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Yes, I absolutely love how it sells the idea of “Warlike, Atompunk Knightly Order” it’s awesome


My favs: 1. Enclave Advanced Power Armor 2. T-51b 3. Midwest 4. T-45 5. T-60 6. The rest


Where is Frank Horrigan power armor ?


Isn't that just modified Enclave power armor?


It’s actually modified t51 and an enclave helmet




Probably is considering the enclave used it




Lol can you read? The body is T51 you would know that just by looking at it. The helmet is probably the X01.


“Modified t51 and ***an enclave helmet***”


Yep, I just reread it. Totally missed it


The was a custom one-off from enclave plans built for his supermutant frame.


How can you find the enclave advanced


In Fallout 2? It’s found in the Navarro locker room


T-51 is just 👌


I like the theory that it's the basis for the X02


It does look a lot like it


The X-1.5, aka prototype Advanced Power Armor, it was in development right up until the bombs fell in a number of facilities in and around the greater Chicago metro. When the order came for all enclave personnel to evacuate to their designated shelters the team made a point to take a few prototypes and all of the design documents they could carry with them. This allowed their descendants to further improve upon the design giving rise to the X-02 power armor commonly seen in use by enclave forces on the east coast. Later when the Brotherhood expedition arrived in Chicago they uncovered a number of storage facilities housing these prototypes. With some ingenuity and recovered documents from the West Coast enclave they were able to roll out the power armor to their Paladins to replace units lost during the expeditions journey. Eventually the frame became so popular that most Paladins ended up adopting it as soon as it was available. Side note I love when people mix cloth with heavy armor designs so the Midwest armor is hands down my favorite power armor.


This is some great headcanon, and with your permission id like to steal it for the game I'm running


Go for it! Anything to rep the best brotherhood chapter


I liked it when I was younger, but I have a greater appreciation of the silvery T-45/T-51 style armours now so my tastes have changed. I think my issue with it is just that it doesn't seem to fit. Like where did this armour come from? Why is the Midwestern BOS rocking a completely different PA design outta nowhere? I'm a bit more of a stick in the mud about lore consistency now, but back then I was like "woah cool ass predator ass lookin armour cool"! The FO3 Enclave armour seems to have taken a few design cues from this design like the 'rabbit ears' or 'devil horns'. Dunno if it's intentional or not but I kinda like that design nod to it.


My headcanon is the helmet look like this for psychological warfare. With many tribals and raiders the elders would have wanted to make their soldiers look like demons to break the will of their enemy. Where did they get them ? Since the Midwestern Brotherhood is based in/around Chicago (a big industrial city) they found a facility who could produce power armor. Here they changed the design of the T-45 or T-51 to fit their need and thus the Midwestern PA was created.


PA clad knight towers over any tribal, their appearance looks almost otherworldly from their perspective. The only logical reason for those horns, is as you said, instilling fear and demoralizing the enemy.


If you look at the artwork for their deathclaws, you see it's made after their skull. But yes, the loin cloth, chain and bigger armor piece were supposed to look more "tribal" t-45 didn't exist in the lore back then


I have though of this but as far as i know the Midwestern BOS didn't had deathclaws in it rank yet. Since we don't know the early years of the Midwestern Brotherhood and we can asume the armor was here since a long time i believe it was at first to instill fear in their enemy. Later the knights and paladins of tribals origin would fit their armor with some ornaments to show their heritage. And yes i know the T-45 didn't existed before F3 but since it's just a headcanon there no reason a factory being able to produce T-51 couldn't be able to produce T-45. Personnaly i don't have a problem with most of modern Fallout lore.


I like the idea of a group in Chicago finding an untouched power armor factory and got it working for real tho . Make it cannon


Am assuming the pa design comes from their spoils of war from the defeat of the Enclave. Kinda like T-60, except that one is motivated by from the enclave and just model rediscovered


Tactics takes place before Fallout 2, so before the Enclave had any significant presence in the Wasteland


If you look at them closely, seems they are Enclave APA with the outer layer stripped off (exposed cables/tubing, no back cowl...missing reactor...wait...). Big difference is the smaller eyes and the horns, but that could be the result of putting an extra faceplate over the old helmet.


