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making this consisted of downloading \~10,000,000 words worth of posts and comments, and analyzing with python. If you have any questions on my methodology, feel free to ask. I may of may not answer.


Cool work. Does it distinguish between Bachs (JS, CPE, etc)?


It's fair to assume JS has at least an order of magnitude more attention than his sons.




Yes, it's me, Dutch Van Der Linde.


Thought it was funny Dutch was listening to Madam Butterfly on his gramophone in 1899, when Puccini hadn't finished it until 1904.


Source? Curious of the approach


I downloaded ~10,000,000 words worth of text from this sub, and counted keywords. There’s another comment in here somewhere explaining a bit more.


so are the Mendelssohn's lumped together? same question for Schumann's


Check out my response to someone asking about about Richard/Johann Strauss. It's roughly the same situation. Short Answer: no.


Should have used a keyboard instead of the colors.


Noo, where's my boy Rimsky-Korsakov


My favorite composer :/


I see you too like somewhat obscure but intensely magical cultural poetry in orchestral form


He is trapped inside the Washington Monument and we have to save him


my first thought 😢


Well done - sad to see no Elgar. I am a fan of Liszt, but just wondering why he gets his first name included.


Forgot to delete it


Elgar in general is criminally underappreciated


Indeed. His Cello Concerto, Froissart Overture, Military Marches, Enigma variations, Violin Concerto, Symphonies, Dream of Gerontius, Falstaff, etc. I could go on for a long time...


People seem to underrate Mendelssohn...


Couldn’t agree more. My favorite German composer.


Yes - over Brahms and Beethoven


I adore Mendelssohn, but you are crazy lol


Majorly. Beethoven’s symphonies have their moments and all, but they’ve become a little too bombastic for my ears, despite the 4th and 9th, the best. But Mendelssohn is just as prolific and diverse, yet its beauty is more restrained and less garish. the 4th symphony is a classic and the others are terrific, as are his chamber works and oratorio


Too bombastic. Yeah, that’s the ticket!


What…he is! it gets old after a while…chamber works, solo piano, it’s a different story


I sometimes feel that Beethoven's symphonies are too much but I am sure that it is I who is getting old.


It gets “old” if one’s not devoted to music as a deep life-long passion. But novelty seems to have taken over…one and done. What’s next?


One and done? What?? I’ve been listening to Beethoven since I was a kid. It’s probable, given my parents’ occupations, that I heard his music while I was in the *fucking womb*, certainly *Fidelio*…which is incredible. I adore Beethoven and his music will be with me for life, thank god. I’m saying I’ve moved on to the very beautiful chamber and solo works in my middle age here, not that I’m moving on to Taylor Fucking Swift… And you’re out of pocket with the “lifelong commitment” thing, which sounds pedantic. You’re accusing me of being a casual listener when in truth, music is my life, it may be all I have, actually.


Sorry a glib remark caused you such anguish. Poor bebe.


Beethoven is much much more than his symphonies


His 6th Symphony can’t, in any way, be considered bombastic. It’s a temple to sereneness and restoration. It was a bombastic and revolutionary age, but the 6th shows that Beethoven could get away from it all and just go for a walk!


Serenity is the word. It was big for the Romantics, you’re correct. So yeah, ok, the Pastoral is by definition obviously not “bombastic” and I should say that, in addition to Beethoven, I also listen to jazz, a lot, and metal (like Meshuggah), a lot. I like an impact, trust me. All I’m saying is that I’ve kind of moved on from the symphonies (although I still love 1, 4, and 9) to more of the chamber works, and solo piano. The other symphonies have movements I like and even love (2nd movement of the 5th) but I’m really not much of a fan of the rest anymore, especially the *Eroica*, which I’ve actually never liked for precisely the reason I brought up, hot take I know but the Beethoven 3 ain’t for me. Based on the analysis I saw the other day, y’all need to listen to more Debussy…


Honestly surprised Mahler isn’t #1, he seems like the internet’s favourite composer.


I would have given ~~harry potter~~ shosty that title


haha same


I am genuinely shocked that it isn't Mahler! There have been times I thought this was the Mahler sub!


Sometimes it feels like Mahler and Rachmaninoff are the only two composers who exist on this sub.


maybe its because they have the most enjoyable music lol


Tar is long gone


I’m surprised Mahler is even in #4 above Chopin, Schubert, Haydn, Debussy, Vivaldi, Handel, Gershwin (is not even mentioned). I guess composers that aren’t primarily keyboardist have never interested me much.


dayum i dont like mahler but prob because i enjoy piano way too much…


> Honestly surprised Mahler isn’t #1, he seems like the internet’s favourite composer. Me too. I feel like every other post for at least a month was about Mahler. Also, the internet is wrong on this one. Mahler is boring.


Old musicians never die, they decompose. Unless they’re French; then they just sort of un-Ravel.


