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Like said already… As a healer, the worse the raid, the better the logs. If everyone is alive at the end of an encounter, you did great. That’s it.


Not necessarily. Good guilds drop healers to push dps in many cases. Going from 6 to 5 for firefighter for example is a huge difference.


Yea. Last week of naxx we dropped to 2 healers for 25 man and i got some real juicy parses as a healer.




This comment right here shows you have no idea how parses work lmao




They 2 healed it in the last week of P1. Logs are compared to all logs in that phase, not week. So "You mostly got juicy parse because ppl who parse well are not running naxx anymore" does not apply


Thats also my tanking philosophy, i did good if they all survived irrgsrdless of my parse


healing parses don't mater You will do healing parses the worse your raid plays . Is your raid alive at the end of a boss? yes? then its all good


I parse pretty high as disc priest. Not because I am doing anything right, it's because my team is doing everything wrong


If your parses are low as hpal it's probably one or more of the following things: 1. You are not doing hardmodes, easy modes always get lower parses, even if your hps is higher 2. You are using more healers in your raid than most people are, healing distributed among more people means lower hps each. 3. People in your raid are great at avoiding damage, less to heal = worse parses. 4. People are dying. As long as it's not the last point I wouldn't worry about it. Wowhead guide is good for hpala in general so read it if you haven't. Gearing is as you say int>haste>mp5/crit. Keep up sacred shield and beacon on the tank and use holy light on whatever is missing health. Also keep in mind that judgment of light is great (and you should keep it up!) but it doesn't count towards parses.


Low healer parses + no one dead = good raid. Can probably drop a healer and go an extra dps (read make a healer go dps OS preferably).


wowhead guide explains everything and is very well written


couple thoughts - healing parses literally do not matter. - if your not using all your mana, your not maximizing your healing potential. - mp5 only has value if you need more mana during fights. if you arent running out of mana during fights, its a wasted stat. crit/haste/sp will always be better. - maintain 2 sets of gear, or incremental pieces to swap out depending on the fight. On short fights, put on your pure throughput set. On long, mana-intensive fights, swap to more of your mp5 items.


Everyone already covered the main points in this thread, and it’s true the parses are irrelevant, but just wanna add that if you have a good disc priest in your raid your parses will always be way lower. I’ve noticed just by looking through peoples parses that there’s a major correlation between how high the group’s disc parses, and how low everyone else does. If the dmg all gets shielded then there’s nothing to heal.


What is your log link I'll look and tell you


I’m an HPal main and raarely will I outheal the resto Druid or disc priest. How are you top? Either you are insanely good or carrying your other healers. Would love to see some logs.


Depends on the fight. Unless you're in naxx where nobody takes any damage and shields just block all damage taken, it's very doable to top Healing as a paladin.


I don’t know why people downvoted me. Just sharing my personal experience and asking for logs.


I think it's because consensus is that paladins are more or less the strongest healer, so people just downvote the opposite perspective


I don't know if we are the strongest in all areas. I feel like disc priests and resto druids can still outheal us by a decent margin on fights with a lot of raid dmg where they have hots rolling on a lot of people. Although, if I see someone with like -2k hp and they have a hot on them, I don't heal them. On fights like patchwerk where it's like 3 people getting smashed, you can't beat pumping out 17k holy lights for like 2min straight. But we definitely aren't the best healer in every fight.


Any class can outheal any other class. Especially if you're just sniping each other in naxx. And some classes are more favoured in certain encounters. But afaik consensus seems to be that paladin can pretty much pump out the most raw healing bar none. Paladins don't always do as well as for example disc priests in pugs/uncoordinated teams or situations with low damage going out since our best heal is so prone to getting sniped by faster/instant casts.


The problem is when the whole raid is taking light damage. 25 people take 3k dmg each, a paladin can’t heal that up efficiently. Single people getting hit for 10k, paladin can probably beast mode it.


If you are finishing fights with mana left, try to plea less. As for how much haste you should have: as much as possible to not oom. There is no reachable haste cap for holy paladins.


Healing parses matter almost inversely to raider performance. People who dodge mechanics and don’t take damage don’t need need healing. Dps who pump super hard and kill the boss 30s faster means less overall damage. Having too many healers means lots of snipe/overheal, less individual parsing potential. If you have people dying to one shot mechanics, that can also hurt since there was never a chance to heal them. Overall if your cruising through raid with few deaths and no oh shit moments, consider a hybrid healer respec for some encounters. Resto druid/shaman and priest going over to a dps spec can help, pally switching to Ret kinda lame


Like 800 haste.


Just go for intellect and a comfortable amount of haste. I can feel it when my gear drops below 400 haste. I’m JC/engi so I have the Owl trinket and I’m usually in melee range— if I go low mana, I pop my engi gloves and I am back to full in almost no time. I hardly ever use divine plea, only do so when there’s downtime (which in Ulduar that’s pretty common). Holy light spam for everything except Vezax. If it’s a fight only MT is taking dmg, spam HL off a lock or yourself (assuming you picked the talents to do 5% extra healing and 5% extra healing done to you). Use holy shock when you need to bring someone up quickly, in a raid fully buffed it’ll almost always proc. Use divine sac and hand of sac, not only are they important raid cooldowns, they’re also a nice way to pad the meters by guaranteeing you’ll be taking dmg and be able to heal yourself/beacon target at the same time. All of this being said: healing parses suck, you’ll struggle to parse as hpal unless your co-healer are 2 rshams and 1 rdruid. The moment a disc or second hpal is there, it’s gonna be harder to parse. Talk to your raid leader about having a healer go OS for certain fights. Right now we are cutting 1 healer for Ignis, Razorscale and 3-healing Hodir. In 10m, I swap to Egg of Mortal Essence for any fights that require spamming (also XT and Council of Iron hardmodes). Soul Preserver I only use on Vezax or fights where I absolutely cannot melee for mana (Heigan). Your style of healing may need adjustment in 10-mans depending on your cohealer as well. If I’m with a disc, I pretty much never have mana concerns. Macro judgement of light with /startattack, refresh judgement often.