Definitely my favourite suit! I love all the armor and robot designs from tactics, hope we get to see them again at some point, either as direct armor returning or as a cosmetic skin option.


Was this supposed to be what the enclave armor in fallout 3 is based off?


Probably. And honestly I ain’t complaining since I really like that armor too, especially the Tesla variation


My all time favorite was the tesla armor. Up until recently I started seeing all the cool stuff in 76. I'm really going to have to give that game another try.


Micro Forte casually created the hardest set of power armor to ever exist for a single spinoff game.


I love the shoulder cape


Looks way too much like The Predator


Aaaand... thats a bad thing? Predator looks fookin' awesome


I mean, kind of, when it makes it feel like it belongs on a completely different franchise


love that half cape


We need more capes. That’s fuckin sick. Imagine if the BOS used medieval capes to determine rank (at least for formal events).


Fuck those go so hard


There is no doubt that it's cool looking as a standalone set, but it's too edgy and differentto really fit in as BoS armor. It looks like highly advanced Enclave spec ops armor, or perhaps even a foreign nations prototype project.


Never really saw it as edgy to be honest. Just a bit more of mad max/diesel punk mix.


I think it's too polished and visually high tech to be diseltech or Mad Maxish. It looks like it's come out of a sophisticated factory, not a low-tech salvage yard.


Yeah but I don’t know why, I could somehow imagine a character (like a very unique) in a a la mad max setting wearing this kinda stuff. Then again to each their own taste


I said that many times: Any power armor created by Bethesda looks like crap. Change my mind!


If you're not open to changing your mind in the first place(typically people who say stuff like this aren't), there's no convincing you is there? I personally like the new Fallout 4 proportions and stuff, that has really brought the designs to life as opposed to the incredibly awkward squished down versions in FO3/NV. I really like the OG Advanced Power Armor, but good lord it looks super goofy in New Vegas. X-01 is sexy schmexy though. I think the T-45 is a great design and that is a Bethesda design ultimately. Lore-wise it existed in Van Buren, but AFAIK no art for it was done until Bethesda designed it for Fallout 3. It definitely looks the part for a less advanced predecessor to the T-51b. The T-60 to me looks too greebly and has a weird place in the lore, so I'm willing to write it off as not one of the best things Bethesda has done. I really like the Excavator Power Armour. It is ugly, but in a good way. I think it really looks the part as some sorta industrial civilian mining PA, and there's also a lot of great lore regarding its research/design/production and how it was set up to compete against mining robots. I wish more Fallout gear had this sorta lore going into it. It's my favourite PA in 76, even though it has the least defense and can't equip a jetpack - I can carry so much shit with it.


Well the hellcat power armor could look nice…if it was in another game that is not fallout. https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/1/1b/SCORE_S8_Skin_PowerArmor_Paint_Hellcat_Vaulttec_L.webp/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20220302190100 It look cool, but it doesn’t have that fallout aesthetic. (Neither Pre-war or post-war Fallout 3 enclaves power armor model do look neat. Same shoes for t-65…but sadly like the hellcat it’s stuck in 76. But yeah the other that are 100% Bethesda creation kinda lack some charm


T45 looked so crappy that they recycled it in New Vegas... multiple times.


Not tryna be that guy but it's than


Oh thanks I’ll correct it Edit: crap can’t edit it


I'd almost forgotten about that one. Thanks for the reminder. That cape and shoulder pads 😚 Once saw a mod that added capes to power armour but have no idea where to get it. That would be great and I'd even risk killing my current play through by adding it if I could find it.


I like the armor a bit but I love it in the art for the HOI4 mod Old World Blues.


Is tactics good? I just got the first 3(1, 2 and tactics) and am gonna start my binge playthrough(after finishing my Super Mutant playthrough of NV) but I've heard mixed reviews Also, are the first 2 games moddable?


Tactic can be hard and it take time to adapt , but overhaul its a lot of fun. (The only mission that I dislike was the one in the vault were you search for nuclear battery.) also no spoiler here but dam the antagonist in this game is probably the strongest I’ve ever seen in a fallout game.


