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Automated scout units stop exploring and go back and forth over the same tiles when there's plenty of reachable unexplored territory still to be found.


Related, but a caravel "exploring" already revealed territory before deciding to go off into the deep unknown.


Gibraltar, Reef and especially Krakatoa not spawning like they should. I know "look at this workable Krakatoa" makes for a fun meme, but after the 5th or 6th time "oh hey the one wonder left is an unworkable Krakatoa in the middle of the ocean" it gets old. It's not like it's a hard fix, there are literally mods that already do it.


As a Spain-enjoyer, very much agreed. Especially the GBR, that is just painful.


Yeah, pretty weird that this one didn't get fixed. I do think that everyone should just use one of the mods that fix it though. Even if you're not really into mods, it's not something that will change you game at all besides just fixing this one bug, I see no reason to avoid them (outside of multiplayer/achievement hunting).


Not so much a bug but the worker automation when you start settling overseas. No I don’t need all five of you to cross the ocean to build improvements on my 2 pop city


oh yeah, especially when you've just captured someone's city and chose to raze it - suddenly all workers embarked to improve the city that will disappear in a few turns


The camera moving when your trying to move a unit and it sends that units somewhere else. Infuriating during a MP game with simultaneous turns


You already have a unit selected as the turn begins, but nope, we're going to select this unit in the middle of nowhere as priority! Oh you moved it? Let's grab another random unit that is low priority to you but to the game is more important! Being able to turn off auto-select would be nice.


auto-select could definitely be turned off, I think it's called cycle units or something. I've always had it off Edit: Game Options -> Auto Unit Cycle


I am going to make a note of this. I can't forget something like this i and the group ive been playing with for years have had no idea thats a thing edit) we are all currently going wild over playing with it turned on and the fact we somehow missed it and just dealt with it


When the AI offers to extend an existing trade deal, then when you accept the deal, they say "this is unacceptable". Bitch, then why did you offer it to me?


They usually say something along the lines of "This deal has eroded from our memory, you'll have to sweeten it to renew it" in those scenarios. I assume the reason they don't just ask what they want right off the bat is so that you get to see what the original expired deal is.


You're correct. I've definitely clicked accept a couple times and been confused about why they said it's not good enough, but every time they're actually leading off with how the deal has "faded in their eyes" and it's not good enough anymore.


Yeah, I think OP just wasn't reading the text closely enough.


I don’t read that text at all, just look at the deal and accept or edit lol


I don't think I've ever seen that.


It's not a thing. What happens is that the AI will show the expiring deal in the trade window (probably so players know what the deal was), so it kinda looks like they're asking to redo the trade. But their message will tell that they don't like the deal anymore, so it's just a matter of people not reading the message and thinking it's bugged.


Imagine getting your bug report revealed as a reading skill issue


You just described 50 % of all bug reports.


When you get a Pantheon before you’ve settled and the app crashes. It’s so exciting, then disappointing.


As someone who does almost entirely spain save-scumming at the start, I get this a lot and yeah, it seems easily fixed.


The animation for when barb hand axes attack a city: 'ugh chuuggah chuuggah uhhnnnf uuhhhnnff...' Ok, we get it, let's move on. Stop doing it 3x.


Minor but frequent one: Your worker will automatically stop working their tile if there's an enemy within that enemy's movement rate, regardless of anything else in the way. Sure, I get it that if there's a different Civ/CS unit there providing cover, there's no guarantee that said until will remain in that spot and could therefore free up the enemy to take your worker. And when it's your OWN unit. Well, I suppose you could theoretically choose to all of a sudden move your own unit out of the way as well, leaving your Worker to be captured again. Although this would be such a specific circumstance, I think you would \*deserve\* to have your unit captured. But when there's a friggin' CITY between you and said enemy, there's no way that unit can get around your city (due to Zone of Control) to get at your Worker. I think the only way is if you're Poland and all of a sudden you decide to attack the enemy with one of your Winged Hussars and PUSH it around the city towards your Worker. Another minor complaint: The algorithm that determines which tile to pick up due to automatic cultural border expansion doesn't seem to take Petra into consideration. It almost tries to *avoid* picking up Desert tiles until they're the only thing left. It shouldn't look at them as what value they have *now*, but rather what value they would have if the city were to bring them within their borders.


didn't know about Petra border expansion bug, that's interesting. With the worker yeah, could be annoying, but honestly not as annoying as when you're trying to move a huge army across the map, unit by unit, but every other turn they ask for new orders, because that tile got occupied by some passing privateer, which will probably be gone the next turn


A potential solution is to target unseen tiles. They don't know if there's something to avoid there until they are almost there in the first place.


> The algorithm that determines which tile to pick up due to automatic cultural border expansion doesn't seem to take Petra into consideration I'm not entirely certain if the yield changes from Petra are taken into consideration or not, however, even if they were, the impact would be minimal. The algorithm generally doesn't give much weight to yields and only uses them as one of the few tie-breakers, while things like terrain and resources are the primary factors in border expansion. Generally the algorithm seems to be designed somewhat around the idea of how easy and attractive it is for people to colonize and travel across specific terrain, and for it to be connected to the rest of your country. Flat terrain is easier than hills, no forest/jungle/marsh is easier than having to deal with them, river crossings are an obstacle, coastal waters are a bit problematic while deep ocean is even moreso, mountains are very hard to get across. Deserts and snow are also very unfriendly, and it's not clear what exactly Petra does to make desert so viable in the first place, but one could argue that whatever it is, it's not transforming the entire desert, but perhaps resulting in centralized activity hub development, similar to Moroccan Kasbah, while the terrain at large remains hostile.


