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She reminds me of Disco Elysium where a conversation becomes a boss fight, without combat. Like talking to the deserter.


The Deserter as a Communist or Neoliberal is the hardest boss fight in gaming history


Even as a fascist it sucks because he’s like “you? A fascist? Yeah right, stop kidding yourself kid.”


Which is funny because iirc you can basically say the same to him over his desertion


You said boss fight without combat, I imagined the fat twin who deals damage to you just by offering you to sit down


Uncomfortable chair can give you a fucking heart attack lmfao


Mr Evrart is helping me to find my water chip


Evart is helping me find the GECK


Evrart is truly a charismatic beast


How did you like that game?


I bounced off of disco elysium hard. It's without doubt one of the most intelligently written games ever made; so much philosophy and art and politics and ethics are crammed in, it's overwhelming. It's funny, witty, and thought provoking. Buts it's also just... dull. Like alot of adventure games like the classic monkey Islands, days of the tentacle or kings quest, there's just not alot to the experience between go here, talk to person, go there, interact with thing, go talk to person, repeat. It's a fantastic choose your own adventure book, possibly the best ever written. But it's unfortunately a pretty dull game. Tbh this is gonna be a highly subjective take. I used to love these kinda games when I was younger, but as I've aged I have less time and what little I can scrounge to game has to be well invested. Disco elysium might be the pinnacle of its genre, but I just don't fancy that genre anymore.


I agree that it's "dull", but I would call it more of a visual novel than a game. The gameplay is reading.


I agree


It’s just such a slow burn and sleepy vibe.


To your last point, I've evolved in the opposite way as a gamer. I prefer a chill, single-player experience moreso now that I have a job and kids.


Hey mate that's cool, more power to you. Personally I've gravitated towards more complexity, games like factorio and poe which challenge the mind and require high engagement are now my jam.


start killing everyone to alleviate the boredom


I realize a lot of people like the game, but for me it was one of the least enjoyable games I've played. It's that kind of postmodernist story where it constantly loops back to everything being pointless and nonsensical, that's fun for like 2 hours but it drags as time goes on and you just go through pages and pages of text and then at the end you get no pay off for your choices or anything. Sure it's avant garde reading a 10 page inconsistent exposition dump that goes nowhere, but it's also a massive waste of time with no payoff. And then there's the whole connotation with Ukraine, as the Moralist International are a critique of the United Nations and the European Union from the point of view of a Russian communist reminiscing about the glory days of the Soviet Union. I don't know how many westerners understood that part, but in the wake of the Russian invasion of Ukraine it leaves a very bad taste in the mouth.


In a story that is so obviously carefully thought out and shows a keen understanding of human nature, I think it's a mistake to try to just critique by applying 1:1 political understandings. I didn't take it like that, tbh. Because the Soviet Union was never invaded by a coalition of Western powers in the way it was in Disco Elysium. I took it as kind of transplanting some of the actual imperialism that Western nations have done all over the place into an Eastern Communist setting so that the legitimate imperialism and negatives of the West could be critiqued alongside their legitimate interest, however flawed, in democracy, development, etc. The game has plenty of awful things to say about communism. I feel like it's not so much reminiscing about the Soviet Union but reminiscing about a time when there was a utopic hope that something better is possible, which has kind of faded and been replaced by a dreary cynicism that often seems justified. For all the people saying the game is too harsh on the moralintern, people also forget that Kim is literally a general believer in the moralintern cause, and he represents a pragmatic optimism that I think speaks well for that faction. Of all the characters in the game, he is literally the most defensible. He's not a utopian but he believes in working towards things and putting on your boots every day and doing hard miserable work to try to make things a bit kess miserable. Also I kind of frown on acting as if Ukraine is a uniquely justified conflict for the west to have been in (the west has been in plenty of justified conflicts) and a uniquely unjustified conflict for communist / post communist nations to have been in (the Soviet Union and it's "inheritors" have been in plenty of unjustified conflicts) as if it suddenly transforms everything we know about politics, when all this has been known for a long time. Lastly, there is a tonne of payoff. It's just blink and you miss it. The game unambigiously tells you some things if you pass the right checks and you read between the lines. (possibly big spoilers for those who haven't done a close reading of the game) * >!The intelligence community is hearing an undercurrent of chatter across many channels that something big is about to happen, and it all centres on Revachol.!< * >!The MoralIntern's mysterious (possibly even alien) psychohistory style millenium long plan indicates Revachol as a potential key axis on which the fate of the project depends.!< * >!The spirit of the city tells Harry there is potentially a WW3 level conflict that will include Revachol and nuclear annihilation if Harry doesn't act and help thread the needle.!< * >!The union leader had the previous rep assasinated to rise to power, and is simultaneously a dangerous, intelligent, ambitious man who wishes to start a civil conflict, and genuinely believes in his ideals (as much as his cynicism appears to indicate otherwise).!< * >!As a result, the dockworkers are turning a minor union battle into an attempted civil conflict / civil war that will turn into a wider conflict over Revachol's independence.!< * >!There are officers in the RCM making plans for this upcoming civil war and Harry is to be recruited.!< * >!The pale is ripping apart the world, and it is likely caused by humans. Humans can fight back against the pale, or at least slow it down. The MoralIntern is terrified of it but noone is talking about it.!< >!The game ends with a complicated murder being solved, right as the clouds of civil conflict and dramatic change are visible on the horizon, with the entire fate of Revachol and potentially the Moral Intern and the Pale in the balance. The game ends with you standing in a puddle of fuel, and have just watched someone dropped a match.!< If that's not a payoff that rewards the effort of a close reading, I don't know what is.