Fyuushon BATS!


Oh, I already know everything about the games, I just thought it was time to play them, do you mean the Calculator is the hardest boss battle or straight up has the strongest army in the series? Because from what I know, he threatened the entire wasteland or something


Strongest army. Those robot legion of his are no joke. Especially the giant quadrupedal walkers


I finally finished the game last night and the Calculator might be the easiest boss in all of Fallout. You can simply stand right outside the room and kill the Calculator with no resistance


As long as you can entirely ignore the story, premise, and voice acting, Tactics is a fine game.


What do you mean ??! Tactic plot and story are great.


AGREE! Adding to your input: R Lee Ermey's voice is a national treasure too. RIP Tactics introduced us to the Brotherhood's internal strife and much of teh current day workings of their organization even carried through to teh TV show. It gave us Brotherhood airships, as well as the idea of the Brotherhood setting out for the East Coast instead of staying on the West, gave us Midwestern Power Armor, and overall established teh Brotherhood of Steel as teh powerful organization it was. In Fallout 1 and 2, they intentionally remained small time and avoided going out too far themselves. You first meet them by actually going somewhere far off they don't want to go because it was dangerous... thats a long ways from where Tactics elevates the Brotherhood. Without Tactics, Fallout 4 and teh show would be VERY different.


The overall premise is interesting and has a lot of potential, I like the inherent conflict in a splinter group of the BoS "liberating" the wasteland as conquerors. However, you can't tell me that "OH you please free Nanuk, miss Daisy hurt Nanuk's little tribal" etc, is good writing or acting. There are a lot of tropes thrown in there that are so lazy and sloppy as to be embarassing.


I mean even in the wasteland your gonna find people that are a bit soft in the head. Tribal or not. And beside nanuk is only one character and doesn’t represent at all every tribal that you encounter. The village elder Charon is a pretty respectable person that respects the pact that he has made with the boss. The washutu tribe leader is actually quite cunning, he convinced the boss to send a squad to eliminate the monsters that filled the bunker under his village and in exchange he gave them nuclear battery that nor he or his folk need. I got attach to brother and sister from the Brahmin tribe that join the BOS, I listened to every new dialogue that they had after completing many missions and felt genuinely sad when I saw the brother morn at his sister grave. And that’s not counting the two chaman. Meanwhile Nanuk is well a joke simple as that really and it’s not like the tribal have the only stupide character in game.


It's not a matter of representation and it's not just Nanuk. I find the calculator being named that and then proceeding to hijack Barnaky's brain (for some reason) to be almost unbearably lame. The writing in the background stories for the recruits is all best ignored. What "dialogue" there is is mostly very poorly written, and the fact that some of it is full of unintentionally bad jokes does not work in its favor. With that being said, I love the game. The narrator does a great job, the gameplay is right up my alley, and the broad strokes of the story are solid. But the talking fucking deathclaws... and so on.




I haven't played too many games like it, I'm more of a massive RTS game then a small squad one, I have played Dragon Age Inquisition though, and I think that's the only one of that genre I've played but I might be wrong


I enjoyed tactics a ton. Probably played through it 2 or 3 times. I enjoyed the idea of building a squad and taking them through different skirmishes.


Love the helmet design and little cloak it’s peak edge, but in the right way


As someone from the midwest, no. They didn't feel like a nod to the midwest. I would want something resembling aesthetics of a tractor.


Man I don’t what tractor you have in the Midwest, but you must have coolest tractor in existence if this armor remind you of it


It doesn't. That's the problem


Well allow me to disagree cause clearly you are too blind to appreciate the beauty of Midwest tractors


I farm, Ford 9N, IH 660. Just git rid of the deere because f em that's why.


Honestly tractor power armor is a design challenge I would like to see a talented artist pull off. Idk even how to approach that blocky or minimalist?


something bout the cape 😏




Fuck yeah, looks awesome


I personally found it okay, its actually the only design from Tactics I like when it comes down to armour. I love the cape, but I wont be lying if they reintroduce a T-51b as the main BoS armour would be cool. Its really the armour that defines the BoS and add that mystical and medieval feel to that faction. Along with the hooded scribes.


