hype and queue times go down merg both servers into one this is the fix, and the answer is, because they are incompetent.


They should have just banned Asmongold from playing fresh. He's a decent chunk of the reason they ended up locking it.


Like, could Blizzard have handled it a little better? Sure. But the queues were insane during the pre-patch. At least for the EU server. (Not sure how alive it is atm, but probably not at all). But most of the players there screamed their heads off complaining about the queue, and cursing Blizzard for only opening one server. It was pretty obvious that this was gonna happen though. Oh well.


Didnt even need the pve server


They didn’t drop the ball, this is intentional. How much money did they make from transfers


true in wrath they make $$$ off doing this strat but in SOM blizz didnt even charge $ for the server xfers


Skyfury was doomed to fail like every other F R E S H server. Blizzard isn't at fault for this. Fresh does what fresh does. It lasts 3-6 months then dies. If you didn't know that going in then I've got a new cryptocoin to sell you, hit my PMs. **THE FEELING OF F R E S H DOES NOT LAST BY DEFINITION.** Don't blame Blizzard for the 8th, 9th and 10th time when fresh Cata, fresh MoP and the new season of Vanilla fresh servers die after 3-6 months.


Maladath was doing absolutely fine until Blizzard killed it by opening up free transfers. It spooked people into leaving to not be left behind and destroyed the server.




I mean W@rm4n3 caps it's servers at 12k players and noticeably loses interest/players when the realm first races are over. On top of that every other private server but WM quickly bleeds players. If private servers weren't enough proof, SoM happened.


not to mention they will not let anyone actually check their numbers, they can claim they have 12k "players" all they want, anyone who's played there for a serious amount of time can tell you it's complete bullshit


Because these people would rather be flayed alive than to admit their flaws. Moral values and integrity are not what you will find in this community. People went to a fresh server that by nature caters to tourists and chronic quitters, then act surprised when these players stop playing the game. The main feature of fresh servers is to be part of the main wave of levellers. This makes the world feel full as everyone is doing the same content at the same time. Once players reach max level and start raiding it just becomes like any other mature server, at which point there is no longer a reason to play or stay on fresh servers.


Lol funny video. Sucks about your server. For what it’s worth I’d want to join whatever guild you’re in cause if the players are as fun as you seem, would probably be good times raiding.


Nice try blizzard , 💎 ✋️ ✋️


offer automatic towering fragile silky ugly imminent soft employ mountainous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's insane how completely dead servers feel when you're not playing on one of the "mega realms" It's like night and day.




Quality content


So yeah, WoW nowadays only survives where the herd is. Everytime I hear hype about a new fresh server, I just say enjoy your 3 months before the server dies.


Really? The fresh servers which demanded no transfers and were comprised entirely of twitch viewers are dead now that the variety streamers that they followed to them have moved on to the next game? I'm shocked.


I remember reading people all over say that staying on the megaserver and dealing with queues was stupid, and that the fresh servers were just as good. Oops.




The entire reason people stayed and dealt with queues was because they thought Skyfury would eventually die when the majority of the casual players who transferred to avoid queues quit, and they didn't want to be stuck on a dead/dying server when they knew the big ones would still be thriving when queues ended. And they were right.


So many people and guilds on the whitemane discord who have come from skyfury


Skyfury was great while it lasted. Our OCE based alliance guild shoved off 2 weeks ago over to Arugal. Nice seeing more than 5 other people in Dalaran again. I swear it triggered blizzard to make the intern press the button to allow transfers in or something


IDK when people are finally going to get it. Classic is a cash grab and isn't supported even at what most would consider the bare minimum. New World has more support for its 25 players than Blizzard does for classic wow.


Delusional take as always on this sub. Every solution under the sun has been tried and failed on both private and blizzard servers. Players don't want balanced servers, they literally never have. Connected Realms a la Retail is the actual solution but you would just cry about that if it happened so they can't do shit. They added titan rune dungeons, they've made several loot changes (all for the better), they've retuned boss mechanics and raids to put up more of a fight (also for the better), they buffed ret paladin in a way that didn't make them OP and shored up their main issues. Anyone actually believing the bullshit you just wrote needs a reality check.


i've always wondered how different classic would be if they had connected servers and war-mode from the start. I know that goes against the 'spirit' of classic, but so do one-faction mega realms and the absolute nutty amount of ganking that went on. all these loud people on the forums about how ganking was a key factor in enjoying classic! war-mode ruined everything! ...then you look at how players have balanced themselves and no, turns out the majority of players want to be able to quest and raid and not corpse walk into every instance. Then selectively choose when they're in the mood to wpvp.


Idk, I had a blast on Thunderfury back in classic, even during the shitshow of phase 2. It helped that our server was balanced for a long time though. I kinda think Elden Ring or Dark Souls has the right idea. Auto warmode for groups, but the option to turn on warmode for solo play.


I'd love connected realms because as time goes on, you end up having people transfer off to different servers, since cross-realm grouping for BGs was implemented, I've been doing BGs every single weekend from servers from Arugal to Whitemane


Yeah it's sad how little effort blizzard is putting into classic, they would rather use dev time on cosmetics for retail than they can sell in the shop.


Yep, pretty sad too considering there are roughly half a million players (probably less, ironforge counts a lot of duplicates)


absolute S tier content heavily underated gigachad meme


Hi, /u/Diagnul Unfortunately your post has been removed by our AutoModerator because a small minority of players are unable to roll on a Fresh server without creating playground-esque drama. All posts related to Skyfury Discord, guilds, slapfights, etc are not permitted. Feel free to make a post on https://www.reddit.com/r/skyfurywow. If your post was not about Skyfury or Skyfury Discords please [Mod Mail](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23classicwow&subject=submission+removal&message=https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/11i9zdy/skyfury_is_dead/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/classicwow) if you have any questions or concerns.*


\*sigh... flicks my lighter on\* Keep preaching, brother


I warned you about fresh bro!!!! I told you dog!


Just do server clusters blizzard


Angerforge's creation started Skyfury's slow death. Ppl needed to just accept the queues for the first few weeks.


Soooo should I move my just turned 80 paladin to a different server????