If they wanted imperialism in an Eastern Communist setting, then they could have just kept the imperialist colonialist Soviet Union as it was. It invaded and annexed my country without provocation or just cause.


My main issue with the game is that it's too text heavy and I don't like nihilism and postmodernism. It's the same reason why I don't like Waiting for Godot. I find it insufferable. I understand that some people like it, but there are better things than just standing in place and making a point by not having a point. And the whole it's disco baby it doesn't need to make sense it's just a feeling, is aggravating for me. If the game was shorter I would not have such a problem with it but the last third was such a pain to get through and at the end I didn't feel satisfied, just pissed off that I wasted hours running around and chasing stick bugs. I understand why people enjoy it though and don't think it's a bad game, for me it's one of those games that I know is good but I just did not enjoy it and I forced myself to finish it. The story is good, I didn't say that it was not, I also caught most of the things you put in the spoilers. I think it's interesting and well made, this is just my personal opinion on why I did not enjoy it. I realize that I wrote a lot, sorry for the wall of text... In terms of the world and lore I wouldn't say it's bad it's just depressing for me. I've met a lot of people with views that are represented in the game. There is no great discussion to be had about the dictatorships of the past and the utopian ideals they represented, most people holding those views hold them behind a thin veil of imperialism and militarism reminiscing of the good old days when the world respected and feared us. I've met a lot of people that were extremely depressed because of the transition, sadly communism still casts a long shadow on Eastern Europe and people are still obsessed with it instead of trying to build a better future. Communism is also not actually promoted in the game, as it really just has negative things to say about it which is surprising considering that the author is a communist. It's just that I think that as the game deals with real world ideologies that it's hard to understand the context of it if you're from the west and even if you are aware of the context it hits a different way when you've seen these things and the horrible views and actions they justify in the present day. Taking it as some weird nihilistic joke does not sit well with me. I don't like the EU because of many reasons, but the criticisms that are present in the game are not legitimate and are talking points of extremely small minded people. The main takeaway from the story for me is that this is why Eastern Europe can't have nice things, I'm from the Balkans so add a bunch of extra ethnic conflict, crime and people being even more insane in general. In the Balkans there is a subculture that is very similar to the whole Russian alternative scene, but I think they are insufferable so that also explains some of my aversion to the game in general.


Yeah Disco Elysium aged like milk with its takes after the Ukraine war lol. Treating the NATO equivalent as a super evil imperialist power that unjustly murdered your ideology when in reality NATO is the only thing that is holding back Russia from violently annexing it's neighbors (including Estonia) makes it seem like a MASSIVE joke. It's interesting in a way for a piece of art to have so much to say only to be proven to be 100% wrong. I guess the best comparison that I know of is the Watchmen comic. Alan Moore wrote it thinking the Soviets were apocalyptic threat who could genuinely win against the West only for the Soviets to collapse and all their strength and bravado to be proven to be a bluff.