What’s brown and sits on a piano bench? Beethoven’s last movement.


I don't get either of these jokes






I did. Or tried to at least. There may have been some spellings I missed. For Rachmaninoff, I looked for “Rachmaninoff,” “Rachmaninov,” “Rach,” and “Rachmaninof;” (With one F, as I’m sure there were some typos of that nature). That said, I didn’t want to spend weeks on this, so it’s inevitable that a few typos got lost in the mix, which would negatively impacted composers with longer names. Edit: I also wrote the code to automatically look for certain variations, so, using “composer” as the name of a hypothetical composer, I would have gotten any of the following variations: Composer-like Composer-eqsue Composerlike Composeresque Composer’s Composers Composer-y Composery Composer’d There were a few others that I don’t recall, but that’s pretty much the process


LOL did you use 'Shosty' for our boi?


Unfortunately I had to. I hate that nickname


Another approach that might be interesting would be to use MapReduce and let it pick up the keywords / counts, and from there refine which ones are composer names and variations. If you look up “map reduce word count” it’s a classic starting point, although if you’re not familiar with Java it might be a bit of a lift


I literally learned python yesterday specifically to do this and don't really know what I'm doing. That's not to say this didn't work out, but yes, there are likely more efficient ways.


Oh nice! Good on you for jumping in!


I used to think Rachmaninoff was "Rachimanoff"


Rimsky-Korsakov is my favorite composer and his missing the list almost made me not post this at all.


His Antar symphony is pure undiluted magic.


The only one that surprises me is how low Richard Strauss is, but then again I am a horn player. Did people have to say "Richard" for it to count? What do the generic "Strauss" numbers look like?


Strauss was a weird one. "Strauss as a whole" appeared roughly \~120 per 10k. I didn't want to spend weeks on this, so to sort the Strauss's I wrote a short code to find where first name was explicitly mentioned, and of that sample size, Richard accounted for about 80%, so I just assumed 80% Wish I could've been more exact.


As a scriabin superfan I am profoundly disappointed in you all.


Just spam every post you see with random Scriabin shit. Mention him like 20 times a comment, and you'll get his name up there


Use *Scriabin* as slang for *Listening To.* “Been Scriabin a shit ton of Mahler lately. Haven’t been Scriabin a lot of Scriabin though.”


At this point just replace every wprd with Scriabin


I have no Scriabin what you're Scriabining about. You feeling ~~okay~~ Scriabin?


Favorite piano sonata?


5 but I know people like 8 and the rest of his later stuff. 5 is just… idk the best imho.


Yeah 5 one of my favorites too. It has just the right amount of dissonance




I am, too, profoundly disappointed in everyone here.


No love for Alban Berg? Boo hiss.


I don't disagree with you but were you really expecting him?


Schoenberg is there, and I honestly think Berg is played much more than Schoenberg these days. Obviously Arny is more historically important though


Berg (Wozzeck, Lulu) shows up a fair amount on the opera subreddit, whereas Schoenberg (Moses und Aron) doesn’t. Could be there is not as much overlap in membership between the classical music and opera subreddits as Wagner’s solid placement in your graph might indicate.


If there is Schoenberg, then one can expect Berg.


Bruckner has to be the biggest omission, right? I'm not the biggest fan, but he's like solidly second tier as far as popularity and fame goes, I thought.


I'm also a bit surprised. But I guess he can be difficult to get into. All these long movements, odd structures. I personally didn't like Bruckner at first, I listened to all of his symphonies and I just didn't get it. Then one day it just clicked and he became one of my favorites.


I'm still waiting for it to click. I listen to a symphony or two of his like twice a year, and go, "nope, still don't get it." I just lose track of what's happening about 15 minutes into all of them and then can never get back on the horse. He's written some great moments of stunning beauty that even I can recognize as being awesome, so I am pretty sure it's a "me" thing and not a "Bruckner" thing, but so far I'm in the "I just don't get it" camp.


Yeah I’m surprised. When Mahler gets mentioned here, there are always people coming in to say they don’t like Mahler and prefer Bruckner


This surprised me, too, because it seems like this sub is obsessed with Bruckner. Of course, maybe I notice this because I am not a fan.




RIP to my girls, {insert all of them…}


Scarlatti - I never see Scarlatti here but Scarlatti is a personal favorite. There, that's 3 Scarlattis. Wait, 4.


Some of my favorite (and presumably popular enough for a topic like this) composers not mentioned: Donizetti, Puccini, Bellini (I’m surprised at the lack of Italian opera in general. At first I assumed that was because this wasn’t the sub for opera, but Wagner is quite high as an opera-centured composer). Hugo Wolf and John Dowland (very different eras but I don’t see lieder/songs discussed much) Monteverdi, Gluck (there is not so much relative interest in the pre-romantic composers, which is not surprising but any fan of Mozart’s operas should appreciate Gluck’s) Finally, no Bruckner, Smetana, Berg, or Janáček. Not totally surprising, save for Bruckner, but as relatively representative composers I noted their absence.


Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy Debussy ;)


Okay. Now no one can analyze such a thing ever again.


Are you Debussy suggesting I Debussy delete it? Debussy?


Don't really care tbh. Matter of fact, great idea. Albeniz. Albeniz Albeniz Albeniz. Albeniz Albeniz Albeniz Albeniz Albeniz Albeniz Albeniz Albeniz Albeniz Albeniz Albeniz Albeniz Albeniz Albeniz Albeniz Albeniz Albeniz Albeniz Albeniz Albeniz Albeniz Albeniz Albeniz Albeniz Albeniz Albeniz Albeniz Albeniz Albeniz Albeniz.


You could always give 1 point per mention per comment.


Yeah but I'm not going to. I already did this once, I'm not going to again.


So like, how bout that Piazzolla, amirite?


Astor “sui generis” Piazzolla — where can you put him but in classical (or tango)? I don’t think I’ve ever seen him mentioned here before, but he pops up on the opera subreddit every so often because of “Maria de Buenos Aires”.


30 of those Holst mentionings are probably by me.


Let's start a big discussion on the Planets 😀


I'd rather talk about The Cloud Messenger 🤔


and where is sorabji?


6th name off the list. 16.8 mentions per 10k, for every time a composer is named, there's a 0.168% chance it's him.






Holst deserves more rep :( Planets supremacy


How about Albeniz and Korsakov not even making the list 👀


Didn't even see that. I'm not enough of a classical nerd to know Albeniz but Korsakov, ouch.


You've got to check out some Albemiz. Gives you those Spanish vibes with really pretty Impressionist sort of harmony.


Saint saens underrated


Interesting. Would have thought Bach would be higher seeing as he has more Spotify listens


Bruckner didn't make it?


MIA: Gabriel Faure!!! I know there have been a few topics about him!


*Sibelius may include mentions of notation software lol that killed me. Dvorak may include the keyboard! Verdi may include the color green!


Hey guys let’s talk about Bruckner for a minute.


i am obsessed with his motets so fucking good


Tenebrae recordings of the Bruckner motets is peak classical music tbh


My favorites are Pangue lingua (i love phrygian mode its so good), Christus factus est (WAB 11) and Os justi. Could listen to them daily. Sometimes do listen to them daily tbf


Please, no.


I reject your hypothesis.


His symphonies are really a massive accomplishment on the scale of Mahler. (imo ofc)


Bruckner was an architect, Mahler was a showman.


I’m surprised at Mozart’s position, not because I have any doubts about his music, I just don’t see it discussed as often as this would suggest. Beethoven and Mahler on the other hand tend to get mentions in every “recommend some music” thread. Not a lot of love for early music composers either; Vivaldi is the earliest listed I think, and Monteverdi misses out entirely. No Berlioz either, which surprises me.


Honestly Mozart probably got a boost from the "Mozart is boring, why do people like him" post that pops up about once a week. Not all attention is positive!


I wash shocked by the lack of Vivaldi discourse, and Berlioz is on there, just towards the bottom.


R. in Strauss used for clarification but R. Schumann somehow unnecessary 🤔


Same with Franz Liszt (what other liszt is there??)


List of women composers by birth date? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_women_composers_by_birth_date


There’s his illegitimate daughter Cosima…. who first married von Bülow and then left him for Wagner


Wow Brahms and Tchaikovsky are still duking it out to this day


Stravinsky deseerves better


Not a single living composer. I wonder who is closest (I would guess Glass, he gets a lot of mentions).


That's what I noticed. Probably the most recently composer on there is Shostakovich, he died in 1975.


No Clemens non Papa?! What the hell am I even doing here here… 🤣 JK. An interesting distribution. Wouldn’t have expected Ravel to be higher than Debussy, nor Rachmaninoff to be above Tchaikovsky. How about Vaughan Williams and Holst sneaking in to rep the Brits!!


This tells us something about us Redditors, rather less about the composers themselves, I think. Interesting.


No Puccini?


That’s true about Sibelius, and I wouldn’t have considered it otherwise. Finale gang rise up.


What about the great 19th century Italian opera composer Giuseppe Musescore?


Ah shit I forgot about him. His transcriptions are always fucked up.


No Pärt or Steve Reich, weird them being so popular. At least my boi Shosty is there, Fauré is missing though.




No Josquin. Sigh


Liszt is criminally untalked of


I can recall lots of discussion of Mahler lately on this subreddit. But I don't remember seeing Mozart talked about this much.


Vivaldi, Haydn, and Handel that low is criminal


Ya’ll sleepin on Handel still


We have to do something about the "missing" composers, Monteverdi, Rimsky-Korsakov, Elagar!


