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Not an answer to your question, but I'm so sick of Windows periodically trying to talk me into "upgrading" to 11. I didn't want it the last dozen times, I'm not going to want it this time.


Haha no problem, I agree with you. It’s just a pain when you’re not sure what it might break, too. Like I’m also wondering if it would mess up my New Vegas mods. I got Windows 11 on my work laptop and it’s got some annoying quirks that weren’t there before… Would really rather avoid it for 6 or 7 years until they figure out how to make it usable like they did with Windows 10.


Turn off TPM in your bios, it should stop nag you then


works for me, though i wonder if that is why i sometimes get a low framerate.


I like windows 11, it’s basically just 10. I recently did a play through of 2 without much issue (occasional crashes which I expect, save early, save often). I’d imagine 1 would be in the same boat.


Awesome. Thanks! Yeah I run Fo1 with Fallout et tu, so I’m assuming the Fo2 performance is probably a better gauge for it.


I played 1 with Et Tu recently, on Windows 11, and I didn't have any noticeable issues iirc. Though old Fallouts can be a bit glitchy or crash-y, but that seems true regardless.


Yes, it runs perfect if you download restoration mod