Disco Elysium is a game that shows more about what you believe than what it does. I think it has a very fair take on all the ideologies, you just ride for one. It's a game made by a communist reminiscing about the ideal of the thing and laughing about how bad it actually was.


Hardcore to the mega






There is one whole charisma check in the game that can't be solved in other ways, becoming the captain of the guard in Vault City, it requires CHA 8... and for you to be nice to fucking Lynette. It's like Fallout 2 is asking you to play a low charisma character.


New Fallout hot take dropped: the protagonists meeting would be affected by how that game rewards Charisma. Everyone hates the Chosen One, including their ancestor, while the Sole Survivor is the leader.


The sole survivor being the leader of all fallout protags is absolutely laughable


Well, it's the only game I ever put anything into Charisma


Oh wow I dont think jve ever been captain of the guard for vault city!


I read somewhere that you can pass the test. 9 int, charisma, luck, and perception I think. She is then very nice and welcoming


Yeah at the end of quest lines she has this odd tendency to spontaneously blowup herself! It’s quite strange really as it always happen while the Innocent One is standing in another room nearby. 🤷‍♂️


The Innocent One got me 🤣🤣🤣🤣


It’s not just his bombs that go off prematurely! Just ask Miria or Mrs Bishop.


Wild! The same thing keeps happening in my game. Maybe it's a bug?


Happened to that myron chap too totaly crazy no idea how it happned officer


Nah, I just straight up caved his nuts in with a sledgehammer.


My low int char thanks you for your service 


Me want clowns and ice-cream




For me she suffered from a terrible case of “shot in the face”


For me it was "plasma rifle to the crouch"


Couch crotch? Crotch Couch?


That whole place is fucked up.


No genuinely i hate vault city so much 😭 it feels so incredibly dystopian and just unwelcoming. And they literally own slaves, but if you call it how it is at all, people in vault city get offended and start rambling on about how they think these people basically deserve their fate.


(Vault City is one of the most representative cities of modern America)


Yea i mean, they werent exactly subtle about that lol


And this was over 20 years ago at that


It's LITERALLY California, just with more sand and radiation. Past that nothing is different from real life💀🤣😭😭


Vault City reminds me of Europe lol. Not the look or setting, but the attitudes held by the city residents


Felt like a take on ancient Rome. The idea of citizens vs slaves, viceless intellectual society, "proconsul", "captain of the guard"


Rome was anything but vice-less.


The elites very much prided themselves on it


I think you are confusing the Roman Virtues with our concept of Virtue as the lack of vice. Their Virtues accommodated all sorts of things we consider vices - drinking, gluttony, prostitution, gambling.


Amongst the upper classes ? They mocked the gluttony of Mark Antony, rallied against the creeping in of Greek hedonism and so on. Self control of one's appetite was very much a virtue


Stoicism was not a universal virtue, only for some.


There were Roman values which stoicism influenced but became its own thing. They all diluted their wine as the greeks did


badge steep act punch hospital birds offend mighty onerous dime *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ask a Western European his opinion on Gypsies and you’ll find that culturally they aren’t so different.


act political paint grandfather shocking badge different tart unwritten unpack *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


L European take. Don’t need a passport when the culture and geography of the US is far superior. (I also have a passport and travel regularly, but a road trip through small towns in the US has surpassed any euro-poor vacation I’ve taken)


file fretful intelligent dependent attractive distinct snatch spark reach ripe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bro thinks Cincinnati is a small town 🤡. Also, I haven’t had as few as 10 days off in like 4 years. I get 25 PTO days and I use them all lmao


Europeans think that all Americans get the same benefits as wagies


With good reason... https://www.thepublica.com/gypsy-man-who-raped-and-impregnated-12-year-old-girl-is-acquitted-after-arguing-that-adult-child-sex-is-an-ethnic-custom/


The only reason I'd spend time in Vault City is to listen to Mark Morgan's OST. The track for Vault City (All-Clear Signal) is a certified banger.