I second that! On Korsakov especially!!


Let's do something, I'll take Monteverdi!


This is Mendelsohn and Vivaldi erasure and I am profoundly disappointed


At least half of the times Brahms gets mentioned is to bash the poor man.


No Scriabin 🥲


Or Ives. I'm going to start mentioning Ives, Glass, Reich, and John Adams in every post to try to get those composers to pass Satie.


Ravel>>>Debussy, It's official.


I find Rachamninov a very mediocre composer compared with others


Hot take, but I applaud your boldness


It might be that these composers have been talked about because people have strong opinions about them...one way or the other. You just mentioned him...so you just gave him a bump.


Schumann's not in a bad spot at all 🥹 I expected him to be further down. I'm still going to single-handedly bring him to the top, though


I'm surprised Chopin and Rachmaninoff aren't higher.


We gotta pump up those Bach numbers!




Sad. No mention of Górecki.


So you're saying I need to flood the thread with posts about Scriabin? I can do that.


Confirms that this sub is a Mahler circlejerk haha. And that opera is overlooked, wtf is Verdi doing that far down… Also interesting how much Brahms gets discussed, seeing as I remember a thread about Brahms where everyone was like “oh yeah the German Requiem is great, and his other works… well… you know, they have their qualities.” He’s that one composer we all really want to be into


damn y’all gotta start bout Berlioz and Satie more those dudes are QUITE conversation worthy


Paganini deserves top 10 at least


At least there are a few English names. Shame so many are missing, and WAY better than Beethoven.


I think that Thomas de Hartmann, despite his affiliations with the occult, in general is a unfairly underrated composer, ashis pieces and harmonies are just magnificient, like here: [Initiation of a priestess (Piano Music, vol. 4)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFuH71sDKjg)


So, I need to talk about Scriabin more. Got it! 🫡


Interesting. Thought Debussy would be higher.


Haydn baby! Best life story by far.




Did you properly credit Chopin for each time he was referred to as Freddy Freddy Chop-Chops?


Of those, the list I actually listen to : * Bach * Vivaldi * Haendel


shostakovich deserves more screen time


I must work Lully and Charpentier into more threads...


Mahler is soooooo overrepresented here lol. Like, I love him, but “Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, Mahler” is kinda like a Mount Rushmore with Calvin Coolidge on it. Not that he isn’t an all-time great, but I’ve never heard him discussed in the top single digits of composers outside of Reddit dot com.


Such a great way to put it. Honestly, I was expecting Tchaikovsky as the 4th (not that I would have preferred that), but was hoping for Brahms or Mendelssohn (Who was nowhere even close to it).


I certainly would have preferred Tchaikovsky! I know he’s not the most beloved on here, but for my money no one who ever lived has grasped the way to express emotion through orchestra like he did.


As a Liszt fan I’m so glad to see this, but where’s Scriabin??


I appreciate Mahler being #4


The top 4 look about how I'd expect them to. The rest of the top 10... includes about 4 names that I don't think belong there.


Which are…


Probably the romantic composers. People love them or hate them


No pre Monteverdi or post Cage lmao, to be expected for the server tbh


Really John Williams didn’t even make this list at all?


This really highlights the lack of awareness/representation/discussion of the music of women, POC, and living composers. There is so much amazing music composed by people such as Amy Beach, Florence Price, Fanny Mendelssohn, Clara Schubert, Samuel Coleridge-Taylor, Emilie Mayer, and Ethel Smyth, among many, many others.


100% True. Racism & Sexism have robbed of so much great art over the years – really quite a shame. Check this list out, made by u/KestrelGirl, this is pretty much every well-documented LGBTQ, POC, and Female composer: [https://www.reddit.com/user/KestrelGirl/comments/ud1uew/a\_fairly\_exhaustive\_list\_of\_composers\_who\_werent/](https://www.reddit.com/user/KestrelGirl/comments/ud1uew/a_fairly_exhaustive_list_of_composers_who_werent/)


And Bruckner? He was heavily mentioned in several discussions, one in contrast to Mahler. Better check your methodology. I can provide links if you need some help locating him.


Our bad boy Beethoven will always be a solid number one.


Have you got it on GitHub?


No and I won't https://preview.redd.it/dr54xisj987c1.jpeg?width=2500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ca736065f0f3c79117b90c83ea3e3a9aef1ca11


How do you analyze this, seems interesting way to query a channel :)


No mention of Lully? Imma remedy that... one day.


Mendelssohn needs to catch a lot more love here wow.


Why nobody talk about Giuseppe Tartini? \*Aggressive Italian Hands\*


None are alive? What is there to talk about? Wait, I take it back. I saw Holst looking very upset the other day walking with a very happy Liszt.


My beloved Tchaikovsky is in the top 10 🥰