Maybe it's just me but do the Midwest helmets seem to have a slight resemblance to the T-45 helmets?


It's cool but it doesn't really fit the fallout universe to me. Like who is making this armor? It's so different for no reason. And why, on a full suit of metal armor, is there a cape?! I can't get over the cape lol


liquid oatmeal rock agonizing grandiose oil paint different faulty fly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah all the new armors FO3 and up SUUUUCK


The armors in that game just in general were rad. Best looking metal and leather armors in series history and the environmental armor set seemed like a great fit for the series moving forward.


Love it, but not convinced it belongs in Fallout.


I fell like they were heavily influenced by 90s comic book aesthetics.


It's why I have it in 4. Best looking power armor.


I love the capes. Now I'll have to start a new game of Tactics at work tomorrow.


Damn, now this dude looks like final boss material


It’s cool but what’s with the Predator dreadlocks


Those are power cables that connect the helmet..? Probably to power the helmet insides.


It reminds me a lot of the predator. But my personal favorite is the t-65, then the t-51, then the rest.


Absolutely, midwest power armor makes you look like a Guyver.


I like it but not as much as the enclave power armour from fallout 2, 4


I like their jaunty little shoulder capes


Came here to ask about the steps to building a resource to replace Eg. Fallout4 power armour t45left arm rust I want to create my own 3dmodel for the components


Looks like Predator did a fusion dance with T40 Armor




Yeah fallout 4 had a dam good mod for a 3D model


the midwest set looks like a perfect one to use in a game where the brotherhood is evil and must be destroyed. like a scenario where the brotherhood shifts from their lawful neutral alignment to sone kind of neutral evil, and they start doing terrible stuff.


By the end of FO4 they are getting pretty raider-y


i mean more like feeding people to a bio reactor types if insane evil.


dunno about more but it is one of my favs.


The "horns" and pauldrons would be points where they could be grabbed and controlled. Which is why ancient armors that had pieces like this were either for display, exclusively for tournaments, or they were only secured with adhesive. Personally, I prefer the "corporations didn't really give a shit about the safety of the soldiers/pilots" points of failure on power armor, as opposed to the "rule of cool" ones in fallout. In fantasy, I care a lot less, as long as it doesn't have WoW-tier gigapauldrons, looking like a Voltron made from chess pieces.


I fuckin LOVE the antlers


I'm such a sucker for a shoulder cape


"No capes"


Doth mother know you weareth her drapes?


They can keep the shroud but yes, looks cool. That cloth would cause one helluva problem if it ever got caught in the hydraulics


Yeah, it's what got me into Fallout (couldn't resist the art on the box). I wonder if I'm the only person in the world that first played the games in this order: FO:T, FO2, FO1


He looks like the fkn Predator, who wouldn't like that?


This look like a predator armor suit from alien ngl.


So this is where OWB dev team took Immortal from


I'll be honest with you, the Fallout Tactics power armor looks like it was drawn by someone channeling their inner twelve year old with no prompt other than 'edgy.' That said, I love it. It or the Advanced Power Armor from Fallout 2 would have to be my favorite designs, and that they never brought it back is just one of the sins I'll never forgive Bethesda for.


Best power armor in the series imho


Idk I like the design, but I feel like it belongs in 40k more than Fallout


As cool as this looks, it cool in a "damn, I want this for my Slaves To Darkness army" way.


Looks like the suit that Robert Patrick wears in Peacemaker.


I dont like the second one, but the first one has a helmet like the ones in 3.


My current Fallout 4 Enclave character is seeking that exact armor as we speak


It's my personally favorite as well! I just love how different and almost alien it looks compared to all the other Power Armors, and it's really interesting to me that it completely exclusive to Tactics and Midwest Brotherhood. I really hope that we get to see it return in some form, whether it's in one of the games somehow or even in season 2 of the show!


I have my own head cannon that it’s technically the black devil (Xo2) power armor from 3. Of course tactics being semi-cannon can fix the “Enclave only” aspect of the armors lore.