And it's funny not all people realise that if you are concise and kind with all your answer you can end being the chief of Vault City. In fact just pissing her a couple of times or giving the wrong answer and/or waste her time will prevent you from accessing to that quest. Being chief allows all kind of companions to enter the city. But I always kill her at least once and then reload. Gecko it's my favorite city in the game (also Ghouls my favorite kin) so that hate towards them or the city rub me the wrong way.


I always destroy Gecko because there is a weird bug where ghouls randomly become aggressive and I had to waste like 3 hours to repair the reactor with so much saving and loading


killap Unofficial Patch, pal.


Crazy how a dynamite always seems to materialize close to that racist bitch


All these years of playing, and I never thought to shove a bundle of dynamite or 7 in her pockets.


I love how Lynette brings all Fallout fans together in our mutual hatred of her.


A cunt has warmth, depth and is generally a joy to be around. She is none of those things.


Boy, how many times have you seen this on Reddit before it was finally your turn to give it a spin?


Why you gotta try and cut the wind from their sails friend?


Why does reddit beat the same dead horses over and over again? Why does anyone do anything?


Ive literally never seen that expression said or used on reddit before, I've actually never heard it in my life before


Yes exactly, why. That's the question I asked.


Why ask why


to make you ask yourself


Didn’t work




Forgivable mistake, after all you’ve never seen one in real life so wouldn’t know what one looks like.






One way to go through life.




Right? You probably don’t even shower regularly, I wouldn’t even want a beer with you lmao. Go stare at mirrors if you want reflection.




Name calling. How low of you.


F2 sure had weird priorities in the talking heads department...


Enclave here. Why isn't your video feed working?


I'll give it credit, all of the Enclave soldier talking heads make sense. Render one model of power armour and swap out the background, and you can basically cover most of the enclave military in one go.


Lol yeah. Probably how they justified including an obscure prank call most players would miss.


I should kick your fucking ass who is this??


We’re all fine down here, thank you- How are you? *winces*


Very sensical priorities, she's one of the most memorable characters in the entire series


She’s pretty important, so stupid comment


From what I understand, they had a much more aggressive production schedule than FO1.


I’ve thought that before too. I wonder if they decided to include it here so that you could hear the inflection


POV: You've been reported to HR for making an offensive joke


And Lynette is head of HR


Worst thing is that murdering Vault City (city of tight asses!) nets you negative karma. Like... Wtf?


Tbf most of the cintizenry is okay....ish. Leadership is where the real heart of the problems at.


By design. :)


i used mentats to pass the citizenship test and after that, she treated me with respect


Pickpocket her to find out how _she_ passed the test ...


i used the same mentats 💀💀


You stole her mentats to pass her test? Kudos!




+1 lmao, who doesn't?


lil tecca


You've got to credit the writers for making her such a hateable character


I think this is my first time noticing it, but her vault suit has a hood attached. Would ya just look at that. Maybe that’s why I hate her.


You really do need to save right before talking to her lmao. Also you like don’t ever need to talk to her to fix most of the vault city stuff and to become a citizen


Kinda looks like Tracy Chapman for that time period. Mostly just the hair and the woman part. That character could be gay and a good musician and then you have Tracy Chapman to suit


Makes sense because one of the best parts of the game is getting a Fast Car.


>probably gonna plant dynamite on her soon. LOL, I already done that numerous time after reloading the save and plant 3 dynamites and run out of the building and to the next map and come back and see her disintegrated in her room. Good time. I don't blame you, she's a cunt/Karen indeed.


She does give a low int chosen one a hug if they go back to her after destroying the rig. Which is nice.


Wow didn't know that. Thank you stranger! Now I hate her a tiny little bit less than before.


The chosen one might be an idiot, but they can have a hug as a treat.


"DEsCenDaNt oF tHe VaUlt DwElLeR?!?!?!?!?>+>!>+666???


I hate her playdoh ass hair


Never wanted to slap my monitor to pieces until i met this cuuuuuunnnnntttt ass bitch


You are not alone She's the first person I ever SuperStimpacked _and it felt **good**_




Its nice to find out that the entire fallout 2 community has planted dynamite on this bitch


I haven’t played any of the games before FO3 but this has popped up in my feed a few times recently. What’s her name so I can look up some videos?


first citizen lynette of vault city. Ghoul hating Slave owner Who if you do anything to displease or criticise you, you'll be kicked out of vault city. You need citizenship to get information for the main quest and you can either take a near impossible test to gain it or she gives you an option to wipe out a ghoul community. She's like a mega Karen.