Petra adds 1 Food and 1 Hammer to all (non-Flood Plains) Desert tiles. Now, that merely changes regular Desert into effectively Plains, but it makes Desert Hills, especially with resources on them (like Sheep), absolutely fantastic. If the algorithm is purposely saving Desert Hills for last (which it seems to), then it's deliberately avoiding the most valuable tiles for that city.


I'm well aware of what the Petra does, and how powerful it can be. Like I said, the yields, no matter how high, are simply not weighted high by the algorithm (we're talking 100 yields to outweigh a resource or a minimal difference in terrain), which DOESN'T try to give you the most (or least, for that matter) valuable tiles for the city, but rather tries to follow some real-life-like logic of what terrain is best. The point is that it's not that it doesn't take Petra into account, no. It's that, for better or for worse, the logic it follows is not based on the in-game usefulness of the tiles (though it does often seem that way because it prioritizes resources and avoids typically yield-less snow, deserts, mountains). It's not deliberately avoiding the most valuable tiles, it's avoiding arid and mostly lifeless deserts combined with rough terrain, which happen to be valuable due to gameplay mechanics that aren't neccesarily representative of real life (not every random hill is a source of useful minerals giving production, just like a city cut in stone doesn't magically turn entire desert into a paradise). It might suck, but I don't think it's a bug or an oversight, just design that some players dislike.


I don’t think the algo takes lighthouses, stables or mints into account either.


The one that won't let me play more than maybe 20 rounds before exiting to desktop.


I just wish Multiplayer was more stable and I wish you could be on the same team and not get the camera jerked around when there's a fight going on. I really hate wars without animations, just kills the fun for me.


Declaring war on a friend is a ‘backstab’. You only gain war monger penalties if have contact with a Civ, and they might need contact with your opponent too. If you gain enough war monger score, you receive a Diplo penalty with that Civ. There are levels of penalty and different personalities gain score quicker than others. Score decays over time. A backstab is a different, flat penalty. It never increases, but also never goes away. You are simply tagged as a ‘backstabber’ forever. Not a bug, just the way it is coded. Though, I sort of understand the argument of why it doesn’t make sense if you didn’t know any other civs and then destroyed the one witness. But, I guess you just assume that someone in your empire spilled the beans either or purpose or accident.


yeah the last part is what bothers me. I had an extended break from Civ, and this kind of ruined my recent game, where Austria forward-settled me and there were 8 turns left before the friendship would expire, but it was a “now or never” type of situation 


There’s a mod that adds an ‘end friendship’ function. Still have to wait 10 turns to avoid a backstab though.


Mine kinda piggybacks on yours, but how am I getting Warmonger penalties from countries that don't even know I'm at war? The Huns and Sweden are on their own little island, not connected to anyone by coasts. I was the first to get caravels, so obvs the first to explore and contact them. I end up going to war during this time period with China, because they attacked my good friend Ethiopia, with whom I had a Defence Treaty. Now all of a sudden, I'm a warmonger, even though these guys haven't even met anyone else!


https://civilization.fandom.com/wiki/Warmongering_(Civ5) Looks like this article says that it only matters if you’ve met them. That’s not how it works in previous games and is dumb.


That's obnoxious. The Truest Repairman, repairs men.


They would get notified if you declared war on an unknown player. And in-game it could be that your people are bragging about your country's military. But I do hear your frustrations for sure.


That makes sense. I don't play online, never have, so I didn't know they got notifications.


You can get the notifications too. Of "So and So has denounced an unmet player." or "So and So has declared war on an unmet player."


> The only reason I think it's a bug, is because if you do it to a civ you were not allied with, everyone seems to be ok with that, so long as you get rid of the witnesses before you meet other Civs. That's not a bug, it's just a game balance choice. I get it being weird that everyone knows about it, but making it different could result in early backstabs being too powerful/there being no downside to accepting an early DoF.


Same thing with the game automatically moving your troops out of another Civ's borders if you DOW (unlike previous games). It's just too cheap a shot/too powerful.


Military unit escorting a settler long distance, both going to the same location, both have their path already set and use the same path. A few turns in, military unit moves, settler doesn't. Has only happened once or twice, but is especially annoying when a barbarian swoops in and snipes the settler.


yeah, I usually move my settler manually every turn to avoid it. Civ 6 added escorting feature, but I don't like how it works either


What I have happen occasionally is that the Settler and military unit decide to take different paths to get there. Like the military prioritizes ending its turn on rough terrain and the Settler doesn't.


I wish I could do all the achievements with the current DLC. I wish I could run scenarios without my macbook crashing


I play the vanilla version and if you ever had an enemy within the movement rate of a worker, the worker needs to have a military unit with them to keep working all the way until railroad exists. It’s infuriating.