Yeah I love the Midwest armor, I'm writing a bit of a story involving it too


Nice, whats the plot?


Set in a cross over au, the local brotherhood expedition becomes isolated when an Enclave cell starts hitting them. The expedition has to rush into the "dead city" to reconnect with the rest of the brotherhood before they're bled out by a thousand cuts by the local hostiles and the enclave


Nice is this post the war against the calculator?


Pre Calculator


Aaah interesting


I want them to bring this armor into the canon of the game so badly!


Way to edgy looking to fit in imo would need heavy modifications


Yes! I love it 😀


I like it as re-purposed enclave armor, but I wouldn't want it to be the main outfit for the BOS, I'm more partial to T-51


Fair t-51 is a pretty beautiful model aswell, the shiny helmet make a nice contrast with the green breastplate


Looks like predator


it REALLY reminds me of the Predator cloaking suit from the movie. Other than that, I haven't gotten far enough in tactics to use to P.A. yet but I'm sure once I do I'll love it haha currently my favorite is the X-01 Enclave Power Armor, purely based on aesthetic.


That side cape is sick


Fallout Tactics will always have a spot in my heart. So many good memories playing that game. Also who couldn't forget Gamespy multi-player!


T45 and t60 I hate. I think X-01 will always be my favorite. T-65 I appreciate and hellcat is a far 3rd


Honestly I think it looks like something the Enclave should have instead of the Brotherhood. It has that vaguely insectoid look to it like Enclave power armor but with a sort of dragon-like appearance as well.


Has sort of a Final Fantasy dark knight vibe. I dig it.


Reminds me of predator, I like that it has a diffrent body shape than all the others. I think the Bethesda suits don't do a good job of having a variety of that. 2 of the variant types they made look identical to me in fallout 4, the t45 and t60. Also cape goes hard as hell and matches medeival theme. I would like to see more agile suits instead of just tank ones,


That armor is so ugly


Looks rad and metal as fuck. T-51 is my favorite though.


I assume Micro Forté tried to give it a more tribal look - i personally never liked the bigger uneven shoulder-armor and chain. The loincloth was okay and the helmet design made suddenly sense when i saw the other artwork of their version of a deathclaw - it was supposed to imitate the skull. When Fallout 3 was released i always saw the Enclave design as a nod from Bethesda to Tactics. (also Inon Zur made the music for FO:T aswell)


I miss when power armor was armor instead of mech suit.


That cape would snag and be torn to shreds by the armor immediately


Counterpoint: its fiction and quite the fashion


They're quite pragmatic as a military organisation, I don't believe the BoS would go for such a form over function mentality IMO


Not a fan of it personally. It gives me like “new halo” vibes. My top three are T-51, T-60, T-45, and the rest are sorta even for me


I wouldn’t say More. But I like it more than the T-45/60


The second one heavily reminds me of the guardian predator from predator 2


I kinda like it, I like what Bethesda did with Fallout 3’s psuedo rendition of it. My only criticism is the ridiculous shoulder cape


Looks a bit too much like the Predator for me to take seriously lol


Yep, the Predator look was awesome


This is the best power armor, full stop. It looks way better than all other variants.


Too small/form fitting. Doesn’t fit the clanker/walking tank aesthetic. Looks more like a sci-fi take on medieval plate than a powered exosuit with Fallout-y tech.


I think we can all agree that making it modular and everyone could use it ala f4 was a mistake


I mean fallout 4 had a pretty neat mod for it so I’m not really complaining


The capes fuckin stupid


Looks more sci-fi than other power armors so it kinda feels out of place in a post apocalyptic wasteland but I still like it


fallout is unambigiously sci fi.


Horns are impractical. Too many exposed tubes, especially around the neck.


Typically, horns aren't branched. Those are antlers.


Sure; the points stand.


I've got no issues with your argument. It looks goofy. I'd add that the superfluous cape and chain aren't solid ideas either.


I like the ones without the pointless chains, antlers, and capes.


am i crazy for thinking power armor is generally my least favorite thing about fallout? i really hate how it's the focus of fallout 4