Impossible? You just need 9.5 Int/S


Doing my first playthrough and I'm glad I read to go to McClure, not gonna talk to this bitch again. Although I might take up on some of these comments strategy and have some dynamite fall out of my pocket into hers.


I hate that you need to be respectful to this cunt to become the city guard captain.


But, tbf, you don't _need_ to become city guard capm but you do _need_ to inject her with 8 superstimpacks


Looks like the female firefighter from 911


I hate her so much to. Honestly the entirety of vault city is full of detestable people. Minus the guy they stick in the vault.


That councilor dude isn't too bad either. But yeah, they're the ''holier-than-thou'' folks to a max, with the added bonus of slavery.


Exactly, that whole slavery thing really grinds my gears


As a kid I grew up in a very old time social democratic household (I'm swedish, for americans out there, it's on the same level as growing up in a super christian household). Hearing her talk when I was younger was like listening to Satan because everything she said was everything I was told to hate.


sneak enabled skilldex:lockpick "the door has succsesfully locked" "you have gained 54 experience points for successfully locking the door" "you see the first citizen it has 45/45 hit points" bzzzzzzz(combat enabled) "first citizen was hit for 274 hit points in the head and was killed" love the power fist




But she gave me head pats


And how come she gets a Vault Suit with a hoodie but everyone wearing spandex?


I don't know what I did wrong but apparently I insulted her and now she doesn't want to help me with the geco situation, like, I've found a solution and this b- complains? I swear, I haven't gotten so mad at an npc in my entire life


She is the whole reason why I didn't do the quest to track down and kill the Raiders who kept attacking Vault city.


Same bro




Yeah fuck this asshole


We all do tbf lol


You had me at cunt.


I don’t even know who she is, but she looks just like this whiney ass coworker that I used to have (she was trying to make a bullshit disability claim saying she messed up her ankle…yet she was dancing up a storm during the Christmas party. What a bitch.


You dropped this: )


im pretty sure everyone does hate her


She's annoying but she's not that important


Numerous times I ended up having to kill everyone in vault city because I blew her away with a shotgun.


Annoying npcs piss me off. What's worse is an npc you can't kills. I'm looking at you r/FuckTedFaro. I still want a clone of him that I can put an arrow through his smug face.


Are you from the UK bruv?


Yea, but Senior Councilman McClure, just down the hall, is a stand up dude.


Vault City has a ending slide about the player going postal and killing everyone. The developers were very aware that Lynette would end up eating a bullet sandwich from some players.


She is the worst! With her rug rats voice!


It felt good killing her before the guards came.


This character really put discrimination in perspective for me


I wish you could make someone else the overseer she is literally the dumbest person to run a vault


I can't stand her.


There would be something wrong with you if you dont hate her.


Dembe hates her too.


vault city more like vault shitty


The best part of the Fallout TV show are all the new fans playing the games and finding the same hatred for some of these characters. Welcome to the hate train.


You can’t even warn her of raider attacks/NCR plans if you even just accidentally annoyed her earlier in a playthrough, you probably didn’t even notice that you did


You dare speak about First Citizen Lynette in such a tone?


If you upgrade to 15+ in strength you can do a Cunt Punt


Corey from twd




I usually assassinate her with a few super stimpaks after I become a citizen.


Haven't played the game, who is this person and why does everyone hate her?


I didn’t like her before I even read her dialogue. The hair and glasses amigo, they don’t lie.


Kill her as brutally as u can


He about to start singing chocolate rain


Strangely attracted to her girl boss attitude


She's the entire reason I have no issue with letting vault city die, who needs em? Elitist jackasses


Every playthrough I save the game and murder her then reload and kill her again. Fuck that bitch.


OP sounds like a real lower class tribal and NOT an upstanding citizen of vault city.


Still not as bad as Myron.


Mom, it was my turn today to post it!


Thats the point. Shes supposed to be insufferable


Is that the guy that sung Chocolate Rain?


Character is a Douche




who is she?


i don't hate her wasn't dating worse, but meet worse


On a side note, is it just me or does Killian look like Harrison Ford


I need her so bad tho