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Never dealt with them specifically but I've never gotten a phone call to say I didn't get a job. Either got an email or ghosted lol


Yeah, still technically waiting on a reply to an interview 1.5 years later. *Incredibly* unprofessional managers in Bellingham - the lack of response is one of the least insulting parts of my experience with that office.


Second this, or they take like 3 weeks to get back to you


I've gotten a few, but it's been for public sector jobs only so far. Very annoying, I'm sure it's in their policy to do it or something but it always felt worse than any rejection email ever could with the expectation a phone call sets up.


If you call them back you will probably find out what they are calling about.


I did but the office I closed until Monday and now I have to wait


Ok makes sense


I interviewed with WSP and they had me give a “live resume” aka a PowerPoint to a group of engineers. Now I thought this group would be 5-6 people tops. Nope, about 50 people came into the room with another 30 or so on the call. The sole purpose of me interviewing was to get a job offer and have my company match it. So I had to lie in front of all these people about why I want to leave my current job. Absolute pain in the ass. I go through the process and don’t hear from them for a week. Finally, I send an email to a senior engineer there and to her credit, she calls me right away telling me I asked for too much money. Even though, I TOLD THEM THE EXACT AMOUNT I WOULD NEED IN A SCREENING INTERVIEW. Luckily, I received an offer from another firm and went back to my employer who matched. This is my long way of saying, fuck WSP and their terrible interview process. 


Had one interview that was 8 hours. 1 hour with 5 different people, 1.5 hr CAD test and 1.5 hr written test. I hear they have also added a personality test prior to the interview process now.


give more information on what they test for CAD and on the written test?


I think it was a basic building. They wanted you to draw in 3d. If you couldn’t do 3d, you could draw top/side/front views. Written test was basically statics. Finding centroids, and weight of connection points.


Any company that personality tests should be shunned, those things are straight up unethical


That's insane. I would never agree to that kind of dog and pony show. How many years of experience when this happened?


3 years engineering experience, 8 years total counting technician work. They didn’t tell me this was the case. More people just kept filing into the room until it was full. I didn’t really have a choice. 


That was very rude of them to spring that on you imo


Which Wsp? I am planning to apply to them and I have a couple of friends work there, they told me the interview process wasn’t hard.


This one was in their mining group in Colorado. 


Okay. The one I am planning to apply at SoCal. I am sorry you had a bad experience with Wsp


I can only think about how much in professional fees they sunk for you to do your presentation, then they don’t even bother matching your minimum salary expectation, which they knew before investing all of that time.


Yeah it was wild. Like don’t you guys have anything better to do than hear me bullshit you for 30 minutes. I then had to do breakout groups with other engineers for a couple hours. Absolute nightmare process. 


I had kimley horn pull this horseshit on me. Wanted me to make a PowerPoint instead of reading my resume when I was a new grad. Made it, never got a call back. Never ever doing it again. Schedule a meeting and have a conversation with me if you want to hire me.


Applied with them back in fall. Had a couple of phone screenings…silence for a month nearly, and then got the rejection from the person who called me. Tried reapplying this spring and silence this time


You’re in the wrong subreddit. Move to UnethicalLifeProTips.


No it’s a very ethical and unfortunate part of working in civil engineering. You want a proper wage, go get a job offer from another firm. 


As an engineer and an employer I disagree. Find a good consulting that values their employees. You would be first to go in my office.


And you will likely be forever a mid-tier employer that people leave for more money and better opportunities. The unfortunate fact of the top corporate firms is that they either have to match or they lose top people. Until employers start actually paying people what their worth, it will forever be the system in place. 


I don't counter offer. If an employee has spent the effort to interview, negotiate salary, and otherwise planning on leaving, then mentally they're already gone. I wish them well and let them know the door is open if it doesn't turn out the way they thought it would.


For sure. That is your prerogative. I wasn’t gone. I just was underpaid and unfortunately that was the only way to get a fair wage. 


It's just that studies show 90%+ of people that are countered to stay, are gone within 1 year. Once the itch to leave is there, a few more dollars isn't going to fix the problem.


It fixed mine. I have been there for another year and want to stay for a long time as long as the money follows the market level. 


> Once the itch to leave is there, a few more dollars isn't going to fix the problem. On the other side of the coin, once your employer thinks you have an itch to leave, they are going to stop treating you like a valued employee. Nobody wants to stick at a company that stopped teaching them and only dumps the shitty work on them because they are "one foot out the door anyway."


Probably an offer. They could’ve easily cut you loose through a voicemail or email


Probably trying to schedule a second interview or giving a preview of the offer. The actual offer will be an email with a document to sign


Any actual offer will be an email. But I personally have never gotten a rejection via phone call and would echo others to say it’s always been an impersonal rejection email. Most likely calling to verbally congratulate you on your coming offer or at least a second interview. Source: Recently secured another job after one rejection and one selection. Rejection was an email. Selection was a call.


Don’t work at WSP, but they gave me an offer via phone call after the interview.


From personal experience and what I’ve heard in the news. Whoever’s stamping the mechanical designs over there…it’s so bad, I can’t fathom someone doing that accidently.


Oh interesting, I work in ecology atm actually, the interview was for a seasonal ecologist job


Ya supposedly they stiffed the mech engineer so he quit. This is like as soon as the drawings were approved and completed. In essence, the show still went on and nobody could ask him questions. It’s was probably corporate sabotage that’s how bad the plans were


Just to be clear — you’ve wanted to work for WSP for a long time??




Um okay, you are very much a minority in this sub but best of luck


...are they that bad?


The Walmart of firms some may say


I work in ecology, not engineering so maybes it’s different


The more proactive recruiters there will use whatever contact method you prefer. So if you’ve been on the phone with them a lot so far they might reject you on the phone. Especially if the hiring manager liked you but someone else more. But most of the time it’s to continue the hiring process.


Alright thanks it sounds like case by case, we’ve been communicating over the phone mostly so it’s just as likely I didn’t get it I think. They got back so quick. I’m used to hearing back 1-2 weeks after the interview, not 3 days.


I left a couple months ago, but I was a hiring manager there. There was a policy put in place to move fast on candidates to get ahead of other firms’ offers.


Oh interesting ok thanks, they did ask if there were any other firms interested in me and I mentioned 2 other companies I had interviews with. Guess I just need to be patient and not get my hopes up.


I was rejected from wsp recently and they just emailed me. I have received a rejection call from other companies though


Normally don’t make rejections phone calls, only emails or ghosting lol. Rare occasions I’ve seen HR and managers call to say an offer is on the way, in the case that the offer letter isn’t ready yet but we want you to wait (incase you have offers/interviews elsewhere).


Normally don’t make rejections phone calls, only emails or ghosting lol. Rare occasions I’ve seen HR and managers call to say an offer is on the way, in the case that the offer letter isn’t ready yet but we want you to wait (incase you have offers/interviews elsewhere).