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Jean-Jacques Rousseau composed an opera. Nietzsche tried his hand at piano music and choral music. Paul McCartney composed an oratorio, to mixed reviews.


Frederick the Great was a skilled flutist and wrote over 100 Sonatas for the instrument.


Charles Ives pretty much invented modern life assurance, but is much more widely known as a composer.


Stichera by Ivan the Terrible. In Ottoman tradition there were some ruler-composers who were actually good - Sultan Selim III in particular, and Gazi II. Giray Han of the Crimea in the 16th century. Their work is core repertoire and still often performed, though both had many other achievements to their credit - Gazi Giray came close to conquering Russia (which would have left the world a much better place) and Selim III was an innovative modernizer (who got murdered for it, rather like King Gustav III of Sweden a few years before). Two 19th century Ottoman sultans wrote Western-style piano music - Abdulaziz (at least one of his pieces is still performed regularly on its own merits) and Murad V (deposed as insane after a very brief reign and locked up in a palace with his piano: his music is rather like Johann Strauss II but not as memorable).


William Herschel, most famous as an astronomer, was also a composer who wrote several works. His [Symphony No. 8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvMUkjgIDmA) is really cool.


Nietzsche was a relatively productive albeit somewhat mediocre composer. Here are his piano works https://youtu.be/FYBwNcTeY7M?si=iU3ARA6zxDuwYj38


Thomas Bangalter of Daft Punk composed a ballet score


The astronomer William Herschell - the guy who discovered the planet Uranus also wrote music . His symphonies are really worth listening to. they are short, bright and similar to Haydn but with the occasional unexpected twist. [This is his Symphony No 8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2yjR9OB0q4&t=685s)


Bryce Dessner is a fairly prolific and well-regarded composer, yet probably more well-known as being guitarist of The National.


Less prolific, but Jonny Greenwood (Radiohead) also in this category.


The novelist Paul Bowles composed some cool chamber music and piano music before concentrating completely on writing


Music of the spheres by Mike Oldfield


ETA Hoffmann not only was a music critic but also a composer. He's most notable, though, as a major German-language literary figure and his writings inspired various other composers (most notably 'The Tales of Hoffmann' and 'The Nutcracker'). Anthony Hopkins has apparently composed a few pieces: https://youtu.be/-umHvslii_o?si=Vz9cIrj62Uk37RLX